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Quest Means Business

Trump Wins New Hampshire Primary, Haley Vows To Stay In Race; Russia Blames Ukraine For Downing Plane With 74 On Board; UN Agency: Mass Casualties After Gaza Shelter Hit. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired January 24, 2024 - 15:00   ET



ISA SOARES, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: The Dow has gone flat in the past hour, as you can see there. Those are the markets and these are the main events

for you: Trump scores a decisive win in New Hampshire. Sources tell CNN instead of celebrating, the former president is fixated on Nikki Haley's

refusal to drop out.

The CEO of Boeing faces questions from senators today in Washington, and China steps in to try to stop a market meltdown.

Live from London, it is Wednesday, January 24th. I'm Isa Soares, in for Richard Quest and of course, I too mean business.

Good evening, everyone.

Donald Trump is now tightening his grip on the Republican nomination after a big victory in New Hampshire last night. The former president won more

than 54 percent of the primary vote, compared to Nikki Haley's 43 percent. The two traded blows as you can imagine, after the contest was called. Have

a listen.


DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We won New Hampshire three times now, three.


TRUMP: She didn't win, she lost.

NIKKI HALEY (R), 2024 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: New Hampshire is first in the nation, it is not the last in the nation.


HALEY: This race is far from over. Now, we're the last one standing next to Donald Trump.

TRUMP: Who the hell was the impostor that went up on the stage before and like claimed a victory? She did very poorly, actually.

HALEY: The worst kept secret in politics is how badly the Democrats want to run against Donald Trump.


SOARES: Well, Nikki Haley says she is staying in the race as you heard her there, even though top Republicans are calling on the party to rally around


S.E. Cupp is in Darien, Connecticut and joins us now.

S.E., you're the perfect woman to talk us through exactly what's going on right now.

Clearly, as we outlined there, a significant win for Trump, but Haley says this is not over, she says it not fait accompli.

What path does her campaign then see at this point? At this juncture?

S.E. CUPP, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I think she wants to build on some momentum. And you know, politics is perception. And one perception is that

Donald Trump has got this locked up, right, he won the first two contests, another perception is that 49 percent of Republican voters in Iowa chose

someone else. Forty-three percent of voters in New Hampshire chose someone else.

To me, and I think Nikki Haley's theory of the case, that means the party is actually pretty divided, and in fact, not rallying and coalescing around

Trump completely. So I think what she is seeing is building on, you know, state after state, she doesn't have to win, she just has to remind voters

who are looking for a Trump alternative, that she's there and she is winning a lot of those voters. I think that's her theory of the case.

SOARES: We've got what? Thirty-so days, S.E., until South Carolina. I mean, what are the challenges for her you think, going in South Carolina and

having all those days or those weeks really leading up to that?

CUPP: Yes, it is a long time.


CUPP: You know, she's got to make money last. She's got to make interest and enthusiasm last, and she wants to avoid, again, a perception that she's

going to get embarrassed in South Carolina, right?

She was the governor there, however, that state votes more with Trump than with Nikki Haley's version of conservatism these days. So, look, a month is

a long time, it can be a blessing to have that much time before that primary, or it can be a fatal curse. We'll have to see.

SOARES: And let's look at New Hampshire, because, you know, Trump may have done well with the MAGA base as we saw, but he did pretty poorly, I'm not

sure whether we can say that, you tell me with Independents, with moderate.

CUPP: Yes.

SOARES: They came, you know, through for Haley roughly what three to one. We're looking at there, Haley 60 percent of Independents, Trumps with 38. I

mean, does that worry the Trump campaign at all, S.E.?

CUPP: I think it does. I mean, I think that's why he wants to clear the field and he is annoyed that Nikki is still in it because those numbers are

not good for Trump in a general election and he knows that.

I mean, going in to a primary, he can consolidate all the Republican votes, but in general, he will need Independents and moderates to come on board

and he is not getting them.


On the other hand, Joe Biden also wants to clear the field he In votes, but in a general, he will need Independents and moderates to come on board

and he is not getting them.

On the other hand, Joe Biden also wants to clear the field. He wants Trump to be the nominee for that exact reason, because he is a weaker candidate.

SOARES: Yes, on that point. I mean, clearly as we play there he was -- Trump was very frustrated that Haley is not throwing in the towel at this


There's an argument to be made, I think you just touched on that, that by prolonging the primary, Haley is just helping Biden at this point. Do you

buy that?

CUPP: She is, because every storyline out of any state where Trump isn't getting all the votes, and in fact, is really missing out on those

Independents and moderates is a bad story for Trump going into the general. Biden loves this.

I mean, you really have to look at the people who are saying, "This race is over." It's Joe Biden and Donald Trump because that storyline benefits Joe

Biden and Donald Trump. Nikki Haley isn't trying to play spoiler, I know she is trying to win the nomination, but she may in fact, in chasing the

nomination, end up playing spoiler to Donald Trump.

SOARES: Yes, let's see how far she can go. It's all about like you said, the momentum as well as the money.

S.E. Cupp, appreciate it. Thanks very much.

Nikki Haley says she is shifting her focus on next month's primary in her home state. South Carolina Republicans will head to the polls on February

24th. The Haley campaign is releasing new ads there. Have a look at this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Biden, too old. Trump, too much chaos. A rematch no one wants.

There's a better choice for a better America.

Her story started right here: America's youngest governor, a conservative Republican, and boy, did she deliver me.


SOARES: Well, the former South Carolina governor is facing though an uphill battle. The current governor has already endorsed Trump, along with the

state's two Republican senators, and recent polls have Trump in the lead.

Well, Gary Tuchman spoke with a group of South Carolina Republicans after last night's contest. He asked them whether Nikki Haley should stay in the

race. This is what they said.


JOHN KING, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Knowing you have a long way to, but this -- it is a moment of the places you need to fill in.

GARY TUCHMAN, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): We watched CNN's New Hampshire primary coverage with loyal Republicans from South Carolina --

what could be a crucial primary state.


TUCHMAN (voice over): Most of the people we watched with are planning to vote for Donald Trump. Nine of these 13 said they will vote for the former


TUCHMAN (on camera): Donald Trump made it clear in his speech he thinks this is over. Nikki Haley says she is continuing. Who thinks it's over? You

do? Tell me why?

RENATA DASILVA, SOUTH CAROLINA TRUMP SUPPORTER: Because the results that we got tonight, that was the answer for her. It's over.

TUCHMAN: What do you think?

MACKENZIE DAVIS, SOUTH CAROLINA TRUMP SUPPORTER: I agree. I do think that it's over. We'll see when South Carolina -- but I think that it's over.

TUCHMAN: Do you think Nikki Haley should stay in the race?

LARRY KOBROVSKY, REPUBLICAN CHARLESTON COUNTY COUNCIL MEMBER: I think it would be a very tough road for her. I think you look at our state, our

governor, and both our senators and five of our six congressmen all came out for Trump.

TUCHMAN (voice over): Two people on our panel are planning to vote for Nikki Haley.

SAMUEL RIVERS, SOUTH CAROLINA HALEY SUPPORTER: She said she's going to stay in the race and we'll see what she does. I think at the proper time

she'll make that decision. But right now, she's not at that position -- at that decision yet.

DICKIE SCHWEERS, SOUTH CAROLINA HALEY SUPPORTER: I think she should stay in the race, and I think she has come from behind in other races and I think

she has four weeks, I believe it is, to make some changes in her campaign. And I think she needs to really drive her message home to South Carolina


TUCHMAN (voice over): Notably, 12 of the 13 people in our group tell us they thought Nikki Haley was a good governor.

GRAHAM HORSMAN, SOUTH CAROLINA TRUMP SUPPORTER: Well, I think it's undeniable that Nikki Haley had a good track record as governor. But

President Trump had a good track record as president.

MAMIE RAND, SOUTH CAROLINA TRUMP SUPPORTER: I don't know if it's so much that she wouldn't do a good job at that, I just think she's the wrong

person for the job at this time.

TUCHMAN (on camera): Why is that? Why is that?

RAND: I just think Donald Trump has made a presence in our world. He has made hard decisions with other leaders all across the world.

TUCHMAN: It's a survey we've done in Iowa and a survey we did in New Hampshire. Is Donald Trump fit for the presidency if he's convicted of one

of these felonies against him? Raise your hand if you think he is fit for the presidency even if he's a convicted felon. High -- raise it higher so

we can see you.

Raise your hand if you don't he's fit for the presidency. All right.

SCHWEERS: I'll qualify that. I think he -- it would need to go through all the appeals right on up the ladder. And if he's still guilty, then I don't

think I would find him fit.

TUCHMAN (voice over): The South Carolina Republican primary is on February 24th.

Gary Tuchman, CNN, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.


SOARES: Well, one of the most prominent unions in the US has in the last hour just endorsed President Joe Biden's re-election campaign.

The United Auto Workers president, Shawn Fain says Mr. Biden has earned the endorsement. Fain also took a shot at Donald Trump saying he doesn't care

about the American worker.

Here's what Joe Biden said after getting the endorsement.



JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Wall Street didn't build America, the middle class built America, and unions built the middle class.


BIDEN: That's a fact.

Look, I kept my commitment to be the most pro-union president ever. I'm proud you have my back. Let me just say, I'm honored to have your back and

you have mine.

That's the deal.



SOARES: Of course, he was the first person to join the picket line, if you remember last year.

Let's go to all things Ukraine: Conflicting claims after a Russian military plane crashed near the Ukrainian border. Authorities say all 74 people on

board were killed. The cause is not yet clear.

Russian state media reported the plane was carrying dozens of Ukrainian servicemen set to be released in a prisoner swap. Russia's Foreign

Minister, Sergey Lavrov calls the incident a terrorist attack. Ukraine's military says the plane was carrying air defense missiles.

CNN has been unable to independently verify either of those claims.

I'm going to go to our chief global affairs correspondent, Matthew Chance.

And this is really, Matthew, a major incident. Are you getting more clarity as to how the plane came down? And who was on board here?

MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN CHIEF GLOBAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: Well, not really, except, look, I mean, this is an active war zone inside Russian air space,

inside Russian territory. There have been attacks by the Ukrainian forces in that area before. There's also been some visual evidence of the sort of

debris field with some of the metal panels from the aircraft scattered around that snowy field, sort of covered in shrapnel marks consistent with

the ordinance found in sort of anti-aircraft missiles.

So it looks like it could well have been as the Russians say, an attack by missiles that brought this aircraft down, although as I say the Ukrainians

have not commented on that. The other sort of unanswered question is that one you alluded to, which is what was the cargo? I mean, the Russians say

that this was a human cargo, 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war plus the air crew, of course, inside that aircraft.

The prisoners on their way to a prisoner exchange, they were being sent home. So that would be a massive tragedy if that's indeed the case, and

Ukraine basically killed prisoners of war from its own side.

The Ukrainians have -- initially, they poured some data, put some water on that, so they are tracing that basically, saying that their intelligence

suggested these are missiles, munitions that were onboard on route to the frontline. If that's the case, of course, it would be a very high profile

target for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to bring down, but the truth of the matter is, at this stage is still unclear -- Isa.

SOARES: And Russia, as we heard from Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was very quick, Matthew, to blame Ukraine, called it even a barbaric act of

terrorism from Lavrov. Have the Russians provided any evidence that it was Ukraine defense missile?

CHANCE: Not that I've seen, no, apart from that visual evidence, which I mentioned earlier. But look, I mean, as I say, this is a very active war

zone, and Ukraine, over the past several weeks, in particular, has been very active in striking at targets inside the Russian Federation, or close

to the border between Ukraine and Russia with, you know, quite a successful strategy, I think, of making sure that Russia and that Russians feel the

impact of this war.

You know, for much of this conflict, the impact, the pain, the suffering has exclusively been felt on one side, or at least seen on one side by the

civilian population.

With this change of tactics by the Ukrainians, that formula is starting to change and Russians are really increasingly, you know, seeing this all for

what it is, which is in a very brutal, long running now campaign.

SOARES: Yes, so many questions, clearly, a military dispute, but also an information war going on.

Matthew Chance, appreciate it. Thank you, Matthew.

And coming up right here on the show, UNRWA is reporting a mass casualty event in southern Gaza. Israel says its operations against terrorist

infrastructure will continue for several days.

We have the very latest news, that is next.



SOARES: The enjoy relief agency in Gaza is reporting mass casualties at a shelter housing tens of thousands of people.

UNRWA director, Thomas White said on X that the building near Khan Younis was ablaze and people were trapped. Israel said Wednesday it is pursuing

military targets in the city and that its operations will continue for several days.

I spoke to Tom White earlier about the attacks at UN its facilities. Have a listen.


THOMAS WHITE, UNRWA DIRECTOR: Yes, any sense that there is protection under a UN flag, you know, it is very clear that the Israeli army are not

respecting the obligations under international humanitarian law in terms of providing caution for locations where there are civilians.


SOARES: And Nic Robertson is in Tel Aviv with much more.

Nic, I spoke to him several hours ago. I wonder if there is an update of the situation on the ground because the concern, of course was that there

was no access to those who may have been injured. There is no access potentially to hospitals. What are you hearing?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes, no more details, and I think that does appear to be symptomatic of the situation in Gaza,

not just that the communications are difficult, but as the director have told you earlier, he couldn't get his ambulance staff to the site of this

incident because the road was blocked by a sand berm, presumably, he was implying that this was a sand berm put there by the IDF as part of their

military operations. That's normal practice in these situations, but that was blocking their route.

He said on a route that had previously been agreed by the IDF that could be used.

The situation that he is describing as well appears to prevent or make incredibly difficult the ability to get any of those injured people from

the UN facility to the nearby Al Nasr hospital, 150,000 people he said in that particular area of the western part of Khan Younis are affected by

this ongoing, intense military operation there.

There are tank and infantry near the hospital reported by the doctors there, and also eyewitnesses there within that UN displaced persons

location, also saying that they're seeing tanks outside of there.

So the situation appears to be unsafe in the extreme, and the fact that we don't have fresh information about the number of casualties, about what may

be happening, if the fires had been put out. They were having trouble not able to get the fire service in there because of the restrictions on

access, all of that makes it difficult to get more up-to-date information - - Isa.

SOARES: And we've seen the IDF focus on the area around Khan Younis in the last several days, Nic, what are they saying?

ROBERTSON: They are saying that they've surrounded Khan Younis. They have increased the tempo of their operations in the west of Khan Younis.


They've advised people in that western area where the hospital is, where this UN training facility, where this incident took place today, their

strike took place by the two tanks hitting the building with displaced people in it.

The IDF has issued an instruction for people living in that area, in Blocks 107, I think it is to 112 which include the hospital, which include this

UNRWA facility to move further west towards the coast. But those are the instructions given. The people on the ground don't see a way to do that as

described by the UNRWA director.

But the IDF is saying that it is targeting terror cells, that it is able to neutralize some of those terror cells and that it is finding caches of

weapons, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition, automatic weapons, explosives, all of these sorts of things are things that they've been

discovering in their ongoing operations across Gaza.

It's not clear how much longer the operation in the west of Khan Younis will go on, but the tempo at the moment, according to the UN and

eyewitnesses on the ground is putting the civilians there in danger.

SOARES: Yes, very dire humanitarian picture that we've heard from UNRWA today.

Nic, appreciate it. Thank you very much.

Well, the CEO of Boeing is meeting today with US senators on Capitol Hill as the company faces mounting concerns over its quality control.

Dave Calhoun told reporters that Boeing doesn't supply planes without full confidence in their safety. US regulators grounded, if you'll remember, the

737 Max 9 after a door plug blew out of its fuselage during an Alaska Airlines flight.

Alaska's chief executive told NBC News that follow up inspections revealed problems. Have a listen.


BEN MINICUCCI, CEO, ALASKA AIRLINES: We found, you know, some loose bolts on many of our Max 9s.


MINICUCCI: Yes, so those are things that are going to be rectified through the inspection process.

Boeing is better than this and Flight 1282 should never have happened.


SOARES: I want to bring in CNN legal analyst, Mary Schiavo, a well-known face here on the show. She works for the Motley Rice law firm and has

ongoing litigation against Boeing.

Mary, great to have you on the show. What do you think, Mary, first of all, senators want to get out of Boeing? What are they looking for here?

MARY SCHIAVO, CNN AVIATION ANALYST: Well, Senators obviously have oversight over the Federal Aviation and the Department of Transportation and even my

old office, the Office of Inspector General, and so they want to know if there is something that they should be doing, if the FAA has good oversight

over Boeing, if Transportation should look at additional regulations, et cetera.

And remember, Boeing is under what's called a "deferred prosecution agreement" because of their crashes of the Max 8 aircraft, and under that

agreement, they agreed not to basically commit any other offenses that would fall under this plea bargain deal, if you will. It's not quite the

same thing as a plea bargain.

So Boeing has a lot of pressures on it and remember, the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives has oversight over

these government agencies that are supposed to be watching Boeing.

SOARES: Yes, looking at pressures, but also looking for assurances. How much confidence, Mary, is being or has been eroded for Boeing? How much

damage is this causing the brand, do you think?

SCHIAVO: Well, it has caused a lot of damage. We can judge that by the fact that the United States Federal Aviation Administration actually switched --

announced that it was switching the way it oversees Boeing. It is going for what it calls an audit mode. In other words, it just looks at what Boeing

does to oversee its quality control to an actual hands-on.

They dispatched a couple dozen additional FAA inspectors out there to actually look at the lines, look at what's going on, look at Boeing's

quality control. Really, you know, that's an unusual move for the Federal Aviation Administration. When they do that to an airline, it is called a

Special Emphasis Program, and it means that the FAA has some real concerns.

So we kind of don't have to guess how much trouble Boeing is in when the Federal Aviation Administration sends 24, a couple dozen people out, they

are concerned.


SCHIAVO: And I think given the word from the airlines, they're very concerned, too. So it's bad news for Boeing, but they still have a chance

to turn it around.

SOARES: Indeed, and on the FAA that you were saying, the administrators. I mean, they said they were looking at potential production problems.

I want to play this little clip and we can talk after. Have a listen to this.


MICHAEL WHITAKER, FAA ADMINISTRATOR: We know this particular design has been in many other aircraft that are not the Max, that have meant millions

of hours of operation. So, there is a fair amount of comfort around the design and everything that we are seeing is confirming that.

So it really takes us to production, manufacturing, maintenance -- those types of issues and ensuring that the pieces are where they need to be, and

that all the bolts are in place.


SOARES: That is kind of concerning. A similar thing that we had from Alaska, right, Mary? Alaska CEO saying that many loose bolts were found. I

mean, how long is this going to take?


SCHIAVO: Well, yes, all together, you know, each aircraft, it is only a few hours for inspection, but they keep finding more and more.

Remember, the first model was the Max 9, now, they have added on to that another model, the Neo. There are about 490 of those aircrafts, although

probably, almost a hundred of them don't have this particular kind of door, so that has now upped the number of planes that have to be inspected, and

an increase in the number of airlines that operate these two models of aircraft.

So all told, you know, there is a real disruption that's being felt by some of these airlines in the airline services, and the airlines are complaining

and some have even voiced skepticism that they might have to be making changes in their orders in the future, or at least they've hinted at that.

And so that's a big problem for Boeing, because you know, the planes that they booked today will be delivered a couple years in the future, and they

are always looking over their shoulder, of course, the competition with Airbus.

SOARES: Of course.

SCHIAVO: So this is a serious problem that they have to get worked out just to keep their place in the industry.

SOARES: So potentially, good design, but badly executed or not installed properly. Has this got anything to do or could be tied to any sort of cost

cutting here, Mary?

SCHIAVO: Well, that is the question that so many people are debating. I mean, I participate in a lot of pilot chat rooms and other chat rooms and

everybody is saying, was it the price competition that Airbus that caused this or was Boeing's outsourcing the problem? They outsource so much of

their supply line, and you know, and they rely on the parts arriving to just do their assembly?

I mean, there are so many theories as to why this quality control issue has happened, but you know, you go back to the hearings that the government --

the United States government had after the crash of the two, Max 8s, and a lot of the testimony that came out, it was just cutting all sorts of

corners, cutting inspection corners, working on price taking and price issues. Some safety, for example, a warning light was an extra charge that

the airline had to order.

So there are just so many things that go into this stew of bad quality control, and I think that's why the FAA sent out all of these additional


SOARES: Mary Schiavo, always wonderful to speak to you and get your insight.

Thank you, Mary.

And this just in to CNN: the US Supreme Court declined to stop an execution in Alabama using nitrogen gas in Maine. Kenneth Smith will be the first

person put to death with this method in the United States. The state is planning to execute him later this week. It will be the state's second

attempt to execute Smith following a failed lethal injection execution in 2022.

Smith was sentenced to death for his role in the murder in 1988.

Well, AI is already one of the hottest buzzwords in business, and workers are taking note. We'll have the CEO of Coursera on next to talk about how

their AI courses are more popular than ever. That is next.



SOARES: Welcome back, everyone.

Chinese officials are trying to restore investor confidence and made a stock market route. The country's Central Bank announced measures to boost


Markets in Hong Kong and Shanghai, as you can see, they are all lower for the month. The Hang Seng Index was down as much as 11 percent before rumors

of today's move gave it a bit of a boost.

Anna Stewart gives us the very latest.

ANNA STEWART, CNN REPORTER: $6 trillion has been wiped off the value of stocks in China and Hong Kong over the last three years. And the Chinese

stock market didn't get off to a good start in 2024.

The Shanghai Composite and Hong Kong's Hang Seng lost further ground in the first few weeks of January. But perhaps this is the week that we'll see the

beginning of a turnaround.

Beijing has made a number of announcements to bolster confidence in its financial markets and attract foreign investors. It was enough to cheer

Chinese equities over the last couple of days, but a bigger and more consistent policy shift may be needed to have an impact on investor

confidence longer term.

China's economy faces myriad issues from the ongoing real estate crisis, the risks of deflation, high debt levels, and an ever shrinking workforce -

- Isa.

SOARES: Thank you very much, Anna Stewart there.

Well, the German software giant, SAP, one of Europe's most valuable company says it is restructuring to focus on AI. The company plan to spend more

than $2 billion on that transformation, and that includes either buyout or retraining for 8,000 workers. The shift affects about seven percent of

SAP's global workforce. The company says it plans to end 2024 with a similar headcount to what it has now.

Well, learning AI skills is becoming increasingly popular. Coursera, the open online learning platform says its AI courses attracted a new user

every minute in 2023, on average.

The company has more than 800 courses on AI. Last year saw nearly seven- and-a-half million enrollments. Coursera is also putting their technology to use. It gives every student on its platform access to an AI powered

tutor. I love this already.

Jeff Maggioncalda is the CEO of Coursera. He joins me now from San Francisco.

Jeff, great to see you. Welcome to the show.

I mean, seven million enrollments. This is pretty surprising. How many of these, Jeff, are AI courses? Just break it down for us.

JEFF MAGGIONCALDA, CEO, COURSERA: Well, we're seeing a huge demand for AI courses for sure, but generally, people are seeing new opportunities. We're

seeing probably 25 percent of all the enrollments in AI courses like you said, one per minute, but 70 percent of the enrollments on Coursera on the

consumer side right now are actually for career advancement.

The top three jobs where we're seeing people take these professional certificates are to become a data analyst, to become a cybersecurity

analyst, and to become a project manager, and now at the course level, lots of interest in generative AI courses.


SOARES: And that's at the top three or the bottom three courses in demand? Give me some of the lighter courses that you're offering.

MAGGIONCALDA: Well, okay, so we have some that people really love that aren't necessarily the more technical ones. The science of Wellbeing --

SOARES: I love it.

MAGGIONCALDA: Finding Purpose of Living in Your Life, Parenting Your Children. There's one from Stanford on nutrition. So there's a mix of

technical and non-technical.

SOARES: I need one on parenting, Jeff, really. Parenting Your Children. This is important.

MAGGIONCALDA: It's one of the favorites. That one is from Yale.

SOARES: It's fantastic. But look, I think this is on a serious matter. You are preparing here CEOs, business leaders, critically the challenges they

face ahead and we are not talking here, correct me if I'm wrong, we're not just talking reading material. How hands on is this?

MAGGIONCALDA: Yes, well, so we're seeing a lot of demand, as you said for learning and skills. BCG just did report on January 11, ninety percent of

executive said that generative AI transformation, just like your segment on SAP is the number one or number two or number three priority, and the

number one thing that they're looking for are skills.

When we talk about hands on, this is critical not only for individual people in the frontline jobs, but also for executives. Actually being able

to go in and use these tools in safe, secure private environments, where you can apply this new technology to help you do your job, whether you're a

project manager or whether you're a CEO, and I just created a course for CEOs on generative AI, going hands on is essential. Almost all of these

courses have hands on projects.

SOARES: And I'm sure this is something our viewers would want to know critically. How much Jeff, will these courses help with employment? I mean,

what's your value after taking a degree like this one?

MAGGIONCALDA: Yes, you know what we see, these are open courses and it depends on what you're taking. I'd say one of the most popular generative

AI courses is actually from Vanderbilt University. It's a four-course series that teach you how to become a prompt engineer, which is sort of a

new job that just came out.

But for those professional certificates, when we interview people who finish those professional certificates, over 70 percent of the people who

finish them say this has helped to advance my career. Now, that's the people really taking those job training certificates. So we have about 50

of those professional certificates on Coursera.

SOARES: Jeff Maggioncalda, I really appreciate you taking time to speak to us. Thanks, Jeff.

Well, even the insurance world is getting in on AI, the CEO or one of the biggest players, Allianz spoke to Richard Quest at Davos last week. He says

AI could revolutionize his industry. Have a listen.


OLIVER BATE, CEO, ALLIANZ: So we have seen that for many years, because of the way it has helped us to make better decisions. Give me an example,

fraud detection, right? So machines have been for a long time very good at analyzing huge amounts of data.

So when you think about AI revolution now, what has changed? One, we've had increasing amounts of data for a long time, and we've had increasing

amounts of crunching capacity now coming. So that has already proved. So we are very good at predicting fraud now and certain things.

What has changed with the large language models, particularly for our industry, that you can now analyze and process so-called unstructured data.

So e-mails we receive, letters we receive, calls -- so you get to a totally different level of ability to analyze data and to structure it and it will

have huge implications for industry, particularly around productivity, getting nonsensical things out of the system.

RICHARD QUEST, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: All right, as a society. Society now, where are we on this? How prepared are we for AI in all its


BATE: I think it's very different by country. If I talk a little bit about Europe. In terms of regulation, we are there. But in terms of preparedness,

we're probably here.

QUEST: And you like all of those words?

BATE: I like all of those words, depending on how you interpret them. What would you be worried about? Given the industry I'm in, I would be worried

about ethics, because machines do amplify biases. So something to really get under control is making sure that the machines do not get even more

biased because it gives you an analytical outcome, but not a better human one.

And the other one is something that's not on the list, but maybe under polarization is the creation of oligopolies, which we already have in the

tech sphere where you have companies that control the planet literally, literally. Yes. And that is something as a society, we should start to

worry about.


SOARES: I just learnt the new word then that does it for me.

Thank you very much for your company. QUEST MEANS BUSINESS will be back at the top of the hour as we make a dash for the closing bell.

Up next, Marketplace Europe.



SOARES: Hello I'm Isa Soares.

It is dash to the closing bell and we are what -- just two minutes or so away.

Netflix shares have surged on record subscriber growth. They are set to close nearly 12 percent, well, 11 percent higher, I should say. The company

says it added more than 13 million new subscribers in the past quarter blowing past estimates.

The Dow is set to finish flat after an afternoon selloff a quarter a percent down as you see. The S&P 500 is set to close at a fresh record


S&P up, well, flat, green arrows, but pretty much flat, the same thing with the NASDAQ.

Earlier I spoke to Coursera CEO, Jeff Maggioncalda who shared the importance of hands on learning.


MAGGIONCALDA: When we talk about hands on, this is critical, not only for individual people in the frontline jobs, but also for executives.

Actually being able to go in and use these tools in safe, secure, private environments where you can apply this new technology to help you do your

job, going hands on is essential.


SOARES: Jeff Maggioncalda speaking to me earlier.

Let's look at the Dow components for you right now. Boeing sits as you can see top of the leaderboard up one and a quarter percent on a day where its

CEO, if you remember my conversation earlier, went to Capitol Hill to discuss safety concerns.

We've seen some solid day for tech stocks, too. As you can see there, Microsoft also in the green up almost one percent. Microsoft, Intel, IBM,

and Salesforce all in fact, well, the Salesforce is in the green, but just barely.

Verizon is at the bottom. It has gone too quickly. You need only to trust me.

And that is your dash to the bell. I'm Isa Soares, the closing bell is ringing on Wall Street.

"The Lead" with Jake Tapper starts right now.