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Quest Means Business

Trump Lands In Miami Ahead Of Court Appearance, Former Italian PM And Media Mogul Dies At 86; JPMorgan To Pay Victims Of Jeffrey Epstein; Scotland's Former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon Released Without Charge After Sunday's Arrest; Children Found In Amazon After Plane Crashed; Australian Wedding Guests Killed In Bus Crash. Aired 3:15-4p ET

Aired June 12, 2023 - 15:15:00   ET




You are looking at live pictures as you can see there. That's former President Donald Trump's motorcade. He arrived at the Miami International

Airport in the last what -- 17 minutes or so ahead of his arraignment that is expected of course to happen tomorrow, Tuesday. He is now making his way

to Doral residence in the city of Doral that is very close -- next to Miami.

Of course, he will be then traveling tomorrow downtown for Miami for his appearance of course, in a federal court.

We heard from one of our correspondents seeing earlier today that crowds are already gathering outside the court, of course, former President Trump

on being arraigned on 37 charges related to his handling of classified documents.

As soon as there is more there's more details of course, we will bring it to you.

For tonight, foreign leaders are recognizing Silvio Berlusconi, a man who revolutionized Italian television and upended politics, who died on Monday,

age 86. Using the power of his media, real estate, and football empire, the flamboyant billionaire was elected Italy's Prime Minister three times.

Among his political allies, Vladimir Putin, who described Berlusconi today as a true friend.

His critics aren't so complimentary. Berlusconi was Italy's most prosecuted Prime Minister, who gained notoriety for his gaffes, polarizing policies,

and of course his "bunga bunga" sex parties.

Our Barbie Nadeau reports.


BARBIE NADEAU, CNN CONTRIBUTOR (voice over): The Jesus Christ of politics, the best political leader in Europe and the world, that is how Silvio

Berlusconi once described himself, and without a doubt, he was a powerful political operator and businessman who sparked more than one scandal.

And despite a string of legal trouble and dubious friends, Berlusconi always managed to bounce back.

(SILVIO BERLUSCONI speaking in foreign language.)

NADEAU (voice over): He made his name as a business tycoon. He owned the famous AC Milan football club for 31 years.

At one point, he was the richest man in Italy.

SILVIO BERLUSCONI, FORMER ITALIAN PRIME MINISTER (through translator): I have always been adored by those who have worked with me.

NADEAU (voice over): First elected as prime minister in 1994, he was quickly removed when his coalition partners pulled out, but he was elected

to the top job twice more in 2001 and 2008, becoming Italy's longest serving prime minister since World War Two.

And voters brought him back to power in 2022, as a coalition partner with Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini.


Charming and with a flippant sense of humor, Berlusconi's off the cuff remarks and missteps with protocol were often criticized. He welcomed the

newly elected US president in 2008 by complementing Barack Obama on his "suntan" and left German chancellor, Angela Merkel waiting during a NATO

Summit, and his close friendship with Vladimir Putin got him in hot water after he disclosed he had re-established his friendship with the Russian

president in late 2022 after Putin sent him 20 bottles of Russian vodka for his birthday.

He later blamed Ukraine president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy for starting a war, putting him at odds with Meloni.

The prime minister often surrounded himself with beautiful women. Allegations of a relationship with an 18-year-old aspiring model, which he

strenuously denied triggered a painfully public divorce.

And revelations about his so called "bunga bunga" parties landed him in court on charges of abuse of power and having sex with an underage

prostitute, allegations he also denied.

BERLUSCONI (through translator): It is absurd to think that I have paid to have rapport with a woman.

NADEAU (voice over): Meanwhile, the Eurozone was going through a financial crisis. Italy was hit hard and the government's debt ballooned 120 percent

of the GDP in August 2011.

The Italian prime minister promised to crack down on tax evasion and introduce other austerity measures, but it was not enough.

Berlusconi lost his majority in parliament and was forced to resign as prime minister in November 2011. In 2012, he was convicted of corporate tax

fraud and banned from public office.

Months later, an Italian court found Berlusconi guilty on the charges stemming from the "bunga bunga" parties, an appeals court later overturned

the conviction.

He was voted out of parliament in 2013. Two years later, convicted of bribing a senator a decade before, but never served time since a statute of

limitations timed out in the same year.

(SILVIO BERLUSCONI speaking in foreign language.)

NADEAU (voice over): At the age of 82, Berlusconi managed another comeback. He led his Forza Italia party in the European elections and won a seat in


A month before he turned 86, he led his party back to power as the junior partner of the current ruling coalition. In the summer of 2020, a few weeks

away from turning 84 years old, Berlusconi was struck by COVID-19 and was hospitalized for 12 days. He called that experience the most dangerous test

of my life and boasted to journalists that his viral load entity of the virus --

BERLUSCONI (through translator): It was the highest one amongst tens of thousands.

NADEAU (voice over): Few could match the one and only Silvio Berlusconi, and even though the "Teflon Don" as he was known, was in and out of the

hospital in his later years, he always managed to look remarkably younger than his years.


SOARES: And that was Barbie Nadeau there.

Well, before wading into politics, Berlusconi was one of the most successful businessmen in Italy. He made his initial fortune as a property

developer back in the 1960s.

He then diversified into television and created his family's holding company, Fininvest and went on to create Mediaset, Italy's biggest media

empire. The company is now part of Media for Europe. Fininvest also, and the football club AC Milan, as you heard in that piece there.

Well, Berlusconi never publicly named there, but his daughter Marina is considered to be the most likely to take over. She is his oldest child, and

the chair of Fininvest.

And Barbie Nadeau joins me now from Rome.

And Barbie, I mean, you said there in your piece, you know, he is flamboyant and colorful, but also a very divisive character. How is he

being remembered across Italy today?

NADEAU: Well, you know, his legacy is very divided. Those who loved him will mourn his loss, but there are a lot of people who didn't like him,

didn't like what he did to the reputation of Italy, all those gaffes, all of those times he embarrassed the country, those people right now are not

mourning the loss of this very important figure in Italian history.

But I think you can't dispute, love him or hate him, he was very, very important in post-war Italy. You know, this is the longest serving prime

minister after World War Two and that, you know, made its mark, it really did.

And if you look at the media landscape in this country, the private media is almost entirely because of Silvio Berlusconi. He is the one who

introduced American sitcoms like "Dallas" to the Italian public, made them want to be rich and wealthy and, you know, aspire dreams, but he had a lot

of problems, too, and you know, those are also being remembered tonight -- Isa.

SOARES: And Berlusconi, of course, as our viewers will know was the junior partner in Prime Minister Meloni's right-wing coalition Forza Italia. What

does this mean then for Forza Italia? What does this mean then for her and the rest of the party here?


NADEAU: Yes, you know that is a very important question because the members of Forza Italia, this isn't his political party. His political party was

all Silvio Berlusconi. A lot of the people in his party were not necessarily happy with joining the coalition, do not necessarily support

the current prime minister, do not necessarily agree with Matteo Salvini, the other member of the coalition.

So it is going to remain to be seen what happens to that party if it just disappears without him or if someone takes over. There is also a lot of

talk that Marina Berlusconi may very well enter into politics. This is something she wouldn't talk about while her father was still alive, but she

is the favorite daughter.

She will probably as we mentioned, you know, take over his business enterprise. A lot of people are wondering if she is also going to take --

fill his political shoes as well.

But nobody is talking about that now. Everyone is preparing for the state funeral on Wednesday in the Duomo in Milan -- Isa.

SOARES: Barbie Nadeau, great to see you. Barbie, thank you very much.

Well, JPMorgan has reached a settlement with victims of Jeffrey Epstein. It will reportedly pay $290 million to settle what was a class action lawsuit,

and it resolved just one piece of the litigation over the bank's relationship with the disgraced late financier.

CNN's Christine Romans has the story.


CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN ANCHOR AND CHIEF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: A settlement a little more than two weeks after the bank's CEO, Jamie Dimon sat for an

eight-hour long deposition in the suit.

Now, the bank and attorneys representing the victims say in a statement: "This settlement is in the best interest of all parties, especially the

survivors who were the victims of Epstein's terrible abuse. The settlement amount is subject to court approval."

Epstein was a JPMorgan client from 1998 to 2013. Now these suits alleged people at Chase knew about the sex trafficking allegations against Epstein,

but still did business with him.

In his deposition, Dimon acknowledged that he is now aware that some JPMorgan employees knew Epstein was charged with sex crimes involving cash,

but he did not know at the time, and he said he never met Epstein or ever spoke with him.

The settlement does not resolve a suit against JPMorgan from the US Virgin Islands, nor does it resolve JPMorgan's suit against a former executive,

Jes Staley.

JPMorgan sued Staley, a former banker there and a known friend of Epstein, alleging he is to blame for the bank's 15-year relationship with Epstein.

Staley has denied all wrongdoing.

Victims of Epstein had previously reached a $75 million settlement with Deutsche Bank.

In New York, I'm Christine Romans.


SOARES: And coming up right here on QUEST MEANS BUSINESS, Ukraine says it has recaptured some frontline villages, it has come though at a cost. We'll

have more from Ukraine in just a moment.



SOARES: Hello. I'm Isa Soares. There'll be more QUEST MEANS BUSINESS in just a moment when Ukraine's long-awaited counteroffensive appears

underway. Kyiv says its troops are making gains.

And Gen Z is feeling the inflation squeeze more than most. I'll be joined by TikTok personal finance guru teaching them how to cope. Before that, of

course, this is CNN and on this network, the news always comes first.

Former Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was arrested and released without charge on Sunday. It is linked to an investigation into the

Scottish National Party finances. Police are looking at the funds specifically earmarked for a second independence referendum campaign. She

says she's innocent of any wrongdoing.

Four children are recovering in a Colombian hospital after surviving in the Amazon for a month. They survived when their Cessna plane crashed into the

jungle on May 1st. Officials say they ate cassava flour that was on the plane and found water to drink. The children's mother was killed in that


An Australian bus driver is due in court Tuesday after an accident that killed at least 10 wedding guests. The bus had been hired to take people to

the wedding ceremony north of Sydney in the Hunter Valley. It overturned at a roundabout with 36 passengers on board. The driver was arrested on

charges of dangerous driving.

Welcome back, everyone. Now Ukraine says its troops have retaken seven supplements within the last week in what appears to be a start of that

counteroffensive. The deputy defense minister says the area recaptured amounts to about 90 square kilometers into Donetsk region as you'll see in

there (INAUDIBLE) CNN has not verified the battlefield reports. This weekend though President Zelenskyy said relevant counter offensive

defensive actions are taking place and he didn't go into the details.

Our Sam Kiley across it though in Kyiv. He joins me now. And Sam, Ukrainians then saying they are pushing and making headway in that long

frontline we just saw there both in the east and the west. Just bring us up to date with the very latest.

SAM KILEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, relevant defensive -- offensive-defensive actions and a Willian set of terms deliberately

ambiguous almost meaningless from President Zelenskyy at the weekend intended to keep the Russians guessing whilst they do indeed as you rightly

point out there, isa, prosecute what is the early stages of this counteroffensive.

It isn't a great blitzkrieg at all yet, but we have seen a very significant increase in the fighting in the Zaporizhzhia frontline. That east west that

runs from Zaporizhzhia which is Ukrainian-held through the Donetsk City which is a Russian-held and was captured back in 2014. Now, that is a new

front in terms of the amount of effort that the Ukrainians are putting in to try to break through very substantial Russian defensive lines there.

But of course, the pressure they put on there arguably means that the Russians have to reinforce it, bring in extra troops. They do have extra

troops now released probably from the frontline in Kherson following the flooding of the Nova Kakhovka dam or rather the bursting of that dam and

the flooding of the Dnipro River beneath it because that means that the natural barrier has been established for them to protect them against a

Ukrainian advance there.

But the Ukrainians are continuing to try to advance and successfully so very incrementally small villages in a significant salient though that

they've been able to push through over the last week or so. Maybe a little bit more than that, Isa. South of Bakhmut putting the Russians under

pressure there. I think that was part of an ebb and flow of that natural battlefront, if you like, that's been so bloody for the last year.


But the other actions by Ukraine clearly are part as indeed were the shaping operation of the early stages, I think we could say, of the

counteroffensive. But neither side should be under any illusion. And I believe that they're not certainly talking to Ukrainians that this is going

to be a very, very bloody and grueling fight, especially if it picks up pace as it's expected to do.

SOARES: And what we have heard, Sam, in the last 20 minutes or so, I'm just looking at my notes is that French President Emmanuel Macron said this, a

meticulously plan counteroffensive in Ukraine has begun. He, you know, you said this is going to be very bloody and long but -- and already we're

seeing quite significant weaponry losses, too. I was reading something like 16 U.S.-supplied armored vehicles already taken out.

I mean, is this sort of a concern to the Ukrainians right now?

KILEY: No, it's not. That were -- they're absolutely part of the planning. You have to plan. This is a really -- this is the biggest European war that

has occurred since the Second World War. It is on a very, very significant scale. And very substantial casualties are going to be taken by both sides

and internally at CNN, we're very discouraging of people even keeping a tally of these sorts of reports whether it's casualties, numbers of dead

numbers of wounded or indeed, vehicles that have been destroyed.

Because they didn't really tell us very much beyond what we really need to see is who controls what territory. At the moment, the Ukrainians have got

slightly the upper hand in some incremental gains, but it is very early stages. And you're absolutely right, they have been losing some of this

NATO-supplied weaponry, which is precisely why President Zelenskyy has put so much effort and continues to do so in making sure that there is that

steady pipeline of resupply of ammunition, of equipment.

They have the manpower, they say, but what they need is the equipment and right at the top of their list, of course, is the F-16 fighter aircraft

without which many Ukrainians quietly predict that they are very, very substantially hampered in this counteroffensive.

SOARES: Yes. Which is what they've continuously call for. And I've been calling for. Sam, thank you very much. Appreciate it. In for us this in


And coming up. Campbell Wilson used to work at one of the world's best-run airlines. Now he has been tasked with turning around Air India. He spoke to

Richard Quest about his plan. That is next.



SOARES: Now Air India is working to build back a reputation tarnished over the years by financial troubles as well as an aging fleet. The Tata Group

took over the debt-ridden carrier back in 2022. Within months, they named the new CEO and ordered a record 470 aircraft. Campbell Wilson comes to Air

India from Singapore's airlines budget carrier Scoot a year on from his appointment. He spoke to Richard Quest about the airline's legacy.


CAMPBELL WILSON, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AIR INDIA: It's not something that you haven't thought about before you come in and sat down. I think all

of us in the aviation industry have watched the R&D over the many years. We've seen this wonderful brand with a wonderful legacy 90 years of

history, periods where it was amongst the best in the world. We've seen it a little bit tarnished.

And we've seen the India market not really rise to its potential. And so, I was really giving a lot of thought to how could the CLN really reclaim its

former mantle. And a lot of work had been done during the due diligence process by the team from Tata Sons. There were some key plans underway,

including the aircraft negotiation which had been underway before I arrived. And so really, it was about aligning people behind a common

aspiration, a common vision, what does that take and then energizing people to do their work.

RICHARD QUEST, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: But you came from arguably the most efficient and well run, and financially solid and leading product in

the world SQ in its various guises. I mean, this -- look at it, I'm not being dramatic when I say it's 180 degrees in the opposite direction from

where you came.

WILSON: Twenty-six years with Singapore Airlines Group. I do know what good looks like, thanks to many years with them. I've had the experience of

startup, Scoot as part of the Singapore Airlines Group. And both the example of Singapore Airlines, the example of startup and the example of

being involved in a transformation of Singapore Airlines, all of those are very relevant to the task of restoring Air India.

QUEST: The gap between what you found on day one and where you want this airline to be, is so huge. I didn't even know where you'd start.

WILSON: A lot of it is hygiene factors in the sense of punctuality and functioning seats. And consistency of service. Air India always was

renowned for warmth. And I think our crew continued to exhibit warmth and the comments I get from people now, they might be saying the seats weren't

as good as I would like or the inflight entertainment could be better. And I know you're investing to fix that in the months to come.

But the crew made me feel fantastic. And so, I really think that that is -- that is a -- an asset that really is going to underpin the future of Air

India because the hardware can be fixed. And we've invested $400 million on retrofit, and we're buying 470 new aircraft. You can fix I.T. and we're

doing that rapid, rapid pace. It's the warmth. And it's the consistency of approach that really make the difference.

The warmth is inherent to the Indian culture. It's the consistency of approach that now we're going to be helping to instill.

QUEST: Do you use that famous analogy which is -- which is appropriate. You are changing the engine while the planes in flight?

WILSON: Yes. So, the Air India group, Air India -- Air India experience and Air Asia India collectively carry about 100,000 people a day. So it's not a

small operation. And to do such dramatic change, whilst operating safely at scale is a challenge that we're very, very careful off. But it has to be

done. And you have to change many things at once in order to change anything because so much interconnection.

QUEST: How long have you given yourself to turn this thing?

WILSON: Well, we've got a five-year transformation plan. By the end of that point, we should have tripled in size. We should probably be -- I think

regarded amongst the best in the world, at least in terms of consistency and quality of product. There's going to be a lot of subsequent refinement

that happens five years is a relatively short time in the space of building a world class product.

But I think faster than five years people won't recognize the Air India then as to what it was. Five years' time I think people be thinking it's

pretty good.


SOARES: Richard Quest speaking to the CEO of Air India, Campbell Wilson. I want to return though if I could to our top story this hour. Italians are

mourning the death of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.


A man who revolutionized of course Italian television and upended politics. A state funeral is set for Wednesday in Milan's famous Duomo. Italy's

former Prime Minister Mario Monti joins me now from Milan.

Mr. Monti, wonderful to have you on the show this evening. Today, already I have heard former Italian Prime Ministers Conte and Renzi describe

Berlusconi, as a man who made history and a man who polarized debate like no other. How will you remember him, sir?

MARIO MONTI, FORMER PRIME MINISTER OF ITALY: Well, I remember him as the one who appointed me to become European Commissioner as soon as he was in

office in '94. And at the same time, I remember him as the outgoing prime minister in November 2011 when his government wasn't able to steer Italy

through a huge financial crisis, partly generated by its very government.

So quite diverse person, certainly with an incredible courage and willingness to change things. I will have like the hint to become a real

modernizer of Italy with structural changes, with freeing up markets and a little bit like what Margaret Thatcher was in the U.K. in the 80s. But he

did not have the persistence to do that. He was looking for popularity in the short term. And he was too conciliatory with tax evasion. So, I think

it's a mixture of innovation and lack of structural improvement in the ground.

SOARES: Yes. A flamboyant man that clearly with a complicated legacy, you know, we know him of course around the world as Italy's one of little

longer serving prime minister but of course, he was Mr. Monti's self-made billionaire first and media mogul who unlike Margaret Thatcher had no

experience in public office. How do you think he achieved that?

MONTI: Well, he was led by his character, and his stronger ego to believe that managing politics is like -- is a bit -- a little bit like managing a

company. And he was, of course, very successful in a variety of industries, including the sports industry. So probably he thought that having a strong

party being in fact, the owner of the party, he could command over politics as he was able to command on his own companies. But of course, that's

entirely different.

SOARES: And of course, he was the first to create the kind of private national T.V. channel outside Rai Uno and Rai Due. How much that helped him

then to transform the media landscape and drive his narrative?

MONTI: Enormously, enormously, because not only -- yes, he had all those channels created by him, but also because he was communication and

narrative and seduction made man. He was so able to communicate, so simple. And let me say also simplistic that he captured the imagination of people

by and large and they would follow him both in the sense of buying his products and buying his political offer.

And it took each time before I think that he was in government, it took some time for the reality to turn back and to show that some or many of his

promises could not be delivered.

SOARES: Yes. Which clearly explained how voters continue to bring him back to power even with so much scandal of course. Mr. Monti, really appreciate

you speaking to us. Mario Monti there joining us from Milan in Italy. Thank you.

Well, in the U.S., young people are feeling the squeeze of economic uncertainty. We'll talk to personal finance TikToker who on a mission

really to empower young people as well as their bank accounts. That's next.



SOARES: Welcome back, everyone. In the U.S. older generations are spending more while young people struggle to keep up. Bank of America says baby

boomers spending is up more than two percent while that of younger generations has shrunk by 1.5 percent. High-housing costs and looming

student debt payments are playing a part. The problem is even worse for women who still earn just percent of their male counterparts.

As young people look for financial answers, they are increasingly turning toward one familiar source. Yes, TiKTok. Tori Dunlap is the founder of Her

First 100k which has a popular financial education TiKTok account. And she joins me now from Seattle. Tori, great to have you on the show. And I was

reading up about you. I mean, you started this as a side hustle. So, at what point did you realize there was a gap that there were women out there

yearning for honest financial advice with no judgment?

TORI DUNLAP, FOUNDER, HER FIRST 100K: Yes, thank you for having me, Isa. I really became kind of radicalized to talk about money when Donald Trump got

elected here in the United States. I was 22, I had graduated college just five months before the 2016 election. And I started to realize through my

own saving journey that when I had money, I had options, I had the ability to leave a toxic situation.

I had the ability to travel or to donate to causes I believed in. And I started to realize that maybe a financial education is our best form of

protest as a member of a marginalized group. So, I was working a 6:00 to 5:00 at marketing and then Her First 100K was this side hustle that I

began, and it's taken off since then it's absolutely been crazy. We have three million followers. Now I have a New York Times bestselling book

called Financial Feminist.

And I'm just so honored to do the work that I do fighting the patriarchy by making women rich.

SOARES: Fighting the patriarchy. And the majority of your followers I believe Tori are all women. So what have you learned in the last few years

as to why women don't invest, as to why women may be scared here of talking about money just to start off with?

DUNLAP: Yes. I mean, my entire work is around this. So I wrote a whole book about it, but a couple of things. One is that we just are socialized to not

have conversations about money, right? And that's why it was a gender.

SOARES: Why? Why? Why is that?

DUNLAP: Right. It's taboo, it's gauche, right? And we're more likely to talk about any other uncomfortable topic before we'll talk about money.


But uniquely for women, this, you know, lack of talking about money is also paired with a lack of financial education. It's not socially acceptable to

share your salary or to have a conversation about debt. Women are also shamed for their spending in a way that men aren't, right? When we think

about frivolous spending. Frivolous is a very gendered word in this case. It means manicures lattes, designer purses, but it doesn't mean football

tickets or golf clubs, right?

So, that's I think one of the differences we see is that even in -- when women do try to educate themselves about money, their very purchases are

deemed frivolous when men's aren't.

SOARES: And is there a generational trendy? Did you find that certain generations are better at handling money or others don't even want to talk

about money? See it more as a taboo. How are you seeing any trends here?

DUNLAP: Yes. I mean, it's pretty bad for everybody, especially in the United States. Money is the number one cause of stress. And I know that for

many other countries as well. The interesting thing about millennials and now Gen Z, I am a millennial. I'm 28. And the interesting thing that I am

having conversations with with everybody is stagnating minimum wages, especially again, in the U.S. We're seeing a trillion-dollar of student

debt crisis.

We are seeing, you know, so many socio-economic issues have a much bigger impact on somebody's money. And that's what I talk about in my work is, you

know, you can be the best budgeter alive and know how to pay off debt and know how to save money. But if you're dealing with all of these other

things surrounding your personal finance equation, it's going to be really difficult to get financially ahead.

So, this is where policy change really has to come in to support both individuals and society at large. And unfortunately, a lot of the pressure

is on individuals in a way that doesn't really make sense.

SOARES: Yes. And so many right now, as you all know, Tori are facing such a tough economic climate. You know, rising inflation, high interest rates,

cost of living crisis. It's so difficult. So many -- so many families can't even put food on the table are living paycheck to paycheck but all these

advise that you outline, so important and it gives you like you said, the financial freedom. Tori, really appreciate you taking the time to speak to

us there joining us from Seattle in Washington.

And there are just moments left to trade on Wall Street. We'll bring you of course, the numbers which we haven't watched, in fact, in the last few

(INAUDIBLE) there you are. The Dow Jones, as you can see up almost half a percent, 163 points. We'll give you the closing bell after this very short

break. You are watching QUEST MEANS BUSINESS.


SOARES: And the Fed will decide on Wednesday where to set U.S. interest rates. Investors seem to think the central bank will hold them steady.

Let's see what will happen then. The Dow has been high as you can see for pretty much all the day. It's up now almost well, 50 percent on the dot,

168 points. If we look at the Dow components, if we have a quick look Dow up, as you can see S&P 500 are also doing well.

NASDAQ also green ours right across the board. In terms of the components, the Dow Jones there as you can see, we had Intel I think was on top.


And that is QUEST MEANS BUSINESS. I'm Isa Soares. The closing bell is ringing on Wall Street. "THE LEAD" with Jake Tapper starts right now.