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One World with Zain Asher

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Opposes The Establishment Of A Palestinian State Once The War In Gaza Is Over; White House Says That President Biden And U.S. Officials Will Continue To Press The Case For Having A Two-State Solution; Thousands Of People Poured Into The Streets Of Yemen's Capital Unfurling Palestinian Flags; Thousands Of Anti-Abortion Advocates Gather On The National Mall For The March For Life; Japan Announces The Landing Of SLIM On The Moon; Atlas Air Cargo Plane's Engine Sparks While Airborne; "The Atlantic" CEO Nick Thompson Talks About The World's Readiness For Artificial Intelligence; Madonna Fans Suing Their Pop Star For Starting Her Concert Two Hours Late. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired January 19, 2024 - 12:00   ET



ZAIN ASHER, CNN ANCHOR: All right, coming to you live from New York, I'm Zain Asher. You are indeed watching ONE WORLD. I want to begin with a

dramatic difference of opinion between two staunch allies. I'm talking about Israel and the United States.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that he opposes --he opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state once the war in Gaza is over,

despite the U.S. calling for a revival of the now dormant two-state solution.

This isn't the first time that Mr. Netanyahu has rejected calls for Palestinian statehood. But this does really show the widening gap between

both allies. Here's what the Israeli Prime Minister had to say.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER (through translator): The state of Israel must control the security of all the land which is west of the

Jordan River. That is a truth that I am saying to our friends, the Americans, and have also blocked an attempt to force upon us a reality

which will hurt the security of Israel. Prime Minister in Israel must be able to say no even to the closest of our friends.


ASHER: Meantime, American officials say there is simply no way to provide lasting security for Israel without establishing a Palestinian state.

Jeremy Diamond is standing by for us in Tel Aviv. Arlette Saenz is at the White House with more on the U.S. reaction.

Jeremy, I want to start with you. The thing is, Jeremy, there is clearly zero trust on both sides. Israel wants to ensure, understandably, that

October 7th can never, ever happen again. So, it wants to really establish security control.

But the White House is basically saying, look, the cycle of violence here is going to continue unless there is at least eventual, some signs of a

possible future Palestinian state here. What gives?

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, that's right. And listen, the reality is that Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly rejected the creation of

a Palestinian state throughout his political career. And this is not the first time that he has done so since October 7th.

In fact, he has taken credit in the past at some of these wartime news conferences for the fact that a Palestinian state does not exist today and

arguing that if one did exist, it would represent an even bigger threat than Hamas represented to Israel on October 7th.

What the Israeli Prime Minister is saying is he believes Israel is incompatible with the creation of a Palestinian state, but that is

completely at odds, of course, with how U.S. officials see the future of this conflict, see what could potentially be an opportunity that could

emerge out of this conflict to establish a Palestinian state, to bring Israel more in line with its Arab neighbors, more integrated into the

region, and more broadly be more secure in the longer term.

But what's also becoming increasingly clear is that the Israeli Prime Minister is not only at odds on this front with American counterparts, but

he is also increasingly at odds with members of his own war cabinet and other Israeli politicians, not necessarily on this issue of the creation of

a Palestinian state. But there are other rifts that are beginning to emerge in this war cabinet.

Gadi Eisenkot, who is an observing member of this war cabinet, he doesn't have voting rights, but he is a member of the war cabinet, was brought in

as part of the opposition with Benny Gantz, who came into this wartime cabinet as a kind of unity effort.

And he is saying that he believes there needs to be new elections in Israel, saying that there is a total lack of trust in Israel in Prime

Minister Netanyahu's leadership effectively.

And he is also criticizing the way in which the war is being conducted, saying effectively that the Israeli Prime Minister and other leaders,

without naming them directly, are lying when they say that Hamas has been eliminated from the northern part of the Gaza Strip. And he is also calling

for prioritizing the release of hostages over the war effort, saying that there should be some kind of a longer-term ceasefire to secure the release

of more hostages.

And that is perhaps one of the most defining lines that we are starting to see in the Israeli public is the priority and the difference between

prioritizing the war effort itself, prioritizing the release of the hostages. And it may be a defining issue should there be elections called

at some point in the future.

ASHER: All right, Jeremy, stand by. Let me bring you in, because just in terms of what Netanyahu said about rejecting calls for Palestinian

statehood, I mean, this isn't the first time that Biden and Netanyahu who haven't seen eye to eye when it comes to their approaches with the war in



But just walk us through what the White House is saying here.

ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (on-camera): Well, the White House says that President Biden and U.S. officials will continue to press

the case for having a two-state solution. That is something that President Biden has felt strongly about in the past and something that they will

continue to press despite these recent comments from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

But what this episode really does, it's another flashpoint as we've seen these tensions between the two leaders really start to spill out into

public view over the course of the past few months. Now, an official here at the White House said that in the past, Netanyahu has changed his mind on

certain positions, on things like having those pauses and fighting for hostages, getting more humanitarian aid.

So, officials here don't necessarily view this as the final word, but the U.S. has been very clear that they do think that the plan for a post-war

Gaza does include the creation of a Palestinian state. That is something that top officials have stressed. Vice President Harris spoke about that

when she was traveling in Dubai last year meeting with Arab leaders.

But it also comes, as you have just seen these moments, where the U.S. is publicly supporting Israel, but there is some frustration behind the scenes

that all of the advice and pressure that the U.S. has been putting on Israel hasn't necessarily been followed.

You will think back to what President Biden, just a few months ago said that Israel was starting to lose international support due to their

indiscriminate bombing in Gaza, and they also have just been trying to stress the need to try to transition into minimizing civilian casualties.

But all of this really highlights a lot of the tension that has been spilling into public view between the U.S. and Israel. Of course, the White

House saying that these comments will not change any of their position.

ASHER: All right. Arlette Saenz, live for us there. Jeremy Diamond, thank you both so much. Okay. Thousands of people poured into the streets of

Yemen's capital, unfurling Palestinian flags -- huge demonstration. Take a look.


ASHER: All right, they chanted anti-U.S. slogans. They waved signs. This, of course, comes after American jets once again struck Iranian-backed

Houthi targets in Yemen. The government hopes that it will stop. It will stop the rebels' attacks on vessels in the Red Sea.

That clearly hasn't happened yet. Houthi rebels continue to target foreign vessels, but the U.S. hope -- says that it will continue to strike the

rebels for as long as necessary.

And we are also following a huge demonstration in the U.S. Capitol, as well. Thousands of anti-abortion advocates have gathered on the National

Mall for the March for Life, which is an anti-abortion event that takes place every January in the U.S.

This will be the second March for Life event since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, effectively leaving abortion up to the states.

Organizers say that they're working towards their ultimate goal, which is completely eliminating abortion across the United States. Gabe Cohen is at

the March. He joins us live now. So, this could really be an important issue for the presidential election here. Gabe.

GABE COHEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Zain, that's something on the mind certainly of organizers and the politicians who are taking part in this

event, like the new House Speaker, Republican Mike Johnson. And look, it is a, as you can see, snowy, frigid day here in the nation's capital. You can

barely see the Washington Monument behind me, and yet there is this massive crowd who has gathered here.

Look, they've been doing the March for Life for more than 50 years, but as you mentioned, this is just the second march since the Dobbs decision, and

it comes in this election year when Democrats, over the past two years have really been successful in using women's reproductive rights and the

abortion issue very effectively as a way to energize voters and get them out to the polls.

And so, what we have seen with the March for Life is a real shift in the language this year. The theme this year is with every woman for every

child. And that language was really intentional. Putting the mother first, trying to communicate to Americans everywhere that they still value women's

reproductive rights.

But the question is, will that resonate at all with voters who, based on polling and what we have seen in the memorandums that have passed in

several states, including Ohio and Kansas, Kentucky, Red States that voters overwhelmingly have rejected that message and said that they want abortion


So, we're going to hear from the House Speaker, Mike Johnson, in just a few minutes. It's going to be interesting to hear what message he communicates,

given that Republicans in Congress have really not been successful at this point pushing any sort of anti-abortion measures.

And I've spoken with people in the crowd who still praise the House Speaker saying his values are in the right place. The overwhelming, based on the

people I've spoken with, the overwhelming majority of people here seem to support a national ban on abortion.


Although I have spoken to others who said, look, that would be too polarizing in this moment. This should be a state's rights issues. But we

are seeing the President and the Vice President take on this issue, travel the country as part of a new initiative making Abortion Access and Women's

Reproductive Rights a top issue for 2024.

We heard Senator Elizabeth Warren, the Democrat from Massachusetts, say abortion is on the ballot in 2024. So, that's on everyone's minds as this

event gets underway. There are going to be a few speakers here over the next 30 minutes or so and then a march to the Supreme Court.

It's sort of symbolic, the organizers said, of how this issue has played out in recent decades, of course, ending at the Supreme Court, where the

Dobbs decision came down just about a year and a half ago. Zain.

ASHER: Yeah, it's interesting because a lot of people say that the abortion issue is perhaps one of the most important reasons why the

Republicans did not do as well in the last mid-term. Gabe Cohen, we have to leave it there. Thank you so much. We appreciate it.

All right, the countdown is on. There are four days left until the New Hampshire primary -- until New Hampshire chooses their pick for a

Republican presidential nominee.

Despite a third-place finish in Iowa, Nikki Haley, she is going all in. She's going all in on New Hampshire, hoping to do much, much better against

her rivals there. Polls show her within striking distance of the front runner Donald Trump, her popularity, of course, being boosted by the

state's more moderate primary voters and independents who are looking for an alternative to Trump.

But Haley has certainly had a few gaffes over the course of her campaign, most notably when she failed to mention slavery was a cause of the Civil

War. And once again, last night during CNN's Town Hall, when she reaffirmed her view that America has never been a racist country. For more on this,

here's our Eva McKend.


EVA MCKEND, U.S. NATIONAL POLITICS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Nikki Haley, barnstorming New Hampshire with just days to go before the primary.

NIKKI HALEY, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Look, I mean, we want to do better than we did in Iowa. That's my personal goal.

MCKEND (voice-over): And Haley spoke to a statement she made earlier this week during an interview where she said America has never been a racist


HALEY: America is not perfect. We have our stains.

MCKEND (voice-over): She said as a child, she experienced racism but also maintains she refuses to believe the premise America was ever a racist


HALEY: I was a brown girl that grew up in a small rural town. We had plenty of racism that we had to deal with. But my parents never said we

lived in a racist country. Haley wants voters to consider what a rematch between former President Trump and President Biden will mean for the


HALEY: Do we really want to have two 80-year-olds running for President? We need people who love America and realize if your time is gone, move out

of the way.

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: And I think, cognitively, I'm better than I was 20 years ago.

MCKEND (voice-over): Trump hitting back at Haley, calling his former U.N. Ambassador weak.

TRUMP: She would not be able to handle that position. She would not be able to handle the onslaught. With all of that being said within the

Republican Party, I want to bring unity.

MCKEND (voice-over): Trump has sharpened his attacks against Haley, even resorting to calling her by her first name, Nimrada -- an attack meant to

be a racist dog whistle against his rival.

HALEY: I know President Trump well. That's what he does when he feels threatened. That's what he does when he feels insecure.

MCKEND (voice-over): On Thursday, Trump's lawyers filed a brief to the Supreme Court urging them to reverse Colorado's decision to remove him from

the ballot. Trump is claiming Biden is the real threat to democracy in response to Biden arguing the same thing about him.

TRUMP: Well, we put on three great justices and you have some other great justices up there and they're not going to take the vote away from the

people. Now, Biden is a threat to democracy.

MCKEND (voice-over): Biden, for his part, is looking to the general election, campaigning in North Carolina.


MCKEND (voice-over): The President is facing a primary challenge in New Hampshire, even though he is not on the ballot. His supporters are hoping

Biden can win the primary as a write-in candidate.

DEAN PHILLIPS (D-MN, 3RD DISTRICT): Are you ready for change?

MCKEND (voice-over): Representative Dean Phillips, who is running a lesser-known operation against Biden, is campaigning in New Hampshire and

picked up a key endorsement from former Democratic candidate Andrew Yang.


ASHER: All right, and Eva McKend joins us live now. Just interesting sort of watching that town hall. I mean, it's one thing to say that America

isn't a racist country. It's another thing to say that a country that was founded on slavery has never been a racist country.


And it's another thing to say that at a time when the Republican front- runner, Donald Trump, is making racist dog whistles at her, as well. Just walk us through that, Eva.

MCKEND (on-camera): It's remarkable, the dynamics, Zain, but listen. Nikki Haley is speaking to Republican primary voters and they, by and large, when

you speak to them, they say, we are tired of being characterized as racist. We think that the left overemphasizes the impact of racism in America.

We want to move on, we want to adopt the colorblind society. So, Nikki Haley is trying to appeal directly to those voters and that is why she is

singing this tune and consistently sort of stepping in it when it comes to race.

ASHER: All right, Eva, so sorry to interrupt. I'm just being told there is a press conference from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency about the

spacecraft on the moon. Let's listen in.


UNKNOWN: In 2020, JST, a Smart Lander for Investigating Moon landed on the moon.

KUNINAKA, DIRECTOR GENERAL, INSTITUTE OF SPACE AND ASTRONOMICAL SCIENCE (through translator): We have been able to confirm that it has arrived on

the moon surface. My name is Kuninaka, the Director General of ISAS. As was explained, Smart Lander for Investigating Moon, SLIM, and we made a

challenge to landing on the moon.

Now, the SLIM has been communicating to the Earth's station and it is receiving command from the Earth accurately and the spacecraft is

responding to this in a normal way. However, it seems that the solar cell is not generating electricity at this point in time. And since we are not

able to generate electricity, and so the operation is being done using batteries on load.

And based on the data -- and landing has been stored on this spacecraft. And so, we are trying to data source that to the Earth and we are making

effort to maximize the scientific achievement. And during the descent to the moon and while hovering above the moon surface, we have been able to

separate LEV-1. And LEV-1, once separated, will automatically send the signal, and that has been successful.

So, we do consider LEV-1 and LEV-2 have been successfully separated. And we are making an effort to acquire data at this point in time. And in order

for us to analyze the data, we will require some time. That has been the case, a schedule from the start.

And so, in regards to sharing of the data, we will require a little more time. And so, what we know at this point in time is, as I have explained,

and so we are still gathering data to understand the situation of our space craft. Also, SLIM has targeted the high precision landing with an accuracy

of 100 meters. Well, we require to do a detailed analysis of data as we have indicated in advance.

And so, as to whether we have been able to achieve 100-meter accuracy or not, we would require a little more time for us to be able to confirm on

this point. And also, so we will gather the data. We have been able to gather and we are hoping of holding a press conference next week.

As for a precise date, we will inform you next week. And so that is what we know at this point in time.

UNKNOWN (through translator): Thank you very much. Any comment from --

UNKNOWN (through translator): Thank you. Thank you very much. The materials have been distributed to everybody in the venue and also those

who are participating through Webex online and we are also web streaming this program. So, if you haven't received the materials yet, please wait

for them.

And also there will be a press release on the website of JAXA and we are updating information every now and then on the website. So, please be

patient to receive the materials. Thank you very much indeed.


From now on, without further ado, I would like to start taking questions from the members of the press. So, we have members joining in the venue as

well as online participants. So, first, participants in the venue, followed by questions by online participants if you are participating through

webline, please state your name and affiliation by typing that into the chat, and then we will appoint you.

So, from the venue, please wait for the microphone. Once you get the microphone, please state your name and affiliation before you ask your

question. And since there are many members of the media joining this session, so please limit your question to just one question and be brief.


ASHER: All right. You've just been listening to a live press conference out of Japan. Japan, essentially confirming that the lunar spacecraft --

lunar spacecraft spacecraft is now on the moon. They had been checking its status earlier. They weren't necessarily sure, but they have confirmed that

the lunar spacecraft is on the moon. It landed around 12:20 A.M., Saturday, local time.

They said that it is receiving command from the Earth. Unfortunately, though, they did mention the solar cell is not generating electricity, that

it is using batteries. And as a result, because this has been successful, Japan is now officially the fifth country ever to accomplish this.

All right, still to come here, more than three months in captivity and their loved ones are still holding out hope. Ahead, Bianna speaks with the

mother of Israeli hostage Hersch Goldberg-Polin about what keeps her going and the message she wants the world to hear.


RACHEL GOLDBERG-POLIN, MOTHER OF ISRAELI HOSTAGE HERSH GOLDBERG-POLIN: Someone stuck a microphone in my face and said, do you feel it? Who's

failing you? And I said, all of us. I said, you're failing me. And she looked taken aback. I said, I'm failing all of us. Everyone is failing

these human beings.




ASHER: Frustration, outrage and calls for immediate action in Tel Aviv today. Hundreds of women marched through the streets demanding their

government and the international community do more to secure the release of hostages who are still in Hamas captivity.

For the members, the family members rather, of those being held, it has been three months, more than three months actually, of unimaginable

torture. Our Bianna Golodryga spoke to the mother of one of those hostages. She explains what keeps her going and why she still has not lost faith in




BIANNA GOLODRYGA, CNN ANCHOR: You're now in triple digits of wearing the number of days that Hersch has not been with you. In fact, Hersch is

supposed to be in India.

GOLDBERG-POLIN: That's right.

GOLODRYGA: That's a long trip now. And I was really struck by one of the reasons you gave for wearing the number on your shirt. And that is to make

people feel uncomfortable.

I think that adds to the point you just made about people doing more, the world collectively coming together to get these hostages home, because it

is not normal that 136 people are not at home with their families. What has been the reaction to the number?

GOLDBERG-POLIN: So, it's been very strong, and I actually think it's very helpful. Even last month I was in Geneva, speaking at the U.N. And at

passport control, the man who was stamping my passport said, what's 67? And I said, oh, it's the days that -- since my son was stolen from me. And he

said, what are you talking about? And I told, and you know, there are people behind in line and I talked to him for maybe 30 seconds and he

stamped my passport, he gave it back. He said, I'll be praying for him.

And you know, that happens every single day, everywhere I am. So here, even in the grocery store yesterday in Davos as we ran in to get some drinks,

you know, the cashier said, what's 102? And, you know, you say to someone, it's the amount of days since my son was stolen from me and has been held

hostage, and his arm was blown off before he was stolen and he's a civilian and he's -- and I know nothing.

And the woman, you know, reached out and said, I'll be praying for him. And someone stuck a microphone in my face and said, do you feel that you're --

who's failing you? And I said, all of us. I said, you're failing me. And she looked taken aback. I said, I'm failing all of us. Everyone is failing

these human beings who are trapped there.

GOLODRYGA: The fact that you have room in your heart, and even in this short time that you and I are speaking, to bring up those in Gaza who are

suffering, something that's just beyond admirable given what you yourself are going through. But learning more about Hersh, it's clear to me it's

something that he would want you to reference, as well.

He's somebody who was really trying to build bridges for many years. And you talked about a letter that you received from a Muslim boy who said that

there is a prayer when somebody really wants something that he and his mother participate in, and that's what they do when they pray to Allah.


GOLODRYGA: What was your reaction when you heard that, when you read that, and why is it important for you to relay that?

GOLDBERG-POLIN: It gave me such hope, and I'm living in a universe that's so far away from where you live. And, you know, and something that actually

Pope Francis said to me that gave me a lot of hope was, he said, you know, you've experienced terrorism, which is the absence of humanity. And that

was -- it was so concise, but it was so wise because it made me realize I don't have to lose hope in humanity.

What we experienced and what Hersch experiences and what we experience every day -- it's an absence. It's not that we have to lose hope. And I

definitely think about always in these conflicts, it's the innocent people who suffer. Always, throughout world history and throughout every conflict

that's happening today, all around the world. This isn't just in that specific neighborhood.

GOLODRYGA: You have two daughters, two Hersch's sisters.


GOLODRYGA: Thank God. And I asked you on day 43, and I'm so sorry that we still have to meet again. I'm so sorry that you still have to do these

interviews. I really am. I asked you how they were doing. How they're doing now.

GOLDBERG-POLIN: You know, they've shown me that you can be resilient even when you're in the midst of a trauma. And I'm proud of them. And they're

very strengthening to me. I feel bad that they have to be strengthening to me because my job as a mother, I like to be the person who is giving them

you know, what they need. But they have in these last 103 days and more so in the last, you know, 50 days, they've had to become maternal to me.

GOLODRYGA: I want to end by talking about Hersch. So, tell us about him. Tell us about Hersch.

GOLDBERG-POLIN: Well, Hersch got the BUG for Geography in first grade because he had this wonderful teacher who just said, nobody studies

Geography anymore. You're all learning Geography.


And so, he also became obsessed with the idea of travel. And so, even from first and second grade, he was planning a massive trip around the world

that he would eventually take. As you mentioned before, his ticket was for December 27th. We actually went to the airport on that day with 50 of our


And we went to where the flight was. El Al allowed us to go and give stickers of Hersch to everyone on his flight. And we said to them, send us

pictures when you get to these far-flung places. And they've sent from Nepal and Thailand and India and Vietnam and said come on, Hersh, we're

waiting for you with stickers up.

And I'm praying that he'll come home and get the help that he needs and he will get to go take that trip and he'll get to places and say why is my

sticker everywhere? And then he'll be like, mom, why do you do that?


ASHER: Very powerful interview. All right, still to come, increasing tensions in the Middle East are only adding to the fear of a possible

escalation in the Israel Hamas war. And this week, there are certainly a lot of new reasons to be concerned. We'll have that after the break.


ASHER: All right, welcome back to ONE WORLD. I'm Zain Asher. The White House is openly admitting that Houthi rebels haven't been deterred from

carrying out attacks in the Red Sea despite continued U.S. airstrikes.


And it's adding to growing concerns about the possibility of a larger regional Middle Eastern war.

On Thursday, Washington fired a fifth round of retaliatory strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen, and U.S. President Joe Biden promises they won't

be the last.


REPORTER: Are the strikes in Yemen working?

BIDEN: Well, when you say working, are they stopping the Houthis? No. Are they going to continue? Yes.


ASHER: Well, the Houthis are vowing to continue their attacks, as well. And so far, American airstrikes haven't stopped the rebels from harassing

commercial ships in one of the world's busiest waterways. So, what's behind the boldness in terms of the Houthi rebels?

The Houthis are backed by one of the region's most powerful countries, Iran. And Tehran hasn't taken a direct role in the Red Sea attacks. But

over the past few days, it has gotten involved in separate skirmishes by launching missile strikes on targets in Iraq, Pakistan and in Syria.

So much to talk about here. Time now for The Exchange and my conversation with U.S. Senator Chris Coons. He joins us live now from Wilmington,

Delaware. Senator, thank you so much for joining us. So good to see you, as always. Lots to talk about here.

As I was just saying there, the Houthi rebels have continued their attacks despite five rounds -- five rounds of American airstrikes. I understand

that the U.S. believes that their capabilities have been downgraded. But clearly, not downgraded enough. Why haven't these strikes been as effective

as some might hope?

CHRIS COONS, U.S. SENATE DEMOCRAT: Well, Zain, I'm glad that in your framing of this piece, you identified correctly Iran as the source of so

much of the training and the equipment and the funding for a whole series of regional actors -- Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon, Hamas that carried out

horrific attacks against Israeli civilians on October 7th, and the Houthis in Yemen who are now launching drones and missiles against civilian

shipping in the Red Sea.

The Houthis are really quite tough. They endured years of bombardment and attacks by the Saudis. They began the conflict with the Saudis by launching

missiles into Saudi Arabia. And so, frankly, it's no surprise that a couple of rounds of U.S. and British attacks on Houthi launchers have not yet

deterred them.

But frankly, we could not allow them to continue to attack vessels passing by in the Red Sea. This impacts all of global commerce, a huge percentage

of shipping from Asia to Europe and Europe to Asia passes through the very narrow point where Yemen is separated from the continent of Africa.

And President Biden approached this in a deliberate way. He assembled a coalition of a dozen countries committed to trying to stop the Houthis. He

went to the United Nations and got a Security Council resolution authorizing this multinational action against the Houthis.

This is distinct from a number of other recent conflicts in that it is something that is in the interests of everyone, including the Chinese and

the Indians, the Saudis, even the Russians. It is in no one's interest, except perhaps Iran, for the Houthis to disturb the global commerce and for

thousands and thousands of ships to be redirected around the Horn of Africa.

ASHER: And the U.S. is saying that the airstrikes are going to continue for the time being. I do want to talk about the war in Gaza. Netanyahu, as

you know, reiterating this idea that he is vehemently opposed to Palestinian statehood. I mean, clearly, there is such little trust, such

little trust on both sides in his mind. His focus is on security.

And he believes that security is incompatible, at least for the time being, with a push towards Palestinian statehood. That is very different from what

the U.S. is pushing for here. The U.S. really wants to revive this sort of dormant idea of a two-state solution.

I know that Netanyahu spoke with President Biden just a short time ago. We don't have the readout on that call. But are you concerned that there is a

growing chasm between both sides here, between Israel and the United States, in terms of what should happen after the war in Gaza is over?

COONS: Well, Zain, this is nothing new. For years, Prime Minister Netanyahu has worked against a two-state solution on the ground, weakening

and dividing the Palestinian people. And so frankly, at some point here, sooner rather than later, this will come to a head.

It's not just the United States and Americans who think that a Palestinian state living side by side in peace with the Israelis is the best path

forward. This is something that regional leaders have also championed, that Europeans have championed over decades. When I was recently at a conference

in Europe.


I had a chance to sit down with the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia, the foreign minister of Qatar, presidents and foreign ministers from a number

of key European allies. And there is broad agreement that finding a positive path forward for a Palestinian state is critical to ending the

conflict in Gaza. But because Israel is both an ally and a democracy, this is ultimately going to have to be up to the Israeli people.

But President Biden has made his views, which I share, frequently and publicly known. And there is clearly a division between what Prime Minister

Netanyahu and President Biden and a majority of the American Congress believes is the best next step.

ASHER: Senator, it has been a year and a half since a gunman walked into an elementary school in Uvalde in Texas and brutally murdered 19 children

and two teachers. I'm sure you watched that press conference where Merrick Garland spoke about all of the failures just in terms of how police handled

that shooting.

Merrick Garland almost choked up at one point. He was very emotional. It's literally impossible. It's impossible to watch that press conference and

not get emotional. Yes, we know, police failed to do their job in that moment, but we also are aware that the gunman should not have been able to

carry out such a heinous attack in the first place.

Clearly, the calls for these sorts of weapons -- these sorts of AR-15s, these calls for them not to be on the street isn't working. I know the

lawyers for the families, their approach now is to sue gun manufacturers. What is the right way to stop these sorts of violent crimes from being

carried out at our schools?

COONS: Well, Zain, it's important to recognize that, after that horrific tragedy to Uvalde, we actually did make progress in Congress. We passed the

Safer Communities Act, which President Biden both championed and signed into law. And it's the most progress we've made on closing background check

loopholes, on strengthening gun safety in decades.

It is not enough. The President also, through that legislation, provided billions of dollars for community mental health,

which is often distinct from gun safety, but in several critical cases, there is some overlap, of course.

We are a country that has embedded in our constitution the right to own and to bear arms. And this is a long-standing division within the United States

about what are the limits of gun rights and gun ownership and what could we do that would better protect students in schools, worshipers in churches

and synagogues and mosques, folks who just go to the mall to shop.

And in some states, like my home state of Delaware, legislatively, we have gone farther in terms of background checks and permitting and safety

restraints on gun ownership for those who are demonstrably mentally ill or convicted. And in other states, they have a very different solution, one

that really privileges gun ownership over public safety.

This is a vigorous debate. The United States is the only country where we have the level and frequency and severity of gun violence of any advanced

democracy in the world. And it's my hope that in the upcoming election and in the years ahead, we'll find more positive progress that'll put more

bipartisan bills to improve public safety on the desks of President Biden and future presidents.

ASHER: All right, Senator Chris Coons, appreciate you being with us. Thank you so much.

COONS: Thank you, Zain.

ASHER: Is the world truly ready for artificial intelligence? Top leaders from across the globe are tackling this very issue at the World Economic

Forum in Davos right now. Some of their key takeaways, next.




ASHER: Can you imagine this? This is one of the most terrifying sights I've seen. This is the sky above Miami as a cargo plane's engine sends

sparks flying through the air. This was on Thursday night. According to FlightAware, the engine malfunctioned about three minutes into the flight,

resulting in an emergency landing at Miami International Airport. Atlas Air tells CNN that the investigation into what happened here is ongoing.

The hottest topic at this year's Davos forum has been the role artificial intelligence is playing in the global marketplace. Earlier, my colleague,

Bianna Golodryga, spoke with the CEO of the Atlantic magazine about the positive aspects of A.I. and its risks, as well.


GOLODRYGA: Nick, great to see you. You said this is what, your seventh Davos?

NICK THOMPSON, CEO,"THE ATLANTIC": This is about my seventh Davos.

GOLODRYGA: So, each Davos, there's a constant theme running. You just have to walk down the main street here in the promenade and you see it, and that

is A.I. And as you see behind me on this wall, this is Richard Quest, ready for A.I. Is the world ready for A.I.? What are some of your takeaways on

this issue?

THOMPSON: Well, the world is not ready for A.I. I think A.I. is going to change the world a lot faster than most people think. I also think we had a

really good conversation last year about regulating A.I. I didn't feel much of it this year. But this year will be a year where A.I. kind of pushes

ahead, maybe less government intervention or focus.

GOLODRYGA: And it comes on the heels of an IMF report that's been getting a lot of pick up, too, and that is concern over the number of jobs that may

be impacted by A.I. Forty percent, according to the IMF's report, will be somehow impacted or cut, lost. What's the reaction been to that?

THOMPSON: Well, there have been definitely people on panels who I've interviewed who believe the number is closer to 100 percent of jobs that

will be change or in fact, potentially lost but lots of free time created. I do think the general consensus, certainly my view and the view that I

think most people have, is that A.I. is going to create more jobs than it destroys.

The number of jobs that are created will be more than or lost. However, lots of industries will have lots of turn. So, the real question for

society is will we be able to keep up with the transition? Will we be able to stay stable, stay calm as all this happens?

GOLODRYGA: There seems to be somewhat of a disconnect between what world leaders and what Western leaders and CEOs of these big tech companies are

saying about the potential of A.I. and a lot of concern and skepticism about what it means for a large swath of the world particularly the global

south developing nations. Is there a just cause for that concern?

THOMPSON: Absolutely. And I think this is the most important question in A.I. and it's probably the question I spent the most time on. A.I. could be

a great equalizing tool. It is an incredible, incredibly powerful thing. And we will all have access to the same models. We can all go and type in

the same queries. It is possible that it really helps people who have been left out of the global economy.

Now, the opposite is also possible. It is also possible that only people in wealthy nations will have access to the best A.I. tools and be able to

integrate them into their jobs and be able to increase productivity. So, I think the biggest open question is will A.I. be a force for equality?

In fact, one of the most interesting quirky conversations I've had here is I have had about five conversations with people who are looking for text

data in uncommon languages, like in African languages that aren't spoken everywhere, both to make their models more accessible and also to make it

so A.I. can help translate and bring more people into the global economy.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, I've heard that, that A.I. technology is much more developed and successful in terms of translating English versus a lot of

these other languages, as well.


THOMPSON: And values are embedded in language, so if you only train on one language, you will sort of imbibe the values of that language. So, it's a

really interesting moral question to be able to train these models on multiple languages.

And there are parts of the world without electricity.


GOLODRYGA: I mean, we have to remember that. And AI can't even function without electricity. I mean, we talked about disruption. I mean, look at

what we saw in 2016. Disinformation, right? Misinformation. Election interference and concerned that this will only escalate with A.I. I know

you said regulation was more of a theme from last year, but has regulation caught up to some of these most pressing concerns?

THOMPSON: No, regulation is not going to be able to prevent deep fakes from upsetting the 2024 election in the United States or in India or

anywhere else. What we'll be able to do that, or the best hope, would be the tech companies themselves, if they can effectively watermark, if they

can figure out ways of assuring the authenticity. If they can make sure the algorithms are tuned optimally to limit the number of disruptive deep fakes

that are put out there.

And remember, we have two big problems we're going to face. Number one, people are going to put a lot of false stuff on the internet. Number two,

there's going to be a lot of true stuff on the internet that somebody says is false.

Whenever there's a bad thing that comes out about any one of our presidential candidates, they will say, oh, that's a deep fake. That wasn't

me. That's made up. So we're going to have a hard time navigating it. But thanks to you, we'll figure out what's true and what's not.

GOLODRYGA: Don't put all the pressure on me.


ASHER: No pressure. All right, we'll be right back with more.



ASHER: Too angry -- Madonna fans are suing the Pop Star after she showed up over two hours late to start a concert in New York. And it sounds like

the late start is pretty standard for the "Material Girl".

The lawsuit accuses her of kicking off her show after 10:30 at night on all three nights she performed in Brooklyn last month. The fans want her held

liable for false advertising and also negligent misrepresentation. It's unclear how much they're seeking in damages. CNN has reached out to

representatives from Madonna for comment.

ASHER: And finally, what started as an April Fool's joke on Instagram has actually turned into a very unlikely collaboration by two brands. Burt's

Bees, which makes skincare products, and Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing are making a limited edition lip balm variety pack.


It supposedly tastes like a basket of chicken wings. The pack has four flavors --Buffalo Sauce, Crunchy Celery, Fresh Carrot and of course, the

trademark, Hidden Valley Ranch flavor. It is so popular that it actually sold out in two days. They advise -- don't actually eat the lip balm.

All right, that does it for this hour of ONE WORLD. I'm Zain Asher. Thank you so much for watching. "AMANPOUR" is up next. Have a great weekend.