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Showbiz Tonight

Celebs, Activists Hold Antiwar Concert; Comedy Movie Looks at Tobacco Lobbying

Aired March 21, 2006 - 19:00   ET


A.J. HAMMER, CO-HOST: I`m A.J. Hammer in New York City.
BROOKE ANDERSON, CO-HOST: And I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood. TV`s only live entertainment news show starts right now.


HAMMER (voice-over): On SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, they`re "oh, so cute," but can be "oh, so annoying." They`re other people`s kids, and do you hate them, too? Tonight, the woman who got so fed up with other people`s kids, she wrote a book. And called it "I Hate Other People`s Kids", just so you`d get the point. Tonight the kid-hater is here live as SHOWBIZ TONIGHT asks, do you also hate other people`s kids?

Speaking and singing out against the war in Iraq. Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is there as anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan gets some historic help from big-time celebrities.

Plus, the A-list star who revealed to us that she may play Sheehan in a movie.

Also, thanks for smoking. Tonight, the controversial new film about the tobacco industry. It`s got people fired up, but does it send the right message about lighting up?

AARON ECKHART, ACTOR: It`s in our best interests to keep Robin alive and smoking.

HAMMER: "Thank You for Smoking`s" star Aaron Eckhart live, in the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

BROOKE SHIELDS, ACTRESS: Hi, I`m Brooke Shields. If it happened tonight, it`s on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


ANDERSON: Hello, I`m Brooke Anderson, live in Hollywood.

HAMMER: I`m A.J. Hammer live in New York City.

From Kenny Rogers live to the woman who wrote the book, "I Hate Other People`s Kids". That`s right, the title of the book: "I Hate Other People`s Kids."

Our show absolutely jam-packed tonight.

ANDERSON: It certainly is.

HAMMER: That`s all coming up in just a bit. Up first, we have to begin with the one subject that truly gets everybody riled up these days. Of course I`m talking about the war in Iraq.

ANDERSON: That`s right, A.J. Because once again, Hollywood is in the thick of it, including a star-studded anti-war concert SHOWBIZ TONIGHT went to, and we want to share it with you. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`s Sibila Vargas is here with me in Hollywood for the very latest -- Sibila.

SIBILA VARGAS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hollywood`s anti-war drum beat beats louder and louder. And banging the drum, some of the biggest names. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT was there at the controversial "Bring Them Home Now" benefit concert in New York. It all came in a week of the third anniversary of the war in Iraq, where everyone is trying to be heard.


GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: As we mark the third anniversary of the launch of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the success we`re seeing in Talafar gives me confidence in the future of Iraq.

VARGAS (voice-over): While president Bush is using the anniversary of the war to remind Americans why he thinks the U.S. should stay the course in Iraq...

MICHAEL STIPE, MUSICIAN (singing): I don`t know anymore what it`s for.

VARGAS: ... an entire chorus of anti-war voices gathered for the "Bring Them Home" concert in New York City. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT was there as Michael Stipe performed without his REM band mates.

STIPE: We have to do this kind of thing more often, protests.

VARGAS: Former techno god Moby traded in his turntable for a simple guitar, in keeping with the old-school protest song vibe. Moby says it`s all in his blood.

MOBY, MUSICIAN: I was raised by peace activists. And one of my earliest memories was marching against the Vietnam War.

SUSAN SARANDON, ACTRESS: I feel a little bit Debbie Downer now because I`m going to talk about something serious.

VARGAS: Oscar winner and war critic Susan Sarandon brought some A- list star power and a somber message about the nightmare of war.

SARANDON: Thousands and thousands of mothers in the United States and in Iraq have known what this nightmare is.

VARGAS: Backstage, she broke some news to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT about her possible next role. She`s in talks to play famous anti-war activist, Cindy Sheehan, in the movies.

SARANDON: It`s a big responsibility, like "Dead Man Walking" was, when you attack something that -- a project that has real people and consequences involved. So we`re going cautiously. But I am really flattered that they thought of me.

Please join me in welcoming Cindy Sheehan.

VARGAS: Sarandon introduced Sheehan at the concert. Sheehan told SHOWBIZ TONIGHT she can`t think of a better person to play her.

CINDY SHEEHAN, ANTIWAR ACTIVIST: Her and her family have always been for social justice issues and peace, and to have somebody who is so, you know, on the same page and a mother, you know, a mother and a good mother who, you know, wants to play me, you know, it`s an honor.

VARGAS: Sheehan`s story might make a compelling movie. Ever since her son Casey was killed in the war in Iraq, she has become one of the nation`s most outspoken and controversial anti-war figures.

SHEEHAN: My son was killed in Iraq.

VARGAS: At the "Bring Them Home" concert Sheehan said working alongside stars like Michael Stipe brings back memories of her son.

SHEEHAN: He loved REM. That was the last thing we did together. It`s really hard for me. It brings back a lot of memories.

VARGAS: Ironically, the sacrifices of people like Sheehan were mentioned by President Bush at his press conference today.

BUSH: If I didn`t believe we could succeed, I wouldn`t be there. I wouldn`t put those kids there. It`s -- I meet with too many families who have lost a loved one. To not be able to look them in the eye and say we`re doing the right thing, and we are doing the right thing.

VARGAS: But as Sarandon told SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, some people have a different view of what the right thing is.

SARANDON: I think it`s pretty clear that things have unraveled, and I think it`s pretty clear that our presence just makes them unravel more.

VARGAS: For now it looks like pro-war voices will continue to make their case while the anti-war voices will continue to sing theirs.



VARGAS: As you saw, Suzanne Sarandon was very critical of President Bush at last night`s "Bring Them Home Now" show.

Today she`s making headlines by turning on a target that you may not expect: Hillary Clinton. In "More" magazine out today, Sarandon calls Senator Clinton a, quote, "great disappointment." The actress goes on to say that she`s bothered by the senator`s shift to the center, not to mention Clinton`s vote to authorize the Iraq war. So some tough words by Susan Sarandon.

Brooke, back to you.

ANDERSON: Very tough words. Sibila, thank you so much. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`s Sibila Vargas, live here in Hollywood.

HAMMER: Well, now we want to talk to you about a movie that touches on a very hot button topic: smoking and the message sent by cigarette companies.

"Thank you for Smoking" is the name of the film. It`s a satire all about the tobacco lobbyists and the art of spin control in Washington. It has a lot of people fired up.

Well, Aaron Eckhart is one of the stars of the film. He plays an unapologetic spokesman for big tobacco. Joining me live here in New York for a "SHOWBIZ Newsmaker" interview.

Aaron, thank you for dropping by SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

AARON ECKHART, ACTOR: You`re welcome. Thanks for having me.

HAMMER: So you do play this big tobacco lobbyist. That`s your job, is to get people to keep smoking, quite honestly, and what the movie really shows is how lobbyists twist the truth to manipulate people`s opinions.

When you were sort of studying in on this role and realizing, of course, it`s a satire, but what did you learn about how lobbyists work that really startled you?

ECKHART: Well, that, that they -- you know, they`re working for a living, and whether they believe in their product or not, they go to manipulate things their way. So you know, tobacco, alcohol, fire arms, whatever it is in Washington, there`s a lot of money behind these guys. They`re passionate about what they do, and they find the most unique ways to spin their products.

HAMMER: Yes, the spin is the biggest part of the game, isn`t it?


HAMMER: They can make anything seem like...

ECKHART: Yes. It`s all perception. It`s all show business.

HAMMER: They make you believe -- they make you believe exactly what they want you to believe. And we have a clip that really personifies your character and basically the kind of sleazeball that he is. You pay a visit to a class of young kids. Let`s take a look at Aaron Eckhart in "Thank You for Smoking."


ECKHART: How many of you want to be lawyers when you grow up? Right. How about movie stars? How about lobbyists?


ECKHART: It`s kind of like being a movie star. It`s what I do. I talk for a living.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you talk about?

ECKHART: I speak on behalf of cigarettes.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My mommy smokes. She says cigarettes kill.

ECKHART: Really? Now is your mommy a doctor?


ECKHART: Scientific researcher of some kind?


ECKHART: She doesn`t exactly sound like a credible expert now, does she?


HAMMER: You make a good point. Is that really going on, though?

ECKHART: I don`t know.

HAMMER: I mean, was that drawn from real life, that the lobbyists are showing up trying to get the, you know, second graders or whatever they are to smoke?

ECKHART: I think it`s just really good writing. The script came to me, just fantastic. Jason Reitman did an excellent adaptation of Christopher Buckley -- Christopher Buckley`s novel. I don`t know if that actually happens.

HAMMER: Well, one of the things that does happen in the course of the film is your character, who is this tobacco lobbyist and, you know, typically somebody fighting for the rights of tobacco, would be seen as a villain but you`re really seen almost in a heroic way.


HAMMER: You`re sort of a sympathetic villain. Is sort of the deal there that, you know, we all have vices, whether it`s alcohol, or tobacco, or food, and you are basically out there fighting for the right for us to have our vices. Is that why you`re being seen?

ECKHART: Well, if that was going to help you smoke, I guess my character would spin it that way. I think that his whole argument is that look, smoking`s not illegal. You have to protect the rights of smokers because you would disappoint millions of people if you took away their cigarettes.

And tobacco lobbying is not illegal. So it`s perfectly -- we`re within our rights to lobby for cigarettes.

Morally that`s a whole different issue. I don`t think my character operates on an ethical or moral -- or moral basis. He`s just doing his job. And he`ll speak for any lobbying association. It doesn`t have to be cigarettes. It can be you know, pancakes or Cheerios. It doesn`t matter as long as he gets paid.

HAMMER: Well, clearly it`s striking a chord with people. You had a very successful opening weekend this past weekend. It`s in limited release now, but based on that, it still did huge numbers. It`s been very successful around the country. I know they`ve been taking it to college campuses.

And I was sort of wondering if the sort of attack on political correctness that this film somewhat represents is what you find is striking a chord with folks.

ECKHART: I don`t know. I think that, from what I`ve heard, Jason Reitman has been going around to colleges, and that particular chord has -- is being struck.

I think the great thing about this movie is that it doesn`t choose sides. You know, Bill Macy plays a senator who`s against tobacco. Everybody in this picture is kind of awkward, funny. There`s some heroic in their views. So I think we can all go to this movie and feel good.

The main point of this movie is to laugh. It`s a comedy.

HAMMER: Right.

ECKHART: And luckily, I think it`s funny. And hopefully, other people will, too.

HAMMER: Funny and still has people fired up all the same. Aaron Eckhart, thank you very much for dropping by.

ECKHART: Thanks for having me.

HAMMER: Appreciate it. As I mentioned, "Thank You for Smoking" now in limited release, New York, L.A. and Washington, D.C. But it will go nation-wide on April 7.

ANDERSON: Here is the story of a lovely lady who`s getting to play mom again. You all know "The Brady Bunch`s" Carol Brady. Florence Henderson live, in the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. That`s next.

Plus, we`ve also got this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I like other people`s kids. I just don`t have any so I can`t understand.


HAMMER: Well, we have someone who just can`t stand kids. She even wrote a book called, well, what else, "I Hate Other People`s Kids." The kid-hater herself will join us live. That`s coming up.

ANDERSON: And cats on tape. The "you`re not going to believe it" video of a flying feline who survived an 80-foot fall. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT has that next.

HAMMER: First here comes tonight`s "`Entertainment Weekly` Great American Pop Culture Quiz." What company does Peter Gibbons work for in Mike Judge`s 1999 comedy, "Office Space"? Was it Initech, Intel, TechTel or Boeing? We are coming straight back with the answer.


HAMMER: So once again, tonight`s "`Entertainment Weekly` Great American Pop Culture Quiz." What company does Peter Gibbons work for in Mike Judge`s 1999 comedy, "Office Space"? Such a good movie. Was it Initech, Intel, TechTel or Boeing? Well, Ron Livingston plays Peter Gibbons, who works for A, Initech.

ANDERSON: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood, and you`re watching TV`s only live entertainment news show.

OK, so hey, A.J., did you see this, this absolutely incredible video? A cat in South Carolina survives an 80-foot fall, and it`s all "cat" on tape.

HAMMER: Yes. People who know me know I`m such a wuss when it comes to animals. So as soon as I saw that a cat was falling from a tree, I turned away.

ANDERSON: You had to turn away. Well, let`s show our viewers at home. OK, let`s take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! OK, OK, OK, OK, she`s down. Take a look.


ANDERSON: The cat, named Piper, ran up the tree, wouldn`t come down for eight days. Yes, eight days. As rescuers tried to coax the kitty down, she fell, landed on her back, but she suffered no apparent serious injuries.

Except for the fact that she probably lost a couple of her nine lives, A.J. And I thought cats were usually supposed to land on their feet, but Piper was probably, what, so famished, so dehydrated, just wiped out. She didn`t have the energy.

HAMMER: I`m feeling very uncomfortable about all of this right now. But may I move to something else?

ANDERSON: She`s OK. Move on.

HAMMER: OK. It`s actually something that could "Trump" your flying feline.

ANDERSON: Oh, really?

HAMMER: We were talking about yesterday the fact that Donald Trump is now a proud father once again, his fifth child. "The Apprentice" star Melania`s wife gave birth to his fifth kid, Barron William Trump in New York yesterday.

So look at the cover of the "The New York Post" today. Now, it says "You`re Sired", as you can see, Trump famous for his line, "You`re fired."

ANDERSON: Look at that hair.

HAMMER: And oh, yes, I can`t cover up the hair here. See, now I was joking yesterday, saying we don`t yet know if the kid actually has Donald`s hair but now I guess we`ve learned the truth.

ANDERSON: Donald`s hair looks like Melania`s eyes. The kid had the comb-over at birth. Pretty amusing image.

HAMMER: Let us now move from new dad who happens to be a TV star to TV`s favorite mom. I could be talking about none other than Florence Henderson. We know her all as Carol Brady from "The Brady Bunch".

Of course, these days instead of taking on a house full of kids, she is playing therapist to a house full of grown-up celebrities on VH1`s sixth season of "The Surreal Life."

In our "SHOWBIZ Sitdown", Florence Henderson, welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

FLORENCE HENDERSON, ACTRESS: A.J., it`s so nice to see you.

HAMMER: What do you make of this?

HENDERSON: I`m sorry. I laughed out loud. My goodness, wouldn`t that be awful if that baby does have hair like that?

HAMMER: Oh, it`s terrible for Donald. I mean, how do you think the little kid is going to feel?

HENDERSON: That is kind of funny. But you know, it doesn`t deter Donald. He still wears his hair that way.

HAMMER: Yes. You know, it`s just going to be with him forever.

HENDERSON: With all that money.

HAMMER: Just like you`re always going to be a TV mom. It seems there`s no escaping it. And for "The Surreal Life" now, you`re a mom of sorts, sort of a surrogate mom to these crazy celebrities who are all living together, including Sherman Helmsley. You are now providing guidance to Mr. Jefferson?

HENDERSON: Yes, I did. You know what was interesting, when he came to the house -- and by the way, I don`t sleep with them. I mean, I don`t...

HAMMER: Literally? Figuratively?

HENDERSON: I don`t sleep in the house.

HAMMER: We want to be clear. Didn`t know if we were making headlines.

HENDERSON: No, absolutely I come in every day. I`m sort of the therapist, advisor, house mother.

And Sherman, when he came in -- I`ve known Sherman a long time -- he had no confidence. He was just always kind of laid-back and not saying anything. So my goal was to really get him charged up and become more confident, and it worked.

HAMMER: You accomplished it. You were responsible for the fact that Sherman is now a more confident person at this stage of his life.

HENDERSON: Absolutely. I helped, A.J.

HAMMER: I need all the help I can get.

HENDERSON: C.C. -- C.C. Deville.

HAMMER: Of course, from the music group that people may remember, Poison.

I actually want to ask you, because certainly this shows you`ve come along way from the six wholesome kids you were in "The Brady Bunch" household with, you`re actually in the house with a transsexual.


HAMMER: I understand you got sensitivity training there.

HENDERSON: Alexis Arquette. Well, it`s interesting because I was told that she likes to be addressed as "she", and her sister, Roseanne, is doing a documentary about this, and about the sex change and everything. But you know, it slips out sometimes, the "he."

HAMMER: So you called her a he?

HENDERSON: Yes. And so I said, "Well, Alexis, it can be very confusing." I said, "You do still have a penis, don`t you?"

And he said well, "Well, yes."

I said, "Well, see?"

HAMMER: So you -- there was a reasoning behind the fact that you called her a he.

HENDERSON: Exactly. But you will love Alexis on this show.

HAMMER: Looking forward to it.

HENDERSON: What a brave, courageous, smart woman. I did say to Alexis, I said, "If you think being a woman is going to be any easier than being a man you`ve got another think coming."

HAMMER: Great advice for everybody. You actually came to this reality show because of a brief appearance you made on another reality show which featured Christopher Knight, of course, Peter Brady.


HAMMER: It was -- the name of that show was "My Fair Brady."

HENDERSON: He called me one day and said he was having a relationship with a model that was on "The Surreal Life" with him, and they were having some problems. Would I come in and counsel them? Because you know, I`m a hypnotherapist.

So I said, "All right, Chris." I am like his mother. So I went there and I counseled them for about three hours. And you know, I said, "Adrianne, you need to get your own place. You need to get a job. You need to get your own car."

They didn`t follow my advice, as most children don`t, but VH1 loved what they saw and they said, "Would you come on and kind of counsel these people?"

HAMMER: Excellent.

HENDERSON: So I came in every day. I came to the asylum...

HAMMER: You used your counseling experience. Are you actually in a practice now with the hypnotherapy?

HENDERSON: No, I don`t. I do it on a very limited basis. Mostly I work with terminally ill cancer patients or patients that are going through tough treatments, chemo, radiation, that sort of thing.

HAMMER: We`re happy to have you back on television on a regular basis, Florence. Come by any time.

HENDERSON: A.J., you`re great. Thank you.

HAMMER: You can catch Florence Henderson in "The Surreal Life 6". It`s the sixth season. Sundays on VH1.

ANDERSON: Legendary country star Kenny Rogers is back with a solo album. And you`ll hear all about it from Kenny himself live on the interview you will see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

HAMMER: Also one of the most talked-about movies ever is just weeks away from hitting the theaters. We`ve got the first look at the "Da Vinci Code" trailer.

Plus we`ve also got this.

HAMMER: Out of control kids.

ANDERSON: Out of control kids. Tonight, we will introduce you to a woman so fed up with other people`s kids, she where a book about it and called it "I Hate Other People`s Kids." The kid-hater herself, Adrianne Frost, is live tonight.

So what do you out there think? Are you fed up with noisy kids in movies, on the airplanes? Do you hate other people`s kids? It is our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day. A new book says "I Hate Other People`s Kids." So do you agree? Vote at CNN.COM/ShowbizTonight. Send us e-mails: We will read some of your thoughts later on in the show. Stay with us.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stand by to break. And stay tuned for a look inside Roseanne Arquette`s house. Roll the break.


HAMMER: Coming up tomorrow, it still hasn`t hit theaters yet, but "The Da Vinci Code" has been causing a bit controversy for months now, because some think it blurs fact with fiction. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is going to sort it all out with a passionate, no-holds barred debate. "The Da Vinci Code" deciphered, tomorrow.

ANDERSON: It is time now for "Tuesday InStyle." Tonight, at home with Rosanna Arquette. She was the wild child of the Arquette clan. David and Patricia are two of her siblings. But even though Rosanna has grown up, some of her indie spirit still exists inside her cozy home in L.A. Have a look.


POLLY BLITZER, "INSTYLE" MAGAZINE: "InStyle" chose Rosanne Arquette as the subject for a "Beautiful Home" feature, because she has a gorgeous, gorgeous home in Los Angeles that really steps back a couple of decades ago.

We show a picture of her sitting with her daughter, Zoe, and there is a really unique piece of artwork in the background. She actually outed (ph) Jane Fonda`s arrest after a Vietnam protest, when she was arrested, and blew it up as sort of an inspiring reminder of what happened back then.

Rosanna`s master bedroom is just cozy. She has a fluffy white rug on the floor, and she has a beautiful four-post canopy bed with black and white kind of pop looking furniture.

Rosanna`s daughter, Zoe, has the quintessential teenage girl`s room. It has pop-inspired curtains with multiple different polka dots that look almost like a pastel "Twister" game, Lucite furniture and bean bag chairs, and it`s just a really fun, bright, inspiring room.

Rosanna`s love for music and photography has culminated in this really fun rock star wall of fame in her house.

One of the coolest rooms in Rosanna`s house is her living room. It`s almost like a parlor meets music studio. It`s so fun because at a whim they can all pick up an instrument and just jam together.

Something great about Rosanna`s house is that it`s flooded with light. It`s just a really nice, airy, light-filled, beautiful home.


ANDERSON: And a random Rosanna Arquette factoid. Remember that `80s song, "Rosanna" by Toto? This is a blast from the past. It was written for her. She was actually dating someone in the band. And to read more about Rosanna Arquette`s home, pick up a copy of "InStyle" magazine. It`s on newsstands now

HAMMER: Someone who just can`t stand kids so much she wrote a book called "I Hate Other People`s Kids." The kid-hater herself, joining us live to explain herself, coming up.

ANDERSON: Plus, the controversial movie "The Da Vinci Code." Tonight, we`ve got your first look at the newest trailer in the "SHOWBIZ Showcase."

HAMMER: And, Kenny Rogers, live. The country music legend, who gave us hits like "The Gambler" and "You Decorated My Life," he`s back with a brand new solo album, in stores today. You`re going to hear about it from Kenny himself in the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

And SHOWBIZ TONIGHT will be right back.


HAMMER: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. It is 31 minutes past the hour. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York.

ANDERSON: And I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood. And you are watching TV`s only live entertainment news show.

A.J., tonight we have a first look at one of the most anticipated films of the summer, "The Da Vinci Code." It`s based, of course, on Dan Brown`s bestseller. That is coming up in tonight`s "Showbiz Showcase."

HAMMER: Also coming up, Kenny Rogers, live. I don`t think I have to say anything more than that.

But first, we`re going to tell you about a book that`s been getting a lot of buzz. It`s written by a woman who hates kids. Now, don`t act like you don`t know who I`m talking about, because it could be you. Maybe it`s your friends who choose to live their lives without those little people.

The name of the book is actually "I Hate Other People`s Kids." And in just a moment, I`ll be speaking with the author live.

But first, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT did a little informal survey to see just how many kid-haters we could find, and we think you`ll be just as shocked as we were when you see what we found out.


HAMMER (voice-over): They make ridiculous demands.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Daddy, I want a squirrel. Get me one of those squirrels. I want one.

HAMMER: They talk too much and ask too many questions.




CANDY: It`s an even longer story.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you my dad`s brother?

CANDY: What`s your record for consecutive questions asked?


HAMMER: And even when mom sticks her neck out to convince everyone her own kid is just so loveable...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He`s the sweetest little boy. Everyone`s just going to love him.

HAMMER: ... they find a way to make a situation so bad, they can transform any child-loving person in a child-hater.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Evelyn, Evelyn, I`m sorry, but I`m going to have to kill your son.

HAMMER: OK, that may be in the movies, but in real life, kids are more like the ones featured on that ABC show, "The Super Nanny." They`re trying to be good, and their parents, well, they`re trying to do something to make them more acceptable to society.


HAMMER: This smackdown isn`t looking good for minors everywhere, but maybe it`s just us. So SHOWBIZ TONIGHT took this very important issue to the streets to see if we could find any child-haters, and what we found shocked us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I like other people`s kids. I just don`t have any, so I can`t understand how you can`t tame them.

HAMMER: Did she just see that 1990 movie, "Problem Child"?

GILBERT GOTTFRIED, COMEDIAN: You rotten kid, you should be locked in cages!

HAMMER: Was she thinking clearly? SHOWBIZ TONIGHT asked her again just to make sure she understood we weren`t talking about a movie, and she clarified her position.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you have any, like, pet peeves?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t like when other people`s kids are around me.

HAMMER: Glad we straightened that out. But we marched on, posing the question to a few more people, and we found some more people who hate other people`s kids.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I hate other people`s kids when they`re screaming on the airplane or they`re crawling underneath people`s legs.

HAMMER: Yep, another child-hater. But to be fair, we asked a dad strolling along with his daughter in tow, and he told us hate was too strong a word. He preferred to use the word "dislike."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I really dislike it when other people`s kids whine.

HAMMER: And, to be fair, we asked his own kid to see if she agreed with Dad.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t like it when other kids whine, either. That`s just annoying. It just bugs me. Then I whine a lot myself, too.

HAMMER: She`s a kid; she can relate.

And then, just when we thought we were done with our survey, we asked the question one more time, to see if we could find another child-hater, and we got our answer. And we got a clearer understanding on why there are so many people who hate other people`s kids.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just hate when other people`s kids are, like, constantly yelling and trying to, you know, basically take over the world.


HAMMER: Priceless, priceless. Joining me live tonight, the author of the book "I Hate Other People`s Kids," Adrianne Frost.


ADRIANNE FROST, AUTHOR: Hi, nice to see you.

HAMMER: Thank you for coming. I have to tell you, when we sent out word within CNN that we were doing this segment about a book called "I Hate Other People`s Kids," we started getting e-mails from everybody saying, "Yes, I get it; I know what you`re talking about." Clearly you touched on something.

FROST: It`s practically a revolution. I am at the forefront of a movement, for some reason.

HAMMER: And the reason would be, well, at least something that you could relate to personally, obviously something sets you off about other people`s kids that drove you to write this book, albeit it`s a satirical look. You are a comedian. But what set you off about it?

FROST: Well, you know, living in New York, you`re surrounded by them all the time, whether it`s high-pitched squealing on the street, or that sprinkler cry on the subway, you know, that just doesn`t stop, and it just keeps going, and playing on the poles on the train. And finally, I guess something just snapped, and I picked up a pen.

HAMMER: There`s a lot to hate.

FROST: Well, there`s a lot to not like and, yes, a lot to hate. And people get very upset, and they clutch their chests, and they say, "Oh, my god, how could you say this about children? They`re a gift from God." But, you know, I believe that they`re a re-gift from God. I think God is giving them back.

HAMMER: Hmm, OK. I see your point there. But what would you say would be the worst offense that would cause people to be a hater of other people`s kids?

FROST: The worst offense, I think, is the child that knows it`s doing something wrong in a store, or a restaurant, or a movie theater, and you catch them, and you look at them like, "You know you`re doing something wrong," and they go, "And what are you going to do about it?"

HAMMER: Exactly, exactly. So you have a word, probably, for the parents of those kids.

FROST: Well, what I try to do, actually, is perfect a dead-on stare to the kid that makes them think maybe I have a van outside with some candy in it, kind of that "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" cart that that guy had.

HAMMER: You mentioned the fact that, you know, when people learned about your book, "I Hate Other People`s Kids" -- and I just like saying the title -- that they clutch their chests, and they were shocked and mortified.

In fact, we had that one gentleman in the piece who preferred to use the word...

FROST: I prefer to say "dislike," yes.

HAMMER: Dislike. Seriously, did you have a lot of serious reaction like that, like, "Oh, my god, what are you thinking doing a book like this"?

FROST: Yes, well, some people said, "Do you have kids?" And I said, "No." And they go, "Well, then how can you dislike other people`s kids?" And I said, "Well, not having kids gives me a better vantage point." I mean, I have a wide-open space to observe the illness that is ill-behaved children.

HAMMER: Now, I met -- was it your husband backstage?

FROST: Yes, who is sometimes like a kid himself.

HAMMER: Can`t they all be? But are you guys planning on having kids?

FROST: No, no, no.

HAMMER: Or it just could never possibly happen?

FROST: Yes, because, you know, if we want to take off to Rome at a moment`s notice, we can, not that we do. But if we wanted to, we could.

HAMMER: OK, if people really hate other people`s kids, what would be your best suggestions on how to avoid other people`s kids? Because you make a few good points in the book.

FROST: Well, you can try not to go see G-rated movies, you know? Rent them. Avoid any restaurant that has an animatronic rodent as its mascot. Don`t take the train at peak hours during school time.

HAMMER: That makes sense, as well.

FROST: And if people are bombarding you with pictures of their kids and videos, you know, do your own thing. Buy a good pair of Prada shoes. Take a lot of photographs.

HAMMER: Treat them as your children.

FROST: Scrapbook it, and pull it out at a moment`s notice...

HAMMER: And show everyone.

FROST: ... and force everybody to look at it.

HAMMER: Are you at all worried that somebody, some kid-lover, is going to write, "I Hate Adrianne Frost"? That wouldn`t happen.

FROST: I`m not real worried about it, because I`m not.

HAMMER: You`re not.


Well, we appreciate your insight in your book.

FROST: Thank you.

HAMMER: It is a really funny look at an issue, and thanks for joining us on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

FROST: Thanks.

HAMMER: Appreciate it.

The book, "I Hate Other People`s Kids," available in stores now.

Well, we have been asking you to vote on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT "Question of the Day," involving this very subject, because there is this new book that says "I Hate Other People`s Kids." The question is: Do you agree?

You can vote at You can also write to us at E-mails on the way in just a bit.

ANDERSON: OK, it is time to get tonight`s "Hot Headlines." So for that, let`s go to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`s Sibila Vargas who joins me now again here from Hollywood.


Well, tonight Carlos Santana joins the list of celebrities speaking out against President Bush and the war in Iraq. Santana, who`s in Peru for a concert, said his philosophy is, quote, "a dimension that brings harmony and healing. My concept is the opposite of George W. Bush."

Santana also says opposition to the war is approaching the intensity of anti-Vietnam-War feelings in the 1970s.

"Desperate Housewives" fans who dread the season`s end will find that parting will be sweeter sorrow. The show is bowing out with a two-hour finale this May. And other hit shows are also delivering plus-sized endings. "Lost" and "Alias" will have two-hour sendoffs, and the season finale of "Grey`s Anatomy" will extend over two nights.

Prince fans are in a "Purple Haze" today. The singer performed a surprise private, midnight concert here in Hollywood. The rare gig was to celebrate the release of his new album, "3121." The new album hits stores today.

And those are tonight`s "Hot Headlines." Prince still sounding good, Brooke.

ANDERSON: He does sound great. He will sound great for a long time to come, I`m sure, Sibila. Thank you, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`s Sibila Vargas.

Coming up on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, "Da Vinci" divulged.


TOM HANKS, ACTOR: I`m not sure how much help I`m going to be here this evening.


ANDERSON: SHOWBIZ TONIGHT unwraps "The Da Vinci Code" with a sneak peek at the movie millions are dying to see. That`s coming up in our "Showbiz Showcase," and you don`t want to miss it.

HAMMER: Plus, we`ve got tonight with Kenny Rogers. He joins us live. The gambler lays down his cards and tells us about his new album, his legendary career, and why life is so good in Mr. Rogers` neighborhood.


ANDERSON: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood. You are watching TV`s only live entertainment news show. And you`re going to love this one.

In tonight`s "Showbiz Showcase," we`ve got your first look at never- before-seen scenes from one of the most anticipated movies of the summer. It`s "The Da Vinci Code." Of , based on the controversial Dan Brown novel with the same name. It stars Tom Hanks, Paul Bettany and Ian McKellen. Let`s take a look.


HANKS: The symbols are a language that can help us understand our past.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Professor Langdon, the chief of police would like your assistance.

HANKS: I`m not sure how much help I`m going to be here this evening. Dear god.

ANNOUNCER (voice-over): A murder that hides a message...

HANKS: He did this himself in his own blood?


HANKS: This is a message your grandfather left you.


ANNOUNCER: ... only he can break...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Professor, hurry.

HANKS: Demons, omens, codes, monks, Da Vinci.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Professor Langdon, you are in grave danger.

HANKS: Sir Leigh Teabing...

IAN MCKELLEN, ACTOR: Well, then, a dramatic late-night arrival. What can an old cripple do for you?

HANKS: I`m into something here that I cannot understand.

MCKELLEN: You are in the middle of a war, one that`s been going on forever, to protect a secret so powerful that, if revealed, it would devastate the very foundations of mankind.

HANKS: What are you talking about?

MCKELLEN: You asked what would be worth killing for? Witness the biggest cover-up in human history.

HANKS: You`re not going to make it!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You`re saying all this is real?

HANKS: Real enough to kill for.


ANDERSON: "The Da Vinci Code" opens worldwide May 19th.

HAMMER: It is time now for a "Showbiz Sitdown" with the legendary Kenny Rogers. He`s got a brand-new album in stores today called "Water and Bridges."

Kenny Rogers, I have to say -- and I don`t say this to all my guests - - an honor just to be sitting here with you.

KENNY ROGERS, MUSICIAN: Oh, thank you very much. And you were telling me that "Love Will Turn You Around" from "Six Pack" was the song you remember from my career.

HAMMER: Yes, everybody has a song that they remember. It brings them back to a certain time. And that was the summer of 1982, from the movie "Six Pack."

ROGERS: "Six Pack," yes.

HAMMER: Who starred in that movie?


ROGERS: ... kind of a trivia question, who the 14-year-old girl was. It was Diane Lane. And Michael Anthony Hall was in there, as well. He was one of the kids.

HAMMER: So everybody has done well because of...

ROGERS: I`m sure.

HAMMER: ... I think because of your involvement with that film.

ROGERS: I am so convinced I`m responsible for their careers.

HAMMER: Can we do Kenny Rogers by the numbers for a moment?


HAMMER: A hundred and fifty million albums sold worldwide.

ROGERS: A hundred and five, but I`ll take your number. I like it better.

HAMMER: OK, let me check that.

ROGERS: I get paid on that.

HAMMER: My first stat. Well, the other stat that was interesting -- I`ve seen numbers when I`ve been looking for you coming in, anywhere from 63 to 65 albums that you`ve released. You`re not even certain, are you?

ROGERS: I`m not certain. And maybe because there was an album just released about two months ago called "21 Number Ones," and I don`t know whether that`s been included in the statistic or not.

HAMMER: Well, you`ve had hits in five decades. And, in fact, this year marks the 50th year since you had your first band getting together. I hate to use this cliche, but you`re kind of like the Energizer Bunny. You just keep going, man.

ROGERS: I have this theory that I`m a little like a boomerang. You can throw me away, but sooner or later I`m coming back.

HAMMER: And you do come back. And there are people who may have wondering, well, it`s been a few years since your last album came out, your last studio album, but you`ve been kind of busy. What people may not know is you have twins who are not quite two years old?

ROGERS: Yes, I`m embarrassed to tell you I can`t tell them apart.

HAMMER: Are you serious?

ROGERS: There`s Justin and Jordan. And we`re fortunate because Jordan has a little freckle right between his eyes here, but you have to get straight on to him to tell who it is.

HAMMER: You`re getting close to -- and you`re 67 years old now.

ROGERS: Sixty-seven, right.

HAMMER: So that must really keep your energy pumped up and keep you moving.

ROGERS: It`s the best thing that`s ever happened to me. You know, they say that twins or kids at this stage will make or break you. And right now, I`m leaning toward break, because they went straight from crawling to running. They don`t walk at all; they just get up and go.

HAMMER: Well, a lot of people consider having a new album being released sort of like giving birth to a baby. So you have a sense of what that`s like. "Water and Bridges" in stores today. What are you absolutely loving about this CD?

ROGERS: The fact that it`s not just a bunch of songs. They`re well thought-out.

You know, one of the things I wanted to do was to do an album that was important, and so, in looking to the songs, we wanted every song to come, whatever the subject matter was, from a different vantage point.

And I think, if you look at some of the songs on there, "Water and Bridges" being one of them, that`s really about choices you make when you`re young that you pay for when you`re old.

It`s an interesting -- it starts off with a young couple who have an abortion. And the guy says, "If a father could hold his son, I could undo what`s been done, but I guess everyone is living with water and bridges."

HAMMER: Now, that`s a pretty touchy subject with a lot of people. What drove you to write about that?

ROGERS: Well, I didn`t write it. I didn`t write any of the songs on the album. And I just -- I love great songs. And I like -- you know, music should do one of three things: it should make you laugh, make you cry, or make you think.

HAMMER: Right.

ROGERS: And on this album, the proportion of songs that make you think is much greater than on other albums, and I think that`s what I like about it.

HAMMER: You always do have a message in there somewhere. I mean, you even look at a song like "The Gambler," and you are coming from this wise place and divulging information. And it sort of transcends message or anything else.

ROGERS: Yes, it`s much more than a poker song. It`s a song about life and the concept of how you live your life.

And if you look at songs like "Ruby, Don`t Take Your Love to Town," that was a socially significant song about the Vietnam War.

HAMMER: Right.

ROGERS: It was written about the Korean War, but it really -- everybody related it to the Vietnam War because of when I released it.

HAMMER: And it has a different meaning for different people.

ROGERS: Yes. And "Coward of the County," of course, was about a rape. So I mean, a lot of people -- it`s interesting. If you do a real, fun, happy track, people love the song. And then one day they go, "Oh, my god, that`s about a rape."

You know, they don`t -- if you preach, people shut down. If you entertain, then people will ultimately find the message.

HAMMER: And which is one of the great things you`ve always managed to do, is entertain. And you`ve been paid tribute to so many different ways in your life. As I`m surfing the Internet today, looking up all things Kenny Rogers, I stumble upon a particular Web site that I know you happen to be familiar with. It`s called Who knew?

ROGERS: Isn`t that wonderful?

HAMMER: You do have this iconic look. There are some of the gentleman who featured. One looks like Jerry Garcia there, the third from the left. I want to take a look at one particular still that -- if we can zoom in on the one on the top row there -- it`s Papa Smurf, Kenny. How do you feel when, you know, you see a photo like that?

ROGERS: That could be me. It`s so funny, because my favorite on there is Hot Tub Kenny. Have you seen that one?

HAMMER: I have not.

ROGERS: There`s this guy sitting in a hot tub. And it`s just -- it bubbles everywhere. But the guy that was doing this, he happens to look a lot like me, and I think he did it as a joke, to see if there were any other guys out there that looked like me.

HAMMER: It`s caught on like wild fire.

ROGERS: Well, he asked if it was OK.

HAMMER: Classic look.

ROGERS: And I said, "As long as it`s on good taste, I`m fine with it," so...

HAMMER: Well, Kenny, we`re thrilled to have you out with the new album. And we have the number ones album, or the greatest hits album, yet another one. Looking forward to listening to that, as well.

ROGERS: Thank you so much.

HAMMER: Thanks for dropping by. Appreciate it.

ROGERS: Thanks for the time.

HAMMER: The album is called "21 Number Ones." And there is also "Water and Bridges." You`ll find them both in stores now.

ANDERSON: Throughout the show, we`ve been asking you to vote online on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT "Question of the Day." A new book says, "I Hate Other People`s Kids." So do you agree?

Let`s take a look at how the vote is going so far: 65 percent of you say, yes, you do agree; 35 percent of you say, no, you don`t.

Here are some of the e-mails we`ve received. Jennifer from North Dakota writes, "I just don`t have the patience or the tolerance for other`s kids."

Chris from Arizona says, "I don`t hate other people`s kids; I hate their parents. Kids today have absolutely no discipline."

And Timothy from New York has an interesting idea: "Kids need a 369, which means it`s going to take three doctors and six hours to get my size nine out of their butts."

You can keep voting at SHOWBIZ TONIGHT will be right back.


ANDERSON: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m Brooke Anderson.

It is time now for a SHOWBIZ TONIGHT birthday shoutout. This is where we give fans a chance to wish their favorite stars a happy birthday.

Tonight, we`re sending one out to Matthew Broderick, star of "The Producers," and Sarah Jessica Parker`s husband. He`s celebrating his 44th today.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, I`m Karen. I just wanted to wish Matthew Broderick a happy birthday. Love all your movies, so have a great day.


HAMMER: It is time now to see what`s coming up on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT tomorrow. Here comes your "Showbiz Marquee."

And coming up tomorrow, "Da Vinci" disputed. A new battle blazing over "The Da Vinci Code." Should the movie carry a disclaimer warning it`s a work of fiction? Well, fans of the "Code" say the idea is cracked. The "Da Vinci" duel, coming up tomorrow.

Also tomorrow, an inside look at "Inside Man" star Jodie Foster. The Oscar-winner dishes with SHOWBIZ TONIGHT about her new movie, motherhood, and the secret behind her four decades of success. It`s the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

And that is it for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York.

ANDERSON: And I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood. Thanks for watching, everyone. And stay tuned for the very latest from CNN Headline News.