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One World with Zain Asher

Experts Say Missing Sub May Lose Breathable Air Soon; Tensions Soar Between Israelis And Palestinians; Zelenskyy Says Ukraine Needs Action, Not Just Pledges; Biden Makes Comments Comparing Chinese Leader Xi Jinping To Dictators; Large Fire Breaks Out In Central Paris. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired June 21, 2023 - 12:00   ET




ZAIN ASHER, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello everyone, I'm Zain Asher and this is ONE WORLD. There's cautious hope today after sonar equipment picked

up banging sounds from the remote waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. International crews are scouring the area for missing tourist submersible

with five people on board. Stockton Rush, the CEO of the expedition company OceanGate is among the missing. French diver Paul-Henry Nargeolet, British

businessman Hamish Harding and Pakistani billionaire Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman Dawood are also on the vessel, as well.

Time is running out to find them. Experts say the sub may have less than a day's worth of breathable air left. It's not entirely clear if the sounds

picked up on Tuesday are coming from the submersible and obviously that is the hope. But the U.S., Canada and France have relocated resources to

determine the source of the noise.

Let's get the very latest for our Miguel Marquez in St. John's in Newfoundland, Canada. Miguel, thank you so much for being with us. So, just

in terms of the sounds that were heard here, just explain to us how that is allowing rescue crews to really try to narrow the search area?

MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN SENIOR U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, so Poseidon plane is the sub-hunting plane, dropped buoys into the water yesterday.

They picked up for it for about a period of four hours or so. They picked up every half hour, that banging sound. So, it's a regular sound, it caught

their attention. They hoped that they were on to something.

Another plane dropped buoys in a different location, also picked up sounds. Eventually the banging stopped, they heard other sounds, they couldn't tell

quite what they were. But, that gave them enough information to move surface ships over to the area where they were hearing those sounds. They

put a remote operated vehicle down to where they thought the sounds were coming from and they came up with nothing, sadly.

But they are, they have done a couple of things. They have given the U.S. Navy that data, the sonar data, so that they can study it and try to figure

out perhaps what exactly it was. There are -- there is a lot of shipping and other things happening in that area. And then they have moved even more

ships into the area. There are three ships now doing side sonar.

So, sending sonar signals down to the bottom of the ocean, and trying to get a visual sense of what is down there, so they can see whether or not

that capsule, the sub, the Titan, is on the bottom there and they can get a better fix on its location.

Meanwhile there is just a ton of gear, both in the air, and by the sea. There's eight ships either on the way or already in the area. So, if they

can find that capsule, they can get, hopefully, rescue gear down to it and pull it up. Hopefully, hopefully, save the people who are on it. Zain.

ASHER: I mean that is the hope. Miguel Marquez, live for us there. Thank you so much. All right, safety concerns that were raised years ago about

Titan, that's the submersible, are resurfacing. According to "The New York Times", back in 2018, the Marine Technology Society expressed concerns

about what they called OceanGate experimental approach. Meantime, CBS' David Pogue toured the vessel last year, and had this to say about his



DAVID POGUE, SCIENCE WRITER AND CBS "SUNDAY MORNING" CORRESPONDENT: Before we went, we had never seen the sub. We didn't know anything about it,

there's very little information on the website, just that it's a state-of- the-art, one-of-a-kind, carbon-fiber submersible. I did know at that point that you drive the thing with an Xbox game controller. I did know that the

balance was, you know, used construction pipes.


You just -- you get there, and then you start seeing the stuff. And now your -- your roof crashes, you get a little worried, like, is this the

level of polish and sophistication that we're talking about?


ASHER: Let's bring in Tom Foreman, standing by for us in Washington, D.C. So, Tom, OceanGate expeditions have only been offering tour of the titanic

wreckage since 2021. In that short timeframe, right, we're talking a year, a year and a half, how many concerns and complaints have there been about


TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, I think the real key here has been the concerns that were raised before that time. And that other people have

echoed through that time and then the answer is, several. I don't have an exact count on it, but numerous people, and particular people who know

about this business have raised concerns.

The fundamental question being raised by these industry groups out there, and from some people who work for this company, was that they felt the

company might be bypassing a lot of the basic standards and testing for safety. Here's an example of what we're talking about.

For engineering, there are standards for the qualification of a vessel that would go this low in the water. And those standards are going to not say,

you need to test it to withstand that pressure. You would most likely have to test it, I don't know the exact specs for this, but probably three to

four, to five, to six times as much pressure as it's going to encounter. You don't just test it for where it's going, you test it for much, much


And after you have done that, you then have to really, strongly refurbish the tested vessel to make sure there was not damage from all of that. Or,

you have to entirely rebuild it, following the same specs, and then test it to your regular pressure, to make sure everything is working.

These concerns, raised by the industry suggest that some version of that was not happening or may not have been happening, or was not being

publicized to people outside. The result is, I think, these are gonna be some of the really key questions that are asked, whether this is found or

not. How did this go wrong? Was there something fundamentally wrong with the operation or the construction of this submersible? And did that lead us

to where we are right now? Zain.

ASHER: Yeah, lot of people have concerns and obviously our thoughts and prayers are that this submersible vessel is found --

FOREMAN: Absolutely.

ASHER: -- within the next few hours. Tom Foreman, live for us there. Thank you so much.

FOREMAN: Thank you.

ASHER: All right, coming up later this hour, we're gonna take a closer look at those who are on board the missing submersible, as well. A new cycle of

deadly violence is erupting in the occupied West Bank as tensions soar between Israelis and the Palestinians. The Palestinian Health Ministry says

one man was killed today, and hundreds of Israeli settlers set fire to cars and homes. The village mayor says that many were masked, and carried guns.

Overnight, Israeli settlers attacked several Palestinian towns, burning farm fields and vehicles, injuring dozens of villages. The violence was

sparked by West Bank attack that left four Israeli settlers dead on Tuesday. Two gunman later claimed by the militant group Hamas carried out

the attack. It came one day after Israeli forces raided Jenin in search of two wanted suspects. Several Palestinians were killed.

Hadas Gold joins us live now from Jerusalem. So, Hadas, of course, we had the Jenin raid earlier this week. We then had the four Israelis that were

killed, and now settlers who are setting fire to cars, and homes. It's been quite a week. Just set the scene for us in terms of what is happening now.

HADAS GOLD, CNN JERUSALEM CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, it has been a very worrying week, it doesn't appear to be evading anytime soon. Just as you noted, this

started Monday. With that raid in Jenin, where we saw new use of weaponry, both from the militants using roadside, very powerful IED bombs. And then

the Israeli military using an Apache helicopter for the first time in decades to provide gun cover for their soldiers while they're being

extracted from disabled army vehicles.

And the attack that left those four Israelis dead, and four others injured outside of an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, at a gas

station sort of restaurant, that was claimed by Hamas militants, who said that was in direct response to what happened in Jenin. And then we had

hundreds of settlers going through Palestinian villages, which is again being seen as sort of revenge attacks to what happened at the restaurant,

and at the gas station.

We are hearing from police, just in the last few minutes, that actually that man that was killed today, the Israeli Police say that it was one of

their officers who shot and killed that man. They claim that the man was with a group who were shooting things like fireworks towards police, and

firefighters who were working in the area as the settlers were rampaging through these villages.

We actually visited the site today of the attack where those four Israelis were killed. And just up the road, from just a minute or two up the road,

we went and saw just dozens of vehicles that had been completely burned to a crisp, as well as Palestinian villagers' homes that had been attacked by


[12:10:00] And we spoke to some locals there about what's been happening. Take a look.


GOLD: The attack started here at this hummus restaurant that's part of a gas station complex just outside the borders of the Eli settlement in the

occupied West Bank. The attackers came to this restaurant, shooting through to the restaurant, killing the first of the three victims including two

teenagers. The fourth victim was killed at the gas station that's just in front of us.

Israeli officials saying that another four people were injured and saying it was the work of two Hamas operatives who came here in a car. The first

of the gunman was shot and killed by an armed civilian, who happen to be onsite, and the second gunman managed to get away, steal a car. That

triggered an hours-long manhunt by Israeli forces before he was cornered, and shot and killed, as well, just north of here.

But here at the scene, we are still seeing evidence of the bloody scene from the night before. We are seeing bullet casings on the ground, medical

gloves, medical equipment, as well as bloodstains. And here on the restaurant itself, you can still see it is riddled with bullet holes,

including this one bullet hole that managed to make its way through and smashed this window. The mayor of the settlement, Ari Elmaliach, said they

want the Israeli government and army to take greater action now.

ARI ELMALIACH, MAYOR OF ELI: In the last 15, 20 years, nothing happened here, nothing, nothing. This gas station, Arabs, Jewish, everyone come to

buy here, to buy from the Sogu, to buy from the Hummus. Everybody is here.

GOLD: Just up the road, villager Naza Awaiz (ph) says she also hasn't seen violence like this in decades. Her house was damaged during the ensuing

Israeli settler attacks.

UNKNOWN (through translator): We felt last night danger, which we couldn't describe, terrified like during the days of the second Intifada, which was

the last time our house was attacked.

GOLD: Hours after those attacks on the gas station and restaurant that killed those four Israelis, Israeli settlers rampaged through Palestinian

villages like this one of Luban Ashakria (ph) burning as you can see dozens of cars, parts of these cars just come completely melting off. In fact,

right here at the morning after, and there is still smoke smoldering from the fires.

We've been speaking to villagers here that say their homes were damaged. Palestinian officials say that at least 37 Palestinians were injured,

mostly as a result of stone-throwing. Villagers were talking to here saying they haven't seen violence like this against their property, against their

homes since the days of the Second Intifada and that they now live in fear of what can come.

There's now a big push, especially on the right wing of the Israeli political spectrum and the right wing of this current government for a much

bigger and broader military operation in the occupied West Bank than what we've seen in the past. That could lead people here fear to even more



GOLD (on-camera): Now, excuse me, in a statement, the IDF said that they condemn the serious incidents of violence and destruction of property.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister, also saying that all citizens of Israel are obligated to obey the law and that they will not allow

disturbances. But the big question now is whether the pressure from the right flank of this government and whether the pressure from some in this

security establishment for a much broader and bigger Israeli military operation, whether that will be carried out.

Because right now, although we are seeing pretty daily Israeli military raid, they are pretty confined usually to one sort of area. But now, there

are calls from people like National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Ghivir for something much bigger and much broader. Zain.

ASHER: All right, Hadas Gold, live for us there, thank you. A teenage girl is among the latest victims caught in the crossfire amid the escalating

violence in the West Bank. The 15-year-old was shot Monday in an Israeli incursion into Jenin. The Palestinian Ministry of Health says that she died

from her injuries. A moving video of the funeral procession shows her classmates, her classmates carrying her body draped in a Palestinian flag

and the school uniform, as well. They passed by her school in Jenin.

Ukraine says the main strike of its counteroffensive is still ahead. But Western allies in London today are turning their attention to what comes

after Russia's war, which of course, by the way, now is in its second year.

At the Ukraine Recovery Conference, Britain pledged to provide guarantees for $3 billion worth of World Bank loans to help rebuild Ukraine's

shattered economy. And the U.S. Secretary of State promised more than $1 billion in financial assistance, vowing that America will stand by Kyiv for

as long as it takes.


ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: As Russia continues to destroy, we are here to help Ukraine rebuild.


Rebuild lives. Rebuild its country. Rebuild its future.


ASHER: But Volodymyr Zelenskyy who addressed the delegates by video, says that his country needs action, not just pledges. Separately, in an

interview with the BBC, the Ukrainian President acknowledged that his forces are facing difficulties on the battlefield. And he said Kyiv hopes

to, quote, make bigger steps into its counteroffensive. But he also warned that Ukraine won't be pressured into speeding it up because lives are at


CNN's Fred Pleitgen joins us live now from Kyiv. So, Fred, we always knew that that this counteroffensive was going to be slow, it was going to be

incremental. But were the Ukrainians prepared for the level of fierce resistance that we are seeing from the Russians right now?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, I think that the Ukrainians were prepared to face some pretty stiff resistance from

the Russians, but they do acknowledge that the resistance that they are facing is one that's making it very tough for them to move forward. And I

think that there are certain elements about it that really make it hard for the Ukrainians to make good on some of that ground.

One of the things they've been trying to do, Zain, over the past couple of weeks really, but especially over the past couple of days, is punch holes

into those rich, big Russian defense lines, especially in the south of the country. And that's something that's proven to be very difficult.

So, one of the things that you're seeing there right now is the Ukrainians making less progress at the moment than they had for instance, it's been a

couple of days ago. Nevertheless, the Ukrainians are saying that they are having partial success. They say that they are entrenching the positions

that they have won back because, of course, some of the places that the Ukrainians took from the Russians, the Russians would then blanket with

artillery and try to move back in there.

So, the Ukrainians are trained saying that they're trying to solidify some of those gains as they're also trying to move forward and trying to move

forward towards the South, towards the Sea of Azov which is their ultimate goal to be able to cut the Russians off from their land corridor to Crimea.

One of the things that we've learned, Zain, that is extremely difficult for the Ukrainians and which we hear on the battlefield, but we hear also when

we're here in Kyiv, as well, is Russian air power. They say that Russian air power around the frontlines is very strong. It's often keeping the jets

of the Ukrainians, which are much older than the ones from the Russians, from actually operating in those areas because the Russians have

interceptor planes that can shoot very far.

They have very powerful missiles, very powerful radars, as well, but also on the front lines. The Russians are using attack helicopters right now

fairly efficiently and then also using drones to spot Ukrainian formations and then trying to take those out with artillery. So, all of that is making

it extremely difficult for the Ukrainians.

But what we've seen on the front lines is the Ukrainians still in very good spirits. The Ukrainians still saying they believe that this counter-

offensive is something that can be a success and that they are going to continue to take ground.

And so, one of the things that we also looked at, which you just mentioned, I think is very important is Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of this

country, coming out today in that same interview with the BBC and saying, look, these are people at work here. This is not some sort of Hollywood

movie and therefore, the Ukrainians are saying they are not going to be pressured into moving any faster.

And certainly by the looks of it, if you look at some of the comments that have been coming in from the U.S. but of other countries, as well, it

certainly doesn't look like the international partners are trying to pressure the Ukrainians. The Russians, for their part, however, are saying

that they've been successfully repelling the counteroffensive by the Ukrainians. In fact, the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, he came out

earlier today, and he said that he sees a sort of lull, if you will, in the offensive operations from the Ukrainians because they've been taking such

high losses.

So, certainly different perspectives, depending on where people stand in this war. But right now, the Ukrainians, while they're going, is pretty

tough. They still seem to be in pretty good spirits. Zain.

ASHER: All right, Fred Pleitgen, live for us there. Thank you. Joe Biden may have just undone the work of his top diplomat. At a fundraiser Tuesday

night, the U.S. President compared Chinese President Xi Jinping to a dictator. China's foreign ministry fired back with angry words of

condemnation. And Russia even jumped into the fray, saying the comment shows the unpredictability of U.S. foreign policy. Our Kristie Lu Stout has


KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN ANCHOR: On the back of a high-level visit aimed at easing tensions with China, U.S. President Joe Biden made comments

comparing Chinese leader Xi Jinping to dictators. And those comments did not go down well in Beijing. China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs called

him, quote, extremely absurd and irresponsible.

Biden made the remarks at a fundraiser in California on Tuesday. He said Xi was embarrassed when the U.S. shot down a Chinese spy balloon earlier this

year, an observation he also made on Friday ahead of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's trip to China. But Biden added this, quote, that's

what's a great embarrassment for dictators when they didn't know what happened.


At a regular press conference on Wednesday, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Mao Ning said this, quote, the remarks are seriously

contradicted with basic facts, seriously violating diplomatic etiquette and seriously infringing on China's political dignity.

On Monday, Blinken and Xi agreed to stabilize the fraught U.S.-China relationship. Xi welcomed, quote, progress during Blinken's two-day visit

to China, and Blinken raised the need to reestablish direct military-to- military communications to reduce the risk of miscalculation, but China refused to do so, citing U.S. sanctions.

Blinken also said he did not receive a commitment from China to push back against North Korean weapons testing. The two powers also remain at odds

over a full slate of issues from trade to Taiwan.

Now, Blinken's visit appeared to lay the groundwork for more high-level meetings. On Tuesday, the White House said it's too early to speculate on a

Biden-Xi meeting on the sidelines at the G20 in New Delhi later this year. The White House says a potential meeting, quote, will happen, and it will

happen at the appropriate time, unquote. But in light of recent comments, that appropriate time is even more unclear. Kristie Lu Stout, CNN, Hong


ASHER: All right, some news just coming in to CNN. We're hearing about a large fire in central Paris following a gas explosion. Sixteen people have

been injured, several of them, critically. A CNN producer in Paris says over five teams of firefighters are on the scene right now. Police are

urging people to avoid the 5th arrondissement close to Rue Saint-Jacques.

All right, coming up, self-proclaimed misogynist Andrew Tate and his brother appear in a Romanian court on charges of human trafficking and

rape. What he told reporters, next. I


ASHER: Welcome back. As we mentioned before the break, it appears that a very large fire, large fire has broken out in central Paris. This is the

5th arrondissement. It appears to be the result of a gas explosion. We know that more than a dozen people are injured, at least seven people with

critical injuries. Witnesses say that over five teams of firefighters are on the scene right now.

Once again, a large fire has broken out in central Paris in the 5th arrondissement, the result of a likely gas explosion. I want to bring in

Melissa Bell, joining us from Paris via phone.


Melissa, at this point, what more do we know?

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (via phone): Just those very dramatic pictures that you can see, Zain, coming from Paris' left bank. It's the

fifth arrondissement and of course, a music festival here in Paris. There have been lots of people milling around. It's very quiet. It's the Latin

Quarter. And those pictures that you see of the smoke, what we understand has happened is that very large explosion with people, eyewitnesses saying

they heard a huge explosion like nothing they'd heard before.

And then, according to the mayor of that particular part of Paris, several buildings caught fire. And as we understand it continued to burn seven

people in critical condition, but others wounded, as well. As I say, it's really hot in Paris, there will have been a lot of people milling about

very dramatic pictures there from the center of Paris.

At the time being, we have no confirmation, Zain, of what caused the initial explosion and that building to collapse as we understand that its

entire facade at the building right next to a major hospital in Paris demolished. For now, the speculation is that it may have been a gas

explosion, although we have yet to hear officially whether that is the case.

ASHER: All right, so there has been a building that has collapsed as a result of this large fire. As you point out, we don't necessarily know the

exact cause. There's been no confirmation as of yet, but we suspect that it is a gas explosion and that once again, sixteen people or so injured as a

result of this large fire in the 5th arrondissement in central Paris. Melissa Bell, live for us there. Thank you so much.

A Romanian judge has adjourned the case of online influencer Andrew Tate and his brother. The men appeared in court earlier, charged with human

trafficking and rape. The judge was expected to set a trial date. The pair, along with two Romanian women, have been charged with human trafficking,

rape and setting up a criminal gang. Here's what Andrew Tate said to reporters after his hearing.


ANDREW TATE, SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER: I would like to say a massive thank you to all the supporters we have around the world, regardless of what the

mainstream media keeps saying and the lies they try and report. We get tens of thousands of messages from people every single day supporting us and

they understand that we're not the first affluent, wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked in our situation. Unfortunately, it happens quite



ASHER: The Tate brothers are no strangers to controversy. CNN's Salma Abdelaziz has more.


TATE: I do believe, if I had to predict the future, that they will charge me.

SALMA ABDELAZIZ, CNN REPORTER (voice-over): Another chapter in the saga of devisive social media influencer, Andrew Tate. Now, he, his brother and two

female Romanian citizens have been indicted in Romania. Prosecutors say the charges are human trafficking, rape and setting up a criminal gang. The

Tate brothers and the women have under house arrest during the criminal investigation for alleged abuses against seven women. Accusations, they

have denied. But who is this self-proclaimed misogynist?

Back in 2016, Andre Tate found his first claim to notoriety when he was removed from the British reality TV Show "Big Brother" with no public

reason given.

TATE: You learn a lot more by being quiet.

ABDELAZIZ: In the year since, Tate turned his attention to online creation where he shot to internet fame, racking up to at least 11.6 billion in

views on TikTok, mostly for his views on masculinity, gender roles and wealth.

TATE: I don't think the world has ever been equal. I'm saying That the modern society we live in has been built by men. All the roads you see, all

the buildings you see, everything around you, men built.

ABDELAZIZ: Like this video, where the former kickboxer speaks about his version of so-called equality.

TATE: You had a completely different role.

ABDELAZIZ: Tate's rhetoric prompted concern from critics about his influence on teenage boys, before being suspended by most major social

media networks last August for violating their policies. Controversies around Tate and his brother slowly became a legal issue, as Romanian

prosecutors pursued claims of human trafficking and rape. Just before his December arrest, Tate became embroiled in a Twitter spat with Swedish

climate activist Greta Thunberg over his car's emission.

TATE: I'm not actually mad at Greta. Please bring me pizza and make sure that these boxes are not recycled.

ABDULAZIZ: Now, as the brothers await trial, Tate's Twitter has since been reinstated with more than 6.9 million followers reading his every word.

Commentators wonder whether it may take more than a clever tweet to change tide. Salma Abdelaziz, CNN, London.


ASHER: Not only is the search for the missing submersible far out in the Atlantic, it's also far down beneath the surface of the ocean. Coming up,

just how deep the search area is and how difficult it is to navigate. And later he's known for eating the strangest foods, but one celebrity chef is

now turning his attention to protecting vulnerable crops from climate change. He tells his story, coming up.




ASHER: Hello and welcome back to ONE WORLD. Let's catch up on the headlines. Banging sounds picked up by sonar devices are offering new hope

as rescue crews scour the North Atlantic for the missing Titanic submersible. Time of course is running out. The U.S. Coast Guard says the

five people aboard the Titan could have only a day's worth of oxygen left inside the vessel. Here's a look at just how far down the Titanic wreckage

actually is. It's basically the same distance down as it is to the top of Mount Fuji and twice as deep as the Grand Canyon. And on the way down, it

is cold and of course, very, very dark.


AARON NEWMAN, FORMER SUBMERSIBLE PASSENGER: And as you start to descend through the water column, it is an amazing journey to see the light very

quickly disappear and within five, ten minutes, you're in pitch dark, complete dark, you know, and you have the lights from the sub, right? You

have the lights from the submersible that you can see outside and internally, but without those your light is gone at any depth below a

couple hundred meters.


ASHER: The Titanic submersible is small, only five people can fit inside and the price for those spots, certainly not cheap. Melissa Bell takes a

look at the five men trapped on the sub.


PAUL-HENRI NARGEOLET, FRENCH DIVER (through translator): The 24th of July 1987 was my first dive to the Titanic with two team members and it was an

unforgettable moment. We had been waiting a long time.

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): That's Paul-Henri Nargeolet. The 77-year-old Frenchman has made more than 30 dives to the Titanic,

earning him the nickname, Mr. Titanic. David Gallo is Nargeolet's close friend, colleague and an oceanographer himself.

DAVID GALLO, DEEP SEA EXPLORER: I'm sure he did everything he could or would do everything he could do to make sure that they had every chance of

surviving whatever it was.


BELL: It's difficult to imagine what it must be like inside that tiny craft. What kind of leadership, calm character would he bring to that


GALLO: He thinks outside the box all the time. That's the kind of guy you want on the scene when things like this happen. The wisdom that guy has is

pretty amazing. It's just now sinking in that this is not something that will be gone tomorrow. It's something that could be forever.

BELL: For Stockton Rush, the Chief Executive of the firm behind the dive, who's also on board the experience of those involved has always been


STOCKTON RUSH, CEO AND FOUNDER, OCEANGATE: There are five individuals can go on each dive. Three of those are what we call mission specialists. So

those are the folks who help finance the mission. But they are also active participants. So, why we are not a fan of the tourist term is because these

are crew members.

BELL: One of those crew members is the British billionaire and explorer Hamish Harding. He was part of two record-breaking trips to the South Pole

and achieved a world record for the fastest circumnavigation of the globe via boat polls. Last year, he went into space with Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin


HAMISH HARDING, BRITISH BILLIONAIRE AND EXPLORER: I've always wanted to do this and the sheer experience of looking out of the window is something I'm

looking forward to.

BELL: In a post on social media over the weekend, he described feeling proud to be part of the Titans expedition. Also on board, Shazada Dawood

who comes from one of Pakistan's richest family and lives in the United Kingdom with his wife and two children. He'd taken his son Suleman,

reportedly just 19 years old, along with him.

The family now asking for prayers for their safety and privacy for the family, as the race to find the men enters a critical phase. Melissa Bell,

CNN, Paris.


ASHER: Let's bring in Deep Sea Explorer David Gallo who we just saw in Melissa Bell's piece there. David, obviously, your friend, Paul-Henri

Nargeolet is on this sub. I mean, how are you doing as you hear all the news out of this?

DAVID GALLO, DEEP SEA EXPLORER: Oh, well, it's difficult, of course, because first of all, this is the kind of thing that I am interested in is

helping to find things like this. And normally, I would be here with PH, largely Mr. Titanic on this side of the computer, trying to understand what

we could do to help the other families of the -- and help find this submarine safely.

At this time, he's on the other side and it's just to come to grips with that. But I have to say he's a very loved person, you know, and I'm not the

only person that just loved the guy, but he has a whole family of people in the company, RMS Titanic Inc. that are very attached to PH and this is very

tough for all of them.

ASHER: And what was your reaction when you heard about the banging sounds? I mean, it gave me so much hope. I mean, this is a story I don't even know

any of the members who are on board that submarine personally, but it gave me so much hope to hear about the banging sounds because, of course, anyone

who has any experience, as Paul-Henri Nargeolet does, knows that you're supposed to bang every 30 minutes for three minutes on the half hour


And that is a sign for, you know, sonar technology to pick up that there's activity in the vessel. Your reaction to hearing the banging sounds, I mean

how hopeful are you at this point?

GALLO: I was hoping rapidly before I left early late yesterday and just thinking this was fate and then I heard about the -- someone called me up

and said they're banging and my hopes went right through the roof, skyrocketed. Then I remembered that on Air France 447, Malaysian Air 370,

we had similar situations where we thought we heard sounds of the plane, the pinger on the plane or in the case the Malaysian Air, same thing. And

it turned out to be not true, but so then I thought I would poke into this and find out how credible this report was and it's very credible.

So, I'm hoping that they've already located the rough area where the sounds are coming from. And then they probably can't analyze what they are, but

where they are to begin with, and then start moving equipment in that direction, assuming that is, in fact, the sub because there's no time right

now to sit back and think about is it or isn't it. They've got to assume that it is.

ASHER: So, what is the strategy here in terms of narrowing down? I mean, from what I read, they have searched an area, the size of Massachusetts.

Now, that you've heard the banging sounds and you've heard them in the intervals that you would imagine would be coming from the sub, what's the

strategy in terms of narrowing down the area where this sub could be at this point? And does the banging sound tell us about anything about whether

it's close to the ocean surface at this point or not?


GALLO: It could. The banging sounds, well, if they're -- the space, like we say, they are probably not natural sound. The question is, where are they

coming from? You know, we hear them. So, where are they coming from? And they know how to do that with the hydrophones about how to triangulate. So,

every instrument points at a certain direction where they intersect. That's roughly where it is. Right now, it's all we need at the moment is, roughly,

what are we talking about.

And then the second part is to get instruments over there that can get into the water and get down there and start looking for the origin of the -- of

the sounds. Again, assuming that it is the submarine. Because again, there's no time to bring other things to bear from Newfoundland. You've got

to go with what's there on the spot right now.

My hopes are still high, so --

ASHER: Yeah.

GALLO: -- we'll see how this plays out.

ASHER: Mine too, mine too. When you -- when you hear, you know, that technically, it's so hard to put a number on this, but technically they do

have about 96 hours of oxygen total, is it possible, just explain to our audience whether or not it's possible to really stretch that amount of time

if they keep their activity to a minimal inside the sub. Is it possible to stretch that?

GALLO: Oh sure, and I'm not the kind of person that would know that, medically speaking. But yeah, I mean, that makes sense. You certainly don't

-- can't do -- jumping jacks and all sorts of other exercises. But yeah. But I think this situation is so stressed and by now, hypothermia is

probably a real issue. It's awfully cold inside that sub. So, I think that things will have slowed down quite a bit already.

And, you know, I don't think, we don't really know exactly how accurate that is, the 96 hours or whatever. And nor do we know exactly how much

time. But I'm hoping that we know within a few hours, but it could be more. It could be a lot less. So again, we won't know that until -- we may never

know exactly how much there was. But as the ocean --

ASHER: I'm so sorry for what you're going through with your friend. Obviously, you know Paul-Henri very well. But all of us watching are really

hoping and praying that we wake up tomorrow to very, very good news. David, we have to leave it there. But thank you, thank so, so much for coming on

the show. And I'm hoping and praying that we get good news in the next few hours. Thank you, David.

GALLO: Thank you.

ASHER: In about 20 minutes, we will get actually an update from the U.S. Coast Guard on the status of the mission to save the five explorers, as

David and I were just talking about there. When that happens, we'll bring you it live. Stay with CNN.




ASHER: It's a basic fact that as it gets hotter, water evaporates more quickly. And that simple statement explains one of the major impacts of

climate change. Take a country like Zambia. A warming planet has left that nation of 17 million people desperate for water. Zambia has experienced

drought after drought over the past few years, leading to parched fields, dying livestocks, and food shortages, as well.

The World Food Programme has been promoting water conservation and more sustainable. farming methods in Zambia by turning to celebrities. For

example, Chef and TV Personality Andrew Zimmern recently went on a tour of some of Zambia's most fragile areas to see how the WFP is helping ordinary

farmers deal with climate change. Zimmern is a well-known veteran of, well, creative food solutions.


VOICE-OVER: To 80 percent of the world, entomophagy or eating insects is nothing new. For centuries, people have been consuming giraffe beetles in

Madagascar. Wow. That's good. Stink bugs in Mexico. You can't tell me that doesn't taste like shrimp or lobster. Flying white ants in Uganda. So, it

tastes like almonds. They really do.


ASHER: Time now for The Exchange. I'm delighted to be joined by Chef, TV Personality, and World Food Program Goodwill Ambassador Andrew Zimmern.

Andrew, thank you so much for being with us. I mean, when you think about the impacts of climate change on food security, especially in a continent

like Africa, I mean, the impacts are vast.

I mean, I listed a few of them there, but it's everything from the depletion of fish, for example, to poor agricultural production, people's

livestocks are impacted. Obviously, the access to adequate nutrition is affected, too. You just got back from a trip to Zambia. Just walk us

through what you've been, what you saw and what you witnessed there.

ANDREW ZIMMERN, CHEF AND TV PERSONALITY: I witnessed a ton of success and a ton of hope. You know, I've been going to Africa now for over 20 years and

spent a lot of time on the continent and obviously spending a lot of time both as the United Nations World Food Program, Goodwill Ambassador, but

also as a keen observer of how the crises multiplies itself. You know, you mentioned a bunch of them, but you know, if you're having problems in a

country like Zambia where 95 percent of the families are smallholder farmers, you know, kids have to stay at home to help their parents and

don't go to school.

So, I went over there, especially focused on raising awareness and galvanizing support for the UNWFP, but also its mission to end global

hunger, but to see our systems that we actually put into place, like crop diversity, like aggregator systems, where once you've diversified crops and

people have some excess, they can sell them. Like financial literacy and skills training and opportunities for entrepreneurship.

So, the women in the Savings for Change Program, like my friend Imelda, who I met over there, have an opportunity to save money. In fact, she built her

house with this. You know, one of the most amazing programs, because you keep mentioning water, which of course is a huge part of our climate crisis

problem and the droughts that have hit Zambia especially hard beginning in 2018, are the sack farming and hydroponic systems that we put in at schools

as a pilot program.

And I went and visited the elementary school in Guembe, where we are teaching children to go with fresh healthy vegetables and sacks. And

they're giving that wisdom back to their parents who were resistant to these ideas. So, if we're conserving water, if we're diversifying crops and

we're able to change the diet, so, away from just the corn mush that is traditionally eaten in cow peas and adding greens and tomatoes and other

vegetables in there, we're creating a healthier Zambia.

It's incredibly important these days because you also left out the international security and domestic security issues. You know, Zambia is

twice the size of Germany and it sits at the middle of a giant clock with eight countries around it. Stabilizing Zambia and solving their problems

through food would allow them then to trade with other countries and become a provider for the region and thereby stabilizing it.


The ripple effects of development programs and not economic aid can be deeply felt throughout the region. And if it's working in Zambia, it can

work in other parts of the world. And we documented all of this in my "Paving the Way to Zero Hunger" Series that's on my YouTube channel. We

drop a new episode every week through mid-July.

And if people want to support the WFP or more about their work in Zambia, my work in Zambia, just go to and you could also backslash

Zambia if you wanted to. Raising awareness is very important. It's about letting everyone know that we're having successes in a country that's

really struggling. And that gives me hope for the rest of the world.

ASHER: But as you point out, you know, obviously economic aid is one part of the equation, but also agricultural diversity, climate resilience

programs, moving away from monocropping as you touch on that, all of these things can have such a dramatically positive ripple effect throughout

Zambia and actually other parts of Africa, too. But Andrew Zimmern, we have to leave it there. Thank you so much. Thank you for all you're doing in

terms of what you're doing with the World Food Program. We appreciate it.

Zimmern: Thank you.


ASHER: And here comes the sun. It is a celebration that goes back centuries. Thousands of people cheered, played cymbals, and clapped as they

rang in summer solstice at Britain's Stonehenge. Today, they watch the sunrise behind the ancient stone circle built over 4,500 years ago. It

marks the longest day of the year and the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.


ASHER: All right, still to come. A musical superstar tries his hand at a whole new business. What Pharrell Williams is doing to make a fashion icon

happy, when we come back.


ASHER: The French Interior Minister is cutting short his visit to Eastern France to return to Paris after a large fire broke out in the center of the

city following a suspected gas explosion. These are live pictures of one of the buildings that partially may have collapsed. One woman says that the

explosion felt like an earthquake.

We know that 16 people have been injured, seven of those injuries are critical, 200 firefighters plus have been deployed to the area in central

Paris, that's according to our CNN affiliate.


This is the 5th arrondissement. Police have urged people to avoid this area, it's close to Rue Saint-Jacques and it's on the edge of the popular

Latin Quarter. This is of course a developing story. We'll bring you more information as and when we have it. And finally --


ASHER: Music Star Pharrell Williams is proving he is more than just a hitmaker. On Tuesday, Williams debuted his first collection as Louis

Vuitton's Men's Creative Director. The Fashion House shut down Paris' famous Pont Neuf bridge for the occasion.

There were no shortages of A-list celebrities at the show. Jay-Z and Beyonce and Zendaya and Megan Thee Stallion were all there, some of the top

talent in attendance. Though Williams has no formal training in the fashion industry, his debut is being hailed as a huge success, and Vuitton is being

praised for taking a risk by hiring him.

All right, thank you so much for watching ONE WORLD. I'm Zain Asher. Coming up next, the U.S. Coast Guard is set to give the latest update on the

ongoing search for the missing submersible near the wreck of the Titanic. Stay with CNN.