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Piers Morgan Live

Government Shutdown: Interview with Rep. Rigell, Rep. Cicilline; Interview with Reggie Jackson; Interview with Marie Osmond

Aired October 11, 2013 - 21:00   ET


PIERS MORGAN, CNN ANCHOR: This is PIERS MORGAN LIVE. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Breaking news tonight. You're looking at the Statue of Liberty, which unbelievably is set to reopen this weekend. Unfortunately, we can't say the same about the American government. They're still talking, but is that all they're doing? An offer is on the table, but it's not one the president wants.


JAY CARNEY, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: And the president has, you know, a number of concerns with the proposal.


MORGAN: The House could vote in this weekend. The Republicans in the Senate may be running out of patience with Speaker John Boehner. Is the short team deal too little too late? And what about everyday people in America who are paying the price as the shutdown goes and on and on and on.

Well, I talked to one of them who, believe it or not, actually supports the shutdown.

Also two congressmen on the opposite sides of the aisle, who, and this may shock you, just might agree with each other. Plus, the man who knows more than most people about butting heads with dysfunctional teammates, Mr. October himself, the great Reggie Jackson. He's (inaudible) outspoken these days as Bronx bombast (ph), well, wait until you hear what he has to tell me tonight.

We're getting ahead with our big story. The shutdown and showdown day 11th. Dana Bash who deserves a long service award or this story alone by now joins me. So Dana, where are we?

DANA BASH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know what Piers last night where there were so much hope, so much optimism just because of the fact that the two sides actually sat eyeball to eyeball and talked for an hour and a half. In the two sides I mean the President and House Republicans. That hope has certainly dimmed a lot as here we are going into the weekend without any deal.

And, it doesn't seem like a lot of movement since this morning when the House Republicans tried to get something, some idea to the White House. And you know what' going on is that, in the Senate, which of course is, is a lot more moderate if you will and has a lot more Democrats, that's run by Democrats obviously and a lot more ability to pass something to extend the debt ceiling and re-open the government, they're getting impatient I'm told by several Republican Senators.

And there's the say, "Look, we're going to give the House Speaker a little bit of time, maybe 24 or 48 hours." And then, they are going to become much more active in trying to move those two bills at least in the next, probably two days in the Senate and that would probably be something that Conservatives in the House will not like but they might not have any choice.

MORGAN: I mean how hard is it for John Boehner if that he's got Senator Cruz who is just on the rampage isn't he? He was out of bed today. Who would see him hollering and he's definitely got a following. And he's, you know, as he would say keeping to the pledges he himself made, you know. He can see I can imagine a lot of good for Cruz Incorporated in all this while sort of same times Speaker Boehner is left in a very difficult position.

BASH: Certainly, he has, this is not be an easy position for Speaker Boehner to be in. However, if this were the beginning of the road and he had not tried to defund ObamaCare as part of the build to fund the government and delay ObamaCare when that didn't work. And do, you know, for other things. And then, tried to work with the President he would be probably in much -- a much worst position with his own Republican caucus than he is now.

If we get to the point in two or three days or even sooner Piers when the Senate passes something that many House Republicans don't like. It will be a lot easier for him politically to say, "You know what, I tried, we tried, the mass (ph) isn't there." It's still the case of at the Republicans only control one half one, one of the branches of government and we do what we could. So it will be easier for him to do but it would -- would have been will have been a very painful process to get to that point.

MORGAN: Well the whole thing has been a painful process. And I think you deserve a little treat Dana Bash. So, a little ticky (ph) bird told me early this evening that your first ever concert was would you like to confirm what it was?

BASH: I would love to, I'm proud of it Donny & Marie.

MORGAN: Well, I am delighted to tell you that as a reward for your long service to this shutdown story over 11 days and 11 nights. I am interviewing Marie Osmond tonight in you honor.

BASH: I can't wait. Thank you. Thank you that is an honor.

MORGAN: I thought someone should bring a smile to your face . Thank you very much.

BASH: A big one.

MORGAN: I'll talk to you again on Monday.

BASH: Bye-bye.

MORGAN: Now I want to bring in two Congressmen on the budget committee Republican Scott Rigell of Virginia and Democrat Dave Cicilline of Rhode Island. Welcome to you gentlemen.


MORGAN: And it all sounds, I mean last night I went to bed feeling quite hopeful. And I woke up feeling less hopeful as the days dragged on. I might, are we really getting anyway here? What do you guys think, I mean let's start with you Scott Rigell are we actually getting to a place do you think where within 24 or 48 hours the word deal maybe breaking news.

REP. SCOTT RIGELL, (R), VIRGINIA: Well, in my short two and half plus years here in Congress. I've seen this over and over, where there is just a, a continuance of -- of a lack of a definitive of action, a clearer alternatives that would set America on a better physical path that, that guy introduced to plan the just yesterday evening in America First which is a definitive plan to, to set us back on a more of productive physical track. But, this has not been the Republican conference's finest hour. And, I'm hopeful that, that once we clear the muddy water here that we'll get to the real issue which is long term of spending and how do we address that.

MORGAN: And what, what are the problems that seems to be Dave Cicilline is just the rhetoric being used by some people seemed so utterly absurd and over the top. What I'm talking today about Dr. Ben Carson, he's a retired neurologist and, and a new Fox News commentator, this is what he had to say about ObamaCare today.


BEN CARSON, (RET) NUEROSURGEON, JOHN HOPKINS: And I have to tell you, you know, ObamaCare is really, I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. And it is on way it is slavery in a way because, because it is making all of us subservient to the government. And, it was never about health care it was about control.


MORGAN: Dave Cicilline I mean what a load of claptrap. The worst thing since slavery, I mean when hear this kind of nonsense, what is your reaction?

REP. DAVID CICILLINE, (D), RHODE ISLAND: Well, I mean I think I have very strong feelings about the value of, of health care reform and what it's going to mean in the lives of millions of Americans it what it means for at people in my home state. But I think what people want now more than anything is solutions. They -- there's been a lot of name calling, a lot of very heated rhetoric. But what people want is they want the government open, they want to be sure that America pays its bills and that were not a dead beat nation. And then what they want to see a process where we can hammer out a long term deal to reduce our deficit, grow our economy and get people back to work.

And I think there's been a tremendous amount of rhetoric that has really undermined our ability to have that serious conversation and what we need to do is move quickly to open government, be sure that we have an extension of the debt ceiling so we pay debt. And because the impact of not doing that would be devastating to our economy. And then have a process to regular order to go look budget committee and a conference committee and work it out. There are a lot of the great ideas out there but we need a process not in the context of a threat to keep government closed or to default, you know, do those two things and then work together to find real solutions.

MORGAN: I thought a very diplomatic way of avoiding what Dr. Carson actually said this. Let me try with this Scott Rigell, I mean come on. When somebody who's an eminent physician, a retired neurologist goes on a national television in that way and says ObamaCare is the worst things to hit America since slavery. That's pretty outrage isn't it?

RIGELL: Yeah. I think. Well, I think it meets the definition of hyperbole over top. And I've been delivered about not using that type of rhetoric and I know David has too in service to his district and to our country as well. We're both members of No Labels, a strong by part as an effort to bridge the gap here and in Washington. And, on the very first day of the shutdown, I put out a tweet that said, "Look, we need to re-open the government, we need to return to regular order." And these are the things that David's mentioned. And there are number of us that are trying to do just that to put the American people first and to really grapple with some of the longer term issues that we faced together just as fellow Americans.

MORGAN: Well it seems to me Scott Rigell, let's just stay with you for a moment that from the Republicans point of view, a very hard to paint a positive picture here. In a week when if they hadn't been so intransitive. They could have been hammering ObamaCare and the President over a perfectly legitimate criticisms on what's in there ...

RIGELL: Yes sir and there are.

MORGAN: ... and also there are particularly the ways they'll implement it. But instead of that, it's been this ridiculous nonsense involving shutting down the government. And as a result, the favorable view of ObamaCare has actually risen. According with (NBCW) a Wall Street general poll. So, from September to October a rising favorability of 7 percent, whereas who do you blame for the shutdown, the gap between President and that of the Republicans widening to 53 percent to 31. So, which ever way you try and express this up, the strategy it seems to me is being completely flawed by the Republicans lead by Senator Cruz.

RIGELL: Well, I share your view. Though I've really believed that we need a better alternative to what I truly believe is the unaffordable care act that said this -- you could call it the Cruz strategy or whatever. It's lead us in to the political abyss and led us in to a legislative abyss, it's hurt our country, it's hurt our conference. There we've got to, to get our way out of this and, hopefully in the next day or so, we'll, we'll have some type of short term solution that (appears) back to the main point is that we've got to, you know, we, we got to look longer than just a couple of days here. We've got to come to a comprehensive agreement that Democrats and Republicans can saddle up with that puts America on a better physical path. This must be done.

CICILLINE: Piers, you know -- your point is though there, there is no question that it was a small group within the Republican caucus who were really obsessed with repealing or de funding, or delaying ObamaCare.

And it drove I think the Republicans to make some bad decisions that resulted in the shutdown of the government and this looming default. I think people now recognize that that's not a good strategy. I think there's been a willingness over the last day or two to understand that we need to open government and we need to avoid a default and then have a process in place for this larger conversation, but that description I think obviously is inaccurate.

It's really outrageous when you think of the benefits that the Americans will feel as a result of ObamaCare but I think the Republican conference has moved away from that, you know, that's all we heard about in the beginning of this debate. I think people realize this is the law of the land. It's here to stay. Let's work and make sure it's working well, improve it where we can, but make sure it works for Rhode Islanders and for people across our country.

MORGAN: Congressman, thank you both very much indeed. I appreciate it.


RIGELL: Thank you.

MORGAN: When we come back, a man is out of a job because of a shutdown but he think that's a good thing for America. Also ahead, we could teach Washington about a thing or two about dealing with difficult teammates, Mr. October himself, the great Reggie Jackson.



SEN. TED CRUZ, (R), TEXAS: The Government will always continue to grow and freedom in America will always recede. And yet what we saw across this country. Ma'am, thank you for being here. I wish you would participate in the Democratic process sort of speaking respectfully.


MORGAN: Ted Cruz getting a mixed reception at the Values Voter Summit today. My next guess is a big supporter of Ted Cruz and the Tea Party even though he's out of work because of the shutdown. Dale Huls is a furloughed NASA engineer. (inaudible), welcome to you. DALE HULS, NASA ENGINEER: Thanks for having me.

MORGAN: So, how come you've been furloughed which I would imagine would be pretty irritating for anybody but you're a big supporter of the guy that's basically caused it?

HULS: Well, I mean, as for why I was furloughed is because 97 percent of NASA has been shutdown and I'm part of that 97 percent of the 17 percent of the government that has been shutdown for this. Senator Cruz just voiced an argument. He did not shutdown the government. That is something that I believe the people of America did by notifying their representatives in Congress.

MORGAN: But I mean, however, people made quibble over some of the details of ObamaCare. The people let's say have done today to publicly describe it as the worst thing to hit America since slavery. What do you think of that?

HULS: Well, you know, I'm a pretty simple guy. You know, when you get taxed to breathe in this country, I think you went a little far.

MORGAN: Well, I'm glad you said that. And so, I think the only way through this, you know, Senator Cruz is certainly making a big name for himself. I'm just worried about what his position in so intransigent he's doing to the general process of Democracy in America. Because if you just threaten to shutdown the government every time you don't agree with an established law like ObamaCare rather than debate in the normal way. That's not good for America or is it?

HULS: Well, you know, we used -- laid all that at Senator Cruz's feet, you're laying off a lot. You got to remember that there is an appropriations process that has not worked in over four years. The Congress has not worked as well through the normal appropriations process. We've got on continuum resolutions year after year after year. That is a way to get passed doing your normal appropriations.

So, I would not say that Senator Cruz is responsible for this shutdown or even at the point where that we're at.

MORGAN: Tell me this, if in a year's time, God forbid, the government remains shutdown and you still haven't been paid any money and NASA has effectively ground to a hold, would you still have such a cheery view of its necessity?

HULS: Well, I wouldn't say I have a cheery view. You know, do I want the government shutdown? No. I want our government to be working and working effectively and efficiently. However, I do believe that the ObamaCare is not good for America as we can see in the messed up rollout that we've this week. I believe I've heard a number of only 50,000 people have actually signed up on it when it's supposed to take care of millions.

That's worth delay right there. If I'm out of work for a year, way before then, I will be taking steps, do what any American would do in hard times. I'd pull up bootstraps and I go find out a way to take care of my family.

MORGAN: The slight segue here, ever since I've got you here as a NASA engineer, have you seen "Gravity," the hit movie yet?

HULS: No, I haven't but my daughter called me last night and said it was just awesome.

MORGAN: Well, I see that I commend you to go see it. It's absolutely stunning to watch but I do wonder in what would happen to poor old Sandra Bullock and George Clooney if that was to happen right now with most of NASA furloughed?

HULS: Well, you know, right now of course, I believe that they have the mission controls fully staffed right now. They take care of the astronauts that are on orbit. If there was a problem, obviously, they would call them back immediately and we would do what we always do at NASA. You know, Houston, we have a problem, and we would take care of it.

MORGAN: Well, Washington, we have a problem. But, Dale Huls, it's been good to talk to you and you at least spoken a rational and sensible manner which I appreciate, so thank you.

HULS: Thank you very much.

MORGAN: And now, I want to bring in CP (ph) which has agreed on the shutdown and what we should do about it. On the left, Neera Tanden, the President of the Center for American Progress and on the right, Connie Mack, the former Congressman from Florida, welcome to both of you. So, Connie Mack, you can take any view you look in all this. But in the end, here we are, 11 days in, and the government is still shutdown. It's pretty shameful, isn't it?

FORMER REP. CONNIE MACK, (R-FLORIDA): Simple in what way? That the government shutdown?

MORGAN: No, shameful. Shameful.

MACK: Oh, shameful. I am sorry, shameful. It is -- well, it is shameful but it's been -- this has been brewing for a long time. You know, Dale just talked about it, how there's been a CR after CR after CR, continuing a resolution. Washington is clearly broken. You've got a budget process where the House is -- and the Senators are supposed to pass budgets. They're supposed to come together and then the appropriations committees are supposed to pass bills to fund the government.

That hasn't happened in years. I mean, It's--I think it's been six years, five years since that's happened. So, certainly it's not working the way that it is supposed to be working but I don't think it's fair up here, so I don't think it's fair to lay it all at the feet of Ted Cruz or Republicans. I mean the President has -- is pretty famous now saying, I'm not going to negotiate and that's not the way that our government works as well.

MORGAN: Well, maybe but and there are times, I mean, it seems that Ted Cruz has almost single handedly with his group of 40 foot soldiers in Washington basically held everybody to ransom, his own Speaker John Boehner and the President of United States, Congress and the whole of America if you look at it in rational mind.

MAC: Well, I think that would ...

MORGAN: Well that how ....


MORGAN: I know what you think. Let's go to Neera.

TANDEN: Look, the facts are that John Boehner at the end of July made a deal with Senator Reid to avoid a government shutdown. He wanted to avoid a government shutdown with a clean CR. What happened in the intervening period? Ted Cruz campaigned across the country saying that we should take this bill, ObamaCare, and hold the government hostage to achieve our political ends.

And what's important about that is that the American people have rejected that guy. Idea was a mere unanimity from 70 to 80 percent of the American people think that that idea of closing down the government -- shutting down the government to end ObamaCare is the wrong idea. And that's why I think you're seeing cooler heads in Senate. Senator Flake not any kind of liberal Senator, he's a Republican Senator from Arizona saying enough is enough that we have to open the government and pass a clean debt ceiling and move forward.

And I think that's the -- the people are angry at Senator Cruz are not just liberals or Democrats, there are Senate Republicans who are saying enough is enough.

MORGAN: Yes, I mean look, Connie I want to play a clip. Something I played a little earlier in the show because it's so outrageous it needs repeating.

This is Doctor Ben Carson, he's a Fox News contributor. He's a former neurologist and he said this about ObamaCare.


BEN CARSON, (RET.) NEUROSURGEON, JOHN HOPKINS: ObamaCare is really I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.


MORGAN: Let's just dwell on that sentence for one moment Connie Mack. The worst thing to happen to this nation since slavery. Your thoughts?

MACK: Well, you know, I certainly I'm not comfortable with that. But let me say something that, Piers, ...

MORGAN: Not comfortable? What about saying you were outraged as I am.

MACK: Yes, wait. Yes, wait, wait, wait. No, let me say this. You know, I think what we are seeing here with the President is more of an authoritarian dictator style than we are of seeing a Democracy and let me give you this other example ...

MORGAN: So do you actually have some sympathy ...

MACK: Let me give ... no, let me give you this other example.

MORGAN: No, no, no. You can't get away with ...

MACK: Wait, wait, wait. No, let me give you another example ...

MORGAN: Go on.

MACK: You've asked me to be on your show, let me give you an example.

MORGAN: Good, you're right. You may guest in my house.

MACK: So, you know, you ... yes, so you have -- you all have been saying that this is the law of the land, that the House, the Senate, the President has signed it, you know. So you must forget that we have (inaudible) ...

TANDEN: (inaudible).

MACK: ... prohibition in this country that then by the way was a Constitutional amendment and was in our Constitution and then removed. So the idea that just because it was passed, that now nobody can touch it is, you know, I think that is -- that's a big problem. In fact, I think we ought to have a Congress instead of passing new laws. We have a Congress that repeals bad laws. And this is a -- this really does define a difference between the two parties. Democrat ...

MORGAN: OK. Neera, I gave ...

MACK: ... want more and more government, more and more (inaudible) and Republicans want less and less than.

MORGAN: Connie, you've had your -- I've given you a say let's go to Neera for the final word here. I mean, Neera, ...

TANDEN: Piers, ...

MORGAN: Let me just ask you, Neera, to deal with this issue of whether it's the worst thing to hit American since slavery.

TANDEN: That's obviously an outrageous remark and what is amazing about the Government shutdown and the tactics of Connie Mack and others is that the American people are finding ObamaCare to be more popular. It's improved its popularity over the last two weeks probably in part of because of these tactics and also because tens of thousands of Americans are actually signing up. We have 40,000 people signing up for healthcare just in New York state alone. So what I think it's amazing about this whole talk about prohibition et cetera is just that this law has been the law of the land. The President won reelected, it is not going anywhere, and it's time to move on.

MORGAN: OK. Neera Tanden and Connie Mack have to leave it there. It's an interesting debate it'll carry on the shutdown continues. But I appreciate you both joining me, thank you.

MACK: Thank you.

MORGAN: Coming up more background politics and public shaming. This time on the baseball field, Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson on his journey from outcast to baseball legend, he's in the chair next.


MORGAN: Name calling, Republican fighting, hostile colleagues, and an angry (inaudible) set against compromise. It sounds a bit like Congress, doesn't it?

But this slugfest took place back in 1977. Pitting erratic Yankees manager Billy Martin against his new star, the rising young hotshot Reggie Jackson. Well Jackson went on to become Yankee legend. His (haunting) memoir is becoming Mr. October and Reggie Jackson is in the chair with me tonight. Reggie, what an honor to have one of the legends of baseball.

REGGIE JACKSON, (FRM) AMERICAN BASEBALL PLAYER And HALL OF FAMER I was wondering where you were going to go with all that stuff but it's a pleasure to be here.

MORGAN: I mean you played the wrong sport for me. I was -- I'm a cricket man. And I certainly image you play most cricket, right?

JACKSON: No, but I hadn't been good at that too.

MORGAN: Tell me when you finished the book, what was your overriding view? When you slammed it shut and went that was my life, my career as a baseball player. What did you feel?

JACKSON: You know, I wouldn't call it my life, Piers. You know, there is certainly a lot more to it than the book there. It really was a rebuttal or response to a mini series that was done by ESPN, the Bronx is Burning. I was disappointed by it and I didn't think that it showed me in the light that I wanted to be presented. Not that any kind of presentation was going to be one I would want because of the tumultuous times that went on the in fighting that happened, the problems that we had socially and, you know, I think some of those problems, you know, came to pass because of what was going on in the country at that time. And, you know, I wanted to ...

MORGAN: Is America more or less racist since it got its first black President?

JACKSON: You know, I certainly think that some of the issues that Obama has are because he's a man of color. I think that some people are still uncomfortable with being told what to do if you will, I certainly, Piers, can remember in the 60's and 70's in playing in the South and not only in the South, in other parts of our country. The laws changed, the people didn't. And so, while it said, "No Colored, White Only," signs started to prompt up as "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone", you know, in a free country.

So do we need change? Do we need to get better? Do we need to have better understanding, more continuity, more support for each other? Yes.

MORGAN: When you see the shutdown of the American government, the squabbling, and the poison between the two sides in Washington, that's as a great American sportsman and a great American, what do you make of it?

JACKSON: I'm disappointed. I'm hurt, offended, bothered. I could not do it. I couldn't stop jobs or stop payments for veterans -- I have a brother that's a veteran for 20 somewhat years -- wounded warriors if you will, the disabled veterans that require checks, and people in our United States that live off Social Security. In some areas, you can function on $2,800 a month and people look forward to that. The jobs that we've shutdown and then the trickle down effect afterward. I couldn't do it. So I'm significantly -- I don't know heavy enough of a word. I am embarrassed and disappointment by our political environment.

MORGAN: Let's turn to baseball for a moment. I want to get inside your head. I want to be on that plate in that World Series Games 6 in '77. When you walk up the third time, what were you thinking?

JACKSON: My focus was small. It was not about setting a new standard, breaking a record, rising to a new level, doing something that no one's ever done. It was really about what I needed to do at that moment in that little, particular area. And I wasn't beyond that. I wasn't beyond the batter's box.

MORGAN: When you connected, and you done it again. Three and three, each one a first pitch, each one of different pitcher. As it's soaring away, then, what are you thinking?

JACKSON: Oh, boy, that's hit good. I'd say, "Oh, boy. That was that good." And I just kind of watch to see how far it was going to go. And so, I thoroughly enjoyed the moment and the reason I did, Piers, is because when I played, I was a baseball fan that was a really good player. And so, I enjoyed the game inside the game if you will from both sides, as a player and as a guy that was a fan. And so, I recognize that I was -- I've gotten into a place where Bane Ruth was, Mickey Mantle was, the great Duke Snider, and the guys that had hit four homers.

MORGAN: When you see the problem not just with baseball but general sport at the moment, cheating in sport, particularly steroid abuse and drug abuse, Lance Armstrong, A-Rod, others, you know, all the culprits and the alleged culprits, how do you stop it, Reggie? My way of stopping would be, you know what, you get caught, that's it. Boom. Over. That's it. You don't play again. You don't play with the Yankees again if you do that.

JACKSON: I would lean toward doing that as well. I think you have significant fight on your hands with unions, the players association, and all three leagues, I think would fight that and say a guy deserves another chance. Everyone makes a mistake. I certainly recognize when you have an issue with the integrity of the game. You know, we take a look at some of the things happened when it comes to cheating and gambling is a really, the most important one or the most penalized I guess -- the severest penalties -- a way of saying it. Where, if someone gets caught gambling on the sport then, I believe they're eradicated forever. And so, I would probably sign up for that but I'd listen to what people say and do my best to try to get objective opinions and one that created a majority and sign up for that.

MORGAN: I have a question, Reggie. What if you can relive one moment with your whole career begin, what would it be?

JACKSON: I'll relive the three homers.

MORGAN: Of course, you would.

JACKSON: I didn't even had a swing and miss.

MORGAN: Reggie it's a terrific book. It's great to meet you, a proper bona fide the American legend is called "Becoming Mr. October". Reggie Jackson, good to see you sir.

JACKSON: I appreciate it so much. Thank you.

MORGAN: Coming up. She's been a star since she was three years old. Five decades later, she's still going strong, the lovely, legendary Marie Osmond. A family, success, and Miley Cyrus.


MORGAN: Well the 12 year old Marie Osmond singing her debut "Paper Roses". Her record was number. Of course, Marie never looked back in the ageless -- I don't use that word very often but the ageless Marie Osmond.

MARIE OSMOND, SINGER, ACTRESS: Why don't you use that word?

MORGAN: How come I know for a fact I'm six years younger than you and you look about 10 years younger than me?

OSMOND: Wait a minute. I'm 29, so how old are you?

MORGAN: What -- I was reading this morning. I said, "Marie Osmond is been in the business nearly 50 years but she can't even be 50 years old."

OSMOND: Yes It's five decades this year. That's crazy...

MORGAN: Amazing.

OSMOND: ... and I know. I know. What's wrong with this picture?

MORGAN: When you see 12 year old Marie, as we just saw there, would you change anything, all the swings and things that are arise of outrageous fortune you've been through?

OSMOND: You know, I wouldn't change anything. I think there are things you go that hurt and I grew from that but I think that's what determines the kind of person you are. I was three when I did my first show -- Andy William Show. And, you know, lots of craziness through the years. And it's nice to be at an age where you just kind of know who you are and you're OK with your life and you make your own decisions, you know. It's a really good thing.

MORGAN: So, your brother Donny has gave his fascinating interview in which he said...

OSMOND: He was fascinating?

MORGAN: He was.

OSMOND: I'm stunned.

MORGAN: He said -- and what's interesting to me about the difference between him and you as a family and the Jackson's, the Michael Jackson. And what he said was this, "I knew Mike so well, I go to his house it was all about gold records, it was all about accolades. You walk into my home, you wouldn't find a gold record on the wall you'd find pictures of my kids, pictures of the grand kids. That is what home is all about. If you can keep your perspective there your feet stay on the ground." I thought it was really perceptive of him. So, you might think unusually perceptive of him, but what do you think of what he said there?

OSMOND: Well, that's how we were raise; we were raise by the same parents. So, obviously we have that same feeling, I don't -- I don't keep any awards or things like that in my house. And really my reward in life is to have healthy happy children and, you know, to get through life the best you can. But, you know, I have an interesting perspective that maybe somebody wouldn't entered into show business later on in life I was a child it's all I've ever seen, it's all I've ever known. I worked with some of the greatest people in the world and I watched some of -- especially the women I watched, you know, Ethel Merman, Lucille Ball, even, you know, Raquel Welch, and Jaclyn Smith, and all this women I watched how they treated people, I watched their work ethic, I watched where I was told was important, family first.

MORGAN: Do, you resent the fact that you missed a conventional childhood or do you celebrate the fact that it was so fabulous?

OSMOND: I love letting my children have as normal life as possible. I think that there are things you miss out on absolutely, but I think there are things you miss out if you don't have the other too. I think you can sit with regrets forever. I don't regret anything as long as you learn from it. I think the greatest thing and I appreciate what Donny said in that quote, family -- the problem with celebrity or entitlement sometimes is it becomes their whole life and I have a life outside my job, maybe that's why I'm a female who's been in this business for five decades, is because it is my job and I look at it as always trying to be better whether it's Broadway or, you know, I sing many different styles in music, I'm always pushing myself to do something creatively interesting. And then I go home and I cook and clean toilet.

MORGAN: Do you twerk?

OSMOND: I work.

MORGAN: You don't twerk?

OSMOND: You have an accent, are you asking me if I work?

MORGAN: When you see all the Miley Cyrus fuzz? You've -- you've been exactly where Miley Cyrus was, and so you'd been a young child star, teenage star. And so, do you want to stand her desperation to break out and be something else even it's a bit naughty?

OSMOND: You know, I think everybody has a choice to do what they want with their brand, I don't think she is -- she is stupid, I think she knows exactly what she is doing.

MORGAN: She described it brilliantly and she was in these few documentaries coming out, she said, "Although it may have seen like a hot mess of VMA performance it was a strategic hot mess." You know, I thought it was a brilliant like.

OSMOND: Well, but you look at if that's how you want your career to be, you know, I mean there are women who have chosen Madonna and did it, I mean Cher did it, you know, everybody had their moments of doing...

MORGAN: Do you have attempted to do that? (inaudible) over the VMA's and...

OSMOND: Oh I've been asked to do all kinds of things. No, I never -- I never wanted to. And I really believe it's because I had incredible parents, and mostly I had a great mother who thought me to respect myself and I really believe that it's about talent, you know, long term talent I think -- I think Miley is very talented. And so, you know, it's a -- you know, I don't know, it's her choice in what she wants to do. I just -- I just know that some people love it and some people don't find it appealing for their children and she just -- she gets to make those choices and I know her dad, I know that it breaks his heart a little bit. So...

MORGAN: You know in your -- just have your sixth year in Vegas. Donny, Marie at the Flamingo I've seen the show, it's an amazing show, this people -- the best show in Vegas, it's amazing.

OSMOND: It changes up every year too, it's never the same. You know, Donny...

MORGAN: But how -- tell me about compromise? Whether it's Washington or whether -- however it is, what is the art of compromise? Because you must have it with Donny all the time the way you navigate through it?

OSMOND: Well, you know, there are many right ways, there -- you know, you may think you're right, I may think I am right, we need both be right. What I always believe the right way is the piece of a way and what I see is that people don't talk, they don't communicate, they don't -- they just -- it's my way or the high way and I don't think anything works, I don't think that works with your children, I don't think that works in a marriage. I don't think it works with yourself. I think you have to constantly analyze and look and grow, and consider, and change, and be willing to see lots of different sides.

I don't know, you know, hey I'm no expert, I'm no...

MORGAN: When come back Marie's family, faith, and fabulous lifestyle.



MORGAN: There must have been a moment after Matthew took his life when even you questioned your faith in God.

RICK WARREN: I never questioned my faith in God. I questions God's plan. There's a big difference.


MORGAN: Clip there from my interview with Pastor Rick Warren talking about how he endured the huge test to his faith. Marie Osmond has also been through some very tough times. I thought of you actually when I interviewed Rick Warren because your on son in 2010 Michael, he took his life and he was been depressed. Reminded me a lot of what happened to Rick Warren, did you feel that test of faith? Did you come through that? And what did you feel?

OSMOND: I think it was my faith in God that pulled me through it. You know, there's a thing called agency, free will and if I hadn't gone through post partum depression and those types of situations I don't know that I would have understood depression, I don't think anybody does unless they've walk in those shoes, but no it's -- it's not an easy thing, it's still not, it's never easy, you know, we do meet and greets in Vegas and I swear every night somebody will come through and say, "I know I'm -- we're in the same family, you know, we -- I've lost a son or a daughter or somebody." And it's not an easy thing to get through, but I don't know how people get through it unless they have a strong faith in God and knowing that I don't know how -- I'm a Christian I don't know how the atonement works, all I know is that when I couldn't breath and I beg for relief or help, it came, and it was a miracle to me that I could take a breath and breathe again, and move forward. And I think that's the beauty of God.

MORGAN: So in a sense rather than damage of faith it will be, strengthened your faith?

OSMOND: Absolutely. And my children, it's not an easy thing for anybody to go through. There is a God. And you can scientifically say, well, you know, it's science. Well, who created the science?

I know there's a God. I do. And so, you know, that's -- I'm not telling anybody else to believe what I believe, but that's how you get through life. And I believe too you have to have that higher accounting. My son was doing fantastic.

If I could -- he went through so much through his life and was doing fantastic. But even when he was with alcoholic anonymous they said, the reason that program works is because you report to a higher power. You have to have somebody to be accountable too. And God is there for us, you know.

MORGAN: You've been heavily involved now in this new project which is fascinating involving natural disasters and this company teamed up with (Y). Tell me about this.

OSMOND: I -- you know, I've been asked to endorse so many things throughout my career and I'm not -- I don't.

This one came by and I said no. This is right. This is the right thing to do. I'm one of the founders of Children's Miracle Network. I'm a child advocate. And this is something that I know will save lives.

First of all what celebrity on the planet do you know that grew up living on food storage? Hello? You know, my mom taught us how to do it. I come home from Donny and Marie and she say," Hey I'm going to bread made, I want to teach you how to make homemade break, we're going to grind the week, you know, go down and get it and get the honey, she taught me how to do it, I'm going to teach how to bottle a fruit."

This is not grandma's food storage this is so easy. Its -- the packages you open them, you add water and you eat.

MORGAN: So this is it? This is simple package.

OSMOND: Crazy easy.


OSMOND: Your meals we're talking about a dollar a meal, less than a school lunch.

MORGAN: And they all look quite tasty.

OSMOND: Taste this. These are peaches. The way they do it is the way they dehydrate it. They do some dehydration and do some freeze dried. And the combination keeps it fresh, last for 25 years. Look at Sandy, look everybody was waiting for relief to come. Some people didn't see it for two weeks. You put this under your bed. You put it in your closet, you have it. My mother said, "Anybody who isn't prepared for anything that's crazy." I have it in my car. Look at people who get, you know, storms and things like that. Look at what's been going on with all of the devastation.

And not just that my girlfriend, her husband lost his job. She didn't tell anybody for four months they live on their food storage and it saved enough money with all the kids that they could make their house payment (inaudible).

MORGAN: Well, I think it's a great idea. I think it's -- we've have reason (inaudible)...

OSMOND: Well, company really been doing it four years and a lot of their involvement was men. They liked it for hiking and camping and, you know, all those kinds of things and I said no, "The mothers need to know how good this is." You know, that it's really something that we should do to have in our homes.

I put it in the bottom of my children's backpacks for school. If anything ever happened like an earthquake or they got separated at least I know they could eat for a couple of days until we could find them.

MORGAN: I still can't get my head around the fact that you give me the (inaudible).

OSMOND: I love you for that.

MORGAN: Well, I love you too Marie Osmond. And you can check out all things Marie Osmond at and for more information on wise food, a very sensible idea is to wise food...

OSMOND: It is...

MORGAN: to wise food (inaudible).

OSMOND: ... I'm telling, life insurance, you know, this is just another form of insurance.


OSMOND: Can you imagine not being to feed your (inaudible).

MORGAN: I start (inaudible) and another good idea from your Marie, good to see you.

OSMOND: Oh, it's great to see you.

MORGAN: Send Donny my very best.

OSMOND: And your little girl so cute, so darling.

MORGAN: She is -- my daughter by the way, so you don't get the wrong idea.

Marie Osmond thank you so much. We'll be right back.

OSMOND: All right.




JOHN BERMAN, CNN HOST: And I'm John Berman, and this is CNN.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: CNN Heroes, everyday people changing the world. Go to to vote for your favorite hero now, sponsored by the Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing's Future, proudly celebrating the 2013 Amazing Nurse Gloria Kindzeka.



ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: I'm Anderson Cooper. All year we've been introducing you to everyday people who are changing the world and call them "CNN Heroes".

We'll, now we announce the top ten "CNN Heroes" for 2013 in random order the honorees are.

Dale Beatty, who lost his legs in Iraq. Now he's modified or helped provide homes to more than two dozen disabled veterans.

Dr. Laura Stachel uses solar power to help health care workers deliver babies safely.

Danielle Gletow, she is fairy godmother for foster children making their often simple wishes come true.

Kakenya Ntaiya opened the first primary school for girls in her Kenya village.

Tawanda Jones' drill team provides discipline and inspiration to children in one of nation's poorest cities.

Chad Pregracke is keeping America's rivers clean by removing garbage from waterways across the U.S.

Estelle Pyfrom poured her savings into a mobile computer lab that serves low income children and adults.

Richard Nares lost his son to leukemia. Now he's helping low income children get to their cancer treatments.

Dr. George Gwelle travels into the jungles of Cameroon nearly every weekend bringing free surgery to those in need.

And Robin Emmons provides fresh produce to underserved residents in her community.

Congratulations to the top ten "CNN Heroes" of 2013. Tell us who inspires you the most, go to to vote once a day, every day for the "CNN Hero of the Year."