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One World with Zain Asher

Defense Team Poke Holes to Stormy Daniels' Testimony; Israeli Officials Not Pleased by U.S.'s Decision; Residents Fear for Their Lives; No Tax to Imprisoned Americans; Deaf Toddler Hears for the First Time. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired May 09, 2024 - 12:00   ET




ZAIN ASHER, CNN HOST: All right, welcome everyone. The CNN exclusive interview with Joe Biden that's making headlines around the world. That's

what I'll have a little bit later on in the show. Coming to you live from the studio in New York. I am Zain Asher.

ERICA HILL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And live from just outside the Manhattan criminal courthouse. I'm Erica Hill.

Stormy Daniels on the stand for a second day.

You're watching One World.

Some of the most heated and contentious exchanges yet at Donald Trump's hush money trial coming in just the last couple of hours on cross-

examination of Stormy Daniels, who testified of course earlier this week about a sexual encounter she says she had with Trump back in 2006.

Defense lawyers hammering Daniels over just how much money she's made from her story over the years. Also trying to poke holes in her account of what

happened on that night in Trump's hotel suite. Daniels for her part, pushing back at several points this morning, including against defense

claims that her story has shifted over the years.

That cross-examination from the defense ending just moments ago, the prosecution now set to redirect some questions to Daniels.

And just a reminder there, you're going to see on the left side of your screen, some of those key updates coming to us in real time from inside the

courtroom from our colleagues there. So, we'll continue to touch on those as well.

Let's bring it up to speed on what we did hear so far throughout the morning. CNN's Jessica Schneider tracking all of these developments for us

in this lively, lively Thursday morning in the courtroom, Jess.

JESSICA SCHNEIDER, CNN JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: Yes. Very lively. Very tense. Very combative. Any adjective you want to use, Erica.

You know, cross-examination did just wrap up. You know, it went, you know, we're keeping time here. That cross-examination went for three hours and

six minutes. You compare that with the direct examination. That was by comparison only two and a half hours. So, a very long, a very combative, a very tense and

drawn-out cross-examination.

And now we have prosecutors back for redirect, where they will attempt to maybe plug in some of the holes that the defense tried to poke in Stormy

Daniels' story. What I will note that was particularly, I think, important for the defense at the end of their cross-examination, this was the

exchange in the final moments of the cross-examination by Trump's defense team.

The lawyer, Susan Necheles, asking, you know, Stormy Daniels, do you know what the charges were here? Stormy Daniels saying, I don't really

understand. I'm just here to answer the questions asked to me. There are a lot of indictments. Susan Necheles saying, and you know nothing about the

business records. Stormy Daniels saying, I know nothing about his business records. Why would I?

And that goes to the heart of this case. And really the defense's defense here, you know, all of this other stuff is ancillary. Every part of the

story that we've heard from Stormy Daniels, all of her allegations about this affair are ancillary to the core issue here, which are these multiple

counts of falsification of business records.

And in the end, what prosecutors have to do is they have to tie Donald Trump to the cover up for this hush money payment. The hush money payment

itself is not a crime. It was in the cover up. It was in the covering it up in the way that they addressed it in their business records, writing it as

a legal expense instead of what it actually was. And also, according to the prosecution, for furthering this conspiracy, if you will, to influence the

2016 election.

So that is at the heart of it. The defense team finally got to the heart of it at the end of their cross-examination with Stormy Daniels saying, yes,

you know, I don't know anything about the business records.

But again, the prosecutors have to put up all of these witnesses to to really make this story flow about what this hush money payment was all

about. And presumably, Erica, it won't be until Michael Cohen, a very controversial witness, eventually takes the stand at some point,

potentially, you know, who knows if it would be tomorrow, maybe sometime next week.

But he is probably the only one who can directly link, at least according to his testimony, Donald Trump to covering up the business records and what

the expense was actually for. But the defense here noting that Stormy Daniels really can't prove the prosecution's case for them.


She's just really a colorful character that they're using to tell this broader story. Erica.

HILL: Certainly, a lot of color coming out of this two days of testimony from Stormy Daniels.

Jessica, thank you. Also with me this hour, criminal defense attorney Janet Johnson.

Janet, as we look at this as a criminal defense attorney, how do you think Donald Trump's legal team did specifically the fact that they ended on that

one point, as Jessica just pointed out?

JANET JOHNSON, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think they went about two hours too long. I mean, I think all they had to get at was, yes, she's made prior

inconsistent statements, especially that she denied having the affair initially and then recanted that denial. She has profited monetarily.

And yes, I guess you can throw out this gratuitous, well, you don't know about his business records, but her answer was perfect. Why should she? And

I think the more you get in the trenches with someone who you're trying to discredit and say that this is someone undesirable, you run the risk as an

attorney of also looking undesirable if you go toe to toe with them.

And I think that they got into things about the sex, about sort of implying this is all a lie. You never had an affair with him.

And the last question, there was an objection and it was sustained. And she said, yes, I did have an affair with him. That's been asked and answered.

And I don't really think that's the battle you want to fight here.

HILL: Part of what we had heard from Team Trump going into today was they expected to take a little bit longer because part of the focus today would

be to rehabilitate, rehabilitate their client's character. They felt that Donald Trump took a little bit of a hit on Tuesday during Stormy Daniels


And yet for a long time, more than two hours today, almost three hours total from the defense on cross. There was a lot of talk about what did and

didn't happen between Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump. Did they actually make it more of an issue today?

JOHNSON: Yes, I mean, I think that's exactly right. Even just this last quote where they let her get out, well, there are a lot of indictments.

That's something that would never be admissible, that he's facing other charges. They let her continue to sort of shovel more dirt on him.

And I suspect as someone who deals with clients every day, the client, Donald Trump, may have said, I want you to attack her. That didn't happen.

I want you to cross examine on all of these collateral issues. You know, was I wearing boxers? Was I wearing silk pajamas?

And as an attorney, part of our job is client management and saying, I understand that's upsetting to you, but that is not how we're going to win

this case. I think it looks like they took advice from a client when he is not there to decide the strategy. That is her decision.

HILL: The way this has worked and, you know, oftentimes the way we will see things, you sort of have your balancing the documents with the dramatic in

terms of witnesses and evidence.

Coming on the heels of Stormy Daniels, what do you think the prosecution needs here to maybe bring this back more to the facts and the evidence that

they need to prove what they allege are these 34 felonies?

JOHNSON: Yes, I mean, I think the defense's best argument is, you know, even stipulating he had a tryst with this woman. There were undesirable

things in his past, but none of this was done to cover up for an election. He paid her this hush money. All of those things are not illegal.

What the prosecution needs to prove is he did it in order to win an election. And, you know, John Edwards defense, which was successful when he

was running for president, was, yes, I did all those bad things, but I didn't do it in violation of federal election laws. That's a not guilty or

guilty on a misdemeanor, which is something that I think the defense might live with.

HILL: Janet Johnson, great to have you with us today. Thank you.

Zain, I'm going to send it back to you now. I know there's a lot to cover out of the Middle East, including the reaction to those exclusive comments

from President Biden. Zain?

ASHER: Yes, that's certainly making big news. All right. In an exclusive CNN interview capturing headlines across the world, the U.S. president is

sending a strong warning to Israel to hold back from an all-out assault on Rafah.

Joe Biden says the U.S. will halt some weapons shipments to Israel if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu orders a major ground invasion of the southern

Gaza City.

Mr. Biden spoke to CNN's Erin Burnett on Wednesday. I want you to listen to some of what he had to say.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: If they go into Rafah, I'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to

deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem.

We're going to continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms of Iron Dome and their ability to respond to attacks that came out of the Middle East

recently. But it's just wrong. We're not going to -- we're not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells used.



ASHER: Politicians in Israel reacting strongly to those words by President Biden. Israel's far right minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, posted on X. Now you

see it. Hamas loves Biden. That's what he said on X.

Meantime, Israel's defense minister, Yoav Gallant, says his country, quote, "cannot be subdued." While Mr. Biden says Israel has not yet crossed his

red line, days of airstrikes and tank fire are taking a growing toll on the population there.

New satellite images, take a look at your screens here, show areas in Rafah raised by bulldozers and heavy machinery, a strong sign that strikes have

now expanded into ground operations.

I want to bring in CNN's Jeremy Diamond, joining us live now from Jerusalem.

Jeremy, just in terms of the reaction in Israel, Netanyahu has always said, he's always said that Israel will stand alone against Hamas if necessary.

But just talk us through how these comments, this warning from President Biden is altering the IDF's plans in Rafah. Take us through that.

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: As of now, there is no indication at all that it will alter the IDF's plans in Rafah, at least not

yet. I've been speaking with Israeli officials throughout the day, and what I'm really getting, rather than any kind of sense of a course correction or

a change, is defiance as well as anger in some corners at President Biden's decision to not only threaten to withhold U.S. weapons shipments if Israel

goes into Rafah, into the population centers of Rafah, but also just major questions about the impact that this could that this could have on Israel.

There is a sense of betrayal even from some Israeli officials. We've heard from Itamar Ben-Gvir, the right-wing member of Netanyahu's governing

coalition, who posted a tweet that simply said Hamas loves Biden.

Other members of the far right are accusing Biden of betrayal, but also saying that this should simply harden Israel's plans and desire to carry

out this military operation in Rafah, where the Israeli prime minister says that Hamas still has four battalions, calling it Hamas's last bastion.

The Israeli war cabinet, I'm told, is set to meet as we speak, actually the war cabinet, followed by a meeting of the security cabinet. And they are

expected to be discussing this latest threat by President Biden.

And also, there will be an analysis carried out of the munitions that Israel still has in its stocks, how to manage those munitions going forward

and how this U.S. policy decision could potentially impact Israeli military plans going forward.

But I'm certainly getting a sense of hardening resolve rather than any kind of course correction from the Israeli government. This all happening as

we're learning that multiple delegations that were in Cairo for ceasefire talks this week have now left. The CIA director, Bill Burns, has returned

to Washington. And so far, there are no signs of a breakthrough.

Rather, Israeli officials are focusing on the military operations happening in Rafah. Those, they say, will intensify.


ASHER: As you point out that Biden's comments, Biden's warnings is only strengthening their resolve. It's only making them that much more defiant.

Jeremy Diamond, live for us there. Thank you so much.

Russia is marking the anniversary of its victory over Nazi Germany in World War II. This was the scene earlier in Moscow. This military parade was held

in Red Square and President Vladimir Putin gave a speech lashing out at the West while also acknowledging that Russia is going through what he called a

difficult period.


VLADIMIR PUTIN, RUSSIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): Russia will do everything in order to not let the global confrontation begin, but we will

not let anyone threaten us. Our strategic forces are always ready.


ASHER: All right. Meantime, in Russia, CNN has learned that Western intelligence believes that Moscow is seeking to exploit what it sees as a

window of opportunity to expand its attacks on Ukraine.

Kyiv, meantime, is still waiting for the bulk of new American weapons and other aid to arrive. Three officials tell CNN that Moscow wants to take

advantage of that lag time. It's important to note that it took months. It took months for the U.S. Congress to approve the new aid as Ukraine

struggles with a lack of military equipment and ammunition.

CNN's Jim Sciutto actually broke this story. He joins us live now.

So, Jim, Russia really trying to exploit this lag time just in terms of the missile strikes that drone strikes. They have been relentless by Moscow,

relentless, and they have been effective. Take us through that.

JIM SCIUTTO, CNN CHIEF SECURITY ANALYST: Well, what this shows is that the long delay, the months long delay in U.S. military assistance for Ukraine,

while that delay is now gone, that that aid has been passed, it still has lingering consequences.


One of which is it's going to take some time for the bulk of this, these new weapons systems, ammunition, et cetera, to get into the country and be

used by Ukrainian forces.

And Russian forces calculate now as a window of opportunity, as described to me by a senior U.S. military official, to ramp up attacks on Ukraine,

both on Ukrainian cities, but also on Ukrainian forces on the front line.

In the meantime, to try to solidify gains that Russia has made during the past several months, both in terms of territory, but also destroying and

killing Ukrainian forces to take advantage of that delay and see what they could gain in the meantime.

It's crucial because it shows you that while that aid has been passed, the effects of it are not gone. And I've been told that the delay did have

consequences in terms of lost territory by Ukrainian forces, but also Ukrainian commanders directly blamed the loss of soldiers on the

battlefield, increased number of casualties on the fact that they were so outgunned for the last several months.

ASHER: Yes, it's not been easy for Ukraine to withstand the constant shelling. But just in terms of what we can expect in the coming weeks as

Ukraine waits for the shipment to arrive, just explain to us what you're hearing from Western intelligence.

SCIUTTO: For one, when I asked them, what is the best that Ukraine can expect to achieve for the rest of this year, including with this new

military assistance? And they say the best is that they hold the line.

And I spoke to a Ukrainian member of parliament yesterday who echoed that. They do not expect a major Ukrainian counteroffensive this year that might

hope to take back some of this lost territory. Remember all the buildup to last year's counteroffensive that didn't quite deliver.

Really, it's a hold the line mentality this year. Listen, still consequential because the thinking was without this additional U.S. aid

that Ukraine might very well have lost the war this year.

In addition to that, there is expectation that Russia will launch another big offensive push in the coming weeks, attempting to gain more territory,

possibly a partial mobilization in Russia to add manpower to the front lines. And the view is that Ukraine's just going to need all it has to help

to and an attempt to push back that expected Russian offensive.

ASHER: All right, Jim Sciutto, live for us there. Thank you so much.

SCIUTTO: Thank you.

ASHER: All right, still to come here on One World, they thought it could be their last moment together, but in the face of deadly tornadoes in the

southern part of the United States, this couple survived.


EVA HOWARD, RESIDENT, COLUMBIA, TENNESSEE: I love you, baby. You know I love you, right? Always will. Lord, please, spare us.




ASHER: All right, at this hour, millions of Americans are under severe storm threat, particularly those in the southern eastern part of the United

States. You could see flash floods and tornadoes.

I want you to look at this. This was a scene in Tennessee. This was on Wednesday as a tornado was approaching a neighborhood, the town of Spring

Hill. I want you to listen to the fear, the fear in one woman's voice as she watches the tornado with her husband.


HOWARD: My gosh, John. There it goes. There it goes. John, I love you, baby. I love you, right? Always will. My gosh. Lord, please, spare us.


ASHER: Terrifying. Officials blame the severe weather for at least three deaths. The U.S. has seen a two-week streak of dangerous weather.

Let's bring in CNN's meteorologist Allison Chinchar. Allison, I mean, just listening to that woman watching the tornado approaching with her husband,

just the sheer fear in her voice, also the scenes of destruction we've seen across the southern eastern part of the United States, the scenes are


We've seen about two weeks now of tornadoes across the United States, literally at least one every single day. What gives? Walk us through what's

been happening.

ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Right. I mean, it is this time of year. This is when we normally would see a lot of the severe weather. But

yes, this is a pretty long stretch, even given the season.

And unfortunately, we have more severe weather on tap for today. You can see we've got the first line of storms. That's up along areas of the

Midwest. That includes places like Chicago, Cleveland. And eventually that rain will spread into New York later on tonight.

The stronger section of thunderstorms, that is down across the southeast. That's we've got a lot of thunder, a lot of lightning, very heavy rainfall.

And this red box here, this indicates the tornado watch that's in effect for multiple states as we go through the next several hours, as those

strong to severe thunderstorms are possible.

Flooding is also another component to this. You can see several flood advisories, flood warnings and flash flood warnings in effect. Places like

Huntsville, Alabama and even Nashville, Tennessee, still dealing with a lot of the heavy rain that fell overnight there. You can see widespread

rainfall totals about two to four inches. You're talking 50 to 100 millimeters.

But some spots picked up as much as seven or even eight inches of rain just in the last 24 to 48 hours. So, a tremendous amount of rain in a short

period of time. Also, the potential for some strong to severe thunderstorms.

The main target is going to be right here along this Gulf Coast region, stretching over into the coastal Carolinas area. Very large hail. You're

talking golf balls, even as large as baseballs in some areas, damaging winds. And yes, even a few tornadoes possible again today. That likely

going to extend the streak of tornadoes we've had in the last 24 hours.

We've had a total of 13 tornado reports scattered across numerous states. That now brings our overall total to 323 just since April 25th. And again,

you can see them scattered across dozens of states here, mainly focused in the center of the country.

But yes, we get it. This is the time of year you see severe weather. But this year, in particular, has been above average. Norm or since January

1st, we have had a total of 639 preliminary tornado reports across the country. Normally, up to this point in time, we only would have had about

550. So yes, it's a lot. We would normally see a lot. But even this year, it's been a little bit above average compared to other previous years.

Now, going through the rest of the day, more of that line is expected to continue to spread eastward and south as we go through the afternoon,

especially into the evening hours. So, Charleston, Savannah back down through Tallahassee, Florida, and also some additional rain spreading into

areas of Texas. So, Dallas also likely to see some additional rain showers through the day today.

By Friday, especially the early morning hours, that next wave continues to spread east. So, Birmingham down through Montgomery, all the way down to

the Gulf Coast, likely to see some additional rain showers before that finally does exit by the end of the day on Friday.

So that means yet again another day of severe weather potential for Friday. The focus for tomorrow, however, will be basically from the southeastern

point of North Carolina down through Florida, back into the Panhandle across areas over towards Mobile, Alabama.

Now, the threats themselves remain the same. You're still looking at the potential for hail, damaging winds. And yes, Zain, unfortunately, even

additional tornadoes could be possible tomorrow. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. We finally start to see, hopefully, a nice big break

in severe weather once we get to the weekend.


ASHER: Cannot come soon enough. But thank you so much for contextualizing that for us, this idea that, you know, it is the season. But that

notwithstanding, we're still seeing a lot of tornadoes.

Allison Chinchar, live for us there. Thank you so much.

All right. Still to come, we'll get one senator's reaction to President Biden's interview with CNN. Chris Coons joins us to talk about U.S.-Israeli


And later this hour, how a toddler born completely deaf can now hear for the very first time, thanks to a groundbreaking medical trial. That's next.


HILL: After more than six hours of testimony, Stormy Daniels now done. Leaving the stand just moments ago, we are now on to another witness. But

let's talk a little bit more about what we heard from Stormy Daniels today, hours of cross-examination.

Joining me now, former federal prosecutor Joseph Moreno.

Good to have you with us this hour.

So, what we saw was pretty intense this morning, of course, for this second day of cross-examination from the defense, then some redirect, then back.

What do you make overall of how this turned out, six hours and two minutes by our count, in terms of over the course of two days for Stormy Daniels on

the stand?

JOSEPH MORENO, FORMER FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: That's right, Erica. Well, from all accounts, I mean, the cross-examination sound like it was more

effective on Tuesday. It sounds like today they kind of got into these back and forth about the tawdry details, which makes it almost seem like the

defense is taking it seriously.


Because I think if they were trying to put on a brave face, they would have kind of ignored it and just sort of kind of gotten this done. So they may

have dragged it out a little much today. A little surprising that they did that. But at the end of the day, we don't get to see what the jury sees.

And it's that body language, it's that eye contact they make with the lawyers on both sides that really kind of speaks a lot.

So, we don't -- not knowing that, we don't really know how the jury ultimately took all of this testimony. But, you know, I guess we'll find

out in a few weeks when this case wraps up.

HILL: In terms of how they may have taken the testimony, too, at the end of cross-examination, the defense attorney saying, essentially, and I'm

paraphrasing here, I'm asking Stormy Daniels what she knows about the business records, about Donald Trump's business records. And she says,

well, I don't know anything about it. Why would I?

That was the thought that they left with at the end of cross, right before redirect began. Bringing it back to that point, the defense clearly trying

to show, look, you're not the person who can show this paper trail here. Did that help or hurt them, though, the way that question was thrown out?

MORENO: It probably helped them, but I would have done it probably three hours earlier. I would have done it on Tuesday afternoon to wrap up then.

Because, I mean, look, they want to say this is an unnecessary witness. They want to basically appeal to the jury to say the prosecution is banging

up our client for no reason. And she has nothing to do with the guts of the case, which is fraudulent business records.

So, I think it helped ultimately. But it probably was a little too late because they made the jury sit through, again, hours more of cross-

examination. And it almost kind of validated the reason she was there.

Again, easy for me to say, but I got to think I would have just kept it minimal and kind of say, let's say, move on to the next witness.

HILL: To your point of trying to keep it minimal, we were told that the defense had decided they were going to go a little longer because they felt

that some damage had been done to Donald Trump's character on that first day that Stormy Daniels was on the stand. And so, they needed to sort of

rehabilitate him.

Did you see any of that happening based on what we know about the questioning and the answer. I mean, back and forth fairly combative with

Stormy Daniels. But they were going over and over again, some of these points that involved Donald Trump. Did that in any way rehabilitate his

character if, in fact, it had been dinged at all?

MORENO: Probably not. I mean, I think it seemed like they were kind of digging the hole deeper and deeper. And there's kind of two scenarios as to

why they did this extended cross-examination today.

One is it could be, to your point, that real damage was done and the defense perceived they had to help undo it. Whether they were successful or

not, that's a different story. The second possibility is that Donald Trump insisted on it, that he personally wanted to see one of the number two

witnesses against him most likely kind of take a couple of shots.

So, again, whether or not it was a good idea, whether or not it was productive in the eyes of the jury, hard to say. But kind of sitting on the

outside, it seemed like it was not a great idea.

HILL: Yes. As we're looking at this now, so Stormy Daniels has done. She has left. She thanked the judge as she left the stand. And so, we are now

turning back to sort of a document as opposed to a dramatic witness, if you will.

So, on the stand now is someone who worked for the Trump Organization for 11 years, worked as an assistant to Allen Weisselberg. This is where we are

now going to see, as this is brick by brick for the prosecution trying to build their case, this is somebody who worked and saw the finances.

How important is it to bring things back to that part of the case for the prosecution, especially on the heels of two days of testimony from Stormy


MORENO: Well, I mean, it's critical. And I understand the sort of vacillating between a more exciting witness and basically a more boring

one. But they have to get back here. I mean, this is the crux of the case. And they don't want to basically support the defense's argument that the

government is all over the place.

I mean, this is the fraudulent books and records core of the case. It's the heart of it. So, it's absolutely essential. And look, many people have been

critical of the case as a whole. But the facts are not great for the defense, right?

I mean, the fact is that these payments were made. They were made in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election. And they were made in the books and

records in a completely dishonest way that mischaracterized them.

So, at the end of the day, the government has to keep coming back to this and reminding the jury that, you know, you may have gotten a kick out of

what you heard the last couple of days from Stormy Daniels, but there is a serious side to this case. And that's what you're about to hear this


HILL: So what is that balance, right? As a former federal prosecutor, as you're laying out your case there, if you are trying to balance the

dramatic with the perhaps a little more boring aspects of your case, how deep do they need to go on this for the next several witnesses to get back

to that point of, hey, just a reminder, these are the facts as we see them in this case. Here's why we allege there was a crime.


MORENO: I mean, it's a judgment call, right? I mean, you certainly could imagine jurors kind of falling asleep if you spend hours and hours talking

about accounting records. I mean, nobody's into that.

So they really have to, again, get a sense of the jury. How are they responding? Are they understanding? Do you have to go into more detail to

make sure it kind of gets through? Or are you overdoing it where the jurors are effectively saying, hey, we got it?

And so, again, the case is complicated in some ways, and in some ways it's not. The facts are not that complicated. And I think the prosecution has to

keep hammering that again and again, that these payments, regardless of whether you think the affair that may or may not have happened was either

appropriate or not appropriate, the fact is the accounting records were done in a way meant to conceal the nature of these payments. That's what

they have to keep coming back to. And that's not a difficult thing to explain to a jury.

HILL: Former federal prosecutor Joseph Moreno, great to have you this afternoon, I should say. Time has passed. Thank you.

MORENO: Thanks, Erica.

HILL: Also, yes, also with me this hour, CNN's Alayna Treene, who, of course, has been following Donald Trump for a number of years, also

checking in with the campaign as we see how this case is being handled.

It was interesting, Alayna, a short time ago, one of our legal experts I was speaking with was saying a lot of the back and forth this morning felt

like the client directing the attorney in terms of what they want to hear. We've certainly heard of this happening in the past.

What do we know about Donald Trump's mindset after day one of that testimony from Stormy Daniels? He was not out on the campaign trail

yesterday. There was no court, but he spent that day at home in Florida.

ALAYNA TREENE, CNN REPORTER: He did. He also had a dinner last night with some of his supporters who had spent thousands of dollars on NFTs.

But look, to talk about his mindset, I think it's important to keep the big picture around this case in perspective, which is that this is very

embarrassing for Donald Trump and for the former president.

When I talk to his team, they admit that they have no idea how this is going to play in a general election. Anyone who says that this is

definitely good for him or this isn't good for him, they're not sure. You know, they don't really know how this is going to play out.

But it is very embarrassing. She shared a lot of salacious details on the stand. I think, you know, from our great reporters inside the courtroom,

they discussed, you know, he was scowling at points when she was speaking. He was leaning over speaking to his attorneys. He cursed at several points

while she was on the stand.

And so, I think that really is a great, you know, view into how Donald Trump is feeling about this. Now, when I talked to his campaign, they said

a lot of the same things we're hearing from his attorneys inside the courtroom, which is that they think that Stormy Daniels was making a lot of

this up, that they wanted to really undermine her credibility in this case. And we saw that play out.

But there's no question that this is very, you know, embarrassing for Donald Trump, that he's angry and upset by this type, these types of

details. And this really was one of the testimonies that they were most worried about. When I asked them about this at the start of the trial, they

noted that they had no idea what Stormy Daniels was going to say. And so we're seeing that on display right now as we keep covering this.

HILL: Yes, absolutely. Alayna, I appreciate it. And I appreciate that that inside look, too. Thank you.

Be sure to stay with us. Zain is going to be back at the top here. We're going to take a short break, get a closer look at all the top stories we're

following, not just from here in Lower Manhattan, but of course, from around the globe.

You're watching CNN.



ASHER: All right. In an exclusive CNN interview, U.S. President Joe Biden says he'll stop sending some American weapons to Israel if it pushes ahead

with a large-scale invasion of Rafah. The president is worried about more civilian deaths as a result of large bombs dropped on population centers.

Time now for the exchange and a closer look at the U.S. reaction to the ongoing war in Gaza. Let's bring in Senator Chris Coons joining us live now

from the U.S. Capitol.

Obviously, the Israelis are not happy about this, this idea that the U.S. is going to be halting some military assistance if Israel goes into Rafah.

How is the administration, how is the administration at this point still assuring Israel that it's not walking away from its security?

SEN. CHRIS COONS (D-DE): Well, Zain, yesterday in a hearing of the Senate Appropriations Committee dealing with defense, Secretary of Defense Austin

was asked this question directly by several senators, and he repeated what has been President Biden's position as well, that our commitment to

Israel's security and defense is ironclad.

President Biden has recently signed into law, and the DOD has delivered significant amounts of defensive weaponry, the Iron Dome system. For

example, billions of dollars in support.

And just a few weeks ago, when Iran launched 300 missiles and drones at Israel, the United States organized a joint defensive effort by Saudi

Arabia, by Jordan, by the United Kingdom, France, and the United States to ensure that, along with Israel, all of those missiles and drones were shot

down before they caused any significant harm.

So, I think it is clear that what President Biden's position is, is that, of course, Israel has not just the right but the obligation to go after

Hamas after the horrific attacks of October 7th, and we will support them in doing so.

But in Rafah, before they go in at scale, where there are a million civilian refugees who've moved to Rafah from the rest of Gaza at the

direction of the IDF, they have to provide for them to leave Rafah and then go ahead to carry out the last stages of this campaign against Hamas.

ASHER: But in terms of using American military assistance to sort of get Israel to behave in a particular way, is that going to work? At this point,

the threat by the Biden administration hasn't really altered Israel's plans in any way, shape, or form.

COONS: This will have significant negative consequences for Israel globally, not just in the immediate region or in the relations with the

United States. If they were to go into Rafah, there's no way to carry out a campaign to kill another 10,000 Hamas fighters without killing another

20,000 or more innocent civilians, women, and children.

So I've had this discussion directly with Bibi Netanyahu, with the Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, on my last visit to Israel. And they said they

understood that, of course, they intend to allow for civilians to relocate out of the way of the last stages of their campaign against Hamas.

I think it's important that they do so, that they respect international law around civilian protection. But I also think it's important that they

continue their campaign against Hamas. My hope, of course, Zain, is that there will be a deal to allow for the release of hostages now held well

over 200 days by Hamas and for a ceasefire.

But in the absence of that, Israel has the right and obligation to continue their campaign against Hamas as long as they provide for civilians to

relocate out of the way of that campaign and as long as they continue to facilitate humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza.

ASHER: All right, just to pivot slightly, because Kenyan President William Ruto is set for a presidential visit in the United States. The focus is

going to be on trade and investment. But you cannot ignore what is happening in his home country, in Kenya, just in terms of the massive



You've got East Africa oscillating between drought, severe drought, by the way, and severe flooding that has taken so many lives. Just explain to us

how the U.S. is assisting with that, because obviously that is going to be a topic of conversation between both presidents.

COONS: The United States and Kenya have a long and close and deep relationship. I am thrilled President William Ruto is coming two weeks from

now for a state visit, for a state dinner. He will be visiting Atlanta as well for several days, and he will be visiting with a wide range of

different companies and communities and organizations while here in the United States.

But as you say, Zain, Kenya has genuinely suffered through drought, through locusts, through massive flooding. The United States, through USAID, is

providing assistance, both emergency response and development assistance, as we strengthen and deepen this important partnership that anchors U.S.

relations in East Africa.

ASHER: I know that you have championed and co-authored a bill that is hugely important to you. It just passed in the Senate, this idea of stop

taxing American hostages, something that I didn't know, that if you are American and you are held hostage in another country, that you are actually

hit with IRS penalties.

This is something that you have worked for quite a long time to try to overcome and change. Take us through that, Senator.

COONS: So, the journalist Jason Rezaian, who was a Washington Post reporter who was taken captive by the Iranian regime and imprisoned in Iran for a

year and a half, when he came home, the first thing he got from the American government was a letter from the IRS saying, you owe us penalties,

fees and fines for failure to pay taxes.

When he went to meet with the IRS, he said, here's a front-page story from the Washington Post. I was in prison unjustly. The same thing would happen

to Evan Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter, if we were to secure his release from a Russian prison where he's currently unjustly detained.

This bill that I co-sponsored with Republican Senator Mike Rounds will end that practice and if someone is wrongfully detained or imprisoned overseas,

it will allow the IRS to forgive any tax-related penalties, fines or fees.

ASHER: All right, Senator Chris Coons, live for us there. Thank you so much.

COONS: Thank you, Zain.

ASHER: All right, schools across the United States deal with student protests. President Joe Biden is weighing in again.

This was a scene this week at the University of Southern California's graduation ceremony. Biden was criticized for not speaking up sooner after

waiting days after the demonstrations began to make a speech.

He tells CNN's Erin Burnett there can and should be dissent without disruption.


BIDEN: I hear the message. Look, two things. First of all, there's a legitimate right to free speech and protest. There's a legitimate right to

do that. They have a right to do that. There's not a legitimate right to use hate speech. There's not a legitimate right to threaten Jewish

students. There's not a legitimate right to block people access to class. That's against the law. That's against the law.


ASHER: All right. Meantime, Dublin's famous Trinity College says it will be divesting from some Israeli companies by next month as a result of demands

from student protesters. The move comes after successful talks between the prestigious college and demonstrators against the war in Gaza.

Protesters had set up tents on campus last week. They also blocked access to the Book of Kells, which is a very popular tourist attraction at the


All right, still to come here on CNN, how a baby who was born completely deaf can now hear, thanks to a groundbreaking gene therapy treatment. We'll

have that story for you next.



ASHER: All right, Prince Harry's trip to the U.K. seems to show rifts within the royal family still exist. The prince is in London to celebrate

the 10-year anniversary of the Invictus Games. It's a sporting competition he founded for wounded veterans and military members.

In the past, it's been very popular with other British royals. But as Max Foster explains, that's not exactly the case this year.


MAX FOSTER, CNN LONDON CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Arriving at St. Paul's Cathedral in London, Prince Harry here to mark 10 years of the Invictus


PRINCE HARRY, DUKE OF SUSSEX: There are varieties of gifts, but the same spirit.

FOSTER: Notable in their absence from the service, close members of the royal family. Harry's celebrity friends stepping up instead. Prince William

was never expected to meet his brother on this trip. But Harry had reached out to his father. The king wasn't available due to his busy schedule,

according to Harry's office. British media called it a snub.

As Harry was taking to the pulpit at St. Paul's, the king made his own public appearance just a few miles away at Buckingham Palace's first garden

party of the summer season.

Father and son so close, yet still so far apart. They haven't seen each other since a brief visit in February, after the king announced he was

being treated for cancer. Shortly before Harry arrived in London, an announcement from the palace that underscored the increasingly close

working relationship between William and Charles.

The Prince of Wales was officially being handed the colonel-in-chief title of Harry's former army unit. Harry has had a strange relationship with the

royal family since he and his wife Meghan stepped back from royal duties in 2020.

The Duke has since been highly focused on the Invictus Games, an international sporting competition for wounded veterans established in


PRINCE HARRY: Ten years is a real thing. It's our birthday at Invictus Games Foundation, and we're all very excited and thrilled.

FOSTER: Wednesday's event in London will be followed by a trip to Nigeria, where Harry will be joined by Meghan. Both of these appearances are

unusually choreographed with the media, marking a fresh push to highlight the couple's work.

Max Foster, CNN London.


ASHER: Just in to CNN, according to U.S. officials, there's been a pause in ceasefire talks in Cairo. A few hours ago, Hamas officials left the talks

headed for Doha. The pause comes as Israeli airstrikes are taking a growing toll on the population of Rafah and other cities in Gaza.

The United Nations estimates that nearly 79,000 people have fled Rafah since Monday.

All right, we are following a medical breakthrough that has remarkably changed the life of a toddler in the U.K.


One-year-old Opal Sandy can now hear for the very first time in her life, thanks to a gene therapy trial for deafness. Her parents are very thankful

for this groundbreaking treatment. Take a look.


JO SANDY, OPAL SANDY'S MOTHER: And I think a lot of parents, regardless of their difficulties their children face, to be given an opportunity to

potentially make obstacles easier for her to overcome was a risk definitely worth taking.

JAMES SANDY, OPAL SANDY'S FATHER: Back at the time when you messaged me to say what had gone on, I'm not sure I believed it at the start. I think I

said it was just a fluke. She must have reacted to something else.

I got home from work and was straight away, take the cochlear implant off, testing it out.

JO SANDY: Yes, bang from the bottom of the stairs.


ASHER: Life-changing moment for that entire family. Britain's National Health Service says that Opal is the first patient in the U.K. and the

youngest person so far to receive the treatment.

And in fact, in the next hour on CNN, my colleague, Bianna Golodryga, is actually going to be interviewing Dr. Richard Brown, one of the surgeons

behind this medical miracle, to learn more about how gene therapy works.

And that does it for this hour of One World. Thank you so much for watching. I'm Zain Asher. Amanpour is up next. You're watching CNN.