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Soon, Trump To Give First Speech Since Assassination Attempt; Excerpts Released Ahead Of Trump's RNC Speech; Melania Trump Arrives At RNC Ahead Of Husband's Speech; CNN Covers The Republican National Convention. Aired 10-11p ET

Aired July 18, 2024 - 22:00   ET



ERIC TRUMP, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, TRUMP ORGANIZATION: We will no longer be 30th in the world. We will be first.


(CROWD chanting USA!)

E. TRUMP: Our children will understand family. Our children will have values. And our children will love God.



E. TRUMP: Our country will prioritize free speech, respect freedom of religion and honor our Constitution.



E. TRUMP: As his son, I've never been more proud of a person in my life.

A man who has defied all odds more than once. A man who believed in the promise of America when others turned away. A man who saw a nation in need of a champion and answered that call with unwavering determination and courage.

A man who survived a bullet that was intended to eliminate him permanently from our future and from our family.

Never have I been more proud to be a Trump.



E. TRUMP: Never have I been more proud out to stand by my father's side. I remain incredibly honored to be part of this journey, a journey with all of you. A journey to save the greatest country on earth. A journey with the most incredible people I have ever met.

Dad, five days ago, Lara, Luke, Carolina and I held our breath as we saw blood pour across your face. By the grace of God, divine intervention, and your guardian angels above, you survived.



CROWD: We love Trump! We love Trump! We love Trump!

E. TRUMP: You are the greatest fighter I have ever seen. You are strong. You are full of life, and you are unapologetic.

Your optimism is contagious. Your backbone is unbreakable. Your conviction to fight for what is right and against all that is wrong is truly next level.



E. TRUMP: The whole world saw your strength as you stood up. You wiped the blood off your -- your face, and you put your fist in the air in a moment that will be remembered as one of the most courageous acts in the history of American politics. You shouted "fight, fight, fight".

CROWD: Fight! Fight! Fight!

E. TRUMP: I'm honored to be your son. I'm honored to speak to our great nation tonight. You are a true leader. You epitomized strength.

Our country loves you. Our country appreciates you. Our country misses you, and on November 5th, our country will reelect you as a 47th president of the United States of America.



E. TRUMP: Good night, Milwaukee. God bless you all.





JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: The oldest son, Eric Trump, the executive vice president of the Trump Organization giving a red meat speech to the delegates, and in some ways setting up his father to give, at least based on the excerpts we've been given, a more positive speech than we're used to hearing from former President Trump at events like this. Dana Bash, we have from these excerpts, and Chris Wallace and Kasie Hunt are with me here too as well, Donald Trump saying that the discord and division in our society must be healed. As Americans, we are bound together by a single fate and a shared destiny. We rise together or we fall apart. I am running to be president for all of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America.

This is, at least according to these excerpts, quite different from what we're used to hearing from Donald Trump. And one could, I think, credibly argue it's not how he particularly governed in his first administration.

DANA BASH, CNN ANCHOR: Yes. It's a far cry from American carnage, which is what he talked about in his inaugural address in 2017. And, yes, he clearly did change the speech, as he promised he would. It seems as though his old speech was just reworked for his son, Eric Trump.

TAPPER: Yes, Eric giving a speech that was a list of grievances.

BASH: It was very dark. It was very dark. I mean, he told me that it was going to be sort of warm and there was going to be some warm and fuzzy parts. That did happen at the end, but before we got to warm and fuzzy, there was a lot of dark and stormy. And it was pretty grievance-filled.

But it's very clear that they felt that they needed somebody to deliver that classic Trump message, whether it is about the issues of the border or culture war issues, which we actually haven't heard a lot about, certainly not in primetime, about, you know, trans kids in sports and things of that nature. He did it all. And that was a far departure from the tone and tenor that the party and the campaign said that they wanted to put a cross, particularly on the ultimate night.

CHRIS WALLACE, CNN ANCHOR: One of the things that struck me beyond that paragraph that you mentioned, Jake, is he never -- at least in the excerpts, and my guess is in the whole speech, never mentions President Biden or Vice President Harris by name, not a single time in the entire speech.

Now, he does draw policy contrast, but my guess is that the campaign will say this was their attempt to take down the heat a little bit by not personally going after his opponents.

The other thing that is clearly going to be the emotional highlight of this speech is the president says that people have been asking about the shooting and what he went through. And he said, so I'm going to tell you, we don't get the details, that's not in the excerpts, but he says, I'm going to tell you, and I'm never going to say this again, because it's too painful.

So, my guess is that's going to be the emotional highlight of the speech. And we're told he's going to carry out the fire jacket and the fire helmet of a volunteer fireman who was killed on Saturday. So, that'll be a very powerful part of this speech. One other, the thing I know in the excerpts at one point he talks about humility and at another point he says, humbly, which are not two words, that wasn't usually associates with Donald J. Trump.

KASIE HUNT, CNN ANCHOR: Indeed. That moment that we are -- we got a little preview of in these excerpts where he does say, I'm only going to tell this story once, you're not going to hear it from me again, about what happened to him that day, is something that the sources that I talked to ahead of the speech were very focused on. And they described it to me as, you know, expect that we will hear a pretty detailed account of that, that it will be a significant --

TAPPER: Let me interrupt for one second, Kasie, I apologize. They're introducing Melania Trump. Obviously the former first lady, they just introduced her as the next first lady, Melania Trump. We have not seen her yet at this event. We have not really seen her on the campaign trail with her husband much at all. (MUSIC)


TAPPER: Here she is.



She is making her way up to the Trump family box.

She is next to her husband's new running mate, Senator J.D. Vance, Republican of Ohio, the vice presidential nominee. And there she is among the other members of the Trump family, Ivanka and Tiffany and Eric and Don Jr.

Kasie what were you saying about Melania? I'm sorry.

HUNT: No. Well, as we were watching Melania step onto this stage, and I think, sort of, big picture, it also underscores, I mean, she has barely been out on the campaign trail, as we know, she has not really appeared with her husband. But, Chris, just kind of picking up on what you were saying about the different tone of this speech and how it's a different moment for the former president, Donald Trump, he is winning this campaign. He is ahead. She is coming in here getting introduced as the possible future first lady in a situation that's entirely plausible and he's not been in this situation before.

BASH: Yes, that's absolutely true. I just want to note that it's not, we haven't seen them together still. He left that box before she got in. And it's interesting stagecraft given the fact that we haven't seen her in a long time. She had her moment, but there was no greeting. Maybe we'll see it later on the stage with the balloon drop and everything else.

HUNT: Right, I was going to say, that would be the moment I would be looking for. TAPPER: She did issue a statement after her husband -- after the attempt on her husband's life, in which she said, quote, when I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life and Barron's life were on the brink of devastating change. And she went into say, a monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine, attempted to ring out Donald's passion, his laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration, the core facets of my husband's life, his human side, were buried below the political machine, Donald, the generous and caring man who I have been with through the best of times and the worst of times. A very personal statement, the kind of thing we're not really used to hearing from the first lady. And we are not actually going to hear from her this evening, as far as we know. Anderson?

ANDERSON COOPPER, CNN ANCHOR: -- about to come out, then Dana White and then introducing the former President Donald Trump for his remarks.

I mean, one of the things, Scott Jennings, that clearly stands out is the use of non-traditional folks here at the convention, certainly Hulk Hogan, Dana White. I mean, Dana White introducing the former president is something you would not see in --

SCOTT JENNINGS, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: They are reaching outside of political culture. It's not just a bunch of elected officials and party types. They are reaching a whole group of people who may be basically disconnected from our normal civics. And this is how you change the composition of the electorate.

And remember, a big part of Donald Trump strength in the polling is that he does very well among people who are low propensity voters, people who aren't political and only occasionally show up. My guess is these guys are going to be very impactful for that audience.

KAITLAN COLLINS, CNN ANCHOR: Yes. But just a split screen of looking at Melania Trump right now sitting in that box is remarkable. We have hardly seen her at all on the campaign trail this time around, obviously different than 2020 when she was the first lady, and very different than 2016 when she was speaking on that stage at the convention.

I was told by sources, they tried really hard to get her to give a speech tonight. They personally -- several people personally appealed to her, and she had no interest in doing so. Of course, a lot has changed since 2016. Donald Trump was convicted in New York in the hush money case, something that became a real point of division between he and the first lady when that story broke when they were in the White House. And so it is notable to see her coming out, as Melania Trump is known for doing, her own style, in her own way, coming out by herself to sit in this box.

ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: Is it clear to you what role she would have if the former president is re-elected?

COLLINS: I don't think it would look like a traditional first lady role. [22:15:00]

I mean, it's hard to know until it actually happens and if he's re- elected. But what we've heard from people is that the first lady role may look different than it typically does. It was already different, you know, when she was the first lady at the time before. She would go away and have extended periods of absence without explaining it. Typically, first ladies, you know, you see Jill Biden out a lot. And she was just kind of someone who never felt the need to fit the mold that had existed before and kind of did her own thing with that position.

ABBY PHILLIP, CNN ANCHOR: And it's interesting because she used to say Barron Trump was the reason. Now, Barron Trump, you actually see him on the campaign trail while she's absent.

DAVID URBAN, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: So I have the text, the unprinted text from Donald Trump, what he's going to say about the shooting, if you want me to read it. So it says, in order -- this is the part that he says too painful and then it's omitted. Says, in order to see the chart, I started to turn to my right and I was ready to begin a further turn, which I'm lucky I didn't. When I heard a loud whizzing sound, it felt something hit me really hard on my right ear. I said to myself, wow, what was that? It could only be a bullet and moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down and my hand was covered with blood. I immediately knew it was very serious that we are under attack, and in one moment, proceeded to drop to the ground.

Bullets continued to fly as the very brave Secret Service agents rushed to the stage and pounced on top of me for protection. There was blood pouring everywhere, and yet in a certain way, I felt very safe because I had God on my side. Bullets were flying over us and yet I felt serene. But now the Secret Service agents were putting themselves in peril, and then it all stopped.

Our Secret Service Sniper from a much greater distance with one bullet took out the assassin. I'm not supposed to be here tonight, but I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of Almighty God. That's going to come from Donald Trump, a very different Donald Trump than we've ever heard before.

COLLINS: Of course, one of the only times we have heard from Melania was a statement that she issued on that. We haven't heard from her directly on camera, but she put out a lengthy statement talking about how deeply that affected her because she talked about how her and Barron's life was almost irreversibly change if that bullet had been an inch closer to Donald Trump.

And she kind of talked about in her statement, which is rare for her to have such a lengthy statement, about the personal nature of what they could have lost on that day.

COOPER: And I'm -- it's interesting, she has not been on the campaign trail really at all.

COLLINS: She didn't -- hasn't been to anything, even when they have massive parties in Mar-a-Lago celebrating when he does well. She has attended a few fundraisers that she's held, but they're private fundraisers other than that.

COOPER: All right, let's listen in to Kid Rock.



KID ROCK: Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the most patriotic American badass on Earth, President Donald J. Trump. But first, another American badass, my brother Dana White.

God bless America.




COOPER: Kid Rock. Coming up next will be Dana White, will be then introducing former President Trump. Scott?

JENNINGS: And David was talking about him earlier. We've had a chance to review a pretty good chunk of Donald Trump's speech. And, you know, Axe, I hate to be the I told you so guy, but if you read this and Donald Trump delivers it, he is going to rise to the occasion tonight that he has been given by this convention to address the American people about unity. And he's not going to mention Joe Biden, and he's going to lay out something that I think is going to meet the moment, if you read it, and I'm looking forward to it.

URBAN: Hey, I just want say this before Axe, I'm sitting here, John came over, we're not in Kennebunkport anymore, okay? That Kid Rock performance, this isn't, this isn't the 41 Presidency, this isn't Mitt Romney's party, this is Donald Trump's party. Kid Rock is here to start it. And it's different.


COLLINS: Dana White is going to continue it.


DANA WHITE, CEO OF UFC: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am Dana White. I am the CEO and President of the Ultimate Fighting Championship


WHITE: So two weeks ago, I got a call from President Trump asking me if I'd be willing to speak tonight. As usual, there was no pressure, no demands. He asked me as a friend, and of course, I said, yes. Then, after I accepted his offer, he sent me a text message. And I just want to read to you a little piece of what President Trump wrote to me.

"Dana, I'm so honored that you will be doing the introduction at the National Republican Convention. Think of it as the biggest fight you ever had, a fight for our country and even the world. I only wish you didn't have to interrupt your family trip, but I hope they understand. They love you and they know how important this is."



WHITE: Now, think about this. This man's running for president of the United States. He's fighting for the future of the country, and he's concerned about interrupting my family trip. That's the President Trump that I know, a man who truly cares about people.


WHITE: The mainstream media likes to push the narrative that he doesn't care about anyone but himself.


I absolutely know that's not the truth because I've been friends with this guy for 25 years.


WHITE: And for the people who know me, they'll know this is true. I just want to make something very clear. Nobody in the Trump campaign has ever told me what to say. Nobody tells me what to say, and I'm nobody's puppet.



WHITE: And I'm not telling you what to think. I'm telling you what I know. And I know President Trump. I know President Trump is a fighter. I have been saying this since 2015. Now look at what's happened over the last 10 years. We have all seen it with our own eyes.

I'm in the tough guy business. And this man is the toughest, most resilient human being that I have ever met in my life.



WHITE: The higher the stakes, the harder he fights, and this guy never ever gives up.

So what's at stake here? The answer is in President Trump's text, and I quote, "a fight for our country."

I know why he's running for president again. Why else would he put himself through everything he's dealt with just to get back here? We all know he doesn't need this. This guy has got a great life, he has a beautiful family, and he has achieved everything that you could possibly achieve in life.

I know President Trump is literally putting his life on the line for something bigger than himself and he's willing to risk it all because he loves this country.



WHITE: And I know he wants what's best for the American people. All American people. I know he is running for president to save our American dream. I'm living the American dream and I know the American dream is very real. Whether you were born in this country or came here from someplace else, this is the last real land of opportunity.



WHITE: President Reagan once said, government's first duty is to protect the people. Not run their lives. And if you're buried in government red tape, how will you ever start your own business? If you're struggling to pay your bills, how can you ever afford to start a family? And if you don't feel safe in your own town, why would you ever buy a house?

I know that President Trump is fighting to save the American dream. And that's what's at stake in this election.



WHITE: We are choosing who we want to lead us in this fight. I know President Trump is a proven leader, a fearless leader. And this country was in a much better place when he was in the Oval Office.



WHITE: In my mind, the choice is clear. But this election, we all get to choose. I know I'm going to choose strength and security. I know I'm going to choose opportunity and prosperity. I know I'm going to choose real American leadership and a real American badass.



WHITE: And I'm not telling you what choice to make and I'm not telling you what to think. I'm telling you what I know. I know America needs a strong leader and the world needs a strong America. (APPLAUSE)


WHITE: I know Donald J. Trump is the best choice for president of the United States.

My fellow Americans, it is my honor to introduce the 45th and soon-to- be 47th president of the United States, Donald Trump.





DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND CURRENT PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (R): Thank you very much. Thank you very, very much. Wow. And thank you Dana. Thank you, Kid Rock, sometimes referred to as Bob. And thank you Lee, right from the beginning. Thank you very much. What a talent. What a beautiful, beautiful song. Thank you.

Friends, delegates, and fellow citizens. I stand before you this evening with a message of confidence, strength, and hope. Four months from now, we will have an incredible victory and we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country.

Together we will launch a new era of safety, prosperity, and freedom for citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed. The discord and division in our society must be healed. We must heal it quickly. As Americans, we are bound together by a single fate, and a shared destiny. We rise together, or we fall apart.

I am running to be President for all of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America. So tonight, with faith and devotion, I proudly accept your nomination for President of the United States. Thank you.


Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. And we will do it right. We're going to do it right.

Let me begin this evening by expressing my gratitude to the American people for your outpouring of love and support following the assassination attempt at my rally on Saturday. As you already know, the assassin's bullet came within a quarter of an inch of taking my life.

So many people have asked me, what happened? Tell us what happened, please. And therefore, I will tell you exactly what happened. And you'll never hear it from me a second time because it's actually too painful to tell. It was a warm, beautiful day in the early evening in Butler Township

in the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Music was loudly playing and the campaign was doing really well. I went to the stage and the crowd was cheering wildly. Everybody was happy.

I began speaking very strongly, powerfully, and happily because I was discussing the great job my administration did on immigration at the southern border. We were very proud of it. Behind me and to the right was a large screen that was displaying a chart of border crossings under my leadership.

The numbers were absolutely amazing. In order to see the chart, I started to, like this, turn to my right and was ready to begin a little bit further turn, which I'm very lucky I didn't do. When I heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really, really hard on my right ear.

I said to myself, wow, what was that? It can only be a bullet and moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down. My hand was covered with blood, just absolutely blood all over the place. I immediately knew it was very serious that we were under attack.

And in one movement proceeded to drop to the ground. Bullets were continuing to fly as very brave Secret Service agents rushed to the stage. And they really did. They rushed to the stage. These are great people at great risk, I will tell you. And pounced on top of me so that I would be protected.

There was blood pouring everywhere and yet in a certain way I felt very safe because I had God on my side. I felt that. The amazing thing is that prior to the shot, if I had not moved my head at that very last instant, the assassin's bullet would have perfectly hit its mark and I would not be here tonight. We would not be together.

The most incredible aspect of what took place on that terrible evening in the fading sun was actually seen later. In almost all cases, as you probably know, and when even a single bullet is fired, just a single bullet, and we had many bullets that were being fired, crowds run for the exits or stampede, but not in this case.


It was very unusual. This massive crowd of tens of thousands of people stood by and didn't move an inch. In fact, many of them bravely but automatically stood up looking for where the sniper would be. They knew immediately it was a sniper. And then began pointing at him.

You can see that if you look at the group behind me. That was just a small group compared to what was in front. Nobody ran and by not stampeding, many lives were saved. But that isn't the reason that they didn't move. The reason is that they knew I was in very serious trouble. They saw it. They saw me go down.

They saw the blood and thought, actually most did, that I was dead. They knew it was a shot to the head. They saw the blood. And there's an interesting statistic. The ears are the bloodiest part. If something happens with the ears, they bleed more than any other part of the body.

For whatever reason, the doctors told me that. I said, why is there so much blood? He said, it's the ears, they bleed more. So, we learned something, but they just, they just, this beautiful crowd, they didn't want to leave me. They knew I was in trouble. They didn't want to leave me.

And you can see that love written all over their faces. Incredible people. They're incredible people. Bullets were flying over us, yet I felt serene. But now the Secret Service agents were putting themselves in peril. They were in very dangerous territory.

Bullets were flying right over them, missing them by a very small amount of inches. And then it all stopped. Our Secret Service sniper, from a much greater distance, and with only one bullet used, took the assassin's life. Took him out. I'm not supposed to be here tonight, not supposed to be here.


TRUMP: Thank you. But I'm not and I'll tell you. I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of Almighty God. In watching the reports over the last few days, many people say it was a providential moment. Probably was. When I rose, surrounded by Secret Service, the crowd was confused because they thought I was dead.

And there was great, great sorrow. I could see that on their faces as I looked out. They didn't know I was looking out. They thought it was over. But I could see it. I wanted to do something to let them know I was okay. I raised my right arm, looked at the thousands and thousands of people that were breathlessly waiting, and started shouting,


CROWD: Fight! Fight! Fight!

TRUMP: Thank you. Once my clenched fist went up, and it was high into the air. You've all seen that. The crowd realized I was okay and roared with pride for our country like no crowd I have ever heard before. Never heard anything like it.

For the rest of my life, I will be grateful for the love shown by that giant audience of patriots that stood bravely on that fateful evening in Pennsylvania.


Tragically, the shooter claimed the life of one of our fellow Americans, Corey Comperatore. Unbelievable person, everybody tells me. Unbelievable. And seriously wounded, two other great warriors. Spoke to them today. David Dutch and James Copenhaver. Two great people.

I also spoke to all three families of these tremendous people. Our love and prayers are with them, and always will be. We're never going to forget them. They came for a great rally. They were serious Trumpsters, I want to tell you. They were serious Trumpsters, and still are.

But Corey, unfortunately, we have to use the past tense. He was incredible. He was a highly respected former fire chief, respected by everybody, was accompanied by his wife, Helen. Incredible woman, I spoke to her today. Devastated. And two precious daughters. He lost his life selflessly, acting as a human shield to protect them from flying bullets. He went right over the top of them and was hit. What a fine man he was.

I want to thank the fire department and the family for sending his helmet, his outfit. And it was just something. And they're going to do something very special when they get it. But we did something which cannot match what happened. Not even close.

But I am very proud to say that over the past few days, we've raised $6.3 million for the families of David, James, and Corey, including from a friend of mine. He just called up. He sent me a check right here. I just got it. $1 million. From Dan Newland. Thank you, Dan.

And again, when speaking to the family, I told them, I said, well, I'm going to be sending you a lot of money, but it can't compensate. They all said the same thing. You're right, Sir. We appreciate so much what you're doing, but nothing can take the place in the case of Corey and the other two.

By the way, they were very, very seriously injured, but now they're doing very well. They're going to be okay. They're going to be doing very well. They're warriors. So, now I ask that we observe a moment of silence in honor of our friend, Corey.

There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for others. This is the spirit that forged America in her darkest hours, and this is the love that will lead America back to the summit of human achievement and greatness. This is what we need. Despite such a heinous attack, we unite this evening more determined than ever. I am more determined than ever, and so are you. So is everybody in this room.


TRUMP: Thank you very much. Our resolve is unbroken and our purpose is unchanged to deliver a government that serves the American people better than ever before.


Nothing will stop me in this mission because our vision is righteous and our cause is pure. No matter what obstacle comes our way, we will not break, we will not bend, we will not back down, and I will never stop fighting for you, your family, and our magnificent country. Never.

And everything I have to give with all of the energy and fight in my heart and soul, I pledge to our nation tonight. Thank you very much. I pledge that to our nation. I'm going to turn our nation around, and we're going to do it very quickly. Thank you. This election should be about the issues facing our country and how to

make America successful, safe, free, and great again. In an age when our politics too often divide us, now is the time to remember that we are all fellow citizens.

We are one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. And we must not criminalize dissent or demonize political disagreement, which is what's been happening in our country lately at a level that nobody has ever seen before.

In that spirit, the Democrat Party should immediately stop weaponizing the justice system and labeling their political opponent as an enemy of democracy, especially since that is not true. In fact, I am the one saving democracy for the people of our country.

And very big news, as you probably just read. On Monday, a major ruling was handed down from a highly respected federal judge in Florida, Aileen Cannon, finding that the prosecutor and the fake documents case against me were totally unconstitutional, and the entire case was thrown out of court. With all of that publicity thrown out of court.

If Democrats want to unify our country, they should drop these partisan witch hunts, which I have been going through for approximately eight years. And they should do that without delay and allow an election to proceed that is worthy of our people. We're going to win it anyway, but worthy of our people.

On this journey, I am deeply honored to be joined by my amazing wife, Melania. And, Melania, thank you very much. You also did something really beautiful, a letter to America calling for national unity, and it really took the Republican Party by surprise, I will tell you. It was beautiful. In fact, some very serious people said that we should take that letter and put it as part of the Republican platform. That would be an honor, wouldn't it? Right, Mr. Congressman?

But it captivated so many, so I also want to thank my entire family for being here. Don, Kimberly, Ivanka and Jared, Eric and Lara, Tiffany and Michael, and Barron. We love our Barron. And, of course, my 10 wonderful grandchildren. You saw a few of them up there on my lap before.


And how good was Dana? Was Dana good? I mean, was he good? You know, he was on probably the only vacation he's had in about, maybe ever, because he works, but about 10 years with his wife. Very far away. I won't tell you where, but very, very far away. Beautiful place. And my people called and he said, yeah, I won't be able to do it. This is many, many years. I promised my wife I can't do it.

And they came in, they said, Dana won't be able to do it because he was my first, second and third choice. I said, well, you know, that's too bad, but I understand. He's away and it's good. It's good for him. And that was it. About 30 minutes later, she came back in. Sir, Dana just called. He's going to do it. And his wife, she said, you can't turn him down. You just can't do it. You have to go. That's a good wife.

So, he got on a plane. He got here a little while ago. Now, he's going to get on the plane in a little while and he's going to go back home to his wife. But they're great. And I just want to thank her and him and their whole family because that's not easy.

And Kid Rock, same thing. Called, he said, he said, I want to be a part of it. I want to be a part. Because, you know, Kid does his great song. Big, big monster song. I had no idea. You know, he became a friend of mine over the last 10 years. And he's amazing. Everyone loves him.

I didn't even know how big he was. You know, he has rallies, 35 -- 40,000 people he gets every time he goes out. I think he's making so much money, he doesn't know what the hell to do with it. You want to know?

And then we have my other friend and I've known him so long and we took that song and it was a big success. But we made that. I saw a chart of great songs to America. That was number one on the chart recently. Number one.

So, that's Lee Greenwood. Very special, beautiful person. He's a beautiful man. But they all wanted to be here. They called. And how about the Hulkster? How good was he? Is he up? Where is he? Boy, oh boy. You know, they may call it, they may call that entertainment.

I know about entertainment, but when he used to lift a 350-pound man over his shoulders and then bench press him two rows into the audience. I say, maybe entertainment, but he is one strong son of a gun. I'm going to tell you. I watched it many times. There aren't a lot of entertainers that can do that, right? You were fantastic. Thank you very much.

Followed by Eric. What was that all about? Boy, that was good. I didn't want to really come up here. But he was so great. And he's such a good young man. He went through a lot of trouble. And Don last night was incredible. He went through so much trouble. They got subpoenaed more than any people probably in the history of the United States.

Every week they get another subpoena from the Democrats. Crazy Nancy Pelosi. The whole thing just boom, boom, boom. They've got to stop that because they're destroying our country. We have to work on making America great again, not on beating people. And we won.

We beat them in all. We beat them on the impeachments. We beat them on indictments. We beat them. But the time that you have to spend, the time that you have to spend, if they would devote that genius to helping our country, we'd have a much stronger and better country.

And Jason, the biggest star in country music. Jason, thank you for being here. Jason, thank you very much. Jason Aldean. He's good. I like his wife even better, by the way. She's here. Thank you, Jason. But I'm thrilled to have a new friend and partner fighting by my side, the next Vice President of the United States, the current senator from Ohio, J.D. Vance, and his incredible wife, Usha. [23:00:00]

He's going to be a great vice president. It's going to be great with his country and with his movement, the greatest movement in the history of this country, "Make America Great Again".