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One World with Zain Asher

Supreme Court Upholds Law Barring Domestic Abusers From Possessing Guns; Record-Breaking Heat Turns Deadly As Millions Attend A Religious Pilgrimage; U.S. Swimmer Lilly King Gets A Marriage Proposal; At Least 460 Pilgrims Die At This Year's Hajj; Israeli Prime Minister At Odds With Biden Administration Over Military Aid; Kenyan Protesters Call For A National Strike On June 25thTo Oppose Proposed Tax Hikes; French Police Now Investigating Alleged Rape Of A 12-Year-Old Jewish Girl. Aired 12-1p ET

Aired June 21, 2024 - 12:00:00   ET




BIANNA GOLODRYGA, CNN ANCHOR: Just hours ago, the Supreme Court handed down a major Second Amendment ruling. ONE WORLD starts right now. The

Supreme Court upholds a law barring domestic abusers from possessing guns, what it means, and what's next. Also ahead, record-breaking heat turns

deadly as millions attend a religious pilgrimage. And later, swimmer Lilly King's new ring, the Olympic-sized surprise you've got to see.

Hello, everyone. Live from New York, I'm Bianna Gologryga. Zain is off today. You are watching ONE WORLD. Well, for days, we have been waiting for

several major rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court, and just a short time ago, we got one of them. The court gave a victory to gun control advocates.

In an eight-to-one decision, the justices upheld a federal law that bans domestic abusers from owning a gun. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote,

"America's tradition of gun laws confirms what common sense suggests. When an individual possesses a clear threat of physical violence to another, the

threatening individual may be disarmed."

Let's bring in CNN's justice correspondent, Jessica Schneider, for more on this decision. It may be common sense, though, Jessica, there's concern

that we could see another decision from this court that would expand Second Amendment rights. This is quite the opposite and done nearly unanimously.

JESSICA SCHNEIDER, CNN JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, you know, it is very surprising, the Supreme Court really giving gun control advocates this win

today. It was an eight-one opinion, and the justices did uphold this gun regulation that prohibits people who are subject to these domestic violence

restraining orders. It bans them from owning guns, and that law will stand under this Supreme Court decision.

This was written by the Chief Justice John Roberts. It was just Justice Clarence Thomas who was in the dissent, the lone dissenter. And, of course,

it was Justice Thomas who wrote the decision two years ago, giving that broad power to own guns in the decision known as Bruin. But the chief

justice today, you quoted him off the top. I'll read one more.

He said, "Our tradition of firearm regulation allows the government to disarm individuals who present a credible threat to the physical safety of

others." And that was the crux of this case, that if you're prone to violence, you can have your right to possess a gun taken away.

There has been considerable confusion in the lower courts for the past two years after that Bruin decision was written by Justice Thomas in 2022,

because the Supreme Court at that time said that in order for a gun law to be upheld, there needed to be some similar precedent in place in the late

1700s at the time of the nation's founding.

But today, the Chief Justice John Roberts, he stressed that while the Second Amendment, sure, the right to own guns, it is broad but not

unlimited. That was in this opinion today. And the chief justice writing the opinion, it makes sense that guns should be prohibited for people who

are subject to violence. And that's exactly what this federal law that was upheld does. It keeps guns out of the hands of people that courts have

deemed to be a credible threat when it comes to domestic violence.

So, Bianna, this decision handing a win to gun control advocates -- but one thing it might not do, it might not completely clear up the confusion for

lower courts, because the lower court in this case said, there's not a historical precedent to a law just like this. That's why we're going to

strike it down. That's what the lower court did, the Supreme Court obviously reversing that decision today.

But there still is a lot of question for the judges in these lower courts about what they should be doing when there are challenges to various gun

laws that have been put in place for the past many years and whether or not they comport with historical precedent. So, it's likely that we will see

other challenges to gun laws before the Supreme Court, and this isn't the final word despite the fact that this federal law was upheld today. Bianna.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, that 2022 Bruin decision struck down a New York state law that put strict limits on carrying guns outside of the home. Justice

Correspondent Jessica Schneider, thank you so much.

Joining us now for more legal analysis is former federal prosecutor David Weinstein. David, good to see you. So, do you agree with Jessica that this

decision doesn't close the door on exactly the scope of the Second Amendment, and we could see similar cases brought from various states to

the Supreme Court on this issue?


DAVID WEINSTEIN, FORMER STATE AND FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: I do, Bianna, and I think Jessica makes a couple of good points here. Look, our Constitution,

although it's a piece of paper and one that was created and formulated hundreds of years ago, it gets to evolve by judges interpreting what was

meant, and judges do what lawyers do, as well.

We focus on words, and we focus on context, and we focus on, in this case, the judges did, what did they mean when they enabled people to have

firearms. And way back then, was there the same type of concern and restriction on certain types of people, and that's what the opinion said

today. However, every case is different based on the facts.

The New York case was different. It dealt with possessing a gun outside of your home. It didn't deal necessarily with a person who had a prior

conviction or who was subject to a restraining order in a domestic violence case, so the judges and lawyers focus on the facts of each case.

So, depending on the facts of the next case, they may come up with a different opinion, and they may say no precedent doesn't support this the

way it did in the recent decision that we just handed down in 2024.

GOLODRYGA: We just heard what was written by the chief justice, Justice Roberts, who wrote for the majority. Let's read the one dissent, and that

was from Justice Clarence Thomas.

And he said, "The question before us is not whether Rahimi," -- that is the plaintiff in this case -- "and others like him can be disarmed consistent

with the Second Amendment. Instead, the question is whether the government can strip the Second Amendment right of anyone subject to a protective

order, even if he has never been accused or convicted of a crime. It cannot, the court and government do not, point to a single historical law

revoking a citizen's Second Amendment right based on possible interpersonal violence." What do you make of that dissent and that specific argument?

WEINSTEIN: He is taking what many will call a strict constructionist view of what it says in the Constitution, in the Second Amendment to the

Constitution, and then looking at precedent to see if there were other cases that would agree with what his opinion is. Remember, he wrote the

opinion in the case in New York, the majority opinion, and the fact of the matter is he was the lone dissenter.

So, the other eight justices didn't agree with his strict interpretation here. He's expressing a concern that is expressed by gun activists, which

is that unless there is a conviction or a specific prohibition, you shouldn't be allowed to strip somebody of their right to possess a firearm.

And that's what he, again, reiterated here.

But going back to something Justice Roberts said in the majority opinion, if you look at it that narrowly, then we're only talking about people's

abilities to possess muskets and rifles, and that's not what we do here today.

GOLODRYGA: And this, of course, as we're waiting for more decisions from, or consequential decisions from the Supreme Court, namely on presidential

immunity, that likely will come next week. Before we go, I want to do ask you your thoughts on a separate, but kind of related, given that we're

talking about the Supreme Court here, issue and news of day that just came in moments ago.

Steve Bannon, Donald Trump's former strategist and top ally, asked the Supreme Court to delay his prison sentence while he appeals his conviction

for contempt of Congress. I'll remind viewers that Bannon refused to comply with the subpoena from the House of Representatives investigating the

attack on the Capitol on January 6th.

We know he was supposed to turn himself in for a four-month prison sentence by July 1st. Does the Hail Mary appeal? Does he have any chance here before

the Supreme Court?

WEINSTEIN: I don't think so, Bianna. I think his Hail Mary is going to fall short of a goal line, much in the same way that Peter Navarro's did.

And here, he has even less of a chance. His sole issue on his appeal is that he received the advice of counsel not to go.

Navarro had a couple other issues, including executive privilege. I think that come July 1, but obviously before then, they're going to deny his

request, and I think on July 1, he's going to have to go and surrender and serve his sentence much like Navarro did.

GOLODRYGA: All right. Former State and Federal Prosecutor David Weinstein, thank you so much. Have a good weekend. Well, in other legal news, the

judge in Donald Trump's classified document trial is hearing arguments about why she should kick the special counsel off the case.

Donald Trump's lawyer, say Jack Smith on the right there on your screen, was unlawfully appointed as special counsel since he wasn't confirmed by

the Senate. The Justice Department denies that. Today is the first of three days of arguments relating to the case, which does not have a start date


And speaking of Judge Cannon, "The New York Times" reports that two federal judges urged her not to take on overseeing the criminal prosecution when

she was first assigned the classified documents case last year. Katelyn Polantz is following the story from Washington. Katelyn, first to what

we're seeing today in court.


Just the fact that she even decided to take this argument -- what does that tell us about its merits?

KATELYN POLANTZ, CNN SENIOR CRIME AND JUSTICE REPORTER: It's unusual, but it is in her powers. She wants to look at this issue of whether the special

counsel's office has the power to bring a case, whether Jack Smith was lawfully appointed under the Constitution, whether there can be money used

by the Justice Department to fund this office.

So, she's going to be hearing hours of arguments over this. Right now, the court is in a lunch break. There are colleagues down there of ours in

Florida watching this hearing where there are no phones or electronics in the courtroom. So far, what we understand is that Judge Cannon had many

questions but hasn't really shown her hand on where she's leaning on this.

Many other judges across the country have already looked at this issue and said, the special counsel does have this authority, let's move along to

trial. But Judge Cannon, not only does she want to be hearing the arguments from the prosecutors and the defense team over the special counsel, she

also is wanting to hear arguments from people not even involved in this case, third parties, basically law professors that have additional opinions

about the law that they want to show to her.

So, that's what is going to be happening after lunch. Those people are going to be arguing in this case in Judge Cannon's courtroom. Donald Trump

isn't there himself, but his lawyers certainly are, as are the special counsel's office prosecutors. And then all of this is going to continue

into Monday, as well, a very unusual hearing where Judge Cannon is taking a lot of time both in court and just letting days and weeks go by before she

even gets to rule on these issues.

This is one of those issues, too, where we may not even see an opinion about what she decides regarding the special counsel and their authority to

bring a case for days, if not weeks from now. And all of this is in a situation where there is no trial date. And there are so many other issues

that Judge Cannon still has to work through down in Fort Pierce, Florida.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, the crux of the case hasn't even been addressed yet. As you noted, the trial date hasn't even been set, and we don't know what will

happen if she decides to rule in favor of the defense here. Will we see some sort of appeal from Jack Smith or the DOJ? Katelyn Polantz, this is

indeed quite convoluted. Thank you so much for attempting to clarify it for us.

Well, in Saudi Arabia, hundreds of thousands of Muslims have made the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, but hundreds won't be returning home, sadly, as

soaring temperatures claim lives around the world.


GOLODRYGA (voice-over): At least 460 pilgrims have died at this year's Hajj, and the true death toll could be much higher. Reuters reports at

least an additional 600 Egyptians have died at the religious gathering. To gain a better picture of the number of deaths, Egypt has formed a crisis

unit and is working closely with Saudi authorities. Pilgrims there tell us no one is safe from the blistering temperatures.

HADDAR SALLA, MOROCCAN PILGRIM (through translator): We saw corpses on the road. They were covered with a sheet on the road because the temperatures

here are really high. And I'm not just talking about old people. Young people have died, too.



GOLODRYGA (voice-over): In northern India, brutal heat has claimed more than 200 lives in the last few weeks. To bring some relief from the

scorching summer, the government installed mist guns along the streets.



GOLODRYGA (voice-over): And extreme heat is gripping parts of the U.S., as well. More than 100 million people in the northeast and southwest will be

under heat advisories through the weekend, many already getting a taste of the summer sizzle.

UNKNOWN: It feels muggy and hot and crazy, overwhelming, but it is what it is.

UNKNOWN: Staying cool is a process this week. I think eating a lot of ice cream, taking lots of showers, and being grateful for air conditioning. We

are so blessed to have it. So, stay hydrated and be well out there.


GOLODRYGA: A.C. and ice cream -- two must-haves this summer. For more on the deadly harsh heat --


GOLODRYGA: Yeah. Scott McClean is standing by for us in Istanbul. And we want to first go to meteorologist Eric Van Dam at the weather center.

Scott, you know, yes, it's good that some people are in good spirits about this heat. Sadly, we've become so accustomed to it.

And people are fortunate to have A.Cs in parts of the country. In fact, others aren't, though. And we see those soaring temperatures around the

world. What does that tell us about what we can expect the rest of the summer?

VAN DAM: Yeah, well, that's just it. So, we're entering into the first full day of summer in the northern hemisphere. Of course, winter in the

southern hemisphere. But this has got the fingerprints of climate change written all over it.

As we continue to, you know, emit these heat-trapping greenhouse gases into our atmosphere, this heat wave that we're experiencing in so many various

parts of the planet will become cool in comparison to what the future may hold.


Let's say 2050 or end of the year 2100, for instance. So, just talking about Saudi Arabia, for instance, in Mecca, right, 51.8 degrees Celsius.

This is a prime example. Never been that hot there. And they continue to swelter under this extremely dangerous and what we understand now is deadly

heat with very little relief in sight. And it's all because of these heat domes. Now, you've got to think about what that means.

A heat dome is an area of high pressure. High pressure suppresses cloud cover. It allows for maximum sunshine to come through the atmosphere

overhead. It helps build up the heat inside of urban environments, for instance. And you can see these heat domes that have placed themselves

firmly over the eastern U.S., across the southern Mediterranean and across the Middle East, as well.

I mean, I just came back from France where the temperatures were very, very warm in the south of France. More of the same across Italy and into Greece

where we have a heat wave ongoing. Now, what's happening over the eastern U.S.?

Hundred million Americans under some sort of heat alert stretching from the mid-Atlantic. Dense urban environments from the nation's capital to New

York. But it's also all the way to the west coast. And all in all, about 50 record high temperatures broken through the course of this week.

With the mercury in the thermometer reaching triple-digit figures, and, of course, that is dangerous, especially when you see the extreme heat risks

that are present going from today into the weekend. Look how it overspreads the Ohio River Valley, Cincinnati right in that, all the way to D.C.,

eventually spreading to the deep south. So this is our new normal, Bianna, and we're feeling it across the globe.

GOLODRYGA: To think that this will be a record low perhaps in 20 years --

VAN DAM: Yeah.

GOLODRYGA: -- thirty years from now is just frightening.

VAN DAM: Right.

GOLODRYGA: Derek, thank you. Let's go back to Scott now in Istanbul for us. We were giving those figures. Hundreds dead, close to 500, if not 600,

there of those pilgrims there at the Hajj. Talk about what you're learning about confirmation of those numbers and what authorities are doing in


SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, so it's important to point out, Bianna, that, look, for people who live in the Gulf, this is essentially

their winter. I say their winter because it's so, so hot. And so they essentially spend these months indoors, sheltering from the extreme heat.

What's happening in Saudi Arabia right now is even hotter than it normally is, as Derek explained right there.

The problem, though, is that when the Hajj takes place is determined by the Islamic calendar. And it just so happens that this year, it's in June, one

of the hottest months of the year already. It is also an event that is almost entirely outdoors. There is a large physical component to it,

walking between sites.

And so, there's really no way to escape being out in those elements if you're one of these pilgrims, some of whom have spent their entire life

savings trying to attend this throughout the course of their lives, because that is one of the duties. It is the obligation of every Muslim if they

have the financial and the physical ability to do it.

But we are talking about a situation where, look, the overnight lows even are in the 30 degrees Celsius. So, there's absolutely no escape from this.

And you mentioned the numbers already continuing to climb. There are some estimates that suggest that the real number could be over a thousand right

now. And the reason why it may continue to climb is because, A, some people are still in the hospital, Bianna. Some people are unaccounted for.

And also some countries have only officially counted the official Hajj pilgrims. What do I mean by official? Well, Saudi Arabia, because of

overcrowding events in the past, like, say, a few years ago when there was that stampede incident killing more than 2000 people, have tried to limit

the number of people coming in for this annual pilgrimage by putting caps on each country's pilgrims that come in or putting caps on the numbers.

The difficulty, though, is Saudi Arabia has opened itself up in recent years. And so, you can get there on a tourist visa or a work visa. And it

seems like a lot of these sort of unofficial pilgrims are among those who have died, some of whom are staying in substandard accommodation. The

official pilgrims are staying in air-conditioned tents. These ones obviously are not. They also may not have the luxury of having some

transportation help between some of these sites, Bianna.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, and Saudi officials are being quite defensive now in response to these tragic deaths, claiming that they are not responsible for

them. These numbers are just horrific, as you said. They're probably going to be well over a thousand. Scott McClean, thank you so much. Well, coming

up for us --


DAVID MENCER, ISRAELI GOVERNMENT SPOKESPERSON: We will use all means necessary to restore security on our northern border.

GOLODRYGA (voice-over): There are growing concerns among U.S. officials that Israel's Iron Dome could be vulnerable if a full-blown-out war breaks

out against Hezbollah.


Details and analysis, ahead.



GOLODRYGA: The Israeli Prime Minister seems to be increasingly at odds with the Biden administration over military aid. Benjamin Netanyahu saying

in an interview on Thursday that, quote, "Barely a trickle of American military aid is making its way into Israel." He told "Punchbowl News" that

he raised the issue with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at a recent meeting.

That echoes comments that he made on a video a couple of days earlier. The Biden administration has been pushing back on Netanyahu's claims. Earlier

this week, a U.S. envoy visiting the region told Mr. Netanyahu that his previous comments were unproductive and untrue.

And as skirmishes continue between Israel and Hezbollah based in Lebanon, there's growing concern in Washington about the effectiveness of Israel's

Iron Dome defense system. U.S. officials tell CNN they're worried that the dome could be overwhelmed by Hezbollah's vast arsenal of missiles and


Concerns are rising as Israel has increasingly indicated to U.S. officials that it's preparing for a land and air incursion into Lebanon. Cross-border

attacks between Israel and Hezbollah have been on the rise in recent months. Both sides are also ramping up the rhetoric.


MENCER: We will use all means necessary to restore security on our northern border. Whether diplomatically or militarily, one way or another,

we will ensure the safe and secure return of Israelis to their homes in northern Israel.

HASSAN NASRALLAH, HEZBOLLAH LEADER (through translator): If the war was imposed on Lebanon, Hezbollah will fight with no regulations, no rules, and

no ceilings. Israel knows that there will be no place in the country safe from our missiles and our drones.


GOLODRYGA: So, let's take a look now at Hezbollah's military capabilities. The latest round of hostility kicked off with this video. Nine minutes of

purported drone footage released by Hezbollah showing civilian and military sites, some 30 kilometers into Israeli territory. It reached as far as

Haifa port, arguably one of Israel's most important economic lifelines.

Now, reaction inside Israel was naturally fierce. The government reminded Hezbollah it would be destroyed in a, quote, "all-out war", with the

cabinet announcing that it had approved, in principle, plans for an offensive in Lebanon, though putting plans into action is another story.


Never one to sit back quietly, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah weighed in with his own televised speech, boasting the group's growing capabilities

and even taking a dig at the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, making threats that if it aids Israel in a potential conflict, it will be attacked.

Now, this is what you need to know. The Center for Strategic and International Studies calls Hezbollah the most heavily armed non-state

military in the world. Most estimates put it at having around 45,000 to 100,000 soldiers and upwards of 150,000 short, medium, and long-range


For months, we've been reporting on flare-ups along the Lebanese border and the specter of a wider regional war. While both sides may want to avoid

that, the reality is that in these situations, things can break loose from one single miscalculation. The longer this goes back and forth, the more

likely that becomes.

And this brings us to our Exchange. We want to take a closer look at these specific issues. Former CIA officer and author Bob Baer joins me now. And,

Bob, speaking to Israeli officials, this may be one of the first times where the majority of the focus in the past eight months does appear in the

north as opposed to the ongoing war in Gaza.

Right now, we should remind viewers that Hezbollah began launching rockets into Israel on October 8th, so there has been sort of a low simmering back

and forth between these two sides that has only escalated. I'm wondering, from your perspective, does Hezbollah see an opening now, as perhaps Hamas

did leading into October 7th, in a vulnerability that was internally within Israel over the judicial reforms, this with the United States over aid?

ROBERT BAER, FORMER CIA OFFICER: Look, Hezbollah does not want a war. In 2006, Israel flattened the southern suburbs. It did enormous damage to

Hezbollah's standing. At the same time, it is fully prepared to go to war with Israel should Israel initiate the war.

If they come across the border, Hezbollah has a battle-hardened military, which is fought in Syria, which is fought going back to the early '80s. It

has rockets, solid fuel that can be pulled out, that can defeat any Israeli air defenses, can hit Haifa, Tel Aviv, it can hit Cyprus, Akrotiri Air

Force Base.

And you now, at this point, Israel will be fighting a real army -- a real army, a very capable army, which knows how to protect its communications.

It also has the ability to use suicide bombers. And don't forget, in 2000, Israel was forced under fire to leave Lebanon, the first time in its

history that it's been defeated in the field of battle. So, this is a whole other war, nothing like the war on Hamas.

GOLODRYGA: We've been reporting for months now that neither party wants a war right now, but we know the current conditions are untenable. Tens of

thousands of Israelis displaced there in the north. This has been a huge blow to Israel's economy at the same time.

And there are some within the Israeli government and even military who say, given the blow to morale and trust among the IDF in their failure to

prevent and then respond to October 7th, that this is something that they need to show the Israeli public they cannot tolerate. Given that, what is

an off-ramp that you think is the most effective at this point? I mean, Amos Hochstein sending one envoy to the region clearly is not enough.

BAER: Oh, absolutely not. I think that there's going to have to be, first of all, some sort of permanent truce in Gaza that will lower tensions,

lower the possibility of escalation. Israel has to stop, has to back down on assassinating Hezbollah leaders, because that keeps the tension up, it's

getting sympathy for Hezbollah. And likewise, at the same time, Hezbollah's got to back down on its attacks in the north. And this would be a gradual


But short of that, what worries me is you have a far-right government in Israel which demands a hundred percent security on its borders, and the

only way to do that, in their minds, is to destroy Hezbollah, which means effectively destroying southern Lebanon, flattening the whole place, which

would be a catastrophe in the region, I believe.

GOLODRYGA: What role, if any, do you believe Iran is playing here? Obviously, Hezbollah, a proxy of Iran. Hassan Nasrallah makes his own

decisions, but clearly in the back of his mind there is the factor of what Iran's ultimate intentions are.

It strikes me, you know, given the public spat between Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Biden administration, that they canceled a meeting just

this week that was supposed to focus on Iran. What, if any, additional pressure can be put on that country to simmer the tensions now between

Hezbollah and Israel?


BAER: Well, keep in mind that the Shia are a very disciplined theocracy and Hezbollah is entirely Shia, and in a large degree they answer to

Tehran, to Khamenei, the Supreme Ayatollah. And Hezbollah is entirely Shia, and in a large degree, they answer to Tehran, to Khamenei, the supreme


And so, that a deal with Iran, also some sort of back channel to get them to back down would have an enormous influence on Nasrallah. At the same

time, if Israel crosses the border, Nasrallah is not going to wait for a decision from Tehran. He'll just move.

There's sort of a standing, what they call a fatwa, in a war against Israel, and they will exercise it. And you know, look, at this point, if

there's a war between Hezbollah and Israel, there's going to have to be some U.S. role to get Israel through this.

I'm not advocating it, of course, but they're going to demand direct American help, and especially if Hezbollah attacks Cyprus, Equatorial Air

Force Base, then you're going to see a wider regional conflict, which at that point, who knows where it would go.

GOLODRYGA: Which is exactly what the Biden administration wants to avoid, especially as we're gearing up just months away from a presidential

election here in the U.S. All right, Bob Baer, always great to see you. Thanks so much for your analysis.

BAER: Thank you.

GOLODRYGA: Turning now to Kenya, where chaos has been engulfing the streets of its capital for days. And now Kenya's police watchdog is

investigating the death of a protester allegedly shot and killed by a police officer in Nairobi.

Clashes between police and demonstrators have erupted all week, while lawmakers debate a controversial tax bill. Kenyan protesters are now

calling for a national strike on June 25th to oppose the proposed tax hikes.

Well, it's a win for gun control advocates. We'll look at the reasons behind the Supreme Court's latest ruling -- up next.




GOLODRYGA: All right, welcome back to ONE WORLD. I'm Bianna Golodryga. We want to now dig deeper into the day's big story and that is a major

decision handed down with the U.S. Supreme Court. It has to do with guns. And in an eight-to-one decision, the court upheld a federal law that bans

domestic abusers from possessing guns.

Gun rights groups say the law violates Second Amendment rights. Chief Justice John Roberts writes, "Our tradition of firearm regulation allows

the government to disarm those who pose a credible threat to others." Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the lone dissent.

We want to take a closer look now at the Supreme Court rulings. We're joined by CNN Political Analyst Seung Min Kim, who's also the A.P.'s White

House reporter. Seung Min, welcome back to the program. So, this comes as a win for the Biden administration. President Biden has long been a supporter

and proponent and had been trying to implement stricter gun safety legislation. How is this being interpreted by the White House now?

SEUNG MIN KIM, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: They're certainly interpreting it as a win for them and their agenda. You saw the President this morning come

out with a statement saying this is part of his decades of work in preventing gun violence, not just the bipartisan gun safety legislation

that we saw back in 22 after the Uvalde shootings, but also his work on the Violence Against Women Act when he was a senator, which was first cited to

law in 1994.

So, this -- on the policy level, they feel this is a validation of what they are doing. But on a political level, they feel it is a boon for them,

as well. Actually, just moments ago, we saw a statement via the campaign come in from Vice President Kamala Harris saying, while President Joe Biden

and I are standing up to the gun lobby, Donald Trump is bowing down. They feel that on this issue, it is a good political issue for them and creates

a certain contrast with Republicans and Donald Trump.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, how is this weighing in with voters, particularly those yet undecided and dependent women, suburban women? We spoke with a lot, and

rightly so, on reproductive rights issues and democracy as a whole, and the President has said many times that, like this election and previous recent

elections, that democracy is on the ballot. Where does gun legislation and gun safety legislation particularly sit with voters and what's top of mind

for them?

KIM: It's certainly not as dominating or top of mind for voters nor, frankly, for the Biden campaign as certain issues such as abortion rights

and the economy, and obviously, for the Biden campaign, the idea of democracy has been a mobilizing issue, as well.

But this month particularly, the Biden campaign has been focusing on guns as a political issue, particularly because we just marked, I believe, the

eight-year anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shootings in Florida back in 2016. And guns was actually one of the issues that the Biden campaign

wanted to focus on in terms of mobilizing their voters ahead of the June 27th debate, his first debate with Donald Trump.

In terms of how it ranks among voters, it certainly isn't as high as, say, you know, the economy or even immigration or abortion. But they feel --

you're right. You mentioned the suburban voters, especially suburban moms.

This has certainly been an incredibly mobilizing issue for that demographic in the past. And that key group of voters is a block of voters that the

Biden campaign is really trying to keep in their fold, you know, come November.

GOLODRYGA: What's also notable is what we didn't hear today. And that was the decision on presidential immunity, which we're expecting now to hear

next week, which happens to also fall among the days when we're going to be hosting a very key presidential debate here on CNN, likely.

I mean, talk about the dynamics there where many are wondering why it's even taking the Supreme Court this long to rule on this specific case and

what that could mean for some of the heated conversation to be expected come next Thursday.

KIM: Right. Well, the timing of this case has been as dramatic as the substance of the arguments themselves. If you recall, when the oral

arguments were scheduled for mid-April, there was a lot of concern, particularly from those who wanted to have this case heard expeditiously,

especially before the November elections, that that wasn't going to happen.


Now, the oral arguments happened in April, and this is a decision that we haven't yet gotten from the Supreme Court. Now, in the broader context of

the Supreme Court, that's not completely unusual that they still have, you know, at least a dozen decisions to announce before the end of their term,

and the major, big, blockbuster cases are almost always at the end of the term. It's just kind of what we're used to from the Supreme Court by now.

But there is a certain timing element to this, you now, of the four broad criminal cases that are facing Donald Trump, it is more and more likely by

the day that the only one that will have been, you know, actually gone to trial is the one that just wrapped up in the New York case in the hush

money case.

And that, you know, in all the other cases, whether it's in the two federal cases or the case in Georgia, there are various delays, and certainly the

Supreme Court hearing the former President's immunity claims is one of them. And the fact that we just haven't gotten those decisions yet,

obviously the drama just keeps extending for another few days.

GOLODRYGA: Yeah, and then we're also waiting to hear whether prosecutors can use a federal obstruction law to charge January 6th rioters. Some 350

have already been charged under that law, 100 are currently serving jail sentences. And there's questions as to whether that will actually be upheld

or turned over or ruled against by the Supreme Court. That is to be coming in the next few days, as well. Seung Min Kim, thank you so much for joining

us. Have a great weekend.

KIM: Thanks for having me.

GOLODRYGA: And again, don't forget to tune in and see the CNN Presidential Debate right here on CNN, coming up on June 27th at 9 P.M. Eastern. And of

course, you'll have plenty of opportunities to watch it. We'll replay the debate in its entirety a few different times. You can watch it at 7 A.M.

London time, that is 2 P.M. in Hong Kong, or 12 hours later at 7 P.M. in London or 10 P.M. in Abu Dhabi.

All right, still ahead this hour, an improbable victory at a major cricket tournament. Now, the U.S. men's team pulled off an upset against a

powerhouse team. Plus, an ocean of green and white. Thousands of basketball fans flood the streets of Boston to celebrate a historic title. We'll have

live coverage of the Celtics championship parade.



GOLODRYGA: Well, a shocking case in France is triggering an outcry over surging anti-Semitism in the country ahead of looming parliamentary

elections. Police are investigating the alleged rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl. The prosecutor says three boys, aged 12 and 13, have been

taken into custody.

CNN's Melissa Bell joins us now live from Paris. Just another horrific incident of anti-Semitism which we've noted is spiking in France, really

around the world, but France is home to Europe's largest Jewish population and now with these parliamentary elections coming up, there really is a

divide over where they feel safer, voting for the far right which would have been unheard of years ago or the left now?

MELISSA BELL CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right. With the far left really being spoken about a great deal in this context since one of its leaders,

Jean-Luc Melenchon, recently referred to anti-Semitism in France as being something that is merely residual which led to an entire controversy of its


But you're right, this happens in the extremely heated climate of this very divisive parliamentary election, Bianna, and at a time when we've seen the

war in Gaza really exacerbate something that was already pretty prevalent in France but has only worsened.

To give you an idea of some of the French Interior Ministry's figures, the number of anti-Semitic incidents in 2022 between 2022 and 2023 rose by 283

percent in a single year, Bianna, and that gives you an idea of how difficult the problem was, exacerbated now of course with all that's

happened since in Gaza. And, of course, at the heart of this campaign, this particularly horrendous attack that has revived the debate and the issue of

anti-Semitism and what it means to be a Jew in France.

A 12-year-old girl last Saturday trying to get home, allegedly raped, in a disused building and it is the nature of the anti-Semitic slurs that are

also part of this police probe that will try to get to the bottom of whether her religion was a motivation for the attack. But a horrendous

attack that has drawn people to the street here in Paris these last few days and we have -- we expect more protests to come in Paris on Sunday,


GOLODRYGA: Just a horrific incident involving this young girl and as "The New York Times" reports there have been more than 360 anti-Semitic episodes

in France just in the first three months of this year alone. Melissa Bell, thank you so much. And we'll be right back with more.




GOLODRYGA (voice-over): Welcome back. We want to take you live to Massachusetts where a victory parade is underway for the NBA Championship

Boston Celtics. There you see thousands of adoring fans have shown up to celebrate.

The Celtics on Monday captured their 18th title, putting them ahead of the Los Angeles Lakers for most in league history. Now, it capped off a

phenomenal season that saw them winning a league best 64 games. They were led by superstar Jason Tatum and finals MVP, well-deserved there, Jalen

Brown. Fans coming out even in the scorching heat.


GOLODRYGA: Well, one of sports fiercest rivalries is breaking records well before tip-off. Retailers say ticket prices for this Sunday's rematch

between Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese are the highest ever for a WNBA game with the most expensive going for more than $9000. Yes, you heard that

right, $9,000.

Reese's Chicago Sky are facing off against Clark's Indiana Fever for the third time this season. There is some tension in history between these two

if you'll recall. According to CBS, last Sunday's match between the two teams was the most watched WNBA game on any U.S. network in 23 years.

Clark, Reese, and other high-profile players are credited with helping the league post its highest attended opening month in 26 years. Don't say

people don't like to watch women's sports. This clearly shows that people do. Phenomenal players.

Well, cricket fever has reached the United States. After pulling off a stunning victory against powerhouse Pakistan, the U.S. men's team is

looking to continue its unlikely run in the T20 World Cup. CNN's Nick Watt looks at how the players are capturing hearts and minds around the country.


UNKNOWN: Does the President have a message for this unexpected success?

NICK WATT, CNN REPORTER (voice-over): They're talking cricket at the White House.

JOHN KIRBY, WHITE HOUSE NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: We all congratulate them on this success. It's tremendous and we're cheering them on.

WATT (voice-over): They've been playing cricket in Florida, Texas, New York. To some sellout crowds, America is waking up to this, the second most

popular sport on earth, after only soccer. Today, our boys in red, white and blue take on their co-hosts and two-time winners, the mighty West

Indies. With Andre Russell in their ranks, goes by Dre Russ. They're a dangerous team, England. On Sunday, America meets England. They invented

this game that eventually gave you all baseball.

UNKNOWN: It's like baseball but it's better. It's baseball but it's better.

WATT (voice-over): Got a catch barehanded and you're allowed to hit the batter. America's part-timers and semi-pros were never expected to get this

far, no way.

UNKNOWN (voice-over): It deserves to be here, playing at this level.

WATT (voice-over): This guy's a software engineer, Monday through Friday.

UNKNOWN (voice-over): Metrovalka and many others had to call their employers and ask for extra time off to play the Super Eight.

WATT (voice-over): But a stunning, nail-biting victory over powerhouse Pakistan, runners-up last World Cup, got the USA this far, to the fabled

final eight. A New York born batter with a Barbadian lilt, was a hero that day.

AARON JONES, TEAM USA BATTER: I think, to be honest with you, we could beat any team in the world and we are going to try to get as far as

possible in the World Cup. We want to win the World Cup.

WATT (voice-over): Most of these guys were born abroad now, oh so proud to play the game they love, for the adopted country they love.

COREY ANDERSON, TEAM USA ALL-ROUNDER: When that national anthem comes on, it gives me some goosebumps and I never thought I'd ever think that way

about another country.

WATT (voice-over): You have no excuse not to fall in love. It's not that complicated. A home run is worth six, bounces first, that's four, you're

out if caught, or if the ball hits those poles. There are some other ways, but baby steps America, baby steps.

UNKNOWN: Cricket is building a new vibe here in America and you can see here, it's all here, and can't wait for more, it's only going to get bigger

and bigger.

WATT (voice-over): These games last about as long as baseball, but so far this World Cup on average more than nine home runs every game. Nine.

JONES: We always wanted to really and truly open the eyes of Americans as it relates to cricket. I think things are just going to get better and

bigger from here.

WATT (voice-over): Remember, you fell in love with soccer after that World Cup was here in 1994 and cricket never ends nil-nil. Never.

WATT: The traditional image of cricket is gentlemen wearing fluffy sweaters and drinking tea and taking five days to finish a game. It's kind

of changing. Major League Cricket landed in the U.S. in 2023 and at the 2028 Olympic Games, cricket is going to debut. When there's a gold medal at

stake, maybe that's what will really get America involved. Nick Watt, CNN, Los Angeles.


GOLODRYGA: Well, if the players' phenomenal run, surprise run can't sway you, then Nick Watt can really persuade you that perhaps we should all be

focusing on cricket here in the U.S.


Like he said, baseball, but better. We'll be watching. And finally, Paris might be known as the city of love, but what? Why wait until the Olympic

Games for romance? It was a night to remember for Lilly King at the U.S. Olympic Swimming trials. Having already qualified for Paris with victory in

the 100-meter breaststroke, she dominated in the 200 as well and will be the first American woman to swim in both the 100 and 200-meter breaststroke

at three straight games.

And her boyfriend had quite the surprise for her when she got out of the pool. That is James Wells down on one knee, popping the question, and the

answer, thankfully, was yes. Or should we say yes, yes, yes. He is a former swimmer as well, making sure Lilly heads off to the land of Olympic rings,

already sporting gold. Congratulations to both of them.

Well, that does it for this hour of ONE WORLD. Thank you so much for watching. I'm Bianna Golodryga. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back with