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Quest Means Business

Leaked Audio Reveals Freed Hostages' Fury At Netanyahu; Biden Urges Congress To Pass Aid To Ukraine; Kevin McCarthy Says He's Leaving US House; Time's Person Of The Year: Taylor Swift; Las Vegas Police Responding To Reports Of Active Shooter; CNN Speaks To Voters Ahead Of Iowa Caucus; Nevada Grand Jury Indicts Six Pro-Trump Fake Electors; "White Angels" Take Aid To Front Line Town Of Avdiivka; IDF's "Most Intense Day" Of Ground Operation; Venezuela Claims Guyana-Controlled Region; Suspect In Las Vegas Shooting Is Dead. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired December 06, 2023 - 15:00   ET



ZAIN ASHER, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: All right, let's take a look and see how the Dow is doing on this Wednesday afternoon. Basically, flat right

there. Not much movement. Those are the markets, and these are the main events.

Leaked audio recordings reveal the anger of the freed Israeli aimed at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government.

And the US president says he is willing to compromise on border policy to secure money for Ukraine.

And Taylor Swift is named Time's Person of the Year, again.

Coming to you live from New York, it is Wednesday, December 6. I'm Zain Asher, in for my colleague, Richard Quest. And this is QUEST MEANS


All right, good evening. Tonight, Israel said its forces have surrounded a house of Hamas leader in Gaza. The Israeli military says it believes that

Yahya Sinwar is underground. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says it's only a matter of time before they get him, while admitting, in the short

term, it is possible that he may indeed escape.

But the prime minister faced outrage and anger from freed Israeli hostages on Tuesday night. In a leaked audio recording of their meeting, a woman can

be heard telling him that they were put in jeopardy in Gaza from Israeli shelling. Another said that they felt abandoned.


(UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE speaking in foreign language.)

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): You will return them all. They will not wait 50 days. They will not wait another year because you claimed

that they are strong enough.

You have no information. You have no information the fact that we were shelled, the fact that no one knew anything about where we were.


ASHER: Netanyahu told them that the IDF ground operations had succeeded in pressuring Hamas into releasing hostages as well.

Jeremy Diamond is in Ashkelon for us. Jeremy, the anger of the freed Israeli hostages are certainly palpable and ultimately understandable. Just

explain to us how damaging though is this for the prime minister?

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, this was certainly a very tense and a very emotional meeting. I talked to several people who were inside

that meeting and they described as a handful of these newly released hostages, some of whom still have family who are held captive in Gaza

described not only the conditions in which they were in, talking about elderly people being without their hearing aids, without their glasses, not

having much access to be able to have any activity, and also talking about the fact that they would like to see any deal reached in order to free

those who are still held hostage, telling the Israeli prime minister and the members of his war cabinet they should release all of the Palestinian

prisoners necessary in order to exchange them for those Israelis who are still being held hostage in Gaza.

I want you to listen to another one of those women who testified before the war cabinet.


(UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE speaking in foreign language.)

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): Every day that passes is a game of roulette with their lives. Why don't you release the prisoners? Release

them all and bring them back.

They live on borrowed time. Their lives are in your hands, and I ask you, in the light of my testimony and what we hear from other released people,

and what we hear in the media, that there were all kinds of possibilities.


DIAMOND: And the Israeli prime minister did say after this meeting that he was moved by the testimony of some of these former hostages, and yet there

does not appear to be any real change in his approach to how he believes the best way is to get those estimated 138 hostages still held in Gaza out.

I spoke today with Leo Okari (ph), whose 79-year-old father is still held hostage in Gaza. He was in that meeting yesterday. And he said that he

didn't feel like the Israeli prime minister was particularly moved by this testimony, that he didn't feel like he was hearing anything different from

him or the other members of the war cabinet as they continue to emphasize that they believe that military pressure, rather than negotiations, is the

best way to get these hostages out. And indeed, the Israeli military, at this hour, is pressing forward with this offensive into southern Gaza,

encircling the city of Khan Younis and moving further south.

ASHER: Right, because there are really only two ways, as I understand it, to get these hostages out. And that is, of course, a military raid

conducted by the IDF which, of course, fraught with so many different risks, but also another truce -- a second truce with Hamas. Under what

circumstances, Jeremy, do you think a second truce with Hamas is likely here?


DIAMOND: Well, for now, there don't appear to be any real negotiations moving forward. Things broke down last Friday over the fact that Hamas

would not release enough women hostages. The -- they were willing to release other hostages. But Israel has said, effectively, that they will

not move forward with other groups of hostages, like men and Israeli soldiers, until all women and children are released from Gaza -- all of

those women and children who are held hostage.

And so for now, it appears that Israel is once again returning to this military pressure strategy in order to try and move these negotiations

forward. But there is no indication that the Israeli government is going to change its position anytime soon. But again, many of these families hope

that by continuing to raise this issue, both in the meetings with the Israeli prime minister and his war cabinet and also in public and the

media, they hope that that pressure will result in the Israeli government reaching some deal for a next phase of hostage release.

ASHER: All right. Jeremy Diamond, live for us there. Thank you so much.

All right. Let's talk about what's happening in Gaza right now. Reports of high casualties around the Jabalya refugee camp in northern Gaza after

several Israeli airstrikes. Israel says that it struck about 250 targets in the past day or so as it really sort of steps up its offensive in the


And as Ben Wedeman reports, civilians in Gaza are facing a desperate situation because they simply, at this point, have nowhere to go.


BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): They came here hoping to escape the war, and this is what happened. Tuesday

afternoon, an apparent Israeli airstrike demolished this building in Deir al-Balah in central Gaza.

(ABU BASSIN speaking in foreign language.)

WEDEMAN (voice over): Civilians, more than 50, are now martyrs, says Abu Bassin. The building's owner had given them shelter. They all came from the


Under the sand and the rubble is a lifeless body. "There's his head," someone says, while others peering into the ruins search for survivors.

(UNIDENTIFIED MALE speaking in foreign language.)

WEDEMAN (voice over): "Is anyone alive?" he calls out. Without heavy equipment, bare hands will suffice.

At Deir al-Balah's only functioning hospital, the injured are rushed inside. The hospital spokesman says they received more than 130 injured and

more than 90 bodies. CNN cannot confirm the death toll.

Once again, so many of the victims are children. Stunned, confused, terrified, she grasps her mother's hand. The injured treated on the floor.

The luckier among those who fled, and then fled again further south, end up in places like this -- makeshift camps devoid of running water,

electricity, or sanitation. A plastic sheet is all that protects Enas Musleh and her family from the elements.

(ENAS MUSLEH speaking in foreign language.)

WEDEMAN (voice over): "We spend all night hearing rockets and bombs," she says. We're living between life and death. We may die at any moment.

Indeed, in Gaza now, the line between life and death is perilously thin.

Ben Wedeman, CNN, Jerusalem.


ASHER: All right. The US Senate is deciding whether to advance a bill that includes new funding to support Ukraine in its war against Russia. Majority

Leader Chuck Schumer and his fellow democrats support the measure, but it's unlikely to pass the procedural vote that would start debate. Many

Republicans say they'll only support it if the Democrats insert, given to their demands on US border security. President Biden says Congress must

pass it as soon as possible.


JOE BIDEN, US PRESIDENT: Make no mistake, today's vote is going to be long remembered. And history is going to judge harshly those who turned their

back on freedom's cause. We can't let Putin win. Say it again, we can't let Putin win. It's in our overwhelming national interest and international

interest of all our friends. Any disruption in our ability to supply Ukraine clearly strengthens Putin's position.


ASHER: Manu Raju is in Washington D.C. for us. So, Manu, the president essentially is saying that, look, if aid runs out for Ukraine, that would

be essentially the greatest gift for Vladimir Putin. It is in the US's best interest to continue to support Ukraine. And, by the way, if Ukraine loses

this war, who's to say that Vladimir Putin wouldn't go after another eastern European country next?


MANU RAJU, CNN ANCHOR AND CHIEF CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. And look, that's the warning that the White House has been issuing for some time

increasingly so amid this stalemate on Capitol Hill about whether to approve more funding for Ukraine in addition to Israel, all of which tied

up in one big measure.

What Republicans and Democrats are battling over is a separate issue -- immigration, dealing with issues involving the migrant surge in the

southern border with Mexico. Republicans want tighter immigration policies to be tied to a larger bill involving Ukraine aid, as well as Israel aid.

Democrats are talking with Republicans on this issue, but they say the GOP positions have just gone too far, which is leading to many fears that no

deal can be reached on this issue and concerns that this all could collapse.

Now, I spoke to a number of Republican senators about those warnings from the White House that, in fact, that without any aid Ukraine essentially

could be kneecapped in its war against Russia. Many of them that I spoke to made clear that they were not concerned with the White House's warnings. In

fact, some of them, frankly, didn't believe the White House. Listen.


RAJU (on camera): Do you believe those White House warnings?

ROGER MARSHALL, US SENATE REPUBLICAN (on camera): You know, I don't, actually. What my intelligence telling me is that Ukraine has enough

weaponry to get them through the winter. I don't think that the White House is being totally forthright on what they actually have there right now.

RAJU (on camera): What are you basing that on?

MARSHALL (on camera): My insight, intelligence, and the information as well.

BILL CASSIDY (on camera): I'm not worried at all because I cannot believe the Democrats really want to have a war that is out of control.


RAJU: So the question is where does this go from here? The Senate is expected to vote in just a matter of minutes to take up a bill that would

aid to Ukraine, that would aid Israel, that would provide money to deal with the issues involving the border, but not those policy changes that

Republicans want.

That is expected to fail. Republicans are expected to block that because it does not have those new border policy measures. So after that, the

expectation is that Congress may essentially go home for the holidays, return in the New Year and try to deal with it then, though it's unclear

that anything will change other than the situation, potentially, getting worse on the battlefield for Ukraine amid this messy divide with -- on

Capitol Hill about how to resolve these issues and growing fears that none of it will get accomplished.

ASHER: Manu, I do want to talk about Kevin McCarthy because we got some big news today that he is, essentially, announcing that he's leaving Congress.

Just, A, talk to us about, specifically, why he is leaving? I mean, it's no secret that he's always felt as though he lost his speakership unfairly.

But this is a big problem for Republicans that already have a very narrow majority in the House.

RAJU: Yes. Look, it's twofold for the GOP. One is it will narrow that 221 to 213 majority down to 220 to 213 majority. There are a couple of other

retirements that are looming also that could narrow it even further for the new speaker, Mike Johnson.

But also, Kevin McCarthy was a prolific fundraiser for his party. He raised a ton of money. He was instrumental in getting the bag to the majority.

But McCarthy did not like being in the rank and file. He was ousted, of course, in historic fashion -- unprecedented fashion. Two months ago, when

eight Republicans, and then with the support of the Democrats, voted him out of the speakership. That had never been done before.

McCarthy loved to being speaker. He loved every aspect of being in the center of power here on Capitol Hill. He did not like being a rank and file

member out of the mix in the leadership.

I had asked him about that just recently. He said he wanted to be in the leadership table. He is still very angry and bitter at those Republicans,

in particular, who pushed him out.

He made it clear that he had very little interest in staying in this position -- this low position. He wants to move on. And he made clear, he

now plans to resign his seat at the end of this month and then, at that point, move on something else as Republicans deal with their future, but a

huge moment for Republican leadership and politics, a central figure in their leadership's hierarchy for some time, thrown out of his leadership

positions, now no longer going to be a member of Congress.

ASHER: All right. Manu Raju, live for us there, thank you so much.

Okay. Time magazine is making it official -- 2023 is the year of Taylor Swift. I'm going to be talking with Times editor-in-chief about the pop

powerhouse who they named Person of the Year.



ASHER: All right. Just in CNN, police are saying that they are responding to reports of an active shooter -- an active shooter at the University of

Nevada in Las Vegas -- an active shooter on the campus at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas. Police are also saying that there are multiple victims

at this time -- multiple victims, and they are asking people to stay away from the area, to stay away from the campus. They're promising to give us

more information when it's available, which we will, of course, share with you.

All right. A new CNN poll shows that just 37% of Americans approve of President Joe Biden's job performance. That's actually his lowest approval

rating yet.

Mr. Biden is losing support from his base. His approval among Democrats stands at 72%, down from the low 80s back in January. The same poll found

that 71% of Americans believe that the economy is in rough shape. And that could be a major reason for Biden's low popularity.

All right. The fourth Republican primary debate is tonight. The Iowa caucus is about six weeks away. CNN asked Republican voters in that state, what

exactly are the issues that matter the most to them?


JEFF ZELENY, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Sally Hofmann has been thinking and praying about the Republican presidential


SALLY HOFMANN, IOWA VOTER: I pray for the direction this country is going. And I pray for the candidates.

ZELENY (voice over): As candidates have descended on Iowa, Hofmann has watched with an open mind. When we first met earlier this year, she had

high praise for Donald Trump in curiosity for two of his rivals.

HOFMANN: I like what Trump has done. To me, it's huge for -- to have three US Supreme Court justices during his term. And that, I'm a big pro-life

proponent. I like with Nikki Haley's swing, I like DeSantis, too. So kind of in that range.

ZELENY (voice over): Now, as Republican hopefuls scramble for support six week before the Iowa caucuses open the 2024 campaign, Hofmann is among

those looking for a fresh start.

HOFMANN: I am thankful for what Trump did when he was in office, but I've been a little bit disappointed in Trump lately. I'm just veering away from

him and leaning towards DeSantis. He seems like a man who when he believes something, he'll stand by. And that's what I appreciate about him.

ZELENY (voice over): As fall turns to winter in Iowa, it's a season of choosing.

ZELENY (on camera): So are you guys Iowa or Illinois residents?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Perfect. Have you already filled out one of our commit-to-caucus cards?

ZELENY (voice over): At a critical moment for Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley to show that the Republican primary still a contest, not a coronation.

ROGER DVORAK, IOWA VOTER: I'm very impressed with Nikki Haley. And I just hope she gets the nomination.

ZELENY (voice over): Roger Dvorak voted for Trump, but believes his criminal cases are a distraction.

DVORAK: Whether he's guilty or not, I don't know. We'll have to wait and see. But I just don't think he can be effective as leader of the country.

ZELENY (voice over): There's little doubt Trump remains a driving force in the campaign, yet exhaustion with the former president once whispered

easily comes alive in conversations with Republicans, like Karen Hanna who also voted for Trump, but is now weighing an alternative.

ZELENY (on camera): What is it that gives you pause about President Trump?

KAREN HANNA, IOWA VOTER: I think all that's going on, and I think Ron DeSantis is a little bit more solid and less drama, you know, just all the

things that Trump is going through, the courts, so unsure about that. But, you know, I like Ron DeSantis, what he stands for.


ZELENY (voice over): The question is, how many Iowans are inclined to go against the grain of the Trump-controlled GOP as they make their final


ANNE WALFORD, IOWA VOTER: I'm looking at Nikki Haley and, of course, DeSantis, and Vivek. And Trump is the .

ZELENY (voice over): Anne Walford's laughter underscores the expressions of many Republicans -- a reluctance to be with Trump now, but a pledge to be

with him in the end.

WALFORD: If he is the nominee, I will vote for him.

ZELENY (voice over): That sentiment resonates on the Hofmann farm outside of Cedar Rapids, where Sally said she, too, will support Trump if he's the

party's choice. But for now, he's not her choice. And she hopes Iowa can spark a new direction for the country.

HOFMANN: I think it's more of a wide-open race. I think .

ZELENY (on camera): It's more of a wide-open race.

HOFMANN: Right. I think it won't surprise me if Trump gets in. It won't surprise me if he doesn't -- isn't the nominee. And I'm just hoping that

DeSantis might be the one. But I think it's more wide open.


ASHER: Right. Taylor Swift is Time magazine's Person of the Year. It is a crescendo to a record-breaking year for the artist whose name has, quite

simply, dominated pop culture.


POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: Senators channeling -- this was great if you missed it, their inner Taylor Swift.

RICHARD BLUMENTHAL, (D) CONNECTICUT SENATOR: Ticketmaster should look in the mirror and say, I'm the problem. It's me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Swifties are shaking the planet, for real. A scientist has discovered that dancing Taylor Swift fans triggered seismic activity

during a recent satellite -- Seattle concert.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She is driving US GDP. One economist saying that she is going to add $5 billion to US GDP not just with ticket sales, but

because of all the merchandise, because of the airfare, the hotels.

BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN HOST (on camera): A stunning new prediction for Taylor Swift's Eras Tour. The tour could gross more than $2 billion in North

American ticket sales alone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Taylor Swift is at it again. The popstar's Eras Tour concert film is already smashing presale records just hours after sharing

the film's trailer on social media.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We sat with player Travis Kelce's family there in the stand. Sales of his jersey -- get this -- spiked nearly 400%!


ASHER: All the way in which Taylor Swift has dominated the headlines just this year. Beyond wowing fans -- millions of fans, I should say, Taylor

Swift proved her seismic impact on the economy, which we touched on in those soundbites just there.

Her tour helped push the spending power of women to new heights this summer, with some government officials practically begging Swift to bring

her show to their cities. The Swift effect was so massive that US Federal Reserve even mentioned her in its Beige Book.

Sam Jacobs is Time's editor-in-chief. He joins us live now from New York.

Sam, thank you so much for being with us. I mean, no surprise. I mean, of course, Taylor Swift is Time's Person of the Year. It just -- it's amazing

how she continues to get -- just when I thought you couldn't get any bigger, she continues to sort of break these barriers and continues to

rise. How does she -- how does she do it? And what sort of impact is she having on young women across America?

SAM JACOBS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, TIME: Well, we are just thrilled to have Taylor Swift be the 2023 Time Person of the Year. The quotes, the sound

bites that you played leading up to this conversation made clear why. Her influence has been so wide that we have scientists, economists, university

professors, all different groups of people jumping in to try to stake their claim for the type of impact and success that she's had.

And there are many ways that we can measure that success. I think there are also ways with that success goes beyond measurement. And one of the points

that you made is the way that her stories, her work, her songs have paid attention to people who often feel set aside by society, who often feel

overlooked or underestimated. I think Taylor Swift is both author and avatar of a huge societal shift that we saw this year where the stories of

women and girls became the center of our attention.

ASHER: You know, there are a lot of musicians whose lyrics really sort of speak to people. And actually, a lot of people will say there are so many

different musicians that they truly feel a deep connection with, a deep resonance with, because of their lyrics. But what is it about Taylor Swift

particularly? What is it about her particularly that makes her so beloved?


JACOBS: She has an extraordinary songwriting ability. I think also, she's found a way to spin her own story into a global legend. So when her lyrics

hold up a mirror to herself, I think they actually help other people better understand themselves.

ASHER: And just in terms of, I mean, I know that in the past Taylor Swift has talked about, you know, being worried about sort of being overexposed.

And I think every famous person has that fear, that if their name sort of continue in the headlines for too long that people will, eventually, get

tired of them. Is there any risk of that with Taylor Swift?

JACOBS: This year points to the contrary. I think one of the interesting things about the ubiquity of Taylor Swift is in some of the ways that we

haven't heard from her. This is actually the first in-depth interview that she's done with any media outlet in nearly four years.

We're also hearing from her in our conversation, which runs in the magazine, and on, today is someone who's finally comfortable with

her success, who seems at ease with her place in the world. She talks about, you know, if I'm going to go out to a restaurant that's going to

attract a lot of attention and a lot of paparazzi, but I still want to go out and be with my friends. I think we're seeing a sense of self-acceptance

and an ability to deal with that fame.

I mean, what's interesting is that, at 33, she's one of the youngest people ever to be Time Person of the Year. But another way of looking at it is

she's 17 years into her career, and I think she's learned a lot across those decades.

ASHER: What I find it interesting, I mean, you know, obviously, Taylor Swift absolutely is huge in America. And she absolutely appeals to women

and girls. But just in terms of expanding her fan base, I mean, our men, as obsessed with Taylor Swift, particularly older men, are they as obsessed

with Taylor Swift as perhaps young women and girls? Is it -- is that her niche, young women and girls? And do you see her perhaps expanding her


JACOBS: I think she's certainly privileging the stories and lifts up the stories of women and girls. But I don't t think this is an exclusive group

or an exclusive conversation or moment. I think we've seen so many different people come into this movement and follow along.

And one of the most wonderful things this year has been to see people -- you know, whether their fathers of daughters or anyone else, become alive

to her work and to her music. I think 2023 shows, in some ways, the limits of hard power. And what we're seeing in Taylor Swift is the strength of her

kind of soft power and the way that people all of the world have competed, not just because of her economic boost that she brings wherever she shows

up, but because of the power of her message and the way that she creates joy in communities.

I don't think it's an American story. I don't think it's exclusively a female story, but I do think those are important pieces of the story.

ASHER: All right. Sam Jacobs, live for us there. Thank you so much. We appreciate it.

All right. And once again, we are indeed following reports of an active shooter at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Police are saying that

there are multiple victims. There are multiple victims at this time. They are telling people to stay away, to avoid the area.

Just in terms of the number of victims, we don't have any specific just yet. Police are saying multiple victims. And that's where they have left

it. A staff member at the university's medical school told CNN that they have been told to shelter-in-place. We'll have much more news after the




ASHER: All right, the news just in to CNN. A Nevada grand jury has indicted six fake pro-Trump electors. They are accused of participating in a scheme

to overturn President Joe Biden's 2020 election win.

Nevada's attorney general released a statement, which said we cannot allow attacks on democracy to go unchallenged. Nevada is now the third state to

bring changes (sic) against people who served as fake pro-Trump electors after the 2020 election.

Meantime, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy telling G7 leaders in a virtual meeting that Russia has significantly increased pressure on the

battlefront. This as Moscow is trying to capture the eastern town of Avdiivka. Both sides are claiming gains in the area. Anna Coren has more.


ANNA COREN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): At a warehouse stocked with humanitarian aid, 23-year-old police officer Dmytro Solovii picks up

supplies. Food, water, hygiene products and a generator are on the list.

He is part of the White Angels unit and they're heading to his hometown of Avdiivka in the Donetsk region on the eastern front, where one of the most

fierce and bloody battles is being waged in the war in Ukraine.

"I was born in this town," he tells me. "My neighbors are there, my relatives my friends. It's my duty to help them. We are their hope."

But getting to Avdiivka is a death trap. Shortly after leaving us, with his GoPro rolling, he spots Russian shelling through the windscreen.

"Look, the bomb has landed. Report incoming of an ugly bastard. And there's another one," he tells his colleague.

Russian artillery, mortars and drones target the road. And yet Dmytro remains calm. This perilous journey has become routine despite multiple

close calls. Driving past the sign that proudly states Avdiivka is Ukraine, the town of once 30,000 residents is now deserted, devoid of the living, as

almost every single building has been shelled.

But surprisingly, some people still live here, including Dr. Vitalii Sytnyk, head of the local hospital.

Diagnosed with terminal cancer, he's decided he's not going anywhere.

"We have a job and we do it," he explains.

He called the White Angels to evacuate a man who'd just been injured from shrapnel. As they load him into the van, the idle chatter is interrupted.

"Incoming, it's a mortar," explains the doctor. "Sometimes it rustles and then bang.


"That would be a tank."

COREN (voice-over): As the explosions get louder, it's time to go.

COREN: This is the road to Avdiivka. There is one way in, one way out. We are not allowed to travel to the town, which is 17 kilometers away. The

military has banned all media, saying it's just too dangerous.

But for the White Angels, they travel on this road multiple times a week, risking their lives to support the less than 1,300 people still living in

the town.

COREN (voice-over): As the White Angels begin the dangerous drive out, Dmytro reflects.

"It's very sad what's happening to my town but one day we'll rebuild Avdiivka and I will live there with my grandchildren. We just need to


A belief that keeps this community among the ruins alive -- Anna Coren, CNN, on the outskirts of Avdiivka, Ukraine.


ASHER: Much more news after this quick break.




ASHER: Just want to update you on the breaking news that we got from Las Vegas, Nevada. Police are saying a suspected shooter in Las Vegas has now

been contained. The suspected shooter has now been contained.

Authorities were responding to a shooting at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas. These are pictures from the scene, showing dozens of emergency

vehicles in the area. Authorities are saying it appears that multiple victims. I have just been told the suspect is now dead.

The suspect is now dad. But there also appears to be multiple victims as well in terms of what we are hearing from police. We do not have specific

numbers in terms of how many victims there are. But police are telling people to avoid the area.

For students who were on the campus at the time of the shooting, police are saying, shelter in place. That is still a requirement even though the

suspect is now deceased. We will have much more on that breaking news story as and when we get more information.

Intense fighting rages on as Israel escalates its military operations in both northern and southern Gaza. Israel's air force said it struck 250

Hamas targets over the past 24 hours. The IDF say they also hit an armed terror cell operating near a school in northern Gaza. CNN cannot

independently verify those claims.


As the humanitarian crisis worsens, the U.N.'s High Commissioner for Human Rights says Gazans are living in utter, deepening horror. The Palestinian

health ministry said disease is spreading inside crowded U.N. shelters and 26 hospitals remain closed.

Israel and Hezbollah, Lebanon's powerful militant group, have been exchanging frequent fire across the border for two months now as the rest

of the world gears up for the holiday season. CNN's Ivan Watson reports on how these Lebanese residents are trying to lift spirits in a time of war.


IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): They're putting up Christmas decorations in the Lebanese border town of Marjayoun,

residents trying to lift spirits in a time of war.

ROLAND CHANBOUR, MARJAYOUN RESIDENT: I'm making the tree for the Christmas. I hope it come, it will make better hope for the country.

WATSON (voice-over): But as Roland Chanbour strings up lights, we can hear and see the blast from incoming Israeli artillery, hitting fields below

this hilltop town.

WATSON: The artillery, the explosions are two kilometers, three kilometers away.

CHANBOUR: Yes, what you can do?

You leave (INAUDIBLE)?

You leave your house and go?

Where do we go?

WATSON (voice-over): For nearly two months, Hezbollah militants in southern Lebanon have been fighting deadly artillery duels with the Israeli military

on the other side of the border. Explosions rock this area day and night.

FOUAD ANTON, PASTOR, MARJAYOUN NATIONAL EVANGELICAL CHURCH: Up on the, hills you see there are Israeli positions.


WATSON: The antennas are the Israeli positions?

ANTON: Yes, Hezbollah, they had these positions.

WATSON (voice-over): Pastor Fouad Anton shows me the battle-scarred Presbyterian church he says American missionaries built nearly 150 years


ANTON: The people here are very afraid.

WATSON (voice-over): This is not the first time this predominately Christian town has been a battleground.

ANTON: We revisit also in the year 2006, when Israel invaded even the south of Lebanon. Also a bomb came around here and we rebuilt that church.

WATSON (voice-over): Pastor Fouad says, during the last border war, he and his family fled Marjayoun. This time, though he sympathizes with the plight

of Palestinians in Gaza, he insists this should not be Lebanon's war.

ANTON: The people left the area and there are no jobs and nothing at all here. So my message is for Hezbollah is to stop this war.

WATSON (voice-over): Convoys of United Nations peacekeepers rumble through Marjayoun's streets, as do members of the Lebanese army, which is so far

neutral in the border conflict.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah's militants are almost invisible, using cat and mouse guerrilla tactics against the more powerful Israeli military, which often

flies drones high overhead.

None of this is good for Salam Aoun (ph).


WATSON: Oh, I'm sorry.

WATSON (voice-over): She isn't getting any business at her boutique. And with schools closed due to the crisis, her two children have to study




Salam (ph) says she tells her kids that the fighting is very far away from here and she says that they do get scared.

WATSON (voice-over): So it is no surprise that, this year, there is only one thing that people here want for Christmas.

CHANBOUR: Peace. Peace and hope.

WATSON (voice-over): Ivan Watson, CNN, Marjayoun, Lebanon.


ASHER: The Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro says he will permit oil exploration and mining in neighboring Guyana. Venezuelans voted to take

over the Essequibo region Sunday in a referendum.

And on Tuesday, president Maduro unveiled a new map of Venezuela, which included. It The president of Guyana told CNN's Isa Soares that he is

working with international partners to stop Maduro.


IRFAAN ALI, PRESIDENT OF GUYANA: In 1899, the borders were settled. Venezuela participated in the settlement of the border. When we were going

to independence, they raised the controversy.

That controversy is properly before the ICJ and that is where it will be settled. So we have told our investors to have no fear. We are on the right

side of history, the right side of the law and there's absolutely no fear in investing in Essequibo, which belongs to Guyana.

ISA SOARES, CNN ANCHOR: We've also heard, talking about the region and what you're hearing, we've also heard from president Lula of Brazil. He's

calling for "common sense," those are his words.

We've also heard from the U.S. State Department, Mr. President, calling for a peaceful resolution on the border dispute between Venezuela and Guyana.

Do you feel that these comments go far enough?

Do you think that the region is doing enough to denounce Maduro's provocation here?


ALI: Caracom (ph) has issued a very strong statement. The OS has issued a very strong statement. Commonwealth issued a very strong statement. We're

working now with Silac (ph), who has issued a very strong statement.

I think president Lula also sent a team into Venezuela to have discussions with president Maduro and his team. That team came back. And what we saw is

that Brazil has increased their presence on their border with Venezuela.

President Lula has given me assurance that Brazil stands strongly with Guyana and that they would not see any reckless behavior by Venezuela.

We are working now with SOCOM, the Department of Defense and State Department of the U.S. and hopefully, within the next 24 hours, a lot of

strong statements and strong communications with Venezuela will be released.


ASHER: We will have much more on our breaking news out of Las Vegas after the break.




ASHER: Just in to CNN, police are saying the suspected shooter in Las Vegas is now dead. That suspected shooter is now deceased. About one hour got we

brought you breaking news that authorities were, indeed, responding to a shooting at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas.

Pictures from the scene show dozens of emergency vehicles in the area. Authorities, in terms of what we know, about the number of people who may

have been hurt during this active shooting, authorities are saying there appears to be multiple victims.

Once again, they have not specified exactly how many. We know at this point that there are multiple victims. They are telling people to avoid the area,

simply to stay way. This is, of, course an active investigation. Now

A staff member at the university's medical school telling CNN that they have, indeed -- this is people who are actually on the campus, that they

have been told to shelter in place. I want to bring in Whitney Wild, joining us live now on this.

Whitney, what more do we know at this point in time?

WHITNEY WILD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: There's very little information coming out at this point. But what police are saying, at least they had tweeted, Las

Vegas Metropolitan Police Department had tweeted earlier today, a moment by moment update on what was happening.

First they said that there were reports of shots fired. Then they said there were reports of shots fired in Beam Hall. Later they said that there

were also reports of shots fired in the student union. Again, this is all according to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's Twitter page.


WILD: If you look at a map of the University of Las Vegas you can see the student union and Beam Hall are pretty close together. They look like they

are at least just a few yards across from one another on the campus, so very close proximity.

So it seems at this point that it is possible that police believed the shooter moved around. That is certainly possible here. There is just so

much more information to learn.

The most important pieces of information at this point are the situation is contained and that the shooter is deceased. Moving forward, the Las Vegas

Metropolitan Police Department, which brought a swarm of law enforcement. That law enforcement response was massive.

They are going to get to work figuring out who this person is. Figuring out how this person procured their firearms. And attending to the victims of

the shooting. Further, we also know that the university medical center is on scene.

We are still learning more about, potentially, how many victims, the types of injuries and what the range of injuries might be. We simply do not have

the details on that yet. Many more questions to answer as this investigation unfolds.

What is going to make this go a lot faster is that this suspect is now deceased. So law enforcement can really get to work getting those

investigative threads going. Very quickly attending to those victims.

ASHER: When you think about the time of day with all of this, we got the first alert of this roughly around 3:00 Eastern time, 12 noon in Las Vegas,

Nevada. That would be Wednesday afternoon, 12 noon on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nevada, especially on a campus. That would be a really busy time.

You think about how many students who would probably be heading to lunch at that particular point in time. You talked about Beam Hall. As I understand,

that is a central location on this campus, where the business school is located.

As you point, out that is also right next to the student union. Talk to us a bit more about what the active investigation looks like at this point in


You touched on this a little bit but where exactly do investigators begin here?

WILD: So what investigators are going to try to do first is to determine this person's identity. That is going to allow them to develop quickly

search warrants, going to that person's home, search for additional information, additional evidence.

Again, it goes a lot faster when the situation is contained. Further, they are going to very quickly trying to trace those firearms and figure out

where they came from. So typically what happens in a mass shooting case like this is a firearms trace is expedited.

So law enforcement takes the serial number off of the firearm. They use federal law enforcement resources to try to trace the owner of the firearm.

How they do that is they basically work backwards from the manufacturer of the firearm to where the wholesaler distributor was, to where that firearm

was then transferred to a federal firearms dealer.

Then federal law enforcement goes to that firearms dealer to say, who did you tell this to?

That is how they can get that line of inquiry solidified. It is really important in this case to try to figure out how the person got the firearm.

Was it obtained legally?

Did someone purchase it with the intention of giving it to someone illegally?

Those are all of the questions that law enforcement is going to seek to answer. And then particularly when it comes to the firearm, the other

questions will be, what is the age of this person?

How does that work with the firearm laws locally and also federally?

So there are firearms laws that are generally circumstantial. Certain ages are allowed to possess certain types of firearms in certain scenarios.

These are all the questions that law enforcement will try to answer.

The search warrant will probably be the most revelatory. Sometimes what we see in these mass shootings are law enforcement goes to conduct a search

warrant at the shooter's home. They are able to get writings that describe the intention of the shooter, that lay out plans.

It really gives -- it can give a very detailed window into why the shooter committed this type of act, how they were able to do. it and further, how

long they had planned it. So there are a lot of questions that law enforcement is going to try to answer.

Another big question they are going to try to answer is, when was this firearm obtained by the shooter?

When did the crime happened?

They call that the time to crime. Quite often, what we see in these mass shooting incidents is shooters will obtain a firearm pretty quickly and

then commit this crime pretty quickly.

So the time to crime can, sometimes, be very short. Although we do not have many details about this case, again, these are all of the questions that

law enforcement will try to answer.

Finally, again, once they obtain the identity of that shooter, they will try to go to that person's family members, friends.


WILD: They are going to interview absolutely everybody they can to try to learn as much as they can about this case. Further, try to figure out if

anyone else committed any wrongdoing that might have a nexus to this crime and if there are further investigative threats there.

ASHER: I know you cannot see your air right now but just to put it into context, we are actually looking at live pictures from a local TV news

station in Las Vegas, Nevada. You can see emergency vehicles there.

As you were speaking, Whitney, we did see streams of what appeared to be students crossing the road. God knows how terrified they must be in all of


As I understand it, this university campus has about 31,000 students. It is a large campus. Talk to us about how hard it is to evacuate and move the

students out of all the different various buildings and locations on this campus just to ensure their safety.

WILD: It is a massive undertaking. That is why you saw such a robust law enforcement response. The fact that this was contained very quickly makes

it a lot easier. Rather than having to clear multiple rooms in multiple buildings, that area of this investigation is now complete.

Sometimes we see in these other mass shootings that this is not contained. So law enforcement is going into buildings. They do not know where the

shooter is. They are going room by room to try to clear that area. It can be painstaking. It is highly dangerous for law enforcement.

There are other mass shootings where we have seen shooters hide in buildings as law enforcement is attempting to clear it. And it presents a

real danger. That is not the case here. So that is going to make it a lot easier.

But it is so difficult to make sure all of these students understand that they are now safe and evacuate them. That is, again, why such a large law

enforcement response. The other thing is when you have a campus like this, the dynamics can be, I don't want to say overwhelming.

But the dynamics of this are something that law enforcement is trying to deal with, as well. So many questions. Again, many questions to answer. It

is a difficult process for law enforcement to make sure that all of the students know that they are safe and get them out of the areas so this

crime investigation can continue.

ASHER: Whitney, stand by. In the last few minutes, CNN affiliate Las Vegas actually spoke with some of the students who were involved in all of this

and caught up in all of this. I want to play what they said on our air right now and then we will talk on the other side.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: To be honest we were (INAUDIBLE) and in a barroom in the student union. And I did not hear much. But we got an alert. All text

messages at the same time.

They shut people -- they said they put the building in lockdown. They shut all the curtains. Everyone moved to one side of the room. After that, it

was a lot of waiting. Probably 20 minutes.

And then we got told to move all to one corner. And we heard a lot of yelling. That is where stuff started to get a little more hectic, not too

hectic, but I wouldn't say calm. But the youngest officers and then they came in, we all put our hands up. They escorted us out, all the way out

here where we are now. I, honestly, did not hear anything. I did see one glass that was shattered, looks like (INAUDIBLE).

QUESTION: Was there any worry, any concern for you?

What were your feelings?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There was a little nervousness. But for some reason, I did feel safe. I didn't hear anything, which kind of helped me. They said

it was in the building next door. I didn't hear anything.

Supposed to be multiple shots. I heard helicopters. (INAUDIBLE) feel better (INAUDIBLE).

QUESTION: How about yourself?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I thought the same exact way. I definitely heard screaming from next door. I thought it was something, but I think it was

just the cops coming into the student union.

We are located opposite the student union. We're just right next to the PEH building, which is where it all went down. But it was super scary hearing

that. We all, as a class, in the ballroom, we were so scared. I feel like we should've shut the lights off or something.

But we went in the corner, evacuated. And we wanted more because we just got these alerts and we were kind of scared. But you know, it all happened

so quick. And then we see through the window as we were leaving. It was scary, really scary.

QUESTION: During all that time, what is going through your mind when this is happening?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Going through my mind?

Honestly, I just was like, I need to get out of here. I feel like everyone should just -- I didn't want to stay in this classroom. I just wanted to,

you know, run from it all. And I was so scared. Something about it was just -- my heart was pounding, everything.

But when I saw the window, I was like, wow, this is actually happening. I was really scared.


ASHER: Students there at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, essentially recapping what happened today. There was an active shooter on campus. A lot

of students were frightened as you just heard there.

In terms of what we know so, far authorities are saying the suspected shooter at the University of Nevada/Las Vegas is now deceased, they are now

dead. Las Vegas Metro Police posted on state media about the suspect was located, that they were found and that essentially they were neutralized.

They are now deceased.


Dozens of emergency vehicles, as you can see here, have swarmed the area. We know that there are multiple victims. Multiple victims at this point in

time, again we don't know how many. But we know that people were told to shelter in place.

All right, that does it for this hour. The breaking news continues. I'm Zain Asher. "THE LEAD WITH JAKE TAPPER" starts right now.