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Ceremonial Roll Call Under Way At The DNC, Aired: 8-9p ET

Aired August 20, 2024 - 20:00   ET





JASON RAE, SECRETARY, DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE: California, how do you cast your votes?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. Secretary, the great state of California passes at this time.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: California passes. Colorado, how do you cast your vote?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. Secretary, in Colorado, we know how to climb mountains and we're going to make sure Kamala Harris and Tim Walz reach the summit and win this election. Colorado proudly cast its votes for Kamala Harris. Giddy up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Connecticut, how do you cast your vote?

GOV. NED LAMONT (D-CT): Connecticut, the constitution state, over the submarine, over the jet engine, over the UConn Huskies slam dunk, over Keith Richards' lead guitar, we vote --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tonight we cast 73 votes and one present for the first female president of the United States of America, Kamala Harris.

LIL JON, RAPPER: Now, we're passing the mike all around the world tonight. So let's join together, here we go, here we go, here we go, let's go.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Democrats abroad, how do you cast your vote?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE, DEMOCRATS ABROAD: Mr. Secretary, Democrats Abroad represents millions of Americans who live abroad and both back home in all 50 states and in DC. US citizens can go to vote from to register and request the ballot. On behalf of our large diverse community, we joyfully cast 21 votes for Kamala Harris.

RAE: The District of Columbia, how do you cast your votes? MAYOR MURIEL BOWSER (D) WASHINGTON, DC: We are Washington, DC, home to 700,000 Americans, where millions that work for jobs and justice, where Dr. King had a dream and Obama had hope, and where in January 2025, we will host the inauguration of President Kamala Harris.

We know Kamala Harris will fight for our freedom and we will work together to make Washington DC the 51st state. The District of Columbia is proud to cast its 51 votes for the next president of the United States, Kamala Harris.

RAE: Florida, how do you cast your votes?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Florida is worth fighting for, that's why we are fighting back against Project 2025 and Republican extremism. We won't go back, we won't back down. I cast four votes present and 243 votes from the great state of Florida for the first president of the United States, Kamala Harris.

RAE: Georgia, how do you cast your votes?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ladies and gentlemen, we are here tonight to officially nominate Kamala Harris for President.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: DNC. Turn up the what? Turn up the what? Turn up the what?

Let's go, let's go.

Turn up the what?

Everybody get your hands up, everybody get your hands up. Now say, "We're not going back."


VP Harris, give it a wow.

REP. NIKEMA WILLIAMS (D-GA): Mr. Secretary, the South's got something to say. I'm Congresswoman Nikema Williams, chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Georgia. Georgia, the home of President Jimmy Carter, the cradle of the Civil Rights movement, where we fight for our freedom.

Extremists in Georgia are trying to silence our voices by kicking Georgians off of the road and making it harder to vote, but y'all when we sit Kamala Harris at the White House, she'll fight for our freedom to vote, our reproductive freedom and our freedom to thrive.

In the spirit of good trouble, Georgia cast 123 votes for the next president of the United States, Kamala Harris.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Guam, how do you cast your vote? GOV. LOURDES "LOU" AFLAGUE LEON GUERRERO (D), GUAM: Hafa adai tatamanu hao I am governor Lou Leon Guerrero, the first female governor of our beautiful island of Guam, the home of the indigenous Chamorro people and where America's day begins.

And we proudly cast our 12 votes to the next first female president of the United States of America.

Viva Kamala, viva Kamala, viva Kamala.

RAE: Aloha, Hawaii. How do you cast your vote?

MAYOR MITCH ROTH (D-HI): America, thank you all for loving Hawaii, the spirit of aloha, means acting with love and kindness. Our Hawaii was the first state to legalize abortion. Our state was the first to ratify the ERA. Our state was the first to pass universal health care for all and target 100 percent renewable energy. Our state is the birthplace of Barack Obama. Our state shares the values of Kamala Harris and we cast six votes present and 23 votes for Kamala Harris, first woman president.

RAE: Idaho, how do you cast your votes?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Republicans ripped away our reproductive freedoms. The Idaho Democrats are mounting our comeback, for the first time in decades, we're running at every legislative district. We are not going back. Idaho cast 27 votes for Kamala Harris.

LIL JON: Ladies and gentlemen, today is a celebration, a celebration of democracy, a celebration of freedom, a celebration of future. Chicago, are you ready?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our convention host, Illinois, how do you cast your vote?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Secretary, Illinois Democrats are doing the work to win in November and I am proud to introduce my partner in the fight, my Governor J.B. Pritzker.

GOV. J.B. PRITZKER (D-IL): The great state of Illinois, the Prairie State, home of --

JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: You can keep watching while we take a quick break. We are going to continue with the roll call on stage. You can keep watching while we take a quick break.

PRITZKER: The corner stone of the Midwest blue wall, the first state --


[20:15:07] JEANNA REPASS, CHAIR OF KANSAS DEMOCRATIC PARTY: ... from our former Feed America, where we elect strong women who govern from the middle and the first ever Black Chair of Kansas, I am proud to cast our first 39 votes for the first Black woman president, Kamala Harris.

RAE: The Commonwealth of Kentucky, how do you cast your vote?

GOV. ANDY BESHEAR, (D-KY): Since 2021, the Biden-Harris administration has shown up for the Commonwealth of Kentucky and today, we're showing up for Vice President Harris.

With this administration, we've broken every record for private sector investment, exports, tourism, wages and new jobs. Together, we are building the two largest battery plants on Planet Earth and we opened the cleanest, greenest, recycled paper mill the world has ever seen. We are proud to cast 56 votes for the next president of the United States, Kamala Harris.

RAE: Louisiana, how do you cast your votes?

WENDELL PIERCE, ACTOR AND BUSINESSMAN: Greetings from Louisiana. Mr. Secretary, my name is Wendell Pierce, and I'm a proud son of Louisiana and Louisiana is about family and I'm surrounded my family of the delegates of Louisiana and our great Congressman Troy Carter.

REP. TROY CARTER (D-LA): Louisiana cast its vote in support of our democracy and we stand in line for a more perfect union.

PIERCE: And born out of that democracy from The Big Easy the northernmost Caribbean city to last Bohemia was jazz and nothing to be more emblematic of jazz and democracy that what we swing within The Big Easy and it's because of that that I am here to cast my personal vote for the next president of the United States, Kamala Harris.

And now, the leader of party, Mr. Randal Gaines.

RANDAL GAINES, CHAIR, LOUISIANA DEMOCRATIC PARTY: The great state of Louisiana, a state that embodies the principles and spirit of hope and resilience and so does Kamala Harris. The great state of Louisiana cast its one vote present and our 47 votes for the next president of the United States, Kamala Harris.

LIL JON: Ladies and gentlemen, we're halfway there, are you ready? Here we go, here go, let's go, let's go, let's go.


RAE: Next up is Maine. Maine, how do you cast your votes?

GOV. JANET MILLS (D-ME): Mr. Chair, the great state of Maine home of the environmentally kind of activists and champions, like Edmund Osmanski and George Mitchell, happy birthday today, George. The state where the sun rises first on the nation, over our bold and rocky coast, bringing with it today a new day with a brave and open heart of people of this country, we have improved life, restored life, and preserved our environment in Maine for future generations. Maine lives and as Maine goes so will go the nation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Maine proudly cast 30 votes for our next president, Kamala Harris.

RAE: Maryland, how do you cast your votes?


GOV. WES MOORE (D-MD): We are Maryland and we represent Maryland's past and present who've contributed to America's greatness.

We are the birth place of Harriet Tubman. We are the birthplace of Thurgood Marshall. We are the birth place of rhetoric Douglass. We are the place where soldiers defended our freedoms in Baltimore and also in Antietam and the home of thousands of veterans who call Maryland home.

And this community of patriots is proud to cast our votes for the next president of the United States, Kamala Harris.

RAE: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, how do you cast your votes?

STEVE KERRIGAN, CHAIR, MASSACHUSETTS DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Mr. Secretary, the people of Massachusetts smell something about making history. The first Thanksgiving at Plymouth, the first public school, the first public library where we don't ban books, healthcare for all and the first shots fired in our revolution and we are proud and as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to make history once again.

Mr. Secretary, Massachusetts cast 116 votes, all of our votes for Kamala D. Harris for the office of president of the United States.

RAE: Michigan, how do you cast your votes?

LAVORA BARNES, CHAIR, MICHIGAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Good evening from The Great Lakes state. I'm Michigan Democratic Party Chair, Lavora Barnes. Michigan has an incredible story, we put the world on wheels and we built the middle class.

SEN. DEBBIE STABENOW (D-MI): I'm Senator Deborah Ann Stabenow. We are getting things done in Michigan in 2022. We lift our state health to represent for the first time in 40 years. We're getting it done in Michigan.

GOV. GRETCHEN WHITMER (D-MI): And I'm Governor Gretchen Whitmer, we cut taxes. We protected freedoms, we brought manufacturing home and we know how to win.

MICHIGAN GROUP: This November, we'll win together, Michigan cast 3 present 125 votes for our next president Kamala Harris.

TAPPER: All right to the delta towns of Eminem's brace yourself, we're going to squeeze in another quick break. Although it's a shame to have to miss out on the Prince, when Minnesota is playing, but we'll be right back.

RAE: Minnesota, how do you cast your votes?



JANE KLEEB, CHAIR, NEBRASKA DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Nebraska, home of four tribal nations today, and icon, Malcolm X standing there and Willa Cather and our homegrown homeboy, Tim Walz.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And the quality of life capital of the country Lincoln, capital of Husker Nation where the Biden-Harris team and unions are rebuilding the heartland.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In Omaha, now essentially known as Kamaha -- we will protect the blue bag.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We are ready for it, Nebraska proudly cast our 34 votes for Kamala Harris and Coach Tim Walz.

RAE: Nevada, how do you cast your votes?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As a survivor of the largest mass shooting in modern American history, I'm voting for Kamala Harris, because America is done running from gun violence.

No more pretending guns are more dangerous to second graders with assault rifles, no more stolen lives, no more silent screams, no more shattered families.

As vice president she helped pass the nation's first significant gun safety law in 30 years.

Nevada is the battle born state and Kamala Harris was born for this battle. Now our chair, Daniele Monroe-Moreno.

DANIELE MONROE-MORENO, CHAIR, NEVADA DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Nevada is the most diverse battleground state in the country, home of the late great Senator Eri Ree, the only Latina ever to serve in the US Senate, Catherine Cortez Masto, and we are the first and only women majority state legislature.

As Nevada's first Black woman chair, I proudly deliver the silver state's 48 votes for the next president of the United States of America, Kamala Harris.

RAE: New Hampshire, how do you cast your votes?


JOANNE DOWDELL, NEW HAMPSHIRE: Good evening, my name is Joanne Dowdell from the great state home of the nation's first primary, New Hampshire. Where we stand granite strong. We are so proud of the many women throughout our state committed to building a future of opportunity and trailblazing the way for all of us.

And now, it is my pleasure to introduce our youngest delegate Alyana Hong Mazour (ph).

ALYANA HONG MAZOUR (PH), NEW HAMPSHIRE: The great live free or die state of New Hampshire casts all 34 of our votes for our next black woman and first South Asian president, Kamala Harris.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Today we come together as one. As one nation. Under one groove. Nothing can stop us now. So no matter who you are, no matter where you are, represent your state with pride, as we unite for the future.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: New Jersey, how do you cast your vote?

GOV. PHIL MURPHY, NEW JERSEY: Everybody, I'm Governor Phil Murphy. We're from Jersey, baby. And you're not. In the Great Garden State, we care about protecting women's rights and lifting up vulnerable communities. That's what we mean when we say the Great Garden State.

JOEIGH PERELLA, NEW JERSEY: My name is Dr. Joeigh Perella, pronouns she, her, hers. I'm a proud resident of the Garden State. I'm proud to stand with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz because they stand with the LGBTQ community.


PERELLA: It's time to turn the page on Trump (INAUDIBLE). Thank you.

LEROY JONES, CHAIRMAN, NEW JERSEY STATE COMMITTEE: I'm LeRoy Jones, the chairman of the New Jersey State Committee. The home of the late, great Whitney Houston. And New Jersey and these amazing delegates cast two votes present and 142 votes for Kamala Harris, President of the United States of America.

When we fight, we win. When we fight, we win. When we fight, we win.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: New Mexico, how do you cast your vote?

JESSICA VELASQUEZ, CHAIR: Buenas noches. Chair Jessica Velasquez here with our delegates from the land of enchantment, the great state of New Mexico, where we live our family values. Respect women, love our land, our water, our blue skies, our green chili, and our sunsets. We are proud to cast 45 votes for Kamas and Tim Walz.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: New York, how do you cast your vote?


ALL: New York! New York! New York! New York! New York! New York! New York! New York! New York! New York! New York! New York! HENRY GARRIDO, NEW YORK: Mr. Secretary, my name is Henry Garrido. I am from the great state of New York.



Unions not only build, they empower state. They built a strong middle class across this country. That is why I'm so proud to introduce the governor of the greatest labor state of the country, Governor Kathy Hochul.


GOV. KATHY HOCHUL (D), NEW YORK: As governor of the greatest state that ever existed. Hey, we're New Yorkers, get used to it. From Seneca Falls, the birthplace of the women's rights movement to Stonewall, the birthplace of the LGBTQ movement, to Stone King Mountain, the birthplace of the environmental justice movement, and he birthplace of the labor movement.

We are also, not just the birthplace of great progressive movements, we are the birthplace of Shirley Chisholm.

ALL: Yes.

HOCHUL: We are the birthplace of Geraldine Ferraro.

ALL: Yes.

HOCHUL: And we are the home of Hillary Clinton.

ALL: Yes.

HOCHUL: And that's why as the first woman governor of New York, I am so proud to cast 298 votes to make Kamala Harris the first female president of the United States of America.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: North Carolina, how do you cast your votes?

ANDERSON CLAYTON, CHAIR, NORTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATIC PARTY: My name is Anderson Clayton, I have the honor of serving as the youngest state party chair in this country, and North Carolina is the home of folks like Anthony Hamilton. Yes, Governor Jim Hunt, Dr. Reverie, William Barber, Nina Simone, we represent a new South.

And we are proud to be that again this year by electing Josh Stein, Allison Riggs, Wesley Harris, Anita Earls, and everyone else that's on our ballot this year. We are going to make sure that we put Democrats on the ballot and in people's hearts and minds.

North Carolina gives 131 votes to the phenomenal Kamala Harris. (CHEERING)

TAPPER: We're going to bring you more of the roll call of the states. They just did North Carolina on screen during another quick commercial break.



SEN. RON WYDEN (D), OREGON: ?From the first state in the nation to hold a presidential election with all male-in voting, Oregon is proud to protect voting rights in America.

SEN. JEFF MERKLEY (D), OREGON: And Haley, from the heart of the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Oregon protects our planet and fights for LGBTQ equality.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And where we believe that reproductive rights are human rights. Oregon casts 78 votes for Kamala Harris.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. How do you cast your vote?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let's go people. Let's go Pennsylvania, let's go.

MAYOR DWAN B. WALKER (D), ALIQUIPPA, PENNSYLVANIA: My name is Mayor Dwan Walker from the great city of Aliquippa, Beaver County. My city's a city of legends. The only high school in America with three Hall of Famers. I took this seat in 2009 when my sister was murdered. I wanted to do better.

15 years, she's been gone. 12 years this city has been under my watch. I'm grateful for the opportunity to leave my city. I'm grateful for the state of Pennsylvania. God bless everyone in this room. I love this state. Thank you.

GOV. JOSH SHAPIRO (D), PENNSYLVANIA: I'm Governor Josh Shapiro. The proud governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the birthplace of democracy, the birthplace of freedom, the greatest commonwealth of all. And together, together, Pennsylvania casts 178 votes for the next Madam President of the United States, Kamala Harris and Vice President Tim Walz.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Puerto Rico, how do you cast your vote? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Buenas noches. Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory known as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the next state of the United States casts its 60 votes (FOREIGN LANGUAGE) Kamala Harris. Viva, Kamala.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Rhode Island, how do you cast your vote?

JOE SHEKARCHI, SPEAKER, RHODE ISLAND HOUSE: I am Joe Shekarchi, Speaker of the Rhode Island House. We are the smallest state, but we have the biggest ideas. Home to the nation's first wind farm and historic act on climate, we continue leading the way on sustainability and housing.

The deep blue ocean state is proud to cast one vote present and 34 ballots for the next President of the United States, Kamala Harris.

ALL: Yes.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: South Carolina, how do you cast your vote?

I'm Crystal -- I'm Crystal Spain. I'm Crystal Spain chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party. Hello from the great state of South Carolina, where we pick president, the home of the DNC chair, Jaime Harrison. The home of the first black Panther, Chadwick Boseman. The home of the national basketball champion, the mighty lady, Gamecocks (ph).


SEN. MARGIE BRIGHT MATTHEWS (D), SOUTH CAROLINA: I'm Senator Margie Bright Matthews, one of the sister senators and John F. Kennedy Profiles in Courage Award winner. We stopped the total abortion ban in South Carolina.


MATTHEWS: Like us, Kamala has proven that she has the courage to fight and will fight for all Americans. South Carolina is not going back.


MATTHEWS: We're going forward, forward on reproductive rights. We're going to forward on voting rights. We're going forward against hate crimes. Forward with a prosecutor and not a crook.

(CHEERING) MATTHEWS: That's why we are proud to casts our 65 delegates for Kamala Harris.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: South Dakota, how do you cast your vote?

CHANTE REDDEST, ACTIVIST AND INFLUENCER: (Speaking Foreign Language). In my beautiful Lakota language, that means hello my relatives. I shake your hand with a happy heart. That is the spirit of my beloved South Dakota. My name is Chante Reddest and I want to say that my people, the Oceti Sakowin, are still here. The seven council fires are still here.

Let me tell you what a Kamala Harris presidency will mean for me, my friends, and my community. More importantly, more opportunities, more good paying jobs, better access to healthcare, and a quality education. That is the future we deserve. And it is the future we will win on November 5th, when we elect Kamala Harris.


SHANE MERRIL, CHAIR, DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF SOUTH DAKOTA: Thank you, Mr. Secretary. The state of South Dakota is proud to be part of such a historic moment in our country's history. We are a land that is proud of our hard working farmers and ranchers that celebrates nine tribal nations and their incredible cultures. Where natural beauty can be seen from the Big Sioux River to Mount Rushmore.

South Dakota is honored to cast all 20 of our votes for Vice President Kamala Harris, who will soon be known as Madam President.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tennessee, how do you cast your votes?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. Secretary, the great state of Tennessee, birthplace of rock and roll, hometown to the blues, the home of seven HBCUs, and the state that gave women the right to vote.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: From the bluffs of Memphis to the peaks of Mountain City, the movement for justice rooted in love in Tennessee is still strong. It is a movement where kids are free from gun violence. A movement where women have the right to choose.

A movement where working people get access to economic opportunity. A movement where those who have been pushed to the periphery are brought to the center of movement where those who have been pushed down are lifted up. It is alive in Tennessee because we believe that justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever flowing like an ever flowing stream which is why we are so proud to have been the first state in the union to have pledged all of our delegates to Kamala D. Harris.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We cast 72 votes for the first woman and next president of the United States, Kamala D. Harris.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Party people, come on. DNC party people, come on. Go, go. Party people, come on. DNC party people, come on.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Texas, how do you cast your votes?

ALL: Texas! Texas! Texas! Texas! Texas! Texas! Texas!

EVA LONGORIA, TEXAS: Hello Chicago. I'm Eva Longoria from Corpus Christi, Texas, home of Selena Quintanilla and I'm here to introduce native Texan Cecile Richards.


CECILE RICHARDS, TEXAS: I'm proud to be here tonight representing a tradition in Texas of progressivism and my late mother, Ann Richards, the governor of Texas.


RICHARDS: And passing it on to another great Texas heroine, Kate Cox.


KATE COX, REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS ADVOCATE: I'm Kate Cox and I love being a mom. I have two beautiful children and my husband and I have always wanted a third. But when I got pregnant, doctors told us our baby would never survive. And if I didn't get an abortion, it would put a future pregnancy at risk. But Trump didn't care.

And because of his abortion bans, I had to flee my home. There's nothing pro-family about abortion bans. There's nothing pro-life about letting women suffer and even die.


COX: Today, because I found a way to access abortion care, I'm pregnant again.


COX: And my baby is due in January just in time to see Kamala Harris sworn in as President of the United States.


GILBERTO HINOJOSA, CHAR, TEXAS DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Mr. Secretary, my name is Gilberto Hinojosa, chair of the Texas Democratic Party, and as a nation's biggest battleground state, with 40 electoral votes on behalf of 30 million Americans. Texas cast three votes present and 263 votes for freedom for the future for the first woman to serve as the next president of the United States, Kamala Harris.


TAPPER: All right, keep watching the roll call as we take a quick break. They're nearing the big celebratory finish and you'll see that live when we return after this quick break.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- proudly represented by Senator Mark Warner and Senator Tim Kaine, majorities in the House of Representatives, with six hard working Congress members and majorities in the General Assembly. We also are proud to be represented by 25,000 hardworking mostly union workers who build freedom --


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- who build freedom by building aircraft carriers and submarines. Senator Warner?

SEN. MARK WARNER (D), VIRGINIA: Virginia, for this year we're going to return Tim Kaine to the United States Senate.

Our Commonwealth of Virginia is proud to cast all 119 votes for the next president, Kamala Harris.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Washington, how do you cast your votes?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: From the amber waves of grain and verdant origins of eastern Washington, to the iconic waters of the Salish Sea, Washington stands proud as a part of the Blue Walz (ph).


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I, the first South Asian woman leading a state party, am honored to pledge 9 votes present and a lucky 101 for Vice President Kamala Devi Harris.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: West Virginia, how do you cast your votes?

JEAN EVANSMORE, WEST VIRGINIA DELEGATE: My name is Jeanne Evansmore and I'm 83 years old. And as such, I am the oldest of the delegates in West Virginia. Most 83-year-old that I know are spending time with their grandchildren or traveling, but I'm here suited up and ready to battle because I will not, I repeat, I will not let everything I've fought for be taken away by Donald Trump.