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One World with Zain Asher

Israel Marks Jerusalem Day; Gunfire Rings Out Near U.S. Embassy North Of Beirut; New Border Restrictions Now In Effect; New Data Reveals May As The Hottest Month On Record. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired June 05, 2024 - 12:00:00   ET




ZAIN ASHER, CNN ANCHOR: All right, could there be a second front in Israel's war? Right now, Netanyahu is not ruling it out.

BIANNA GOLODRYGA, CNN ANCHOR: "ONE WORLD" starts right now. Prepared for action. Israeli leaders say they're ready to act decisively following

attacks on northern Israel.

ASHER: Also ahead, it is hot, really hot, but this year things are different. We'll tell you why and how.

GOLODRYGA: And later, they came, they saw, they conquered. Rock star parents cross the graduation stage with their most precious and expensive

cargo in tow.

GOLODRYGA: All right, hello, everyone, live from New York, I'm Bianna Golodryga.

ASHER: And I'm Zain Asher. You are indeed watching "ONE WORLD". All right, Israel's Prime Minister says his military is ready to take action against

threats from Lebanon.

GOLODRYGA: Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel will restore security on its northern border, raising fears of a wider war, even as it continues to

battle Hamas in Gaza. Israeli troops have been exchanging fire almost daily with Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon since the terror attacks on October 7th.

Rockets launched by Hezbollah in recent days have ignited wildfires like these images you're seeing right here in the northern part of Israel.

And thousands of people on both sides of the border have been uprooted. In Israel alone, some 60,000 residents have been forced from their homes for

months. Visiting northern Israel earlier, Prime Minister Netanyahu promised to take action.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER (through translator): Yesterday, the ground was burning here, and I'm glad you put it out, but

the ground was also burning in Lebanon. Whoever thinks that they can harm us and we will sit idly by is making a big mistake. We are prepared for a

very strong action in the north. In one way or another, we will restore security to the north.


ASHER: Netanyahu's words comes amid a new development today. Shots were fired outside the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. The Lebanese army says a suspect

was arrested and is in the hospital. Tensions are also high as Israel marks Jerusalem Day. Crowds of young Israeli nationalists are descending on the

Al-Aqsa Mosque.

GOLODRYGA: We have a team of reporters standing by to cover these developing stories. CNN's Ben Wedeman joins us from Rome. But let's begin

with Jeremy Diamond who joins us now from Jerusalem. Let's talk about what we're seeing in the scenes behind you.

Traditionally, Jeremy, this is a day that is always fraught with a bit of contention and concern about tensions and some of the provocations that it

may spark. Talk about what's happening today, given the significance of the dynamics in the region at play now with the war in Hamas.

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, no doubt about it. I mean, thousands of Israelis have descended on the Old City to mark a Jerusalem

Day, which marks the moment 57 years ago today when Israel captured the east part of Jerusalem in the 1967 war. In the words of many Israelis,

reunifying the Israeli capital of Jerusalem, making it whole again.

Of course, for the Palestinian residents here, they view the east Jerusalem as being occupied, and they view these marches very much as a provocation

of sorts. We have seen thousands of Israelis descending on this area, most of them doing so peacefully, many of them chanting slogans relating to

Jerusalem, relating to the people of Israel.

But what we have also heard from some are a number of anti-Arab slogans being chanted, including chants like, "May your village burn." We have seen

some younger Israeli nationalists marching through the Muslim Quarter, which begins here at Damascus Gate. As you can see, the procession

effectively goes through this area and down the street that is the main artery of the Muslim Quarter.

And we have seen there some confrontations taking place, some between these young Israelis and police, some between these Israelis and the Palestinian

merchants in those areas. One thing is clear, is that we have not seen the kinds of tensions that we saw last year, for example. Not the same scale of


Although there is no question that there is tension at this moment, especially with the war in Gaza, very much in the background, we should

also note that in 2021, it was the violence on this day that prompted Hamas to fire rockets at Israel, triggering the beginning of that 10-day war in



We have yet to see Hamas fire any rockets towards Jerusalem. Today, they have put out a statement condemning this march that they see behind us.

What we have also seen is the National Security Minister of Israel, Itamar Ben-Gvir, a member of the far right in the Israeli government, he has made

a statement here at this rally saying that the message to Hamas is Jerusalem is ours, Damascus Gate is ours, the Temple Mount is ours, and

with God's help, total victory will be ours.

Very much a reference to the current moment that we are in, as the Israeli Prime Minister considers the possibility of trying to forge a ceasefire and

hostage deal, one that people like Ben Gvir, for example, very much oppose. Bianna.

GOLODRYGA: All right, Jeremy Diamond in Jerusalem for us. Thank you.

ASHER: And for more on the volatile situation and today's developments outside the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon, I want to bring in Ben Wedeman. So,

Ben, just talk to us about what exactly happened outside the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon.

We know that there were gunshots fired. We don't necessarily know much about the suspect or the motive, but, of course, it does come at a time

when Israel is talking about stepping up and launching an offensive against Hezbollah and fears about the conflict widening on the northern front.

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It certainly does appear that -- I mean, it's coming against the backdrop of rising tensions,

this incident in Beirut, where at 8:30 in the morning, gunfire rang out, small arms fire rang out in a parking lot, which is just across the street

from the main entrance for people walking into the U.S. Embassy north of Beirut. It's not in Beirut itself.

Now, this is a highly fortified diplomatic compound. Now, what we've seen in social media video is a single gunman wearing what appears to be body

armor with an automatic rifle, which is firing in that area. Now, we understand from the Lebanese military that he was injured in an exchange of

fire, we assume, with Lebanese security forces that are manning the perimeter of the U.S. Embassy, or, of course, embassy security itself.

Now, the U.S. Embassy put out a statement saying that no member of the staff was injured, that the embassy wasn't damaged, but that Lebanese

security forces and the embassy security personnel reacted quickly to this incident. Now, the Lebanese Prime Minister, acting Prime Minister Najib

Mikati has said that an intensive investigation is being launched.

In fact, the Lebanese military just put out a statement saying that they've conducted raids in two towns near the Syrian border in eastern Lebanon,

that they've detained a Syrian national, a Lebanese national, and three members of the shooter's family. The shooter also identified as Syrian.

Now, the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon is closed for the day after this incident. It says that they will open tomorrow. But, of course, as I said, it comes

against the backdrop of these mounting tensions between Lebanon and Israel. Of course, Hezbollah, since the 8th of October, has launched basically

daily rocket fire and other fire at Israel. Israel has responded.

It's been a fairly busy day yet again on that border with the exchange of fire. I think the latest was six Hezbollah strikes on Israel, a similar

number of Israeli strikes on Lebanon. Yesterday, the number was 10 from Hezbollah. And we expect that situation to really escalate as it appears

that pressure is growing on the Israeli government to do something to restore security on the northern border.

There's also pressure on the Lebanese government to do something because a similar number, about 94,000, according to the Lebanese government --

94,000 people have been compelled to leave their homes along the border on the Lebanese side, as well. So, tensions are mounting. And this event, this

incident in Beirut certainly doesn't help the situation. Zain.

ASHER: All right, Ben Wedeman, live for us there. Thank you so much.

GOLODRYGA: Well, turning back to the U.S. and the southern border, where sweeping new restrictions are now in effect. And the U.S. President is

feeling heat now from both sides of the aisle. On Tuesday, President Biden signed an executive order that effectively bans migrants who enter the

country illegally from claiming asylum once a daily quota is met.

ASHER: Yeah, the President said the new measure will accomplish what Republican lawmakers have failed to do, provide immigration reform after

blocking their own border security bill twice. And he said the time to act is now.



JOE BIDEN, U.S. PRESIDENT: We have to act. We must act consistent with both our law and our values, our values as Americans. We'll take these

steps today not to walk away from who we are as Americans, but to make sure we preserve who we are for future generations to come.


ASHER: But not everyone sees it that way. Republicans are calling the move purely political. Some Democrats say the restrictions simply go way too



TED CRUZ (R) U.S. SENATOR: The only question anyone should ask is, why didn't you do this in 2021? Why didn't you do this in 2022? Why didn't you

do this in 2023? Why didn't you do this last month or the month before?

PETE AGUILAR (D) U.S. HOUSE: I'm concerned that this is just, you know, the enforcement-only side of the strategy.

PRAMILA JAYAPAL, U.S. HOUSE DEMOCRAT: I'm disappointed that the President has, you know, sort of gone into the same frame as Donald Trump at a very

time when we need to make a distinction between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.


GOLODRYGA: So, we've now heard from both sides of the issue in the U.S., but what about the people caught in the middle of it all, the migrants

themselves? CNN spoke to some of them as they made their way to America's southern border, and reaction was varied.

ASHER: Yeah, one man told us the U.S. can do whatever it wants, but, quote, "We are going to still try to reach our goal." Another expressed

concern about the executive action, and still another said he is not giving up hope.


UNKNOWN (through translator): We will continue because we have faith. The word of God says faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of

what we do not see. We are certain that we will arrive, and we are convinced that we will be there working.


GOLODRYGA: CNN's Rosa Flores joins us now live in Hidalgo, Texas. So, this executive order is now essentially in effect. Rosa, what are you seeing

behind you? What are you hearing from some of those people who are caught in the middle?

ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Bianna, let me start from the top because this border stuff can be so confusing. I'm in Hidalgo, Texas. This is the

international bridge that you see behind me. And first of all, I want to make clear that this executive order does not stop international trade and

commerce. That's why you're seeing these cars flowing into Mexico like normal.

Ports of entry are not impacted. What's impacted are migrants who cross in between ports of entry, those migrants who cross illegally into the United

States. If they do not express fear, they will be swiftly returned either back to Mexico or to their home country, depending on the demographics.

There's a lot of nuance and specifics there that I'm not going to go into because it's a lot of minutia.

Now, if those migrants do not express fear, they're going to be swiftly removed. How does -- what does that look like? We shot video earlier today,

and I want you to look at this because this is what it could look like. It shows a white bus. This is a government bus driving into the port of entry

and then agents escorting migrants back to Mexico.

That walkway that you see, that road that you see that leads to Mexico, these agents are escorting them, returning them back to Mexico. Now, can we

say that these are the first signs that this executive order is actually being implemented right now? No, I can't say that. I'm asking DHS and

Customs and Border Protection about this. I'm waiting to hear back.

But what I do know from a source is that we would see more of this, more of that, what you're seeing on your screen. We would see more of that under

the executive order because it would be swift removals back to Mexico or deportations so that we could see more flights back to other countries.

Now, there's some nuance I've got to get into because if the migrant expresses fear, then that migrant has the right to have a credible fear

interview. Now, these credible fear interviews would happen very quickly, either at Customs and Border Protection or at ICE. And what this means is

that migrants would be fingerprinted, background checks would still happen, and the federal government would be checking for national security threats.

But the bar for asylum would be a lot higher, meaning that fewer individuals are going to actually qualify for asylum. And so, we're back to

where we started, and those swift removals, that video that you saw agents walking migrants back to Mexico, would be happening a lot quicker.

Now, the easiest way for me to explain this is imagine border security on steroids because even when this executive order is not in effect, when the

migrant apprehension numbers drop before 1500, the law would still be applied. Title Eight is what they call it here in the United States, would

still be applied.

Migrants would still be processed. But, Bianna and Zain, it would just not happen as fast. What this executive order does is it makes everything

extremely quick. It's border security on steroids so that migrants can be swiftly removed from this country.


And what's concerning to a lot of organizations, including the U.N., the ACLU, and a lot of immigrant rights groups is that individuals who qualify

for asylum might be caught in that very quick processing and returned to areas where they could be persecuted -- back to their home country where

they could be persecuted or where they're fleeing, and so it could put them in danger.

And again, there's a lot of nuance. I know I covered a lot there, but there is a lot of nuance to this executive order. We're waiting to see and

waiting to hear if it is actually being implemented and if that video that you saw are actually the first signs that that executive order is being

implemented. Bianna and Zain, back to you.

GOLODRYGA: Very helpful explanation there that you just laid out for us, Rosa. And as you were speaking, we get word that Mexican President Obrador

says that they are nearing an agreement with the U.S. to deport non-Mexican residents migrants, rather, directly to their home country, so we're

already seeing the effect of this executive order. Rosa, thank you.

ASHER: All right, let's talk more about this. I want to bring in attorney and CNN Opinion Writer Raul Reyes. Raul, thank you so much for being with

us. My question to you is, how much do these types of policies actually deter migrants from attempting to cross the border?

You think about everything that a migrant may have gone through just to reach that point, right? Traveling through the Darien Gap, for example,

between Colombia and Panama, going through treacherous rainforests, really difficult terrain, mountains. They're not exactly going to hear about this

executive order and turn around, right?


PHILLIP: So, just from a practical perspective, how much does it actually deter people?

REYES: From a practical perspective, if we look to history as a guide, this will not deter people from reaching the southern border at all. We can

look at several past administrations, whether it was Obama with his deportations, President Trump with family, the horrific family separations,

and now Biden's attempt to restrict asylum at the border.

None of those have worked because we are talking about a group of vulnerable people who are risking their lives, coming from all over the

world to present themselves at the border for lawful, and I want to be clear about this, for lawful humanitarian relief. They are not following

executive orders out of action.

Rosa made a good point that this is, you know, it's sort of a numbers game and very nuanced and complicated. People on the ground, they will not be

able to keep up with this. It will lead to nothing more than confusion and chaos.

And long-term, what we'll see along the border is people with asylum claims being denied due process, people remaining in dangerous conditions in

Mexico, and just more of a humanitarian crisis that is as much of our own making as it is forces beyond the United States' control.

GOLODRYGA: There's also the issue of the U.S. legal system and whether the courts will even uphold this executive order. We saw it quickly deemed

illegal in 2018 under President Trump when he tried to do something very similar to this.

The Biden administration says that this is more nuanced, that they have made some provisions for humanitarian causes, that basically this can be

toggled on and off, and that this is a smarter approach that they think could pass the courts. The ACLU, as you know, is already threatening

lawsuits. How successful do you think the Biden administration can be in the courts now?

REYES: I do not foresee the Biden administration being successful with, you know, in terms of legal challenges to this executive action going

forward. Yes, the administration has made some minor changes to the types of enforcement executive actions that Trump used in 2018. For example,

under the Biden administration's new plan, children are exempted, which was not the case under Trump.

But basically, it is the same framework that courts rejected under Trump. And we heard it, again, you know, when the President was saying this is a

measure that is consistent with American law and with American values.

I would argue that on both of those counts, he is wrong. It's inconsistent with American law because existing law says our asylum law guarantees

anyone, regardless of whether they come at a port of entry or not, the right to claim asylum. That is existing law created by Congress.

And for me, it is also arguably inconsistent with American values because the President is embracing Trump-like measures, latching onto this idea

that migrants are a threat to the nation. And if you just want to think of it in very, very common-sense terms, you know, each day the cut-off for

migrants, whether to be allowed into the country, will be 2500, right?

How could it be true that, say, if you happen to be the 2501th person, you know, just missing the cutoff, that your claim is going to be judged and

not valid, that you will not be allowed into the country to claim what is yours as a right under our system, under international treaties and

American law?


This is basically driven by politics. Immigration is the issue that President Biden pulls the worst on. His approval rating is only 28 percent.

So, I get it. He feels compelled to act, right? And I would even say he's not the villain here. The villain in this story, if there is one, is our

Congress. Our Congress has abdicated its responsibility to take long, you know, meaningful action that can make -- bring a permanent solution to this

humanitarian crisis on the border.

ASHER: Yeah, I mean, listen, you're right. There is obviously a political aspect to all of this. I don't even know if it's necessarily going to pay

off for Biden politically, because he's taking heat from progressives. He's taking heat from Republicans. He's timed it just in time for that debate

with Donald Trump. And so, I don't necessarily know if it is going to pay off for him on that front. But Raul Reyes, we do have to leave it there.

Thank you so much.

REYES: Thank you.

ASHER: We're grateful to you for coming on. Appreciate it.

GOLODRYGA: Thanks, Raul. Still to come for us, millions in the United States facing sweltering heat as yet another heat dome sends temperatures


ASHER: While the world hit another grim climate milestone with warnings it will only get worse.



GOLODRYGA: The Starliner spacecraft built by Boeing blasted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, just over an hour ago. It is the first crewed test

flight of the gumdrop-shaped capsule.

ASHER: Yeah, two veteran NASA astronauts are on board -- Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore. They're on their way to a rendezvous with the International

Space Station. All right, a heat wave across the United States Southwest will push temperatures dangerously high today and could actually exceed

daily records.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, sadly, we've become quite familiar with what a heat dome is, and now it's parked over the Southwest, trapping hot air above

California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. These states will see temperatures rising into the triple digits.

ASHER: Excessive heat warnings are in place for some 17 million people. Let's bring in CNN's meteorologist Elisa Raffa. So, Elisa, here's the

thing. We are used to places like Nevada being extremely hot, but this time it is different. This time it's hotter, and these rising temperatures are

happening a lot earlier in the calendar than usual.


ELISA RAFFA, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yeah, this is too extreme, too far early. It's Thursday the 6th, is the record earliest 110-degree temperature for

Las Vegas. That's 43 degrees Celsius, and it looks like we could tie that by today or tomorrow. So, just again, incredibly early for this type of

heat, even for places like Phoenix and Las Vegas that are in excessive heat warnings. They stretch up to Sacramento. Most of these warnings go through


We're looking at more than 100 daily records, both daytime highs and overnight lows, dropping over the next couple of days because, I mean, look

at these temperatures. Our average for this time of year is 96 degrees in Las Vegas, with temperatures likely getting to 110 degrees or hotter.

Again, this would be one of the earliest occurrences on record. Same thing for Phoenix. Your average is 100, and we're looking at those temperatures

getting well above that. Again, about 43 degrees Celsius. Same thing in Palm Springs. So, these temperatures are much above average. By 15 to 20

degrees above average, you've got highs in the 90s stretching as far east as Denver.

So, again, staying pretty hot. We have a new tool that tells us where we can have major and extreme impacts when it comes to heat sickness, and it's

showing that we do have these major impacts up and down in California, across Arizona, and then even into Texas as we go through the week, just

making us more vulnerable to heat sickness because we're just not acclimated to it yet.

Here are a couple of stats I find remarkable. Las Vegas has not had a cold overnight record temperature, a record for cold, since 1999. It has been 25

years, and that's because their summers are just getting hotter, about 5 degrees hotter since 1970, adding about 40 warm days to summer. So, just,

that's where the trend is, ladies.

GOLODRYGA: Not a good trend at all. Elisa Raffa, thank you. Well, the extreme heat comes as the planet marks a shocking new milestone.

ASHER: Yeah, new data reveals that May was the hottest month on record. Sound familiar? Well, that's because it was the 12th straight month of

unprecedented heat.

GOLODRYGA: The European Union's Climate Monitoring Service, Copernicus, released the figures today, which also includes a warning that the worst,

sadly, is yet to come. Our chief climate correspondent, Bill Weir, takes a look at what all of this means.


BILL WEIR, CNN CHIEF CLIMATE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Across the American heartland came a conga line of devastating tornadoes, deadly

flooding from Brazil to Germany, a drought that has millions rationing water in Mexico City, and temperatures close to 122 degrees in India,

enough to kill at least 33 poll workers on the same day in recent national elections. All are snapshots from a planet overheated by human activity,

where monthly heat records have been shattered for the last 12 months in a row.

WEIR: As somebody who has been studying, sort of with intimate knowledge, the climate crisis all these years, what do you make of what's happening

around the world these days?

KIM COBB, DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY, BROWN UNIVERSITY: I mean, Bill, this is just a dizzying rate of change that

we're experiencing right now. But in the near future, 2023 will register as a normal year. Whereas, in fact, if you look at those graphs, all you can

see is a vertical line shooting upward from the very recent warmest years on record. So, really, just a record smashing year in 2023.

ANTONIO GUTERRES, UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY GENERAL: Let me be very clear again. The phase-out of fossil fuels is essential and inevitable. No amount

of spin or scare tactics will change that. Let's hope it doesn't come too late.

WEIR (voice-over): While the head of the United Nations has been railing against polluters and petro states for years, he is using this report to

plead with world leaders to cut dirty fuels faster than ever, to kick in more for unfair loss and damage in developing countries, and to ban all

advertising from oil, gas, and coal companies.

UNKNOWN: If you could see the inside of your engine -- We at Chevron believe that nothing is more precious than life.

WEIR: What do you make of the Secretary General's decision to really take new steps, to call for an end to fossil fuel advertising on television and

radio, to treat those ads the way you would for tobacco products?

COBB: Any policies that we can introduce at national level or even international agreements to actually change the way we rely on fossil fuels

are important. So, these -- these actions, as you say, to treat fossil fuel adverts as if it would be, you know, we treat banning conversations around

tobacco or at least warning signs if you do smoke, these are the consequences.


We need to get, I think, more savvy to do that around greenhouse gas emissions, as well.

WEIR (voice-over): To avoid the worst, scientists say global emissions must fall nine percent a year until 2030. And while they still went up last

year, it was only by one percent. Thanks to a boom in clean wind and sun power, a sign that humanity could finally be on the verge of bending the

carbon curve.

COBB: Yes, one percent is in the wrong direction, but it's getting close to zero, and then it can start going into the negative territory. So, in

fact, we are predicted to have peak fossil fuel emissions within the next year or two, which is something I frankly never saw coming even five years

ago. So, that's real progress, and I think people need to really appreciate that.

WIER (voice-over): Bill Weir, CNN, New York.


GOLODRYGA: We need to be doing more and more of these types of stories because sadly this is our normal, our present day actually. Well, coming

up, brutally abducted and separated from his family. Yarden Bibas is still in captivity nearly eight months after being kidnapped by Hamas, as is his

wife and their two young children. His son will be speaking to us -- his cousin will be speaking to us in just a minute.

ASHER: Plus, we are following the ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the Allied invasion that led to the liberation of France and the

defeat of Nazi Germany. Stay with us.




ASHER: All right, welcome back to "ONE WORLD". I'm Zain Asher.

GOLODRYGA: And I'm Bianna Golodryga. In the wake of a CNN investigation that sparked international outrage, Israel is now phasing out the use of a

detention camp that was housing more than a thousand Palestinian prisoners from Gaza.

ASHER: Yeah, CNN's investigation into the makeshift camp in the Negev desert found evidence of prisoners being mistreated by being strapped down,

blindfolded or kept in diapers. Israel's Supreme Court questioned the legality of the camp at a hearing on Wednesday. Here's a reminder of the

CNN reporting that led to this.


MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN CHIEF GLOBAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's a place the Israeli military, doesn't want us to see.

CHANCE: How many Palestinians are there -- in there right now?

UNKNOWN: Who are you? Give me please, now.

CHANCE: Hang on, what is it that you want? My camera or my card?

CHANCE (voice-over): But CNN has gained exclusive evidence of Palestinian prisoner abuse from multiple Israeli whistleblowers.

UNKNOWN: We were told they are not allowed to move and must sit upright. They're not allowed to talk or peek under their blindfolds.

CHANCE: And what happened if they did do that? What kind of punishments were meted out?

UNKNOWN: We were allowed to pick out problematic people and punish them, having them stand with their hands above their heads for an unlimited time.

If they didn't keep their hands up, we could zip-tie them to the fence.

CHANCE (voice-over): The Israeli military says detainees are handcuffed based on their risk level and health status. But the account tallies with

photographic evidence obtained by CNN of Palestinian detainees inside Sedi Temen. And with hand and wrist injuries shown to CNN by dozens of

Palestinians released back into Gaza.


ASHER: The Israeli government says it is moving most of the detainees out of the camp to other facilities, although around 200 people are expected to

remain there.

GOLODRYGA: U.S. officials are putting on a full court press as they put pressure on Israel and Hamas to accept President Biden's peace plan for


ASHER: Yes, CIA Director Bill Burns and U.S. Mideast Envoy Brett McGurk are reportedly making stops in Egypt and in Qatar to push the plan. Joe

Biden's National Security Advisor says he's confident a peace deal will be struck, but can't say how soon.


JAKE SULLIVAN, U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: I believe we will succeed. It's a question of when, because I think at the end of the day there is no

alternative but to an enduring ceasefire, leading to a day after in Gaza, leading to a political horizon for Israelis and Palestinians alike. But can

I tell you when exactly it's going to happen? I can't.


ASHER: As the ceasefire talks continue, the lives of more than two million Palestinians, as well as dozens of Israeli hostages hangs in the balance.

GOLODRYGA: Our next guest is the cousin of Yarden Bibas, an Israeli hostage who is still being held captive. Yarden's wife Shiri, along with

their sons, four-year-old Ariel and one-year-old Kfir, were also kidnapped on October 7th from kibbutz Nir Oz. Kfir, who was just nine months old at

the time of his abduction, is the youngest hostage held by Hamas.

Images of a terrified Shiri holding both young boys being taken by Hamas terrorists has in part led to the Bibas family becoming one of the most

recognizable hostage families. Oriya Yahbess joins us now live from Israel. And Oriya, you are the cousin of Yarden Bibas, and we want to thank you so

much for taking the time to talk to us right now.

As noted, your family, your cousin, those young boys, their red hair are forever permanently just ingrained in our minds as we look at the images of

these hostages being held now for so much time, over 200 days. How is the family coping, knowing that it's been months since you've had any proof of

life, seeing that once again a new ceasefire proposal has at least been laid out, and now there's pressure on both sides, the Israeli government

and Hamas, to agree to a deal and release these hostages, including your family members?

ORIYA YAHBESS, COUSIN OF YARDEN BIBAS, ISRAELI HOSTAGE: First of all, hi, and thank you for the opportunity to talk and to speak again about my

family. You asked how is the family, how we are feeling, so, I will say again we are in another rollercoaster of hope and anxiety of being

disappointed again, of being again notified that there's no deal and they're not coming home, knowing that their time is running out.


We had a terrible notification about that two days ago when we received the message about Amiram, Chaim and Yoram, who were 80, 85, when they were

murdered in captivity. They were taken alive to captivity and they were murdered there.

And the time is running out. We know that the clock is ticking and the deal must be, this is the opportunity to take it. And we call all nations who

have the influence and who are involved in putting pressure on Hamas to take this deal and to bring the families home, to bring all our loved ones


ASHER: I can't imagine just the sort of type of, or the level of emotional torture every time you hear word that another hostage in Gaza just hasn't

made it. You know, when you hear horrible news about someone dying in Gaza, it must just be an emotional earthquake is really the only way to put it.

I think often about your family. I think about Kfir Bibas, the fact that he was nine months old when he was taken and he's literally spent half of his

life in Gaza. As a mother myself, I think about the fact that, my goodness, this child essentially learned to walk and learned to say his first words

as a prisoner, as a hostage in Gaza. How do you even begin to sort of come to terms with that kind of reality?

YAHBESS: You took my words. This is exactly what I'm saying. Kfir is almost half of his life in captivity, something that is unimaginable. And

you know something, I believed and I still believe that children and elderly should not be negotiable. It's not supposed to be a part of a deal.

And I think the world should stand up and say, this is a red line. This is something you don't do. And they should be released with no connection to

the deal.

We don't know their condition. We don't know if they have medical care. We don't know if Kfir received the food that he needs formula when he needed

it. So, I don't even have more words to say about that. But we do know that the people who died in captivity didn't receive the medical care that they

were supposed to receive and didn't receive the visits from the Red Cross. And they lost their lives at 85 in captivity. It's something that brings

tears to my eyes every time I think about it.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah. There are no words.

YAHBESS: And they didn't deserve that.

GOLODRYGA: No -- no one deserves that. You mentioned Chaim, Yoram, Amiram, all were residents of kibbutz near Gaza, as were your family members. And

Oriya, when I was in Israel, every Israeli knows your family, knows their names, just first name alone. Kfir Bibas, everyone knows his name.

You mentioned that the world, though, needs to put more pressure on this deal coming forward. I was really struck by a story I read about an Israeli

couple visiting a restaurant in Naples, Italy. And when the waiter there found out that they were from Israel, he said, I have a friend in Israel,

and it actually happened to be your cousin, Yarden Bibas.

This waiter brought a photo that he had taken of Yarden and Shiri when they had been there before October 7th. And what really struck me is that this

waiter, as kind and thoughtful as he was to reflect on this couple that he met, had no idea that they were abducted, that they were part of those

being held hostage in Gaza right now.

We are an international show, international network. What is your message for those viewers out there like perhaps that waiter that may not know, may

not be aware of what the reality is like for you and other family members today?

YAHBESS: I want the people who are watching us now to know that Yarden and Shiri and Oriya and Kfir, they are people who are flesh and blood. They are

real people. Maybe they became a symbol. It's weird to me still to think about it that way. They are here on my shirt, and they became like a

picture, a photo.


But they are real people. They are people who are annoying each other and teach their kids to swim and taking out the dog who was, by the way,

murdered on the 7th of October. Just regular people. And if it happened to Shiri and Yarden, it can happen to, I guess, anyone. And I want to believe

that every human kind, every human being would stand up and say, this is something that is wrong.

This is something that should stop, and we should fight to stop it. And we should call for releasing the hostages, and this will bring also ceasefire.

It will bring peace for both sides. We want to end this. We want to end this. We didn't want this, but this should end.

GOLODRYGA: Well, Oriya, we hope the day comes very soon that you are reunited with your family members there as we see them so beautiful on that

shirt that you are wearing right now. Thank you so much for your time.

ASHER: Thank you, Oriya. Thank you.

YAHBESS: Thank you. I do want to thank the people who are involved in the major efforts who are being taken to release the hostages, if it's in the

United States, President Biden, and all the countries who are involved in this, the negotiation partners, Qatar, Egypt. I want to support their

efforts and to call this deal to happen, and thank you for the time and the opportunity.

GOLODRYGA: Thank you. We'll be right back.


ASHER: All right, a recent graduation ceremony at Princeton University turned into a very memorable experience for a number of parents and their


GOLODRYGA: I love that we close on these stories. One toddler even stole the show, going viral in the process. CNN's Jeanne Moos reports.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): They call it a master's hooding ceremony when a dean places a hood that looks more like a sash

around the necks of graduates. And at this hooding ceremony, grads who are parents could bring their kids on stage even if it meant the dean had to do

a dance to figure out how to get the sash around mom and child. Sometimes, the hooding went smoothly, but some kids resisted, trying to bat it away or

even fighting for control of the sash, wrapping dad up in it.


But the opposite of that was this. Dean Amani Jamal asked three-year-old Julian if he would like to help put the hood on his mom, Natasha Alford.

NATASHA ALFORD, PRINCETON GRADUATE: I couldn't believe it was happening. I was really overwhelmed with emotion because it was such a hard year.

MOOS (voice-over): The dean placed the sash in Julian's hands and then lifted him, leaving his mom emotional.

MOOS: Did you lose it?

ALFORD: Oh yeah, I was about to give the ugly cry and then I think my media training kicked in.

MOOS (voice-over): It wasn't easy studying for her master's, being a CNN political contributor, writing a book, and raising a son. By graduation's

end, Julian got all sleepy with his head on the sash that he himself helped put there. Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.




GOLODRYGA: Well, you're looking at an increasingly smaller number of surviving American World War II veterans, real heroes, who've returned to

France ahead of the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The Allied invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944 set the stage for the defeat of the Nazis in

Europe. U.S. President Biden is among the dignitaries who will attend events honoring the war dead and those surviving vets.

ASHER: In the U.K., King Charles was accompanied by some members of the royal family while he gave a speech honoring veterans at an event earlier

today in Portsmouth.


CHARLES III, KING OF THE UNITED KINGDOM: Those who gathered here in Portsmouth would never forget the site. It was by far the largest military

fleet the world has ever known. Yet all knew that both victory and failure were possible, and none could know their fate.


GOLODRYGA: Of course, we'll have more coverage of the D-Day anniversary tomorrow. You'll see all of the live events right here on CNN.

ASHER: And as we showed you earlier, the Starliner launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida earlier today on a mission to the International Space




GOLODRYGA (voice-over): This is the first manned flight for the Boeing- built spacecraft. Boeing has faced years of delays and missteps before today's launch, and just moments ago, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson

congratulated the team himself.



BILL NELSON, NASA ADMINISTRATOR: This is another milestone in this extraordinary history of NASA, and I want to give my personal

congratulations to the whole team that went through a lot of trial and tribulation, but they had perseverance. And that's what we do at NASA. We

don't launch until it's right. And so, for Boeing and the ULA teams, the NASA teams, congratulations to all of you.


ASHER: Third time's the charm there. That was a decade in the making.

GOLODRYGA: And like he said, they don't launch until it's right. Safety always first, but, boy, that looked so beautiful, right, taking off.

ASHER: Ninety 90 percent favorable weather conditions, as well. All right, that does it for this hour of "ONE WORLD". Appreciate you watching. I'm

Zain Asher.

GOLODRYGA: And I'm Bianna Golodryga. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back with "AMANPOUR".