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One World with Zain Asher

Israeli Military Operation In Jenin Ends; Ukrainians Insist The Only Threat To Nuclear Power Plant Is From Russia; Gun Violence Epidemic Makes Headlines Across U.S.; Taliban Orders Closing Of Beauty Salons In Afghanistan; WHO Begins Conference On Impacts Of Environment And Climate Change On Global Health; Iran Attempts To Seize Two Oil Tankers In The Gulf Of Oman; Lab Testing For Powdery Substance Found At The White House Comes Back Positive For Cocaine.; King Charles Receives Scottish Crown. Aired 12- 1p ET

Aired July 05, 2023 - 12:00   ET




PAULA NEWTON, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: The Israeli military operation in Jenin has ended. CNN is on the ground with the latest. Here's what's coming



SALMA ABDELAZIZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: All of the infrastructure here torn up by one of the worst raids this camp has seen in some 20 years.


NEWTON: At least 12 Palestinians have died. Now, the violence is spreading beyond the sprawling refugee camp. Plus, the Taliban intensifies its

crackdown on women's rights, ordering all women's beauty salons in Afghanistan to close within a month. And later, a sweltering new high. The

planet marks its hottest day ever. Why scientists warn this record will be broken again and again with devastating consequences.

Hello, I'm Paula Newton live in New York and this is ONE WORLD. Thousands of Palestinians who were forced to flee the violence during Israel's deadly

military incursion in the occupied West Bank are now returning to scenes of destruction and, of course, desperation. Piles of rubble. You see it there,

ripped up roads and no running water or electricity. The IDF announced the end of its two-day operation that it says targeted militant infrastructure

inside the Jenin refugee camp. But the U.N. human rights groups are warning about the devastating impact on civilians.

Now, earlier, thousands marched through the streets. You see them there for the funeral of 12 Palestinians killed. Israel says one of its soldiers was

also killed. Meantime, the threat of further violence looms large. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims the Operation in Jenin won't, in

his words, be a one off. And early Wednesday, the IDF says it carried out airstrikes in Gaza after shooting down five rockets fired toward Israeli


CNN's Salma Abdelaziz spoke to my colleague Eleni Gioukos earlier about just how widespread the destruction is inside the Jenin refugee camp, which

was already one of the poorest in the region.


ABDELAZIZ: It's massive and that's why I'm coming to you from a bird's eye view. Eleni, first of all, there is essentially no infrastructure here. No

running water, no internet, no electricity. So, my cameraman is perched up on a balcony while I bring you this ground level view of one of the main

thoroughfares here in Jenin Camp.

And as you can see, completely torn up, just piles of rubble everywhere. The streets turned to mud. And for many families, for many residents that

you see walking around me, this is the first glimpse they're getting of their own homes, they're getting of their own neighborhoods because they

were forced to flee in the fighting. They were forced to flee when this massive incursion began.

And I want you to get a sense of the sheer force of that. Just take a look at this vehicle. Take a look at what's happened to this car. And you see

those kinds of images, this kind of vehicles, these scenes just repeated all across this camp. We understand from the Palestinian Red Crescent that

some 7000 to 8000 people have now been made homeless by this Israeli raid.

But what's even more extraordinary, Eleni, and I know you have those pictures to show our viewers, is that people still feel this is a place of

defiance, of resistance. These streets earlier today were filled by thousands of people attending a funeral, a burial for those killed in

Israel's raid. Now, Israel says it was taking out a terror network, that it was dismantling weapon sites, that it was neutralizing terror sites, what

they call a terror hub here in Jenin.

But the Palestinian armed factions that you see again in that video, that you see marching through those funerals say they are resisting, they are

fighting occupation and they will continue to do so even though Israel says it reserves the right to come back anytime.


NEWTON: Our thanks there to Salma who remains on the ground there in Jenin and now we want to try and put all of this in context. CNN's Nada Bashir

looks back at the history of the Jenin refugee camp and the violence that's ensued there for years.


NADA BASHIR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: This is Jenin, the focal point of deadly confrontations. After the Israeli military launched its largest operation

against suspected terrorist targets inside the Jenin refugee camp since the Second intifada. Jenin refugee camp located in the north of the occupied

West Bank houses some 17,000 Palestinian refugees across an area that is less than half a square kilometer in size.


The vast majority, descendants of Palestinians who were expelled or fled from their homes after the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948.

Over the last two decades, the city of Jenin has seen waves of violence. In April 2002, Israel launched a major assault targeting suspected militants

inside the Palestinian refugee camp. At the time, the operation was framed by the Israeli government as a response to suicide bombings inside Israel.

But the scale of the incursion, which became known as the Battle of Jenin was unprecedented.

The Camp faced days of sustained missile and sniper fire, with many residents trapped in their homes, unable to escape to safety. A report from

Human Rights Watch found that attacks by the Israel Defense Forces were indiscriminate, with many civilian deaths amounting to unlawful or willful

killings by the Israeli military. Some cases documented by the International Human Rights Group even amounted to, in their words, summary

executions, a clear war crime. Back then, as now, the IDF used armored bulldozers to push through the narrow and winding alleys of the camp.

The aftermath left hundreds of family homes destroyed, rendering thousands homeless. The report also said that many deaths could have been avoided if

Israel had done more to protect civilians. Israel, however, disputed that, saying 23 of its own soldiers had died in the fiercest urban warfare the

military had experienced in decades, adding that the military had conducted the operation carefully to result in a minimum number of Palestinian


Scenes from those violent days still stand out today. The Jenin refugee camp has emerged yet again as a flashpoint in recent waves of violence

gripping the occupied West Bank. The Israeli military says it is targeting suspected terrorists in the city, with several Palestinian armed groups

known to have a presence in the camp, including Islamic Jihad and other fighters operating as part of the Jenin Brigades.

At least a dozen Palestinians were killed, with some 100 injured, and thousands of others forced to flee their homes as a result of the ongoing

violence and infrastructural damage, with limited access to electricity, water or internet services. Aid agencies have also accused the Israeli

forces of obstructing access to the camp and impeding the medical response, claims the IDF has, however, denied.

A spokesperson for the IDF acknowledged on Monday that civilians were among the injured, but insisted that the operation was targeting terrorists.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has, however, described the large-scale Israeli military operation as a new war crime. The military

said, Tuesday, that its troops would be leaving Jenin, fears persist over the potential for yet another unprecedented escalation in violence. Nada

Bashir, CNN.


NEWTON: So, we just heard Nada talking about potentially this not being the end of this cycle of violence. In fact, Israeli President, pardon me,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said himself that this would not be a one-off. He's talking about this military operation again today. Let's

hear what he had to say.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: We just finished the comprehensive action against the terrorist enclave in Jenin. Jenin was to

be a safe haven. It no longer is a safe haven. We operated in a very systemic way with large forces in one of the most concentrated and dense

areas on the planet. And we were able to attack the terrorists while avoiding civilian casualties, whereas our enemies are committing a double

war crime. They target civilians and they hide behind civilians. And we denied them that possibility while avoiding civilian casualties.

This is a sign of our next steps. This is just the first step. It's not, by no means, the last action that we will take. We will do what we can from

the ground, from the air. With superb intelligence, we will do what we can to fight the terrorists. They shall have no safe area.


NEWTON: So, you heard Prime Minister Netanyahu there say again that in his opinion, this is just a first step and that they will continue to fight the

people he calls terrorists. We will continue to have more breaking news for you from the Middle East as we continue this program and throughout the

next few hours.

Now, in the meantime, dueling rhetoric from Russia and Ukraine is ramping up around a possible attack on Europe's largest nuclear power facility.


The Kremlin said the potential for sabotage at the Zaporizhzhia plant by the Kyiv regime is quite high and warned of catastrophic consequences.

Meantime, in his nightly address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Russia is the only source of danger to the plant. This, as the

war grinds on. Ukraine says it's made some gains south of the city of Bakhmut while facing stiff Russian resistance. CNN's Scott McLean is

monitoring the developments in Ukraine and filed this report for us.


SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, the Ukrainians insist that the only threat to the nuclear power plant is from Russia. President Zelenskyy's new

allegation is very specific, and he says that it is based on Ukrainian intelligence. He said, and I quote, Russian troops have placed objects

resembling explosives on the roof of several power units, perhaps to simulate an attack on the plant. Perhaps they have some other scenario. He

did not, though, provide any evidence to support his claim.

The Russians have denied that they are any threat at all. They have previously pointed out that there are experts from the International Atomic

Energy Agency which are working on site, as we speak. They say that the real threat is from Ukraine. The Kremlin spokesperson said today that there

is a great threat of sabotage by Kyiv.

Now, the IAEA Director General, Rafael Grossi, also put out his own statement saying that his staff have been on site, they've been able to

inspect large parts of the actual plant. But he said this, and I quote, the IAEA experts have requested additional access that is necessary to confirm

the absence of mines or explosives at the site. In particular, access to the rooftops of reactor units three and four is essential, as well as

access to parts of the turbine halls and some parts of the cooling system at the plant.

Now, last week, Ukraine said that it began doing drills with its emergency services in a handful of regions to try to prepare for any kind of Russian

terror attack. In their words, Russians say that they have also taken measures for a potential disaster at the site, as well.

The latest satellite images taken last week don't immediately show anything obvious or out of the ordinary on top of the roofs of any of the reactors.

The reactors themselves are built inside of containment buildings, which are meant in theory to be able to withstand the force of an accidental

plane crash. How well they would hold up against the weapons of war, though, is another question.

There are, though, some reassuring signals coming out of nuclear authorities on both the Ukrainian side and the Russian occupied side, as

well. Ukrainian authorities say that the situation is stable at the moment, at the plant. The Russian authorities say that the background radiation

levels are normal. They call the claims coming out of Kyiv, quote, garbage. Scott McLean, CNN, London.


NEWTON: And a programming note for you, CNN's Erin Burnett has an exclusive interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. You can see that

later today at 7PM in New York, that's midnight in London. He actually talks quite a bit about his personal life and what this has been about. An

interview you won't want to miss right here on CNN.

Now, the conflict in Sudan is escalating between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces.


NEWTON: Of course, you can hear there, heavy gunfire in the streets from armed military vehicles. This video is from the Sudanese Armed Forces,

which says it carried out what it calls cleansing operations against mercenaries. In response, the Rapid Support Forces accused Sudan's armed

forces of needlessly bombing residential neighborhoods, leading to the massacres of innocent civilians. Now, the RSF also claims it successfully

downed a warplane and apprehended the pilot.

And the United Nations is speaking out about the impact of the fighting is having now on women in Sudan. It says there's been an increase in violence

against women and girls. Officials are calling for an immediate end to the gender-based violence. This includes sexual violence against displaced and

refugee women and girls. Now, the U.N. estimates that more than four million women and girls right now at this hour, are at risk.

Now, an epidemic of gun violence is making headlines right across the United States, Fort Worth, Baltimore, Philadelphia, have seen deadly

attacks in recent days. That's not all. I could actually add a few more cities to that. And right now, we are adding Shreveport, Louisiana. Three

people killed and seven others injured after a shooting at a fourth of July block party late Tuesday night.

Meantime, we are getting new details about the Philadelphia shooting that left five people dead. CNN's Danny Freeman has more on that deadly attack.

And we have to note, Danny, right, you've been covering so many of these shootings this year alone and yet there are reasons that this one in

Philadelphia stands out. Why?


DANNY FREEMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Paula, the reason I'd say that this particular shooting stands out is because you're right, we have seen

shootings in Philadelphia, not just this year, but certainly a spike in the past few years. But we don't see, usually, instances where four to five

people are killed in one particular shooting. And that's what happened here on July 3rd, the day before the fourth of July. It was a chaotic scene in

the southwest part of Philadelphia in one particular neighborhood.

The suspect, Kimbrady Carriker, he actually just made his first court appearance this morning at a preliminary arraignment a few hours ago. That

court appearance just took about 15 minutes, but it was a long process to read the litany of charges that this man is facing, including murder,

attempted murder, aggravated assault, reckless endangerment, and of course the violation of the Uniform Firearms Act, basically, several charges of

violating firearms policy here in Pennsylvania and in this local spot that we're in.

I should say the judge decided to hold him without bail, saying specifically that this man is a public safety -- clearly an issue in this

case, and that there's no set of conditions in which you, the defendant, would not be a flight risk. Now, the mayor of Philadelphia and I should say

a number of elected leaders, they've been using this opportunity to speak about gun policy in Philadelphia and in the state. Take a listen to what

the mayor in Philadelphia said about this just yesterday afternoon.


JIM KENNEY, PHILADELPHIA MAYOR: I am frustrated and outraged that mass shootings like this continue to happen in communities across the United

States. This country needs to re-examine its conscience and find out how to get guns out of dangerous people's hands. We are begging Congress to

protect lives and do something about America's gun problem.

LARRY KRASNER, PHILADELPHIA DISTRICT ATTORNEY: It is disgusting, the lack of proper gun legislation that we have in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Some of that legislation might have made a difference here.


FREEMAN: So again, as you can tell, Paula, gun policy and gun legislation clearly at the heart of all of these shootings that we've been seeing, not

just in Philadelphia, but across the country at this point. As for the specific case, we reached out to the public defender's office, who's

representing Mr. Carriker. They declined to comment, but the next court appearance is going to be a little later in July. And we still don't have a

good answer right now, Paula, as to why this man decided to shoot up a neighborhood, kill five, enter several others back on July third. But as

soon as we learn more about those potential motives, we'll bring them to you.

NEWTON: Yeah, and motive often so many times so baffling, right Danny, in terms of why these events occur obviously with such frequency, as well.

Danny, thanks so much, really appreciate the update. Coming up for us, nearly two years after the Taliban retook control of Afghanistan, women and

girls are facing yet another crushing setback. And later, the hottest day in history. For now, the earth sets a record, but scientists say it is soon

to be broken.




NEWTON: For nearly two years, Afghan women and girls living under repressive militant rule have watched their rights slowly but effectively

slip away. And now they're taking another big step backwards. The Taliban have ordered beauty salons throughout the country to close within a month.

As CNN's Katie Polglase reports, the move may also have a devastating impact on families.


KATIE POLGLASE, CNN INVESTIGATIVE PRODUCER: Driving through the streets of Kabul among the brightly colored shops is one last symbol of women being

visible in the public life. Squeezing them out of sight, Taliban authorities ordered beauty parlors to be shut within the month, sending

shockwaves for women already gripped in a chokehold. A salon owner who did not want to be identified for safety reasons told CNN the Taliban's order

means her poverty-stricken family cannot afford the bare essentials.

I don't understand why beauty salons should be banned, she says. My husband is jobless, and this beauty salon is the only means to feed my family. I

have four kids. They need food and clothes. The Taliban seized back power in the summer of 2021. With thousands of terrified families flocking to

Kabul Airport, desperate to escape the group's barbaric rule.

While the Taliban vowed reform, promising to be more progressive than their previous rule, women were quickly erased from public life, banning teenage

girls from secondary and higher education, and ordering non-profit organizations to stop their female employees from coming to work.

The salon owner we spoke to says she doesn't know what more can be taken from them, before there's nothing left at all. No woman is showing off her

face with makeup outside, and we're already wearing hijab in public, she says. This will further deprive women of their rights and freedom.

As the Taliban slowly chips away at their rights, hope is slowly dwindling for some women. But others still haven't been deterred from raising their

voices, even if it means risking their lives. Katie Polglase, CNN, London.


NEWTON: Metra Mehran is an Afghan women's rights advocate, and she joins me now live from Washington. I have to ask you, why salons and why now? What

are the Taliban's goals with this latest restriction on women's rights? Because there have been so many.

METRA MEHRAN, AFGHAN WOMEN EMPOWERMENT AND EDUCATION ADVOCATE: Hi, I think it's the continuation of Taliban's atrocities against women and then trying

to severely restrict every space they have and -- and strip them of their basic life. And like for certain things, they have different degrees and it

comes after each other. It's I think a continuation of ban on employment.

We have first, it was the public service and then the private sector, the name used in U.N. And now they're seeing and finding every space that women

have that contribute to their economic, you know, prosperity or they can have an income be economically independent that they shut it for women

because beauty salons are, you know, traditionally very feminine place for women. You don't see any men there even as employee working for their

administration. All the -- it's usually small shops in Kabul that is run by women or they run it inside their houses.

So, I think it's the continuation of atrocities against women in trying to dehumanize them in every possible way and confine them within their houses.

So, now, they're like the bigger picture, for example, working for civil service or working for private sector, the U.N., they did it already, but

now they are trying to move for the every others even smaller things includes all the prisons of women from all spheres of public life and also

economic opportunities.

NEWTON: Yeah, and I know many times these salons represent safe spaces for women. You know, you call what's going on in Afghanistan gender apartheid.

What does the Taliban want a woman's life to look like according to the dogma they're following through on right now?


MEHRAN: So, Taliban see women as equal human being with every 45 decrease they issued limiting women, that is way more than all other decrease thy

have issued combined, they have dehumanized women in Afghanistan. And why we call it gender apartheid and why we want it to become allies. It's not

an individual act. It's not a Taliban soldier doing something or in a certain place, but it's a systematic segregation and discrimination against

women where they want to dehumanize them that can serve their interest of male dominance over women.

And that's why we are saying if it's their system of the Taliban's regime system of governance, so we should see it as what it is. Like what happened

in South Africa. And now, world doesn't have any legal framework to approach Taliban or a lot of sanctions and many other things happening

regarding Afghanistan or not all of them are on basis of gender, mainly maybe on basis of security.

So, that's why what we are saying is it should become a law. Gender apartheid, unfortunately, is not an approved convention or law by the U.N.

We should have that so we have a framework to keep other states and countries accountable. And they have a framework to know how they want to

approach Taliban, or how we keep the Taliban accountable through international legal means.

NEWTON: Yeah, Metra, many wonder about if that distinction, if you move it from a security point of view to a gender-based point of view, if that

really will help the international community have any sway in what happens in Afghanistan at all. I mean, I think many people wonder what leverage the

international community has left here. And I know that Afghan women have voiced to us that they feel abandoned.

MEHRAN: Yes, I think the biggest leverage is economic leverage is one thing, politically, legitimacy of Taliban at international level or their

recognition is another thing. But more of what the international community or world can use as a leverage against Taliban is their local, their

internal legitimacy. They don't have it. And then world needs to listen to the women of Afghanistan, the people of Afghanistan, that they are that

they are tired of Taliban.

Everyone is in the survival mode. We see what's happening with the economy. Yes, we are the worst women's rights crisis in the world, but we are one of

the worst human rights crisis in the world, too. And Taliban and this international community are helping them with 40 to 80 million cash on

weekly basis without using it as a leverage against the Taliban. And Taliban are collecting huge, taxes and they are spending it to strengthen

their military capacity while the world is sending money to feed the people.

So, there is more areas that we can use it as a leverage, but I think for me the important thing is using the internal legitimacy that they don't

have it and backing people and the women and hearing their voices. I think seeing the women of Afghanistan as a political power with legitimacy and

political agency, I think is at the time in recognizing their civil resistance and as an active political resistance in Afghanistan. I think

they resist that.

NEWTON: Yeah, understood. Metra, we will leave it there for now, but I thank you so much for weighing in on this important topic.

MEHRAN: Thank you.

NEWTON: Now, this just in to CNN. The U.S. Navy intervened to stop Iranian Navy ships attempting to seize two oil tankers. This happened in separate

incidents in the Gulf of Oman earlier Wednesday. A U.S. official tells CNN an Iranian ship opened fire in the second seizure attempt. Now, obviously

this is a grave development and we will continue to have more information on it as it comes in.

Coming up this week has already broken two world heat records. It's only Wednesday. Climate change is a major factor, but it's not the only.




NEWTON: Hello and a warm welcome back to ONE WORLD. I want to get you all caught up on the headlines. A U.N. fact-finding mission is calling on Iran

to stop executing people connected to protests. The mission is asking Tehran to make available the judicial files on detainees. Since November,

seven men have been executed and at least 26 have been sentenced to death, that's according to the U.N.

Gripping pictures from China as torrential rains send this house plunging into flood waters. At least 15 people are dead in the hard-hit southwest

region. China's president has ordered authorities to step up flood prevention with the country now just entering the main flood season.

And Tuesday, July fourth, marked the hottest day ever recorded globally. On Monday, the average temperature reached nearly 17.01 degrees Celsius. But

on Tuesday, that climbed even further to 17.18 degrees Celsius, that's nearly 63 degrees Fahrenheit.

In China, heat wave pushed temperatures well into the mid-30s, and North Africa, meantime, saw temperatures exceeding 50 degrees Celsius. Whoa.

Joining us now is CNN Chief Climate Correspondent, Bill Weir. You know, it leaves you breathless for good reason. Bill, why now? And is this happening

sooner than anyone predicted?

BILL WEIR, CNN CHIEF CLIMATE CORRESPONDENT: Paula, it is in sort of interesting ways. Like, you know, the highs in North Africa at 50 degrees,

it's a hot place. But yesterday, way up in the Arctic Circle, the upper tip, northernmost tip of Quebec, it was warmer than Miami and at the same

time at the bottom of the planet which is supposed to be the polar opposite. It's winter down there. They set a high temperature record, as


So, we're seeing it all over the planet. Why now? Well, 150 years of fossil fuel burning, which has sort of trapped all this excess heat into our

oceans mostly have absorbed this. And then here comes El Nino. We've had the last three years as sort of a natural air conditioner. The La Nina

natural cooling system kept things down. But now that El Nino is coming up, you're seeing that bounce in these huge heat waves all over in every


NEWTON: Yeah, and Bill, in terms of where we go here, some would say there is no turning back, right? Or we need to look for the best case scenario

because what had to be done wasn't done.

WEIR: Exactly. I mean, unfortunately, you know, the planet we grew up on, those dependable seasons, we're not going back to that. And it's just a

matter of how bad we allow things to get. The metaphor is if you see a corner of your house on fire, it's how fast and aggressively you move

depends on how much ultimately you save.


That's the message here right now. But as these heat waves become more frequent and more millions of people now have to adapt to what is already

baked in, this could change policies. You're seeing in Spain, they started naming heat waves the way they name hurricanes, trying to give people a

heightened sense of warning because this is a sort of a sneaky silent killer that kills more than all the other natural or unnatural disasters


It preys on older folks in older homes and in strange new northern latitudes that just aren't equipped for this sort of thing. But yes,

unfortunately we're living now in the area of broken record-breaking. This will be just the beginning of these numbers and we got to pull together to

survive it.

NEWTON: All right, so much more to talk about on this. Bill, thanks so much for parsing it so simply as usual. As Bill was just saying, many are

sounding the alarm about the global rise in temperatures. Climate change could mean more famine, wildfires, and stronger cyclones.

Meantime, the WHO begins a conference focused on how the environment and climate change are impacting global health. And you bet it is. It says more

than 1.4 million deaths per year in Europe can be blamed on environmental factors like climate change and pollution.

Time now for The Exchange and we are going to talk more about that WHO conference and what the goals are. Joining me is the regional director for

Europe, that's Hans Kluge. He says the world now needs to act to prevent a health crisis. And I thank you for joining us, the day after really an

extraordinary record was broken, specifically on health. As we reach these climate milestones, what will be the impact? How will it affect the quality

of life and even mortality?

HANS KLUGE, WHO REGIONAL DIRECTOR FOR EUROPE: Thank you for inviting me on the program. Actually, the WHO European region is just coming out of the

acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, where we had 2.2 million people passing away, still 1,000 people, preventable deaths a week. And with this,

the whole climate change debate has been pushed aside. In September, there's the SDD summit, and we see that we are doing not well at all.

Let's take one example. Last year was the hottest summer in Europe ever with more than 20,000 people who passed away, particularly the elderly and

the young people from heat strokes, from hyperthermia, the same goes with floods, with erratic rainfall patterns. So, the time for action actually is

not now, but yesterday.

NEWTON: And when you say it's yesterday, and I take your point about heat stress and it really being a killer, you guys have stated categorically

that climate change is already killing people. What can we do in order to sound the alarm here? What can we do immediately? Is an early warning

system what is needed here?

KLUGE: Well, the climate crisis is what I call a health crisis, so all activities we do to improve or mitigate climate change or good for health

and vice versa, what we can do immediately, everyone has a role. It starts with healthy diets. It starts with safe modes of travel, even with 25

minutes of moderate physical activity a day, and then going to low carbon health facilities because I'm representing the health sector.

The oath of Hippocrates is primum non nocero, first of all, do not harm, so we have to do first our own homework. I visited a major hospital yesterday

in Hungary where the conference is taking place, Bethesda. And there, for example, the hospital directors working on a green facility, disinfectants,

which are less toxic, a much healthier waste management. So, there are very concrete steps that can be done. But first and foremost, the government

should give a signal that climate change is to be taken seriously.

NEWTON: And when we say taken seriously, you know, Bill Weir was just talking about the fact that in Spain they may start to name heat waves. I

know in the Pacific Northwest, in this continent, two years ago, they had hundreds of deaths because elderly people, and in those areas that didn't

have air conditioning, I'm sure that's the case in many parts of Europe and obviously Africa, Asia, you name it, is that early warning key, meaning,

bringing up perhaps cooling centers in a lot of these areas and saying, look, instead of saying a storm is coming, in these cases, the heat wave is

coming. Prepare.

KLUGE: Absolutely. Early warning is good for what we call preparedness of society and the system for all hazards, be it another pandemic or for the

heat wave, and actually, it's part and parcel of the conference over here.


But you mentioned Spain. What needs to be done? Well, Spain for the first time, and the first country is establishing a special department in the

government to measure and to project the impact of such heat waves on the population. So, this is a very good example of anticipating because we

cannot wait till all over forests are in fire in Europe or all rivers are being dry. These very practical actions can be undertaken now, and this

should culminate in to the Budapest Declaration, where the 53 countries of origin will be behind tomorrow.

NEWTON: Okay, some very practical steps there as we continue to try and figure out exactly how it's going to affect our health, climate change in

the coming weeks, months, and years. Thanks so much, really appreciate it. Now coming up for us, CNN has learned new details about the discovery in

the White House Sunday night that prompted an evacuation. Well, let's know what happens next. That's after the break.


NEWTON: More news now just coming into CNN. Out of Iran, a U.S. defense official tells CNN Iran tried to seize two oil tankers in separate

incidents in the Gulf of Oman earlier Wednesday, and the U.S. Navy had to intervene. Now, he says both tankers were in international waters. That's a

key point of this story. I want to bring in CNN's Oren Liebermann, who's at the Pentagon with more details. Is it just me, because this does seem to be

an extraordinary event?

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Extraordinary but this isn't the first time we've seen this. In fact, it's not the first two times and

we'll get to that timeline in just a second about why the U.S. views this so seriously and how the U.S. has responded. But let's talk about these

most recent incidents.

At about 1 o'clock in the morning local time in the Gulf of Oman, the U.S. Navy says that an Iranian Navy vessel approached an oil tanker, the TRF

Moss, and got quite close. The Navy was watching this happen and deployed not only a destroyer, but also maritime patrol aircraft, an MQ-9 Reaper

drone and a P-8 Poseidon aircraft to the area. And that, they say, essentially forced the Iranian Navy vessel to leave the scene there.

But it didn't end there. Some three hours later, so at four in the morning local time in the Gulf of Oman, international waters off of Oman, according

to the U.S. Navy, a different Iranian Navy vessel approached a different oil tanker, in this case the Richmond Voyager.


And here, according to the Navy, the Iranian vessel got quite close and tried to hail the ship, forcing it to stop in what the U.S. sees as an

attempted seizure. In fact, according to the Navy, personnel onboard that Iranian Navy vessel opened fire with small arms from that Iranian Navy

vessel towards the commercial tanker, striking the ship, not causing any injuries, but causing damage to the ship near the living quarters of the

cruise vessels.

Here again, that same U.S. Navy destroyer responded and at that point, the Iranian Navy Ship left the scene as the U.S. Navy here interceded to

prevent an attempted seizure. This isn't the first time we've seen something like this. In late April and early May, the Iranian Navy seized

two commercial vessels within days of each other, and that prompted the U.S. to send not only more ships to the area, but also more aircraft for

maritime patrol and essentially bolster the U.S. presence in the region.

It's worth noting that this area, the Strait of Hormuz, the Gulf of Oman, is critical not only for its significance and its military significance but

also, the amount of commercial traffic that goes through here, traffic that according to the U.S. Navy, Iran sees as a potential target, as we see

again this continued escalation of tensions between the U.S. and Iran in the Middle East. Paula.

NEWTON: Yeah, Oren. And again, as you point out, this has happened before. The extraordinary detail there is the fact that there's some type of an

armed conflict for at least a period in time. Oren Liebermann, I appreciate the update and we'll continue to check in with you when we have more

details from the Pentagon. Appreciate it.

Now, lab testing for the powdery substance found at the White House has come back positive for cocaine. That's according to the U.S. Secret

Service. Now, the white substance triggered a temporary evacuation Sunday night. The substance was found near the area where guests are asked to

leave their cell phones before entering the West Wing.

Kevin Liptak is standing by for us at the White House. Kevin, you know, obviously this has piqued people's interest. What are White House officials

saying about what this substance now is, because we have confirmation, but also how it got inside the White House.

KEVIN LIPTAK, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: Yeah, that's really the question that officials are really trying to look at now. They have determined

through lab testing that it was cocaine because remember, they did a field test on this substance on Sunday night. It showed a preliminary result for

cocaine. Now, they have confirmed that as in fact what it was and really the investigation now turns to who brought it into the White House.

And as you mentioned we are learning more about where they found the substance. It is at an entrance to the West Wing, of course a very heavily

trafficked area, not only by staff but also by these unique tours that staff are able to bring their guests through and they did find it on a

Sunday. These tours do occur on Sundays, so it does lend some complexity in to the situation.

But of course, the White House has cameras nearly everywhere. There are visitor logs. You know, everyone's name who comes into the White House is

recorded. And so, the investigation now goes to who brought this in to the building. And of course, the other question that I think officials have is

how long this substance was there where they found it because that will determine on how many people they want to look at as they try and probe who

brought this in to the building. Now, it did cause a temporary shutdown of the complex on Sunday night. President Biden was not here. At the time, he

was at Camp David. He is back here now.

The White House itself is staying relatively silent on the matter, sort of pushing all questions to the Secret Service but certainly, officials at the

Secret Service are trying to get to the bottom of how exactly this substance was brought in to the building. You know, Sundays typically are

rather quiet days here at the White House but because this was a holiday weekend, you could imagine more people bringing guests to visit some of the

rooms in the West Wing. President Biden was not here as I said so that sort of diminishes the number of staff who are here at the time. But certainly,

a lot questions hanging over this incident. Paula.

NEWTON: Yeah, and the most important point you make is there are cameras. This was Sunday. They have determined it's cocaine. I mean, someone came in

and thought, oh, I went to the White House with cocaine. I forgot it. Let me leave it here. A totally bizarre and we wait to hear more from the

Secret Service. Kevin Liptak, thanks so much for the update. Appreciate it.

Now, another high-level American official is headed to China to help mend the relationship between the two nations. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet

Yellen is expected to meet with senior Chinese officials and major U.S. firms doing business there. Yellen is the second member of President Joe

Biden's cabinet to recently visit Beijing. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was there last month and met with President Xi.

Okay, coming up for us, Britain's King Charles is officially adding another crown to his accolade. See how Scotland honored the British monarch. That's

when we return.




NEWTON: So, it was pomp, circumstance, and bagpipes in Scotland as King Charles acquired another crown known as the Honors of Scotland. In May,

King Charles, of course, was crowned in London, but in keeping with tradition, Scotland has its own celebration to mark the coronation of the

new monarch. We want to take you now to a look at the festivities. Listen.


UNKNOWN: There's the Crown of Scotland. The Fanfare Balmoral flourishes.

UNKNOWN: And today we welcome her heir, King Charles III, to be presented with the honors. Our help is in the name of the Lord, maker of heaven and

earth. Let us worship God. As we offer these to the King, we celebrate the peace and unity of our land and its people. And together we dedicate

ourselves anew to serving the common good of our nation.

UNKNOWN: By the symbol of this sword, we pledge our loyalty.

CHARLES III, KING OF UNITED KINGDOM: In receiving this sword, I so promise by God's help.

UNKNOWN: By the symbol of this scepter, we pledge our loyalty.

CHARLES III: In receiving this scepter, I so promise by God's help.

UNKNOWN: By the symbol of this crown, we pledge our loyalty. In trusting that you reign as our King, in the service of all your people.

CHARLES III: In receiving this crown, I so promise by God's help.


NEWTON: Sights and sounds of a historic day there in Scotland. Now, the lights in Las Vegas got a bit brighter for the fourth of July celebration.

The MSG Sphere is not set to open to the public until September. Apparently, there are gonna be concerts in there, but visitors got a

preview on Tuesday. The exterior of the Sphere, you see it there, or Exosphere, I'm not sure if I said that properly, was fully lit up for an



It really is spectacular. The Sphere features 54,000 square meters of LED lighting. It claims to be the largest cervical structure in the world.

Legendary rock band U2 will play a few concerts at the Sphere when it officially opens to the public later this summer. That is a spectacular

sight. And I want to thank you for joining us here at ONE WORLD. I'm Paula Newton. Amanpour is up next. Stay with CNN.