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One World with Zain Asher

White House Says While U.S. President Biden Backs A Path To A Two State Solution, It Should Come Through Negotiations And Not Unilateral Recognition; Israel's Defense Minister Authorizes Israelis To Enter Parts Of The Northern West Bank; Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Turn Out To The Streets Of Iran's Capital Today To Pay Their Final Respects To The Late President Ebrahim Raisi; Singapore Airlines CEO Issued An Apology To All Those Affected By SQ 321; U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Makes A Surprise Announcement About Elections; "The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill" Takes Top Honor As Number One Album. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired May 22, 2024 - 12:00   ET




BIANNA GOLODRYGA, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: Stunning rebuke. Three European leaders have come together to recognize Palestine as a sovereign state. How

can anyone justify children going to sleep at night not knowing if they will wake up? Those words from Ireland's Prime Minister, as he and two

other nations called their recognition of Palestine an important step toward peace.

Two hundred and twenty-nine days. That's how long she has lived, not knowing if her daughter is alive and safe. My conversation with the mother

of a woman currently being held hostage by Hamas. And later, Apple's top 100 albums. The artist who beat out Michael Jackson, Beyonce and Stevie

Wonder for the top spot.

Hello, everyone. Live from New York, I'm Bianna Golodryga. Zain is off today. You are watching "One World". We begin with an important political

but largely symbolic move, which is being celebrated by Palestinians and condemned by Israel. Norway, Ireland and Spain say that they will formally

recognize a Palestinian state beginning next week, joining some 140 nations that have already done so. Israel is recalling its ambassadors to the three

nations in protest.

Spain's Prime Minister says the move is aimed at accelerating efforts to secure a ceasefire in Israel's war with Hamas. And Norway's Prime Minister

stressed there can be no peace without a two state solution. Ireland's Prime Minister referred to the Palestinian suffering unfolding in real



SIMON HARRIS, IRISH PRIME MINISTER: This is a historic and important day for Ireland and for Palestine. Taking our place on the world stage and

being recognized by others as having the right to be there was a matter of the highest importance.


GOLODRYGA: The White House says while U.S. President Biden backs a path to a two state solution, it should come through negotiations and not

unilateral recognition. France says the timing is not right just now.

Meanwhile, Israel's Defense Minister has just authorized Israelis to enter parts of the northern West Bank. This paves the way to re-establish Israeli

settlements that were evacuated and demolished nearly 20 years ago. International diplomatic Editor Nic Robertson is in London, but let's begin

with CNN's Jeremy Diamond in Jerusalem.

Jeremy, as we heard, the President of the United States saying he obviously supports a two state solution, but that should be done through negotiations

and not unilaterally. Meantime, Prime Minister Netanyahu says that the plan for these countries to recognize a Palestinian state is, quote, "a prize

for terrorism".

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, that's exactly right. Total rejection of this move by the Israeli government, we should note, of

course, that this Israeli government led by Prime Minister Netanyahu opposes the creation of a Palestinian state, opposes a two state solution.

And what we have seen from the Israeli government so far in terms of actual action here in response to these moves is recalling Israel's ambassadors to

Spain, Ireland and Norway.

Those countries ambassadors in Israel were also summoned to the foreign ministry for a formal reprimand. And they were also set to be shown videos

of October 7th, including the kidnapping of women on that day. The Israeli foreign minister saying that doing so recognizing a Palestinian state at

this time is akin to awarding a gold medal to the murderers and rapists of Hamas and has vowed serious consequences.

We are getting a taste of what those consequences could look like from the Israeli finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, a member of the far right in

this governing coalition, who is arguing for the approval of tens of thousands of additional housing units in Israeli settlements in the

occupied West Bank. He wants to see new settlements in the West Bank approved, and he is also vowing that he will withhold Palestinian tax

revenue that is collected by the Israeli government but meant for the Palestinian Authority.

That could be a consequential step because the Palestinian Authority has already for months seen its tax revenues withheld, has resulted in the

Palestinian Authority being significantly cast strapped at a time when they are struggling to even pay the salaries of government employees. So, that

could have a consequential step. But beyond that, the recognition by these three countries of Palestine as a state is obviously very symbolic, but

will have very little impact to the facts on the ground.


GOLODRYGA: Yeah, and we'll get more to the video, Jeremy, later in the show that you just referenced, an extended video released by five of the

families of those IDF soldiers who were captured by Hamas. Their initial video had been released in January of the five female soldiers, the

families agreeing to release additional video today that was provided to them by the IDF.

Very graphic video. One of the reasons they say for releasing the videos today is because they don't think enough pressure is being put on this

hostage negotiation deal. Jeremy Diamond, thank you so much.

Nic Robertson, let me turn to you because we heard from the Prime Minister of Ireland specifically referencing Israel's push for settlements and the

continued push by some of the far right extremists in this government as for one of the reasons why they decide today is the day that they will

officially recognize a Palestinian state.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yeah, this is a position that I was decided to take in conjunction with Norway and Spain

because they feel that has the sort of biggest political impact. But, you know, the French foreign minister today said, look, this isn't the time.

And one of the reasons it's not the time to do this is quite simply because when we all act together.

And I think he was perhaps implying the European Union or at least many European nations in the United States, if we all act together and then that

has the potential for having the greater political influence, which at the end of the day is what the what the Irish Taoiseach, the Irish Prime

Minister, Simon Harris, said that he wanted to achieve.

He wanted to achieve or hope that this would achieve a powerful political and symbolic measure. He sort of recounts Ireland's own efforts to gain

independence from Great Britain more than 100 years ago as sort of -- one of the sort of root drivers within -- within Ireland, why they see it as

important to support that move by the by the palace, by the Palestinians.

But -- but undoubtedly, you know, the Irish said that they could see that this was going to cause interpretations and reactions. And that's certainly

what -- what has happened today. The Norwegian Prime Minister, when he spoke, said his view was essentially this simple, that peace in the Middle

East comes with -- with a two-state solution, a Palestinian state and Israeli state.

And therefore, he said without a Palestinian state, you cannot have peace. The counter argument has been that you can -- you can move to peace at the

same time as agreeing a path to a Palestinian state. So, I think for these countries, it really is an effort to try to change and pressure greater

movement and the conflict in Gaza. That was another thing that the Irish Prime Minister mentioned.

GOLODRYGA: All right. And this is the White House once again reiterating that it opposes, quote, "unilateral recognition for a Palestinian state at

this moment". Nic Robertson, thank you so much. Well, as we mentioned just a few moments ago with Jeremy, 19 year old Naama Levy was an Israeli

soldier kidnapped on October 7th. Her violent capture was caught on camera by her attackers.

Now, Levy's family and the families of other female soldiers have released more horrific video in an effort to urge the Israeli government and the

public to do more to get all of the hostages home. I spoke to Naama's mother, Ayelet Levy Shachar, a few moments ago.


AYELET LEVY SHACHAR, MOTHER OF ISRAELI HOSTAGE NAAMA LEVY: This cannot be a side story. And so, yes, I think this is -- this video that we agonize over

if we should be, you know, having it published, et cetera. And some of the families didn't even -- some of the family members didn't even watch it

until now. I think it should be shown to citizens in order to promote this, to -- to mobilize our government. To put this in the top priority and to

move ahead and bring them all home.


GOLODRYGA: We'll have my full conversation with Dr. Ayelet Levy Shachar in about 20 minutes time. You don't want to miss it. Well, hundreds of

thousands of people turned out to the streets of Iran's capital today to pay their final respects to the late President Ebrahim Raisi.


GOLODRYGA: Among them, Hamas and Taliban officials joining the huge crowds of mourners. And the country says it is hosting 60 delegations from

different countries for the day's long funeral service. Iran's Supreme Leader led prayer services earlier for Raisi and the others killed in a

helicopter crash on Sunday. You can see him here embracing Raisi's young grandsons. CNN's Fred Pleitgen was in the middle of today's ceremonies in

Tehran and sent us this report.


FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Ever since that helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi, as well as, of

course, the Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian and several others, we've seen big displays of public mourning here around the country in Iran.

Now, especially here in Tehran, where this massive procession is one that is part of the funeral procession to lay to rest the people who were killed

in that helicopter crash.

This public mourning, of course, is extremely important to the people here in Tehran, but also very important to the governments here in Iran. They

have been plastering the city with posters depicting the President, the Foreign Minister and the others who were killed in that crash. And they

have encouraged people to come here to participate in this mourning.

As far as the people themselves are concerned, many of them, of course, say that they are very sad. They are shocked by what's happened. But many of

them also say they need to know what happens next. It's been interesting because the country's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, even while the

helicopter was still missing, he came out and he said there would not be any disruption in the government.

Iran's government has already called for new elections that are going to take place on June 28, as they're trying to portray stability, but also

trying to foresight a new government to lead the country forward.


GOLODRYGA: Thanks to Fred Pleitgen for filing that report. We're learning new details about Tuesday's violent Singapore Airlines flight. New flight

tracking data shows the jet dropping and climbing multiple times within 90 seconds. This as the Boeing 777 was hit with extreme turbulence, throwing

passengers and crew around the cabin and forcing an emergency landing. The incident left one passenger dead and dozens others injured. The airline CEO

issued an apology to all those affected.


GOH CHOON PHONG, CEO, SINGAPORE AIRLINES: On behalf of Singapore Airlines, I would like to express my deepest condolences to the family and loved ones

of the deceased. We are very sorry for the traumatic experience that everyone on board SQ 321 went through.


GOLODRYGA: Meanwhile, passengers are recounting the horror they experienced on the flight from London to Singapore.


DZAFRAN AZMIR, SINGAPORE AIRLINES PASSENGER: Like I didn't realize the things that broke within the airplane, the dents that were made in the

overhead, like luggage compartments and all the additional kind of paneling above our heads. Like I thought it was just the oxygen masks coming out and

then popping out the panel. But in fact, like -- like heads had literally pushed through and broken those plastic panels. And like there was just

there's blood and -- and there's bits and pieces just broken everywhere.

JOSH SILVERSTONE, SINGAPORE AIRLINES PASSENGER: A lot of people can barely move their back. I'm very fortunate to be able to come out here only 24

hours later.


GOLODRYGA: How incredibly terrifying. Well, we've also learned that Singapore's Ministry of Transport is currently investigating the incident.

While we await closing arguments in Donald Trump's hush money trial next week, we could get some key updates today on another of the ex-president's

legal problems. The Florida judge in his classified documents case is holding a pair of hearings, her first public action on that case in more

than a month. The hearings are to discuss motions to have the charges dismissed.

In a new court filing, prosecutors have released a photo from just before the raid on Mar-a-Lago. It shows Trump aide Walt Nata moving boxes around

the property. Also, released was information that Trump even had classified documents in his private bedroom.

CNN's Justice Correspondent Jessica Schneider is tracking all the legal actions surrounding Donald Trump. Jessica, thanks so much for joining us.

So, this hearing began at around 10 A.M. Eastern time this morning. What have we heard thus far?

JESSICA SCHNEIDER, CNN JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: Well, it's still on-going, Bianna. We're still waiting to get any final word. But, you know, lawyers

right now for all of the defendants in this case, including Donald Trump, they're arguing to get various charges in the indictments dismissed.

So, Walt Nata, Trump's personal aide, he's calling for his obstruction charges to get dismissed. He's alleging vindictive or selective

prosecution. And then Trump and some of the other defendants, they also want some of the evidence against them to be deemed inadmissible. They're

alleging that the FBI improperly conducted part of the search at Mar-a- Lago, that was two years ago.

And what we're also watching in this hearing is to maybe get a sense of when a trial could happen. Of course, the trial has been paused

indefinitely. The judge here, Aileen Cannon, says she needs to work through various motions. So, it's been delayed past August at this point. And

there's a possibility we'll get some word on whether they might be able to start sometime before the election.

And, of course, you know, this hearing is also coming just a day after we got some of that new evidence through newly unsealed documents. So, we've

seen those screen grabs of the surveillance video of Walt Nata carrying boxes.


That was from June 2022. And notably, that was after Trump received a subpoena demanding classified documents back. It's also at the same time

that Trump's lawyers were trying to find classified documents. And it really seems to be some proof that Nata was moving those boxes so the feds

and maybe even Trump's lawyers wouldn't find them. That's part of the charges we're seeing in this classified documents case.

So, Bianna, things are moving slowly in the hearing itself. We're hoping to get some information at some point today, perhaps about a possible trial

date. You know, all of these other federal trials have really been stalled. And we've only seen the New York hush money case move forward so far,

obviously, with deliberations expected next week for the jury in New York.

But the question is, will any of these federal cases brought by the special counsel, Jack Smith, actually move forward before the November election?


SCHNEIDER: So, that's what we're waiting on this afternoon out of Florida.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, waiting on Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida to announce, if ever, a date for this trial that she has postponed indefinitely. And

obviously waiting for the Supreme Court to rule in, as well, on a separate case. Thank you so much, Jessica. We appreciate it.

We want to take you to London now where U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is making an important announcement, a surprise announcement about elections.

Let's listen in.


RISHI SUNAK, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: I recognize that it has not always been easy. Some of you will only just be starting to feel the benefits. And

for some, it might still be hard when you look at your bank balance. But this hard-earned economic stability was only ever meant to be the


The question now is how and who do you trust to turn that foundation into a secure future for you, your family and our country? Now is the moment for

Britain to choose its future. To decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or risk going back to square one with no plan and no


Earlier today, I spoke with His Majesty, the King to request the dissolution of Parliament. The King has granted this request and we will

have a general election on the 4th of July. This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it has been since the end

of the Cold War. Putin's Russia is waging a brutal war in Ukraine and will not stop there if he succeeds. That war has also made it all too clear the

risk to our energy security.

In the Middle East, the forces of Islamist extremism threaten regional and ultimately global stability. These tensions are exploited by extremists who

seek to undermine our values and divide our society here at home. China is looking to dominate the 21st century by stealing a lead in technology.

And migration is being weaponized by hostile states to threaten the integrity of our borders. These uncertain times call for a clear plan and

bold action to chart a course to a secure future. You must choose in this election who has that plan. Who is prepared to take the bold action

necessary to secure a better future for our country and our children.

Now, I cannot and will not claim that we have got everything right. No government should. But I am proud of what we have achieved together. The

bold actions we have taken. And I'm confident about what we can do in the future.

We've tackled inflation, controlled debt, cut workers' taxes and increased the state pension by 900. We've reduced taxes on investment and seized the

opportunities of Brexit to make this the best country in the world to grow a business. Put record amounts of funding into our NHS and ensured it is

now training the doctors and nurses it needs in the decades to come.

We've reformed education and our children are now the best readers in the Western world. We've prioritized energy security and your family finances

over environmental dogma in our approach to net zero. We've fully funded an increase in defense spending to two and a half percent of GDP.

We made a decision to invest more in local transport that you actually use rather than endlessly plough more money into HS2. We set out a

comprehensive plan to reform our welfare system to make it fair for those who pay for it, as well as those who need it.

Immigration is finally coming down and we are stopping the boats with our Rwanda partnership. And we will ensure that the next generation grows up

smoke free. I hope that my work since I became Prime Minister shows that we have a plan and are prepared to take bold action necessary for our country

to flourish. Now I've stuck with that plan and always been honest with you about what is needed even when that's been difficult. Because I'm guided by

doing what is right for our country, not what is easy.


And I can't say the same thing for the Labour Party. Because I don't know what they offer. And in truth, I don't think you know either. And that's

because they have no plan. There is no bold action. And as a result the future can only be uncertain with them.

On the 5th of July, either Keir Starmer or I will be Prime Minister. He has shown time and time again that he will take the easy way out and do

anything to get power. If he was happy to abandon all the promises he made to become later leader once he got the job, how can you know that he won't

do exactly the same thing if he were to become Prime Minister?

If you don't have the conviction to stick to anything you say. If you don't have the courage to tell people what you want to do. And if you don't have

a plan, how can you possibly be trusted to lead our country, especially at this most uncertain of times.

Over the next few weeks, I will fight for every vote. I will earn your trust. And I will prove to you that only a Conservative government led by

me will not put our hard earned economic stability at risk, can restore pride and confidence in our country and with a clear plan and bold action,

we'll deliver a secure future for you, your family and our United Kingdom.


GOLODRYGA: There you heard a rather surprise announcement from the U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in a rainy London announcing that he has

requested for the dissolution of the government in a meeting with the King today. And setting up a surprise election set for July 4th, that kicks off

a six week campaign.

Now, legally, he was bound to announce elections by January of next year. He decided to do so today. And they will be held as mentioned January 4th.

This has really been a struggle for the Conservative Party.

Struggling with fallout from COVID -- continued fallout from COVID. A strained healthcare system and an economy that still has yet to recover,

and has been struggling with higher inflation though they did get a bit of some positive news on inflation rates finally falling.

Thus, perhaps, the timing of his announcement today, saying that he indeed has a plan and is proud of the work that he has done in the short term. As

Prime Minister went on to say, "I will not claim, however, that we have gotten everything right." Again, setting off a six week campaign for an

election set for July 4th in the U.K. We'll be right back with more.



GOLODRYGA: Tornadoes tore through the United States Midwest on Tuesday. With some Iowa communities waking up on Wednesday facing rubble and sheer

destruction. Multiple deaths and injuries have been reported. At least 18 tornadoes were reported in the state. Just part of a series of storms that

have resulted in widespread power outages, structural damage and flooding throughout the region.

Well, a delegation of Kenyan command staff arrived in Haiti on Tuesday ahead of the planned deployment of troops to the capital of Port-au-Prince.

The Kenyan forces will enter a city under siege where gang violence has made life unbearable. The U.N. approved the security mission to assist

Haiti's overwhelmed police force back in October. But deploying troops has faced numerous challenges and is only happening now.

CNN's David Culver has been following the story for this. And quite controversial development, too, in the deployment of these troops which

initially led to the current chaos that you've been reporting so vigorously on the past few months. David, what is the latest with these troops finally

arriving now?

DAVID CULVER, CNN SENIOR U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Bianna. Yeah, this is really frustrating for a lot of the Haitians in particular who are

hoping to find some sort of alleviation of the gang controlled territory that they find themselves in particularly within the capital, Port-au-


Now, this Kenyan command staff that you mentioned, they have an assessment team on the ground and what we're hearing through sources and our

colleague, Katelyn, who reported this, is that there is, in their minds, not yet enough infrastructure, equipment, some of the evacuation

helicopters needed to sustain this MSS, this multinational security support. So, where does that leave things?

Well, it delays them even further. And you'll recall that this was a foreign force that was supposed to come in now several months ago. It was

initially delayed because of the sudden resignation of the now former Prime Minister, Ariel Henry. And it's because of his departure that the Kenyans

were looking at this and saying, now wait a minute, if nobody's in charge, who's going to lead the forces that go in and where does that leave our

teams on the ground?

This transitional council is now in place in Haiti and so that's going to help with the structure of this and you've got Haitian police saying

they'll take the lead. Still, when you think about Port-au-Prince, more than 80 percent of that capital is controlled by gangs, and so, they're

going to be up against a significant force and resistance and these Kenyan forces know that.

And it's not just the Kenyans behind it. You've got other countries that are going to be contributing here to try to assist with this effort which

is going to be a really difficult one and they're well aware of that. But there's challenges when you think of these foreign forces coming in. Of

course, Haiti has a very fraught relationship with external forces and folks on the ground will tell you that.

But then, you've got everything from cultural differences to language differences. The Haitian police, they're saying, now we speak French and

Creole. The Kenyans coming in will speak English. How are we going to be on the same page?

So, there's a lot of confusion and uncertainty still at play and all of this, of course, coming ahead of what was supposed to be a big meeting

between the Kenyan President Ruto and President Biden in Washington, tomorrow. They were hoping this would all be in place. As of now, Bianna,

still no troops on the ground. So, folks there are desperately waiting.

GOLODRYGA: And hopefully get some answers soon. David, you spent so much time there on the ground specifically interviewing some of these gang

leaders themselves. How did they feel about this plan and are they open? I would imagine no to having foreign military and foreign police troops come

to their country.

CULVER: Your imagination's right. They want nothing of this. They want no foreign forces to come in. And more than that, they want a seat at the

table. They want to talk with the transitional council and any sort of future plans for Haiti they want to be a part of.

But folks are looking at them and saying that's just not realistic. These are gangs that have been behind mass atrocities. They're continuing to

tighten their grip over portions of not only the port, which is where a lot of the much-needed resources, food, fuel, aid, are supposed to be coming in

and yet are choked off.

They're also behind the rapes, the murders, the kidnapping of innocent Haitians. And so, to put them at a seat at the table is going to be no

doubt controversial. So, a lot of folks pushing back against that, Bianna. That said, again, they have the majority of the power.

So, it leaves folks in a very difficult position when they're trying to figure out how they're going to navigate a peaceful step forward, and the

gangs are saying there's not going to be peace if foreign forces touch down here.


There's going to be bloodshed.

GOLODRYGA: Sad that it's going to be impacting so many civilians there, as well.


GOLODRYGA: David Culver, you've been doing excellent reporting.

CULVER: Thanks, Bianna.

GOLODRYGA: Thank you so much for covering this very important story for us.

CULVER: Thank you.

GOLODRYGA: Well, coming up, families of female Israeli soldiers being held in Gaza release graphic abduction video to call more attention to their

plight. We'll talk to one of their mothers when we return.


GOLODRYGA: Welcome back to "One World", I'm Bianna Golodryga. More now on the Israel-Hamas war. And we want to go back to the brutal terror attacks

by Hamas on October 7th. And we warn you, the images you're about to see are very disturbing.

The families of female Israeli soldiers captured by Hamas that day have released graphic footage of the abduction. Out of seven women in the video,

one was rescued, another was killed. The families made the videos public to pressure the Israeli government to secure the release of their loved ones.

The footage has been previously released by Hamas.

Nineteen-year-old Naama Levy was among those captured October 7th. Cell phone video released by Hamas shows her being dragged by her hair at

gunpoint. I had spoken to her mother, Dr. Ayelet Levy Shachar, last year. Here's what she told me then.


SHACHAR: My voice may be soft when I speak right now, but the scream is inside me.


And I don't hear the voices of the world loud enough responding to the scream. My daughter has been kidnapped by Hamas. Can you even begin to

imagine that? Time is passing by and she's not out. And then, you know, I want to just stay home by the door and by the phone and wait for that call

and open the door and go out and get her. You know, that's all I want.


GOLODRYGA: What we see in this video is a lot of Naama and her face bloodied, around her eye especially, and we hear her voice. And she's

speaking to the Hamas terrorists in English, saying, I have friends in Palestine.

And that would make sense because of what I've gotten to know about Naama and what you've told me is that she was a big supporter of peace between

the two sides. She participated in the Hands of Peace movement. What did you think when you heard her say those words, I have friends in Palestine?

SHACHAR: I said, yeah. You know, I heard her, you know, saying whatever she thought was right at that moment to fight for her life. And I was thinking,

you know, I knew that if she had a chance, that's what she was going to say because it's true, because she was part of a youth program promoting peace.

She met with, when she was on a delegation to California, she met with different youth from Israel, Palestine, Jewish Americans. And, you know, I

think at those moments she couldn't even believe that she was in this situation, and she was trying to say, you know, whatever she could to

explain, you know, spare my life.

GOLODRYGA: This is now the second video, Ayelet, that you've had to speak to of your daughter from that day. The first really came to symbolize the

sexual abuse and rape of women committed by Hamas on October 7th, and that now infamous video of Naama being pulled out of a Jeep in Gaza, pulled out

by her hair and her sweatpants bloodied, really caused a lot of concern about the risk to these women and what they face in Gaza. And in this

video, we hear one of the terrorists say, hear girls who can get pregnant. What was your reaction when you heard those words?

SHACHAR: Well, you know, these are our fears. They were just put into words, and in our faces, the exact thing that we fear. We see the violence

in that video, in those two videos. We see the implied maybe sexual violence in spoken words and in what we see. And we were just, you know, I

feel like what more can we say? What more is there to explain how the situation is? We have no time. We need to bring them home now. It should

have been seven months ago.

So I'm just, you know, I'm just scared. I'm hurting for her, and I'm frustrated. Frustrated may be the main word because we don't feel like the

negotiations are being mobilized as they should be in order to bring them back.

GOLODRYGA: That leads me to my next question because I know there had been a lot of debate among these five families in particular, of the girls who

were there in the video with Naama about what to do with this particular video, when to release it. And you ultimately decided to do it today.

I want to read a statement that one of the parents gave as an explanation why. The video serves as an indictment for a national failure and the

abandoning of the hostages. There is no greater task, no victory more significant, and no chance to return home to Israel without bringing them

all home, the living to recovery and the murdered to be buried.

Do you think that your government right now is doing everything they can, is prioritizing what you say is an on-going terror attack in bringing Naama

and all of the other hostages home?


SHACHAR: What I think is that I'm not feeling that this is the top priority as it should be, as there is no question about it because of this being an

on-going terror attack that has not been resolved. And what we see in that video represents what has been going on since, for them.

So, if we have been going through these past two weeks where there has not been a meeting of the cabinet in order to discuss further negotiation, and

we feel that time and time again the negotiations are not proceeding due to different reasons. Obviously, the Hamas have their part of it, that is so

obvious. But two weeks that this has not been handled and other things have been on the front, this cannot be a side story.

And so, yes, I think this video that we agonize over if we should be having it published, and some of the family members didn't even watch it until

now. I think it should be shown to citizens in order to promote this, to mobilize our government to put this in the top priority and to move ahead

and bring them all home.

GOLODRYGA: Is it true that some members of the government did not want to watch this video?

SHACHAR: Yes, it's true. This is what has been in the media. The ministers and members of the government were asked to watch a version of this video

in their meetings, and some of them refused and said, you know, we want to sleep okay at night, so we don't want to watch this now.

So, if this is the reaction, when their duty is to watch all these materials of October 7th and everything from that point on, this is their

job, so they can make correct decisions, then, you know, we think that we should just put it out there for our citizens and for the world to see this

is what they were facing. This is the terror attack, and this has been going on because they have not returned home yet.

GOLODRYGA: They did not want to watch this video so that they could sleep at night. Meantime, it's been 229 nights that you've had that have been

sleepless waiting for Naama and others to come home. Ayelet, thank you so much for your time. Thank you for telling us about Naama. She is much more

than what happened to her on October 7th. She's a woman who promotes peace. That is what she wanted.


GOLODRYGA: And that was my conversation with Dr. Ayelet Levy-Shachar earlier this morning. A very difficult decision, obviously, for these five

families to agree to release this video, but as you heard from Ayelet, she said this cannot be a side story, and all of these families agreed that the

government, they felt, was not doing enough to prioritize these hostage negotiations, especially over the past few weeks.

They will be doing local media and Israel, and then Ayelet said that she and other family members of those girls, those five women taken hostage,

will then go to protest in March in the streets, once again demanding that their government prioritize and do everything they can to bring these girls

and all of the other more than 200 hostages home. We'll be right back with more.



GOLODRYGA: For the first time in nearly 16 years, the White House is preparing to welcome a leader of an African nation. Kenya's President,

William Ruto, will be meeting with President Biden in just a few hours. This comes as efforts between the U.S. and Kenya to improve economic and

security cooperation as Russia and China grow their investments on the continent. Larry Madowo reports.


LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Kenya's President, William Ruto, beginning a historic state visit to the United States in Atlanta. His

American charm offensive following last month's meeting with the U.S. Commerce Secretary, Gina Raimondo, in Nairobi.

GINA RAIMONDO, U.S. COMMERCE SECRETARY: I said to him, we're not here to lecture. We're here to partner. We're here to learn from you. We're here to


MADOWO: Why is the U.S. the best over, say, China or Russia that are also making big moves into the continent? Why is the U.S. the best for African


RAIMONDO: There aren't strings attached. It's an opportunity to partner together, so that's why we think we're the partner of choice.

MADOWO (voice-over): China has built major infrastructure projects across Africa, despite criticism from Western countries about lack of transparency

and predatory loans. Russia's influence is also expanding, especially in weapon sales and military ties.

The Kenyan President is a key U.S. ally on the continent, and this week's state visit is the first by an African head of state in 16 years. But

William Ruto did not pick a favorite partner nation when asked directly ahead of his trip to Washington.

WILLIAM RUTO, KENYAN PRESIDENT: The best partner for us is the one that accepts to have a deal that is a win-win. We will be having a conversation

about the Africa Growth and Opportunities Act, the AGOA, that gives us duty-free, quarter-free access to the American market with our goods.

MADOWO (voice-over): African nations want the 24-year-old AGOA renewed before it expires next year. But some, like Rwanda, have been blocked from

accessing the U.S. market. That country's President, Paul Kagame, stood his ground in a dispute linked to a 2019 ban on some clothing imports, a move

designed to develop its local textile industry.

PAUL KAGAME, RWANDAN PRESIDENT: I wanted to clarify the level of hypocrisy and all kinds of stuff we have to deal with. You know, they forced it upon

us. They said, you must accept these second-hand clothes. And we told them, no. So, they said, okay, we will strike you off AGOA, which they did.

MADOWO (voice-over): America's influence has declined in Africa.

JOE BIDEN, U.S. PRESIDENT: Africa is an indispensable global partner.

MADOWO (voice-over): China has overtaken the U.S. in soft power on the continent, according to a recent Gallup poll. Larry Madowo, CNN, Nairobi.




GOLODRYGA: Well, Graceland is safe, for now. The iconic home of Elvis Presley was facing a foreclosure auction until the singer's granddaughter

and current owner stepped in. A mysterious company has claimed that it owned Graceland because it was collateral for a loan that wasn't paid back.

Actress Riley Keough sued, saying that the loan documents are fraudulent, and a Tennessee court said there's evidence to support her allegation.

Isabel Rosales joins us now live. Isabel, this is very, very confusing, so I'm hoping you can help walk us through what exactly happened here. It's

good news that Graceland is safe, though.

ISABEL ROSALES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It is safe for now, and it's certainly, Bianna, a bizarre legal story here. In fact, a foreclosure auction was

scheduled for tomorrow, a foreclosure sale of Graceland. But now, we have this Tennessee court chancellor blocking that sale, saying that Graceland

stays in the hands of the Presley family for now.

So, let me backtrack a little bit into how we got to this point. The creditor, the lender behind that sale, Naussany Investments and Private

Lending LLC, presented documents according to a lawsuit claiming that Lisa Marie Presley took out a loan with them for $3.8 million and then defaulted

on that loan and that she had used Graceland as collateral for that loan, meaning that Graceland now belongs to them, and it's their right to sell it

in order to reclaim back their money.

Well, Riley Keough, the granddaughter to Elvis Presley and the daughter to Lisa Marie Presley before her passing, she is the legal owner of Graceland,

and she filed a lawsuit claiming that those documents were fake, that her mother's signature was forged on there, she never borrowed money, never

used Graceland as collateral, and also saying that Naussany isn't even a real company either.

The judge today, the chancellor, stating that she has a specific point here, proof to her allegations when it comes to the notary on that

paperwork, a Florida notary actually put forth a signed affidavit swearing that they never notarized Lisa Marie Presley's signature and never even met

her. Here's what the judge had to say.


JOADAE L. JENKINS, COURT CHANCELLOR: Which brings in the question as to the authenticity of the signature and, indeed, the leader's trust as being a

fraud. It appears that you, Mr. Germany, your client, will be successful on the merits of the second trial, provided you prove at the ultimate hearing

the fraud that has been alleged.


ROSALES: Right. So, that chancellor's saying that Keough will likely prevail in her lawsuit, but ultimately saying that he wants more adequate

discovery into this case, into this trial, to argue the merits of the case, and he's putting a stop to the sale of the property until those merits can

be argued in court.


And, by the way, Bianna, that property, according to a Presley executive talking to "Rolling Stone" back in 2020, is worth a whopping $400 to $500


GOLODRYGA: Wow. Unbelievable. But as you said, it's safe for now. You'll continue to cover this story for us. though. We'll check back in with you

later this week. Isabel Rosales, thank you. Well, Apple Music has released its list of the 100 best albums of all time. Girls, you know you better

watch out.


GOLODRYGA: Lauryn Hill's 1998 masterpiece, "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" took the top honor as the number one album. I concur with that

decision. Hill told Apple Music in a statement, "This is my award, but it's a rich, deep narrative. It involves so many people and so much sacrifice

and so much time and so much collective love."

Other honorable mentions that made the top ten include Michael Jackson's "Thriller", Prince's "Purple Rain" and Beyonce's critically acclaimed

"Lemonade". All brilliant masterpieces. Well, that does it for this hour of "One World". Thanks so much for watching. I'm Bianna Golodryga. Amanpour is

up next.