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One World with Zain Asher

President Biden Gets A Warm Welcome At Windsor Castle From King Charles; Local Authorities Call Latest Russian Strike On Residential Area A War Crime; Knife Attack In China Leaves Six People Dead, Wounds One Person; U.N. Says Sudan Is At The Brink Of A Civil War; Kenyans In Protest Of Opposition Leader's Election Defeat; Disgraced Former Doctor For USA Gymnastics Larry Nassar Stabbed In Prison; Belarusian Tennis Player Victoria Azarenka Gets Booed By Wimbledon Crowd; American Chris Eubanks Heads To Quarterfinals At Wimbledon; Former Japanese Soldier Sues Government And Alleged Sexual Abusers; "Barbie" Premieres July 21st; South Africa Experiences Snow. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired July 10, 2023 - 12:00   ET




ZAIN ASHER, CNN ANCHOR: Hello and welcome to One World. I'm Zain Asher coming to you live from New York. The U.S. President is headed to Lithuania

for a key NATO summit where the question of Ukraine's future in the alliance will surely come up.


ASHER: At a brief stop in Britain, Joe Biden got a warm welcome at Windsor Castle from King Charles. Meeting certainly full of pomp and ceremony

there. The pair discussed climate change, a cause the monarch has long been passionate about. also met with U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, hailing

the rock-solid friendship that the U.S. has with Britain. The two leaders discussed the upcoming NATO summit, as well as their firm support for


CNN's Max Foster joins us live now from Windsor. So, Max, just in terms of President Biden's meeting with King Charles, obviously the King isn't

really supposed to sort of comment on current affairs. He's not really supposed to give his political opinions but you were saying to me earlier

that no doubt the issue of Ukraine, in addition to climate change, the issue of Ukraine would have come up at least superficially. Walk us through


MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, you wonder what the debate would be, but certainly King Charles has spoken quite forthrightly on

Ukraine, saying it was an unprovoked invasion. Maybe they'll discuss a bit of that. I think that was really the focus for the earlier meeting in

Downing Street with Rishi Sunak because there, in recent weeks, there have been some quite sharp divides appearing between the U.K. and U.S.,

particularly about cluster bombs, for example, U.K. not agreeing with America's decision to send them to Ukraine.

Also, a bit of a row about who should be the head of NATO because President Biden reportedly rejecting Britain's choice. So, there's some tension

there. I think that probably would have been reserved for the meeting with the Prime Minister. The meeting with the King would be about long-term

relationship building, you know, showing that the U.S. is still a great ally of the U.K. I think there are very many similarities to how the Queen

would have handled these trips in the past, you know, an inspection with the guard there and then tea in the castle.

But then, something different, Charles went in for briefing from environmental leaders and heads of banks for discussion on how they can

tackle climate change. And actually, John Kerry, the U.S. climate envoy, was in that meeting, was a key part of it. I had a chance to speak to him

afterwards to see if there had been any progress in that meeting.


JOHN KERRY, U.S. SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL ENVOY FOR CLIMATE: All of them agree that we need to accelerate the deployment of capital, money, investment in

the new energy economy. I think there were many people who had very good ideas about different ways to approach that, and I came away from it

feeling like it was a time very well spent. I hope the President and His Majesty feel that.


FOSTER: Quite interesting new approach really from King Charles, Zain, because the Queen would never have divulged what they discussed in meetings

like that. It was a chance for presidents to speak very freely to someone that's been on the world stage for many decades but Charles is doing things

slightly differently though. John Kerry did clarify to me Charles was not getting involved in any policy here, he was just here, there to sort of

hear how the meeting had gone in the presence of the President.

ASHER: And in terms of the meeting that President Biden had earlier with Rishi Sunak, I mean, obviously, the special relationship is still rock

solid, but you touched on this idea that, you know, there are key differences, especially in addition to, obviously, Ben Wallace and,

obviously, Britain putting his name forward to lead NATO and that being rejected. But there are key differences when it comes to the U.K. and the

U.S.' view on cluster munitions. Just walk us through that.

FOSTER: Well, you know, the U.S. has decided to send cluster bombs to Ukraine and they're outlawed by many of America's allies and Britain is one

of them and it's pretty clear that Rishi Sunak doesn't agree that they should be sent there. So, that's a sharp divide and I think that'll

probably blow up a bit as well at the NATO summit as well. Although you won't find any of these European leaders actually going on the record

saying America is wrong because the alliance with America for all of these European nations is so important.


The other issue that caused some tension is that Britain would like Ukraine to be brought into NATO more quickly than America would like to be. So, all

these discussions I think will come up at the Lithuania meetings, as well. Another little thing I will mention to you is that there was a bit of a, I

don't know, a bit of a frisson here when President Biden put his hand on King Charles' back. People suggesting that it was a break-in protocol.

We've heard from royal sources today that that certainly isn't the case. It was a sign of warmth and King Charles very much welcomed it. So, I think

Charles is doing things his own way. This is his monarchy. And he's opening things up a bit more, I think.

ASHER: Right. As we said earlier, though, despite all of that, I'm sure the special relationship is still intact, despite that possible break-in

protocol. Max Foster, live for us there. Thank you so much. All right, on the battlefield in Ukraine, local authorities are calling a Russian strike

on a residential area that killed at least four people, a war crime happened in a frontline town in the southern eastern Zaporizhzhia region on

Sunday. Police say a guided bomb hit a school where civilians were receiving humanitarian aid. Rescue workers continue searching for survivors

who may be trapped beneath the rubble.

Meantime, we're learning details about a stunning new twist following last month's failed mutiny in Russia. The Kremlin says Yevgeny Prigozhin met

with President Vladimir Putin on June 29. That's five days after Wagner Chief's short-lived rebellion. CNN's Fred Pleitgen joins us live now from

Berlin. So, Fred, I mean, I guess it sort of begs the question, why on earth would Vladimir Putin host a meeting with the very man who essentially

tried to stage a march on Moscow, a mutiny, a rebellion? Just explain the calculation here.

FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, it is a very interesting question, certainly, Zain, especially since he did that in

defiance of Vladimir Putin. He talked about wanting to get to the defense minister and to the chief of the general staff of the Russian military, as

well. So certainly, that was a very dangerous moment potentially for Vladimir Putin. And, you know, he went on in a message, in a video message

later Vladimir Putin did, and he called this a betrayal. So certainly, this seems like a big deal.

And now just a couple of days later, it turns out that Vladimir Putin actually hosted Yevgeny Prigozhin, among others, at the Kremlin for a

three-hour meeting. And it's quite interesting. We were looking at what the spokesman for the Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov, said about this. He said that

there were 35, as he put it, commanders who were there inside the Kremlin, including Yevgeny Prigozhin.

It's unclear and the Kremlin refused to comment on this, whether these were all Wagner commanders or whether or not there were also people from the

defense ministry there, as well. That is completely unclear. But one of the things that also stood out to us, Zain, was that Vladimir Putin, the

Kremlin said, talked about the mutiny, talked about how the special military operation, which is of course what the Russians call the war in

Ukraine, how that is going, they also said that apparently the commanders that were there, including Yevgeny Prigozhin, pledged their allegiance to

Vladimir Putin and to defending the motherland, as the Kremlin put it.

But what they also said is that Vladimir Putin apparently talked about possible future engagements and future combat engagements for this group.

So, that could indicate that possibly a return to the battlefields in Ukraine is something that might be in the cards for the Wagner private

military company. Whether or not Yevgeny Prigozhin plays some sort of role in that is obviously very difficult to ascertain at this point in time.

But of course, we've seen the narrative really shift at a huge rate in Russia on this. The Kremlin itself saying after that mutiny, that failed

mutiny, that Yevgeny Prigozhin would have to go to Belarus and the Belarusian leader said that, as well. And then he said that actually

Yevgeny Prigozhin was still in Saint Petersburg, and now it turns out that he even managed to get into the Kremlin and speak to Vladimir Putin there.

So, right now, certainly a lot of uncertainty there as far as that is concerned. And one of the things that we've been keeping an eye on, which

is very interesting right now, is Kremlin-controlled media, who, you know, they were hyping Wagner for a very long time, then did a complete 180 and

were essentially trashing Yevgeny Prigozhin, the last time was late last night on Kremlin-controlled TV. And now we're going to have to wait and see

how they try to sell this now.

So definitely, potentially a significant development and certainly also one that does beg the question for many Russians what exactly Vladimir Putin's

calculation in all this is. And it certainly seems to indicate that possibly the Wagner private military company and their fighters are

extremely important to Russia's war in Ukraine.

ASHER: All right, Fred Pleitgen, live for us there. Thank you so much. Meantime, for some retired Ukrainians living on the frontlines, neither

blackouts nor constant shelling are enough to push them from their homes.


CNN's Ben Wedeman has more.


BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: A small flashlight is all that illuminates the cellar Olga calls her home. Her bedroom, a

cramped, windowless storage space. I would like to live under normal conditions, says Olga, retired school teacher. Retired. I'm 78 years old.

She's been living like this since shortly after the war came to her town of Siversk, battered to smithereens by months of Russian bombardment.

Five hundred days of war have left this town and so many others a wasteland of wreckage and rubble. Despite that, some people refuse to leave. We met

70-year-old Nina last March when she told us happier days seemed a world away. What do we feel, she asks? Pain, pain. When you see something

destroyed, you tear up. We cry, we cry.

Summer has improved her mood. I show Nina and her friend Valentina pictures of the potatoes I grow back home in Italy, prompting Nina to show off her

tiny garden of herbs and onions. Still, emotions flood back when I ask what she hopes for the most. We're waiting for the day, she says, the minute

when the war ends.

On this day, Siversk was quiet. All we heard was the occasional faint thud of distant shelling. Russian lines are six miles away yet the air of

tranquility is deceptive. It's not quiet, insists Valentina. They were firing all-night long. Those who remain are an eclectic group, like Sasha,

an aging rocker, a great fan of 70s classics.

Bee Gees, all right. "Staying Alive". Oleksandr never goes anywhere without his dog, Malych (ph). Does he have high hopes for Ukraine's

counteroffensive? No. Putin, he tells me, will keep pushing ahead, even if he has to kill every last Ukrainian. Russians are like a bear. They sit and

wait and then.

Olga has the task of distributing loaves of bread to her neighbors brought in by volunteers. The powerful will do what they will do. Here the priority

is staying alive. Ben Wedeman, CNN, Siversk, Eastern Ukraine.


ASHER: Six people, including three children, have been killed in a knife attack in China. The country has had a spate of mass stabbings in recent

years, often targeting young children. A warning of the images in this next report are indeed disturbing. Here's CNN's Anna Coren with more.

ANNA COREN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: There was a horrific attack in China early this morning after police say a man fatally stabbed six people with a knife

outside a kindergarten in southern Guangdong province. According to state media, three children, two parents and a teacher were killed. One person

was wounded. CNN has blurred the images of the lifeless bodies lying on the road. Chinese media said emergency crews were quick to act but unable to

save six of the victims. They all died at the scene.

Police arrested a 25-year-old man from Lianjian County. He's from the same place as where the kindergarten is located. He's been taken into custody,

and an investigation is underway. Authorities have released very few details about the fatal stabbings, other than to say the attack was


Guns in China are strictly controlled and out of reach for most people, but knives have become a common and accessible weapon. In recent years, there

have been a spate of mass stabbings at schools targeting children across China. In August last year, three people were stabbed to death and six

wounded at a kindergarten in China's southern Jiangxi province. In April 2021, two children were killed and 16 wounded in a stabbing attack at

another kindergarten in southwestern Guangxi.

And in the same province a year earlier, 37 children and two adults were wounded in a knife attack at an elementary school in southern China. China

has very low rates of violent crime compared to the West but these horrific knife attacks often targeting young children are incredibly disturbing.

Anna Coren, CNN, Hong Kong.

ASHER: The United Nations says Sudan could be on the brink of full-scale civil war following a deadly weekend airstrike. Sudan's Ministry of Health

says at least 22 people were killed in an attack in the city of Omdurman.


The paramilitary group Rapid Support Forces released this video showing the aftermath of the strike. It blamed the Sudanese armed forces and said more

than 31 people were killed. CNN's Senior Editor for Africa, Stephanie Busari joins us live now. So, Stephanie, if indeed, Sudan is on the brink

of a full-scale civil war, just walk us through what the implications would be for the entire region.

STEPHANIE BUSARI, CNN SENIOR EDITOR, AFRICA: Zain, this will be huge. Sudan borders several countries in that region that are very fragile. Chad,

Tigray, it borders Tigray also, and Egypt, as well as South Sudan. So, these are regions that have been traditionally and historically fragile.

South Sudan is in the middle of a conflict right now. And Chad is very, very fragile also with thousands of Sudanese pouring into the country who

have effectively escaped the war there.

So, it puts pressure on countries that are very economically unstable and politically unstable as well. And later on this week, Egypt, which has seen

a lot of Sudanese pouring into that country also, has said it's going to have a summit, a very important summit, to bring some of these countries

together to try to find a solution to this lasting conflict. Zain.

ASHER: All right, Stephanie Busari, live for us there. Thank you so much. All right, still to come here on One World, a fight-pitting protesters

against police, politicians against each other and the government against the high court. At the center of it all, taxes. Then Ukrainian President

Volodymyr Zelenskyy says he's not going to attend Tuesday's NATO summit without some ironclad security guarantees. We'll have much more on that



ASHER: The rising price of a liter of gas is sending people into the streets in Kenya. The cost of living was already high when the government

of newly elected president William Ruto enacted a series of tax hikes.


He says that the money will be used to help create new jobs and repair the struggling economy. But the hikes hit many dates, day staples, and that has

led to this.


ASHER: Thousands of Kenyans are taking to the streets in protests on Friday with police firing tear gas, as well. There are reports that three

people died during the protests, which were called by opposition leader Raila Odinga, who is still upset about losing an election in which he

thinks that there was widespread fraud. To make matters worse, the Kenyan Supreme Court and the government are currently fighting over the tax

increases. The court has suspended some of them but the government has raised petrol prices anyway.

With more on this, I'm joined now by Kenyan Journalist Julians Amboko with Nation Media Group. Julian, thank you so much for being with us. I mean,

before we get into the ins and outs, you know, the infighting between the government and the Supreme Court on this, I just want to start by focusing

on what these tax hikes and these rising -- the rising cost of various food items, how it's affecting ordinary Kenyans, who by the way, have already

been suffering because of inflation. Just walk us through what their day- to-day lives in terms of being able to afford basic goods actually is right now.

JULIANS AMBOKO, BUSINESS CONTENT LEAD, NATION MEDIA GROUP: Thank you so much. It's a good opportunity to be here. So, the cost of living was

already elevated even before we had this proposal on taxation, which took effect on the 1st of July. And what this did, especially the doubling of

value added tax on petroleum products was to have a ripple effect across the entire economy. The cost of living has gone up significantly.

And if you imagine you're coming from a multiplicity of shock, first COVID- 19 and thereafter Russia, Ukraine, and the spillover effects, the wallet of the ordinary Kenyan is already quite distressed. And therefore, this came

at a time which was quite inopportune from a cost of living standpoint. And that's why it has really escalated as far as it has in terms of protests.

ASHER: And what is the government saying about why these tax hikes are so important? I mean, they've touched on this idea that it's important to

raise taxes in this way to repair the struggling economy, but have they given more specifics?

AMBOKO: Absolutely. The government is facing a double whammy. So, on the one hand, tax revenue domestically is falling behind target, as you've seen

in the financial year we just ended. And globally, the global conditions are quite tight from a financing standpoint. Going to market to raise debt

is not as easy as it was five or six years ago. And therefore, there is need to ramp up domestic revenue. And the only way to do that is by way of

tax measures. And Kenya is currently in an IMF program. Part of the objectives behind it is to increase domestic tax revenue and that is the

reason which the government is floating in terms of the ability to finance day-to-day spending.

ASHER: And Raila Odinga, the opposition leader, you know, has been in- charge of many of these protests, calling on anti-government protests, saying that he's angry about the tax hikes. What is his real motivation

here? Is it the price increases or is it just, you know, because part of him still wants to keep up the pressure on William Ruto's government, given

that he lost the previous election?

AMBOKO: Right. I mean, ever since we had the August election last year, Raila Odinga and the opposition faction allied to him has been on a mission

to delegitimize the current administration. And what presented an opportune moment is a situation where the public is generally disenfranchised from

the high cost of living depressed incomes.

There was a lot of despondency in the economy and therefore there's just fat in ground for Raila to mobilize his troops and go to the streets and

agitate for what he says is about the cost of living at the state of the economy, but also definitely their political undertones here in terms of

getting to the table and indicating that indeed he does have a say as far as this country goes.

ASHER: But the thing is, I mean, the tricky part for President William Ruto is that these tax increases are even unpopular with his own

supporters. So, that's a difficult position for him to be in. What does this mean for him politically?

AMBOKO: I think he is in a very tight situation and he really has to calibrate his position very carefully because generally in the economy,

everyone is feeling pressed at this point in time. We currently have a proposal to even increase the tax rates for the high-income earners. And

there's the sentiment that we have to get to a point where we say enough is enough. And therefore, the president is in a very tricky position.


This afternoon, the matter was in court, and the high court has now escalated it farther to the Supreme Court to take a decision of this issue

of the new taxation proposals. Definitely from a political capital standpoint, the president is facing a very tight situation, and he has to

be very careful going forward.

ASHER: So, how do tensions calm as a result of all of this? I mean, if, let's say, Raila Odinga continues leading these protests, continues telling

his supporters to take to the streets, if President Ruto's supporters are stuck in the middle and not happy about these tax hikes, what happens next

in all of this?

AMBOKO: Something has to give at some point and we saw this right at the start of the current conversation about the proposed tax measures. There

has been the much-talked about housing levy which was being introduced at three percent of an employee's gross salary matched by another three

percent by the employer.

When there was public uproar about this, the government had to come down and say look, we are now reducing it from three percent to one point five

percent. There'll have to be a lot of that a give in a number of these measures so that there is a sense in which -- that a give and take is being

realized and people are coming to the negotiating table to find a middle ground on very contentious issues.

ASHER: All right, Julian Zimboko, thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate it. All right, still to come, a high-stakes meeting amid a

divided alliance. Will NATO clear a membership path for Ukraine? We'll preview Tuesday's summit in Lithuania. Stay with us.



ASHER: Hello and welcome back to One World. Let's catch up on the headlines. The Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, says he will step down as

leader of the Netherlands ruling party and leave politics. The announcement comes after the coalition government collapsed on Friday over immigration

policy. Mr. Rutte is Europe's second longest serving leader coming to power in 2010.

Northern India was slammed with heavy rains over the weekend as the country's capital saw the wettest day in July in more than 40 years. Heavy

rains spurred landslides and flash floods killing at least 22 people. Rescue efforts are still underway.

When NATO allies meet for a high-stakes summit on Tuesday, Russia's war on Ukraine will top the agenda. That much is certainly clear. What's less

certain, however, is the message the divided alliance will deliver after its two-day meeting in Lithuania. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

has indicated he may not attend unless there's more clarity on whether his country will be granted membership and he's calling for a united response.

But it's a dangerous political tightrope Western allies are walking in, one that could provoke direct confrontation with Moscow.

Washington has repeatedly vowed to stand by Ukraine. Just last week, the White House announced plans to send controversial cluster munitions to

Kyiv. But in an exclusive interview with CNN's Ruza Karia, U.S. President Joe Biden said that right now, NATO membership for Ukraine does not appear

to be on the table.


JOE BIDEN, U.S. PRESIDENT: I don't think there is unanimity in NATO about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the NATO family now at this moment in

the middle of a war. For example, if you did that, then, you know, and I mean what I say, we're determined to commit every inch of territory that is

NATO territory. It's a commitment that we've all made no matter what. If the war is going on, then we're all in the war. You know, we're in war with

Russia, if that were the case.


ASHER: Time now for The Exchange and my conversation with a Former Director of Policy Planning at NATO, Fabrice Pothier is also the CEO of

Rasmussen Global, an international political consultancy firm. He joins me live now on the phone from Marseille, France.

Fabrice, thank you so much for being with us. There have been just so many vague pledges, I mean, dating back 15 years, dating back to 2008 at least,

about Ukraine having won one day a future path to NATO. What sort of concrete commitments is President Zelenskyy looking for after this NATO

summit is over this week?

FABRICE POTHIER, FORMER DIRECTOR OF POLICY PLANNING, NATO: I think, like you put it, I think there is a clear expectation that we need to turn the

page of the 2008 ambiguity, which essentially gave Ukraine a promise that one day it will become a member of the alliance, but on the other hand

never really delivered or even drew a pathway to membership.

So, I think President Zelenskyy and millions of Ukrainians and I think millions of citizens across NATO, including in the United States, are

expecting the NATO leaders to give a clear pathway to membership. It does not have to be now, like President Biden is saying, but it has to be

credible and soon enough to send -- basically to send a signal to President Putin that game is over.

ASHER: At what point are we going to start seeing some unity? I mean, obviously, there's so much division within NATO, just in terms of how

quickly Ukraine should become a member. Obviously, Germany and the U.S. are saying that it's premature, that right now it's premature for Ukraine to

become a member of NATO.

President Biden also hinting at the fact that, listen, even after the war is over, there's still some conditions that need to be met. On the other

hand, you've got the Baltic States, you've got Poland, as well, wanting Ukraine membership to come a lot sooner. What needs to happen for there to

be unity? I mean, that's something that President Zelenskyy is also concerned about as well, the lack of unity here.

POTHIER: I'm not sure he's concerned about the lack of unity. I think he's concerned about the lack of clarity. And I think to build that unity, you

mentioned, is to be clearer about what are the parameters, what are the conditions under which Ukraine will and can become a member of the



And I think that's what's missing right now. What we have is we have unity on the idea that Ukraine will become a member of the alliance, that Ukraine

belongs in NATO. Prime Minister Sunak said it again. I think it's even President Macron and Trump typically is a skeptic when it comes to NATO and

last month, he was actually supportive of that.

I think now the question is the how and the when. And the NATO-Ukraine Council, which is going to be inaugurated hopefully in the next few with

President Zelenskyy alongside the 31 other NATO leaders, the NATO-Ukraine Council could be actually not a parking lot, but actually the engine, the

accelerator towards that membership to define the conditions for Ukraine to join.

And it's obviously clear, as we've touched on over the past year and a half, you know, that Ukraine would benefit enormously by joining NATO. Just

explain to us why NATO would also benefit from Ukraine becoming a member. How is this -- how would this sort of partnership be mutually beneficial

for both sides?

POTHIER: Very simply put for the audience, as long as Ukraine is not safe, and as long as Ukraine is preyed upon by Russia and does not have a

territorial defense that can prevent the next Russian war invasion, as long as this is the case, Europe is not going to be fundamentally safe.

So, I think the key here is for NATO to realize that there is not such a thing as stability in Europe and security in Europe as long as Ukraine is

not part of that. And to be part of that is to become a member of the line. That's one, I think, the biggest strategic argument for why there is an

added value in having Ukraine inside the alliance.

Second, having Ukraine inside the alliance means you have much better cooperation and in a way control and scrutiny about how Ukraine actually

builds its defense, trains its forces. plan its exercise. Now, Ukraine is outside the alliance, and as a sovereign country, can obviously make

certain choices that maybe one day will not be exactly compatible with what the NATO members would like.

So, I think the best way to have a powerful and sovereign Ukraine is to have that inside the alliance. It's the same argument that Henry Kissinger

made in a pretty impressive long interview he gave to the economists where he said that it's much more wise strategically to have Ukraine inside NATO

rather than outside.

ASHER: All right, Fabrice Pothier, life for us there. Thank you so much, appreciate it. All right, still to come here on One World, a Ukrainian

victory over the weekend at Wimbledon. Wyatt Ledger, both cheers and booze from the crowd.




ASHER: Larry Nassar, the disgraced Former Doctor for USA Gymnastics, has been stabbed in prison. Local officials tell CNN he was stabbed 10 times in

an attack on Sunday and has been taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. Nassar has been convicted of both federal and state crimes connected to

child pornography and sexual assault on several young female gymnasts. He was sentenced to more than 60 years in prison.

Our Carlos Suarez is tracking this story. So, Carlos, what more do we know? What happened here? Where were the prison guards? Was he targeted? What was

he stabbed with? Obviously, there are no knives in prison. Just give us a sense of what we know.

CARLOS SUAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, well, Zain, there are still a number of unanswered questions, including just the number of guards that

were watching Nassar. As you said, the former U.S. gymnastics doctor, he is recovering in a hospital after he was assaulted and stabbed 10 times by

another inmate. That, according to a union of president for the corrections officers up in central Florida. All of this happened at a federal prison

just northwest of Orlando, Florida. We're told that Nassar was stabbed two times in the neck, two times in the back, and six times in the chest.

Now, back in 2018, rather, Nassar admitted to sexually assaulting athletes while he was a sports doctor at Michigan State University and as the doctor

for USA Gymnastics. among some of his victims were famous Olympians Simone Biles and Aly Raisman. Now, during his sentencing trial, more than 150

women and girls, they all testified. They described how Nassar sexually assaulted them over several years when they went to him for treatment for

sports injuries, only to be sexually assaulted by him and told that this was a form of treatment.

Nassar also pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography. Again, Zain, he is lucky to be alive at this hour after he was attacked by another

inmate while in federal protection. We're told he was stabbed again 10 times and that he is recovering in a hospital in central Florida.

ASHER: All right, Carlos Suarez, live for us there. Thank you so much. Okay, to Wimbledon now, where the crowds appeared to boo Belarusian tennis

player Victoria Azarenka on Sunday. That was after her defeat by Ukraine's Elina Svitolina. Belarus, of course, supports Russia's war on Ukraine.

Azarenka called the booing unfair.

And just to bring you up to date on some other news on what was in as well, American Chris Eubanks is headed to the quarterfinals after upsetting

Greece's Stefanos Tsitsipas in a five-thriller. Joining me live now is CNN's Patrick Snell. So, Patrick, certainly a great story with the

Ukrainian win, but all eyes on Christopher Eubanks, who has been playing some unbelievable, unbelievable tennis.

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Extraordinary, yeah, what a story he is, Zain, absolutely. Atlanta right here in Atlanta. He went to Georgia Tech

just a handful of miles away less in fact six foot seven inches tall writing the headlines of the All England Club in a way that I doubt even he

would have imagined ahead of the tournament. Just incredible stuff. A wonderful win for him over the young Greek player Stefano Tsitsipas who's

24 but it feels like Tsitsipas has been around a whole lot longer than that.

And after the match, Eubanks, actually shedding some more light into his extraordinary run and his career, Zain, to date saying that he had doubts

about himself at the highest level of the sport even taking a job as a commentator, an analyst at one point in 2022 for the tennis channel while

still continuing his playing career. This is phenomenal.

Let's dig a little bit deeper. Look at his playing career as he makes the quarterfinals at Wimbledon in his very first appearance, as well, at the

All England Club. An incredible run. He already won his first ATP title in Mallorca, Spain, recently less than 10 days ago once down to over 200 in

the world rankings now up to 43. He's only gonna rise higher and there's more. He's achieved his victory Zain on a surface that he calls grass that

he used to hate he said he's three he's only gonna rise higher and there's more.


He's achieved his victory, Zain, on a surface that he calls grass that he used to hate. He said he used to hate playing on the grass. Well, it sure

does not look like it. Now, he plays Daniil Medvedev next. I'm telling you, Medvedev, Zain, is beatable on grass.

Now, you mentioned the Elina Svitolina and Victoria Azarenka match from Sunday night over there in SW19. This was controversy aplenty. We didn't

get the handshake but we knew that in advance because literally, Svitolina had said there would be no handshakes with players. She represents Ukraine,

of course. No handshakes with players from Russia or Belarus given the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Svitolina making that clear ahead of the

match, there was that booing you referenced.

There's no question it was booing from the Wimbledon crowd aimed at Azarenka. In response, Azarenka saying it was unfair and that those booing

her must have been drunk, as she put it. Let's hear now from Svitolina because she was very emotional afterwards as her thoughts returned to her

homeland. Take a listen.


ELINA SVITOLINA, UKRAINIAN TENNIS PLAYER: Back home, there's lots of people watching and cheering for me, so, I was just thinking, you know,

there is tough times in Ukraine and you know, I'm here playing in front of you guys. And you know, I cannot complain, I just have to fight and try to

win every single point. And in the end, you know, here I am, you know, won the match. So, really, thank you so much.


SNELL: Very emotional stuff indeed from Svitolina. And also, I want to tell you on the men's side in the last few minutes, Novak Djokovic,

defending men's champ, Zain, is through to the quarterfinals after beating Hubert Kurkacz of Poland. Djokovic going for an incredible fifth straight

Wimbledon title, a 24th Grand Slam crown. That would be a record equaling 24th Grand Slam crown and a record equaling eighth Wimbledon title overall

to match the great Roger Federer, as well. Another remarkable Wimbledon playing out, Zain, as I send it right back to you.

ASHER: All right, Patrick Snell, thank you so much. All right, coming up here, you may find it hard to believe where exactly these pictures are

coming from. A major city, actually, that has not seen snow in more than a decade. The city is now covered in white. I'll tell you where it is when we

come back.



ASHER: A former soldier in Japan says she suffered sexual harassment and abuse on a daily basis while serving in the military. Now, Rena Gonoi is

suing both the government and her alleged abusers in hopes of changing the system for all women. CNN's Marc Stewart reports.


MARC STEWART, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Rena Gonoi is a fighter on the judo mat and for women in Japan.

RENA GONOI, FORMER JAPAN SELF-DEFENSE FORCE OFFICER (through translator): -- I hope I'm able to give hope and courage to people in Japan and across

the world with the same problem.

STEWART (voice-over): Rina was a soldier in the Japanese military. She quit after she said she was sexually and verbally harassed. Now she's

waging a different war, suing the government and her former assailants. In response, the state would only say that harassment can't be tolerated.

Japan's big earthquake and tsunami in 2011 was Rina's call to serve after female officers came to her rescue.

GONOI (through translator): I thought they were really cool and admired the way they worked to support others.

STEWART (voice-over): Years later she enlisted but found herself a target.

GONIO (through translator): They'd comment on my body and the size of my breasts or they'd come up to me in the hallways and suddenly hug me in the

corridor. That kind of thing happened daily.

STEWART (voice-over): She says after enduring this for months, she asked for an investigation. Prosecutors dropped the case due to a lack of

evidence. Rina quit. Rina fought back, taking her battle to social media. An online petition generated more than 100,000 signatures, a call to action

that forced the military to re-examine her case. The review found Rina was a victim enduring physical and verbal sexual harassment daily.

Rina's entire saga prompted a wide-sweeping defense ministry investigation on sexual harassment. It led to this remarkable moment. Military officials

bowed in apology.

UNKNOWN (through translator): This resulted in so much public outrage, surprising many people in the defense ministry. Without the power of public

opinion, the chief of staff's apology wouldn't have been possible.

STEWART (voice-over): In addition, several officers have apologized, but were dishonorably discharged. Three officers face charges. But now, as Rina

pursues a civil suit, four of the five officers have denied ever abusing her, despite their previous apology. The fifth has said he wants to reach a


GONOI (through translator): I felt like the perpetrators hadn't properly reflected on their actions. I want a sincere apology from the heart and for

them to admit responsibility for what they did.

STEWART (voice-over): Rina's case sparked so much anger here in Tokyo and across Japan, the prime minister publicly committed to root out harassment

in the military.

GONOI (through translator): I felt it was a little too late. When I joined the GSTF, I had a lot of dreams of what I wanted to achieve there. Had the

GSTF fully investigated what happened to me, I feel like I could have stayed on there. Everything came too late.

STEWART (voice-over): Yet undefeated, Rina seeks strength as she fights for other women. Marc Stewart, CNN, Tokyo.


ASHER: France has banned the sale of fireworks from Sunday through the upcoming Bastille Day weekend. The ban does not apply to professional

pyrotechnics like these, which were on display during last year's Bastille Day festivities. But everyone else will be prohibited from selling,

possessing or transporting fireworks until the 15th of July. Last month, demonstrators used fireworks to protest the fatal police shooting of a 17-

year-old boy.

And over the weekend, hundreds defied a ban to march against police brutality in the heart of Paris. Police dispersed the crowd from a public

square and sent them to a wide boulevard where they marched largely but peacefully.

You've probably heard of method acting where actors immerse themselves completely into their characters' minds to prepare for their roles, while

the stars of the upcoming "Barbie" movie did it their own way.



ASHER: So, Ryan Gosling, who says that Margot Robbie, who plays Barbie, instituted an all-pink dress code once a week. The cast and crew had to

comply. Everybody had to wear pink or face a fine that would be donated to charity.


Gosling, who plays Ken in the movie, says that everyone was excited to participate, especially the men on the group. He says they saw it as a way

to show respect and admiration for the art that they were creating. "Barbie" premieres on July 21st.

And finally, a sight rarely seen in South Africa. Snow, yes, you heard me correctly, snow in South Africa. Here you see it falling from the sky,

covering the ground. It is the first significant snowfall in Johannesburg in more than a decade. Children, many of whom had never seen snow at all

ever in their lives actually went out to play and even folks who remember past snowstorms in 2012 and 1996 couldn't help but smile.


UNKNOWN: An amazing day in South Africa, just lovely to see the snow although we're freezing our butts.

ASHER: But it's not all fun and games. Forecasters warn of icy roads and dangerously cold temperatures, which of course pose a severe risk in a

nation where poverty and homelessness are indeed widespread. All right. Thank you so much for watching One World. I'm Zain Asher. Amanpour is up

next. You're watching CNN.