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Election Night in America: Clinton Carries California; Hidden Trump Voters. Aired 11p-12a ET

Aired November 08, 2016 - 23:00   ET


[23:00:00] WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: New projections. Let's get ready for that right now.

CNN projects Hillary Clinton will carry the state of California with its 55 electoral votes. A huge win in California for Hillary Clinton. She will also carry Hawaii with its four electoral votes. Hillary Clinton wins in Hawaii. Donald Trump, he also has a win. Donald Trump will win in Idaho with its four electoral votes. Another win for Donald Trump in Idaho.

All right. Let's take a look at the electoral college map now with these -- Oregon and Washington state by the way. Too early to call in those states -- Oregon and Washington state. You see it right now. Now let's take a look at the electoral college map. Hillary Clinton has now gone ahead. She has not gone ahead with a huge win in California. She has 190 electoral votes to Donald Trump's 171 electoral votes. 270 needed to win the White House. Hillary Clinton is now ahead in the all-important electoral college map count.

Are they breathing a little bit easier over there at Clinton headquarters?

JAKE TAPPER, CNN ANCHOR: I don't think so, to be completely honest because at some point, in this night, as we watch the returns come in from states such as Wisconsin and Michigan, the Clinton headquarters was very confident that they had -- that was their firewall, remember? Wisconsin wasn't even a part of the conversation. It was Michigan, it was Pennsylvania, and Virginia, and New Hampshire, when these return comes in. You see, OK they have Virginia but Pennsylvania is still up in the air.

New Hampshire seems to be leaning towards Trump and Michigan seems to be leaning towards Trump. Now I don't think so at all. You know, we've been talking now for six months about what is Donald Trump's path to the presidency. At some point we're going to approach the period where it's a question of, does she have a path to the presidency? If she can't win Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Michigan, much less Wisconsin, Brooklyn, we have a problem.

BLITZER: Yes. She's got to win those states, Dana.

DANA BASH, CNN CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, on that note I'm just looking at a note from a Clinton aide saying that they are breathing a slight sigh of relief because of Colorado and Virginia. They do have to hold the upper Midwest, Wisconsin and Michigan, which as you said, who knew particularly Wisconsin was going to be this tight. And they have --

TAPPER: The Republicans didn't even think they were going to win.

BASH: Totally. Absolutely.

TAPPER: Win Wisconsin a few days ago.

BASH: As I said, Donald Trump had been going there much to the chagrin of others, and one more thing I just want to say that, as far as the Clinton path, win Pennsylvania and either New Hampshire, or Nevada. One other thing. Look at this picture. This is something that I think is quite poignant at this hour. Two hours ago at 8:55 p.m. Eastern the Clinton team tweet this out. It says, "This team has so much to be proud of, whatever happens tonight, thank you for everything."

And this picture of Hillary Clinton embracing this young girl, you know, if she pulls this out, this is a picture that says, I did it for you. If she doesn't, it's a picture that says, I'm so sorry, I tried. And I just -- it's so poignant that they sent this out two hours ago and it can be read two very different ways.

TAPPER: One of the things we saw in the exit polls was that women were not voting for Hillary Clinton in the numbers that polls suggested they would. She was not getting the gender gap that so many anticipated. But let's talk about the response of world markets because those are some other individuals who are having trouble breathing right now. Right now you see the world markets in Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, are down. And the last I saw, it was more than 600 points that Dow futures were down.

Again, because of, A, the instability of the American election. Everyone thought based on pollsters and prognosticators that they knew how this was going to end up, and B, because of Donald Trump himself who is a wild card and has been talking tough on trade. There's reason why Wall Street supported Hillary Clinton and much more strongly than they supported Donald Trump.

And we're going to see, he's talking about renegotiating trade deals with China, with Mexico, and -- and others. There's a lot more uncertainty in the world right now.

BLITZER: Lots of uncertainty. The world was watching. I think most of the world thought that Hillary Clinton had it locked up. Not so fast right now.

Let's get another key race alert right now.

All right. Right it's all about Michigan and Wisconsin. Let's update you in Michigan first. Almost half of the vote is now in. Donald Trump still has a lead, 30,451. Donald Trump's lead in Michigan right now. 30,400 plus, 48.1 percent to 46.8 percent for Hillary Clinton. 16 electoral votes. Very important electoral state -- votes at stake in Michigan. In Wisconsin, 58 percent of the vote is in. Trump has a lead there, almost 60,000 vote lead over Hillary Clinton, 49.1 percent to 45.7 percent. Ten electoral votes in Wisconsin. Both of these campaigns desperately

anxious to win both of those states.

[23:05:04] So, John, who would have thought that at this late hour we'd be talking about Wisconsin and Michigan.

JOHN KING, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: And I'm looking at Wayne County again, this is where Detroit is. And you see Secretary Clinton's lead here, that's, what, 136, plus three, so 139. I'm going to look at the numbers to make sure I get them exactly right. Mitt Romney-Barack Obama race four years ago, Wolf -- just want to make sure I get these numbers right. Because Democrats are saying can we pull this one out tonight?

It was 381,000. So we've got 40 percent still to count -- I'm sorry 381,667. That was the margin. This is -- we're going to talk about this in Philadelphia, when we go back to Pennsylvania. Democrats need to run it up. 381,000. Now we've got 40 percent of the precincts still to count so we've got a lot of votes that still come in, and they could come in from inner city Detroit, and maybe we'll get them. But 381,000 plus.

She's way short. Way short where we are right now. So the question is, can she get here? Can she get here as we get there, as we pull this back out? We're up to 49 percent of the vote now. And -- 48, 46, is it doable? Is the math doable? Yes. Other Democratic areas we're still looking for votes here. We'll see, a long way to go. But this is going to come down to turnout right here in Wayne County, Michigan, and I just --

BLITZER: Let's screen that. Let's screen Michigan right now to see where the outstanding vote is. And we can do this. This is 75 percent or less of the vote has already been counted.

KING: Right. So you pull back to the state now. So you're looking at places, and again, so if you're a Republican, you're looking and you're saying there are a lot of Republican votes to come in here. That's what they're thinking in the Trump campaign, that even if they come in with the last 40 percent, and it's overwhelming in the Trump campaign they're saying look, we've got a lot of votes to get here. Now these are small counties, but, you know, again you're at 63 percent and that's, you know, 4,000 plus, 43 -- so he's going to get some more here. He's going to get at least hundreds more, maybe 1,000 more.

You look at here. Donald Trump's going to get more here. Again, if the margin holds up. There's no guarantee, the margin stay the same, we don't know precincts that are out, but if you notice a pattern through these counties, Donald Trump is getting 50 plus. In some of them he's getting, 55, 38 percent of the vote in. 61 percent of the vote in, so you pull this back out, there are a lot of Republican votes still to come in if the counties keep trending the way they are right now.

Again, no guarantee of that, but when you start to get this far up in the state, and so this really -- this comes down, this state and perhaps the presidency, comes down to Wayne County, Michigan, at the moment, where we are at 58 percent of the vote and Hillary Clinton is well shy out of the margin Democrats need out of Detroit to help them offset gains elsewhere.

And again, Wolf, we're consistently seeing, she is under performing in the Democratic base areas.

BLITZER: All right, we have another major projection right now.

All right. CNN now projects that Donald Trump will carry the state of North Carolina with its 15 electoral votes. Another important win for Donald Trump in the state of North Carolina. 93 percent of the vote is in. You see he's up by more than 220,000 votes. Donald Trump carries North Carolina, so let's take a look at the electoral map where it stands right now with this win for Donald Trump in North Carolina. Hillary Clinton is ahead, but slightly. She has 190 electoral votes to Donald Trump's 186 electoral votes. 270, that's the number you need to win the White House.

You see the blue states, the states for Hillary Clinton, the red states for Donald Trump. All those yellow states, by the way, too early to call. We don't -- we are not yet able to make projections in those states.

But, Jake, this is a huge win for Donald Trump in North Carolina.

TAPPER: It's big. The Trump people were competing hard for it. It's a state that Donald Trump put his heart and soul into. President Obama won it in 2008. He lost it to Mitt Romney in 2012, and I think, you know, the -- just to give you an idea of how this night is going compared to how the Clinton campaign thought it was going to go we were reporting -- Jeff Zeleny, one of our Clinton campaign reporters, said that Robby Mook, the Clinton campaign manager, was saying that North Carolina was so tight it was going to be down to the wire. It might not even be called tonight.

Well, it's 11:09 and we just called it. That says to me that their projections were off and their voter data file was wrong and people came out to vote and vote for Donald Trump that they didn't think are going to.

BASH: That's right and look, when we begin to see the exit polls about the demographics and how these votes turned out the way they did, we'll see what really made this happen, but just in my experience being in North Carolina, she -- Hillary Clinton had trouble with millennials. We saw the voting that showed that she was having trouble with the African-American vote, and clearly as we are seeing in other states, even those that are traditionally blue, never mind the purple -- North Carolina, he has really boosted the white vote, particularly among white working class voters.

North Carolina, as you said went for -- it's really a swing state, went for President Obama in 2008, for Mitt Romney in 2012. Donald Trump is keeping it red.

[23:10:06] TAPPER: One thing that we're going to also need to look at as we all come and analyze the night, or, you know, after it passes, is the effect of the third party candidates.

BASH: Yes.

TAPPER: Gary Johnson, the Libertarian, Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, Evan McMullin, the independent candidate. What role did they play? Like what votes would have gone to Trump or Clinton but instead went to them. That was always one of the wild cards that pollsters were talking about.


TAPPER: There were so many undecided voters and third-party voters that made this race unpredictable. It turns out that might have had a bigger effect than we thought in addition to the Trump effect.

BLITZER: Let go over to John King. John, let's get back to Michigan and Wisconsin. These two states potentially could make the difference who's going to be the next president of the United States.

KING: And at the moment, they're leaning in favor of Donald Trump. We've got some more votes to count. 60 percent of Wisconsin, 49 percent to 46 percent. You start to look at that lead. That's three point lead, that's a healthy lead in a battleground state. The question is what's left and getting a little bit redundant this time of the night because we're waiting for this to come in. And so we're waiting, and so here's -- you know, this is what the Clinton war room tells you -- they say they're concerned, not panicked, because they think there are a lot more votes here.

But we're up to 60 percent of the vote here. Yes, she's winning Dane County overwhelmingly so. The question is, can you get, A, keep that margin when the other 40 percent comes in and actually they probably need to lift it up a little bit to pull that map up. Where else are you looking for Democratic votes? You want to come down here to Rock County, 3 percent of the state population but you're up to 94.

Again a place that she's winning, not by as much as she is in Dane County, but you're up -- you're looking in the Democratic areas and so as we talked about Wayne County, Michigan, we're going to talk about Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. But it's at 87 percent, Wolf. And so, you know, we don't what's out. We'll have our people call and see which precincts are out. What can possibly be left?

But even if you get a big boost in the final votes here, you're starting to look at a situation where there are still as we go through some of these rural areas where Donald Trump is winning and winning healthy -- I know they're small, but again if you're winning by that margin and you only got 61 percent of the vote, well, then you're guaranteed you can add a couple hundred thousand to your count.

You move over here, you're going to add a couple hundred thousand to your count. And so if you're going through these and you're looking at it, you're looking at Donald Trump, and you're saying we keep focusing on, are there enough votes left for Hillary Clinton? Well, in Wisconsin there are a lot of votes left to be counted. Again, we're only at 60 percent. Now a lot of those votes are in Republican areas. And I just -- I'm going to do this all night just to show you what is happening to the map, because, you know, this is number eight for me in a presidential race and you're looking at a state like this that has just been rock solid blue. Nobody thinks a Republican -- Republicans always say we're going to go there. Even Mitt Romney with his running mate Paul Ryan from Wisconsin, couldn't win it four years ago, right?

But look at all this blue. Just look at all the blue and that's four years ago, and look at all that red. Those -- that's small town America. That's blue-collar America. And right now Donald Trump is winning.

I want to come back because you see this even here. We haven't called Pennsylvania, it's relatively close. There are people in the Trump war room who think they can still pull out Pennsylvania. Let me show you why, number one, we're up to 94 percent in Philadelphia. Right? Now again we still have to count and see what comes left that. That number could jump quite substantially, but she needed 430,000, 450,000 is what they would like, even though she's at, what's that? 420,000 there, that's 420,000 votes right there. That's a pretty healthy lead out of Philadelphia.

But Donald Trump is keeping it closish in the suburban areas but Erie County, blue collar Erie County, right, look at that. Now that's supposed to be -- if you're a Democrat, that's supposed to be blue.

I want to show you something else. This is Scranton, Pennsylvania. Joe Biden's hometown. Lackawanna County. President Obama got 63 percent. With Joe Biden on the ticket, the scrappy kid from Scranton, right, 63 percent. 50 percent. Donald Trump is getting --

BLITZER: And 100 percent of the vote is in.

KING: Yes. 100 percent of the vote is and Donald Trump is getting 47 percent in this part of the state. Give props to the guy across the room, Jeffrey Lord. He talked about this. He thought that the margins in these places would be smaller than normal, and you start coming into these areas and looking, 51 percent, Lehigh County, 51-44, go back four years ago. 53, that's not quite as bad as you look through there. But even --

BLITZER: Let's screen Pennsylvania right now, even where the outstanding vote remains.

KING: Even that point or two in the blue collar counties, she has -- because of this, because the rest of this state is so Republican and the places that are Democratic, the Democrats have to run it up and she's not running it up. So let's go back and look. Let's just take this back, let's just put it at 80 -- around 80 percent there. That's 81 percent. So you're looking at the places that have not reached 81 percent of the vote counted. And so -- let me just move it over a little bit so you can see it. A lot of them are Republican.

Now we're still looking -- there's some votes here, some votes here, and we're -- you know, some were -- even though Philadelphia's above 90 percent, you'll get more votes because it's the big city. But again these smaller places -- you know, you're not going to come in with a ton of votes but you're going to come in with -- you know, at 59 percent. You've got a 2,000-vote cushion there so it's reasonable to assume if the margins continue that the Trump campaign, they're sitting in their war room saying we're going to pull in a lot more votes here and we don't think her cushion in Philadelphia and we don't think her margin in places like Scranton and Allentown are enough, there's logic to that.

[23:15:10] We'll see. We still have to count the votes. But as we focus on what is the emergency in the Clinton campaign right now, which is Michigan and Wisconsin, let's keep an eye on Pennsylvania as the late votes come in. This is -- this is Michigan and what's left and again, most of the outstanding vote in Michigan is in areas that at the moment is coming in Republican.

BLITZER: He's ahead by 58,000 votes with 52 percent of the vote in.

KING: 58,000 votes. So when we come in here, again this is only 58 percent, which sounds like a lot, but this is your biggest area. And we're going to wait. We're going to wait and see. The Clinton campaign says our people are telling us we have some votes here. You start to get skeptical when you get up around 60 percent. But let's see what happens. I've seen this happen. You've seen states. We just went through it in Virginia. You can see a state that looks like it's going one way and then all of a sudden a big basket of votes comes in and it goes.

But the Clinton campaign -- you know, David Axelrod said we've been saying for weeks that it's Donald Trump that has to draw to an inside straight. As we get into the 11:00 hour, and later, it is now Hillary Clinton that has to draw perhaps to an inside straight flush because she has to turn around Michigan and she has to turn around Wisconsin and she has to hold on to Pennsylvania as the vote count goes there. And as we look, I just want to come back out so we can see the entire state in the state of Wisconsin.

As you look at the vote here, again, 62 percent, it's a two point race, 2.4 race. You're trying to figure out where the rest of it is, Wolf. We'll keep looking. Still some votes to count in Dane County.

Back to Wolf for a projection.

BLITZER: We've got another major projection right now.

And CNN projects Hillary Clinton will carry the state of Oregon, with its seven electoral votes. Another win for Hillary Clinton in Oregon. In Nebraska, earlier we projected Donald Trump will get three of the five electoral votes in Nebraska. They divide up their electoral votes, according to the congressional districts. Now we're going to give him four out of those five electoral votes in the state of Nebraska.

As result let's take a look at the electoral college map to see where things stand right now. Hillary Clinton still ahead, she has 197 electoral votes to Donald Trump's 187 electoral votes. 270 needed to win the White House. All those yellow states still too early to call in those states. No projections yet. Hillary Clinton wins Oregon. Donald Trump gets another electoral vote in Nebraska -- Jake.

TAPPER: And so far he's racking up almost all of the states he needs. I mean, he's won Ohio and North Carolina. I don't know what's going to happen with Florida but he was leading last time I saw there. You know, the path for Hillary Clinton to win is still -- it's still there, but it's problematic.

If I can bring up my screen here just to show, she still needs Pennsylvania. She still needs New Hampshire, and she still needs Michigan. But even with those states we are still have the question of Wisconsin. And what's going to happen with Wisconsin, they are now subtracting votes that were given to her automatically in all of the electoral college projections. Nobody anticipated, including, as we were just talking about, Republicans, including the Trump campaign. They were going to have a rally, I think it was Saturday or Sunday in Wisconsin.

BASH: That's right.

TAPPER: And they pulled out because they thought they were down five or six points. And we still don't know what's going to happen in Wisconsin. But they are exceeding their own expectations.

BASH: And she never stepped foot in the state of Wisconsin since winning the Democratic nomination. That's how confident they were in the state of Wisconsin. I'm just looking at an e-mail from a Hillary Clinton aide insisting on Wisconsin all of Madison, which is very, very liberal, is out. They say all of Milwaukee, and John was just showing in Michigan they still think that they have a chance of boosting the numbers in Detroit so that those two states are very much in play.

But I mean, come on, we're talking about Wisconsin and Michigan right now. The other interesting point is that those are two states that Hillary Clinton did not win in the Democratic primaries.

TAPPER: Right.

BASH: So it appears that not only is Donald Trump's support strong, but her Democratic base didn't entirely come home.

TAPPER: And in fact, in the exit polls I saw earlier, I don't know if they've been updated, the Democrats were losing half of union households. You know, we've been talking because we've all been trusting polls that we've all been talking about what's going to happen to the Republican Party and the bloodletting and the infighting and who is going to lead the Republican Party and all that. Again completely wrong. It's the Democratic Party that's going to have this fight.

BLITZER: You know, take a look at Michigan right now, Donald Trump's lead has just dropped right now. What is it, about 25,000 votes? That he's ahead of Hillary Clinton right now. So it's narrowing a bit.

BASH: Right. TAPPER: She could still --


BASH: That's what the Clinton people are looking at.

TAPPER: He could still absolutely pull out a victory and still end up being the next president of the United States, but with the fact that the performance of Democrats as of right now in these rust belt states has been so challenged, shall we say, I think it's fair to say that the Bernie Sanders-Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party is going to be emboldened and stronger. And Democrats are going to be saying what went wrong, even if Hillary Clinton wins tonight, which seems less probable by the hour. Even if she wins there is going to be a real argument that Democrats have ignored working class -- white working class voters for too long.

BASH: Which as you said was exactly the argument that Bernie Sanders made.

TAPPER: Exactly.

BASH: Successfully, the reason why he gave Hillary Clinton such a run for her money during the entire Democratic primary season, and why there was such a clarion call early on by those people in the Democratic base for an Elizabeth Warren to get into the race.

TAPPER: Michael Moore, the progressive film maker, was on my show about a week ago.

BLITZER: From Michigan.

TAPPER: From Michigan. And he was terrified. And I said, well, what about the polls? it showed her up in Michigan and -- he said, I don't believe any of these rust belt polls. I don't think they know how to poll the rust belt. Remember what happened in the primaries and what happened in the primaries is that Hillary Clinton was projected to win the Michigan primary, and Bernie Sanders won.

BASH: And can I just add one other element in here, and you've touched on it earlier about the RNC, the Republican National Committee, working during the non-election years after the big, big loss in 2012, to build up their operations in a lot of these states, Michigan and Wisconsin were two of those states. Wisconsin probably not surprisingly because it's the home --

BLITZER: His lead has just been cut down to 14,000. It's getting closer and closer.

BASH: Wow. Look at that.

BLITZER: Take a look at that. So it's still a race. It's still very much of a race.

TAPPER: Yes. She needs to win Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. BASH: Yes.

TAPPER: It's still possible, it's just much closer than anyone thought it was going to be.

BASH: Yes. But what I was -- and my point in there was that --

BLITZER: All right.

BASH: There's a ground game that Republicans have built even before there was any nominee and it seems to be coming --

BLITZER: Cliff hangers in Michigan and Wisconsin. These two states could decide who is going to be the next president of the United States. We'll be right back.


BLITZER: We've got a key race alert. Let's check in, all of the key battleground states, a cliffhanger going on here. In Michigan right now, 56 percent of the vote is in, look at how close it is. Donald Trump has a lead of 13,000 over Hillary Clinton, 47.7 percent to 47.2 percent. There are 16 electoral votes in Michigan. It's so close.

In Wisconsin, 65 percent of the vote is in, Donald Trump has a little bit better of a lead, 66,000 votes ahead of Hillary Clinton. 49.1 percent to 45.8 percent, 10 electoral votes in Wisconsin.

[23:25:02] In New Hampshire, look at this, 64 percent of the vote is in, Trump has the lead of 9300 votes over Hillary Clinton, 48.2 percent to 46.2 percent. Four electoral votes in New Hampshire, and he is leading in Iowa, as well. More than half of the vote is in, 54 percent. Donald Trump is ahead by 32,600 votes over Hillary Clinton in Iowa. Six electoral votes. Four key states. Four key states right now, John, and those states are going to be decisive.

KING: And she has closed the gap in Michigan, Wolf. We've been saying what are we waiting for some Democratic areas. The question is we're still only at 57 percent of the vote in Michigan. She's now close. You look at there, we're within a one-point race of each other and so you start looking and you say where are they. You go out here to Kalamazoo, 96 percent, there's some votes came in here that boosted her up a little bit. Here's the big one we're waiting for, still over here in the Detroit area, and this is why this is so important.

We're up to 72 percent now but she's starting to stretch the lead here and what we are told from the Clinton campaign war room and Democratic labor activists on the ground say that most of these votes in here and they expect when they do come they're going to be overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton. Does that mean it's enough? We'll wait until they come in to do the math. But she has closed significantly in the state of Michigan and we watched that one. So now we're going to go over here to Wisconsin. 46 percent to 46 percent, if you round that up. 65 percent of the vote.

You're in the Trump campaign headquarters. You're starting to look. What are we looking for? I just want to come down here to Milwaukee County, 17 percent roughly, the state population, we're at 87 percent county wide. Again what we're being told, from the Clinton war room, and so this -- consider the source, but what they're telling us is there are only 15, 18 precincts from Milwaukee proper have reported. There are 300-plus in the city of Milwaukee. And so they're saying that their core base Democratic vote has not been reported yet.

If it comes in and the turnout is good in big numbers it's enough to make up some of this gap. That's Milwaukee County. We'll come back to statewide now. So they are saying that they believe it is still mathematically possible. We'll believe it when we see it but that is what they say and we still have votes to count. I don't know that I trust their numbers. I'll let them spin their own numbers but if you look at it, yes, that's conceivable. But they need to perform at near-perfect levels with the remaining votes to make that up.

BLITZER: Let's go to Nevada. I want to just check in on Nevada.

KING: Nevada is shaded blue at the moment. We're at 51 percent of the vote -- 50 percent of the vote, excuse me. We're at 52 if you round that up to 43. This is where this is going to matter the most down here. This is where the Democrats believe they have a very successful early voting operation. 53 to 41.

I just want to go back in time for comparison to look, 56 to 42, so that -- we'll wait and see when the rest of it comes in. This is very, very early.

BLITZER: It's early voting.

KING: Very early in Clark County. So you're just getting the early voting in and so we'll get -- we'll see how the count goes up in here. It's pretty simple what has to happen here. Democrats have to run it up huge here. Donald Trump has to run it up huge out here to see what happens. So we've got a ways to go in Nevada. And again, right now, the country and the world, the focus on Michigan and Wisconsin, we'll see what happens as we get closer to these. If she can come back in Michigan where she is right now, then these smaller states, Iowa was blue earlier. Donald Trump's now leading in Iowa. That have been blue in the early count.

Donald Trump has pulled ahead in Iowa. I was just in touch with the Democrat and the Republican in the state of Iowa, they're pretty confident, both of them, the Democrats are discouraged by this, don't get me wrong, but the Donald Trump -- they believe Donald Trump is going to win Iowa, as he won Iowa -- I mean Ohio. Those are the two -- these are two Obama states that Donald Trump looks like he's poised to flip.

So we could come down out here in Nevada and we're still counting in New Hampshire, 64 percent, 48-46, this is going to be key. We still have absolutely nothing from Nashua. Just shy of 7 percent in the state population. This is a big Democratic area. If -- if, the if is Secretary Clinton performs at or near where President Obama did because we've seen so many examples tonight of places where is she has not, in places there are considerable Democrats -- (CROSSTALK)

LEMON: Let's go to Pennsylvania right now.

KING: I just want to check one more quickly over here out along the coast here. We have nothing. This is a Democratic area of New Hampshire and we still have nothing.

BLITZER: Closer to Boston.

KING: Right. And yes, closer to Boston. And liberation tradition out there. And so as you watch this right now, in Trump war room you're happy with what you see but we're not done in New Hampshire yet. Where to?

BLITZER: Pennsylvania.

KING: Pennsylvania. Some road trip with Wolf Blitzer, I like this on election night.

BLITZER: 80 percent of the vote is in. All right. Hillary Clinton has a lead 48.9 to Donald Trump's 47.6 percent. 73,000-vote lead for Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania with 81 percent of the vote counted.

KING: It is close of late. It is close of late. There was a little time earlier tonight. I go back and forth in the map. Put in on national. There was a time where it flipped red then went back blue within a matter of seconds as some votes get adjusted to the system. So what you're looking at here in Pennsylvania, number one, again here we're up to 96 percent now, and she's up in that area. I told you want to get, you know, 430, 440.

BLITZER: She's up by 440,000.

KING: Right. That's critical. That's what -- that's the figure that they needed.

[23:30:02] You got to be over 400,000 for the Democrat. You prefer to be closer to 450,000 so that's, quote-unquote, the right number if you're a Democrat. So you get that out of Philadelphia, then the question is, how do you perform in the populous suburb, in the collar counties, 59 percent there to 57 percent. So she's doing it percentage-wise. The question is, you look at the turnout, 90 percent of the vote is in there.

Let's move over to Bucks County. This is always the close one. This was 49, 48 is my memory, 50 to 49, I'm sorry. One-point race four years ago. This is the closer -- the more blue-collar of the suburbs. And so that is getting tough. The question then is do Democrats make it up. This used to be the more Republican or affluent county. And you go out there and Hillary Clinton is doing well with 70 percent of the vote in here.

So we have a ways to go here. The reason this is so close, the reason this is so close in what has been a rock-solid Democratic state for so long, number one, Erie County. That should be a Democratic county. Donald Trump winning there. Allegheny County, let's see, this one is about where it's supposed to be if you're a Democrat, 56 -- 57, 42, so Hillary Clinton did well there. She was there just the other day. She was there twice, I think, in the last week of the campaign.

This one is going to embarrassing personally to the vice president of the United States. He was there many times. And you see 50 to 46. That's actually pretty stunning. It's not a huge vote center, the Scranton area, but this is a traditional, big Democratic area, Wolf, and again in a close state like this if you underperform in the places where you know you have your votes that's what happens. And so we got to poll this out right now. We're at 81 percent. This is a squeaker. We're still going to have to go here and count. And I just want to check --

BLITZER: She's winning -- she's winning by about 75,000 votes.

KING: About 75,000 votes. I just want to check. So you look at these small -- these smaller counties, as you go through the state. Most of them are in. So most of the Republican vote is counted but not all. And we have a ways to go here as well. And so if you're the Clinton campaign, this was supposed to be locked up like that. You're thinking, you know, this is supposed to be a big five-point lead. This is supposed to locked up and they are not.

I just want to check back to see -- constantly checking to see if the percentage goes up and we're still at 57 percent. Again this is a very close race at the moment, it looks a lot like Virginia where she was able to come back. The question now is she's pulled into position where she's on the same lap of the track now where she was a couple of laps behind most of the evening. We'll see if she can close the rest of the gap. And again, if she going to do it, it's going to be in places like this. Oakland County. Most of the vote is in.

This is an area -- that's a good sign -- if you're Secretary Clinton --

BLITZER: So let's say -- yes.

KING: Just one quick second. This is Flint. Genesee County is where Flint is. Big African-American people. If you remember during the primary campaign, she broke out and went out here to campaign. This is a good sign if you're in the Clinton war room. Only 37 percent of the vote counted here. She thinks she's going to do better in Genesee County.

BLITZER: All right. So let's say they split these two states. Hillary Clinton wins Michigan, Donald Trump wins Wisconsin. What's their respective road to 270?

KING: Well, here's the map where we started the night, right? And so you just said -- you want her winning Michigan, let me make that blue again, and you think Donald Trump wins Wisconsin, for the sake argument, what happens there? It takes her down from where she started the night, number one.

BLITZER: Give her North Carolina, too. Yes, North Carolina. KING: That one has to go to Trump.

BLITZER: Yes. Give him North Carolina. Yes.

KING: Yes. He gets North Carolina, he gets Florida, then we're a tie with these states that we're still looking at. The expectation is that Donald Trump will win here and that she will win here. We're not there yet but doesn't that look sweet? Yes, exactly. 269 to 264.

BLITZER: Give her New Hampshire.

KING: How we do in New Hampshire?

BLITZER: Yes. Give her New Hampshire.

KING: Now we're missing two votes.


KING: We're missing the congressional district in Nebraska.

BLITZER: One vote there.

KING: And the congressional district in Maine. And the second congressional district in Maine. The one up here, we were thinking leans Donald Trump. We'll count the vote as they come in. The one in Nebraska, I haven't seen the latest projections on that one. But this is not the race that I think most people thought we were going to have tonight. It's not the race we have at the moment. But it is a perfectly reasonable calculation that, as we brew a little bit more coffee, past the midnight hour, in the 1:00 hour, the 2:00 hour, this is -- you know, this is a remarkably competitive race.

So let's go back and let's take a look at some of these states. Just the fun part about this. Counting the live votes is while you're having a conversation about one thing, often you get a change in the map, so let's look up here. 68 percent now in the state of Wisconsin. Leading right there so we'll keep counting, Wolf, in Wisconsin, Michigan and New Hampshire, as we have shall we say a cliff hanger, to say the least.

BLITZER: All right. We have another major projection right now. Take a look at this. And CNN projects Donald Trump will carry the state of Florida. With its 29 electoral votes, Donald Trump wins Florida. A huge win for Donald Trump. That's his second home in Florida. Donald Trump will carry those 29 electoral votes. He's ahead right now with 98 percent of the vote in, by more than 131,000 votes. A big win for Donald Trump in Florida. He predicted he would win Florida. He has won Florida.

Let's take a look at the electoral college map right now. You see Donald Trump has taken the lead. He has 216 electoral votes compared to Hillary Clinton's 197 electoral votes.

[23:35:06] 270 needed to win the White House, but it's a big, big win for Donald Trump in Florida. Jake and Dana, a lot of people didn't think Donald Trump would be able

to do it. He did it in Florida.

TAPPER: He did. A huge prize, 29 electoral votes where his second home is at Mar-a-Lago. Let us also just point out, when you were doing the math with John just a second ago, you were very close to having a 269 to 269 tie. That is entirely possible. It is not crazy at all. And we could go do it but you already almost did it, and go --

BLITZER: They were at 269-269, it goes to the new House of Representatives.

BASH: It goes to the House.

TAPPER: And the other thing as you point out is that there are those two states that give out electoral votes according to congressional districts and if Donald Trump picks up that one in Maine, Maine's second congressional district, then that's 270, and so all those trips to Maine that he took.

BASH: That's right.

TAPPER: That he made actually may end up being crucial and we should point out, this is not over for Hillary Clinton or for Donald Trump. This is -- as John said, this is a cliff hanger. We really have no idea what's going to happen here. I haven't seen a race this close since Al Gore and George W. Bush in 2000. It really could theoretically come down to one state or even one congressional district.

BASH: Speaking of 2000, I think we should take a moment and talk about Florida. As you said it was something Donald Trump said he was going to win, said he needed to win. It looks like he -- obviously we predicted that he has won it, and it just shows that there are big questions as to who this electorate is because looking at the early vote, part of the reason why Democrats were so bullish about Florida, and part of the reason why Republicans were so pessimistic was because of -- what they thought was a big surge in the Latino vote. So at the end of the day we'll see what that Latino vote was, particularly newly bigger Puerto Rican areas in the I-4 corridor and if that surge really happened and if it did, which way do they vote?

TAPPER: Yes. And I mean I think it's fair to say that this -- all these states are much closer than anybody anticipated.

BLITZER: Let's take a look at the vote in Michigan right now because Michigan and Wisconsin, these two states are shaping up as critical. Right now, 59 percent of the vote is in in Michigan and Donald Trump still maintains a lead of almost 30,000 votes over Hillary Clinton. He's got 48 percent. She has 47 percent. Still what 40 percent of the vote outstanding. 16 electoral votes at stake in Michigan.

And let's take a look at Wisconsin right now. These are the two states that could be decisive. 70 percent of the vote is in, Trump still maintains a lead of almost 69,000 votes over Hillary Clinton, 49 percent to 45.8 percent, another 10 electoral votes in Wisconsin.

Let's go over to John King. John, Wisconsin and Michigan, let's talk about the best Hillary Clinton can do right now because -- in the electoral college we're talking about.

KING: In the electoral college you want to do the best she can do. But let's just check the results real quick. 59 percent, one-point race right there. And again we're waiting -- this is all going to come down to what's left here in Wayne County. There are some other votes to come in but this is the biggest outstanding vote total right there. We're going to watch that. Let's just check over here real quick up to 70 percent right now. This is a state -- you know, the Clinton campaign keeps telling up, and they tell us they're all -- most of them, not all of them, they tell us most of them are here, were up to 87 percent.

They're telling us in essentially the center city Milwaukee, there are a lot of precincts yet to come. We'll see that math when it comes in. But we're at 87 percent in the county. So when that math comes in it has to be overwhelming to make up that. That's a big lead. So you want to do this for an electoral college perspective. Let's come up here. And again this is -- let me refresh this map just so we get it right. This is where we started the night with projected Hillary Clinton at 268, but Donald Trump has won Florida. Donald Trump has won North Carolina, Donald Trump keeps Ohio, and so where does that get Donald Trump right now? Virginia, we're leaning -- right now, we're not done in Virginia. We leaned it Democratic coming into the night so just leave it there for now as we go through this. Let's assume --

BLITZER: Virginia we called for her earlier.

KING: Virginia we called, so she keeps --


KING: She keeps that. So let's assume for the sake of argument when we get there we'll see if these two stay where we think they're going to end up and we're having a night where sometimes what we expect hasn't happened so --

BLITZER: That's true.

KING: But the early returns suggest to us that that's going to happen. Let's see what happens. That has Clinton at 274 and at 259. This has always been the challenge for Donald Trump. Can you flip a big blue? Well, at the moment he's leading --

BLITZER: Flip Wisconsin red, let's see what happens.

KING: If you want to flip Wisconsin, right, I was going to go with Michigan. But there you go. If you do that, 269, Donald Trump, 264 with the state of New Hampshire still out there. Where he still leads right now. So a lot of Democratic votes out so let's just play it out both ways. If she wins it, 268-268 with two congressional districts we have to bring into play, this is exactly how we thought the night was going to go.

[23:40:08] If he wins it, 273, assuming he wins the state of -- that gives him Wisconsin. Michigan, 16, that one's 10. So if they split these, how they split them is hugely significant to the electoral college count because the six will make a big difference especially now that we have expect -- and these four.

You know, if you get 10 here, four there, we're into interesting math. So let's go back as we play all these scenarios. Let's just go back and take a look. And so what are we curious about? Number one, we're curious about this. We're up to 70 percent and we're still waiting on the same. We're waiting on Milwaukee. Let's move next door to Michigan. We're up to 60 percent and this one is in a closer state here, and so, Wolf, we have Michigan, Wisconsin, New Hampshire still counting and some others. We've got a ways to go.

BLITZER: All right. We have another projection right now. And CNN projects that Hillary Clinton will carry the state of Washington. Washington state and its 12 electoral votes will go to Hillary Clinton. She's ahead you see in the poll and the actual vote count in Washington state. We project all 12 electoral votes will go to Hillary Clinton in Washington state, let's take a look at the electoral college map where it stands with her win in Washington state.

Donald Trump still is ahead. He has 216 electoral votes. Hillary Clinton has 209 electoral. Very close. 216-209. You need 270 to be elected president of the United States. You see all those yellow states there, those are still the states where we have not made projections. Too early to call in those states, we're counting the numbers, watching the numbers very, very closely in those states.

This is a real nail-biter that's going on right now in this race for the White House. Let's go over to John King. Take a close -- well, we have about 12 states to go, John, where we have not yet been able to make projections.

KING: And so what I do sometimes when you walk away is to try to have a little -- just looking ahead. This is Maine's second congressional district, it's the largest portion of the state, north of my little squiggly line. That's not exact, but if you look at the House district, if you look -- see, this is the House district here. It's a Republican House district, Maine splits its electoral votes by congressional district.

It's Republican district. That doesn't mean it goes Republican for president but that's the way we thought it was going to go and so we're looking right now -- we don't know yet. We've still got, you know, a lot of votes to count out of here.

BLITZER: 58 percent of the vote is in, and she is ahead 48.9 percent to 44 percent.

KING: Statewide, but it's heavily Democratic in the smaller southern portion of the state, it's more conservative up here. That doesn't mean it will go that way but as we watch this one play out -- BLITZER: That's one -- that's one electoral vote that's at stake in

Maine, where they divide up there electoral votes according to congressional districts.

Nebraska, there's one congressional district that's still up in the air in Omaha, Nebraska, right now.

KING: Correct. And so this is where -- these are usually the quirks of the night, where you're saying somebody gets one, and you're having a debate about somebody getting one more or someone getting one less. They may not be quirks tonight. They may be absolutely essential. This is essentially the Nebraska congressional district. It's essentially these two counties, Omaha, which is Democratic, which she's leading right now, and just to the south, in Sarpy County, where he's leading right now, and this is -- you know, so we'll have to do the math and we have people out on our decision desk who are drawing -- I drew a general line around the congressional district.

We have people on our decision desk who are honing in on this very closely. If you just do the rough math of her leading here by -- that's nine -- a little shy of 9,000 votes here, he's leading by more than that, so if you're looking at it right, ballpark, it looks like he's a little ahead in this district but we're not there yet. So that's the -- our decision desk people will be going deep into that. But this is where we are in this race. This race is now surprisingly tight, incredibly tight, where we could be looking at these congressional districts in the states that divvy up their electoral votes that way.

We'll get to that -- doing a little advance work on that now. We'll get to that depending on what happens here. Clear this so the squiggly lines don't distract me. I'm going to start with the smaller one, first. We're up to 66 percent now in New Hampshire. Donald Trump's lead has been holding steady. But that's not a huge. What we got? 12,000 votes.

BLITZER: 12,000 votes.

KING: A little shy of 12,000 votes there. And again if you've been with us all night, Rye, right along the ocean is beautiful if you've never been to that part of New Hampshire. Portsmouth, it's a bigger area here, it's a big Democratic area, just to remind you, President Obama ran it up really big here, and so there are -- if she gets them, and that's become a recurring theme, that's a Democratic area.

I want to come over here. We also have nothing out of Nashua City which is 6.6 close to 7 percent of the state population.

BLITZER: What did President Obama --

KING: This is another big area for President Obama, 56 percent of the vote. So when you look at the statewide vote total in New Hampshire, let's come back to 2016, there are places where there is more than enough room. We also -- we did get to Hanover. Hanover came in 100 percent of the vote. She's getting 85 percent of the vote. President Obama got 75 percent of the vote. So if she performs -- how she had to perform up there, if she does that in these outstanding Democratic areas, now we still have a lot of small towns.

[23:45:06] You see there's a lot of small towns. Let just go -- but a lot of them are blue. See, you can see all down here is empty right now. So there's a lot of Democrat on the map in New Hampshire if it performs like it did four years ago and we've seen a problem for Secretary Clinton. So we'll watch this one but you have a narrow Trump lead but there's more than enough opportunity if she delivers for Clinton to get New Hampshire and those four could become absolutely critical.

Every time I pull back to the national map I'm looking to see if one of these flips because that is the story of the night. This tug of war we are, this cliff hanger we are in will be decided by whether or not one or both of these flips back to blue as we get closer in the count. So let's again go back to Michigan. This is -- this is an inch worm here. We've gone from 57 to 60 in 35, 45 minutes. So we're inching up very slowly. That's still a substantial lead.

BLITZER: 30,000 votes.

KING: Still a substantial lead. So I'm going to go through from the smaller to the larger Democratic area, we're up to 96 percent here. So there's not much. There may be some votes there for Secretary Clinton to make up but not a lot. Let's come over here. We still have some votes here. Again not the most populous area, but there are some Democratic votes there, and then the biggest deciding factor will be here, in Wayne County. We're -- again, we're up to 77 percent precincts reporting.

What we are told by the Clinton campaign is that they believe what's yet to report is the heart of the Democratic base, the African- American base, the inner city, center city Detroit. That's what they're telling us. We'll see when the votes come in. We've been waiting a long time. And this is not atypical. Wayne County, we've been through this many nights, you and I, Wolf. And the rest of us. Wayne County is always -- in Michigan, it's always late if not last. And so you look up here again, the rest of the suburbs just starting to come in, 87 percent.

In the Trump campaign they're going to be very happy with this if it sticks, but we're up to nearly 40 percent of the voting in Macomb County. This is an area -- 54-41, again, when you go back in time, President Obama carried this.


KING: And this is -- this is in the history books, it's where the birthplace of the Reagan Democrat. This has been studied. Back in the '80s, this is where all the political scientists, all the pollsters deeply started this area for the union voters who became Democrat -- I mean, who became Republicans, defied, you know, their own union and party leadership who told them to vote a Democrat and supported Ronald Reagan.

Will there be Trump Democrats after this election? That will be one of the conversations that we have. We're going to have that conversation any way because the map is changing even if these states flip back. They are remarkably competitive and we're learning an important lesson tonight as we continue to watch.

So 60 percent in Michigan, still a narrow Trump lead. 72 percent now in Wisconsin, and a narrow Trump lead. Two rust belt states, Wolf, they're going to keep us up late, very competitive.

BLITZER: We have another projection to make right now. An important projection. And CNN now projections that Donald Trump will carry the state of Georgia with its 16 electoral votes. 84 percent of the vote is in, you see Donald Trump has a lead of more than 228,000 votes. Donald Trump wins Georgia. Donald Trump carries that important state so let's take a look at where the electoral college map stands right now.

With the win in Georgia Donald Trump is ahead. He moves closer to 270. He's got 232 electoral votes to Hillary Clinton's 209. 270, once again the magic number. Donald Trump carries Georgia, an important win for him. You see all those red states, those are states that Donald Trump has carried. The blue states are the states that Hillary Clinton has carried. The yellow states, no projection yet in those states. Very, very close contest.

Anderson, over to you.

ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Wolf, thanks very much. We've talked about this being a historic night early on and it is certainly turning out to be that in a lot of different ways.

David Axelrod, what did everybody get wrong? I mean the polls were just wrong.



AXELROD: No, look. You look at the -- you look at the exit polls and whether they got the top line numbers right or not, what is clear is, there was a hunger for change among a lot of Americans and those who felt strongly about, those who were angered and disenchanted with government overwhelmingly were supporting Donald Trump, notwithstanding the fact that two thirds of them said that they didn't think that he had the temperament and the qualifications for it.

This was a -- this was a primal scream on the part of a lot of voters who are disenchanted with the status quo and Hillary Clinton -- you know, you -- I always say, and we don't know how this is going to turn out, so I'm not trying to impute things here that I don't want to, but my operative phrase as a consultant was you're never as smart as you look when you win and you're never as dumb as you look when you lose.

You look back now at the things that Donald Trump has been doing with his time in terms of where he's campaigned and the hammering away relentlessly at the message Hillary Clinton's 30 years, and it has found an audience, and that's what made -- that's what's made this race close and you look at these rural areas, in all of these states in county after county, he is outperforming Mitt Romney dramatically and she's underperforming President Obama dramatically.

[23:50:12] COOPER: And, I mean, you know, in every interview with Kellyanne Conway, she talked about sort of hidden Trump voters.


COOPER: A lot of Trump supporters were saying that. We certainly -- it seems like they were right all along.

BORGER: I've been talking to somebody who works on the Trump campaign who is involved with their, you know, digital operation and their polling. And they say that in some places in rural America that they have 10 percent more turnout than they originally thought, that they were saying he was going to get more, but it's even more than that. And when you look at the exit polls and you look at the white working class voters who are about 4 in 10 voters. And you look at voters in this country, 39 percent were voting for change.

And you see that half of the electorate in the state of Michigan felt that trade takes away jobs. And you say, as Dana was saying earlier, that Hillary Clinton didn't even visit the state of Wisconsin in the general, you put that all together and what -- you know, what we see is a massive outpouring among voters who perhaps didn't vote before, who perhaps were hidden, and they came out tonight, particularly in rural areas of this country, and said, OK, we want somebody who's different.

COOPER: Michael Smerconish, I mean, the Democrats thought with all the star power of their surrogates with the high popularity of President Obama and President Obama out there on the stump and Michelle Obama clearly did not do what they had hoped it would.

MICHAEL SMERCONISH, CNN ANCHOR, "SMERCONISH": It's not only that it didn't do what they hoped it would do, but I can't help but sit here tonight and wonder if it didn't boomerang and have the complete opposite impact because it reinforced who really represented the establishment in a year where you didn't want --

COOPER: Right. Which is something Jeffrey Lord talked about even last night during that big star-studded event with all of them on the stage, Jeffrey and Kayleigh's interpretation of that image was a lot different than a lot of other people.

SMERCONISH: And remember, as he stood on that stage, Anderson, and he made light of the fact, Donald Trump did, that he was going it alone, and he didn't need a piano, and he didn't need a guitar, it probably ended up benefitting him.

My one observation having watched the night unfold thus far with a big chapter still to go, is that it's very little about party tonight. It's much more about class. It's much more about income. It's much more about what separates us beyond our party affiliation. I think David is on to something when we talks about the rural versus urban and suburban divide.

COOPER: Well, it also seemed like Democrats were counting on, you know, they had the unions, but it seems like maybe they had a lot of union leaders but a lot of rank-and-file were going for Donald Trump.

NIA-MALIKA HENDERSON, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: And those, you know, union folks, even, you know, in a place like Michigan, and we don't know what's going to happen there, a lot of those folks, those were Bernie Sanders supporters and it looks like maybe those supporters went with Trump. And that the Clinton folks were maybe over relying the getting the band back together again, the Obama coalition. And even though they did see some surges in states like Florida, I mean, Florida was up in terms of the Latino vote, it was up in terms of the black vote, too, but it just wasn't enough for her to win that state.

BORGER: And here's something interesting to me in these exit polls and we'll be looking at them for a long time I believe but when voters were asked whether Donald Trump has the temperament to be president, it seems to me the Hillary Clinton message got through. 63 percent say he doesn't have the temperament. 61 percent say he is not qualified to be president. 52 percent say she is qualified. And yet we see in state after state here voters coming out and voting for change. And I think that was a real motivator.

COOPER: Right. If change was what you wanted as a voter, I mean, it's -- clearly they were going for Donald Trump.

BORGER: Right. And that trumped everything.

AXELROD: He was a very, very bright, incisive vehicle for their frustrations about the status quo. And, you know, our friends over here have been talking about this for some time, and you can see the manifestation of it. We don't know how the story ends tonight, but this is clearly not the race people expected.

COOPER: Well, I want to talk to Jeffrey and Kayleigh and our other partisans, but we've got another key race alert -- Wolf.

BLITZER: All right. Let's get another key alert right now. It's a cliffhanger. All right. Let's take a look at Michigan right now. Michigan is so critically important. 62 percent of the vote is in. Donald Trump still maintains a lead of nearly 32,000 votes over Hillary Clinton. 16 electoral votes in Michigan. We're watching that so, so closely.

Wisconsin, 73 percent of the vote is now in. Donald Trump has a bigger lead there. He's up almost 90,000 votes over Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin. Ten electoral votes in Wisconsin right now.

In Arizona, 61 percent of the vote is in. Donald Trump there, too, he has a lead of 57,000 over Hillary Clinton. 11 electoral votes at stake in Arizona.

[23:55:06] In New Hampshire, 69 percent of the vote is in. Donald Trump has a lead of almost 11,000 votes over Hillary Clinton. He is ahead in New Hampshire as well with its four electoral votes.

There are more states we're looking at including Iowa right now. 78 percent of the vote is in. And Donald Trump has a healthy lead, 106,000 vote lead over Hillary Clinton in Iowa with its six electoral votes. An impressive lead there in Pennsylvania. 85 percent of the vote is in. Hillary Clinton is ahead by 40,000 votes. 48.6 percent to 47.8 percent. 20 electoral votes at stake in Pennsylvania. Hillary Clinton ahead in Nevada. 66 percent of the vote is in and Hillary Clinton has a lead there, almost 40,000 votes ahead of Donald Trump with its six electoral votes at stake in Nevada. Hillary is ahead.

And in Utah, 31 percent of the vote is in. The third almost of the vote is in. Donald Trump has the lead of almost 100,000 votes over Hillary Clinton and Evan McMullin, the independent third party candidate.

So those are the latest information we're getting. Let's check in with Brianna Keilar. She's over at Clinton headquarters right now for us. So, Brianna, update us on what's going on over there.

BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, the scene here is so different than it was a few hours ago when people were happy and relaxed. I have been looking around the room at people who are stone faced. Some of them have been crying. We have seen people leaving the venue, including some who have been sitting on the risers behind the podium where Hillary Clinton is supposed to speak.

There are people who are just in shock. I've seen mouths open as folks here in the audience are watching the results come in. Many of them with their arms crossed and a hand to their mouth. They are just stunned as they watch what is going on here. It's just been a complete reversal from what we saw a few hours ago. And what they are watching is various networks, as we're seeing these calls being made for different states, they've been monitoring a lot of them.

Their iPhones seeing certainly the projections for what is going to happen. And they are just stunned at the idea that they were completely sure they were coming to this event for what they thought would be an early night to celebrate Hillary Clinton becoming the first female president and now they're confronting the reality that they could be walking out of here either not knowing, but perhaps expecting Donald Trump is going to become president.

I mean, you're seeing it here on these faces. They are just stunned. People who are talking and laughing before are standing. They're not talking to the folks that they came with.

BLITZER: It's not over with yet. Let's see what happens in the votes.


BLITZER: But I clearly understand the sadness that's going on over there.

Jim Acosta, you're only about a mile and a half away from the Javits Center. You're at the New York Hilton Hotel. There's the ballroom behind you. That's where Donald Trump will be appearing at some point we assume. What's the mood over there? JIM ACOSTA, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Yes. Well, the

mood is the exact opposite of what Brianna Keilar just passed on a few moments ago. It is not over yet, you're right, Wolf, but it is starting to feel like a victory party here at Trump campaign headquarters. I can tell you that behind me we are seeing a sea of red. Those are those red "Make America Great Again" hats. They're being passed out to all the supporters in the room here.

And, Wolf, it's interesting. As these returns are coming in throughout the night, especially in these key battleground states of Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and so on, in Wisconsin, when that happened, the room exploded.

Wolf, I will tell you that they started all sorts of chants. USA, USA, President Trump, President Trump, drain the swamp. But, Wolf, one fairly disturbing chant broke out in this room and that was "lock her up." They were starting to chant "lock her up.: Of course that is a chant referring to Hillary Clinton and her e-mail investigation that the FBI said just recently they basically wrapped up. It's a common thing that we hear at these political rallies.

But, Wolf, I have to tell you, covering this campaign for about a year now, going to these rallies and seeing the enthusiasm in these large numbers of crowds that you see turning out to see Donald Trump, you know, during the primaries we saw that translate into success. We may be seeing that here tonight at Trump campaign headquarters.

You talk to people inside the Trump campaign. They're using words like we're dying. We're freaking out. They are just over the moon tonight with these results. I think they've surprised themselves.

Earlier today, I heard from an official -- a top official, who said that it will take a miracle for us to win. I got a text from somebody saying, do you believe in miracles -- Wolf.

BLITZER: Jim Acosta over at the New York Hilton where Donald Trump's headquarters are tonight.

Let's take a look at the electoral college map. See where it stands right now. The all-important electoral college map. Donald Trump is ahead. He has 232 electoral votes compared to Hillary Clinton's 209 electoral votes. You need 270 to become the president of the United States. He is ahead of Hillary Clinton right now but there are still several of those yellow states that are outstanding right now.