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Showbiz Tonight

Jon Versus the Other Kate; Levi Johnston Slamming Sarah Again; Brad Pitt`s Fired-up Take on Gay Marriage; Is Simon Worth More than Paula?; Miley Cyrus` Dancing Outrage; Hillary Clinton Loses Her Cool

Aired August 11, 2009 - 23:00   ET


LISA BLOOM, HOST: Now, on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, the other Kate`s brand-new all- out war on Jon. Tonight, the former tabloid reporter who left her job because of Jon Gosselin speaks out. Why Kate Major calls Jon a liar and a two-timer. Plus, this Kate`s startling claims about why Jon split up with the other Kate.

He`s back! Sarah Palin`s worst nightmare is slamming her again. Tonight, the teenage father of Sarah`s grandson lets loose.


LEVI JOHNSTON, FATHER OF SARAH PALIN`S GRANDSON: I`m not really looking forward to being around that family anymore.


BLOOM: But tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT has to ask, is Levi Johnston just playing a big joke on everyone?


BRAD PITT, ACTOR: I certainly don`t think anyone else has any right to tell someone else what to do with their life. It bugs the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) out of me, to tell you the truth.


BLOOM: And Brad Pitt, one-on-one with SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, his fired-up comments about gay marriage and why he won`t marry Angelina Jolie. It`s the brand-new interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

TV`s most provocative entertainment news show starts right now.


Hi, I`m Lisa Bloom, broadcasting tonight from Hollywood. A.J. Hammer has the night off.

Tonight, Jon minus two Kates. "Jon & Kate Plus 8`s" Jon Gosselin is getting a one-two punch from two Kates in his life. Just as he deals with the dramatic aftermath of his bitter divorce from his wife, Kate Gosselin, now, the other Kate, a former tabloid reporter, who claims to be romantically linked to Jon, levels up with a brand-new blockbuster.

She says Jon is a two-timer and a liar. This Jon versus Kate versus the other Kate drama is making big news right now.

With me tonight in Hollywood, Carlos Diaz, who is a correspondent for "Extra." And in New York, Lisa Bernhard, who is an entertainment journalist.

Tonight, you have got to see this explosive new interview with Kate Major, or as she`s lovingly referred to these days, Kate 2.0. She claims she and Jon Gosselin had a thing. And she spoke to "E! News" all about her romance with Jon. Watch this.


KATE MAJOR, FORMER TABLOID REPORTER: I definitely think he did have feelings for me, and we have feelings for each other. But after seeing what`s happened the past few days, I would just say he seems pretty confused.


BLOOM: Oh, boy. OK, Carlos, does Kate 2.0 come off as a spurned lover here? Are you starting to think that Jon has some explaining to do?

CARLOS DIAZ, CORRESPONDENT, "EXTRA"; I think it`s a little of both. I mean, I think - I`ve always said that Jon`s behavior since the split requires definite explaining. I mean, what kind of idiot would go out with every girl he could when he`s got most of America on his side for having to put up with Kate for five years?

You know, I think I honestly believe - I honestly believe that he`s messing up. But I mean, is she a spurned lover? In the truest sense of the word of being a lover, I would say, yes. And she`s been spurned and she`s kind of ticked off about it. So she`s lashing out. He`s being an idiot. What a great couple.

BLOOM: OK. But even if that`s so, Lisa, why do you think Kate Major felt the need to speak out on national television and talk about her relationship with Jon Gosselin?

LISA BERNHARD, ENTERTAINMENT JOURNALIST: Well, for starters, she`s out of a job, having left her position at "Star" magazine. So she probably figures - first of all, she`s got some time on her hands. Second of all, it`s probably not a bad idea to make herself a celebrity in all of this like the others could.

So she`s out there and she`s talking. And what I don`t understand is - I mean, when did they have all this time for these big declarations of love? There`s only been - in about 12 minutes, all of these people have claimed to have fallen madly in love with each other. It`s just a little suspect.

BLOOM: Oh, that`s very true.

BERNHARD: So I guess it`s, why not jump into the fray?

BLOOM: And you know, that`s true, and she`s not the only one. Jon says he`s currently dating Hailey Glassman - that`s the 22-year-old daughter of the plastic surgeon who gave Kate Gosselin her tummy tuck. I`m not kidding.

Jon tells "In Touch Weekly" he never dated Kate Major saying, quote, "I think she fell for me, but I knew my heart was with Hailey. I could just tell by her body language and closeness. I`m just like, OK, that`s great. I try to be nice to everyone and I didn`t want to lead anyone on."

But Kate Major says, that`s not true.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So you were romantic with Jon?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: On several occasions?

MAJOR: Yes. We were - I mean, I don`t like to talk about my personal life with anybody. However.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because he`s making it sound like you guys weren`t. So I just wanted you to be able to.

MAJOR: Well, you know, that`s unfortunate. And I think maybe he wasn`t honest with Hailey. And now, it looks bad so he`s going to try to reverse things. I just think he needs to basically man up and tell the truth.


BLOOM: Oh, man-up and tell the truth. Carlos, there`s a lot of confusion over whether Jon and Kate Major actually dated or not. Jon says no. Kate says yes. So whose story do you buy?

DIAZ: Lisa, let me give you a little phrase here, it`s called "hooking up" and that`s what they did. They hooked up, sounds to me like they had some sex or a lot of sex. And then he was like, "You know what? I don`t want to have sex with you anymore. I want to go back to Hailey." And she`s upset about things.

I mean, dating - and I agree with what Lisa just said. I mean, when did they have time for all these declarations of love? It sounds to me there were some things said during lovemaking, you know, and then, you know...

BLOOM: Oh, boy.

DIAZ: Promises made maybe and then, you know, he kind of moved on and she`s now kind of ticked off about it.

BLOOM: OK. So, Lisa, what do you think? Do you think it was just a hook- up as Carlos says?

BERNHARD: I do, yes. Carlos, bingo. Nail on the head. Hammer on the - whatever the phrase is. Hit the nail on the head.

DIAZ: Don`t use the term "hammer," please. Don`t use the term "hammer," all right?

BERNHARD: OK. I do love the line in that interview where Kate Major says, "I don`t like to discuss my personal life with anybody except when I`m going on this national show.


BLOOM: Hey, you know what? Don`t forget. Remember the first Kate, remember her, his soon-to-be ex-wife Kate Gosselin? Well, she gave an explosive, emotional interview on NBC`s "Today" show. And interestingly, she also said Jon was not telling the truth. Take a look.


MEREDITH VIEIRA, CO-HOST, THE "TODAY" SHOW: Jon said in an interview that you were the one who gave up on the marriage last October, that you`re the one who said, "I am done." Is that true?

KATE GOSSELIN, REALITY TV STAR, "JON & KATE PLUS 8": No. Clearly, we both have completely different takes on what happened between us. But I feel like the details of that, for the sake of my kids, need to remain private.


BLOOM: So, Carlos, is it just a crazy, wild coincidence that both Kates, Kate GOSSELIN and Kate 2.0, claim that Jon is lying? What do you think?

DIAZ: I think Jon has some explaining to do and I think his behavior is suspect. And I mean, in any divorce, it`s never one person that you can blame. I mean, everyone saw the way that Kate treated Jon and maybe Kate forced Jon out the relationship.

But we`ve all seen Jon in the tabloids. We haven`t seen Kate in the tabloids dating other guys.

BLOOM: True.

DIAZ: So, you know, I think both Jon and Kate are at fault. Kate 1.0, by the way. Sorry.

BLOOM: OK. Well, thanks for clearing that one up. And Kate 2.0`s rampage continued in a big, bad dramatic way when she was asked if she would get back together with Jon if he asked her. Watch this.


MAJOR: I would tell him to go back with Hailey or someone else. You know, I have more respect for myself, and I know I`m coming across as a little bit angry. But you know, if he would have handled things the right way and not tried to two-time both of us and lie about things and lie to other people, too, and now try to deny things, no. I mean, I`d look like a fool. I`m not going to be the other woman.


BLOOM: OK. So it`s obvious there`s a lot of drama here. Lisa, do you think Kate major needs to read that book, "He`s Just Not Into You," and move on?

BERNHARD: I do. And I think we should just make them all take lie detector tests and get to the bottom of this. Come, let`s just line them all up.

No, but I think that they`ve done a brilliant job, actually, with this story line in having us all debate not sort of who`s the most sympathetic, but maybe who`s the most tolerable in all of this. It`s like the shell game - the pieces keep moving and which one are we going to pick up to see who is the real evil-doer here. But it`s a classic case of he-said, she- said and it makes for good TV.

BLOOM: Have you noticed, by the way, Jon Gosselin`s transformation over the last few months during his divorce? He looks to me like he`s thinner. He`s tanner and he`s even sporting two earrings. I mean, he`s a bachelor now, but we can`t forget, he`s also the father of eight kids.

Watch what happened on the brand-new episode of "Jon & Kate Plus 8" when his two oldest daughters noticed those earrings for the first time.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Look at your ears.

JON GOSSELIN, REALITY TV STAR, "JON & KATE PLUS 8": They said, "Daddy, your earrings." I`m like, yes. I just figured, you know, I had my ears pierced since - I don`t know - I was 15 years old. My brother pierced them. I`ve always liked motorcycles and cars and fast things.

And I have four tattoos. And you know, that`s the way I`ve always been expressing myself, just things, you know, are just coming out a lot more. And this is who I am and this is who I`m going to be.


BLOOM: Carlos, we`re almost out of time, but is Jon losing sight of the fact that he`s a dad first?

DIAZ: Yes. Definitely. I mean, I think it`s - I mean, I kid a lot but - Jon Gosselin, listen. If you`re watching right now, I think it`s disgusting the way you`re acting right now. You`ve got eight kids at home. Be a dad first and then go date later. Keep it on the down-low. Let`s not everything out, you know, in the open. And you think earrings are manly? Elton John`s got earrings, too, dude, all right? So come on. What are you doing?

BLOOM: Ouch. OK, we`re going to have to leave it right there. Carlos Diaz and Lisa Bernhard, thanks so much.

Uh-oh. Watch out Sarah Palin, because tonight your worst nightmare is back and slamming you again.


KATHY GRIFFIN, COMEDIENNE: Sarah could make all the trouble go away if she moves you into the big house, everybody gets along and then you actually get to help raise the kid. Why is that a problem?

JOHNSTON: I don`t know. She screwed all that up. I`m not looking forward to being around that family anymore.


BLOOM: Levi Johnston goes off on Sarah to Kathy Griffin. But is the teenage father of Sarah`s grandson just playing a big old, Alaska-sized joke on everyone?

Hey, also letting loose - Brad Pitt. His fired-up interview to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, why he won`t marry Angelina Jolie. And his brand-new attacks about gay marriage.


PITT: I certainly don`t think anyone`s got any right to tell someone else what to do with their lives. It bugs the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) out of me, to tell you the truth.


BLOOM: Wow, Brad is really fired up. It`s the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

And the Simon versus Paula big money showdown. I hear that Simon may sign a $45 million "American Idol" deal. Is this just a smack upside the head to Paula Abdul who left the show? This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Now, the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: Austrian tribute to Michael Jackson will be broadcast globally, will take place in September. Jessica Simpson experiences 6.6 magnitude earthquake in Japan.



BLOOM: That`s Mel Gibson`s girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva, singing "Beautiful Heartache" off her debut album. And tonight, a SHOWBIZ exclusive - Oksana is giving her first TV interview since she and Mel went public with their relationship.

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m Lisa Bloom. A.J. Hammer has the night off.

Tonight, Mel Gibson`s girlfriend speaks. This is the first TV interview Oksana Grigorieva has done since she and Mel Gibson revealed that they were dating back in April. Oksana, in fact, is pregnant with Mel`s baby. And Mel is also distributing Oksana`s first album.

SHOWBIZ TONIGHT and CNN entertainment producer, Denise Quan, sat down with Oksana for a SHOWBIZ TONIGHT exclusive. And she opened up very candidly about her relationship with Mel, whether or not they`ll get married, and of course, her music.


OKSANA GRIGORIEVA, MEL GIBSON`S GIRLFRIEND: I`m just so lucky to make an album I`ve always wanted to make. And I`m very happy in music. Oh, any form of art has to be shared like a good meal, like it has to be shared. Then you do find yourself happy and fulfilled.

Every talent needs a serious push and help from somebody who`s stronger because it`s pretty much impossible to succeed in this industry. So I bow to anyone who`s succeeded in this industry. It`s very difficult.

So I`ve become very lucky. And I`m very grateful. And of course a visionary, too, Mel is a true artist. Mel Gibson - he enabled me to produce this album and he conceived, directed and produced four videos.

They`re like miniature, dramatic movies, little films, whirlpool of images. They`re very colorful. And I`m just incredibly grateful for that. I do not control the situation. I did not plan this. I`m just doing what I`ve always been doing.

It`s not like I`ve changed my goals at all. But, of course, he`s an artist and a visionary and an incredible one. And with these videos, I probably have more of a chance because it`s all done at once. We did work very hard and many long hours.

DENISE QUAN, CNN ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCER: So what`s the advice that Mel is giving you through all this, you know, dealing with publicity, dealing with sitting here and people asking you questions?

GRIGORIEVA: Just be myself and speaking the truth. And what I most like to talk about is my music and "Beautiful Heartache." That`s pretty much it.

QUAN: I was wondering if you had plans to get married.

GRIGORIEVA: We don`t know yet, you know. But I`ll tell you if we will.

QUAN: It`s not out of the question, though?

GRIGORIEVA: We haven`t really talked about it. I`ve made an album I`ve always wanted to make, and I feel very privileged and lucky to be able to express that.


BLOOM: Oksana also says she and Mel have chosen not to find out if they`re having a boy or a girl. You can download the four videos Gibson directed for her album at

Well, the new season of "American Idol" is still months away. But today, on this hot summer day, people are still heated up about Paula Abdul leaving the show. Our "Showbiz on Call" operators are shifting from all the fired-up phone calls they are getting.

Well, we`ve got a call in to "Showbiz on Call" from Angela in Alabama. She`s not shedding any tears about Paula leaving.


CALLER: I beg to differ with the Paula fans. I`m glad to be rid of Paula. She`s a terrible judge of talent. I found her antics to be very annoying. I`ll watch the show with enjoyment instead of annoyance now. Goodbye, Paula.


BLOOM: Thank you, Angela. We also heard from Mary calling in to "Showbiz on Call" from Florida. Mary is saying, bye-bye to the show.


CALLER: I`m 89 years old and I have watched "American Idol" since the day it started until the day that they took Paula off of there. And as I can say it, the only one with any heart on that show is Paula. And the rest all have dollar signs. And without her, they`re definitely going to lose me and many others.


BLOOM: Eighty-nine-year-old Mary - do not mess with her. And Virginia in Alabama has this controversial idea. Get rid of all the judges.


CALLER: It`s not about any of the judges. It`s about the talent that`s on the show. They could put anybody, just like any other reality show, on the judgment panel. It`s strictly about the talent, not the judges. As a matter of fact, the show might be a better show without those types of judges.


BLOOM: Thanks, Virginia. I don`t know if you`re getting a lot of support on that one. So what do you think? Call us at "Showbiz on Call" and let us know what`s got you fired up about this "Idol" debate or anything else on your mind. Call us at 1-888-SBT-BUZZ; that`s 1-888-728-2899.

Let me tell you, Brad Pitt is really fired up tonight. You`ve got to see his explosive comments about gay marriage and why he won`t marry Angelina Jolie. It`s the brand-new interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

Well, he`s back. Sarah Palin`s worst nightmare slamming her again. Tonight, the teenage father of Sarah`s grandson lets loose.


GRIFFIN: Sarah could make all the trouble go away if she moves you into the big house, everybody gets along and then you actually get to help raise the kid. Why is that a problem?

JOHNSTON: I don`t know. She screwed all that up. I`m not looking forward to being around that family anymore.


BLOOM: But tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT has got to ask, is Levi Johnston just playing a big joke on all of us?

And the brand-new Miley Cyrus pole-dancing controversy. The 16-year- old Disney star does a racy dance at the Teen Choice Awards. Did Miley go way too far or is this really no big deal? Are we all just overreacting?

Now, the "SHOWBIZ TONIGHT News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: La Toya Jackson in talks to appear on "Dancing with the Stars." TNT renews "Hawthorne," starring Jada Pinkett Smith for a second season.



TOM BRADY, QUARTERBACK: Who are you dating?

JERRY FERRARA, ACTOR (as Turtle): Jamie Lynn Siegler(ph). Oh, right. And I just want to say something from the both of us. You -

BRADY: Jamie, she`s awesome.

FERRARA: Yes, yes, sweetest girl in the world. Do you know her?

BRADY: Yes, we met at this charity event a few years ago. Gisele loved her.

FERRARA: Really?

BRADY: Yes. You know, we should go out some time.

FERRARA: Us? With you and Gisele?

BRADY: Yes. Just come over to the house. She cooks.

FERRARA: Gisele cooks? It`s awesome.


BLOOM: Who would have thought supermodel Gisele Bundchen who has a bun in the oven spends time in front of the oven? That`s Gisele`s hubby, quarterback Tom Brady, inviting Turtle over for dinner on HBO`s "Entourage."

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m Lisa Bloom. A.J. has the night off. Tom Brady has another kid, his 2-year-old son, Jack, with actress Bridget Moynahan. Well, for the first time, Tom is speaking out about having a child out of wedlock.

He tells "Details" magazine, "That`s not how you envisioned your life, that`s not how you envisioned having children, but it happens. Life is not living in the suburbs with a white picket fence. That`s not life."

Read more in the September issue of "Details" on newsstands next week.

And staying with this baby theme, Jennifer Hudson just had a baby boy. She and her fiance welcomed David Daniel Otunga, Jr. late Monday. The baby weighed in at seven pounds, 14 ounces. Congratulations.

Let`s check out what`s happening now on the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT Facebook page. You`re all fired up about Paula Abdul leaving "American Idol."

Trish P. says, "`American Idol` is beginning its end. Paula Abdul shouldn`t go down when `A.I.` goes down. Seriously, how many more years can this show really continue."

Also, lots of comments about Kate Gosselin`s tearful interview on the "Today" show. Laci W. says, "Kate is overbearing and bossy. I don`t feel sorry for her."

But Stephanie M. writes, "The way Jon is acting is embarrassing. Acting like a horny 18-year-old."

Well, I want to hear from you on Facebook now. Also, follow us on Twitter for breaking entertainment news alerts. Sign up for our Facebook and Twitter pages at

Now the SHOWBIZ lineup - here`s what`s coming up on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

Levi Johnston, the teenage father of Sarah Palin`s grandson, is slamming her again. But what do you think? Is it just a big joke?

And Brad Pitt`s fired-up interview to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


PITT: I certainly don`t think anyone`s got any right to tell someone else what to do with their lives. It bugs the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) out of me to tell you the truth.


BLOOM: All right. Well, Brad goes off about gay marriage and why he won`t marry Angelina Jolie.

And Simon Cowell might be getting a $45 million "American Idol" deal. Is Paula Abdul worth just as much as he is? This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Now, the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: Country duo Brooks and Dun say they will split up after 2010 tour. Carrie Underwood will be inducted into the Oklahoma hall of fame on September 17th.



GRIFFIN: Sarah could make all the trouble go away if she moves you into the big house, everybody gets along and you actually get to help raise the kid. Why is that a problem?

JOHNSTON: I don`t know. She screwed all that up. I`m not really looking forward to being around that family anymore.


BLOOM: Now, on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, Sarah Palin`s never-ending nightmare. The teenage father of her grandson is slamming the Palin clan again. Is he starting a new war of words or is this all just a big joke?

BLOOM: And Brad Pitt goes off right in front of our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT cameras.


PITT: I certainly don`t think anyone`s got any right to tell someone else what to do with their lives. It bugs the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) out of me to tell you the truth.


BLOOM: What that has to do with gay marriage and not marrying Angelina Jolie.

Miley Cyrus` dancing outrage. Was her performance with a pole way too racy for the squeaky clean teen?

Plus, more stories breaking from the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker."

TV`s most provocative entertainment news show continues right now.


Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. It is 30 minutes past the hour. I`m Lisa Bloom here in Hollywood. A.J. Hammer has the night off.

Well, tonight, he`s back! Sarah Palin`s worst nightmare, Levi Johnston, returns with a brand-new slam on the former governor of Alaska and he`s got some star power on his side.

Making news right now, the father of Sarah Palin`s grandson is hooking up with comedienne Kathy Griffin and slamming Sarah Palin big-time. So is this all in good fun or should Sarah Palin be furious?

And tonight, Miley Cyrus`s sexy scandal. Miley made a big splash at the Teen Choice Awards with her brand-new song, but it was her pole position during her performance that`s got everyone scratching their heads today. You have got to see her sexy new moves.

Joining me tonight in Hollywood is Carlos Diaz, who is a correspondent for "Extra." Also joining me tonight in Hollywood is Leslie Marshall, the host of talk radio`s "The Leslie Marshall Show."

All right. I know I laughed - I definitely laughed when Kathy Griffin brought Levi Johnston as her date to the Teen Choice Awards. Mind you, this is the father of Sarah Palin`s grandson, Tripp. Well, if that weren`t enough, Kathy invited Levi to come down when she was guest hosting CNN`s "LARRY KING LIVE." And then she played up their supposed love affair. Take a look at this.


GRIFFIN: All right. Can we please talk about my new life in Wasilla? Tell me about our love igloo.

JOHNSTON: You know, it`s going to be a little colder there. So I`m going to have to, you know, keep you a little bit warmer.

GRIFFIN: With your big strong man arms around me?


GRIFFIN: I`m not afraid of you.


GRIFFIN: Do you have any scars from last night?

JOHNSTON: I might have a few, yes.

GRIFFIN: OK. Because I have a bruise in a naughty place.


BLOOM: The love igloo? I mean, clearly, a match made in heaven, right? Funny stuff. But, Carlos, I would imagine that Sarah Palin is not laughing. And remember, she owns weapons.

DIAZ: She does own weapons. I would stay out of Alaska if I were Levi. She might go, "Look, a bear." But no - you know, I mean, she doesn`t find anything amusing these days. So you know, of course, she`s not going to like it.

But I think Kathy Griffin is a genius when it comes to this because she finally found a way for Levi Johnston to have a personality. I mean, this guy`s a rough interview and he actually came alive last night on "LARRY KING LIVE" and was somewhat entertaining.

BLOOM: All right. Leslie, what do you think? Do you think Sarah Palin`s on a fishing boat somewhere yanking out the bun in her hair or is she laughing, too?

LESLIE MARSHALL, HOST, "THE LESLIE MARSHALL SHOW": I think she`s looking for Tony Soprano. No. Actually - come on. Kathy Griffin has got the guts and I think we would all agree, Larry does a great job, but the "LARRY KING" show was just not the same in that segment.

She made him real and he is real. I mean, he`s a guy that fell in love with a girl. They had sex without protection before marriage. She got pregnant. I don`t agree with everything he said and done. But I have to say he was the best as an interviewee with Kathy Griffin asking the questions, even pretending with their love igloo that I actually liked the guy for a change.

BLOOM: Yes. You know, maybe Kathy Griffin finally found the perfect straight man for her humor. But it wasn`t all fun and games. She actually asked him how his relationship is going with the Palins. Take a look at what he had to say.


GRIFFIN: Now, you`re still in contact with Bristol and you guys are getting along to a degree.


GRIFFIN: All right. You know my plan. My plan is that Sarah could make all the trouble go away if she moves you in the big house, everybody gets along and then you actually get to help raise the kid. Why is that a problem?

JOHNSTON: I don`t know. She screwed all that up. I`m not looking forward to being around that family anymore.


BLOOM: OK, so talk about a slam on Sarah Palin. And let`s not forget, she may run for president someday. So Carlos, so Sarah Palin be worried about this guy with her future political aspirations?

DIAZ: No, Lisa. Stop it. She`s not going to run for president. If she does, it will last about a week.

BLOOM: How do you know that?

DIAZ: Come on. Can we stop the whole Palin in `12, Palin in `16, Palin in `20, Palin in `24 - just no more. No more of that, all right?

But seriously, look at that question and look at the way that Kathy Griffin asked that question. Concise, to the point and got a great answer, probably the best answer from Levi Johnston, you know, ever. You know, and he was real. He answered the question in an honest way. And I think you see in his answer what Sarah Palin might be like behind the scenes.

BLOOM: All right. Well, Levi and Kathy had a fun time at the Teen Choice Awards, no doubt about it. They were right there in the audience to watch Miley Cyrus`s provocative performance in a pair of short shorts and a pole. I`m not kidding - yes, a pole. If you didn`t see it, take a look.


Well, did someone forget to tell 16-year-old Miley the memo that ice cream carts are topped by umbrellas, that my friends are not an umbrella? I mean, let me remind you. This was the Teen Choice Awards.

So, Carlos, is this a harmless prop or did she have a little too much pole-dancing going on for your taste?

DIAZ: I`m sorry. I`m sorry. I would like to come on and say, "Oh, Miley, shame on you." But it was like a safety pole on the ice cream truck. Come on. I didn`t see.

BLOOM: A safety pole?

DIAZ: I didn`t see that much wrong with it. Do you want her to be on that ice cream pole without something to hold on to? That was she was doing. She was holding on to the pole. I`ve seen - my friends have told me that strippers can do a lot more on poles than she did that day. That`s what I`ve been told. I`ve been - second hand.

BLOOM: OK. Well, Leslie, help me out because dancers perform on stages and platforms all the time without poles, don`t they?

MARSHALL: Your friends told you about those strippers, Carlos, but you`re being a guy. You are being a guy. There`s just something subconscious here.

This is terrible. She`s supposed to be - she`s supposed to be the Christian girl who`s really nice. She is breaking her dad`s already achy- breaky heart on this. This is, to me, in really bad taste. It was obvious what they were going for. It was obvious what they were going for.


BLOOM: You have to listen to this because Miley was talking - listen to this. Miley was talking about this performance to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT before the show. And she told us to expect more of her new moves on the tour. Listen.


MILEY CYRUS, SINGER: I`m very excited for tonight. I hope everything goes well. I have a new single, "Party in the USA," which (INAUDIBLE). I`m actually about to go on tour. So to be able to be like, you know, kind of get everyone into, you know, what my new style is like is exciting.


BLOOM: Her new style, huh - hot pants and a pole. Well, I`ve got to tell you, clicking around the Internet today, parents are up in arms about that performance. Leslie, do you think Miley was too sexy or are people overreacting?

MARSHALL: I think she is too sexy. I mean, she`s, what, 15, 16 years old? This is not appropriate behavior, especially for a girl who she and her family maintain will not be like the other celebrities. They will not be a Paris Hilton or a Lindsay Lohan.

BLOOM: And you know what this reminds me of? This reminds me of that racy - remember that racy photo shoot that Miley did with "Vanity Fair?"

MARSHALL: Yes, "Vanity Fair." I was against that.

BLOOM: Back was exposed, behind a bed sheet. She`s got smudged make up and tousled hair. I mean, she got a lot of flak for that. But Carlos, just quickly, do you think Miley is really distancing herself from her Disney child star image now?

DIAZ: No. Did you see the other - it was like a wham video up there with what they were wearing. They had like the bright fluorescent clothing. It wasn`t Britney with a snake on stage at the VMAs. She was on an ice cream truck.


DIAZ: I mean, she`s growing up a little bit. She`s 16 -

BLOOM: All right. We`ll leave it there. I don`t think (INAUDIBLE) from you two on this one today.



BLOOM: Carlos Diaz, Leslie Marshall, thanks so much. Miley may not be a sex symbol yet, I hope not. But there`s no doubt that Brad Pitt is. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT goes one-on-one with the super-hot megastar. And then he gets hot under the collar going off on why he won`t marry Angelina Jolie.


PITT: I certainly don`t think anyone`s got any right to tell someone else what to do with their lives. It bugs the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) to tell you the truth.


BLOOM: Whoa, he`s ticked. Yes, he is. It`s the brand-new interview you`ll see only here on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

I know someone else who might be really ticked off. Well, Paula Abdul - that`s because Simon Cowell is about to sign a reported, get this, $45 million deal to stay on "American Idol." Is that just a huge slap in the face to Paula?

Plus, breaking developments in the Michael Jackson death mystery - another shocking raid just hours ago as cops get one step closer to finding out what really killed M.J. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Now, the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: MTV shutting down Times Square studio, where "Total Request Live" was shot. Documentary about director John Hughes set for posthumous global release.


BLOOM: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m Lisa Bloom. A.J. has the night off.

Tonight, breaking developments in the Michael Jackson death mystery. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can tell you that just hours ago, police raided a Las Vegas pharmacy. The cops and the feds believe the pharmacy could lead to more startling details about Michael`s use of the powerful anesthetic propofol.

Today`s raid comes days after officials turned Dr. Conrad Murray`s Vegas home upside down in another raid. Dr. Murray is believed to have given Michael Jackson propofol sometime in the day before his death.

And tonight, Brad Pitt`s gay marriage blockbuster. Pitt is hopping mad about bans on gay marriage. And he`s telling SHOWBIZ TONIGHT all about it. Pitt tells us he`s furious and he and Angelina Jolie are digging in their heels over it. It is just one of the stories making big news right now.

At the premiere of his new movie, "Inglorious Basterds," Brad Pitt told SHOWBIZ TONIGHT he`s not sorry for his controversial stand about gay marriage. He has said that he and Jolie won`t get married until gays have the right to do so as well.

Also making news right now, Paula Abdul`s out, but Simon Cowell remains in at "American Idol." "The Hollywood Reporter" says Cowell is close to signing a huge deal to stay with "American Idol" for a reported $45 million a year. Just last week, Abdul walked away from the show after a reported salary dispute.

Joining me tonight from New York is entertainment journalist Katrina Szish. Also in New York is entertainment journalist Lisa Bernhard.

All right. Let`s start with Brad Pitt in "Parade Magazine." He repeated his promise that he and Jolie will not get married until gays can, too. So, when SHOWBIZ TONIGHT caught up with him at the premiere of "Inglorious Basterds," well, of course, we had to ask him about it. Listen to this.


PITT: Truthfully, I said it kind as one off - you know, just off the cuff, taking a dig at people, you know, telling people how to live their lives. And I got so much - I got so much response from it, positive and negative which is really interesting to me.

I certainly don`t think anyone`s got any right to tell someone else what to do with their lives. It bugs the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) out of me to tell you the truth. And there is no more time for that, no place for that.


BLOOM: Oh, he doesn`t mince words, does he? Lisa, Brad seems really adamant about his gay marriage stance. Are you surprised that he and Angelina are taking such a strong stand on a big public issue?

BERNHARD: I`m not surprised at all. I mean, I admire the guy for taking a stand. I mean, they support a whole bunch of different causes. And you know, he gave that great interview to "Parade," to you guys who have said this. He admitted himself it was kind of off-the-cuff at first. But he`s standing by it.

And let`s not forget he also doesn`t really have and Angie the kind of sort of bride-to-be that`s kind of pushing him, "Where`s my ring? Where`s my ring? Where`s my ring?" I think they have a very comfortable life together. And I think that there`s - you know, he also doesn`t have that tug from his potential bride-to-be as saying, like, "You`ve got to give me a ring now."


BERNHARD: So it`s comfortable for him to say that, but I do believe that he does very much believe in what he`s saying.

BLOOM: Yes. You know, one of my Facebook friends said today, maybe this is just a great excuse not to marry his longtime girlfriends and still come out smelling like a rose. I mean, Katrina, do you think that Brad and Angelina could start a trend here and encourage other heterosexual couples to follow their lead in boycotting marriage?

KATRINA SZISH, ENTERTAINMENT JOURNALIST: I think what Brad and Angie have set a trend in is maybe thinking that having children without getting married is OK. So they`ve almost given acceptance to something that in the past really has not been acceptable for man and woman to do. So I do think it`s interesting how people will follow celebrities` examples.

But I also do agree with what your Facebook friend said there, Lisa, that perhaps this is a way for Brad and Angie to completely skirt the marriage issue. They`ve both been married. It hasn`t worked out. This just might be a very convenient way of getting around it.

BLOOM: Oh, so cynical. All right. Also new tonight, Simon Cowell. According to "The Hollywood Reporter," he`s close to signing a three-year deal to stay with "American Idol" for a whopping $45 million a year. Yes, that`s per year, folks.

Last week, Paula Abdul left the show after the show`s producers reportedly wouldn`t meet demand for just $10 million a year.

So Katrina, is Simon really worth four and a half times more than Paula?

SZISH: I love the entire cast of "American Idol," but I have to say, as I`m sad to see Paula go, the show wouldn`t be able to go on without Simon Cowell. He is that voice that everybody looks to whether he comes across in a nasty way or not. He does know what he`s talking about. Everybody looks to him to take the lead. And "American Idol" wouldn`t be "American Idol" with (sic) Simon. It will be said without Paula, but the show will go on.

BLOOM: Well, I guess the producers agree with you.


BLOOM: And now, plenty of viewers are just completely upset that Abdul is leaving "Idol." Carolyn from Texas called into "Showbiz on Call." Listen to what she had to say.


CALLER: Paula Abdul was great for "American Idol." She showed great excitement towards the people who came on to try out. She was very prompt on all of the decisions that were being made. I think it`s going to be a bad business decision for Paula to be leaving "American Idol."


BLOOM: So that`s a little sampling. Lisa, how do you think viewers, overall, are going to take the news that "American Idol" showed Simon the money, but not Paula? Maybe a backlash is coming?

BERNHARD: I don`t know if this is as strong as a backlash but, you know, don`t forget Paula Abdul was actually the only person who was known to the general public in terms of these judges and the host Ryan Seacrest when the show first came on the air. So she`s the only one who really had a fan base.

Now, she`s a bit of wildcard in terms of some of her behavior off camera. Again, I think that`s only actually good for the show in terms of keeping people`s attention.

BLOOM: Yes. And you know, I like them together. He`s the mean guy. She`s the nice guy.

BERNHARD: They`re great.

BLOOM: I thought they were a good combination. You know let`s see how it works.


We`re out of time. We`re going to leave it right there. I`m so sorry. Lisa, Katrina, thank you so much for joining us.

All right. We`ve been asking you to vote on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day - "Simon Cowell`s New Reported $45 Million `Idol" Contract: Is he really worth so much more than Paula Abdul?" Keep voting at E-mail us at

All right. Hillary Clinton fired-up and lashing out over a comment about her husband. Wait until what triggered to completely lose her cool and why the shocking moment may have all been just a big mistake.

Now, the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: Elton John to play on grunge band Alice in Chains tribute album due out 9/29. Neil Young honored as Musicares Person of the Year.

Time now for "Making It Work," where we find out how stars make their relationships work. Well, tonight, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos - they`ve been married for 13 years and they have three children together.

And if that weren`t enough, the superstar couple now has a production company which produces reality shows. With so much going on, how do they make their relationship work?

Kelly and Mark reveals to CNN`s Larry King, it`s all about old- fashioned tradition.


MARK CONSUELOS, ACTOR: I believe that my wife is extremely patient and extremely tolerant. I think that`s the key to our success.

KELLY RIPA, CO-HOST, "LIVE WITH REGIS AND KELLY": You know, Larry, we also had really good examples.


RIPA: I mean, my parents have been married for almost 50 years.

CONSUELOS: Almost 50 years, and my parents just about the same time.

RIPA: Almost the same. And you know, we don`t really let ego get involved in our relationship at all. We just - and I`m deeply in love with him. I mean, he is gorgeous.


BLOOM: Cute couple, huh? Well, I bet you didn`t know this - Mark officiated the wedding of his own close friend, "Shock Doc" Howard Stern. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.



BLOOM: That`s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton busting a move in Nairobi Kenya. Hey, this kind of gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "All the world is a stage." I didn`t know she had it in her."

You know, as Sec. Clinton has confessed that "Dancing with the Stars" is one of her favorite shows, do I smell an audition tape here?

Welcome to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m Lisa Bloom. A.J. Hammer has the night off. Well, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went from snapping her fingers to nearly snapping someone`s head off after she was asked a question that she found highly offensive.

Although she`s one of the most powerful women on the planet, a student asked what her husband has to say about his sensitive policy issues. Oops. And that`s when she totally lost it. Watch this.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What does Mr. Clinton think through the mouth of Mrs. Clinton? And what does Mr. Mutombo think on this situation? Thank you very much.

HILLARY CLINTON, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: Wait. You want me to tell you what my husband thinks? My husband is not the secretary of state. I am.


CLINTON: If you ask my opinion, I will tell you my opinion. I`m not going to be channeling my husband.

BLOOM: Oh, no. I`m sure someone is getting yelled at for that little episode. Because apparently, the whole thing was just a big misunderstanding. Something got lost in translation. The student actually wanted to know about President Obama`s views, not former President Bill Clinton.

Well, on Monday, we asked you to vote on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day - "Kate Gosselin`s First Post-Split TV Interview: Do you feel sorry for her?" Let`s check out the results - 33 percent of you say yes; 67 percent of you, not feeling it.

Here are just a few of the E-mails we got. Natha from Alabama writes, "I don`t feel sorry for her at all. They make enough money to pay for the necessities. I do feel sorry for the kids."

And Fran from California writes, "Kate`s husband turned out to be a jerk. Her brother and sister-in-law are spreading lies about her. I feel sad for her."

Well, that`s SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m Lisa Bloom. Remember, you catch SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on the 11:00s - 11:00 p.m. Eastern, 11:00 p.m. Pacific, and in the morning at 11:00 a.m. Eastern on HLN.