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CNN Live Event/Special

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October 12, 2001

October 11, 2001
• President Bush Holds First Prime-Time Press Conference
• America Strikes Back: Pentagon Officials Give Press Conference
• America Recovers: Members of Congress Speak on One-Month Anniversary of September 11 Terrorist Attacks
• America Strikes Back: Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld and Secretary of the Army Thomas White Hold a Press Conference
• Memorial Service Held at Ground Zero
• America Recovers: Pentagon Memorial Service
• America Strikes Back: Description of How Radar and Surface-to- Air Missiles Work
• America Strikes Back: Military Planning Going on at the Pentagon
• America Strikes Back: Children Still in Shock Over Terrorist Attacks
• America Recovers: Some Economists Now Using Word "Recession"
• America Strikes Back: Authorities say International Terrorism and Drug Trafficking Closely Linked
• America Recovers: Futures Pointing to a Higher Open this Morning
• America Strikes Back: Bush Administration Warns Other Countries to Take Action Against Terrorists
• America Strikes Back: Northern Alliance Wants U.S. to Bomb Front Lines Near Kabul
• America Strikes Back: Bombings in Afghanistan Most Intense Yet
• America Strikes Back: Look at What is Different Today; Catholic Relief Services Working to Bring Aid to Waves of Refugees
• America Strikes Back: Taliban Ambassador Says at Least 70 Civilians Killed Inside Afghanistan; Look at Home of B-2 Stealth Bomber
• Anthrax Scare: Third Employee Tests Positive -- Now It's Criminal
• America Strikes Back: Northern Alliance Wants Strikes Against Taliban Front Lines
• America Strikes Back: Blair to Visit Egypt, Mubarak
• America Strikes Back: Taliban Ambassador Claims More Civilian Casualties

October 10, 2001

October 09, 2001
• America Strikes Back: Overnight Airstrikes by U.S.-Led Forces Against Taliban Positions; Pakistan Police Brace for Demonstrators; President Angry Over Leaked Classified Information
• America Strikes Back
• America Strikes Back: Interview With David Grange
• President Bush Meets With German Chancellor
• Republican Senators Address Anti-Terrorism Legislation
• Pentagon Briefing
• White House Press Secretary Holds News Briefing
• Virginia Doctors Report Suspected Third Case of Anthrax Not Anthrax
• America Strikes Back: Military Action Keeps Investors Anxious
• America Strikes Back: Virginia Hospital Testing Man for Anthrax
• America Strikes Back: World Food Program Aid Workers Still Working in Afghanistan
• America Strikes Back: Explaining Hardware and Strategy in Afghanistan
• America Strikes Back: Air Strikes Being Scaled Back and Ground Phase Being Planned
• America Strikes Back: Four U.N. Staff Killed and Four Injured in Kabul Attack
• America Strikes Back: U.N. Worker Deaths Could Jeopardize Coalition
• America Strikes Back: 10th Mountain Division Deployed to Uzbekistan
• America Strikes Back: Daylight Air Strikes in Afghanistan
• Markets Could Open Flat to Slightly Higher Today
• America Strikes Back: Uzbekistan Allows Use of Bases; Not Clear if U.S. Troops Have Arrived
• America Strikes Back: NATO Says New Threat Requires New Response
• America Strikes Back: Taliban Defenses Damaged in Strikes
• America Strikes Back: Northern Alliance Bombards Taliban Front Lines
• America Strikes Back:
• America Strikes Back: White House Taking Protests in Stride
• America Strikes Back: Palestinian Authority Uses Force to Break Up Demonstrations

October 08, 2001
• America Strikes Back
• America Strikes Back: U.S. Delivers Second Round of Bombing
• Dow declines 51.83 to 9.067.94; Nasdaq advances .65 to 1,605.95
• America Strikes Back: Pakistan Warns Northern Alliance; Second Wave of Attacks Under Way
• Attorney General Holds News Briefing
• Secretary of Defense Holds News Briefing
• Florida Officials Address Second Anthrax Case
• President Bush Issues Columbus Day Proclamation
• America Strikes Back: Afghanistan Still Assessing the Damage
• Two Airplanes Collide in Milan, Italy
• America Strikes Back: Many Investors on the Sidelines Waiting for Wall Street's Reaction
• America Strikes Back: British Minister of Defense Press Conference
• America Strikes Back: Stock Markets May Open Lower in Response to Attacks
• America Strikes Back: Many Anti-U.S. Demonstrations in Pakistan
• America Strikes Back: Pentagon Says Attacks Went Smoothly
• America Strikes Back: White House Not Responding Yet to Comments from Afghanistan
• America Strikes Back: Northern Alliance Holding Defensive Positions
• America Strikes Back: Tom Ridge Sworn in as New Director of Homeland Security
• America Strikes Back: NATO Secretary-General Press Conference
• America Strikes Back: As Campaign Begins in Afghanistan, Congress Stands Behind President
• America Strikes Back: Generals Discsuss War Camapign on Afghanistan
• America Strikes Back: Interview of Najmuddin Shaik, Pakistani Ambassador to United States
• America Strikes Back: Taliban Claims Bombing Terrorist Attack by U.S. and Britain
• America Strikes Back: Afghanistan Bombings, Humanitarian Flights, and Propaganda War Begin
• America Strikes Back: U.S. and British Strike Afghan Military Targets, Not Afghan People

October 07, 2001

October 06, 2001

October 05, 2001

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