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Showbiz Tonight

The War of Words at "The View"; Joy Behar Goes Off on Sarah Palin; Lynne Spears Opens Up; Viewers Applaud The Jonas Brothers; The Spectacle Over Sarah Palin`s Spectacles

Aired September 10, 2008 - 23:00   ET


A.J. HAMMER, HOST: Now on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, a brand-new explosive "View." First, it was Elisabeth Hasselbeck making startling claims about Michelle Obama. Now, Joy Behar goes off on Sarah Palin.

JOY BEHAR, CO-HOST, "THE VIEW": She is setting women back many, many, many years.


HAMMER: Temperatures rising, nasty words flying. Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT with the wild war of words.

Britney`s mom silent no more. Tonight, for the very first time, Lynne Spears opens up about her tell-all book, her revelations about Britney`s meltdown, her teen daughter`s pregnancy and Lynne`s startling admission about the mistakes she`s made as a mom.

Plus, the spectacle over Sarah Palin`s spectacles.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My husband says she`s hot.


HAMMER: Tonight, how Palin has become the accidental fashion icon. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT starts right now.


Hello. I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City.

And tonight, it is "Showbiz On Call." Your fired-up phone calls on the most heated stories of the day - they are coming up, including the explosive "View." Tonight, a brand-new smoke bomb from one of the ladies at "The View" aimed right at Sarah Palin. Just days after "The View`s" Elisabeth Hasselbeck dissed Michelle Obama big-time, making startling claims about what Michelle did behind the scenes at "The View," well, now, it`s Joy Behar who is just letting loose, not about Michelle Obama, but the other lady who`s at the center of the presidential race, Sarah Palin. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT bringing you the latest developments making news right now.


(voice over): The 2008 presidential campaign is getting nasty, and not just on the campaign trail, but on morning TV.


HAMMER: SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can tell you, campaign 2008 is making things very nasty on "The View." both on-set -

WHOOPI GOLDBERG, CO-HOST, "THE VIEW": You have to stop talking so I can explain.

ELISABETH HASSELBECK, CO-HOST, "THE VIEW": Wait. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. If I`m going to count the times that - we can`t call each other on the table because I have a lot of calling out to do, too.

HAMMER: And off, with conservative co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck taking a shot at Michelle Obama at a Republican luncheon.

HASSELBECK: Unlike another wife of a political candidate whom shall remain nameless.

KIM SERAFIN, SENIOR EDITOR, "IN TOUCH WEEKLY": We`ve watched "The View" and seen the political discussions, the heated discussions they have on "The View," and then never really heard about what these women did on their own time. Lately, what these women have been doing outside the show has also become the story.

HAMMER: And now, you have liberal "View" co-host Joy Behar getting into the act.

BEHAR: Come into the 21st century, Sarah, you know.

HAMMER: On "LARRY KING LIVE," Behar slammed Republican vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin.

BEHAR: I really think that she is setting women back many, many, many years.

HAMMER: SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can tell you whether they`re targeting each other or the figures in the presidential campaign in this highly contentious political season, the political divide on "The View" is bigger than ever.

BEHAR: She has these kind of backward ideas.

HAMMER: On "LARRY KING LIVE," Behar blasted McCain`s choice to make Sarah Palin his running mate.

BEHAR: This is a very cynical choice because he didn`t even vet Sarah Palin. I understand that the McCain camp just Googled the woman. But I think that that was a very cynical move to do that, just to win the election. She`s good for campaigning but is she good for the country?

HAMMER: This was the first interview of a "View" co-host since the uproar Elisabeth Hasselbeck unleashed.

HASSELBECK: I met Cindy McCain six months ago when she came to co-host on "The View."

HAMMER: In the story SHOWBIZ TONIGHT first broke, Hasselbeck took a veiled swipe while praising John McCain`s wife, Cindy.

HASSELBECK: Cindy came into our hair and makeup room, fresh as can be. And unlike another wife of a political candidate whom shall remain nameless, she didn`t come with a list of topics that we weren`t allowed to touch. That`s because she has nothing to hide.

HAMMER: It was clear the nameless guest Hasselbeck was slamming was Michelle Obama. At least it was clear to everyone except Joy Behar who was asked about Hasselbeck`s shocking comment on "LARRY KING."

LARRY KING, HOST, "LARRY KING LIVE": What was she talking about?

BEHAR: She`s so cute. Isn`t she adorable?

HAMMER: Yes, she is, Joy. But what about what she said? Larry tried again.

KING: What was that about?

BEHAR: You know, people think we fight all the time but we get along great. I don`t know what she was talking about. I don`t book the show that, you know -

HAMMER: And Larry tried again.

KING: What candidate goes with a list of topics you can`t talk about that she referred to?

BEHAR: I have no idea. I have no idea.

SERAFIN: I think she handled it just fine.

HAMMER: "In Touch Weekly`s" Kim Serafin tells SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, it was smart of Behar to skirt the issue and avoid the headlines that would surely have come had she dished on her co-host`s public controversy.

SERAFIN: This is the brilliance of all the women on "The View." They know when to start a controversy and when not to.


HAMMER: "View" co-host and co-executive producer Barbara Walters recently told me she`s happy that the candidates themselves are recognizing the important role "The View" is playing in this election.

WALTERS: Michelle Obama wanted to be on the show (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Cindy McCain wanted to be on. John McCain has been with us. And we have become, hey, talkative.

HAMMER: So in an election year where women candidates have already played a huge role, there`s something to be learned from "The View`s" political divide.

SERAFIN: The woman`s vote has been so important in this race. Everyone is talking about that. But you obviously can`t put all women into one category and I think "The View" is a perfect representation of that.


HAMMER: And I have to tell you, the stakes have never been higher.

Joining me tonight from Hollywood, Carlos Diaz. He`s a correspondent for "Extra." And with me in New York, it`s Lisa Bloom, "In Session" anchor and host of "Lisa Bloom: Open Court."

First, we had Elisabeth Hasselbeck taking off on Michelle Obama. Now, my buddy Joy Behar just slamming Palin on "LARRY KING."

Lisa Bloom, is this basically, you know, what we`re saying from the ladies of "The View" exactly what`s going on with women all over the country right now?

LISA BLOOM, HOST, "LISA BLOOM: OPEN COURT": It absolutely is and that`s why "The View" is such a terrific program. That`s authentic. These women aren`t just smart and opinionated, they are informed. They show up every day, knowing their facts, knowing what the stories are. They go at it and afterwards, they treat each other respectfully. I applaud Joy Behar for not going after her co-host on "LARRY KING" last night. Because she`s got to go to work the next day with Elisabeth Hasselbeck. I think it was all handled very well.

HAMMER: Yes. I`ve got to say, they do do their homework. I was speaking with Sherri Shepherd at "The View" recently and she told me she spent the entire summer just reading up on the issues and what`s going on. "The View" obviously has been a lightning rod in this election year where women figure so prominently.

Carlos, I`m thinking, with such a large female audience, "The View" can actually have an influence on their viewers and the way they`re going to vote?

CARLOS DIAZ, "EXTRA" CORRESPONDENT: It could have a huge influence. Think about it. If you go and get coffee with the same group of women every morning and you start talking politics, their opinions are going to sway the way you`re going to vote. That`s what women do all over the country. And then, for that matter, I watch "The View" every morning. I mean, basically, you`re waking up with these people and you`re listening to what they have to say. And as we`re finding out, they are very opinionated. As far as what Joy did not say on "LARRY KING," brilliant, because she has to say it for "The View." Don`t waste it on Larry; keep it for your own program.

HAMMER: Well, also, Larry was asking her, you know, about Elisabeth, saying something she probably shouldn`t have said. And I think Joy was saying, "You know, I`m going to stay out of this," and that`s kind of what happened there. Well, our viewers have certainly have been having at this, lighting up our "Showbiz On Call" lines nonstop, since we`ve been talking about this - Elisabeth`s outrageous comments at the RNC about Michelle Obama.

We heard from Danita in Odessa, Texas, and she thinks that Elisabeth, well, should keep your opinions on the set of "The View." Listen to this -


DANITA, CALLER FROM ODESSA, TEXAS: I don`t think she had any right to say the things that she did on "The View." That`s a different story. I understand she has extremely right-wing views. But I don`t think that expressing the courtesies that were extended to Michelle Obama like that - I don`t think that was necessary at all.


HAMMER: Lisa, do you think what Elisabeth said about Michelle Obama off "The View" is just plain wrong? I mean, do you think there`s any danger by saying that she may actually alienate viewers?

BLOOM: Well, of course, she has the right to say it. She`s an American. She has the First Amendment right like the rest of us. But my concern is that she`s made this allegation against Michelle Obama that she had conditions before she came on, only certain things could get discussed. And we don`t get to the bottom of it. We don`t know what those conditions were. I mean, it wasn`t that silly terrorist fist bump or was there something more significant that was off-limits. We don`t know and we probably will never know. So the allegation just hangs out there. That`s my concern.

HAMMER: Yes. Because we did reach out to Michelle Obama and her camp and they`re not talking about this either. They`re busy with other stuff and I think they just want to move on from this whole thing.

Well, this Friday is going to be really interesting to see now that all of this has played out when both John McCain and his wife, Cindy, are going to be right there sitting with the ladies of "The View" for the entire hour. Now, keep in mind, this is the same day that this comes out, the new issue of America`s biggest celebrity magazine, "People" magazine, will be on newsstands with their McCain family cover story. Carlos, who`s the celebrity now?

DIAZ: Yes. I think the McCains are the celebrity. They`re on "People," the cover. They`re on "The View" the same day. I just hope that these ladies on "The View" put their money where their mouth is and I hope that Joy doesn`t back down. And I hope she brings it - brings the pain, if you will, when McCain is on there and hold him to task as far as the things she has problems with, with his campaign.

HAMMER: They`re going on "The View," though and "People" magazine. Lisa Bloom, they can`t play that celebrity card anymore, can they?

BLOOM: No, as with a lot of other issues. Now, the Republicans were against the celebrity factor until they were for it, until it haunts them now. Now, they`re on the cover of everything they can be on the cover of. Of course, if you`re running for a political office, you want as much attention you can get. I don`t fault the Obamas for it. I don`t fault the McCains for it.

HAMMER: Lisa Bloom, Carlos Diaz, I always appreciate you being here. Thanks.

DIAZ: Thank you.

HAMMER: Well, what do you think about the whole "View" controversy? I`d like you to give me a call and let me know about that or anything else on your mind with "Showbiz On Call." Just dial 1-888-SBT-BUZZ; 1-888-728- 2899. Leave us a message. We`re going to play some of your calls right here on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

I`ve got to tell you, Britney Spears` mom, definitely not phoning it in. For the very first time, Lynne Spears is opening up about her tell-all book. And I`ve got to tell you I can`t believe some of the stuff she`s talking about. Secrets about Britney`s meltdown, her teen daughter Jamie Lynn`s pregnancy and Lynne`s startling admission about the mistakes that she has made as a mom. You have got to stick around and hear this, next.

HAMMER: All right. I told you about the million-dollar auction for Michael Jackson`s underwear. Yes. Here`s another bizarre Michael story for you - is he dating Pam Anderson? Yes, really, Pam sets the record straight, kind of. That`s coming up.

Also this -


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (on camera): Those glasses are inaccurate. Those would be the glasses on the brand-new Sarah Palin action figure.


HAMMER: Oh, good, there are Sarah Palin action figures. I know the issues are really the important thing in this election but everybody`s talking about Sarah Palin`s style. It truly has become a spectacle about Sarah Palin`s spectacles. That is coming up on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.



BRITNEY SPEARS, POP STAR: I first want to thank God, first and foremost, for just blessing me like this, my beautiful family, my two beautiful boys for inspiring me every day.


HAMMER: Just look at her. Tonight, just days after Britney Spears` amazing night at the MTV Video Music Awards, Britney`s own mother rocks the boat with an explosive new tell-all book.

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. And tonight, for the very first time, we can now tell you what is really in Lynne Spears` revealing new book about the private lives of her family.

In the brand-new issue of "People" magazine, Lynne Spears blows the lid off Britney`s meltdown and uncovers how then-16-year-old Jamie Lynn broke the shocking news of her pregnancy. But could this tell-all actually backfire and perhaps hurt both of her daughters.

With me tonight in New York, David Caplan - he is the staff editor for "People" magazine. Also in New York, Marvet Britto, celebrity publicist and founder of the Britto Agency.

There has been a lot of wild speculation about exactly what Britney`s mom would reveal in her book, "Through the Storm: The Real Story of Fame and Family in the Tabloid World." And among the many things that we learn in the excerpt from "People" magazine, Lynne believes that Britney suffered from postpartum depression after the birth of both of her sons, Sean and then Jayden. And that depression is what led to her public meltdown earlier this year. David Caplan, "People" magazine also interviewed Lynne. Why did she decide to reveal such intimate details?

DAVID CAPLAN, STAFF EDITOR, "PEOPLE MAGAZINE": Well, Lynne said she wanted to set the record straight and really clear all the erroneous reports that have been floating around about her daughter Britney and, of course, the rest of the family. In the interview with "People," she says also that what`s great about this book from her perspective is that when Jayden and Preston grow - they`re Britney`s kids - that they`re going to see, quote, "that their family was a passionate family and they`ll know where they came from" and that, in a few years, when they do read it, they`ll be able to say, "Hey, look where we are now and look what happened then," how they were able to rebound.

HAMMER: It`s interesting to hear because I kind of have had a problem with the fact that she did this book and was revealing all this stuff. But, you know, that aspect of it kind of makes sense.

I do want to get to another revelation - the previously untold story about what happened when Britney`s then-16-year-old sister and, of course, TV star Jamie Lynn got pregnant. In her book, Lynne Spears says a lot of loved ones were really pushing for Jamie Lynn to have an abortion. Well, Now we`ve learned it was Jamie Lynn who actually made the very difficult and really grown-up decision to keep her baby.

Marvet, you know, we`re talking about an extraordinarily private matter here, and Jamie Lynn is still a kid. Do you think it was wrong for Lynne to reveal this?

MARVET BRITTO, CELEBRITY PUBLICIST AND FOUNDER OF THE BRITTO AGENCY: Not at all, A.J. She`s still a kid, but she`s a kid that had a baby. So we have to face the fact that, you know, this is a mother who really feels like her children have been run through the mills from a media standpoint. So it was absolutely right for Jamie Lynn to make this decision regardless of her age. It was the best decision for her to make. It`s her life and it`s her child. So I don`t think any family member should have given her that guidance. Obviously, she took the upbringing into accountability and made the best decision for her and her child.

HAMMER: Well, man, I just hope that Jamie Lynn told her mom, Lynne, "Yes, it`s OK if you put that in the book. I think, you know, it would be pretty tough if that was not the case.

Another revelation got to get into this book, how torn Britney`s mom says that she felt as both of her daughters were just struggling with different crises on opposite sides of the country. Britney`s breakdown, of course, going on in L.A., Jamie Lynn`s pregnancy in Louisiana. Now, Lynne had been criticized for not being there for Britney. But David Caplan, in the book, she talks about this painful time. What exactly does she say about it?

CAPLAN: Well, first of all, Lynne tells "People" in the interview she says, quote, that she "felt helpless during all the meltdown while she`s watching the footage." And in the book, she says that she was - really, she was separated from Britney. She said she had seven months of which she was essentially, you know, excommunicated from Britney. They were excruciating months and she was just praying to God that somehow that Britney would be OK.

She said Britney at her best is a great mom, a great person. And from the images she was seeing on TV because she wasn`t allowed anywhere near Britney - so when she saw her being cared off from her home to the hospital, she said it was so painful and that she knew Britney was not at her best then. But there was nothing she could do because Britney didn`t want anything to do with her.

HAMMER: Yes. I thought that was amazing, another revelation in the book, the fact that Lynne revealed that, you know, when Britney went through the head-shaving and got hauled up to the psych ward, she had to watch it on TV like all of us. I found that extraordinary.

But here we are now. It`s only been about six months since Britney`s been out of the hospital. She`s really on a positive comeback trail. Marvet, are you with me? I`m thinking reminding us of all this bad Britney can possibly detract from all the positive buzz she`s getting?

BRITTO: Not really, A.J. The season that Britney was in when she had all the turmoil, her and her sister, was playing out on a national platform. I believe that Lynne Spears deserves that same national platform to explain what really happened. She`s the parent. She`s the mother. Everyone questioned the parenting as it pertained to Britney.


BRITTO: So I believe she should use it to tell her side of the story.

HAMMER: Well, I guess we`ll have to watch and see what kind of impact it has. David Caplan, Marvet Britto, thanks for being here tonight. And remember, the brand-new issue of "People" magazine with Lynne Spears hits newsstands, Friday.

HAMMER: All right. So I told you about this bizarre Michael Jackson auction. He`s got his used underwear up for auction. Actually, somebody`s selling it for $1 million. Why would anybody want to buy that?

Tonight, another jaw-dropping Michael mystery. Is he really dating Pam Anderson? Pam setting the record straight, sort of. You`ve got to hear this, coming up.

I`ve got to tell you, our phone lines have been flooded over these big-time controversies, The Jonas Brothers attacked for saying they`re going to stay virgins until they`re married. And then there`s Elisabeth Hasselbeck making startling claims about Michelle Obama. Your fired-up phone calls, "Showbiz On Call," on the way.

Also this -


MOOS: Excuse me. Do you like her glasses?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They`re all right.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My husband says she`s hot.


HAMMER: A weird way to be talking about the potential next VP of the United States. How Sarah Palin has now become the brand-new most talked about fashion icon. That`s coming up.

Now, remember, you can watch SHOWBIZ TONIGHT video anytime. We`re posting new stuff for you to check out all the time. It`s at Among the videos playing right now, stars` religion and sex including the big controversy over The Jonas Brothers being slammed for their promise to stay virgins until they`re married.


HAMMER: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer.

All right. So is Pam Anderson dating Michael Jackson? Seriously? Pam is currently living with her on-again, off-again ex, Tommy Lee. She stopped by Ellen DeGeneres` show to clear up some rumors and set the record straight about who she`s hooking up with.


ELLEN DEGENERES, HOST, "THE ELLEN DEGENERES SHOW": You`re dating, from what I hear, two different people which - both are fascinating to me. One is you`re dating Michael Jackson.

PAM ANDERSON, ACTRESS: He just wants me to be in a video.

DEGENERES: Really? Have you been hanging out with him? You were seen with him.

P. ANDERSON: I was? My life is so interesting. My life is a blur. I could have.

DEGENERES: No. So - seriously?

P. ANDERSON: It happens.

DEGENERES: Come on. Have you been hanging out with him?

P. ANDERSON: Skin cancer and Vicodin. I don`t know.

DEGENERES: Are you seeing Michael Jackson?

P. ANDERSON: No. I`m living with my ex-husband.


P. ANDERSON: Where does that fit in?

DEGENERES: Yes. But you`re not getting any from him, are you?





HAMMER: All right. There you go. Pam Anderson not dating Michael Jackson which is a good thing, because quite frankly, I don`t know if the world could take another weird Michael relationship. Lisa Marie Presley, anyone?

Well, the thought of Michael hooking up with Pam, Lisa Marie or anyone for that matter, not pretty. Tonight, I`ve got your fired-up calls about The Jonas Brothers being attacked for pledging not to hook up with anyone - to stay virgins until they get married. And is "The View`s" Elisabeth Hasselbeck out of line for making startling claims about Michelle Obama? It`s "Showbiz On Call."

We`ve also got this -


MOOS: Those glasses are inaccurate. Those would be the glasses on the brand-new Sarah Palin action figure.


HAMMER: Oh, yes. The potential vice president of the United States has an action figure - unbelievable. Everybody is talking about how Sarah Palin has now become a style icon because of her glasses. That`s coming up.

And I know Lindsay Lohan`s been seen everywhere with her friend Samantha Ronson, but just how big an influence does Samantha really have on Lindsay? Well, Lindsay is speaking out and that is coming up.

But first, you can always stay on top of most provocative entertainment news. Just subscribe to our daily SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsletter. Head to and click on that "sign up for newsletter" link. It`s right at the bottom of the page. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is coming straight back.



HAMMER: Now on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, "Showbiz On Call," your fired-up reactions to the biggest controversies making news right now. Squeaky clean singers, The Jonas Brothers, attacked for keeping their virginity until marriage.

Plus, was Elisabeth Hasselbeck way out of line for making startling claims about what Michelle Obama did behind the scenes of "The View"? Tonight, your phone calls right here on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


MOOS: Excuse me. Do you like her glasses?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They`re all right.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My husband says she`s hot.


HAMMER: Sarah`s style. What a spectacle over Sarah Palin`s spectacles. How the Republican VP pick has become a fashion icon. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT continues right now.


Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. It is 30 minutes past the hour. I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City. Tonight, "Showbiz On Call," explosive new reactions from our viewers about the hottest topics. These calls keep coming in to our "Showbiz On Call" phone lines.

First, Elisabeth Hasselbeck`s fiery comments about Michelle Obama while she was at the Republican National Convention have really ticked off people.

Sarah Palin, the celebrity, is suddenly everywhere and some people are asking if McCain is a bit of a hypocrite for comparing Barack Obama to Britney Spears now that, well, he has the celebrity factor at work in his own campaign.

And the pledge by teen idols, The Jonas Brothers, to remain virgins is getting lots of praise tonight. Viewers calling in to say, "Right on!" to The Jonas Brothers and "Shame on you!" to MTV.

Also on fire with us tonight in Hollywood, Carlos Diaz correspondent for "Extra." In New York, Lisa Bloom, "In Session" anchor and host of "Lisa Bloom: Open Court."

Lisa, Carlos, let us begin now with "The View`s" Elisabeth Hasselbeck at the Republican National Convention. Of course, she claims that Michelle Obama was basically a diva when she was guest-hosting at "The View," that she made demands about questions to be asked or not to be asked and she suggested that Obama was hiding secrets.

Well, we heard from Sony in Oklahoma who reached out to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT and "Showbiz On Call." Listen to what she had to say about what Elisabeth said.


SONY, CALLER FROM OKLAHOMA: I do believe that what she said was way out of line. I think that what goes on in the back of the show is nobody`s business. Her comment was very uncouth. She could have shown a little more respect for the guest on her show. For that reason and that reason alone, she should not have made that comment.


HAMMER: Carlos Diaz from "Extra," let me start with you. Does Sony have it right?

DIAZ: She has it right in the fact that she should not be commenting about what goes on backstage, or else no one`s going to be talking to anyone backstage. She has it wrong when she says that Elisabeth should not voice her political opinions because that`s what "The View" is all about, people having opinions about certain things.

HAMMER: Yes. Certainly, it`s an opinion-based show and that`s what they strive for and want to happen on that show.

What do you think, Lisa Bloom? Did Elisabeth make a huge mistake as our caller said?

BLOOM: No, I don`t think so. You know, I disagree with Elisabeth on just about everything, but I defend her right to speak out. And as a journalist, I`m glad to hear that there were restrictions on the interview with Michelle Obama, if indeed that`s true. We`re not going to (UNINTELLIGIBLE) the restrictions are. But look, if that`s a problem, how about Sarah Palin who hasn`t submitted to any on-camera interviews? And by the way, she`s the one running for office, not Michelle Obama.

HAMMER: That`s true. Well, Elisabeth Hasselbeck does have her defenders. A lot of people are very unhappy with what she has done. But we did hear from a caller, Chris in Pennsylvania. He called in to "Showbiz On Call" and said this -


CHRIS, CALLER FROM PENNSYLVANIA: You have to admire Elisabeth Hasselbeck`s passion and honesty toward her beliefs. It`s refreshing to hear someone speak openly, and not worry about who she impresses.


HAMMER: Yes. I mean, Elisabeth has never had a problem speaking her mind about politics or anything for that matter on "The View." This is getting a lot of attention after SHOWBIZ TONIGHT first broke this story about what Elisabeth said at the Republican convention.

Carlos, I`m kind of starting to think that perhaps "The View" is thinking, "Well, you know what? It is publicity. It may not be great publicity, but it`s talking about controversy and our show," and that`s what they`re all about.

DIAZ: You can`t ask a food critic to go to a bakery and not try the cupcakes. When Elisabeth Hasselbeck is at the Republican National Convention, she is in heaven - in heaven. So of course, she`s going to support what she believes in. And I truly believe, like I said before, this is a show - this is not a show where it`s, you know, we`re being fair and balanced. This is a show about people who have opinions. And we all know that she`s a Republican through and through, so she should be able to voice what she thinks.

HAMMER: Yes. But at the same time, I bet she`s gotten a talking-to about what not to talk about when it comes to the policies of "The View." Wouldn`t you agree, Lisa?

BLOOM: Oh, she probably has. But, look, Elisabeth is there on the right. And usually, it`s three others on the left on "The View" taking her on. I admire her for sticking to her principles, as I said, even though I disagree with practically everything she said. That`s a tough position to be in, and I think she carries it off with a lot of poise.

HAMMER: Yes. I can tell. When I was at "The View" recently, I see just how hard she is working to make sure she expresses her point.

Well, I want to move on to Sarah Palin now. A call came in to "Showbiz On Call" from B.V.. Now, B.V. was talking about Palin`s sudden celebrity, reminding us of that McCain ad which compares Barack Obama to Britney Spears. Listen to B.V. -


B.V., CALLER: Clearly, now it`s obvious to the average American that he was really jealous about not being able to pull that much of a crowd. And now, with Palin on his ticket, you can see how excited he is that he`s able to pull a crowd like that that he knows he wasn`t able to pull.

And all this week, he couldn`t afford to let them go their separate ways because of whatever he calls celebrity power. Now, how come they`re not putting out an ad in the Republican camp about Sarah Palin being like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears?


HAMMER: Yes, because I don`t think the Republican camp is going to have that kind of ad about their own people. But Charles, do we have the still of "People" magazine? There it is. The cover of the new "People." It`s coming out very soon. The McCains right there on the front cover. They did this story for "People" magazine. Of course, it`s one of the biggest celebrity mags in our country. What do you think, Carlos? Can they have it both ways or, you know, are we at the point of hypocrisy now?

DIAZ: We are at the point of hypocrisy. And if you think about it, Britney Spears was at the VMAs and her mom, Lynne, has got a new book out. So, in essence, the McCains bumped Britney Spears off the cover of "People" magazine this week. That`s irony, baby.

HAMMER: Irony and again, hypocrisy. I`ve got to play you this one phone call. I loved this one as I was going through it. This comes from Kate in North Carolina with a great idea. Roll this one.


KATE, CALLER FROM NORTH CAROLINA: I think the candidates should have a dance-off on "Dancing With The Stars." It would take off the pressure of election. And besides, they could have fun. After that, of course, they can go back to business.


HAMMER: Yes. What do you think about that, Lisa Bloom? A dance-off on one of the biggest TV shows on the planet, and then back to business? Why not? A huge ratings boom for everybody.

BLOOM: Oh, I don`t know. I don`t think any of these politicians should quit their day job and start dancing for votes. They`re already dancing around the issues every night on the talk shows. Good grief. Let`s let "Dancing With The Stars" stick with the celebrities.

HAMMER: All right. Let`s move on. Jonas Brothers, next up. A lot of calls coming in, of course, because, man, they have a huge fan base. And a lot of fans of The Jonas Brothers were really ticked off that the host of the MTV`s Video Music Awards. Russell Brand made fun of their virginity pledge. Listen to this particular call from Ginger in Orlando.


GINGER, CALLER FROM ORLANDO: I want to say I applaud The Jonas Brothers for having the courage to stand up for their convictions about abstinence. I have a seven-year-old son and four teenage nephews. It`s refreshing to have role models in Hollywood that are willing to stand up for abstinence.


HAMMER: Carlos, we hear so much about young stars carrying on. You and I almost on a daily basis report about the wild ways of young Hollywood. I would have to think Ginger is just saying what a lot of people are believing in.

DIAZ: Yes. I mean, it`s great that The Jonas Brothers, you know, feel that way about their virginity. But I think Russell Brand is genius for going after it because now we`re talking about Russell Brand when before really no one knew who he was. You attack the most popular thing on the show and then suddenly, your name is out there.

HAMMER: And to that end, we`re also fostering a discussion about abstinence. Lisa Bloom, I have to believe a lot of people are thinking that is a positive side effect of Russell Brand going after The Jonas Brothers?

BLOOM: Look, as the mother of two kids, I think it`s great to have some role models who aren`t all about the sex and the drugs. They`re about the music. They`re cute. There are probably gazillionaires. I think all kids should be like The Jonas Brothers. Wait to have sex until you make your first $10 million.

HAMMER: Well, that`s a good plan. I think that`s a great agenda for any child. Carlos Diaz, Lisa Bloom, thank you for your insight and your advice, Lisa.

Well, if you have something to say whether it be about The Jonas Brothers, Elisabeth Hasselbeck or really anything else, give us a call. If you don`t like the shirt I`m wearing, that`s fine. It`s "Showbiz On Call." Dial 1-888-SBT-BUZZ; 1-888-728-2899 and leave a voice mail right there. We`re going to play some of your calls right here on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

Well, you know, Lindsay Lohan`s been pretty quiet about her relationship until now. Lohan opening up and sharing new details about her life and her gal pal, Samantha Ronson. Find out just what Lindsay`s saying just ahead.

Plus, you may want to whip out your martini glass. The sequel to the "Sex And The City" movie may be coming soon. I`ve got the sexy details, coming up.

We will also have this -


MOOS: Those glasses are inaccurate. Those would be the glasses on the brand-new Sarah Palin action figure.


HAMMER: Yes. Can you believe this? Sarah Palin, wow. She`s launched an absolute frenzy over fashion. But is she really becoming the next style icon? Is this really what we should be talking about? Well, we will be, next on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


HAMMER: Did you see this? I`ve got to tell you, this story definitely brings new meaning to the term "die hard fan." A cemetery in Germany was built specifically for fans of the Hamburg soccer team. It`s designed just like a soccer field, goal posts and all, fits about 500 graves. Plus, the soccer cemetery is just a penalty kick away from the stadium where the hometown team plays. And I`ve got to say, people are literally dying to get in.

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. Tonight, the spectacle over Sarah Palin`s spectacles. Yes, she may be running for vice president, but you know, Palin has got everybody talking about her style and just causing a frenzy over those trademark glasses of hers. Here`s CNN`s Jeanne Moos for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): "Sarah Palin for V.P. Read my lipstick." If you can`t read this sign, maybe you need glasses. Sarah Palin glasses.

(on camera): Excuse me. Do you like her glasses?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They are all right.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My husband says she`s hot.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They are awesome.

MOOS: Really? Wow.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s the best thing about her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They`re kind of like mine.

MOOS: They are $375, titanium frame glasses from a Japanese designer, Kawasaki. North American distributor says since Palin was picked for V.P. nominee, sales have quadrupled. On a message board, popular with opticians, one wrote, "I had four calls for Palin eye wear today. As one of those callers put it, `Palinize me.`" Opticians hope she will do more for glasses sales than, say, Tina Faye.

Governor Palin got her Kawasaki`s from an Alaskan optician who makes house calls. Joy Leedham took 300 pairs of glasses to Palin`s home.

JOY LEEDHAM, HOME OPTICS OWNER: Her family kind of gathered around and she`d say, "Which is better, this one or this one?"

MOOS: Joy says other opticians have given her grief for not ordering AR, anti-reflective coating. But that was Palin`s choice, so don`t blame the optician for the reflected glory of TV lights and flash bulbs.

Of course, Palin, has older pairs of glasses. She`s been wearing specs a long time, but no one paid much attention until she hit the big time. Those glasses are inaccurate. Those would be the glasses on the brand new Sarah Palin action figure selling for $30 at

(on camera): It seems to me that the accessory you`re interested in is not her glasses but on her leg.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She carries a hoisted 45 weapon. You need that in Alaska, you know, bears.

MOOS (voice-over): This is the superhero version. There are two others.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That`s way too short. Come on, she doesn`t dress like that.

MOOS: And bet you haven`t seen her wearing these on the campaign trail.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m sure she`s worn shoes like that in Alaska.

MOOS (on camera): Moose hunting.


MOOS (voice-over): Whatever you do, don`t call her four eyes. She`s likely to take aim.


HAMMER: I think I`m moving to Canada. That was CNN`s Jeanne Moos for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. You know, people are not just talking about Sarah Palin`s glasses. They`re talking about her hair, what she`s wearing and who better to talk about Sarah`s style than someone from "In Style."

In New York tonight, Katrina Szish. Katrina is the national correspondent for "In Style" magazine that you see right here.

Well, Katrina, it`s been said that not since the days of Camelot and Jacqueline Kennedy have we seen such a fashion frenzy over a woman in politics. Katrina, are Sarah`s glasses the new pillbox hat?

KATRINA SZISH, NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, "IN STYLE" MAGAZINE: Believe it or not, I think they are. She`s actually brought glasses back into fashion and she`s made them sexy. And as you could tell by the statistics we just heard, they are selling like hotcakes and people are definitely jumping on the bandwagon.


They`ve got sizzle.

HAMMER: Yes. All right. So Palin`s glasses are selling out. You`ve got people blogging about how she wears her hair in that "up-do." You know, even a wig has been created with the Palin look. You remember how crazy women went over Jennifer Aniston`s hairdo when she was working on "Friends." Everybody was walking into the salons asking for the "Rachel." What do you think, Katrina? Are people going to be seeing these women going into salons and asking for the "Palin"?

SZISH: Well, you can actually do the "Palin" quite easily. You don`t even have to go to a salon. You just sort of put your hair in a casual messy up-do. It`s not like going for the Victoria Beckham or the Rihanna where you have to commit to kind of an edgy haircut. This is something that you can try. And if it doesn`t work for you, you can get rid of it. But I think lots of women are already working.

HAMMER: I don`t know much, Katrina. I don`t think you have the length for it, personally.

SZISH: Not me.

HAMMER: Sarah Palin, you know, she dresses conservatively, you know, not really overstated. She`s very polished. Why is there so much to do over that style?

SZISH: I think it`s because she really is a very, very attractive woman. And I think especially in our celebrity-obsessed culture, we`re used to seeing women who are attractive, really even playing it up even more, wearing sexy outfits, really doing their hair, really doing their makeup. And Sarah Palin is a beautiful woman who does just the opposite. So I think the fact that she still manages to look sexy without playing it up really just emphasizes this, as you said, conservative style of hers and makes it work.

HAMMER: And you think she pulls it off?

SZISH: She pulls it off incredibly well and that`s because she`s confident with that style. She`s not trying to be someone else. She`s not trying to wear a certain costume to appeal to anybody. She`s wearing what she feels comfortable wearing.

HAMMER: Well, Katrina, I know you`ve been very busy this week because it is fashion week in New York City.

SZISH: Yes, it is.

HAMMER: It is a major event. You`re there for "In Style" magazine. I have to imagine, at least among the designers, people are buzzing about the Sarah Palin look. What are they saying?

SZISH: It`s definitely been discussed, I think, from a lot of the attendees at the fashion show. Everybody agrees that the glasses are brilliant. That is definitely something she`s brought back into fashion single-handedly in a very short period of time. A lot of people are saying, "Yes, you should have used a hip haircut." I`d like to see her in suits that perhaps fit a little better.

I spoke with Michael Coors about it this morning right before his show backstage. And he said, "You know what? I really think that fashion is not something that we should be worrying about at this point." But at the same time, he said, "Wearing a suit that is high quality, that fits you really, really well can improve your confidence level." I don`t know if Sarah Palin needs it.

HAMMER: Well-said, Michael Coors and Katrina Szish - I appreciate you being here.

SZISH: Thank you.

HAMMER: Now, remember, the September issue of "In Style" magazine can be found on newsstands right now.

And we`ve been asking you to vote on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day - "Sarah Palin`s Style: Is she becoming a fashion icon?" What do you think? Let us know at E-mail us at

Well, fashionistas everywhere are wondering about the other Sarah. I`m talking about Sarah Jessica Parker. Could it be that the sequel to the "Sex And The City" movie is already in the works?

Well, hold on to your Manolos. It looks like you`re in for some good news. Writer-director Michael Patrick King tells "Entertainment Weekly" that the story of Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda is not over yet. King also said the enthusiasm generated from the first big screen drawn from HBO series made him want to do it again. But I don`t want you to get your martini glasses out just yet. The whole deal is still reportedly in negotiation.

Well, Lindsay Lohan is speaking out about her gal pal, Samantha Ronson. You know, as much as people are talking about them, Lohan hasn`t said much about Samantha publicly until now. Coming up, you won`t want to miss this - Lindsay Lohan on the Samantha effect.

And we`re getting a new glimpse of Anna Nicole Smith`s daughter, Dannielynn. Her pictures are going to make you want to say, "Aaw." That`s straight ahead.

Didn`t you know you can watch SHOWBIZ TONIGHT any time you`d like at your convenience? Just download our totally free podcast which you`ll find on our Web site, You can also download it on iTunes. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is coming right back.


HAMMER: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. And here now are some more stories that are new right now.

Lindsay Lohan opens up about her gal pal, D.J. Samantha Ronson. Speaking to "Marie Claire" magazine, Lohan was coy about the relationship but she did share some details. Lohan said that besides having matching tattoos, Ronson has had a positive impact on her life.

Listen to what she says, quote, "I`m really happy. She`s a great person. And she`s a great influence on people around her. But I think that anything that`s changed in my life is because of me."

Well, Lindsay`s next film, "Labor Pains," will opening next year. But for now, Lindsay Lohan is focusing on music. And about that, she said, quote, "This business is very `Go, Go, Go, and then everything stops. So can you can feel invalid in a weird way. I find the recording studio therapeutic."

And you can read more of Lindsay Lohan`s interview in the October issue of "Marie Claire."

Well, Anna Nicole Smith`s daughter, Dannielynn, is the cover girl on the latest issue of "Us Weekly." Dannielynn just turned two. It`s been a while since we`ve seen the little girl. Well, her dad, photographer Larry Birkhead, tells "Us Weekly" Dannielynn`s first word was "mama." And she loves to ham it up for the camera. "Us Weekly" will hit newsstands on Friday.

Well, on Tuesday, we asked you to vote at our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day. And this was it - "Oprah Winfrey: Should she invite Sarah Palin on her show?" And a really even vote here, look at this - 51 percent of you say yes; 49 percent of you said no.

Let me read a few of the E-mails we got, including one from Stacey in California. Stacey says yes, Oprah should have Palin on her show. She writes, "Though it is apparent who Oprah supports, it would be in her best interest to maintain her integrity with viewers."

We also heard from Anderson in Pennsylvania. Anderson disagrees, writing, quote, "The name of the show is `The Oprah Winfrey Show.` Why would she invite someone on her show who she does not support?"

Mary in Indiana said, "We don`t know enough about Palin`s policies. If Oprah invited Palin on her show, she should ask some serious questions. The stakes are so high this year."

Thank you for your E-mails, and thank you for watching SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York.

Remember, you can always catch SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on the 11:00s. We`re on at 11:00 p.m. Eastern, 11:00 p.m. Pacific, and in the morning, at 11:00 a.m. Eastern. The latest from "CNN HEADLINE NEWS" is coming up next.