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Piers Morgan Live

Interview with Newt Gingrich; Interview with Chelsea Clinton

Aired September 26, 2013 - 21:00   ET



PIERS MORGAN, CNN ANCHOR: This is PIERS MORGAN LIVE. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. In just over 100 hours, the wheels of the federal government could grind to a shattering halt. It's happened before when Bill Clinton was president. He told me last night what it's like to try and fix this kind of thing.


You and Newt Gingrich eventually worked it out between you. How do you get stuff done ...


MORGAN: ... in this dysfunctional Washington?

BILL CLINTON: We worked it out when he was trying to run me out of town. We were still working together.


MORGAN: Well, as in many in Senate had put the other side of the story the Newt Gingrich and what he thinks will happen this time. Also the next generation of Clintons what Chelsea Clinton tells me about her future in politics.


MORGAN: Have you ever thought of, you know, running for high office?

CHELSEA CLINTON, VICE CHAIR, THE CLINTON FOUNDATION: Well, Piers, people have been asking me that question for as long as I can remember.


MORGAN: I don't have mother's plans.


MORGAN: Is your mom running for president or? (END VIDEO CLIP)

MORGAN: And game night in the Clinton family.


MORGAN: Who wins?

CHELSEA CLINTON: Basically, it's a pretty equal distribution. I think otherwise.


MORGAN: Plus for maybe the greatest comeback in sporting history Larry Ellison's Oracle Team USA takes the America's Cup coming from 8, 1 behind. I've got the winners here tonight plus a surprise message from someone who knows a thing or two about great sporting comebacks in America.

I want to begin though with our Big Story, Countdown to Shutdown. The Washington (inaudible) have to go of many federal agencies will be forced to close down their doors October the 1st, a situation not entirely unfamiliar to Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House during the last government shutdown and now the co-host of course of CNN's Crossfire.

Mr. Speaker, welcome to you.

NEWT GINGRICH, CNN CROSSFIRE CO-HOST: It's good to be with you.

MORGAN: So there I was yesterday chewing (ph) the fact with Bill Clinton and inevitably your name came up and I want to play you the full quote that he said about what went on between you and him that last shutdown. Listen to this.


BILL CLINTON: We worked it out when he was trying to run me out of town. We were still working together. I mean I knew it was a game to him. And he thought, you know, he would -- as he looked -- he once said to Erksine Bowles the difference between us is that we'll do whatever we can and you won't do that, you think there are things you shouldn't do.

And once I realized what the deal was, I let him do whatever he could and then we did business on the side. And you're laughing but that's really -- we reached an accommodation.


MORGAN: Now, Mr. Speaker, is that how you remember things.

GINGRICH: Well, I think we each have our own version but there's some key things in there that tell you a lot about why the city is a bigger mess right now. When I was Speaker, which was an enormous shock because we didn't have a Republican speaker in 40 years, they ran 121,000 heads against me, they filed 81 spurious ethics charges, they did everything they could to stop me. At the same time, we all landed up in a big fight with Clinton, the government got closed twice and it was, I mean it was a very tough environment. But the thing that made President Clinton so different from President Obama, we could compartmentalize.

It wasn't that we were friends, but we both understood that you had to find a way to work for America even if as political rivals, you were fighting over what was going on. And so we had an ability to pick up the phone sometimes very tough conversations. But to pick up the phone, to get together in the same room, to keep talking and my guess is that we spent more days together than Obama and Boehner has spent minutes together this year.

MORGAN: You see, I think it's fascinating and it's what I've been suspecting for awhile and to hear it from both Bill Clinton and now you really confirms what I've always thought which is part of the problem is the negotiating skills perhaps of the current speaker and President.

And I'll take you one step further because Bill Clinton was also fascinating about his personal relationship with Vladimir Putin. And I want to play you what he said about that because that too I think plays into the same area.


BILL CLINTON: It is not necessary to trust somebody to take him up on a good offer, just pay attention to what's going on.


MORGAN: Now, he went on to say that he would get in a room with Putin just alluding (ph) with you. I'm not comparing your Mr. Speaker to Vladimir Putin although you may see that as a compliment. But if you get in a room with him, throw everybody out of the room and he and Putin and he said, "Well, go at it." and he did sign when I spoke to him privately before we did the interview. Bang, bang, bang and we would go at each other brutally. But we would get stuff done and then I said to him, "Did Vladimir Putin ever let you down? Did he ever renege on a personal deal that he gave you one on one?" and he said, "Never" that we was a man of his word behind closed doors. But the game really was that when you went out of those doors into the wider world what you didn't do was try and humiliate or ridicule your opponent.

Now, exactly the same thing I think applies to that relationship between President Obama and John Boehner and he screams out to me, why are they not doing that? Why do they not look at what happened between you and President Clinton and indeed between Clinton and Putin. And try and do the same thing now for the benefit of the American people.

GINGRICH: You know, I think it's a really fascinating question. I noticed today the headline under the President on CNN during the afternoon was, "I will not negotiate." Well, then what are you going to get done under our Constitution going all the way back to your native country almost 900 years ago with the Magna Carta. The king has to negotiate with the commons or it doesn't get any money. That's the base of the Magna Carta. And the President has to come off with his high horse. Boehner has to also say they may now be able to get everybody in his party to vote for something.

It maybe a situation where you end up with 80 percent of the Republicans and a substantial number of Democrats getting something done, but they've got -- if you don't talk to each other, and then if you don't try in some common way to do it, and if you're not creative, I mean, one thing about President Clinton who was I think one of the smartest people I've ever worked with. He had an intuitive ability to grasp for situation and to immediately move beyond the problem and try to figure out if there was a solution.

And so, we were little bit like two graduate students and that we would get in a room and we started talking and theorizing and remembering books and doing stuff. But in that process, you begin to get away from what you couldn't do and you begin to gradually work your way to what you could do.

MORGAN: Yeah. I think it's absolutely fascinating that you both talk like this because to me, it's an exact parallel now and Putin is still here and the Republicans and Democratic going out exactly as they were in the mid-90s. Now, here's what I want to play which may send a shadow of horror up your spine. And here's what he said about his wife and his daughter.


MORGAN: What do you think might make the better president, your wife or your daughter?

BILL CLINTON: Day after tomorrow, my wife because she has had more experience, all the long run. Chelsea, she knows more than we do about everything.


MORGAN: I've got a great interview coming out with Chelsea Clinton. And who I -- I'm already two panel, she was on -- she is a smart cookie by the way.


MORGAN: And capable -- discovered later in the show. But in terms of what he said there he's basically laying down the ground work, Mr. Speaker to maybe 40 more years of Clinton presidency.

GINGRICH: Well, who knows? I watched last night. And I was fascinated and I thought, you know, as a husband, I have -- Callista and I have two daughters. That's a question you got to dance around a little bit because there is no possibility of you saying the daughter is smarter now in going home.

So, I thought he handle it in a typical Clinton manner. I thought he handled it very, very artfully. And for everything I know, and Callista said this to me last night after she watched your show, she said, "You know, that is a very bright young woman."

MORGAN: Yeah. She really is. And when you see later in this show just how bright she is and how poised she is, how media-savvy, how comfort in the front of an audience. I was really impressed with Chelsea Clinton, I must say. And it's fascinating watching Bill Clinton there, you know, basically saying, look, you know, you can have both of them. I wouldn't get to hang up about just Hillary. In terms of Hillary, do you think there's any doubt that Hillary will run for the presidency in 2016?

GINGRICH: Oh, look, you always have to say there's a possibility of a health problem and accident, something you can't imagine. But I would say the odds are 90-95 percent she's going to run and the odds are -- and I remember, I was wrong in 2008. I was sure she was going to be the nominee and I clung to that all the way in April because I couldn't imagine her not winning the nomination. So, my advice here may be useless. But I think the odds are very high she'll be the Democratic nominee.

MORGAN: And there's a tiny little part of you think to yourself Gingrich v Clinton, let's get it all over again?

GINGRICH: No, I think -- I don't think that's part of my immediate future. I'm having too much fun during Crossfire, but I do think that Hillary is very formidable, she's very smart, she works very, very hard, and no one should underestimate how serious a candidate she'd be.

MORGAN: Mr. Speaker, always good to talk to you. I'm loving Crossfire ...


MORGAN: ... love your new role on that. Long may that continue and please come back on the show soon.

GINGRICH: Good. I look forward to it.

MORGAN: When we come back, Clinton, the next generation, Chelsea Clinton. I'll ask her if she's going to follow in her father's and mother's footsteps.


MORGAN: Have you ever thought of, you know, running for high office?



MORGAN: Every year the Clinton Global Initiative brings the world's movers and shakers to New York City with its annual meeting. I sat down with Bill Clinton last night from an in-depth interview. And tonight let's talk with the woman, who one day be running the Clinton Foundation. Chelsea Clinton. We're joined by actress and activist, America Ferrera, also Peggy Mativo the Executive Director of PACEmaker International.


Chelsea why don't we start with you with America to your right.

CHELSEA CLINTON: Well, America is to my right. I think -- I think we are putting ourselves back on the path that we need to be on and one of the reasons I feel so strongly that that is true is because of not only the woman sitting on my right but also the woman sitting on my left.

I think that young people in this country are taking control of our future and our national destiny. We are indeed mobilizing for impact which is our team at this year's CGI and I think we'll hear more about that when America and Peggy tell you about the work that they are doing both here in the United States and around the world because I think it's not only happening here at home it's a global phenomenon.

MORGAN: Before we get too deep into the weeds, is your mom running for president?

CHELSEA CLINTON: You'll have to ask her that. You'll have to ask her with that.

MORGAN: OK, she's on the bag, so I might bring her out. And ...

CHELSEA CLINTON: So we won't take it personally if you raise out the bag.

MORGAN: If I have to, I'll do what it takes for CNN. And America I cannot give anybody better names to ask about America. So, you're a young American woman, as Chelsea said one of young American woman now taking charge and many think that's quite right. What are the key issues facing particularly young woman in America right now?

AMERICA FERRERA, ACTOR, PRODUCER, ACTIVIST: Well, I think, you know, I would have to agree with Chelsea I think that young people are doing extraordinary thing from this country and the misperception is that young people are disconnected and disengaged and while they're might be some truth to that in statistics what I see and I'm sure what Chelsea sees and what Peggy sees globally is that young people are passionate, and ready, and primed, and every single one of them capable of caring and capable of taking action.

You know, I do a lot of work with Voto Latino and Latinos are a growing demographic in this country as we all know and we are a young demographic or the average age of Latino-American is 26 years old. We are young and we're passionate and we're ready and we're fired up and what we need our tools, and we need know how and I think that will address the -- this perception of disengagement -- of apathy because I don't think that that's what's happening.

I think what's happening is the lack of really civil society and our institutions doing the jobs to educate and empower young people.

CHELSEA CLINTON: And the lack of opportunity.


CHELSEA CLINTON: I mean, I couldn't echo America more strongly that there is this perception that the millennial generation is disinfected, disengaged, not disconnected arguably. More than 40 percent of millennials have volunteered and more than 40 percent have already donated to something that they feel passionate about whether it was an aftermath of the Haiti earthquake in 2010 or to their local soup kitchen or church. I mean millenials are arguably the most engaged generation since the greatest generation.

And another way in which that manifests is young people raising their hands saying I want to serve, I want to participate.

MORGAN: By the way this millennial thing, is there a minimum age for entry? Because I started to work out what it is this. I'm 48, I know you're thinking, look you're a lot younger, but I'm just trying to edge in to the millennial category. Do I have a prayer on that or am I done?

CLINTON: You know, we could probably make an exception.

PEGGY MATIVO, FOUNDER, EXECUTIVE DIRECTORM PACEMAKER INTERNATIONAL: I mean, I think you could be millennial but you'd have to come in as of which -- of as someone who actually supports young people and like Chelsea was saying create a stage that allows them to actually move from being beneficiaries and people who are considered passive, the space where they can be active causes of change.

So whether it's teaching, training, giving them speaking platforms, that's -- you can come in and be a millennial of that.

MORGAN: She said it. Yes, we're going to be and let us talk to you seriously about what's happening in your country, Kenya. And obviously, a terrible terrorist atrocity, there is an ongoing battle with Al-Qaeda and all its amorphous groups which attached itself to it trying to dismantle governments and trying to dismantle stability wherever they can. What is your reaction to what happened that having talked to people back in Kenya?

MATIVO: I mean, I think it's deplorable. It's sad. It's the fact that people out there who are trying to tear down what we've worked so hard to build as a country. But the fact -- at least one of the things I'm taking away from this is I've seen Kenyan young people come together and, you know, go out and my (inaudible) is probably come with buses are not charging people if they're going in to donate blood.

People are lining up to give foods to soldiers and give food to the volunteers. And people they just volunteering and this has been a way to spark like I can do this, this is my country, I have to take charge of making it a better place and I can care for whoever works hard. So it forces us Kenyan people to just step up and say, "We are doing this."

MORGAN: In terms of the incidence itself, clearly there is an issue now with the radicalization of homegrown terror whether it's in America or Britain or -- I mean we don't know where all these terrorists came from but that looks like to be a pattern we sort on the Boston marathon on other times. You have this -- disaffected youth, there was unemployed youth but you also have a youth that can be susceptible to being radicalized.

How do you think you could get bags (ph) of experience to deal parents in this area but how do you think the best way for a country like America can actually deal with this kind of problem?

CHELSEA CLINTON: I mean the greatest risk factor arguably is in unemployed young men to any social system, to any society anywhere in the world. And so ensuring that young people feel like we are collectively investing more in their future than in kind of either harboring past grievances or in kind of protecting the status quo is I think the best antidote.

MORGAN: Hearing you speak Chelsea, I think I can ask you this question, not your mother because it actually involves you. Have you ever thought of running for high office?

CHELSEA CLINTON: Well, Piers people have been asking me that question for as long as I can remember. Literally one of my earliest memories ..

MORGAN: What the truthful answer?

CLINTON: Well the truthful answer is thankfully the truthful answer I guess and that I'm deeply grateful for my life now. I love my life. I love being able to do this work. I love that particularly through the Clinton Global Initiative University we're able to connect the students like Peggy and help connect here to more resources that can help advance here work and help connect her to young students who want to emulate her work.

And I'm grateful that I live in this city and a state in the country where ...

MORGAN: It's is a brilliant politician's answer. I mean -- this is what I mean. This is what you'd be so perfect.


MORGAN: You want this (ph) to talk for entire minute without referring remotely to either yes or no.

CHELSEA CLINTON: Well the answer is, I don't know. And that is the honest answer because right now I am grateful for my life. I'm invigorated by my life.

MORGAN: Have you been inspired or deterred by what's happened to your incredibly successful parents?

CHELSEA CLINTON: I'm deeply inspired by my parents and I'm deeply inspired by the facts that they have always denominated success in their lives by the impact that they've had in the public sector and the non-profit sector. And that their lives have always been more about their work than as you asked, "What has happened to them?" so I find that incredibly inspiring.

So I don't know. Right now? No. In the future? I don't know.

MORGAN: Brilliant answer. They earn this every opportunity available.

Let's go -- This is a great moment for me so I'm now going to throw to a question from the audience, but it's not just any member of an audience, this is Goldie Hawn. Ladies and gentlemen, one of my favorite actresses of all time.

GOLDIE HAWN, THE HAWN FOUNDATION FOUNDER: We all know the stressors that our children deal with today. We live with it. Every two weeks something horrible happens. My question is are you creating any programs at all inside of the efforts that you're putting forth to stabilize the stressors and to give an educational program to create tools for this children and young people to be able to sustain and create resilience through all the gifts and the help that you're giving. Because, you know, we -- our emotional life guides us. So how do we and are you attending to that?

MORGAN: America.

FERRERA: You know, none of us are born with coping skills. We learn coping skills. And yes, there is so much that we are all dealing with these days. And because of technological advancements, it's so much more than it's ever been. There are days when, you know, it's too much for me to deal with. So we can't imagine what it feels like for young people to be growing up in this world where, yes, every couple of weeks there's an atrocity on the news.

And I've been fortunate enough to be a part of this amazing organization since I was a freshman in college, as a volunteer in the organization it was called Peace First and it goes into the school, it goes into schools in the most sort of vulnerable areas for violence. And it teaches these skills that you're not just born with cooperation, problem solving, concept resolution in non-violent ways. On the other side, Peace First announced an initiative last year here at CGI, the Peace First Price. And it is fashioned a Nobel Peace Prize for young people and we are announcing the first winners next week.

And these children, I mean they're not children they're young adults and they're extraordinary, their stories are amazing and -- did that answer the question.

MORGAN: I wouldn't know. It actually answer some other question which just shows Chelsea should have -- she has a running mate so. Excellent. Let's ask another audience question, another favorite of mine Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel

PRINCESS AMEERAH AL-TAWEEL, TIME AGENCY CEO, SAUDI ARABIA: My question is for our future president.


AL-TAWEEL: I hear that you have ...

MORGAN: And her running mate.

AL-TAWEEL: Yes, ... best of both worlds from your parents and we have 100 million jobs that we need to create, young people who are between the ages of 15 and 29, unemployed in the Arab region, the highest number ever in the region's history that need to enter the labor market.

The question is what if we end up in a world where most young Arabs are unemployed, where do you see this being in that position representing the Clinton Foundation, CGI and where do you see this as a future leader to America? I hope.

MORGAN: Well, that pressure Chelsea in there. You were about to save the entire Arab world now (inaudible). Off you go.

MATIVO: I don't know, I'll speak to it after you do.

MORGAN: Yes, oh, Peggy you go first.


MATIVO: I mean, part of it is where (ph) we'll need to begin creating new professions, I think. Yes, we've created some jobs but it's like what we're doing in Kenya is within the schools, the public school system. They're really isn't a position for teaching assistant so we get our young people between the same ages 15 to 29 to go and volunteer and walk as teaching assistants. And over time, as it becomes evident that their value -- the service is valuable then people will begin to pay for the service. So it's finding gaps within current systems so young people can actually begin to get employed.

CHELSEA CLINTON: I think, yes, we need to have civil society, the government and the private sector working in concert together and I think we need to invest in women. So I think it's figuring out, you know, what should we expect the private sectors do that really isn't their own interest. What should we expect the public sector to do particularly at the local levels sort of the sub national levels and then where do we need civil society to fill the gaps to help people -- we imagine their businesses, we imagine their lives helps set some of the norms and expectations for little girls and little boys so that hopefully we don't have tens and millions of unemployed Arab young people in the years ahead that's not good for their world, that's not good for us.

MORGAN: Chelsea Clinton, and Peggy and America, thank you all very much indeed. Ladies and gentlemen, end of our closed panel.


More with Chelsea Clinton when we come back and joined by some of America's top CEOs (inaudible) the thoughts of Coca-Cola. So I just had to ask this question.


MORGAN: I've always wanted to ask you this. How many people know the exact final recipe with all ingredients for Coca-Cola?



MORGAN: What's in Coca-Cola? It's one of the longest and best- tell secrets and at last Muhtar Kent, the Chairman of Coke to spill the beans. Kent, along with John Chambers, Chairman of Cisco joins Chelsea Clinton to talk to you about business in America. And what it will tell you to get the economy back on track.


MORGAN: The key issue it seems talking to almost everybody that I've talked to at the UNGA and also the CGI is jobs, jobs, jobs. How do you get this situation of this younger, larger population around the world into work particularly when they're skill-based perhaps isn't quite what it needs to be to work for something like Coca Cola.

MUHTAR KENT, CHAIRMAN, CEO, COCA COLA: It begins with growth, you know, you've got to find ways in today's environment. First on a micro-basis to crack the calculus growth, continue to crack that calculus for growth and when you grow, you can invest and when you invest you can hire.

That's -- So we are hiring, we are growing the last five years, we've added about 15,000 jobs every year to our pretty big base of 700,000 around the world.

MORGAN: How many cans of coke do you sell a year?

KENT: We get invited into people lives about 1.8 billion times a day.

MORGAN: A day?

KENT: A day. And that's about 3,000 products.

MORGAN: How many people -- I've always wanted to ask you this, how many people know the exact final recipe with all ingredients for Coca Cola?

KENT: There are few. And that's ...

MORGAN: How many?

KENT: ... and we don't always travel together, so that's -- look. So cracking, you got to keep on growing. Then other thing that I -- we as a company just to bring it back to reality what we do is try to connect your passion points as a company, as business to creating jobs outside of your four walls. What do I mean by that? We are very passionate about water. We have goal for being water mutual be 2020. We respect water and we create awareness to respect water.

So we are creating -- we've now launched a commitment here at CGI to place these new machines that make 1,000 liters of vaccine graced (ph) sterile water out of any water, sewage, arsenic contaminant, any water. We make -- We're putting these kiosks out and manning them with women entrepreneurs -- young women entrepreneurs. So that passion points get connected through the golden triangle of government, business, and civil society to creating jobs.

MORGAN: That's an interesting issue because I think, John, you have the same don't you in Cisco?

JOHN CHAMBERS, CHAIRMAN, CEO CISCO: Well, I think as Chelsea and America and one of your earlier panelists had said the best. They said to get an employment going back especially among the youth. And to do it on a gender basis as well, you got to have the tools which is the internet and broadband. And then you got to have the training. You combine those two. That's how you put youths around the world back to work.

Give you an idea. You got to do it on large scale. We do in Network Academy switch train young people to install equipment, be able to do security over the extractor, start it with the small scale. Today, we have 1.25 million students around the world in these academies. They are much more likely to get jobs and higher paying to go on to advance to advance education.

MORGAN: Is it -- let me ask Chelsea about there in mind which is that you have the companies like these, multinational global companies, some in particular, someone like Apple who just have the most extraordinary a few days of sales at the latest iPhones. Everyone going crazy for it. I'm a BlackBerry guy, I'm standing firm.

CHELSEA CLINTON: That goes in life with that?

MORGAN: Yes. Thank you. Yes. I am the last man standing firm but I am standing firm. Yes. And it's always struck me as a bit perverse that we have such a chronic jobs crisis in America that you have company like Apple still outsourcing maybe 90 percent of their workforce to China or wherever it may be. Is there a moral capitalism ahead where American global companies should bring more jobs back to America?

CLINTON: Well, I think both Muhtar and John are examples of a moral capitalism in their own stories as they just relate, you know, whether it is Coca-Cola's clear commitment to clean water because I imagine, whatever the secret ingredients are and the super secret recipe, water is one of them. You know I think that that commitment will likely be ...

MORGAN: He didn't even flicker, did you see that? CHELSEA CLINTON: No. It was very cool.

MORGAN: He wouldn't even confirm water?

CHELSEA CLINTON: He didn't even confirm water. That is to (ph).

MORGAN: Wow. You would've been a great Jane Bob Dylan (ph).

KENT: Yes.

CHELSEA CLINTON: I think that is a more durable, sustainable commitment for Coca-Cola as a company not only because of Muhtar's leadership, because of it's clear connection to at least what I presume is a core necessary ingredient in Coca-Cola not on this day ...

MORGAN: I see that presumption you're making.

CLINTON: ... but in the future.

MORGAN: You'll find out when you become president.

CHELSEA CLINTON: I don't know.

MORGAN: It's you, the Pope, the Queen of England, and him.

CHELSEA CLINTON: An enviable company for anyone.

MORGAN: Well, let me ask you (inaudible), it's a serious issue isn't it?

KENT: Yes. I think for us we're such a local business everywhere. We all create more than 1,000 factories, Piers, across 207 countries, so that doesn't apply to us. But I think the key is, what can we do in every country where we operate to continue to create employment opportunities both inside the four walls of the company but also outside by the multiplier effect.

CHELSEA CLINTON: That our -- we as a country investing in our young people so that, Muhtar and John, want to employ them in the future.

MORGAN: But ...

CHELSEA CLINTON: And I mean investment holistically. You know in our 30 some thousand public high schools only 6,000 of them have computer science programs.

MORGAN: Which is ridiculous.

CHELSEA CLINTON: Which is ridiculous. And so ...

MORGAN: And as you listen to question, I'm going to bring in General Wesley Clark here.

CHAMBERS: Before you jump in ... MORGAN: Yes.

CHAMBERS: ... I want to follow up on that.


CHAMBERS: Because from a court point of view ...

MORGAN: General. Stand ease.

CHAMBERS: Wes, this is the first time I've overrode you. If you watch corporate social ...

MORGAN: Nobody's (inaudible) for a long time by the way.

CHAMBERS: Corporate sense of responsibility is a must for the future capitalist. If we don't we're going to be on the outside looking in, watch Cisco as an example we're the only large corporation in high tech that still -- has been around for 25 years and has the majority of our employees in America. We want to continue to do that.

CHELSEA CLINTON: And wait, and Piers, I'm sorry general.

MORGAN: General, stand down. Twice. We'll get to you. There's a lot of ...

CHAMBERS: You will make a good leader here Chelsea. You're going to get a lot ...

MORGAN: She will be...

CHELSEA CLINTON: I think we already got a lot about that.

MORGAN: ... your Commander-in-Chief so, she's (inaudible).


MORGAN: Oh, Chelsea.

CHELSEA CLINTON: I think though ...

CHAMBERS: We can have comedy regime here.

CHELSEA CLINTON: I think we already do. You know, it's important that people (inaudible) isn't just rhetorical. I mean, John and I went in a conversation and CEO after CEO from multiple different industries, financial services, consumer products, said we have consistently seen that our employees are the most engage with our corporate social responsibility programs are those that we promote faster, they stay longer, they are future leaders. So it's not just sort of morally right thing to do. It also really is a smart thing to do.


MORGAN: Next game night in the Clinton family. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

Do you play board games with your parents like scrabble, and if so, who wins?



MORGAN: Time now it's my interview with Chelsea Clinton and the Chairman of Coca-Cola and Cisco. Chelsea has an amusing and tangent details about to talk competitive it gets when she play board games with her famous parents.

Well, we begin with the pivotal (ph) question from General Wesley Clark, the former NATO Supreme Allied Commander.


WESLEY CLARK, FMR. NATO SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER: So, my question is the men and women who come out of uniform, especially the young veterans.

You know, we never built a volunteer army to fight or sustain war. We never could have imagined we'd be in conflict for 11 years or 12 years going on 13 now. And yet, that's what we've done, but we can't keep sending the same men and women back in the combat again, and again, and again when they're 18. When they're 22 they go back again, 26, they go back again and so forth. We're destroying lives and families.

So, when they get out, they'd got to have a place in the American economy. President Obama is talking a lot about it, we've done a lot about it, the Department of Labor is working on it. I know there's dozens and dozens of business initiatives, but are we going to be able to sustain this and are we really getting traction on getting employment for our young veteran.

KENT: We do have program, the robust program 6,000 that we've hired so far. We've -- And this is the year that we are now about to more than 1,000. Last year was 880. So, we do have a program.

And, you know, it's so good for the whole organization what we know, you know, what we've seen is that there is so much positive that comes out of bringing in these veterans because -- and training the veterans and putting them to work on a permanent basis.

And also, using programs where we employ veterans on a part-time basis bringing them in and employing them and then giving them the first flight for the next round of employment.

MORGAN: John, if we get to your program and we just talked about that, it's also this wide to reach you, isn't it? About an education system that may not be preparing the modern American youth, well enough for the jobs that are available.

How do you deal with that and then also tell me about your program with veterans.

CHAMBERS: So, the answer is our K through 12 system is broken, all of the CEOs know that. We're not preparing our youth for the jobs of the future. And I think there's no better example than on military. The men and women who've given so much to protect this country and other countries and million of them are coming back. 18 percent of the young people under the 24 years of age who come back do not have jobs. That should be something unacceptable in our country.

We have to mobilize government and business working together, not just create 100,000 jobs but a million jobs for these people and we got to think about how do you do programs to prepare them for where their jobs are.

General, I've had the chance to talk with a number of your colleagues also. The Army and the Navy and the Air Force does a great job on training young people but we have to less six months of service. Train them to be able to get jobs as they come out.

The business has to have the queries to say, we'll work with you. You give them six months of training, we'll give the six months of training and we will employ them, but we ought to instead of saying how do we do 10,000 jobs or 100,000 jobs, how do we get a million jobs.

I think this country is capable of doing that. I think it's time for a call of action to do it.

MORGAN: And Chelsea ...

CHELSEA CLINTON: Great, great. Right.

MORGAN: ... sorry, no please.

CHELSEA CLINTON: Thank you, Piers.

MORGAN: You're the boss. You will be.

CHELSEA CLINTON: We're still happy to join the Clinton Foundation Team. I think, you know, study after study have shown that a civilian service pathway as a transition for our men and women in uniform help them not only be healthier physically and mentally and but then the more long term, employable and then to be likely to have long-term employment.

So, that seems just so clear to me that we would truly invest in AmeriCorps and other civilian service opportunities. And you just -- as John was saying, you know that he believes we can create a million jobs for our million young men and women who are living all ranks of service.

You know, during the Great Depression, the Civilian Conservation Corp enable more than 3 million, largely young men who had to serve our country, otherwise, would have been unemployed. You know, we mobilized that program within three years.

You know we know that we can do this when we dedicate our time and energy.

MORGAN: Chelsea, follow-up question to you. Just came to me really just in the last few seconds but do you play board games with your parents like scrabble. And if so, who wins

CHELSEA CLINTON: So, we generally are a card playing family. We do play some board games.

MORGAN: Which card games?

CHELSEA CLINTON: Oh, we play Pinochle, spades, hearts, all variant ...

MORGAN: And very competitive, I would imagine.

CHELSEA CLINTON: Deeply competitive.

MORGAN: Who wins?

CHELSEA CLINTON: Thankfully, it's a pretty equal distribution. I think, otherwise ...

MORGAN: How did I know you'd say that?


MORGAN: You tell me, you all win 33 percent of the time, right?

CHELSEA CLINTON: So, in cards probably. In scrabble, my mother is very good in scrabble.


CHELSEA CLINTON: And Boggle, my father is probably better.

MORGAN: Your dad is the best Boggler in the Clinton, I'd say.

CHELSEA CLINTON: Probably the best Boggler. My mom is probably the best scrabbler.

MORGAN: And you are the best ...

CHELSEA CLINTON: Pretty good at upwards, everyone is equally probably pretty ...

MORGAN: What are you best at?

CHELSEA CLINTON: I do really well in the traditional board games, backgammon, checkers.



MORGAN: Interesting. I could talk about this for hours. And suddenly, we are running out of time. It's been fantastic, and to John and Muhtar, and of course especially to Chelsea's in two panels. And to the great audience.

CHELSEA CLINTON: Yes, thank you.

MORGAN: Thank you all very much indeed. Thank you.

CHELSEA CLINTON: Yes, thank you. It's great job.


MORGAN: Next, they are the champions. The America has got winner, join me to talk about their extraordinary comeback.


MORGAN: It's big held is one of the greatest comebacks of all time. Oracle team, USA's stunning America's Cup victory, the 162- year-old race has never seen anything quite like it, hopelessly behind just a week ago. Oracle did the unthinkable on Wednesday, staging an amazing win as being held as one three ages.

It's an honor for me to have tonight the members of Oracle Team USA or some of them anyway Shannon Falcone, Tom Slingsby, Joe Spooner, Jonathan Macbeth, and Simeon Tienpont.

Gentlemen, many, many congratulations on what is being held in America as possibly the greatest comeback in the history of American sport. Let me start with you Shannon, how does that make you guys feel?

SHANNON FALCONE, ORACLE USA: I'm still on cloud nine, haven't touched down yet. It was a long night of celebration and it's actually really good to see the cup in good shape after last night's event with all the support team and -- near the shore and the design guys, all the guys that are -- you don't see on the water but who are integral to the, you know, success in with defense of the cup.

MORGAN: And Tom Slingsby, Larry Ellison is the software billionaire and Oracle's owner set off to your victory. You know what 8-1 is? 8-1 is motivated which is one way of looking at it because when you're 8-1 down everybody has seen that was it and New Zealand is we're going to win and you didn't have a prayer. What was the thinking in the group of that moment when you really were staring a huge defeat in the face?

TOM SLINGSBY, ORACLE USA: I think it's innate personally, when we're down 6-1 that was we just -- we didn't have any boats and we're -- and it felt like we would never had a chance. But in the two races we lost after to go 8-1 down and we actually showed some real glimpses of spade and even though we lost those two, it was very close and as soon as we got it so roll on one of the few on the road, the wave is my mentor and just kept going and anyway I just couldn't stop this.

MORGAN: Joe Spooner, what does it take to win the America's Cup particularly when you're coming from so far behind?

JOE SPOONER, ORACLE USA: To win the America's Cup it's a hard slug (ph) over three years for us in this campaign and then to get at the end of the -- to it to get so far behind and made it even harder. And as a group, as the team leaders, we rose together and really fought back hard, you know, we're all good mates, we get all well and we just took it on the chin and got on with it.

MORGAN: Now, Jonathan MacBeth before I come to you. I want to play you guys a little surprise message and the reason I'm playing it is that before you guys did what you did yesterday, the 2004 Boston Red Sox were hailed as the great comeback team in American sporting history and we've got a message from somebody who was there that day.


DAVE ROBERTS, SAN DIEGO PADRES FIRST BASE COACH: Hi, this is Dave Roberts with the San Diego Padres and I want to congratulate Oracle Team USA on their amazing victory. Well done guys. Great come from behind victory.

As a San Diego Padres, we followed you guys. As US citizen, we're so proud of you guys and we have something in common. In 2004, I was a part of the Boston Red Sox team that won the World Championship was the first in 86 years so I know it takes a lot to kind of overcome odds and you guys overcame. So for me and San Diego Padres we want to congratulate you guys on a job well done.


MORGAN: Now, Jonathan, I know that all of you know the background with Dave Roberts was the guy that ignited that great Red Sox rally. He was the one that stole second base and they came from absolutely nowhere to win. What is your reaction to him bestowing you the accolade there that he did?

JONATHAN MACBETH, ORACLE USA: I don't think for anyone in the team is really dawned on us when we have a chance, you know, it's -- be standing to hear these comments about a great comeback and maybe one of the greatest that, you know, setting an sailing team in world sport it's just incredible.

And, you know, when you're in a middle of a thought like that and you're trying to get yourself out of the corner all you're really concentrating on is the next race that's coming up or the next maneuver. But, you know, it's a -- it makes you proud to think that this people out there that are watching and, you know, giving you those sorts of accolades.

MORGAN: Now, Simeon Tienpont, let me ask you the question which is emerging quite quickly as the elephants in the room here. Are any of you guys actually American on the squad?

SIMEON TIENPONT, ORACLE USA: Yes, absolutely we have Rome Kirby he's the young American in our team, we have John Kostecki he's our American technician on the boat and of course there's a huge American culture within the team and I think, you know, we lift the American dream, never give up, keep fighting, forward look at the goal and we did it and yes, it has been great.

The American people, the fans, living here has been -- yes, it's been a great experience.

MORGAN: A big fantastic achievement. The whole of America has been butting today about the fact that you guys performed this miraculous comeback, no other way to look at it and I'm very pleased that you could join me tonight. Congratulations and I would imagine you're going to go and have one almighty party, aren't you?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you, yeah.

MORGAN: Yes, I know what sailors go up to when they win trophies and it's not pretty. (inaudible) to go and (inaudible). It's great to talk to you and congratulations.

And we'll be right back.


MORGAN: Tomorrow night, the interview the king is making news. Everyone's talking about my sit-down with former President Bill Clinton from negotiating the Russia and Iran to battling the NRAs. His candid comments on Hillary and Chelsea and which one he believes might make a better president. I've got everyone yapping all that of course and his impression of Bono or his attempted impression of Bono. Let's be generous. That's all for us tonight.

AC360 Later starts right now.