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One World with Zain Asher

Israeli Military Announces Recovery Of Three Hostages Bodies From Gaza; Louisville, Kentucky Police Department Detains And Releases Golfer Scottie Scheffler; Female House Representatives Engage In A Heated Exchange At A Committee Meeting; Indiana Fever Versus Connecticut Sun Match Draws In An Average Of 2.1 Million Viewers; Powerful Hurricane-Force Winds And Torrential Rain Blast Through Parts Of Texas. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired May 17, 2024 - 12:00   ET



VOICE-OVER: This is CNN Breaking News.

ZAIN ASHER, CNN ANCHOR: All right, you are watching "One World". I'm Zain Asher.

BIANNA GOLODRYGA, CNN ANCHOR: And I am Bianna Golodryga. We do want to start this hour with some breaking news out of Israel. The IDF, we are told

now, just in the past half hour, the Israeli military announcing that its forces have recovered the bodies of three hostages from Gaza.

ASHER: IDF chief military spokesperson says the bodies have been identified and their families have been informed, as well. He vowed that

Israel would leave no stone unturned to find the rest of the hostages and bring them home. I want you to listen to what Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari

had to say when he was delivering the somber details at a news conference about half an hour ago.


DANIEL HAGARI, REAR ADMIRAL, IDF SPOKESPERSON: According to the credible information that we have gathered, Shani Luk, Amid Bouskila and Yitzhak

Lerenter were murdered by Hamas while escaping the Nova Music Festival on October 7th and their bodies were taken into Gaza. They were celebrating

life in the Nova music festival and they were murdered by Hamas.


GOLODRYGA: They were celebrating life and they were murdered by Hamas. Let's bring in International Diplomatic Editor Nic Robertson who joins us

now live from London. Very devastating news there in Israel and obviously for these three hostages' families in particular. Nic, what more do we know

about where these bodies were found and when they were indeed murdered?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: You know, the details are just horrific when you think about what their families went through for

such a long period of time, more than 200 days now, not knowing if their loved ones were alive and imagining the worst that they're sitting in

tunnels and hearing bombardment and not getting enough food and just being utterly traumatized.

The families will listen to the accounts of all the other hostages who've been freed. The details are harrowing. They had managed, these three,

according to Daniel Hagari, that these three had managed to escape the Hamas onslaught at the Nova Music Festival where there were hundreds and

hundreds of people celebrating and they'd managed to get away to, he said, excuse me, which is about 10 or 15 minutes drive away from the Nova Music


I was just looking on the map to remind myself and remembering that just a couple of days after those horrific events, the IDF took us down that road

and the location he describes, it was just a scene of utter carnage. There were shot up motor vehicles at the side of the road, bonnets open. I

remember seeing one of the vehicles had a pram by the side of it and just chaos.

But what Daniel Hagari lays out is a scenario whereby Hamas didn't take them alive as hostages, but killed them and took their bodies back,

essentially as hostages, as bargaining chips. The three of them, according to Hagari, were found in a tunnel.

This operation, he said, was put together by the IDF, the military, and the intelligence services, the Shin Bet, acting on intelligence, he said, that

they had. Shani Luke was 22 years old, a German-Israeli. She was a tattoo artist. Amit Bouskila was 28. She was a fashion stylist. And Eshtek Geller-

Mitter was 53, a father. So, he leaves behind a family.

This is just devastating news. And I think, you know, what we're hearing from the IDF here is that they prioritize the search for the hostages. But,

of course, there's a massive amount of pressure politically and on the IDF to do more, to get the hostages freed, to take a deal even.

That's the pressure on the government rather than have a military operation to bring the hostages back. So, this announcement comes at a moment of

intensifying pressure on the government to prioritize the hostages and the government through the IDF, given the latest information they have.

ASHER: Right, Nic Robertson, live for us there. Thank you so much.



ASHER: All right, switching gears now. One week after Russian troops launched a surprise cross-border attack, Kyiv says it's slowing down the

enemy offensive in the northeastern region. But the Ukrainian army chief warns Moscow's forces are still expanding their push into the area, and he

warns of heavy battles ahead.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, this is Russian President Vladimir Putin denies that he has his sights set on Kharkiv, which is Ukraine's second largest city. On

the ground, the situation is turning increasingly desperate. As Russian troops move in, civilians in one town are frantically trying to get out.

CNN's Nick Paton-Walsh got a firsthand look.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY EDITOR (voice-over): When nightmares recur, they're often the same. Here, they get worse. The

border town of Vovchansk, bearing the blunt horror of Moscow's race to take as much as they can in the weeks before Ukraine starts feeling American

military help again. Every street aflame. Russians deeper inside the town. Policeman Maxim is answering one of 35 calls from locals on Thursday to

evacuate. The day before, three colleagues were injured. The shelling never stops.

WALSH: Three people still coming out. And you have to imagine quite how desperate for these final people the situation must be to leave.

WALSH (voice-over): Nikola and his wife hiding in their basement. But despite staying through the first Russian occupation and then liberation

two years ago, they found the airstrikes last night just too much. They're joined by Maria, their mother, who can't hear the shelling or anything too


Thousands evacuated since Russia invaded again around here five days ago. Why everyone has to leave is clear again as we drive out. As it is with

almost every part of Ukraine Russia covets. Just utter destruction, little left to rule over. This is their first moment of calm in many days. Entire

lives in plastic bags.

WALSH: Just saying it wasn't like last night was scary and everyone else was talking about significant bombardment. More that it was just better to

get out of there. Eighty five.

WALSH (voice-over): An armoured ride to a new world, knowing they may never get back to their homes, tormented for days by shelling.

WALSH (voice-over): We head back in with another police unit, who soon learn two of the houses they must rescue from are impossible to reach. As

we wait, they hear a buzzing noise.

WALSH: They think they can hear a drone here. It's so hard to tell with the wind and the trees and the artillery, but that's a constant threat for

them now.

WALSH (voice-over): Then our security advisor spots it. They raise their weapons, but will firing make them more of a target? Three drones, one

large one that hovers, and two small ones whizzing about. Exposed, powerless. If we run for cover, they might come for us. All we can do is

hide in the trees and hope that if we are seen, the Russians instead have a better target in mind. But they come right overhead. That noise. Either the

sound of death, or someone deciding you're not worth their payload.

We decide to leave. But again, we cannot travel fast enough to escape the drones, only expose ourselves and pray they lose interest. Perhaps they

did, we'll never know. But behind us, Ukraine is aflame again. Because however the West's interest in this war wanes, Putin's burns brighter than

ever. Nick Paton-Walsh, CNN, Vovchansk, Ukraine.


ASHER: And Oleksandra Matvitchouk is the head of the Center for Civil Liberties, the Ukrainian Human Rights Organization. She joins us live now

from Kyiv. Oleksandra, thank you so much for being with us.


I mean, as we know, thousands of civilians have been forced to flee Kharkiv. Russia deliberately targeting civilians is, of course, nothing new

in this war. It is a pattern, part of a pattern, of widespread, systematic human rights abuses we've seen in Ukraine since this war started roughly

around two years ago.

I mean, everything from torturing political prisoners, extrajudicial killings, gender-based violence, the list goes on. What does accountability

-- since this is your wheelhouse, what does accountability actually look like against Russia once the war is over?

OLEKSANDRA MATVITCHOUK, HEAD OF THE CENTER FOR LIBERTIES: I think that there is no need to wait when and how this war will end. And we have to

start all legal procedure to provide chance for justice for people affected by these actions. And we have to do two things, at least.

First, to create a special tribunal on aggression and to hold Putin and his surroundings accountable because all these crimes which we now are

documenting, it's a result of the leadership decision to start this war. And second, we have to collect evidence to investigate cases and to bring

them to courts on the national and international level.

GOLODRYGA: Oleksandra, it's so good to see you again. You've documented thousands of cases of human rights abuses throughout this war. And now that

we continue to see fighting and intensified fighting in the northeast region around Kharkiv, it begs the question that I've asked you in the

past, how are you even able to travel through some of these parts of the country to document these abuses?

MATVITCHOUK: When large-scale war started, we united efforts with dozens of regional organizations. We built national network of local documentators

and covered the whole country, including the occupied territories. For sure, it's very difficult for us to get information from fields where the

battle is going on or we can't reach any individual cases in occupied territories.

But we live in 21st century, there are a lot of digital tools which we can use in order to restore what happened, to identify perpetrators, to

communicate with each other. So, we know a lot what's going on.

ASHER: All right, so you've got digital tools, you've got a network of other sort of organizations throughout the country to help with

investigation. But still, when it comes to sort of collecting data in this way, collecting, analyzing, investigating, consolidating data, there are a

lot of challenges involved, even if you do have access to various parts of the country. Can you walk us through some of the other challenges you're

experiencing as well?

MATVITCHOUK: For me, the main challenge is an enormous amount of crimes. Because only in our database, we documented for these two years of large

scale were more than 70,000 episodes of our crimes. And now, can you imagine a task to investigate properly in accordance to all international

standard, 70,000 cases?

And Ukrainian officials opened even more criminal proceedings. The Office of General Prosecutor now investigated more than 126,000. So, this is the

first and probably the most challenge, because when you have plenty of cases, it's very difficult to investigate them properly.

And second thing is how to make this justice implicable. I mean, not just investigate, but how to reach the people who committed these crimes by

their own hands, how to reach people who gave orders to commit these crimes, how to reach the top political officials and high military command

of Russian state who started this war. This is also the question which it's important to put on the table.

ASHER: Well, Oleksandra Matvitchouk, thank you so much for the work that you are doing. We appreciate you joining us on the program. Thank you.

GOLODRYGA: Thank you.


GOLODRYGA: Well, high drama today involving the world's top golfer, only it didn't unfold on the fairway. Scottie Scheffler was detained by police

earlier this morning before the start of the second round of the PGA championship. He's facing four charges, including second degree assault on

a police officer. Police then later released Scheffler.

ASHER: Take a look here. This video of the arrest is from an ESPN reporter who was actually at the scene. Scheffler was handcuffed after police say he

tried to drive past an officer into the Valhalla Golf Club. That's in Louisville, Kentucky. Scheffler's lawyer calls it a miscommunication.



REPORTER: How is Scottie feeling this morning? What did he say?

STEVE RAINES, SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER'S ATTORNEY: Again, we'll just let it all play out. That's the extent of what we know. It's moving pretty fast at

this time, but we'll litigate the case as it comes.


GOLODRYGA: Scheffler has since made it back onto the fairway and teed off a short time ago. We should note he is now viewed as the top golfer in the


ASHER: Right.

GOLODRYGA: Not the morning that he expected, that's for sure. Now, they are examining the body cam footage.

ASHER: Right. Let's bring in CNN's Andy Scholes. Andy, it's not, you know, every day that the world's number one, right, is arrested just before the

championship. Just walk us through what happened and what he's been charged with here.

ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: I mean, Zain and Bianna, this is without a doubt the wildest, strangest morning in golf history. But despite

everything that's happened, it's pretty clear that nothing can rattle Scottie Scheffler. He was out there, made his tee time. He birdied two of

his first three holes. He's won under through six. He's only four shots off the lead at this PGA championship.

But I'll walk you through what happened in the past seven hours. At about 5 A.M. here, there was a fatal accident involving a pedestrian that created a

massive traffic problem. Then at about six, Scottie, he was trying to navigate his way through that traffic and was detained by police after

trying to go around it. At about 7:30, he was booked into a Louisville jail. At 8:40, Scheffler was released. And about 30 minutes later, he

arrived at Valhalla Golf Club. And then at 10:08, he teed off for his second round.

Now, here are the charges Scheffler is now facing. Second-degree assault of a police officer, which is a felony. Third-degree criminal mischief.

Reckless driving. Disregarding traffic signals from an officer. Now, ESPN's Jeff Darlington was at the scene when all of this was unfolding, and he

gave this account of what happened on Sports Center.


JEFF DARLINGTON, ESPN REPORTER, WITNESSED SCHEFFLER BEING ARRESTED: Scottie Scheffler has been detained by police officers, placed in the back

of a police vehicle in handcuffs after he tried to pull around what he believed to be security, ended up being police officers. They told him to

stop. When he didn't stop, the police officer attached himself to the vehicle.

Scheffler then traveled another 10 yards before stopping the car. The police officer then grabbed at his arm, attempting to pull him out of the

car before Scheffler eventually opened the door, at which point the police officer pulled Scheffler out of the car, pushed him up against the car, and

immediately placed him in handcuffs.


SCHOLES: Now, according to the police report, the officer involved was dragged to the ground and suffered pain, swelling, and abrasions to his

left wrist. After Scheffler's car accelerated forward, the officer was taken to the hospital.

Scheffler released a statement this morning before he teed off, saying, "I was proceeding as directed by police officers. It was a very chaotic

situation, understandably so, considering the tragic accident that had occurred earlier, and there was a big misunderstanding of what I thought I

was being asked to do. I never intended to disregard any of the instructions. I'm hopeful to put this to the side and focus on golf today.

Of course, all of us involved in the tournament express our deepest sympathies to the family of the man who passed away in the earlier accident

this morning. It truly puts everything in perspective."

Now, guys, you know, of all people for this to happen to, I mean, Scheffler, one of the most unlikely. You know, he's one of the nicest, most

well-liked guys on the tour. You know, he just had his first child a week and a half ago, and right now he's on one of the best runs we've ever seen

in golf history. He won four out of his last five starts, including the Masters, and incredibly, like I mentioned before, it hasn't seemed to

bother him today. He's playing pretty good golf and is in contention here at the PGA Championship.

ASHER: Yeah, such a squeaky clean, I mean, this is such a bizarre story.


ASHER: Such a squeaky clean image. This is not something that you would expect for him to be involved in, but I loved what he said at the end,

referencing the man who passed away and how all of that just puts everything into perspective. I thought that was a very mature part of his

response. Andy Scholes, we have to leave it there. Thank you.

GOLODRYGA: Also calling it a big misunderstanding.

ASHER: Yeah.

GOLODRYGA: That was an understatement. And the fact that he seems to have nerves of steel.

ASHER: I know, just perfect.

GOLODRYGA: Wow, well, still to come for us, skyscrapers are damaged and trees are down after a deadly storm ripped through Houston, Texas. A look

at some of the damage, ahead.




GOLODRYGA: We're going to turn now to Texas, where hundreds of thousands are without power after deadly storms ripped through the Houston area on



ASHER: Yeah, powerful hurricane-force winds and torrential rain blasted through parts of Texas, killing at least four people. Massive trees knocked

down. This one, take a look here. Wow. Falling on a car outside a home in Houston, the storm blew out windows. It blew out windows and sent people

screaming for cover in the downtown part of the city. Emergency officials urging everyone to stay home. Bianna, you're actually from Houston.

GOLODRYGA: Yes, I mean, Houstonians are very familiar with storms, but yesterday I called my mom who had to be evacuated during a tornado warning

when she was in the middle of a meeting, so this was a bad one.

At last check, more than 760,000 people are still in the dark after power lines were left mangled across the state. And it's not just Texas dealing

with severe weather now. There is a significant flood threat across parts of the Deep South.

Joining us now with the latest is CNN Meteorologist Elisa Raffa. Elisa, you saw the pictures there from Houston. Quite shocking to see downtown Houston

and windows just blown out. Buildings have, you know, blown apart, as well. But talk about where we can expect this storm to move next.

ELISA RAFFA, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yeah, we are concerned about additional flooding and damaging winds along the Deep South as we go through the day

today. Like you mentioned, this is what it left behind last night. Windows have blown out in some of the tallest skyscrapers in Houston. Power out in

Costco, hundreds of people in there, as well.

The power problem will continue as we go through the weekend because the energy companies keep saying that they are not sure how long it's going to

take the power to come back on because a lot of those transmitters were hit. So, still, about 800,000 people without power.

And the problem is as we go into the weekend, it's going to get hot. So, without power, we're not going to have air conditioning, and that could put

people at risk to heat sickness. So, the Weather Service is really encouraging people to check on your neighbors as we go through the weekend

as the heat continues to swelter.

You can see where this kind of line of storms just continues to flourish. We've got some storms up in Corpus Christi, southern Mississippi, and

Alabama, and then parts of the Florida Peninsula, as well. That's where we're looking at the threat of damaging winds, large hail, and tornadoes

continuing as we go through the day today.

You have that level 2 out of 5 slight risk for severe weather where we can continue to find that damaging wind threat. Storms continue to blow up,

especially southern Mississippi and Alabama today. And then we can continue to find some of that heavy rain as we go into Saturday morning from parts

of southern Louisiana there and then into the Florida Panhandle.

This is the excessive rain risk. It's a moderate level three of four, and that area has gone a little bit bigger over the last couple of hours

because we're looking at widespread two to five inches of rain on an area that's already inundated.


These soils are so saturated they cannot take any more water. Ladies.

ASHER: Wow. Gosh.

GOLODRYGA: Really a warning for all of those living there to heed local warnings and news. This storm is quite damaging and not over yet. And the

power threat, also a big issue.

ASHER: The power is certainly frustrating, but living through a storm or being in a storm where the windows get blown, I find that terrifying. I

would find. I've never experienced anything like that. But I absolutely would find that terrifying. You see glass strewn across the streets in

downtown Houston. Really powerful stuff.

All right, Elisa Raffa, live for us. Thank you. All right, Slovakia's Prime Minister is conscious and he is speaking after being shot multiple times on


GOLODRYGA: Yeah, Robert Fico remains in serious condition, however, and a 71-year-old man described as a lone wolf is facing attempted murder charges

after he allegedly tried to assassinate the prime minister.


MATUS SUTAJ-ESTOK, SLOVAK INTERIOR MINISTER (through translator): I can confirm that the suspect is not a member of any kind of radicalized

political group, right wing or left wing. He is a lone wolf whose disappointment with the government accelerated after the presidential

election when he decided to act.


ASHER: The attack has certainly rocked the central European country and sparked global condemnation, as well.

GOLODRYGA: All right, well, still ahead for us. Against all odds. We'll reintroduce you to an Israeli and a Palestinian whose friendship and

business partnership transcends politics and they're now enjoying success in the business industry.




ASHER: All right, welcome back to "One World", I'm Zain Asher.

GOLODRYGA: And I'm Bianna Golodryga. Well, eight months into the Israeli- Hamas war, we want to take you back to a story that we brought you earlier. We introduced you to the owners of a popular Middle Eastern restaurant in

Berlin late last year. Their restaurant offers a vision of peace and partnership in the face of war. One of the co-owners is Israeli, the other

is Palestinian, and their vision is to serve up unity along with a culture- melding menu. This is what they told us earlier.


JALIL DABIT, FOUNDER AND CO-OWNER, KANAAN RESTAURANT: When they close that back in October, Oz, he couldn't like, handle it and he asked me, we need

to close. And I said, of course, if you cannot handle with that, so let's close. But I knew that it's not the right way. Every half an hour I call

him and I check what about him, and I think about my family in Gaza, and I think about my friends in Gaza, and I'm thinking about both sides all the

time. And after, like, a few days, Oz told me, okay, this is the time. When Hamas asks us to close, we open.


GOLODRYGA: Time now for the exchange. We want to catch up with the founders of Kahnan Restaurant. Israeli co-owner Oz Ben David joins us now

from Berlin, and Palestinian co-owner Jalil Dabit joins us from Ramla, Israel. Gentlemen, welcome back to the program. I'm so glad Zain gets to

meet you, as well.

ASHER: Yes, I'm so excited to hear from you guys.

GOLODRYGA: Jalil, so much has changed --

DABIT: Thank you so much.

GOLODRYGA: -- since the last time we spoke. You both gave us a sense of reality, but also optimism in the face of just such darkness and war. And

that was three months into the war, and I remember you saying that, Jalil. I can't believe it's three months. And here we are --


GOLODRYGA: -- over seven months into the war. And my first question to you, Jalil, is how are you doing? What is going through your mind now, not only

as a businessman, but somebody who lives in Israel, as somebody who has seen war now for so long?

DABIT: Actually, I hope that the war will end soon, and the hostages will come back to Israel, and all the people in Gaza can go back to their homes

and to start to build a new place, a new Gaza. But I hope to see it soon, but I cannot see it right now from our leaders. But I'm optimistic, you

know? I'm an optimistic guy.

ASHER: Hi, Zain here, and I'm so excited I get to learn from you guys and learn about your story as well, because I wasn't there with Bianna the last

time when she interviewed you. It looks as though we've lost one of our guests. Have we lost both of them or one of them? Okay, we have both of


GOLODRYGA: Please don't leave us.

DABIT: We are here.

ASHER: I do have to ask you, you know, resentment is a really difficult emotion to overcome. Anybody who's experienced resentment knows that,

which, by the way, if you're human, you have. And I think about your employees at the restaurant, you know, you've got Israeli employees,

Palestinian employees, working together side by side. And on the surface, that sounds wonderful. It sounds like a great fairy tale.

But when they're in the kitchen together and they're sauteing onions and they're cutting vegetables and they're chit-chatting, I'm curious how often

the war comes up and whether or not there is a shared sense of camaraderie or whether or not conversations about the war quickly devolve into blaming,

into anger, and into resentment.

DABIT: Oz, you're working with them every day.

OZ BEN DAVID, FOUNDER AND CO-OWNER, KANAAN RESTAURANT: If you refer to me, I will tell you, like, from the 7th of October, everything that we build

with the team, all the way that we learn to communicate with each other, to validate other pain and not necessarily my people pain, that's the kind of

things that helped us since the 7th of October.

In this fight, we need to choose always sizes. What Jalil and me managed to create is to create a space and a place where the pain of both of us is

valid. The dream and the narratives exist and are accepted both ways.


I don't agree with Jalil about a lot of things, about what happens in 1948, when it starts, but Jalil and me, and also the team, share a vision of

future together, where those questions are not relevant. One of the most miracle things and a great thing that I saw that in the last attack of

missiles of Iran on Israel, it was the Israeli missiles and protections that were protecting also Palestinians.

So, this kind of things that are happening and this kind of small things that we are pointing with our team, allowing them to feel comfortable and

to see the vision through what Jalil and me create.

ASHER: I was almost going to cry listening to you when you talked about both perspectives being valid.

GOLODRYGA: And the fact that they have a Syrian chef, who, as we played that clip from you last time when we spoke, that you closed for a few days

because obviously, it was just too difficult for you, understandably, after October 7th. You re-opened October 13th because, as you said, when Hamas is

calling for a day of rage in Europe, you unite.

And Jalil, you said this is the right thing to do to bring everyone back in to work. And on the one hand, people may look at this story and say, oh,

we're just searching and looking for desperately for signs of unity. But you have really lit a conversation -- started a conversation about how to

scale this partnership.

And Jalil, when I was in Israel, this is just to give you a sense of how much this story and your story resonated with me. When I was in Israel a

few weeks after we spoke, I drove through Ramla, or I saw signs of Ramla there, a mixed Arab-Jewish-Israeli city just a few miles away from one of

the settlements where, Oz, that's where you grew up.

And the fact that you come to this business with such different backgrounds, and the fact that, Jalil, you have government officials in

Germany asking you how you make it work, that is what I would like for you to tell our audience about, that you have people coming to you, government

officials, saying how can we scale this type of partnership.

DAVID: I think that this is the secret of what we managed to do, and that's what I will start talking about. Everybody, over, also from Israel,

Palestine, but a lot in Europe, in the U.S., everywhere around, everyone talking through one eye, looking on the problem through aspects of bad and

good, light and dark.

What we try to light up, it's what Jalil and me discovered while working together, coming from such a different background, we discovered how

friendship and how many things in common that we are sharing, allowing us and to put the light on those things and not on the things that make us

different, allowing us to find new creative ideas that we both feel that we are valid, and our narrative, and nobody makes a big sacrifice for that.

It's just about talking different, and that's what we try to explain also to the president of Germany, that we don't need to talk about the old

German narrative against anti-Semitism. We need to invent a new narrative that also includes us that came here in the 80s, and the Syrians that came

here will feel connected. You can't demand people to be -- not to be anti- Semitic, but you can create a background.

Also, those Syrians, also the Turkish felt racism over their life. We need to learn how to connect and to create empathy instead of command, create

laws, sending police to do that, and that can happen only with education, and places like Jalil and me making and lots of others.

ASHER: It's beautiful. Go ahead.

DABIT: I said you need to accept the other. You need to accept, not to agree, but you need to accept the other narrative. You need to accept, and

that's what Oz and I are doing. We're accepting all the narrative. We're accepting all the people, all kinds of people.


GOLODRYGA: One quick question to you before I let you both go. You now, I've met Israelis who have said, listen, you know, prior to October 7th,

you know, I would have happily engaged with Palestinians. But what happened on October 7th was so uniquely painful and so uniquely horrific that I have

found it unforgivable. And from the Palestinian perspective, they might have felt the same way, as well.

However, they look at what is happening in Gaza. They see more than 30,000 people killed. They see famine spreading. They see widespread destruction,

and they also feel the same way, that these kinds of atrocities are simply unforgivable. What do you both say to the Israelis and to the Palestinians

who are watching and who have that perspective? How do you get them to see it from your perspective?

DAVID: This is all bad decisions. This is bad decisions of leaders, our leaders from both of the sides, the Palestinians and the Israelis. We made,

over the years, lots of mistakes, and we have to work on that and believe and hold in the hope. I'm not telling you this because I think or it's a

wish of thinking. I saw that happen. I see that happen every day.

GOLODRYGA: And you don't take ownership over where food was originated from, right? You make it better. You bring both of your recipes from the

Palestinian side and the Israeli side together, especially with hummus. Again, I remember, no garlic in the hummus, just lemon. Let the lemon


ASHER: We noticed your shirt, by the way, Jalil. We noticed that shirt.

GOLODRYGA: Oz Ben David, Jalil, David, thank you so much. Hopefully, the next time we'll speak, there will be no more war.

DABIT: Thank you.

GOLODRYGA: Thank you.

DAVID: Thank you.

DAVIT: Thank you.

ASHER: That was such a great story. I love stories that just show the best in humanity.

GOLODRYGA: We have to go to their restaurant next time.

ASHER: Yes, yes. All right, still to come, chaos. Much different tone here. Chaos and personal insult on Capitol Hill after Republican Marjorie

Taylor Greene ignited fireworks at a Committee meeting and received this warning from her furious colleague.


JASMINE CROCKETT, U.S. HOUSE DEMOCRAT: If someone on this Committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach-blind, bad-built, butch body, that

would not be engaging in personalities, correct?





ASHER: This next story falls under the you-have-to-see-it-to-believe-it category. It involves name-calling, taunts, insults, and what makes it

probably most surprising is that it didn't take place on a school playground. It took place on Capitol Hill. Here's how it began.


ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, U.S. HOUSE DEMOCRAT: Do you know what we're here for? You know we're here -- well, you're the one talking about --

MARJORIE TAYLOR-GREENE, U.S. HOUSE REPUBLICAN: I think your fake eyelashes are messing up.

UNKNOWN: Hold on, hold on. Order.

OCASIO-CORTEZ: I do have a point of order and I would like to move to take down Ms. Greene's words. That is absolutely unacceptable. How dare you

attack the physical appearance of another person.

TAYLOR-GREENE: Are your feelings hurt?

OCASIO-CORTEZ: Move her words down.


OCASIO-CORTEZ: Oh, girl, baby, girl.

TAYLOR GREENE: Oh, really?

OCASIO-CORTEZ: Don't even play with me.

TAYLOR GREENE: Baby, I don't think so.

OCASIO-CORTEZ: We are going to move and we're going to take your words down.


GOLODRYGA: Just taxpayer dollars really paying off there with our highly esteemed publicly elected officials. Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene and

her Democratic colleague, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, got into a heated exchange during an Oversight Committee meeting on Thursday.

Now, as you just heard, it started after Greene commented on another Congresswoman's physical appearance. That Congresswoman, Jasmine Crockett,

then came back with this thinly veiled barbed green herself, leaving the Committee Chairman seemingly bewildered.


CROCKETT: I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling, if someone on this Committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach-

blonde, bad-built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?

COMER: A what now?


GOLODRYGA: See, I think Jamie Raskin got it right away. He knew exactly where she was going. A what now?

ASHER: We are joined now by Annie Grayer. Baby, girl. Baby, girl, don't even. Oh, my God. We're going to be laughing about that. But, you know, in

all seriousness, in all seriousness, Annie, I don't know whether to laugh or be horrified or be, I don't even know how to react to this. How did we

even get here? Let's start there.

ANNIE GRAYER, CNN REPORTER: Well, I think a lot of members are asking themselves the same question. How did we get here? And walking around,

feeling very embarrassed and distraught over what happened last night. I mean, as a Capitol Hill reporter, you don't think you're going to be

covering members making accusations about fake eyelashes or accusations about physical appearance the way that we saw play out last night.

And, I mean, just to take a step back, this was supposed to be a hearing about moving forward with holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in

contempt of Congress, which is a very serious matter. Republicans want the audio tapes of President Joe Biden's interviews with the special counsel

over his handling of classified documents. They haven't been able to get it.

The White House has exerted executive privilege. Republicans are trying to hold Garland in contempt. But that is not what this hearing turned into.

And as you saw from the clips, just how heated it got. I mean, it started when Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene went after Democratic

Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett's eyelashes.

And then her colleague, Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, jumped in trying to get Greene's words taken down. And that's what led Greene to then insult

AOC's intelligence. And we just saw this back and forth. And in the middle, House Oversight Chair James Comer, completely unsure of how to handle it,

what to do.

Democrats were, after all those words were exchanged, Democrats were trying to get Greene to not be able to talk the rest of the hearing. They wanted

to silence her after all the accusations she made. They were unable to do that. Republicans overruled them. So, Republicans were ultimately able to

pass this resolution on Garland out of Committee. But as we can see, that's just not what this hearing devolved into and became about.

GOLODRYGA: I think that Committee needs to go on a trip to Germany to Jalil and Oz's restaurant and have some conversations over hummus.

ASHER: But it was a segment, Annie, about unity and peace. And so that's what we are referring to.

GOLODRYGA: Make hummus not war, yes. Annie Grayer. Thank you so much.

ASHER: We'll be right back with more.




GOLODRYGA: Well, the NFL is distancing itself from controversial comments made during the college commencement speech by Harrison Butker. The Kansas

City Chiefs kicker set off a wave of criticism when he suggested that women find more fulfillment through getting married and having children than by

pursuing careers. That was one of several controversial remarks in Saturday's speech.

ASHER: The NFL issued a statement saying that Butker's comments at Benedictine College does not reflect the views of the league. As part of

Butker's speech, that triggered the backlash.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) HARRISON BUTKER, KANSAS CITY CHIEFS KICKER: I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are

sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career?

Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your

marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I'm on this stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her

vocation and embraces one of the most important titles of all, homemaker.


ASHER: Whew. So many things that people had to say about that. There is now a petition on calling on the Kansas City Chiefs to fire

Butker. More than 180,000 people have signed it the last time we checked.

GOLODRYGA: Well, it looks like the dominance of women's basketball is here to stay in the U.S. as Caitlin Clark's fever is still going strong.

ASHER: Yes, it is. The former NCAA superstar made her debut with the Indiana fever in a major way. CNN's Hadas Gold reports on why the rise of

women's sports is shaking up the media industry.


ANNOUNCER: Here's Clark off the screen. Gets a look. Yes.

HADAS GOLD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Caitlin Clark's WNBA debut may not have ended in a win on the court, but it was a win in the ratings. The Indiana

fever versus Connecticut Sun match drew in an average of 2.1 million viewers, making it the most-watched WNBA game in more than two decades,

even beating the competing NHL Stanley Cup playoff game airing on ESPN that same night. Women's sports is at a precipice with viewers and revenue


ANNOUNCER: 1:04 left. The crowd loves it.

GOLD: While women's sports have long been relegated to second-class status by broadcasters, the industry's biggest media companies are now racing to

get a piece of the action. Amazon, ESPN, ABC, CBS, Disney Plus, and Scripps are all just some of the networks airing WNBA games this year.

BRIAN LAWLER, PRESIDENT, SCRIPPS SPORTS: We've made it so much easier to be a women's sports fan, and now people are watching the game and saying,

these players are really good.

GOLD: The ION Network from Scripps will air Friday night WNBA games and is hosting the first-ever dedicated WNBA weekly studio show.

LAWLWER: We knew there was growth there. We knew there was interest there, and we just believed that if we could make the games more visible, fans

would latch on. And the momentum is just building. Clark helped draw a record 18.9 million viewers to the women's NCAA final in April, crushing

the men's ratings.


The WNBA draft night later that month drew in more than 2.4 million viewers.

ANNOUNCER: Caitlin Clark. University of Iowa.

GOLD: Those numbers are also attracting advertisers. The media buying firm Group M, which represents companies like Google, Unilever, and Mars, say

they plan to double their ad spend on women's sports this year.

DENISE OCASIO, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF INVESTMENT, GROUP M U.S.: Because these women that are watching these sports and these men that are watching

women's sports, they're engaged with the brands that are supporting these areas. So, they're seeing real business tangible results in terms of moving

product, which is ultimately the goal of what we're trying to do in advertising.

GOLD: While the revenue generated by women's sports is still a fraction of even just a single male sport, the business is ripe for development.

OCASIO: I think it's the tip of the iceberg. I think we're only just starting to see how big women's sports can be. For me, we've truly reached

the pinnacle when we stopped calling it the women's basketball game last night. We just say the basketball game, and everybody knows we were talking

about the fever game last night.

GOLD: Broadcasters and streamers are also looking beyond the basketball court to the soccer field, the volleyball court, and more, where a good

game is just a good game, no matter who the players are. Hadas Gold, CNN, New York.


ASHER: And that does it. We've had quite an adventurous day.

GOLODRYGA: It's only been an hour. Time flies when you have fun.

ASHER: I'm Zain Asher.

GOLODRYGA: I'm Bianna Golodryga.

ASHER: Baby girl. Baby girl.

GOLODRYGA: I don't know what name to say out of that -- other than I'll be back --