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One World with Zain Asher

Colorado State Supreme Court Bars Donald Trump From Appearing On That State's Ballot; Israel Proposes A Week-Long Truce In Exchange For The Release Of Hostages And Palestinian Prisoners; Volcano In Southwest Iceland Erupts; Patients Now Turning To Older Weight Loss Pills. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired December 20, 2023 - 12:00   ET




BIANNA GOLODRYGA, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: Donald Trump makes history once again.

ZAIN ASHER, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: "One World" starts right now. It is certainly unprecedented. A court says the Republican front runner is banned

from the Colorado ballot. Now the question is, will the decision stand?

GOLODRYGA: Back at the table, sources tell CNN hostage negotiations are again underway. Details on Israel's proposal for Hamas.

ASHER: And later, with weight loss injections in short supplies, some consumers are turning to other methods. Now, they're losing weight in a CNN


All right, lots to get through this hour. Boy, what a day. Coming to you live from New York, I'm Zain Asher.

GOLODRYGA: And I'm Bianna Golodryga. You are watching "One World". In an unprecedented move, the Supreme Court of the state of Colorado has barred

Donald Trump from appearing on that state's ballot.

The court's decision is based on a clause in the U.S. Constitution that says anyone who has engaged in an insurrection after taking an oath to

support the Constitution is barred from holding office. The state justices say Trump's actions on January 6th to insight a riot at the U.S. Capitol

make him ineligible for the presidency.

ASHER: And this decision is monumental, right? It has sent so many shockwaves through the political world. Trump's campaign saying that

they're going to appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court. And his rivals in the Republican Party say that this is not exactly how they want

to defeat the former president.


CHRIS CHRISTIE, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I do not believe Donald Trump should be prevented from being President of the United States by any

court. I think he should be prevented from being President of the United States by the voters of this country.

VIVEK RAMASWAMY, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We need elections we can trust, that we can believe in. That means, yes, unelected judges are

not going to decide willy-nilly across the state, who ends up on a ballot and who doesn't.

NIKKI HALEY, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: But I will beat him fair and square. We don't need to have judges making these decisions. We need

voters to make these decisions.


GOLODRYGA: The court's ruling technically only bars Trump from next year's presidential primary in Colorado. But the head of the Republican Party

there says he has plans to get around that ban if necessary.


DAVE WILLIAMS, CHAIRMAN, COLORADO REPUBLICAN PARTY: And we're not going to take this lying down. And if need be, we're going to withdraw from the

primary and go to a strict caucus process that would allow our voters to choose Donald Trump if they want.


GOLODRYGA: Trump has been campaigning in the first state to vote next year, and that is Iowa. And that is where we also find CNN's Jeff Zeleny. Jeff,

so yet another legal setback for Donald Trump, but past his prologue, we can assume that he will try to use this to his political advantage. What do

you make of the fact that even some of his harshest Republican critics and rivals are supporting him on this one?

JEFF ZELENY, CNN CHIEF U.S. NATIONAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: Bianna, it simply just underscores what has really become a growing reality throughout

the course of this year that Donald Trump still has a tight grip on this Republican Party and every legal challenge, every criminal case, every

civil case becomes a rallying point for his supporters and for Republicans.

We have seen this again and again throughout the calendar year starting last April when the Manhattan district attorney was the first to indict the

former president and the Republican base simply rallied behind him. So, we are seeing that again now.

What we are not hearing is the Republican rivals talking about the substance of this Supreme Court case, which of course is the insurrection.

This is something that most Republican candidates have danced around for the last year or more.

But we did hear some interesting comments earlier today from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. He's been drawing some contrast in recent days with

the former president. He talked about that Supreme Court ruling in Colorado this morning, called it unfair, thought it would be overturned. Then he

also asked voters if they want this drama hanging over their next presidential campaign.


RON DESANTIS, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: And do we want to have 2024 to be about this trial, that case, this case having to put hundreds of

millions of dollars into legal stuff? Or do we want 2024 to be about your issues about the country's future with the nominee that's going to be able

to prosecute that case against the left, just like I've been able to do in Florida?


ZELENY: So, trying to make a bit of an electability argument there, trying to ask voters if they really want all this. Well, the reality is some of

them do. And many of those Republicans are here in Iowa, where the presidential campaign is going to begin in just 26 days.


As of now, the short term, at least, Donald Trump, an overwhelming leader every single poll would indicate and certainly, our reporting on the ground

does as well. The question as this heads into the next year, the Supreme Court has a variety of decisions awaiting them regarding the former

president. But as of now, it's Donald Trump's race to lose and his rivals don't expect him to do so. Bianna.

GOLODRYGA: The Supreme Court, no doubt, has a very busy schedule ahead in January. Jeff Zeleny, thank you.

ASHER: And you obviously have to go back to the year 2000 the Florida recount to find any case as significant as this potentially in front of the

Supreme Court. I want to bring in my good friend Elie Honig to break this for us. Elie, you are the perfect person to talk to about this.

Can you imagine, right, can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if you had certain states with Trump on the ballot, certain states without Trump

on the ballot, and the number of voters across the country who would feel disenfranchised? Just talk to us about which way, practically speaking, the

Supreme Court is likely to go on this, Ellie.

ELIE HONIG, CNN SENIOR LEGAL ANALYST: Well, Zain, you're channeling the dissent, the party that lost in the Colorado Supreme Court ruling, that was

one of the concerns they raised is that if this ruling stands, and I don't think it will, I'll explain why in a moment, but the dissenter said if this

ruling stands, we will have chaos. We will have different states throwing different people off the ballots for different reasons.

So, first things first, the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that anybody who engages in or gives aid or comfort to insurrection is

ineligible to hold office. The complicating part, though, is we don't know exactly how that works.

The 14th Amendment actually also tells us that the U.S. Congress needs to pass laws to tell us how it works. But they haven't done that in the 150 or

so years since the amendment was ratified.

So, what the Colorado state courts did is they sort of created a procedure. They created a hearing for Donald Trump. It was a procedure that existed in

Colorado for other purposes. And at the end of that, the district judge found he did engage in insurrection, but the law does not apply to a


Now, the Colorado Supreme Court yesterday did it one better and said he did engage in insurrection. It does apply to a president, and he's off the

ballot. That was a four to three ruling. I think it's very likely this is headed to the U.S. Supreme Court next, which can take cases from the State

Supreme Courts. And I think it's likely the U.S. Supreme Court strikes this down and restores Donald Trump to the ballot.

GOLODRYGA: So, in the unlikely chance, Elie, who by the way, I should note is also my good friend.

ASHER: We love you both. We both love you, Elie.

GOLODRYGA: Mutual adoration club here. In the unlikely chance that they do uphold this, how much of a difference would it make? Because we should note

that in nearly 30 states, have made and filed similar lawsuits.

HONIG: Yeah, Bianna, if they uphold this, or, unlikely but possible, the Supreme Court may say, we're not taking it. They don't have to take any

case here in the United States. And if they don't take it, then the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling will stand. But if this ruling stands

either way, it's going to have a big effect.

There are something on the order of two to three dozen different lawsuits following the same basic line of attack pending in various states. Now,

this is the first one that's been successful. There's been about six different states or federal courts in six different states that have

rejected this exact challenge, primarily for the reason I said it right up front.

We don't know how this process works. It would violate due process to create something now. And then the plaintiffs that people have sued have

withdrawn their lawsuits in about a dozen other states. But yes, if this stands in the unlikely but possible event this stands, that will be both an

open invitation and a roadmap to plaintiffs in other states to try to accomplish the same thing.

ASHER: I mean, I think it's, I have section three of the 14th Amendment right in front of me. And when you think about just how many questions that

are sort of hanging over this, you touched on this already, but this idea whether, you know, as to whether or not this can be done without

congressional action is really important.

And also the fact that I'm looking at it here, it's about seven or eight lines, it doesn't actually mention the president's name at all, right? That

is key. That is crucial here.

HONIG: That's an interesting wrinkle. So, the trial judge in Colorado actually ruled on that exact basis, Zain. She said, yes, I find he engaged

in insurrection. And even though the amendment applies to officers of the United States, she sort of had to thread a needle here. She said, I find

that somehow, officers of the United States does not include the President.

The Colorado Supreme Court disagreed, and I think they were right on this count. They said, of course, officers of the United States logically,

linguistically must include the President of the United States. But that's an issue that could come back in front of the Supreme Court, as well.

GOLODRYGA: Elie, I was struck by what Colorado's Chief Justice wrote in dissent. Let me read this to you and our viewers. He said, President

Trump's direct and express efforts over several months exhorting his supporters to march to the Capitol to prevent what he falsely characterized

as an alleged fraud on the people of this country were indisputably overt and voluntary.

He then went on to say, though, they pale in comparison to the complexity of an action to disqualify a candidate for engaging in insurrection.


Do you support his legal theory there?

HONIG: I think I agree with that exactly. I agree, first of all, that Donald Trump did, in fact, by any rational understanding of the term,

engage in or give aid and support to insurrection. But I also agree with the second part, which is what we cannot do in this country.

It actually violates Section One of the 14th Amendment, is come up with some procedure after the fact, sort of invent it on the fly, hold a little

hearing that's not really subject to our normal rules of due process, and then say, aha, now we got you. Now, you're disqualified retroactively. That

violates due process.

And I think what the Chief Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court is saying there, is that our processes matter, our protection of our constitutional

rights matter, and we can't just shortcut due process because we want a certain result.

ASHER: And Ellie, just talk to us about the timing, just in terms of how everything is going to sort of shake out. You've got obviously the Iowa

caucuses happening in less than a month. But also just in terms of what happens next, Trump and his team have to file an appeal and then eventually

it will get to the Supreme Court. Just walk us through what happens next year.

HONIG: Yeah, so really important. The Colorado Supreme Court seems to understand that their opinion will certainly be appealed to the U.S.

Supreme Court. So, the Colorado Supreme Court said everything we're saying here is staid, meaning it's put on pause, it's put on hold until at least

January 4th. And if there's an appeal pending at the Supreme Court by then, it will continue to be put on pause and on hold until the Supreme Court


And that's really important because if, and I think likely when, Donald Trump appeals this, that means nothing goes into effect unless and until

the U.S. Supreme Court signs off on it. And what that means as a practical matter is because Colorado's state deadline to get on the primary ballot is

January 5th.

As long as Trump files an appeal, he will still be on the primary ballot. But of course, the bigger question is will he make it onto the general

election ballot, and that's what could hang in the balance with the Supreme Court.

ASHER: All right.

GOLODRYGA: Our good friend.

ASHER: Our good friend, Elie. We love you.

HONIG: You're both -- you're two of my best. Two of my best.

ASHER: You're my bestie.

GOLODRYGA: He's blushing. Thanks, Ellie.

ASHER: Okay, bye, Elie.

GOLODRYGA: Well, there are signs today of a significant shift by Israel as its military operation in Gaza continues. A source tells CNN that Israel is

now back at the table for hostage negotiations and has proposed that Hamas release hostages in phases in exchange for a pause in fighting.

That source also stressed a deal is not imminent, though the White House called the discussions very serious. Adding to hopes for a temporary

ceasefire, Hamas says that its political chief actually visited Cairo on Wednesday. Egypt, of course, has been a very important, really sort of key

mediator just in terms of negotiating between Hamas and Israel.

I want to bring in our Jerusalem Correspondent, Jeremy Diamond. Jeremy, what's the latest in terms of what you're hearing in terms of negotiations

for more hostages to be released? What sort of conditions need to be met for Israel to give this the green light?

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN JERUSALEM CORRESPONDENT: Well, first of all it's clear that there is a flurry of activity to try and get these negotiations back

on track. Nearly three weeks after that fragile week-long truce between Israel and Hamas collapsed, it appears that both parties are at least

inching closer to the negotiating table.

We see Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas' political leader in Cairo today, David Barnea, Israel's Intelligence Chief who has been a key point person on

these hostage negotiations. He traveled to two cities in Europe over the last few days to meet with Qatar's Prime Minister, as well as the head of

the CIA, Bill Burns, also closely involved in these hostage negotiations.

So, there's clearly a lot of conversations, and apparently Israel has put at least one first proposal on the table, which would see a week-long truce

in exchange for the release of hostages on a rolling basis, as well as, of course, the release of Palestinian prisoners.

According to "Axios", 40 hostages would be part of this deal, including the women and who remain in Gaza, as well as, some of the more elderly and sick

or wounded individuals in need of more urgent medical care.

So far, it's not clear that that's a proposal that Hamas is willing to accept. In fact, their public position over the last few weeks has

basically been that a ceasefire is needed before those negotiations can actually resume.

So, that is a major sticking point that will have to be resolved before these parties can actually get down to negotiating the details of a

potential deal that would see not only a week long or more pause in the fighting once again, but also the entry of much needed aid into Gaza and of

course, the release of these Israeli hostages.

Also on the table is the fact that Hamas apparently is beginning to ask for more serious Palestinian prisoners being held in Israeli jails --

individuals who have been convicted of more serious offenses been in prison for much longer than the Palestinian prisoners who were released in that

initial round of negotiations.

But at least it appears that there is certainly a much more significant willingness on the Israeli side to get to a deal.


That is because the Israeli Prime Minister, of course, has been coming under significant pressure in Israel to reach a deal for the release of

these hostages, in particular, in the wake of the deaths of those three Israeli hostages in Gaza killed mistakenly by Israeli soldiers just last


ASHER: Yeah, and so the question is will Israel now agree to releasing the heavy hitters, right, the Palestinian prisoners that you talk about from

their jails. Jeremy Diamond, live for us there. Thank you so much.

GOLODRYGA: Well, it is an unimaginable situation that defies all comprehension. Imagine your child brutally abducted for the world to see,

and you're left wondering when will this nightmare end.

On October 7th, 19-year-old Nama Levy was dragged by her hair at gunpoint from the back of a jeep by Hamas. I sat down with her mother to discuss

that horrific moment forever frozen in her memory and why she believes time is running out and the message she wants the world to hear.


AYELET LEVY-SHACAR, DAUGHTER HELD HOSTAGE IN GAZA: My voice may be soft when I speak right now but the scream is inside me and I don't hear the

voices of the world loud enough responding to the scream. My daughter has been kidnapped by Hamas. Can you even begin to imagine that?

GOLODRYGA (voice-over): It's one of the most recognizable images from the horrors of October 7th. Nineteen-year-old Nama Levy dragged from the back

of a jeep at gunpoint by Hamas terrorists. Her pants visibly bloodied. Her ankles cut.

LEVY-SHACAR: For her, time is running out. You know, every day is harder because, you know, she's more vulnerable to whatever is happening there

and to the conditions that she's in and to what's inflicted on her.

GOLODRYGA (voice-over): The thought of what else could be inflicted on her daughter has led Dr. Ayelet Levy-Shachar to travel to New York. She's

hoping to put more pressure on women's rights organizations like U.N. Women, who waited nearly two months to condemn the sexual violence

committed by Hamas despite the mounting evidence.

GOLODRYGA: Do you feel let down by these organizations, not only their moral lapse in not speaking out. Do you think that by waiting so long they

endangered Nama's life even more?

LEVY-SHACAR: In my view, yes, you know, it wasn't timely, it wasn't enough, and that did put her -- it does put her in more danger because time is

passing by and she's not out. And then, you know, I want to just stay home -- and by the door and by the phone and wait for that call and open the

door and go out and get her.

You know that's all I want. I don't want to travel anywhere but I'm doing it because I think this is -- I think first of all the United States has

the most power here and I want to influence whoever I can.

GOLODRYGA (voice-over): Like many other families of hostages, Levi Shekhar is also disappointed in what they view as an ineffective role played by the

International Committee for the Red Cross.

While acknowledging the organization's principle of impartiality, families believe more aggressive statements like this one from the ICRC President

last week demanding access and the release of hostages could have put more pressure on Hamas.

LEVY-SHACAR: I've met with the Red Cross and the Red Cross President. I do understand there's a complexity in how they work and how they achieve their

mission. They say that they cannot make the statements to condemn or to even say that they don't have the cooperation on the other side by the

Hamas, by the ones who kidnapped. So, maybe someone can. Maybe the U.N. should come out and say ICRC cannot do their assignment.

GOLODRYGA: Why do you think they're not doing that?

LEVY-SHACAR: Good question. Why are they not doing that? Why are they not, you know, why are they not talking loud enough about these crimes against

humanity that have been committed in Israel? I don't feel it's balanced.

GOLODRYGA (voice-over): A day before her trip to New York came the shocking news from the IDF. Its soldiers had mistakenly killed three hostages who

had escaped or been abandoned by their captors.

LEVY-SHACAR: It's horrible. It's horrible tragedy. You know, I was shocked. I thought, you know, I was, the fear that I feel all the time just got

worse at that point. And you know, this is -- this is -- it's a war. I mean, this is -- there are bombings all the time and my daughter is kept

hostage there. You know, how can I, you know -- when I heard this I just, you know, it broke my heart.


I know the parents of those, you know, at least some of those hostages that were killed. You know, what can you feel? I'm just --

GOLODRYGA: Do you want them to stop?

LEVY-SHACAR: Yeah, I want to say -- that's what I was going to say. I want this to stop. I want this to stop but again, I understand that it's a, you

know, I don't know about strategies here.

GOLODRYGA: Of course, everyone can recognize the video, the horrific video of Nama on October 7th. I know for you it's really important for that video

to be shown. Can you explain why?

LEVY-SHACAR: You know, for me it's of course, beyond upsetting and I can't even watch it in continuity. I watch it like I saw different frames of it.

But I think it's so important for the world to see this is what happened. This is -- the Hamas released this video. This is what happened. This is

what happened to my daughter.

And this is a short film that is totally un-presenting of -- does not represent anything about her, except the cruelty of those moments. And you

know, the moment where, you know, our lives just stopped and froze, and it's been October 7th ever since.

So, I need the world to see that and to know and to know, and to take action. All of this is for everybody to take action and not just, you know,

show their sympathy.

GOLODRYGA (voice-over): Levy-Shachar wants the world to know who her daughter really is. A young, determined, fun loving girl who sought peace

with her Palestinian neighbors and loves pink, specifically the song, "Cover Me In Sunshine".

LEVY-SHACAR: Now, I listen to it all the time and I sing it to her. You know, I say, I tell her, the world's been spinning since the beginning and

everything will be all right. And I try to believe that myself, you know.




GOLODRYGA: The death toll in northwest China continues to rise in the aftermath of Monday's massive earthquake. At least 131 people have been

killed and hundreds injured, making it the deadliest earthquake to strike China in nearly a decade. Emergency crews are winding down search and

rescue efforts and shifting their focus to post-disaster relief.

Well, in southwest Iceland, thousands of people will not be spending Christmas in their homes because of dangerous lava flow from a volcanic


ASHER: Yeah, that's something you certainly don't see every day. I mean, the images are spectacular. The lava flow has slowed down quite a bit since

Monday's eruption.

But the mayor of the nearby town, which is called Grindavik, is saying that residents are not allowed to come back just yet. That's because it's still

not safe. A lot of people are worried about toxic gas pollution reaching the capital Reykjavik.

GOLODRYGA: Joining us now from near Grindavik is CNN's Fred Pleitgen. Fred, what more do we know? We got that warning from the mayor. Any other news?

FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (on-camera): Hi there, Bianna. Well, there certainly is. And you know, one of the reasons

why the residents of Grindavik won't be able to come back to their homes before Christmas is because, as you mentioned, the lava flow and certainly

some of those fountains of magma that we've seen, that has indeed slowed down considerably.

I was about a mile away, maybe a little less, from sort of the main fissure where that volcanic activity has been going on. However, the magma tunnel

that is still active is actually going right under the town of Grindavik. So, that's something that is still going on and that's one of the reasons

why the authorities are still so concerned.

So, while right now we're seeing a little bit less of volcanic activity, there certainly was a lot that was going on over the past day and a half.

Here's what we witnessed.


PLEITGEN (voice-over): The arctic night illuminated as the Earth breaks apart from the fissure bursts its molten core. Weeks of earthquakes led to

this display of our planet's fire and force. It's never possible to say exactly when or if a volcano like this one near the town of Grindavik will


Officials took no chances though, evacuating the population after weeks of tremors. Thousands of shakes were felt in November, and all knew what they

could bring. Thankfully, none were in Grindavik town when the volcano, around two miles away, finally did erupt.

This crack in the surface of our world, close to four kilometers or more than two miles long, spewing lava.

PLEITGEN: This is as close as the authorities are going to let us to the volcanic eruption in the southwest of Iceland. It's a so-called fissure

eruption. That means an eruption along a crack that can be several miles long rather than on a volcanic cone.

Now, one of the good things about these eruptions is that actually, usually they don't spew ash into the atmosphere very high, which can and has in the

past disrupt air travel internationally, of course, in a place like Iceland, that can have massive effect.

PLEITGEN (voice-over): Previous eruptions in Iceland have lasted weeks or even months. In the town of Grindavik, the earthquake damage is clear the

lava may follow.

HALLGRIMUR INDRIOASON, JOURNALIST: If this activity goes on then the big question is will Grindavik be inhabitable in the long run?

PLEITGEN (voice-over): Whether people can ever move back here depends on a new set of geological circumstances being created right now.


PLEITGEN (on-camera): So, geological circumstances is definitely something a lot of folks in Iceland are talking about a lot. I want to give you an

example of this area because you think it's quite interesting. Of course, there is always a lot of volcanic activity here in Iceland.

But this part of Iceland where, of course, the capital city is and the main airport is, it's been dormant for about 800 years, the local authorities

here say. But in the past two years, you have seen a set of volcanic eruptions, none of them bigger than the one that we're witnessing right

now, folks.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, this is a dream for geologists, just in the sense of having real life experience, but obviously much different for residents

there. Fred Pleitgen, thank you so much. Stay safe.

ASHER: All right, still to come here, the U.N. is saying that half of Gaza's population right now is starving. Half of them are going hungry and

only a fraction of the aid that is needed is actually getting in. And then on top of that, people there are obviously doing so much, but on top of

that, the threat of disease is looming as well. We'll get a reaction from an Israeli official after the break.



GOLODRYGA: Welcome back to "One World". I'm Bianna Golodryga. And I'm Zain Asher. I want to talk about what's happening in Gaza, especially when it

comes to the humanitarian situation there, because the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza, it's hard to imagine, but it is getting

worse by the minute.

And we can talk about the desperation, the anguish, the need right now really is mighty. And yet each day we are getting so many dire new

statistics that remind us just how painful the situation there is on the ground.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, the United Nations now says that children in Gaza have quote, "barely a drop to drink" and warns that large disease outbreaks are

looming with water and sanitation services at the point of collapse. The World Food Programme says half of Gaza's population is starving and many

people are going entire days without eating.

Two weeks ago the WFP said nine out of ten families have gone a full 24 hours without food. The UAE's deputy U.N. ambassador says the violence and

the suffering should not be allowed to continue.


MOHAMED ISSA ABUSHAHAB, DEPUTY U.N. AMBASSADOR, UAE: We are now coming to the end of what was the deadliest year in the occupied Palestinian

territory. This should be a wake-up call that the current status quo cannot be allowed to continue. Just because those with the extremist voices shout

the loudest does not mean that they should decide the fate of the region.


GOLODRYGA: Time now for The Exchange and our conversation with IDF spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner joins us now from Tel Aviv.

Peter, thanks so much for taking the time. I want to get to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza in just a moment, but I do want to begin with

the renewed talks of the hostage negotiations, which a source tells CNN are, quote, "very serious".

"The Wall Street Journal", in addition to that, is reporting that according to Egyptian officials involved in these negotiations, Israel has offered a

one-week ceasefire in exchange for the release of 40 of roughly 100 hostages, including all remaining women and children, as well as elderly

male hostages who need urgent medical treatment.


I don't know if you heard my interview with Nama Levy's mother earlier in this show. It is just a nightmare situation for these families who are so

desperate to get their loved ones home, to get proof of life even. Can you confirm any of this reporting and how close is Israel to agreeing to this

hostage deal?

PETER LERNER, RETIRED LIEUTENANT COLONEL, IDF SPOKESPERSON: No, sorry, good evening. Thank you for having me. A hundred and twenty nine hostages remain

in the clutches of Hamas, including 11-month-old Kfir Bivas, who just turned 11 months old.

And so, of course, when you're asking if there are negotiations, there have been ongoing engagements in order to create the operational ability to

bring hostages home. Indeed, we proved once before that we will hold our fire, if instructed to do so by the government, in order to bring hostages

home, because the hostages are precisely one of the core goals of our war effort. We need to bring them home. We need to bring every last one of them


GOLODRYGA: Can you confirm, though, any of the details that "The Wall Street Journal" is reporting, sort of the parameters that Israel is

agreeing to, and that is a one-week ceasefire in exchange for all women and children and elderly men?

LERNER: Well, I can't comment on specifics. I'm just saying on the principle, of course, the IDF has held its fire before in order to create

the conditions to bring home hostages. So, that is definitely a possibility.

ASHER: And Peter, I mean, obviously, given the accidental killing of three Israeli hostages, of course, the IDF right now is under so much pressure.

From what we're understanding, Hamas doesn't just want -- this is an exchange for a truce or a temporary ceasefire -- Hamas doesn't just want

women and children released from prisons.

They now want their top dogs, right, their heavy hitters released from prison. Just walk us through whether the IDF is at this point open to that,

especially given how much pressure Netanyahu and the IDF is under, given the accidental killings of those three Israeli hostages that we saw last


LERNER: Zain, I think we are actually in a position where we're even talking about it precisely because the IDF is increasing its pressure

against Hamas. We've seen yesterday and the recent days and CNN have covered it extensively, the tunnels that we're exposing. And we are tearing

down layer by layer Hamas' infrastructure, their ability to operate freely and their ability to act against Israel.

So, I would say the reality on the ground is one that is the military pressure that is increasing the likelihood of hostages on one hand, but

also being returned, but also in achieving our goals of dismantling and destroying Hamas from being a governing authority in Gaza.

GOLODRYGA: Peter, we know that the reality on the ground there in Gaza is dire and only getting worse. About 85 percent of the population there is

displaced at this point. There's concern about disease spreading, as well.

We heard Secretary of State Antony Blinken say just moments ago that the U.S. wants a shift to a more targeted operation in Gaza by the Israelis and

that is something that we heard from the Defense Secretary during his trip there, as well. When can we expect to see that targeted shift from the IDF?

LERNER: So, the reality is, of course, we are very attentive to our American allies, and we have ongoing working relationship and open

dialogue. I would say even intimate dialogue with our American allies, both in the defense and military. Of course, we are listening very carefully to

what the administration is saying.

I was also listening earlier to what the Secretary of State Blinken said that this war could be over if Hamas unconditionally surrendered and

released all the hostages and laid down their weapons. There would be no need to continue the war. Unfortunately, it was Hamas, and it is Hamas,

that has determined the battleground behind the people of Gaza who are paying dearly for the failed leadership of Hamas.

Our efforts currently and we continue to bring in and facilitate humanitarian aid every day, the numbers are increasing. Today, Israel is

not preventing the amount of aid that can go in. It is the capacity on the Egyptian side and on the Palestinian side of Rafa that is preventing that

and limiting it. We are increasing our activity, some 80,000 tons of good of medical supplies, food supplies, shelter has gone into Gaza.

Of course, it is the people and the images coming out of Gaza are terrible and we have to continually ask ourselves, why are we at this situation and

why are the people playing so deadly?

ASHER: Just in terms of the main objective here, to destroy, to completely eliminate Hamas, do you think that needs to evolve.


I mean, some people say, listen, just in terms of speaking practically here, it might be possible to take out Hamas' military wing. It might

indeed be possible to take out Hamas' political wing.

But when you consider the fact that 60 percent of Palestinians in Gaza were born after the year 2000, that means that most people, especially the young

people in Gaza have been educated by Hamas, that means that when you look to the future and the end this war, in terms of the day after, it is highly

likely that Hamas will exist, will still exist in Gaza in some capacity.

Do the objectives here need to evolve? And what are your thoughts on this idea that it is highly likely that even after this war ends that Hamas will

likely still exist in that enclave in some capacity?

LERNER: Zain, I listened to your description of the reality in Gaza under Hamas' rule. And is this the reality, these people, the people of Gaza need

to endure, being ruled by a ruthless, merciless terrorist organization? And on the other hand, I would ask, what other alternatives do Israel have?

Do we just say, let's hope the sixth, the seventh of October doesn't happen again, because Hamas want to rule the Gaza Strip as a staging ground for

ruthless, merciless, brutal attacks against our people?

The reality is one that there needs to be a paradigm change, a change where Hamas never has the powers to build such a ruthless war machine against

Israel, a terrorist entity, a governing authority that has used 16 years, not for the good of the people of Gaza, but for tunnels.

You've seen the extent of these tunnels. They are the most expensive, expansive construction projects ever to exist in the Gaza Strip. Imagine if

they would have built above ground. Imagine if they would have invested in education, in health, in the infrastructure.

The people of Gaza could have benefited from all of the aid that they got. But unfortunately, Iran gave Hamas 100 million, or continues to give Hamas,

100 million dollars a year, not for the good of the people of Gaza, but precisely for acts like the 7th of October. That's a reality Israel just

can't accept to re-occur. And so, I would say, yes. Our goals are two-fold, dismantling and destroying Hamas and bringing home the hostages, every last

one of them.

GOLODRYGA: Peter, if I could just quickly pick up on the point of what the day after looks like, because there are reports that Hamas' political

leaders in Doha have been talking with their Palestinian rivals, the P.A., Fatah, about sort of a coalition governance when this war ends. Is that

something that would be acceptable to the Israeli government?

LERNER: So, of course, the Israeli government has said its words on its expectations. And I would say from the military's perspective, I would say

ideally, the people of Gaza need to determine their own destiny. But from our perspective, it needs to be a destiny without terrorism.

GOLODRYGA: Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner, thank you so much for your time.

ASHER: Thank you, Peter.

GOLODRYGA: We appreciate it. All right, still to come, when it comes to shedding pounds, what's old is apparently new again. Why older weight loss

pills are making a comeback? We'll have a CNN exclusive report for you after the break.



GOLODRYGA: Well, as new weight loss medications like Zepbound and Wegovy grow in popularity, the demand and the cost is making it hard for many

people to actually get these drugs.

ASHER: Yeah, and a CNN exclusive report found that that's why some patients are now turning to older weight loss pills instead. CNN's medical

correspondent, Meg Tirrell, is covering the story. She joins us live now. So, Meg, how hard is it still right now to actually get some of these

weight loss drugs?

MEG TIRRELL, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: It can be nearly impossible for some patients, even who qualify based on their BMI, to get these medicines.

For one reason, they're in such high demand, they're in shortage in many doses. And for another, these medicines have list prices of approaching a

thousand dollars or even more than a thousand dollars per month.

And so oftentimes, insurance providers won't cover them. You've got Ozempic approaching a thousand dollars. Other medicines up there, Wegovy, which is

approved for chronic weight management, more than $1300 a month before insurance.

We talked with one patient, Kristi Wynn who had prescriptions for each one of these. She qualified for them based on her BMI, but she experienced

either shortages or insurance problems with each one. Her doctor told us Zepbound, which is the newest drug available, she's getting 75 percent of

her requests for insurance reimbursement rejected for that medicine. So, that's just how hard it is for these right now.

ASHER: Okay, so what are the options? You mentioned Christie. So what older drugs are patients like Christie now turning to?

TIRRELL: So, there's a drug called Phentermine, which has been around since the 1950s, that doctors are increasingly prescribing. We have some

exclusive data from Epic Research showing that prescription rates for that medicine are up 34 percent over the past six years.

For another medicine called bupropion, which is better known as Wellbutrin and antidepressant, that's been around for decades, as well. And just in

the past six years, that's up almost 30 percent itself. Metformin is another drug that's being used increasingly.

And what doctors say is that a lot of patients are coming into the door because they've heard about Ozempic or Wegovy, but for a myriad of reasons

they may not be able to get those or they decide they're not appropriate for them and so then they might take an older medicine.

ASHER: And then how does the older drugs -- how do they compare with the newer ones?

TIRRELL: Well, typically they're not quite as effective, although they can be for some patients. For Christy, she told us her story. She essentially

did get access to Ozempic for three months and she lost 10 pounds. Then she switched to Mounjaro for a year, lost another 10 pounds, but then she lost

access to the medicines altogether.

And over just three months, she said she gained back 80 percent of the weight that she had lost. And so, finally then, her doctor started her on

bupropion and she said that stopped the incessant weight gain she was experiencing.

But now, of course, Zepbound is available and she's just gotten a prescription for that. And so, this can be really problematic for patients,

but at least these older medicines offer some alternatives for them if they can't get the new ones.

ASHER: All right, Meg, Tirrell, always good to see you. Thank you so much.

GOLODRYGA: The names of more than 150 of Jeffrey Epstein's alleged associates and victims will be made public next year following a ruling by

a U.S. judge.

ASHER: Yeah, Epstein was indicted in 2019. He was accused of operating sex trafficking ring and sexually abusing dozens of girls who were underage.

The multimillionaire died. He committed suicide while waiting in -- while being in jail awaiting trial. The court order says that some victims will

remain unnamed because the nature of these crimes as I said is sensitive. We'll be right back.






ASHER: There she goes. Blue Origin is back in business. It's successfully launched an unscrewed science mission Tuesday from its facilities in West

Texas. It's the first lift-off after the Jeff Bezos-founded company spent more than one year recovering from a failed test flight.

GOLODRYGA: Although no one was on board Tuesday, Blue Origin hopes to restart tourist trips for wealthy thrill-seekers who want to go to the edge

of space. So far, the new Shepard rockets have flown 22 successful missions, including six with passengers on board.

ASHER: You know, we were just saying that's certainly not for me. It's just not for me.

GOLODRYGA: It's not on my wish list, no. Google could be cutting you a check, though it might be a small one. As part of an anti-trust settlement,

Google has agreed to pay $630 million to roughly 102 million. Do the math for me here, Bianna. You're the smart one. Do the math.

GOLODRYGA: You're my calculator. No, no. I won't take you to states.

ASHER: Okay. Google has had to dish out another $70 million to states, as well.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, this settlement resolves long-running allegations that Google harmed competition through its App Store terms and fees. Well, most

of those impacted will not need to file a claim to receive a payment. Those eligible for compensation will get $2 or perhaps more.

So there we go. We just needed to wait for that. It depends on how much they spent at the Google Play Store between August 16, 2016 and September

of this year.

ASHER: I was just about to get out my calculator.

GOLODRYGA: Just read a little more.

ASHER: Okay. And Ohio Bowler in a special needs league is celebrating a rare feat. He bowled a perfect score, 300 points.

GOLODRYGA: That's fantastic. As our affiliate WEWS reports, Andy Rivera credits his biggest fan for helping him get there.


NADINA BUSADA (voice-over): To be good at bowling, it takes practice, technique, and focus. All of which Andy Rivera has mastered.

BUSADA: You're really good at bowling.


BUSADA: Andy became a bowler early on in his life.

ELBA PEREZ, ANDY'S SISTER: They noticed how he loved it and how well he did.

BUSADA (voice-over): So 25 years ago, Andy's mom decided to start a bowling league for those with special needs at Redmond Recreation.

PEREZ: For me, they just want to be part of a community. They just want to be accepted basically.

BUSADA (voice-over): And it still exists today.

PATTI REBMAN, OWNER, REBMAN CRESTION: We have probably, I would say, close to 75 individuals at bowl every week. And then we do run tournaments where

we'll get over 100 bowlers of the special needs at all ages.

BUSADA (voice-over): Which is where he spends every week roll after roll, Celebration after celebration, getting better and better.

PEREZ: If it was up to Andy, he probably would bowl every day.

BUSADA (voice-over): And earlier this month, it paid off when he showed his undeniable skills.

REBMAN: I heard everybody yelling.


I was in the office. I could hear them, "Andy, Andy."

BUSADA (voice-over): Bowling something even the best can't always pinpoint. He bowled a 300. And every time he replays that moment, he's still

overwhelmed with excitement and disbelief. But it's not just because of his perfect game.

PEREZ: He misses our parents and I know, you know, mom was the one that would bring him when she was here.

BUSADA (voice-over): It's because his biggest fan, the main reason he still bowls today was there in spirit.

PEREZ: Mom's anniversary of passing was December 5th of 2020 and he did this on December 9th. So, I personally feel that she's here.

BUSADA (voice-over): So, every strike he makes, he's got mom on mind.

BUSADA: Now when you come here, do you still feel like she's here?


BUSADA: Is that why you love it?

RIVERA: Yeah. I love it. Yeah,

BUSADA: And now, he's rolling for the perfect round two. Reporting in Lorraine, Nadina Busada, News 5.


GOLODRYGA: Listen, I would not bet against Andy.

ASHER: Yes, that was so heartwarming.


ASHER: You're a bowler too, aren't you?

GOLODRYGA: I mean, not like Andy. But yes, I did enjoy bowling growing up. It's a fun American pastime. Well, that does it for this hour of "One

World". Thanks so much for watching. I'm Bianna Golodryga.

ASHER: I'm Zain Asher. Amanpour is up next. Be back tomorrow.