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Tonight: Trump To Give First Speech Since Assassination Attempt; Source: Top Biden Officials Believe He Must Drop Out Soon; Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner Arrive At RNC. Aired 9-10p ET

Aired July 18, 2024 - 21:00   ET



ANNETTE ALBRIGHT, FORMER TEACHER: --know that they protect our kids.


ALBRIGHT: While Democrats won't admit that our schools are failing, Republicans will fix the system and make our schools safe.


ALBRIGHT: That's why this year, for the first time in my life, I am registering as a Republican.


ALBRIGHT: Thank you. Thank you.


ALBRIGHT: And in November, I will proudly cast my vote for Donald J. Trump.


ALBRIGHT: Only together, we can make America's schools great again.


ALBRIGHT: Thank you. And God bless America.


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: Annette Albright, who was a former Democrat, is going to be registering as a Republican.

Kaitlan Collins is on the floor of the convention, with some members of the New York delegation.


KAITLAN COLLINS, CNN HOST: Waiting for former President Trump.

But I am here with two House Republicans, as they are watching this. Nick LaLota, and Mike Lawler.

What are you hoping to hear from the President -- the former President, tonight, in his speech that could be helpful in November?

REP. MICHAEL LAWLER (R-NY): Look, I think Americans are ready to be united, and get behind President Trump, to address the issues facing them, from affordability crisis, to the crisis at our southern border, to the challenges around the globe.

The world is a tinderbox under Joe Biden, from the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the terrorist attack on Israel, to the threats emanating in the Indo-Pacific from China.

And I think President Trump has an opportunity, tonight, after the assassination attempt on his life, on Saturday, to really unify Americans, and inspire them.

COLLINS: Yes. And obviously, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the attack on Israel, they were not President Biden's fault. But you don't like the way he's handled the response to that.

But when you look at this, I've heard from someone today, who said, they feel like they have a lot of momentum, right now, inside the Trump campaign. But the question is, how do you maintain that until November? Obviously, it's still July? What does that look like, over the next several months that can make races like yours better and stronger for you?

REP. NICK LALOTA (R-NY): Yes, I'm looking forward to the continued positive, policy-oriented patriotic message, coming from President Trump, to provide solutions on the border and the economy. He's the one Long Islanders want, New Yorkers want, Americans want.

Americans want the president to be inclusive, to be a good communicator, to bring us all together. I'm confident President Trump is going to get that done, and help us win these elections in November, but more importantly, to govern the right way, and put America back on the right track in January.

COLLINS: All right. Thank you both.

Joining me from the House floor, the New York delegation is right over there, Anderson.

Obviously, you can really feel the energy on the floor, tonight, I should note. I mean, I've been here every single night, as we're waiting for these speeches. But it does feel a bit more amped up, as they are waiting for the former President to come out, for the first time since -- to be on stage, in front of a big crowd like this one, since Saturday, Anderson.

COOPER: Yes. Kaitlan, thanks very much.

Here with the team.

Scott Jennings, there's a lot of anticipation, obviously, for the President, tonight.

SCOTT JENNINGS, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Yes. This convention is energized. They are unified. They are defiant in some ways. They're optimistic. It's the first time we've been ahead since, end of July, of a presidential, since the year 2000. It's been 24 years.

And let me tell you something else. I've been saying this. Van and Axe know. This is a vibes election. We're always doing a vibe check. And let me just reassure the American people. One of our two major political parties is functioning properly. It's the Republican Party. And the vibes on the floor here are simply outrageous.

And we're about to have a hell of a lot of fun, because Hulkamania is about to run wild, in Milwaukee.

Anderson Cooper, what are you going to do, when the largest arms in the world come out on this stage--


JENNINGS: --and ask all Americans to participate in our democracy? It's outrageous.

COOPER: Yes, it's exciting for everybody.

DAVID URBAN, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: So, Anderson, on a housekeeping note.

DAVID AXELROD, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Get it out of here. I want to know what's in Jennings' cup, OK?

KASIE HUNT, CNN ANCHOR: Can I have some? I want some.

JENNINGS: It's a big cup of freedom, David Axelrod.

HUNT: Pull that down over here.

URBAN: So, on an interesting note. What we've been seeing on the -- on the stage behind is playing. John King noted this. There are some videos that Donald Trump has cut--


URBAN: --previously, right? And so, some of them, we're going to hear a nicer, more softer-edged Donald Trump. Some of the videos that are playing are pretty hard edged.


And one of the videos that played interestingly, was something that's very important in the Republican Party, very important in this upcoming election. Voting by mail.

Donald Trump has not really been a big proponent of voting by mail, voting early.

HUNT: Really? Not a big proponent?

COOPER: Really? I think--

URBAN: OK, well.

COOPER: --it's an understatement.

URBAN: OK. It's an understatement.

COOPER: He actively discouraged--


COOPER: --not to vote.

URBAN: However. Listen.


URBAN: However. But in the--

AXELROD: Corrupt -- corrupt, I think, was the word he used.

HUNT: I think that's the--


URBAN: Well, but listen, interestingly, interestingly, a video, about a five-minute video--

KING: Right.

URBAN: --ran on the screen, for these delegates to see, with Donald Trump espousing how important it was to vote by mail. Get home, vote by mail, vote early, bank your votes. That -- the TV audience may not have seen that.

KING: Yes. He--

URBAN: But this crowd did. And it's very important for the election.

KING: But -- but in that same video, all this talk about unity and a softer, kinder, gentler, in that same video, he said, we're going to kick them out of the government. We're going to look for them, and we're going to kick them out. We're going to find them, the liberals, the leftists, and the communists, and we're going to kick them out of the government.

ABBY PHILLIP, CNN HOST: Meanwhile, the two members--

KING: Right.

PHILLIP: --of the New York delegation just said, they want an inclusive message. They want him to be a good communicator. They want him--

KING: Right.

PHILLIP: --to focus on policy.

URBAN: OK. I'm talking about the vote by mail part. Let's focus on the vote by mail.

PHILLIP: I was just saying--


URBAN: Republicans, if you're watching, vote by mail.

PHILLIP: --that's what they said they need to hear from Donald Trump, tonight.

AXELROD: It is interesting, though, that those guys were here.


AXELROD: Because those are swing-district Republicans.

URBAN: Yes, Lawler, sure.

AXELROD: And they are here, because they're making a judgment that he will not hurt them.


AXELROD: But in terms of your unity part. I keep having to remind you, it's moving. It's striking to see. But they did boo your guy right out of the arena.

JENNINGS: David Axelrod -- Axelrod, you are not going to bring -- I am literally going to come over there and body-slam you. I will suplex you on this set, tonight. I am feeling the vibes of Hulkamania. I'm not holding back, brother.

AXELROD: We should -- we should explain to everyone.

JENNINGS: Listen to me, David Taxelrod. Listen to me.

AXELROD: We may -- I know.

COOPER: Taxelrod.

AXELROD: He got a chance to meet Hulk Hogan. And he cannot calm down.

JENNINGS: Listen, Taxelrod.

COOPER: David, in terms--

JENNINGS: You're not bringing me down.

COOPER: --in terms of the--

JONES: Hey, can I? COOPER: --Democratic Party watch, you know, folks at home, who are Democrats, watching this, and wondering about what happens next. Whenever the -- President Biden makes a decision of whatever his decision is going to be, assuming it's him getting out of the race, what happens then?

AXELROD: Well, I think there's a lot of -- there are a lot of people thinking about that, and what that process should be, whether he'll endorse the Vice President, and somehow there will be a seamless handoff to the Vice President, or whether there'll be some sort of process, whereby candidates compete.

We had this discussion a little bit yesterday. There are a -- there are a lot of people, I'm one of them, who believe that it actually would strengthen her to participate in a process on that.

HUNT: Well, can I -- can I actually ask you a question, David? Because I've heard it like some different thinking on this.

Because there is clearly some concern, among corners of the party, that Kamala Harris might have a difficult time winning a national election, so quickly than there are other people, who turn around and say, of course, she's the Vice President, she's on the ticket, it's way easier.

But for the people, who might also be in the arena, like that's what I'm kind of most interested in, like, if you are Josh Shapiro, and you are the Governor of Pennsylvania, and everybody's talking about how you can be President of the United States someday.


HUNT: Is it in your interest to try to challenge Kamala Harris? Because I had somebody pretty convincingly argue to me that like, absolutely not is it in your interest.

AXELROD: Yes. But let me just make a point about this.

HUNT: A would-be-to-be VP.

AXELROD: The question the party should ask itself is, and Van said this yesterday, if you actually believe that Donald Trump represents a great threat, then shouldn't you do the thing that you think you need to do to win?

And the practical point is, there's only one path for Democrats, and that's through Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. And the question is, who gives you the best chance to do it? If it is the Vice President, who running with her would help? I mean, there are a lot of calculations that are very practical that have to be made.

PHILLIP: And this is emerging as--

URBAN: Yes. But particularly, but think about if you're Josh Shapiro. You're a very strong candidate in 2028. You want to jump in the pool now, with a 100 days left? PHILLIP: Well this--

HUNT: But being the VP to Kamala Harris--

PHILLIP: Listen.

HUNT: --probably doesn't hurt Josh Shapiro.

COOPER: I agree.

PHILLIP: This is the biggest--

HUNT: Right?


URBAN: Do not.

HUNT: Not his fault if they lose in 80 days.

PHILLIP: This is becoming one of the biggest divides in the Democratic Party, right now.

HUNT: Yes.

PHILLIP: Whether there's going to be an open process for the convention, or whether Kamala Harris is going to be the nominee.

I spent a lot of time talking about this issue today. One person I talked to suggested to me that the idea, to your point, Kasie, that a Josh Shapiro, or Gretchen Whitmer, or anybody else can just walk into the DNC and say, hey, pick me, is not going to work, because the Democratic National Committee is comprised of real people, like the delegates are real people.

KING: Right.

PHILLIP: And many of those real people--

HUNT: Yes.

PHILLIP: --are Black people. Many of those real people are women. And they -- and it was suggested to me. It's not just a political problem in the media. It would be like an actual problem at the convention for the party.

AXELROD: You said it -- you said it--

COOPER: Van, what are you--

PHILLIP: And that's one of the big issues that they're worried about.

JONES: Well actual people or actual voters who had a chance to vote--

PHILLIP: I'm talking about the delegates who are casting ballots.

JONES: I'm--

PHILLIP: That's what -- that's all I'm saying.


JONES: Actual Democratic Black voters had a chance to pick Kamala Harris, and picked Joe Biden. We skipped over Joe Biden, as Vice President, to get to Hillary Clinton. So, this is going to have to get worked out.

And I think that the most important question is who can win? What combination could win? And I think the case to be made for Kamala has to be a winnability argument.


JONES: It can't be as she's Vice President, you got to give it to her. That didn't work for Joe Biden.


JONES: Joe Biden got passed over for Hillary.


JONES: It can't be she -- if you don't like her, if you don't go with her, it's because you're a racist or a sexist. Or if you don't like Josh Shapiro, it's because you're antisemitic. We got to have an honest conversation about who can win.


JENNINGS: Guys, this is all--

AXELROD: But like, can I just make a -- let me make one point, though. You know it's our little thing.

JENNINGS: I know. I know. We're at the Democratic convention.

AXELROD: Abby -- Abby said, the debate is between whether we have the Vice President be the nominee or an open process. And the assumption that you're making is that somehow if there's an open process, the Vice President won't be selected.

PHILLIP: Well you know what?


AXELROD: And I'm saying--


AXELROD: --I think she very well maybe.

JENNINGS: Guys. Guys.

PHILLIP: And Axe, what I'm saying--

AXELROD: And she'd be a stronger nominee, if that happens.

PHILLIP: So that's a -- that's a really important point, because what I am hearing is that the people there -- the reason there's so much anger--

JONES: Getting there.

PHILLIP: --about this idea of an open process, is because there is a sense that the subtext of an open process is that at the end of it, the people who want the open process, do not want Kamala Harris. I'm not saying this is what I believe. This is just what people are telling me, is that the subtext is that the open--


PHILLIP: --process means no Kamala Harris.

HUNT: And any person--


JENNINGS: Abby? Abby? Guys--

PHILLIP: So that's why people are so mad about it.

JENNINGS: Guys, we are like minutes away--

KING: Right.

JENNINGS: --minutes away--

KING: Right.

JENNINGS: --from Hulk Hogan--


JENNINGS: --Dana White, and Donald J. Trump.


HUNT: All right. So, who do they want to run against?

JONES: I want -- I want--

HUNT: Let's talk about that.

JENNINGS: Even look for you guys (ph).

JONES: I want to say -- I want to say something about this.

JENNINGS: So, we can have an academic discussion--

PHILLIP: And you know what? (CROSSTALK)

JONES: OK. You see something -- I want to say something. I want to say something. This spirit that this guy has, you guys think this is because he's drunk? He's not.

KING: Right, yes.

JONES: This whole thing is like this. And look--

PHILLIP: Yes. He's drunk on the program (ph) tonight.

JONES: Hey, listen. Hey, guys. The last time I was in a convention that felt like this was Obama 2008.

JENNINGS: Yes, and you know -- yes.

JONES: There's something happening--

KING: Yes.

JONES: --where--

HUNT: You just wrote a headline, by the way.

JONES: What's that?

HUNT: You just wrote a headline.


JENNINGS: It's just looks like Obama. And just like Obama, Trump is showing in this convention.


JENNINGS: He has the capacity to alter the composition of the electorate. That is showing--

AXELROD: The difference between 2008 and now--

KING: Yes.

AXELROD: --is that Obama was actually popular outside of his own party. And that's not the case with Donald Trump.

PHILLIP: I don't think you should overstate it. And that was then.

COOPER: Former first lady, Melania Trump, in the convention hall, for the first time.

Phil Mattingly is keeping an eye on the Trump family box.

Phil, what are you seeing?

PHIL MATTINGLY, CNN CHIEF DOMESTIC CORRESPONDENT AND ANCHOR: I'm actually going to bounce off what was just said about the 2008 convention.

I've talked to several delegates, including one, just about three people away from me, have asked me, when was the last convention? Or how many conventions have I've been to, and have I ever seen one as energized as this?

I think the only one that is a close analog, for me, at least was 2008. And at least from a Republican convention perspective, maybe 2004. But this is something that I just haven't seen in several cycles. And the delegates keep saying the same thing, delegates that have been here for cycle after cycle, convention after convention, that the energy level is just different. And it's not happening in isolation.

Obviously, guys, they've been building to this moment throughout the course of this week. And the next group of speakers, as Scott Jennings so eloquently and energetically identified, particularly with Hulk Hogan coming up, are part of that build to the biggest moment of the night, with the former President, giving his third convention speech.

But I think it just underscores right now that yes, the unity is there. Yes, the reality of this moment in terms of the energy is very real.

But also what's going to set this place on fire, and that's literally what a delegate told me, just a little bit ago, is that family box, right behind me. You'll notice that there are still senators up there. But there are several seats that are now empty. The former President left about an hour ago. He's obviously going to be speaking tonight. But everybody's waiting for those seats to be filled by Trump family members.

We have seen Eric Trump. We've seen Don Jr. And tonight, we will see Melania Trump, for the first time. We're likely to see -- we are expecting to see Ivanka Trump for the first time.

Guys, the family, always so central, will once again be centerstage in just a matter of moments, Jake.

JAKE TAPPER, CNN ANCHOR: All right. So, thanks so much, Phil.

Boris Sanchez is somewhere out there.

Boris, tell us where you are and what you're seeing.

BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN ANCHOR: Yes, Jake, I'm actually on the podium position, just to the left of the stage. And this crowd is very raucous, right now. And folks are dancing to the cover band.

But the next speaker, I believe it's the next speaker that's set to come out, is someone that I know Scott Jennings has been eagerly anticipating, hearing from their murmurs in the crowd that he has been walking around backstage.

And that is Hulk Hogan, the former World Wrestling Entertainment, world champion. He's wearing a signature red bandana, and he was flanked by two massive American flags. Very different convention voice than you're used to hear.

You're not talking about a former Republican president or even a governor or a lawmaker. You're talking about a wrestler, someone who is linked to Donald Trump, not only through Trump's experience with the World Wrestling Entertainment Group, but also through Peter Thiel.


Obviously, Peter Thiel, the Silicon Valley entrepreneur and billionaire donor to Republican politics. He bankrolled Hogan's lawsuit against this tabloid website, some years ago. He's also a big donor to the vice-presidential nominee, J.D. Vance. And he spoke at the 2016 Republican convention. So, worlds sort of colliding there.

The message we can expect to hear from Hulk Hogan, he's going to echo what we heard from Donald Trump, after he was shot on Saturday. He's going to call on his supporters to fight.


TAPPER: All right, Boris. Thanks so much.

And we should note, in addition to Hulk Hogan, this evening's festivities will also include Kid Rock, as well as Dana White, the CEO and President of Ultimate Fighting Championship, also the owner of Power Slap, a slap fighting championship.

Chris, what theme are we discerning here, with this cast of characters?

CHRIS WALLACE, CNN ANCHOR: Is that a trick question? Testosterone.


WALLACE: A lot of testosterone, tonight. It's so interesting. I mean, when you think of it, of the people, this is a real prime slot, the people just before the nominee is going to accept the official nomination of the party, and in this particular case, the former President.

Hulk Hogan, Dana White, and Kid Rock, and then Donald Trump. And it's not just that Donald Trump likes fighting, and wrestling. But this very much fits into the theory of this campaign, which is that they very much see it as strength versus weakness. Masculine versus hyper masculinity.

And you'd say, well, they've got a problem with women. The interesting gender gap that you see in the polls, right now, is not among women. They are -- Biden and Trump run relatively close among women. Biden's ahead, but only by about a half dozen points.

The real gender gap is among men, where Trump is far ahead, double- digits ahead of Biden. And so, I think there's a feeling that they can lean into this, increase the gender gap.

TAPPER: Oh. WALLACE: So, Donald Trump, likes this.

TAPPER: Yes. Interesting stuff.

We're going to squeeze in a very quick break. We are expecting President Trump's acceptance speech, this evening. We're also expecting Hulk Hogan, Kid Rock, Dana White, a whole bunch of other, in keeping with the testosterony theme of this evening, testosterony, the real San Francisco treat. We'll be right back.



TAPPER: Welcome back to the Republican convention, in Milwaukee, in battleground Wisconsin. We expect to see members of the Trump family entering the hall soon, as we get closer to Donald Trump's big speech, his acceptance of his party's nomination for president in 2024.

Kaitlan Collins is on the floor, talking to delegates.

Kaitlan, who's with you?

COLLINS: Yes, Jake. I'm standing here with Pam Pollard. She is a delegate from the great state of Oklahoma. We're standing with the rest of the Oklahoma delegation.

And Pam and I were just talking, as we are waiting to see someone that we have not seen yet, at this convention, Jake. And that is the former first lady, Melania Trump, who is here. She'll be out here shortly, we're told. She's going to be sitting in that box, right there.

And I just wonder, as a Republican, as a delegate, what it means to you, the significance of seeing the former first lady come here, since she hasn't been here, earlier, in the other days this week.

PAM POLLARD, OKLAHOMA DELEGATE: Oh, I think it's wonderful that she's here. I didn't know if she was going to come or not, because I know she's been taking care of Barron, and a lot of other things in her family. So, I'm so happy she's here.

And I think every family member ought to support each other. And I'm very, very proud that she's here to support her husband and part of her family.

COLLINS: And what do you make of the children that we've heard from? Donald Trump Jr., last night.


COLLINS: We'll hear from Eric Trump, tonight. Ivanka Trump is also expected to be on hand. What, from the children's speeches, have stood out to you so far?

POLLARD: Especially the granddaughter, I think it just really shows that no matter who we are, no matter running for president, former President, you are still somebody's husband, father, grandpa. And I think that's important for Americans to look at our candidates as human beings. So, I'm glad that they brought that part into the convention.

COLLINS: And Pam, before we go, I have to show our viewers your footwear for tonight, because it is amazing. These are slippers that you designed. Is that right?

POLLARD: I did. I was in part of a slipper contest. So, I made Uncle Sam and Betsy Ross elephant shoes.

COLLINS: Pam Pollard, thank you for your time tonight.

POLLARD: Thank you very much.

COLLINS: Jake. Back to you.

TAPPER: All right. Kaitlan Collins, thanks so much. Appreciate it. And be sure to get a pair of those slippers for yourself, while you're down there.

This is going to -- we haven't seen Melania Trump. And we should note, I'm not judging, but it's out of the ordinary, for a presidential spouse, or presidential nominee spouse, to be so invisible.


TAPPER: Yes, so absent. She -- we're told that she's here, and that she is going to come out and sit with the President. Usually, by the way, a spouse speaks.

BASH: That's right.

TAPPER: I mean, she spoke at the 2016 convention. That didn't go so great. Some of her speech have been plagiarized from Michelle Obama.

We heard J.D. Vance's wife speak, introduce.

Melania Trump is apparently not going to speak. The role of humanizing Donald Trump has been filled by his daughter-in-law, and his granddaughter, but not the wife.

BASH: Yes, it's a family affair, when it comes to his children, but not a what-you-need-to-know-about-my-husband moment.


Look, that ship, I think, has sailed, for Melania Trump, it's fair to say. She made no secret about the fact that the -- she did her job, as much as she could, when she had a young son in the White House. But since 2020, and since that election, she has made pretty clear that she has almost no interest in politics at all. And that is based on reporting and it's also--

TAPPER: We're seeing some -- some of the images from backstage. Here he is. BASH: Here he comes back.

TAPPER: The 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. He's trying to become the 47th President of the United States as well. He is coming out.

We see, there is Donald Trump Jr. I assume those are some of the grandkids as well. It is the Trump family, making an appearance.

Donald Trump still has the bandage on his ear, from the awful assassination attempt on his life, Saturday. Seems to be in good spirits. He's mugging for the crowd, applauding.

BASH: But again, these are his children and his grandchildren, which -- that's important to--


BASH: --to sort of soften him, and to show him from the perspective of family.

TAPPER: That appears to be Ivanka.

BASH: That's Ivanka.

TAPPER: Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.

BASH: Also, two people who have not been visible, or much a part of the Trump political world at all, this cycle. Two people -- well, in the case of Jared Kushner, who ran his campaign in 2016, they are -- much controversy, went into the White House. And since then, particularly since the events of January 6th, 2020 (ph), they have checked out of politics, largely.

TAPPER: Yes, the family, much of the family moving to Florida, as President Trump also moved his place of residence from New York to Florida. A much more welcoming state, a pretty solidly Republican state, right now.

You see Donald Trump Jr.

Again, I see, Ivanka and Jared.

Tiffany Trump, his daughter from Marla Maples.


TAPPER: Lara Trump, Eric's wife, right next to him. She spoke the other night.


TAPPER: Still no sign of either former first lady, Melania Trump, or his son with her, Barron Trump.

BASH: Yes, not yet. And just back to the -- to the Ivanka and Jared appearance here. I

mean, we obviously saw on social media, Ivanka, reacting, as a daughter, to the assassination attempt of her father. And we understand that she went up to Bedminster, to be with him.

But again, just on the politics, they were so incredibly involved, and really instrumental in his, not just campaign, but administration. And--


TAPPER: Here's Hulk Hogan, I believe. Let's listen in.


HULK HOGAN, PROFESSIONAL ENTERTAINER AND WRESTLER: Well, let me tell you something, brother.


HOGAN: You know something? When I came here tonight, there was so much energy in this room. I felt maybe I was in Madison Square Garden, getting ready to win another World title. Or maybe I thought.


HOGAN: The vibe was so intense. The energy was so crazy. It felt like maybe I was going to press that no-good sticky giant over my head, and slam him through the mat, brother.


HOGAN: But what I found out, was I was in a room full of a real Americans, brother.


HOGAN: And at the end of the day, with our leader up there, my hero, that gladiator, we're going to bring America back together. One real American, at a time, brother.


HOGAN: You know something? I've seen some great tag teams in my time. Hulk Hogan and, ooh yes, the "Macho Man" Randy Savage.


HOGAN: But you know something? I see the greatest tag team of my life, standing upon us, getting ready to straighten this country out, for all the real Americans.


HOGAN: You know, even though you guys are real Americans, you better get ready. Because when Donald J. Trump becomes the President of the United States, all the real Americans are going to be nicknamed Trumpites.


HOGAN: Because -- because all the Trumpites are going to be running wild for four years.



HOGAN: So, with the power of Donald J. Trump, and all the Trumpites running wild, America is going to get back on track. And like Donald J. Trump said, America is going to be great again.


HOGAN: You know, when I look out, and I see all the real Americans, I think about how Donald Trump, his family was compromised. When I look out there, and I see Donald Trump, I think about how his business was compromised.

But what happened, last week, when they took a shot at my hero.


HOGAN: And they tried to kill the next President of the United States.


HOGAN: Enough was enough. And I said, let Trumpamania run wild, brother. Let Trumpamania rule again. Let Trumpamania make America great again.



HOGAN: You know something Trumpites? I didn't come here as Hulk Hogan. But I just had to give you a little taste.


HOGAN: You know my name. My name is Terry Bollea. And as an entertainer--


HOGAN: I love you too.


HOGAN: And as an entertainer, I try to stay out of politics. But after everything that's happened to our country, over the past four years, and everything that happened last weekend, I can no longer stay silent.


HOGAN: I'm here, tonight, because I want the world to know that Donald Trump is a real American hero.


HOGAN: And I'm proud to support my hero as the next President of this United States.


HOGAN: You know guys? I've known Donald Trump for over 35 years.

Hold on a second. Hold on. I just had a flashback. I just had a flashback, man. This is really tripping.

You know, the last time I was up on stage, Donald Trump was sitting at ringside at the Trump Plaza. I was bleeding like a pig. And I won the World title right in front of Donald J. Trump.


HOGAN: And you know something? He's going to win in November. And we're all going to be champions again, when he wins.


HOGAN: And like I said, I've known that man for over 35 years. And he's always been the biggest patriot. And he still is.


HOGAN: He's always told you exactly what he thought. And he still does, brother.


HOGAN: And no matter the odds, he always finds a way to win. And when he's back in our White House, America is going to start winning again.



HOGAN: You know guys, over my career, I've been in the ring with some of the biggest, some of the baddest dudes on the planet. And I've squared off against lawyers. Whoo, yes, savages. And I've even like I said, body slammed giants in the middle of the ring. And I know tough guys.

But let me tell you something, brother. Donald Trump is the toughest of them all.


HOGAN: They've thrown everything at Donald Trump, all the investigations, the impeachments, the court cases. And he's still standing and kicking their butts.



HOGAN: You know we never had it better than the Trump years. Back then, we had a thriving economy. We had strong borders. We had safe streets. We had peace and respect around the world.

But then, we lost it all in a blink of an eye. Crime is out of control. The border is out of control. The price of food and gas, and housing is out of control. And the only person who can clean this up is Donald Trump.


HOGAN: You know guys, I really, really love this country. And I've lived the American Dream. And I want my kids, your kids, and all those little teeny Hulkamaniacs out there to live the American Dream too.


HOGAN: This November, guys, we can save the American Dream for everyone. And Donald Trump is the president who will get the job done.


HOGAN: So, all you criminals, all you lowlifes, all you scumbags, all you drug dealers, and all you crooked politicians, need to answer one question, brother.

What you're going to do when Donald Trump, and all the Trumpamaniacs run wild on you, brother?


HOGAN: God bless you. And thank you.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the President and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and President of Samaritan's Purse. The Reverend Franklin Graham.



I've got the hardest job, and I'd have to follow Hulk Hogan.

But I stand here tonight, as a private citizen, who loves this country.

I've been asked to say a few words, and then to pray. And we're going to do that.

Last Saturday, in Butler, Pennsylvania, President Trump had a near- death experience. No question. But God spared his life.


GRAHAM: And when we go through those experiences, it changes us. It can cause us to examine our lives, and to reevaluate our priorities, as you should.

When President Trump rose from that platform, he rose with his fists raised in strength, showing America, his unshakable resolve to fight for them and this nation.


GRAHAM: I cannot explain why God would save one life, and allow another one to be taken. I don't have the answer for that. But one thing I do know is that God loves us. And He wants us to be with Him in Heaven one day.


GRAHAM: And that's through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.

You see, the Bible says that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shouldn't perish but should have everlasting life.


GRAHAM: For as long -- for as long as I've known the President Trump, I found him to be a man of his word. Things that he said he'll do. He did.

When he told me, and our country, in 2016, that he was going to appoint conservative justices. Guess what? He did.


GRAHAM: In 2016, he said he would defend religious liberty. And guess what? He did.



GRAHAM: In 2019, I was with him at the United Nations when the first president of history of this country stood there, to advocate for religious liberty, worldwide.


GRAHAM: When American citizen and Pastor, Andrew Brunson, was being held in a Turkish jail, on false accusations, President Trump demanded that he be released. And he applied economic pressure and sanctions until they did that.


GRAHAM: I'm grateful and thankful for what he did as a 45th President of the United States.

And I know that as the 47th president, he will keep his word to the American people, to make America great, once again.


GRAHAM: It's an honor, for me to be asked, to pray for Donald Trump, this evening. And so, what I'd like to do, I'd like us to pray. But I'd like us all to stand, as we call upon the name of the God of heaven.

Our Heavenly Father, we come before you this evening, with grateful hearts. Thank you for saving the life of President Donald J. Trump.

In his own words, it was you, and you alone, who saved him.

We pray for the others that were injured on Saturday. For the family who lost their loved one, put your loving arms around them, comfort them, and may they sense your presence.

We stand before you tonight, we say thank you, for the provisions you have given to the United States of America. You have blessed this country more than any country in the world.

Sadly, as a nation, we have forgotten who is responsible for all the freedoms, the liberties and the bounty that we enjoy. It has all come for you. Thank you.

This evening, our nation is in trouble. We're divided politically, racially, economically, with millions of people seeking refuge, and hope in our dry and thirsty land. You're the only one, who can fix the complexity of the problems that we face today.

We pray for President Trump, that you would give him wisdom, strength, and a clear vision for the future of this nation, and the task that is at hand. Continue to protect him from his enemies.

I pray that you would surround him with men and women, who will give him sound counsel and guidance.

We pray for Melania, for Barron, and for all the President Trump's children and grandchildren.

We pray for Senator J.D. Vance, his wife, Usha, along with their young family. We're thankful for his strong stand for defending life.

As your word instructs, we also pray for the leaders of our nation, whether they're Republican, Democrat or Independent. We know that all authority comes from you.

You are a great God. And we ask that if it be thy will, that you will make America great, once again. And we ask that you'll unite our hearts, bring us together, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. And we pray this in the mighty name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Amen.


GRAHAM: Thank you. Thank you.


GRAHAM: Thank you.


GRAHAM: Thank you.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome businessman, and Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization, Eric Trump.



ERIC TRUMP, DONALD TRUMP'S SON: Good evening, America.



TRUMP: Eight years ago, my father sat our family down. He spoke of a nation in decline, of dreams slipping away, of a future endangered by failed leadership and broken promises.


It was in that moment I knew my father had made a decision that would forever change our lives. We realized he had chosen to step into the arena, to fight for the soul of America.

He decided to leave behind the comforts of an unbelievable business empire, to leave behind everything he had ever built, to answer the call to serve our nation. Unlike his predecessor, it was not a decision born out of necessity. Unlike the current president, it was not a decision that would enrich his family. Rather, it was a decision made on love for this country, and a deep concern for America's future.



TRUMP: My father was clear, would not be easy, that there would be a huge price to pay, and that the attacks would be vicious. Looking back, that was an understatement.

The made-up Russia hoax. The sham impeachments. The efforts to destroy an unbelievable company, a company that I run today. The efforts to cancel us, to silence him, to gag his free speech, and to drag him through every radical-left courthouse in America, to take his life.

Yet through it all, he's shown unwavering courage and determination, not just in public, but in every private conversation with me and our family.


TRUMP: He stood tall, fueled not by personal ambition, but by a profound love for this country, and a love for all of you, the American people. That man is my father. That man is the 45th President and soon-to-be 47th President of the United States.


TRUMP: That man is Donald J. Trump.



TRUMP: Each time I've stood on the stage, America has been at dire crossroads.

In 2016, many people began to doubt the promise of America. Our economy was struggling. Jobs were scarce. Our standing on the world stage was weak at best. Veterans were forgotten. Our military was in shambles. Our educational system was broken, ranked 30th in the world.

He could no longer tolerate an inept administration that handed $150 billion to Iran, a country that chants Death to America; or witness the continued attacks on our Constitution, and our religious liberty; or see the disrespect shown to our unbelievable law enforcement officers, who are being disarmed, defunded and persecuted each and every day.


TRUMP: He could no longer stand to see words like Christmas stripped from public use, or the Pledge of Allegiance removed from our schools.

But my father saw potential where others saw despair. Donald Trump built the New York City skyline. He did so during a time--


TRUMP: He did so during a time when businesses were turning away from the city he loved. Crime was rampant. The streets were dirty. But he had the Midas touch. And he turned those streets and neighborhoods into gold. He faced every challenge with tremendous vision and grit.

As he did during the 2016 election, he rolled up his sleeves, he remained unapologetic, he did not care to be politically correct.


TRUMP: He restored hope. He restored a voice to millions of Americans, who had been ignored. He restored the American Dream.

Under my father's leadership, the economy climbed to record heights. Jobs were created at an unthinkable pace. Unemployment reached historic lows, across all demographics. Wage growth soared. He cut taxes for hardworking families and businesses. He slashed regulations. We saw the greatest 401(k) increase in American history.



TRUMP: People bought their first homes in an environment that saw 2 to 3 percent interest rates. They started their families.

My father made the United States energy-independent, with the lowest gas prices in decades.


TRUMP: My father made the United States safe. Our borders were closed. There was peace in the Middle East. Soleimani, al-Baghdadi, the terrorists were dead.


TRUMP: My father made the United States respected again, with the courage to walk into countries, like North Korea, with the courage to impose tariffs on China, and with the courage to tear up trade deals that cost Americans their jobs.


TRUMP: He brought manufacturing back to America. Small businesses flourished. He did what he promised. He put America first. We were winning. Donald Trump made America great again.


TRUMP: But he also created a movement, a movement that threaten -- threatened the special interests and the political elites, a movement that cast a bright light on the institutions weaponized against the American people. You see it in our schools. God bless the moms who fought back.


TRUMP: You see it in your workplace.

You see it on every news station, in every newspaper.

You see it in the military. The most iconic military installations on Planet Earth are stripped of their identity and renamed. Fort Bragg, Benning, Fort Hood.

You see it in Hollywood.

You see it in our two-tiered judicial system.

They don't even hide it anymore.

My father has been censored, the former President ripped off of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, while terrorist organizations remained intact.

My father has been persecuted, targeted by far-left Democrats, funded by special interest groups, and handpicked judges.

My father has been pulled off the ballots of states, radical justices attempting to defy the will of millions of Americans, who adore who he is, and what he stands for.

My father even became the target of an assassin, who almost killed America's single greatest hope for our future.

The Swamp is terrified of this incredible moment -- movement. They're terrified of it. They're terrified of you, and the tens of millions of people watching us on TV right now. They've tried everything to keep him from you, everything, to destroy his legacy, to destroy his family. They have failed, and they will not win.


TRUMP: I love my Florida delegation right here.


TRUMP: Thank you.

My father stands before you with the most votes of any Republican candidate, in the history of our nation.


TRUMP: He has defied the predictions of every political pundit. He fills stadiums across our country. He energizes Americans to the issues facing this nation, and does so with unvarnished honesty.

He is not a threat to democracy. He is a threat to those, who despise our republic, many whom are bought and sold, bribed and coerced. People who have never signed the front of a check, and who have been dependent on the government their entire adult lives.


TRUMP: Today, as it was in 2016, America is at that crossroads again.

Energy prices are soaring. Interest rates are crippling. Everything is unaffordable. The U.S. dollar has been diminished. Inflation has made it impossible for Americans to live, to save for their future. Our infrastructure is crumbling. Our border is out of control.

Millions are dead and displaced in Russia and Ukraine, a war that has no end, and a war that we are funding.


The Middle East has become a hornet's nest. Our greatest ally, Israel, totally under siege.

Fentanyl is killing our youth and destroying families, while the current administration stands idly by, hoping their inaction will import illegal votes.

Crime terrorizes our cities and our suburbs as far-left policies handcuffed police.

Male athletes, guys my height, six foot five, are swimming in women's sports.


TRUMP: Destroying the dreams of young girls, who have trained every minute of their lives.

We no longer trust our elections. We no longer trust our judicial system. And we no longer believe that our government is working in our best interest.


TRUMP: In spite of where we are today, as a nation, I'd like to speak to every American.

To the homeless veteran, sleeping under a bridge, as illegal immigrants are housed in the most expensive hotels in New York.


TRUMP: I'm sorry. We know it's wrong. And we will fix it.


TRUMP: To the single mother, who can no longer afford her rent, afford groceries, and has been forced to work three jobs. I'm sorry. It does not have to be this way.


TRUMP: To the parents who lost a son or daughter to fentanyl, including the incredible woman that spoke the other night, while an administration does absolutely nothing. I'm sorry. Your government can do so much better. And it will.

(CHEERS & APPLAUSE) TRUMP: To the children, who are being brainwashed instead of learning the fundamentals in school. I'm sorry. There are teachers who care. And my father will empower them.


TRUMP: To the law enforcement officers, our brave Border Patrol, Secret Service agents, who work every single day, to protect our communities, knowing damn well that the system will throw you under the bus. I'm sorry. We will stand behind you.


TRUMP: To commuters often petrified to take a bus, take a train, or walk the streets in cities across our nation. I'm sorry. That man, right there, will fix this.


TRUMP: To the construction workers, to the middle-class families, to the families with children with disabilities, families who can no longer afford medical benefits or to take a vacation. I'm sorry. We will make America great again.


TRUMP: And to my father, who has been ruthlessly silenced, slandered and attacked by a corrupt administration. I'm sorry. We know, and America knows, that they're not just after you. They're after all of us. And you just happen to be standing in their way.


TRUMP: To all Americans, watching tonight, the greatest retribution will be our success. Success not just for ourselves but for our grandchildren and our children.

Under President Donald J. Trump, the swamp will be drained. America will be respected. Our cities will be safe. Our streets will be clean. And our border will once again be secure.


TRUMP: We will have peace. We will have prosperity. Your hard-earned tax dollars will enrich a better America not be squandered in corrupt foreign nations.

Education will be handed back to the states. We will no longer be 30th in the world. We will be first.



TRUMP: Our children will understand family. Our children will have values.