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CNN Live Event/Special
New Year's Eve Live. Aired 3:30-4p ET
Aired December 31, 2025 - 15:30 ET
BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN HOST: I hope we don't turn out the lights here because of how many heating appliances we have plugged in. Melissa Bell, thank you so much.
I want to send it to Laura. How are you preparing for what I anticipate is also a chilly night in London?
LAURA COATES, CNN HOST: If you guys short-circuit the City of Lights, you will really have done something out there. You know, I'm from Minnesota, so I can't pretend to be cold right now. But I am with the wonderful Isa Soares. And we've got, like, what? We've got diamonds.
COATES It's heating it up.
SOARES: We've got bling.
COATES: We've got bling. That's all you need, people. We've got the bling to heat you up. And Boris, Boris with a T.
SOARES: I know, Boris. You've got champagne.
COATES: I know. Well, you know why he's mad? We have his chocolate.
SOARES: That is why.
COATES: We have his chocolate. I'm sorry about that. But you know what? I've got, like, I've got some layers under here.
SOARES: I've got no sunscreen. I've got no sunscreen.
COATES: I was told it was going to rain, so I have on padded leather boots. Because, you know --
SOARES: You have to prepare.
COATES: Look at the bling you've got, Isa.
SOARES: And some sunglasses.
COATES: I know, I mean. OK, Isa Soares. Who knew? It looks great. And we have this wonderful, wonderful thing.
But I know who's out there. CNN's Cory Wire. He is in Times Square. We have a while before the ball drops.
COY WIRE, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: I bet he's got some bling on him.
COATES: Do you have on bling out there right now? I mean, you've got people braiding all day long out there. Oh, no bling?
Come on, Coy. No bling.
WIRE: Oh, it's about to be on. I'm going to have an outfit change every hour for you. We're about to do this.
A million of my newest, closest friends. We are going to party. And I say close because we're going to be packed in here like sardines.
Now, this is my first time doing Times Square New Year's Eve. And I quickly learned that you need to be prepared. So, I did some investigative reporting and came up with the New Year's Eve Times Square survival kit.
First thing is snacks. You need snacks and lots of snacks. Big boy.
It's a long night. People have been lining up since 5 a.m. And you need hand warmers. So, I've been told it can get chilly. It might even rain tonight. We shall see.
And a water bottle. You need to stay hydrated. Unfortunately, no alcohol allowed in Times Square. I learned that. That was a little rough to hear. But you saved the water bottle. And here's why.
Because you cannot go to the bathroom once you're in. Now, not everyone has the skill set to be able to go in a water bottle, if you know what I'm saying. So, I was like today years old when I learned you also need to have a diaper in your survival kit.
So, yes, I went and bought some diapers. And now I know why my 4-year- old is always yelling at me, Daddy, daddy, get this diaper off me. These things are itchy.
Like, I feel like people think I'm dancing. I'm like, no, I'm just trying to get my diaper right.
Now, listen. People are about to come in. And if you can see, you can see the hordes of people. They're getting ready to descend upon Times Square for a party like no other. One of the greatest cultural celebrations in the world as we welcome in the new year. Right here from New York in Times Square. I'll be here.
I don't have a cozy, warm, heated blanket and a tea maker like Boris. But I'm going to do all right, baby. We're going to have some fun tonight.
SANCHEZ: I should have been wearing a diaper. That's incredible. Cheers to you, man.
COATES: I don't know about you all but I've learned so much from Coy Wire. I mean, wow, this is amazing. WIRE: That's unbelievable.
COATES: I have a whole new vibe right now with Coy Wire. Stay warm, OK, my friend? And if that water bottle gets full, you know what's up. We're going to be checking back with you very soon, OK?
And now, you cannot have New Year's Eve without an amazing performance, can you? How about Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter Shania Twain performing from this moment. From her come on over Las Vegas residency at PH Live at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino.
COATES: Man, she is so great. I feel like a woman, everyone. I got to tell you, Shania Twain, she can still sing it. She's great. I love that song. And just ahead, we've got a big treat in store for you.
We're headed to the last train to Clarksdale. See, that's a Beatles reference. I'm in London, of course. This time, Mississippi with Omar Jimenez. Omar, why are we in Clarksdale?
OMAR JIMENEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes. Look, look, take a look at Clarksdale to begin with. Looks like a small town. Population about 15,000. If you're watching, you're probably wondering, why exactly are we here? Well, when you talk about music, I can already hear some of it.
You walk into what used to be an abandoned building for decades until in the early 2000s, a group of people got together and said, you know what? What if we brought the influence of music that really began in what is known as the birthplace of blues to the forefront? So the former late mayor and a pretty famous partner got together who's rumored to hang out here from time to time and goes by the name of Morgan Freeman.
How you doing? What's up?
MORGAN FREEMAN, ACTOR: I'm fine, Omar. I was wondering what was going on over there, and here you are.
JIMENEZ: Look, look, I've just been trying to keep up with this guy showing me around. We're going to have so much more with the one and only Morgan Freeman coming up.
FREEMAN: Hello there. Hello, everybody. Happy New Year and all that. Welcome to Ground Zero Blues Club. How's that?
SANCHEZ: We want to take you now to a spot where millions of people flock every year for the sun, sand, and tonight, for the fireworks. I'm talking about Paradise Island in the Bahamas. That's where CNN's Stephanie Elam is spending the evening at the Atlantis Resort where a huge celebration is planned.
And Stephanie, you've got a couple special guests there.
STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I do, I do, but first of all, we just have the Bahamas with us. So let's start off with the fact, Boris, that I win right there because I have the Bahamas. And I went retro.
Everyone may remember this shirt. It's better in the Bahamas. I'm here to attest to that, that it is very much true, that it is better in the Bahamas to celebrate the New Year, as we have done for a couple of years now.
And we have a party in store for everybody here tonight here at Atlantis where you're going to party like a royal. Lil Jon's going to be here. Of course, we've got the beautiful water that will be right there behind the stage.
We've got an amazing fireworks show. And there's a surprise musical guest that will be performing. I cannot tell you who it is just yet, but what I can tell you is that the master of ceremonies this evening is going to be Adam Devine, the very, very hilarious gentleman, who is actually here with me now. Come on in.
ELAM: All right. So how did you feel when they were like, hey, do you want to go to the Bahamas for New Year's and hang out in the sun?
DEVINE: They've asked me to do -- to like be a correspondent, in despondent in Times Square multiple times.
And I was like, there's going to be a better ask down the road. And here we are.
ELAM: Here we are. All right. So how do you feel about getting people amped for the show tonight? I mean, you've got Lil Jon. So that's already.
DEVINE: Watch this. It's just going to be 20 minutes of this.
ELAM: Lots of jumping. Lots of jumping.
DEVINE: That's how the DJs do it. They get the people started. I might throw a cake in the crowd.
ELAM: Have you been studying this to know what to do?
DEVINE: I've been watching all the DJs for the past few years. I've been going to nightclubs, staring at them, watching the way their hips move.
ELAM: Not creepy at all. No, it's not creepy. The way you do it. You stand there and watch.
DEVINE: The way I do it. A lot of lick lipping. Who's the special guest? Diddy? No.
ELAM: I'm now going to be watching to see how many times.
DEVINE: What's up?
ELAM: I'm now going to be watching to see how many times you actually do lick your lips while you're on stage.
DEVINE: OK. Watch.
ELAM: And I will have a countdown for that. And so let me ask you this. You are funny all the time. Every time I've seen you, you're very funny. Does it ever get hard to just be funny all the time?
DEVINE: It's difficult for my wife. She's like, shut up. I'm asking you to take the trash out.
ELAM: So wait, she doesn't think you're funny all the time?
DEVINE: Not all the time, no.
ELAM: You don't wake up and I'm like, boom, I'm funny.
DEVINE: Uh-uh.
ELAM: Doesn't happen?
DEVINE: A lot of times she's kind of weirded out by me.
ELAM: Did you bring your family here with you this year?
DEVINE: My wife is here. It's our first time away from our 10-month- old. Yes. She's been pretty torn up about it. Until that first cocktail hit. And then she's like, what child? Give me a Bahama mama.
ELAM: Let's go. Get the rum, get the flow, and get the vibes here.
All right. So what are you most looking forward to tonight?
DEVINE: I'm the special guest. Do you know who it is? Because I don't know.
ELAM: I may or may not know. But I cannot say.
ELAM: I'll have to take somebody out if I tell you.
DEVINE: All right.
ELAM: Do you know?
DEVINE: I don't know. And I keep asking. ELAM: So do you have any guesses?
DEVINE: Taylor Swift.
ELAM: That's your guess?
ELAM: After she just finished a massive world tour.
DEVINE: Then she probably got the same news that I got, that we're in the Bahamas and she might as well swing through. What's the big deal?
ELAM: And who could ever be upset about being here?
DEVINE: It's stunning. And this resort is awesome. I've never been here before. It's beautiful. The people are so nice.
ELAM: Yes. It's beautiful. Because as they say, Boris and Laura, it is better in the Bahamas.
So Adam and I, we're going to have fun tonight. We will be on live tonight from the party here at Atlantis. And I can already tell you, I can already tell you, we're going to have fun tonight.
DEVINE: Yes, we are.
COATES: OK, Stephanie and Adam, we are so happy for you. OK, we are so thrilled that you're nice and warm and all vivacious in the Caribbean. We're a little bit jealous.
I don't know why we didn't get that option, Boris. Did you have an option for the Bahamas today? I don't remember seeing that.
Do you, Boris?
SANCHEZ: Not only was I not given an option for the Bahamas, I was not given any chocolate either. And you were fortunate enough to get some. Sarah and Adam, thank you both so much.
COATES: Never mind. Well, listen, sorry. Look, tonight's not all about the fireworks or Boris's lack of chocolate.
We got to talk food, everyone out there, because we cannot bring in the New Year without the proper cuisine. That's right. Someone special.
SANCHEZ: Oh, yes. Yes, acclaimed chef Marcus Samuelsson took us inside his famous Metropolis restaurant in New York City. And you have to watch this.
MARCUS SAMUELSSON, AWARD-WINNING CHIEF: My name is chef Marcus Samuelsson, and welcome to Metropolis. And today, it's all about New Year's Eve, that last day of the year. And it should be all about a celebration.
All right, we're going to start with dipping with a little cod, just a little seafood dip here, right? On a toast. And this is something anyone can make at home, right? A nice seafood spread. That's a light little snack to start the party.
You can add a crab. You can add whatever you like. This is just basically cod, potatoes, on a beautiful toasted piece of bread. And it's so delicious.
I want to do a quick nacho, right? So we got some really nice tuna, or your favorite seafood, right? Could be salmon, could be crab. I'm just going to put in a little bit of chives and avocado. That is going to be that perfect party food. Just like that, tuna, avocado. Squeeze in that lime juice. I'm going to add some more chives in there. Sesame seeds.
Don't hold back on the tuna. Just like that, right? I'm just going to build it.
And this should just eat so light and be a crunchy bite at the party, right? Don't stress out. Make the food delicious and light, easy to prep, fun to eat.
You're going to hear that crack, right? Like, boom, it has to be crispy. Mmm.
So don't over prep. Everything doesn't have to take a long time. The party you're at does not have to be the biggest. You just have to be with the most important people in your life. And it has to be done with good food. Otherwise, it's not a good New Year's Eve.
From all of us at Metropolis America, we wish you
SAMUELSSON: I said it in Swedish, you said it in Portuguese. So, happy New Year.
SANCHEZ: Our thank you to Samuelsson. That looks unreal and so tasty. Still ahead, though, in just moments, Doha Cutter is going to say hello to 2025. We're going to take you there live.
And a bit later, Laura and I are going to see if we have what it takes to join Dancing with the Stars. Don't miss this.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And check, show one. Beautiful. Beautiful. OK.
COATES: Yes, easy. You know, just like that. I mean, you know, whatever. We're good. I mean, we're having fun. Let's go, let's go, let's go.
SANCHEZ: Welcome to CNN's special New Year's Eve coverage. We're following those fireworks around the world. I'm Boris Sanchez coming to you live from Paris.
My good friend and colleague, Laura Coates, is in London, and Laura, I am ready for some more fireworks. This hour, Doha is set to deliver, Qatar always putting on an extraordinary display. The glow from its fireworks, its drones, its light show, bathing that capital city skyline with color.
And just south of the equator, one of Africa's biggest cities, Nairobi in Kenya, is going to deliver the New Year in just a few minutes. We want to take you straight though to Becky Anderson, because we are awaiting an impressive celebration, including lasers, fireworks, and that drone show in Doha.
BECKY ANDERSON, CNN ANCHOR: You know it's always amazing from this part of the world, right? So what you've had over the last hour or so is some remarkable displays here at Expo City where I am in Dubai, down the road, at the tallest building in the road, the Burj Khalifa. I saw you admiring what was going on down there, and then down in Abu Dhabi where they've been breaking all sorts of world records today at 55 minutes, as I understand it.
The longest fireworks display in the world. That is a Guinness World Record. So thousands of fireworks, thousands of fireworks, tons of fireworks going off here in the UAE.
They've had drones and they've had laser shows. It's been remarkable. Now we are less than four minutes to go to Dateline Doha.
Now remember, Doha really came of age in 2022 with the Qatar World Cup, and Lusail is one of the areas that people in Qatar will be able to see the fireworks tonight. Lusail is a remarkable area, a new area in Doha, really built for the Qatar World Cup. Two years on, that will be packed tonight, as will downtown Doha and along the Corniche.
So expect an amazing display. Let me give you just some of the facts, Boris and Laura. There are over 10,000 fireworks going off, more than 100 sea pontoons engaged for what will be a spectacle, which will mean that Doha is in play.
The fireworks have closed out here, people beginning to contemplate what 2025 looks like for them here in the UAE. But it's about to kick off Dateline Doha, and of course after that, quite frankly, it's over to you guys in Europe. You're going to have to pick up and match what you have seen out of this part of the Gulf in the wider Middle East tonight. I don't know how you're going to do that. I know you're not feeling very well, Boris, I know you didn't get your chocolate, Laura did.
SANCHEZ: You know what would be a fantastic consolation prize, what would be a fantastic consolation prize, Becky? If you were somehow able to transport some of that barbecue, I mean, what, how big was that cow? It looked like a horse. It looked delicious. I hope it was. Did it taste fantastic? Did it taste the way it looked?
ANDERSON: So you're talking about Hatem Mata, I've got to give him another plug. This is the world's first Arab pitmaster. He's been going for what, over a decade now.
He used to barbecue at his back garden here in Dubai. I went to one of those. He was an engineer from Egypt, came over here, took himself off to Texas at some point back in the early 2010s, learned how to barbecue, brought it back here and fused it, fused it with Arabic culture.
You would love that. It was wonderful. You asked me how it was. I told you it's all over my white suit. Never a good idea to wear a white suit, you know, no to oneself, you see, barbecue, white suit, terrible idea.
COATES: Look, I got to tell you guys, I'm a little afraid now because all these years, Fourth of July, I've been showing my kids my version of fireworks and now they're seeing all these different versions of fireworks and they're going to be like, mom, what have you been doing all this time? Nothing. But I'm telling you, this has been so impressive.
I don't know about you. You may have barbecue there. You may have French food over there, but what they're going to have soon, as you know, Boris, is a taste of us dancing and that's going to be very fulfilling. OK, we're all very fulfilling.
SANCHEZ: Those are a different kind of fireworks. I'm not sure we made it. I hope the editors, I hope the editors sort of spliced together the best part.
It was, it was a challenge. It was a challenge. Let's say that.
So we're about 30 seconds out from the fireworks in Doha, Qatar. Becky, walk us through.