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Showbiz Tonight

A $350,000 Offer to Casey Anthony; Kris Humphries` Cryptic Tweet; Tim Tebow, The New American Idol; Katie Holmes` Naked Ambition

Aired January 11, 2012 - 23:00   ET


A.J. HAMMER, HOST: Big news breaking tonight on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT - an astonishing offer to Casey Anthony, a $350,000 deal to tell all. Will she take it? The man behind that Casey offer is here in a SHOWBIZ TONIGHT exclusive. Is he worried about death threats from all of the Casey haters?

Kris gets cryptic. Kris Humphries` mysterious tweet that the truth will get out about his disastrous marriage to Kim Kardashian.

Tonight, the SHOWBIZ Flashpoint - is Kris ready to reveal the truth about his marriage mayhem? We will ask reality star, Holly Madison. She is here to sound of on the Kardashian chaos in a SHOWBIZ newsmaker interview.

The new American idol. Remarkable new evidence just revealed that NFL star, Tim Tebow, is bigger than Beyonce and bigger than "American Idol" and "X Factor" combined. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT with the Tim Tebow miracle.

TV`s most provocative entertainment news show breaks news right now.


Hello. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York with big news breaking tonight - two big SHOWBIZ exclusives tonight.

Katy Perry was nowhere to be seen in tonight`s People`s Choice Awards. She pulled out of the show, and I`m thinking, it is pretty clear it was to avoid questions about her divorce from Russell Brand and her preacher father`s dramatic apology for making anti-Semitic remarks in a church.

Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT brings you the head of that church and the exclusive story of what really happened there.

But first, a Casey Anthony exclusive. Casey Anthony just got a $350,000 offer to tell all about being accused and acquitted on charges she killed her daughter, Caylee. Tonight, a SHOWBIZ exclusive - the guy from the Web site that`s making that offer to Casey. Why is he doing it? And does he really think she is going to take it?

With me tonight from Hollywood, Nik Richie from "," which is offering Casey a very, very big payday.

Nik, I want to get right to this. You say you have sent Casey Anthony`s lawyer a $350,000 offer for this one-on-one interview with Casey. Here is a copy of the letter off of your Web site right here.

In the letter, which you say was delivered to Jose Baez` law firm, you have all of the details spelled out, including that the interview would be heard on ""

It would also appear on your Web site, "" Now, Nik, there is obviously a very good reason that no one else has apparently been offering to pay Casey Anthony a whole lot of money for an exclusive interview.

She is completely radioactive. She is a total pariah. So you`ve got to tell me how do you justify shelling out $350,000 for an interview with Casey who, as you well know, is known as the most hated woman in America?

NIK RICHIE, "THEDIRTY.COM": You know, I agree with you there. But you know, this is an interview that the whole world wants to see, you know. She is infamous, and you know, she can`t really - her life right now is out in the world but she is still in prison.

And people want to know her thoughts. And yes, she might be a liar. She might be hated, but she is still a person. She was found not guilty, you know. And I want to give her that platform on "The Dirty" and give her the voice and have the opportunity to have that interview with Casey.

HAMMER: She may, Nik, as you know, have been found not guilty, but we also know - I guarantee you walk down the street, there is not a person who is going to tell you that they think she is innocent.

And we know how big perception is. A lot of people think it is like handing her over this cash prize.

RICHIE: Yes. You know, I`ve been getting a lot of threats already saying it is blood money, this and that. But you know, they`ve came out publicly and said they are looking for a big payday.

This is my opportunity to give Casey that voice using "The Dirty," using my radio show to say what she wants to say. And you know what? I`m going to ask her the questions that I want to know personally.

And you know, people are not happy about it but I`m stepping up to the plate and giving her the shot.

HAMMER: Well, you are treading, I think, as you`ve already learned, in some pretty dangerous waters here. And let`s get a reality check, Nik, because, you know, it is one thing to send Casey`s lawyers a letter.

And obviously, it`s quite another to get the actual interview. In your heart of hearts, do you really think Casey is going to take the offer?

RICHIE: I hope so, and I hope she is watching this. Casey, if you are, you know, this is a real offer. This is your opportunity to talk, because obviously you want to say something to the world.

I`m giving you the platform. I`m giving you the chance. "" - we get millions and millions of people coming to the site. The radio show does have 1.2 million listeners. And I want to be the guy that gives you the opportunity, you know.

HAMMER: But really, yes or no, Nik, do you actually think she will do it?

RICHIE: I don`t know. I hope so.

HAMMER: And listen, I`m sure this is not lost on you. There are a lot of people out there who are saying, "You know what? This is a cheap publicity stunt. You are never going to actually get her."

And here we are talking about your Web site, mentioning your radio show. You are getting quite a bit of publicity. What do you say to people who suggest that?

RICHIE: It is not a PR stunt, you know. It is what it is. I made an offer, and I might be the first to make an offer publicly.

And there might be other offers out there but I`m standing behind what rumors came out the other day saying, you know, "The Dirty" has made an offer. Yes, I have made an offer. I hope she can come on the show, and it is real.

HAMMER: And what do you think and what are you expecting to get out of an interview with her if you actually get the interview? I mean, do you think you might get a confession?

RICHIE: You never know, you know. My radio show - you know, I try to crack my guests and try to get in their minds. And I think I`m the best person for this opportunity.

Much like Casey, I get a lot of flak in the media with my Web site, "" and what I do. And you know, I`m not a suit. I`m not a Nancy Grace, you know.

I`m not someone that she can really look at and be in fear of, you know. I don`t think the nerves will be there for her. And hopefully, you know, she`ll get the shot.

HAMMER: Obviously, we will be following to see if you get it. You know, obviously, as I said, dangerous waters. But I guess you already realize what you are getting yourself into here. Nik Richie, I do appreciate you being here. Thanks.

RICHIE: Thank you so much.

HAMMER: I want to move on to another big SHOWBIZ TONIGHT exclusive. This is about Katy Perry`s daddy drama. Katy`s Dad has just issued a dramatic apology for anti-Semitic comments that he made while preaching in a church in Ohio.

Katy dad told the congregation this - it`s still unbelievable to me, "You know how to make the Jew jealous? Have some money, honey. You go to L.A. and they own all the Rolex and diamond places. Walk down a part of L.A. where we live and it is so rich, it smells. You ever smell rich? They are all Jews. Hallelujah. Amen."

Now, Katy`s father is - Keith Hudson is his name. He has now publicly apologized for these obviously outrageous remarks after first saying that his words were taken out of context.

Well, someone else who had claimed Hudson`s words were taken out of context was senior pastor of the church, Paul Endrei. Paul joins us tonight for an exclusive SHOWBIZ newsmaker interview.

Pastor Endrei, I appreciate you being here. I need to understand right off the bat how exactly could it be that rant was taken out of contest. Why did you say that?

PAUL ENDREI, SENIOR PASTOR (through telephone): The reason I said that, A.J., is that after he had been speaking the entire night about God`s power in your life and what we could look forward to and God`s blessings in 2012 which is really the reason he was to be there.

He wasn`t there to talk about his daughter. He wasn`t there to talk about her divorce or anything like that. He was really there to pray for people and to just share words of hope for this year.

Well, at the end, he was praying for different groups of people. And he said, "Those of you that are business leaders, would you please stand to your feet?" And a group of people stood to their feet and he began to just encourage them and saying, basically, "We are going to pray for God to prosper you and God to bless you."

And just like God had said to Abraham in the book of Genesis, that He would bless him to be a blessing unto others, that God will bless you like that.

Then, he went on to talk about, you know, that God wants you to be so blessed that you would make a Jew jealous. Of course, that was inappropriate.

HAMMER: Sure. I mean -

ENDREI: But there was a context to what he was saying.

HAMMER: But quite frankly, I think you would agree -

ENDREI: He was saying that businessmen should prosper.

HAMMER: You would agree, context aside, really, really poor use and choice of words that should never be uttered. The public apology from Katy`s dad, as you know, really left no wiggle room.


HAMMER: We can forget the "taken out of context" claim. Listen to what he said, "I deeply regret the hurtful and ugly language I used in my message in Ohio. I used images about Jews rooted in the worst anti-Semitism in the past, images that at times led to the persecution and murder of Jews." Now that he has said that, I mean, does context even come into play, pastor?

ENDREI: No, I don`t think it was. I think that was a super-strong apology. I, you know, have apologized it happened at our church. Obviously, I didn`t say the comment.

And I made the statement in some of the Jewish newspapers that have gone out here locally and internationally. I felt this comment was stupid. Now, that`s not that he is a stupid person, but I just felt that was a stupid comment.

And you know, in my conversations with him afterwards, we both agreed that apologies need to be made and that, you know, if anything was done wrong during the two days that he was here, it was that.

I can tell you, he did not talk about divorce issues at all. And I have a feeling that some of the gossip tabloids that were here at the church were looking for some news and they really just jumped on that and that became the story. There were a lot of good things (UNINTELLIGIBLE).

HAMMER: Yes. Well, and quite frankly, otherwise it probably never would have been brought to people`s attention. And quite frankly, I think it`s probably a good thing that it was brought to people`s attention so amends can be made.

So here is the thing, and understand I see this all the time in showbiz. And I hear that you say you guys discussed an apology being necessary.

But I am really trying to understand what is at the root of how this happened, because, of course, first, you and Katy Perry`s dad say the remarks were taken out of context, and then comes the apology.

To a lot of people, it seems, you know, someone must have gotten to him and said, "You know what? You better make this right and issue an apology right away," because quite frankly, it looks so carefully worded. I see this from publicists every day.

ENDREI: Yes. Well, let me just say this. We had long conversations between myself and Keith. And we felt as though after we had talked to people from the Jewish community - we have an excellent relationship, first of all.

This is very ironic for our church to have this happen because we are very pro-Jewish and I just led 42 people to the Holy Land last month. So you know, in my conversation with Jewish people, we basically said, you know, "What do we need to do to be able to make this right?"

HAMMER: Right.

ENDREI: You know that we are not malicious people. He was not malicious. We are not malicious.


HAMMER: I got your message. I`m afraid I have to jump in and end it there. But I truly appreciate you coming on and setting the record straight with your side of the story. Senior Pastor Paul Endrei, thank you very much for being here.

All right. As we move on tonight, I want you to check this out. I was doing a little math today and I realized 72 days now since the end of Kim Kardashian`s 72-day marriage.

Yes. I thought that was worth pointing out. Kris Humphries might be thinking, "Hey, you know what? It is time for me to break my silence." Kris tweets that the truth will come out, but the truth about what? The SHOWBIZ Flashpoint - is Kris ready to reveal the truth about Kim?

Katie Holmes, nearly topless. We`ve got Katie`s stripped-down, sexy new photos. Is Holly Madison impressed by Mrs. Cruise`s new look? Well, Hugh Hefner`s ex-girlfriend exposes all about that, anyway, in a SHOWBIZ newsmaker interview.

Tim Tebow versus Beyonce? So who do you think is bigger? Is it the superstar new mom or is it Tim? Well, stick around because there is evidence that Mr. Tebow is bigger tonight, bigger than "American Idol" and "X Factor" combined. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN news and views.

It is time for the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news tonight.

TEXT: Halle Berry engaged to Olivier Martinez. George Clooney tells SHOWBIZ he`s successful because of his "lack of" success.


GEORGE CLOONEY, ACTOR: No, because I was - I managed not to have great success at anything. You have to have real huge success at one specific thing and then think typecast you. I never had that, so I just sort of rode around in the middle so they let me do a lot of things.




KIM KARDASHIAN, REALITY TV STAR: There is something in my relationship that I just feel like isn`t right. I don`t know. I`m just like learning a lot of things about him that I didn`t really know before.


HAMMER: Kim Kardashian there telling her mom, Kris, that she is not so sure about her marriage to Kris Humphries. That is from a brand-new, just- revealed new scene on her reality show, "Kourtney and Kim Take New York."

It really does sound an awful lot like a storyline to a long-running soap opera, doesn`t it?

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York.

And have soap operas actually been replaced by reality? Sadly, another soap opera is going off the air this week. "One Life to Live," the last episode happens on Friday. That`s after more than 40 years and an incredible 11,000 episodes. I mean, that is just something to think about.

So SHOWBIZ TONIGHT has to ask if reality shows like the Kardashians, like "Jersey Shore" - are they the new soaps that are killing the old soaps? What do the stars of "One Life to Live" have to say about the likes of the Kardashians trampling all over their storyline?

With me right now in New York tonight, Gina Tognoni, who plays Kelly Cramer on the show, and Sean Ringgold, who plays Shaun Evans. You recognize them both. Nice to see you here.

SEAN RINGGOLD, ACTOR: It`s good to be here, A.J.

HAMMER: I am sure what has to be an unusual week, at least melancholy - I realize you have been done taping for a while and Friday the 13th, sort of an ominous day for the show to end.

GINA TOGNONI, ACTRESS: Yes, that`s true.

HAMMER: How are you feeling about that?


How are you feeling about that, Sean?

RINGGOLD: It is quite emotional, man. I mean, "One Life to Live" has been a blessing to me. I started five years ago and I started with a small part and then it turned into a contract role. They built a family around me. You know, my mother and sister, Destiny Evans and my father, everybody.

I had a brother on the show. And then, you know, the fans really got it going. They loved the storyline. And here we are, Friday the 13th.

HAMMER: Yes. And the deal is, and I know this, because I`ve met a lot of soap actors over the years and the soap fans are so passionate, as we know. It is more than just a job. It is a family.

TOGNONI: A family.

HAMMER: Are you all getting together and having a big viewing party? I imagine that could be a little macabre.

TOGNONI: Yes. You know, it is just coming together as a community. And there is something we are going to do in the city at a local bar.

And you know, it is a chance to kind of just say to one another, thank you for the time that you put in to the work, because the work is not easy. And the thing is, everybody made it look so easy. It is emotional stuff.

HAMMER: And you know, everybody is trying to figure out or there are a lot of obvious reasons why the soaps have been going away.


HAMMER: I mean, look at the list now - not just "One Life to Live," obviously - "All My Children," "Guiding Light," "As the World Turns" - all within the last couple of years have gone away.

And meanwhile, we have the Kardashians living their life like a soap opera on TV. A lot of people have to wonder. You look at that and think, those storylines seem so familiar.

So our SHOWBIZ Flashpoint tonight is, have reality shows killed the soaps? Do you have a handle on that at all?

TOGNONI: You know, I am seeing what`s happening. The business did shift obviously. I was on "Guiding Light" for five years, and it was one of the most extraordinary times I have ever had in daytime.

Being on "One Life to Live" has been extraordinary in its own way. And to experience this shift, you know, to have a scripted show and a chance to live out a story from beginning, middle and end and directors and putting it together, that`s one of a kind.

When you see reality shows, they are scripted situations in a way. I mean, it is supposed to look like it is happening for the first time. But I think there are things that are somewhat rehearsed, you know, and so -

HAMMER: You think?

TOGNONI: You think? So you know, I mean, I get why people are attracted to it. I think an appetite has kind of presented itself.

HAMMER: If you were to produce it, would you ever consider doing reality TV?

TOGNONI: That`s a good question.

RINGGOLD: My friend says, CTC, cut the check. If the money is right, I`m there. I mean, let`s keep it real. If the money is right, I`m not sure. I can`t say no.

But as long as it is not going to hurt my character, I`m not going to be somebody that I`m not. I`m a positive person. I am not going to sell myself and be something that I`m not.

HAMMER: Hold on and get applause to Sean for saying the right thing.

TOGNONI: Keep it real.

HAMMER: I mean, truly - truly. You know what I mean?


RINGGOLD: It`s got me to where I am at, so I`m not going to go and change and lie and be deceitful and put on this facade that I am somebody I am not -


RINGGOLD: Just to get a check because I have to go to sleep at night.

HAMMER: Judging by your energy, I guess you never would.

RINGGOLD: I appreciate that, A.J.

HAMMER: And I know you guys have a great event coming up on January 21st.

TOGNONI: Yes, Long Island.

HAMMER: Your big event, "Loving Land." You`re going to be together with the fans. Great to see you both.

TOGNONI: Thank you so much.

HAMMER: And congratulations on whatever is next. Nice to meet you.

RINGGOLD: I appreciate that. Thank you. Nice to meet you.

HAMMER: All right. Gina and Sean, thanks so much. Well, as we move on from these two superstars to another, it is Tim Tebow. Has he gone from football hero to bona fide superstar and the biggest on the planet?

You don`t believe me? We have remarkable new evidence tonight that Tim is actually bigger than Beyonce, bigger than "American Idol" and "X Factor" combined.

Justin Bieber calls Michael Jackson the best - smart kid. But Bieb says he wants to be the greatest. Can he beat the odds to go from teen sensation to legend? Or is Justin putting too much pressure on himself?

Well, the legendary Alan Thicke. The "Growing Pains" dad has some fatherly advice for Justin. That`s coming up in the SHOWBIZ newsmaker interview. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN news and views.

Time for the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news tonight.

TEXT: Red Hot Chili Peppers reschedule tour after Anthony Keidis foot injury. Viola Davis tells SHOWBIZ she couldn`t pick just one "Help" co- star to honor.


VIOLA DAVIS, ACTRESS: Really, that`s what the work is all about. You are only as good as your partner. So how can you give any one person an award?




MICHELLE WILLIAMS, ACTRESS (as Marilyn Monroe): I`m so sorry.

UNIDENTIFIED ACTRESS: My dear, you mustn`t concern yourself. A great actress like you has many other things on her mind.

M. WILLIAMS: You think I`m a great actress?

UNIDENTIFIED ACTRESS: None of the rest of us truly know how to act for the camera, but you do.


HAMMER: Michelle or Marilyn? Michelle Williams just nails her portrayal of Marilyn Monroe in her Golden Globe-nominated performance from "My Week with Marilyn."

It has been nearly 50 years since Marilyn Monroe`s death. Yet the public is still just fascinated by this blonde bombshell.

Will that Marilyn obsession actually give Michelle Williams the Golden Globe win on Sunday night? Well, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`s Nischelle Turner joins me now.

All right. Here we are Nischelle. T minus four days to the big night. Do you think Michelle should actually start, you know, scratching together a little acceptance speech for Sunday?

NISCHELLE TURNER, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT CORRESPONDENT: Oh, A.J., maybe. You know, Michelle`s Marilyn performance is nominated in the comedy or musical category.

And while she`s got some great company, including fellow nominee Charlize Theron and Kristin Wiig, Michelle is the critical favorite.

Now, she reportedly spent six months poring over Marilyn`s diary, watching her old films and perfecting that, you know, perfect Marilyn walk. Now, when you see the movie, you know, all of that hard work really shows off.

HAMMER: Yes. I mean, you look at this thing and you know that Michelle just dug deep into Marilyn`s life for the role. But what is your take on the continuing public obsession with Marilyn Monroe? It is decades after her death and it continues.

TURNER: yes. It is mind-blowing, isn`t it? You know, there aren`t really many other stores with that kind of impact. I mean, Lindsay Lohan is a great example of this continued infatuation.

She reportedly has a Marilyn Monroe quote tattooed on her body. And just last month, she played homage to Marilyn in her "Playboy" magazine shoot.

But you know, my take on this, A.J., I know Marilyn was only 36 when she died. And I think any time a star of that kind of magnitude is taken away too soon, people just desperately want to keep that image alive in any way they can.

HAMMER: Yes. I think you got that right. Nischelle, thank you. We`re just going to find out just days from now if Marilyn or Michelle Williams will take home the Golden Globe.

We are going to be right there on the red carpet at the Golden Globes talking to all of the stars on Sunday. And make sure you join me on Monday morning for all of the Golden Globes shockers at 10:00 a.m., Monday right after the Globes here on HLN.

Time for SHOWBIZ lineup - here is what`s coming up at bottom of the hour on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

Kris` cryptic tweet. This is pretty wild. Kim Kardashian`s ex, Kris Humphries, tweets, "The truth will come out." But then he leaves us hanging. So here`s the SHOWBIZ Flashpoint - is Kris really ready to reveal the truth about his marriage to Kim K?

Oh, yes. This is about to get good. Katie Holmes, nearly topless. She poses in a necklace and not much more, as you can see. Is Mrs. Cruise on her own mission?

Holly Madison takes on Katie`s naked ambition, next. The reality star and Hugh Hefner`s ex-girlfriend right here for a revealing SHOWBIZ newsmaker interview. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN news and views.

And now, the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news tonight.

TEXT: Model and actress Molly Sims pregnant with her first child. Lindsay Lohan featured in new ads for German fashion company.


HAMMER: Big news breaking tonight on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT - Tebow mania explodes. The startling evidence that no one is bigger than NFL star, Tim Tebow, not Beyonce, not the "X Factor," not even "American Idol." Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT with the Tim Tebow miracle.

The Kardashian cryptic tweet. Tonight, Kris Humphries drops a mysterious clue about why his marriage to Kim collapsed. Why he says the truth will come out. So what is he really saying? Should Kris tell all?

Katie Holmes, dripping with jewels and not much else. Tonight, the sultry photos of Tom Cruise`s wife. Tonight, reality star and Hugh Hefner`s ex, Holly Madison, weighs in on Katie`s mission skin-possible in a must-see SHOWBIZ newsmaker interview.

ANNOUNCER: TV`s most provocative entertainment news show continues right now.


HAMMER: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. It is 30 minutes past the hour. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York with big news breaking tonight about the newest American Idol.

Of course, I`m talking about Tim Tebow. He is bigger than "American Idol" and the "X Factor" combined. He is even bigger than Beyonce.

And tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is bringing you the proof, because there were remarkable revelations about just how popular the star quarterback miracle worker really is. And he has not just gotten there on a wing and a prayer.


(voice-over) He is bigger than "American Idol," more popular than Beyonce`s baby. Even the guys that want to be president want to be Tim Tebow.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I hope I am the Tim Tebow of the Iowa caucuses.

HAMMER: Oh, yes. He is a pretty decent football player, too. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can tell you, Tim Tebow is the hottest thing going in America right now.

TURNER: He is crossing over into a world of celebrity, big-time.

HAMMER: SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`s Nischelle turner is a former NFL sideline reporter. And she tells us, America is in the throes of Tebowmania.

TURNER: It is like the Tebowmania. People call it Tebow-time has taken over.

HAMMER: How big is Tebow? Here is the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT stat report. Tebow is so big his amazing come-from-behind overtime playoff win against the Pittsburgh Steelers Sunday drew 42 million viewers.


HAMMER: That`s more viewers than an "American Idol" finale gets. Plus, on the night of his amazing win, he generated tweets at a rate of more than 9,000 per second, more than the night Beyonce announced her pregnancy on the VMAs.

JO PIAZZA, AUTHOR, "CELEBRITY, INC.": I can`t think of anything bigger than Tim Tebow.

HAMMER: And in Gallup and "USA Today`s" list of the most admired Americans, Tebow came in 11, above the Dalai Lama. But to be fair, the Dalai Lama has never thrown for 316 yards in a game.


Singer, John Parr, has even reworked his 1980s theme song to the movie, "St. Elmo`s Fire." Behold, Tim Tebow`s fire.


HAMMER: So why is Tim Tebow so popular? It is not just because of his football heroics.

TIM TEBOW, FOOTBALL STAR: I just believe it gives me a platform, more so than a platform but a responsibility and obligation to be a good role model.

PIAZZA: People love the fact that Tim Tebow is so unabashed in his Christian faith.

HAMMER: Jo Piazza, author of "Celebrity, Inc." tells SHOWBIZ TONIGHT Tim Tebow has become one of the most prominent Christian figures around.

PIAZZA: He has been very focal about his love for Jesus Christ. He thanks Jesus Christ after every great play that he makes. He bows down and gets on one knee and prays to God.

HAMMER: Oh, Tebow. It`s become a national trend.

ANNOUNCER: There she is now, Ellen DeGeneres.

HAMMER: On Tuesday, Ellen DeGeneres Tebowed before her talk show, an on- air tribute to a guy with a lot of fans.

TURNER: I have met him. He`s a really nice kid, very mannerable, very personable. But he`s rooted in faith. What man wouldn`t want his daughter to come home with Tim Tebow?

HAMMER: But while tons of people love Tebow, he has more than his share of haters.

TURNER: He has come out, you know, very pro-life. He has done commercials with his mother about it. There are people who say, "Well, who is this guy? And what`s his deal, anyway? All he does is talk about the Lord. And all he does is wear his faith on his sleeve. I just get tired of that."

HAMMER: SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can tell you, Tebow`s fans are as fiercely protective as the Denver Bronco`s defensive line.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I love you too.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. All right. But just take it down a notch, will you, buddy?

HAMMER: When "Saturday Night Live" ran a sketch featuring Tim Tebow meeting with Jesus, religious leaders blasted it as anti-Christian bigotry.

And when Bill Maher tweeted a nasty message about a Tebow loss, some of Tebow`s supporters called for a boycott of Maher`s HBO show, "Real Time."

PIAZZA: Even the bad press just sets Tebow up as a martyr which makes his fans even more obsessed with him.

HAMMER: The next test for Tebowmania is back on the football field this weekend when Tebow and the Broncos face another superstar quarterback, Tom Brady of the New England Patriots. We could see Super Bowl type numbers for this one.

PIAZZA: Tim Tebow may have Jesus on his side, but Tom Brady has Gisele.

HAMMER: But win or lose, Tebow has made his mark.

PIAZZA: American loves a winner, and even more than a winner, we love a miracle. And that`s what Tim Tebow seems to be these days.


HAMMER: You know, whether you like him or not, it is really such an amazing phenomenon. There is no doubt this is Tim Tebow`s time. But is he really the biggest thing on the planet right now, bigger than "American Idol"? Bigger than Beyonce?

Let me ask the guy who was certainly once idolized as America`s father, Alan Thicke, who`s right here. And of course we all loved him as dad, Jason Seaver, in the classic TV sitcom, "Growing Pains."

And now, we are all loving him as well as the writer of the "Boomer Monologues" on the "Huffington Post." It is so, so cool. Alan is here with us tonight from Hollywood for a SHOWBIZ newsmaker interview. Terrific to see you, Alan. I really appreciate you being here.

ALAN THICKE, ACTOR: Thank you. Good to see you.

HAMMER: So let us talk about Tim Tebow. Is it possible, Alan, is Tim Tebow bigger than Beyonce now? Is he the biggest American idol on the planet?

THICKE: Nobody is bigger than Beyonce. She just invented a new species of plant life, the Blue Ivy. There was no such thing before that.

We love Tim Tebow, don`t we? And I do think you`d have to say you would rather be Tim Tebow`s mom than Katy Perry`s dad this week.

HAMMER: Oh, yes.

THICKE: Tim stands behind his religion, seems to do the right thing. You`ve got to love him for that kind of commitment and walking the walk as well as he talks the talk.

And you know, personally, I wonder - I would love to go to heaven. I`m not sure who gets to go. If it is only the Ten Commandments people, I`m not that interested. You know, I`m sure a lot of Tim`s friends die of boredom.

So the fact that he lives the life he does - I admire that commitment. It is not for everybody. And I went to a theology school, by the way. I started on that path. I just didn`t believe I was a good enough person.

I didn`t want that kind of scrutiny from God every day. I admire what Tim has done. I think the real miracle for Tim in addition to, you know, the overtime touchdown might be the fact that he is a virgin.

And a guy who looks like that and has that kind of money in professional sports today, God bless him for that. He`s a saint. He will be canonized any minute now.

HAMMER: Yes. That has a lot of people scratching their heads. But look, whatever your convictions are in life, you can`t fault somebody for standing by him.

Someone else, Alan, who is certainly the American idol of millions of teenagers right now, as you well know, is Justin Bieber.

Well, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT obtained today a brand-new interview. He just did it with "V" magazine. The Biebs is coming clean about his life and his future. He even compared himself to Michael Jackson.

I want to read you a bit of what he said, Alan. He said, "I consider Michael Jackson the best, if I could be at his level. But I`ve got a lot of work to do. I`m not saying it`s going to happen within the next three years."

"But hopefully, by the time I`m 30, people will remember me. I think people will remember me at this point, but I don`t want people to just think of me as a teen sensation. I want to transition and become the greatest."

Now, Alan, we have obviously seen a great deal of superstars, teen superstars, peaking at such a high level so early on and then burning out. You have seen firsthand how tough it can be in Hollywood.

And quite frankly, I am happy to see that the Biebs has such, you know, lofty ambitions. But I do think it is a little scary to hear him talking like that and comparing himself to the King of Pop. What do you think when you hear that?

THICKE: I think if he wants to be the greatest, he should start Tebowing now. It would take a lot of faith to get to that position. Don`t we all love the fact that he aspires to that level of greatness? However, pick somebody who was arguably the greatest and aim for that.

I have got to respect him for that. I have some experience with the family connection of rock stardom. I`m always very proud of what Robin has accomplished.

And you know, in some ways, Bieber is the anti-Tebow there for a minute. At least, it looked like it when there was a paternity suit against him.

But that`s a very sexy business, like sports. You know, like - Robin, my son, now has four bodyguards to keep away the same girls I used to pay guys to go find.

HAMMER: And you know, I did a gig with Robin once. We were in Hawaii together. And there were a lot of beautiful women around. And I remember they were trying to get as close to him as possible.

And you wrote a great piece for the "Huffington Post" as the boomer humorist, "Gangster father had to follow in dad`s footsteps when his shoes don`t fit." Obviously, Robin followed you into showbiz. Any regrets there?

THICKE: Not a bit. You know, we all want to preach security to our children. And I wanted my kids to go into dentistry.


THICKE: You know, show business is fickle but gum disease is forever. And yet, you also want your kids to follow their dream. Clearly, Bieber has one.

And I`m glad Robin followed his. You are seeing a picture there of his beautiful wife, Paula Patton, who stars in the new "Mission Impossible" movie. So very proud of those kids. But you wouldn`t recommend that if you are looking for security and predictability.

HAMMER: Yes, certainly. Well, he is doing great. And Alan, as always, terrific to see you. Alan Thicke, thanks so much for being with us.

THICKE: Thanks, my pleasure.

HAMMER: I`m thinking, Alan, you might want to stick around for this, because Katie Holmes is dripping in jewels but not much else. Mrs. Tom Cruise sets out on her own mission.

I actually think it is working. You`ve got to see Katie`s new provocative photos. That`s coming up.

Also, Kardashian cryptic tweets. Tonight, Kim K`s ex teases the Twitterverse with the truth, as he calls it, about his failed marriage. But exactly what is that truth? I`m wondering, is it time for Kris Humphries to just spill the beans about Kim?

Hugh Hefner`s lovely ex and reality star Holly Madison - she is right here. She`s going to answer that question and more in a must-see SHOWBIZ newsmaker interview. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN news and views.

Time now for the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news tonight.

TEXT: Jillian Michaels matched with baby girl to adopt from Haiti. Singer and father Ne-Yo gives baby advice to new parents Beyonce and Jay-Z.


NE-YO, SINGER: Prepare to not sleep. Stock up on diapers, because as much money as you have, you will go broke with diapers. Diapers will break you. Yes. It is going to take a whole lot of those.



HAMMER: Do you recognize this star? She went from girl next door to playboy centerfold. It, of course, is Holly Madison.

Now, some out-of-their-mind critics have actually been slamming the ex- playmate for gaining weight. But now, I`m here to tell you she is fighting back. How did she go from this to this?

Tonight, Holly is here. She is flaunting her amazing new look. So, take that, critics. Holly tells me her slim-down secrets in just a moment.

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. We are going to get to Holly Madison`s dramatic weight loss in just a moment.

You will want to hear all about that. But first, tonight, the twisted truth. Kim Kardashian`s ex, Kris Humphries, is now sparking brand-new buzz tonight after he sent out a cryptic tweet.

It seemed to reference his headline-making breakup with Kim. He sent the tweet out just as Kim`s confession about their marriage breakdown aired on her reality show.

Let me read what Kris wrote. This really struck me, "I can`t wait for the truth to come out! People will be surprised or maybe they won`t." Then, he signed it "#FCC."

With me right now, in New York, reality star and spokesperson for NV diet pill, Holly Madison. Holly joining me for a SHOWBIZ newsmaker interview. Great to see you. You look terrific.


HAMMER: And we want to talk about everything in terms of how you got to where you are now in just a moment. But first, I do want to start with this big story that is breaking tonight.

Kris Humphries hinting, you know what? There is so much more to the story of his marriage breakdown than we thought.

He tweeted just around the time that Kim was telling her mom, "Hey, you know what? The marriage isn`t working." And that was in a new episode of "Kourtney and Kim Take New York." Watch how that played out.


KIM KARDASHIAN: There is something in my relationship that I just feel like isn`t right. I don`t know. I am just like learning a lot of things about him that I didn`t really know before. And I don`t know - married life just isn`t what I thought it would be with him.


HAMMER: I mean, imagine being Kris Humphries and sitting at home seeing that on TV, because moments after that aired, that`s when he sent out that tweet.

What would be going through your mind? You are suddenly seeing on TV what was really happening while the marriage was imploding without him actually knowing it?

MADISON: Yes. It is definitely scary sometimes being on reality TV, especially when it is new to you. You don`t know what to expect.

And always, I felt the most interesting things to watch were the things your co-stars were doing that you weren`t present for.

HAMMER: Right.

MADISON: So of course, this is what he is seeing. And it`s got to be crazy, you know, for both of them.

HAMMER: I can`t even imagine. Obviously, you`ve heard some things about yourself on your own reality show that you weren`t aware were being said.

This is huge for Kris, and I do feel sorry for him. I have to say after seeing how all this ended up, I do appreciate the fact that, up until this point, you know, he has kept this really low profile. I think that`s been smart.

That leads to our SHOWBIZ Flashpoint - should Kris spill the beans about what really happened when he and Kim split? Holly, he was obviously really hinting at it, that there is a greater truth. Do you think he should come forward soon or at some point anyway?

MADISON: You`ve got to love the cryptic tweet, right?


MADISON: I don`t think it is classy for either party to kind of dish on the other afterwards. I mean, you know, maybe it is positive. Maybe he is excited for the truth to come out. Maybe it is a little less dramatic than everybody thinks.

HAMMER: All right. Well, we`re going to have to wait and see.


HAMMER: We have no idea if we`ll hear any more. But he did suggest that there is some truth out there. From revealing breakup secrets now to just being revealing - Katie Holmes, getting nearly naked for a new ad campaign.

And let me show you these stunning pictures. Put them up, Charles. There we go. Kind of surprising to me to see her like this. You know, a lot of people think of her as Tom Cruise`s wife, Suri`s mom, even the kid, you know, Joey, from "Dawson`s Creek." That`s how I think of her.

And now, there is this sexier side. I`m guessing, Holly, that maybe this is exactly what Katie needs to do so people don`t see her as just Tom Cruise`s wife, but as her own woman.

MADISON: Yes, I think it is very smart. I don`t think the pictures are showing anything inappropriate. She looks amazing. And for so many years, people kind of think of her as scientology mom. So I think it is very smart to get this edgier, beautiful look out there.

HAMMER: Well, listen. You`ve made your own sexy transition for sure, not that you haven`t always been sexy and beautiful to me -

MADISON: Thank you.

HAMMER: And many people. But you know, these stunning pictures - if we could put this up side by side right here. All right. Come on, that`s a fairly stark difference there as I`m sure you would agree. Just what is the story behind this amazing body transformation?

MADISON: Well, when I started getting everything together, I started the diet supplement, NV, which really helped me a lot and changed my diet and workout patterns.

And I was really happy. I lost a jean size in two weeks, which was really encouraging. It really motivated me to keep going. And now, I am really committed to maintenance.

So I am happy with where I am right now. But the most important message I want to get out there is I made the change for me. There were other people telling me, you know, in my workplace, you could stand to tone up.

And even though I had kind of been thinking the same thing myself, I took time, like six months, before I even really started NV and started dieting and made sure I was making the right decision for me and making sure that I was keeping the body type I wanted. I wanted to lose weight. I didn`t want to lose my curves.

HAMMER: I am so happy to hear that you did it for yourself and not because there was any pressure being put on you to go ahead and change. Holly, it`s great to see you.

MADISON: Thank you.

HAMMER: Thank you so much. Again, Holly looks terrific. Come on, it is worthy of applause. As we move on, a lot of people have been telling me they think Ryan Gosling was just ripped off when he wasn`t named "People`s" sexiest man alive.

That title, as we know, most recently went to Bradley Cooper. Well, fear not, if you had fear. Ryan is getting his due. "People" just named him the world`s hottest boyfriend. And I`m thinking Eva Mendes would agree.

Tonight, inside Ryan and Eva`s sizzling romance and why Ryan is the best boyfriend ever. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN news and views.

It is time for the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news tonight.

TEXT: Blake Shelton and Reba McEntire to return as co-hosts of ACM Awards. Rev Run`s son, Diggy Simmons, debuts new music video.



HAMMER: SHOWBIZ breaks big news tonight with funny man, Rob Schneider. Rob dishes right to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT about the deal he made for his new show.

And SHOWBIZ breaks some more news. We`ve "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills," Camille Grammar on Kim Richards and rehab. Plus, Beyonce and Jay-Z take their new baby girl, Blue, home. That and more in "The Buzz Today."


(voice-over) A royal Blue homecoming. Beyonce and Jay-Z are bringing their brand-new baby girl home. The new parents officially checked out of New York`s Lenox Hill Hospital with their just-born daughter, Blue Ivy Carter.

The "New York Daily News" reports the family slipped out of the hospital with a motorcade of SUV`s with blacked-out windows in order to avoid the paparazzi. Beyonce gave birth to baby Blue Ivy on Saturday.

"The Real Housewives" rehab revelations. In a brand-new interview with SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star, Camille Grammar, has just revealed new details about her co-star, Kim Richards, trip to rehab. Check out what she just told me.

CAMILLE GRAMMER, REALITY TV STAR, "THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS": I saw her sister, Kyle, last week at the reunion show. We shot a reunion show and she said that Kim was doing great and she was on the road to recovery and that she was doing so well and that she would be coming home soon.

So I am very proud of Kim. I think it is very courageous that she took that leap and like I said, I am extremely proud of her.

HAMMER: Secrets of the Rob.


HAMMER: SHOWBIZ breaks news. In a brand-new with SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, Rob Schneider confesses to us that coming up with a name for his new show was not that easy. Schneider reveals that the title "Rob" was definitely not at the top of his list.

ROB SCHNEIDER, ACTOR: First of all, it was not my idea to have the show called "Rob." It was like that the last of the bad suggestions. That was the least offensive to CBS.

So God bless CBS for calling it "Rob." But that wasn`t their first choice. They literally waited until, like, "Well, we`ve got to put something up there."

HAMMER: Rob Schneider`s new show, "Rob" debuts on CBS Thursday.


I think it`s going to be great, too. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is Hollywood`s hottest boyfriend of them all? No, it is not sexiest man alive, Bradley Cooper.

Tonight, we go inside Ryan Gosling`s romance with Eva Mendes and tell you what makes him the world`s hottest boyfriend.


HAMMER: Well, Bradley Cooper may have won the battle to be named "People" magazine`s sexiest man alive. But tonight, "People" is sending hearts aflutter again as it names the world`s hottest boyfriend.

I`m sure Eva Mendes was thrilled to learned that it`s her boyfriend, Ryan Gosling. Eva and Ryan have been dating for about five months now.

And "People" magazine reports that Eva is a pretty lucky lady. Here are some of the facts that "People" unearthed. He is a mama`s boy. He flew to Paris to visit Eva while she was filming a movie.

He loves kids and apparently has a wicked sense of humor. Oh, and it does help, of course, that he`s nominated for two Golden Globes this year. Check out "People" magazine. It`s on sale nationwide on Friday.

And that is it for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. Remember, you can catch SHOWBIZ TONIGHT exclusively weeknights at 11:00 p.m. Eastern and Pacific right here on HLN.

Stay right here for Dr. Drew coming up next. Tonight, Casey Anthony`s deposition unsealed. What Casey said about the day Caylee died.