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CNN Sunday Morning

Heat Wave; Congress Moves Against Terrorists; Bonds Ties Record; Minnesota Bridge Collapse

Aired August 05, 2007 - 07:00   ET


T.J. HOLMES, CNN HOST, CNN CUSNDAY MORNING: Hello. From the CNN Center in Atlanta, Georgia, this is CNN SUNDAY MORNING, it is August 5th. Good morning to you all. I'm T. J. Holmes.
VERONICA DE LA CRUZ, CNN HOST, CNN SUNDAY MORINING: Good morning to you, I'm Veronica De La Cruz in this morning for Betty Nguyen. And good morning to you.

HOLMES: Good morning. Thank you again for taking over Betty.

DE LA CRUZ: Of course.

It's 7:00 a.m. here in the east, 4:00 a.m. in the west. Here's what's straight ahead this hour.

He is an American but speaks for al Qaeda. More hatred on a new tape out this morning.

Plus this --


HILLERY CLINTON, (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANIDIDATE): I don't think, based on my 35 years of fighting for what I believe in, anybody seriously believes I will be influenced by a lobbyist.


HOLMES: Hillary Clinton gets booed. But that's not all from a convention of bloggers.

DE LA CRUZ: Well, speaking of boos, T.J. Barry Bonds, this guy here, he hears them but they don't stop him from tying the home run record.

We start in Minneapolis and the next phase of the recovery process. Here's what we know right now. Search teams will begin using sonar equipment to check further upstream and downstream. Up to this point they had focused efforts just around the bridge debris. The FBI has cleared the bridge scene. State transportation workers can begin removing cars from the wreckage and police have released the names of eight people believed to be missing in the collapse.

HOLMES: Police say the number of missing could rise. CNN's Susan Roesgen is live for us in Minneapolis this morning. Good morning to you Susan. SUSAN ROESGEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning T.J. The Minneapolis police have released the list of eight confirmed missing people by using hospital records, talking to friends and family, and using the license plates from some of those submerged cars. Here are those eight names. Among the names is a woman on her way to dance class and left a voicemail saying she was going to be late because of traffic on the bridge.

Also among the missing, a woman who was pregnant, 23, and had her 2-year-old daughter strapped in the back seat. And also on that list was a man named Greg Jolstad (ph). He was one of the construction workers on the bridge when it collapsed.


DOROTHY SVENDSEN, SON AMONG THOSE MISSING: It was terrible, I'm sure. It had to happen so fast. That's the only good thing is that he didn't suffer a long time. He just went fast.


ROESGEN: Now, again, that's only the list of the eight confirmed names that police do say there may be more missing people. They have found more license plate numbers on some of those submerged cars that don't match up with any family records or any hospital records. They have not yet found the occupants of those cars and don't know whether those people are missing as well. There are only five people now confirmed dead, but that number, too, could rise. The divers will be back at it today barring any lightning in the area, they can work even if it's a rainy, cloudy day as it is today in Minneapolis. They will be looking for more cars, searching for more bodies. T.J..

HOLMES: I'll ask you this again, I know we've been trying to get the best answer and they have been giving us estimates. But could rise, any idea how high? Initially they were saying 20, 30 missing, it went down to eight. How high possibly? Are they giving any idea of what they think the number could go p to?

ROESGEN: No, they're trying to be careful about that. I can assure you there's local frustration because local people want to know what is the scope of this tragedy. How many more people might be found in submerged cars? How many more people might be missing or dead? But the police chief has been sticking close to his vest. He says he does not want to give more numbers because the numbers were so high to begin with part of the problem is that divers go out, they are finding some submerged cars stacked on top of each other. And those cars crushed underneath other cars can't be searched for possible victims. So the number could go up but we just don't know how much higher, hopefully not much higher.

HOLMES: Hopefully. Susan Rosen for us in Minneapolis, Susan thank you so much.

And are some of America's other bridges in danger of failing as well? Tonight at 8:00 eastern, Soledad O'Brien and the "CNN Special Investigations Unit" looks into road to ruin, are we safe? Again, that's tonight at 8:00 Eastern.

DE LA CRUZ: We have a new terrorist threat against the U.S. to tell you about this morning. It's delivered by an American al Qaeda member.

HOLMES: It's Adam Gadahn. He warns U.S. Embassies are prime targets for terrorist attacks at home and abroad. The warning comes in a newly released video produced by al Qaeda. In October, Gadahn was indicted on charges of treason and offering support to terrorism. Authorities say Gadahn grew up in California later moved to Pakistan.

DE LA CRUZ: Bomb experts detonated a suspicious device near Charleston, South Carolina overnight. Police say the device was found in a car during a routine traffic stop for speeding on a highway near Goose Creek. That is where a navel weapons station is located. The traffic stop forced a mile-long strip of U.S. Highway 176 to close last evening. It was reopened about three hours ago. Authorities say two men are being held and could face charges of unlawful possession of an explosive device.

In California, police say a 19-year-old man has confessed to the brazen daytime killing of a prominent African American journalist. Chancy Bailey, the editor of the "Oakland Post," was shot to death Thursday in downtown Oakland. Police say the suspect is a handyman at your Black Muslim bakery. He told police he killed Bailey because he was angry over stories Bailey wrote about the troubled business. Police raided the bakery Friday as part of an investigation into other crimes and arrested a number of people.

Well Congress taking care of business in a late-night session before taking a break for the rest of August. Lawmakers passed three major bills. President Bush's wiretap bill expands the government's ability to eavesdrop without warrants on foreign suspects communicating in the U.S.

Then there is the record-setting Pentagon budget providing nearly 4$460 billion for defense spending. The measure does not include 2008 funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also $16 billion in new taxes for oil companies and provided billions in tax break and incentives for renewal and energy conservation efforts.

HOLMES: Well new this morning, the presidential race and the world wide web of politics. A convention of liberal bloggers going on this weekend in Chicago attracted seven of the Democratic candidates. According to online community, a sign of the times here. This story now from Internet correspondent Abbi Tatton.


JOHN EDWARDS, (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANIDATE: While we start today reforming the Democratic Party by all of us committing no more from this day forward, not a dime from a Washington lobbyist.

ABBI TATTON, CNN INTERNET CORRESPONDENT: Democrats and presidential candidate John Edwards playing to his crowd. The second annual convention of liberal bloggers and online activists inspired by the Website Dailykos, 1,500 attendees and 7 Democratic presidential candidates to Chicago. Senator Hillary Clinton refused Edward's challenge.

HILLARY CLINTON, (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANIDATE: I don't think based on my 35 years of fighting for what I believe in anybody seriously believes I'm going to be influenced by a lobbyist or a particular interest group.

EDWARD: All right. All right.

CLINTON: I've been waiting for this. This gives us a sense of reality.

TATTON: And went on to defend some lobbyists leaving Senator Barack Obama to pounce.

SEN. BARACK OBAMA, (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANIDATE: They are not spending that just because they are contributing to the public interest. They have an agenda.

TATTON: For the online activists gathered in Chicago, Clinton is no front-runner. Seen as too establishment, not liberal enough on the war, and in online polls on Dailykos Edwards leads, though Clinton has begun to emerge from categories like other and no freaking clue. She was well received here until the lobbyist question designed to push her up further.

CLINTON: Thank you for being part of the progressive movement in America, I wish you were around in '93 and '94 when we were trying to get health care.

TATTON: Why are the candidates courting this constituency?

ANDREW RASIEJ, CO-FOUNDER TECHPRESIDENT .COM: This is where the grassroots energy of the Democratic Party is happening. And if they don't come they know that they will be vilified.

MARKOS MOULITSAS, FOUNDER, DAILYKOS.COM: I would suspect that it's empowering for the candidates because they can talk to us directly without a media filter.

TATTON: Whatever the explanation, the Democratic candidates are seeking the bloggers support. Obama celebrating his birthday. Happy birthday to you invited attendees for tours of his Chicago-based campaign headquarters. Edwards offered an inflatable blogging lounge and made a promise to the crowd.

EDWARDS: I will hire an official white house blogger and her name will be Elizabeth Edwards.

TATTON: About five months before the primaries and the campaign's outreach to this liberal activist community is in full swing. Whether the Democratic nominee will be so keen to come back and address this crowd next summer in the midst of what could be a tight presidential race is a different question.

Abbi Tatton, CNN, Chicago.


HOLMES: Well Iowa, a hot spot for the presidential candidates this weekend, and probably a lot of weekends in the future, and Democrat John Edwards campaigns there today. On the Republican side, Senator John McCain and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney also have campaign stops in Iowa. Republican candidates are taking part in a debate in Des Moines. That forum set to get under way in about two hours. Send in your questions for the Republican candidates to debate. That event coming at you this fall.

DE LA CRUZ: Well Barry Bonds has done it. Reaching the magical milestone for major league baseball, 755 home runs. Now he needs just one more to be the top dog. We get more from CNN's Kara Finnstrom who is at Petco Park in San Diego.


KARA FINNSTROM, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Baseball now has two home run kings. Barry Bonds rocketing number 755 to tie Hank Aaron's cherished career home run career record of 755. That was set back in 1976. It was feeling of pure electricity inside that stadium. Everyone on their feet seemed to know from the moment the bat touched the ball that this was it. This was number 755. We were here last night as well. There's been an odd mixture of emotions here. On one hand fans on the edge of their seats, excited, hoping that this moment in history will be passed the next time he gets up to bat. But on the other hand a loud chorus of boos, people with signs referring to the fact that Bonds still being dogged by a lot of allegations that he used performance-enhancing drugs. He denied those allegations and he has never tested positive for steroid use.

But those accusations, he has not been able to get around. And some fans here feel that taints this record and thus the asterisk. Actually one of the balls, foul balls that was hit out yesterday by him, one of the fans actually threw it back. But the ball that he hit out of the park tonight, we know probably will not be thrown back, that ball worth a small fortune. And the excitement here huge, packed Petco Stadium. That means about 40,000 on hand to witness the tying of this record. All eyes will be watching him and the anticipation will be building again for 756.

Kara Finnstrom at Petco Park, for CNN.


HOLMES: All right. He's got his historic home run, is that actually helping or hurting baseball? Will his major league achievement win him back some respect? We will talk about the Barry Bonds effect in the next half hour of CNN SUNDAY MORNING.

DE LA CRUZ: And get ready for a week of eat. Reynolds Wolf is here with the when and where. Good morning Reynolds. REYNOLDS WOLF, CNN METEOROLOGIST: That's right. We are talking about some possible record heat in parts of the Midwest including St. Louis. Take a look at this great shot that we have this morning from the gate way city. Compliments of KSDK. We will talk about that warm- up coming up in a few moments and let you know how long it's going to last. Plus it will be steroid-free.

DE LA CRUZ: Oh, you did not.

HOLMES: Come on.

DE LA CRUZ: But he did. But he did.

HOLMES: Stick to the weather.

DE LA CRUZ: Plus KSI, kissing investigation, that's what it stands for. This photographer captured one of the most famous kisses ever and now crime scene technology may answer the question, who is the sailor behind that famous kiss. That story later. This is CNN SUNDAY MORNING.


DE LA CRUZ: Let's get you caught up on the flooding in South Asia. Conditions are worsening across much of eastern India and Bangladesh. Fears of an epidemic growing this morning as millions crowd into emergency camps. Of concern now possible malaria and encephalitis outbreaks.

By this morning s count about 35 million people are affected by what is being called the worst flooding in memory. More than 300 people are dead, 10 million homeless or stranded.

HOLMES: That is just horrible. We turn to our weather here in the U.S. Reynolds Wolf keeping an eye on things for us.

DE LA CRUZ: Obviously not a Barry Bonds fan.

WOLF: No, I'm not saying that I am or I'm not. I'm saying there's been some scandal. Like it or not, if you're a baseball purist, you have to be impressed with the idea, 755 home runs, it is pretty amazing.

DE LA CRUZ: A lot of people are calling him a cheater.

WOLF I will just stick to the forecast.

DE LA CRUZ: All right. What's going on in weather?

WOLF: What is going on in the weather? We are talking about extreme heat. Temperatures going up near the century mark not just for today but for much of the work week. That will be a big issue in parts of the Midwest. We will show who we are talking about. St. Louis, a great shot from KSDK. You can see the old courthouse, that's where the dread Scott decision many, many years ago. And beyond that you see the gateway to the west; here it is a beautiful sight this morning, kind of hazy up there. What is interesting is in St. Louis we are expecting incredible heat. \

However just five hours or so to the northeast, up in Chicago we are talking about an entirely different world. We are talking about not heat but rain. Let's go to the weather computer. As we go to the weather computer you will see what I'm talking about. In Chicago the rain continues to fall. There could be a bit of flash flooding. Nothing to speak of as of yet but still heavy rainfall, possible thunderstorms, not severe, but certainly a wet dry for you this morning, up in parts of Rockford, getting a little bit of clearing further east e go out near the campus of Notre Dame and back over to the Ann Arbor where the home of the Michigan Movgrains (ph).

We are seeing some scattered showers there from south bend along I-80 back over to Toledo the rain will continue on and off not just through the morning hours but throughout much of the midday and into the afternoon. We could see some strong storms right in the zone, in the southern half of the Great Lakes. That heat is going to be one big issue in parts of the Midwest from Kansas City back over to Chicago, southward to Memphis, highs mainly into the 80s and 90s.

Look what's in store for St. Louis over the next couple of days, for today, 99, then for tomorrow 97. The heat not only continues but intensifies going up to 102 by Wednesday and Thursday that does not even bring in the high humidity they anticipate for the gateway city it will be an unbearable time. Any plans you might have for the week ahead in St. Louis, take it easy. Stay out of the heat. Drink plenty of water and check your neighbors.

That's the latest we got. Let's send it back to you.

DE LA CRUZ: Reynolds is that highly unusual?

WOLF: They have had extreme heat before in St. Louis, it is summer time. We are seeing this over a prolonged period of time. That's the big danger. Not a record-breaking situation, but something we want to make the public aware of.

DE LA CRUZ: All right. Reynolds good to see you, thanks.

HOLMES: Thank you.

The space shuttle "Endeavor" no on schedule for a Wednesday launch. The crew now there at the Kennedy Space Center, NASA had to delay this launch by a day to replace a faulty valve in the crew cabin. The replacement valve was taken from the shuttle "Atlantis." The "endeavor" was supposed to go up Tuesday. Now will go up Wednesday evening as long as there are no further delays.

DE LA CRUZ: But this new day dawns, we are bringing you the latest on recovery efforts from Minneapolis. The president getting a firsthand look at the devastation, what he is promising the people ahead this Sunday morning.

HOLMES: Also, the legacy of 35w, new scrutiny of the nation's bridges turns up one that had to be shut down. Had to be shut down now. That story right after the break. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

DE LA CRUZ: Welcome back. Red flags raised by the Minneapolis Bridge now pushing officials in other communities to take a closer look at their bridges.

HOLMES: That has led to several closures already. We get more from Michael Konalou (ph), affiliate KMOV in St. Louis.


MICHAEL KONALOU (ph), KMOV: It was business as usual in the old Graverly Road Bridge (ph) over the Merrimack. But minutes later, a St. Louis county crew started moving in concrete barriers, and then electronic signs went up warning that the nearly 90-year-old bridge was being closed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I went over it earlier today.

GARY EARLS, ST. LOUIS CO. HIGHWAYS AND TRAFFIC: There's so much corrosion and loss of structural integrity in the bridge that we are concerned that it will not carry a reasonable load of vehicles.

KONALOU (ph): Should it have been closed sooner?

EARLS: Probably.

KONALOU (ph): News 4 obtained a copy of a July 13th memo to Earls from the county's chief bridge engineer; he states we became concerned about deterioration to the bridge that is not readily apparent during a normal bridge inspection. In fact, beneath the rusting steel beam we discovered five inch by five inch posts seven of them supporting the Sunset Hills Edge of the bridge. Last week the county reduced the bridge's weight limit from five tons to three tons. Roughly the weight of a Cadillac Escalade.

But there was no action then on the memo sole recommendation. Contact MoDOT and the cities of Fenton and Sunset Hills and notify them that the bridge must be closed to all vehicular traffic.

EARLS: I have to admit the incident on the Mississippi River Bridge up in Minnesota stimulated me to go back and look at all the bridges that we got in St. Louis County. And this one was uncertain.

KONALOU (ph): The bridge carried about 10,000 vehicles a day. The county believes many of them over the weight limit. But there was apparent pressure from the Sunset Hills area to keep the bridge open despite the deterioration. We experienced that from motorists.

UNIDENTIFED MALE: It's probably something the committee needs to come out and re-evaluate. Because right now I am trying to figure out how to get around.

EARLS: What we determined is close the bridge and talk about it. And be safe rather than sorry.


HOLMES: That bridge handled about 0,000 cars a day. Like you heard the man there say, now everybody will have to find another way around.

DE LA CRUZ: Making promises to Minnesota. President Bush tours the scene of that bridge disaster. His promise of support ahead this Sunday morning.

HOLMES: Plus a community devastated by disaster comes together in prayer. We'll talk to the Minneapolis minister. It's a special "Faces of Faith" its only right here on CNN SUNDAY MORNING.


DE LA CRUZ: Good morning. Welcome back. I'm Veronica De La Cruz in for Betty Nguyen.

HOLMES: I'm T.J. Holmes. Thank you so much for being with us on this Sunday, August the 5th. We have several things to tell you about this morning including this.

Certainly a sad story out of Minneapolis and hundreds will gather tonight for an interfaith service there. We will talk to the pastor in charge. That's coming up in our "Faces of Faith" segment.

Also this --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm getting anxious and worried about this.

DE LA CRUZ: And excited. But she is definitely anxious and nervous. She's involved in a new adoption program. She has a pretty big decision ahead.

HOLMES: First, a major league milestone. Barry Bonds did it. He hit the home run last night in San Diego pushing him into a tie with Hank Aaron for the most home runs of all time with 755.

DE LA CRUZ: Now, if he can only get the folks to stop booing him.

HOLMES: Some people did respect that they were watching history.

DE LA CRUZ: But even with that piece of a record t seems Barry Bonds is getting very little respect. CNN's Larry Smith has more on this.


LARRY SMITH, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Numbers have always played an important role in baseball history. Batting averages, won/lost pitching records and other achievements. It is the way generations of fanes have compared one player to another. But as Barry Bonds stands on the cuffs of a breaking Hank Aaron's career home runs record. Are some of those numbers losing their meaning? SCOTT OSTLER, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE: People have been writing about the record, they say it's the most cherished record in sports. I disagree with it. It was cherished when Ruth held it and it was cherished when Aaron broke it. But I think now that Barry is -- not just because of Barry, but partly because of Barry and partly because of the whole steroid controversy, that that record is no longer cherished.

SMITH: In grand jury testimony, Bonds reportedly stated he never knowingly took steroids. He has also never failed a drug test. So what do we make of his impending accomplishment?

That depends on who you ask.

RICK REILLY, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED: My idea is do anything but watch him hit the home run. On his at-bat when he's about to do it, we should all clean out our rain gutters, rotate our tires, let's knit sweaters out of belly button lint, anything except look at this guy as he dishonors the game. That's my opinion.

TORII HUNTER, TWINS OUTFIELDER: The guy hasn't been convicted of anything. When you find something on Barry and said he took steroids, then I will be right there with you guys. I'll be like, look, he cheated, man. You know, he doesn't deserve it. But he hasn't cheated. You haven't found anything. Everybody is trying to find something on him. And I think it's not right. And I think he should be celebrated.

TOM VERDUCCI, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED: I think there's a lot of mixed feelings among players about Barry Bonds and the record. I think most players see that playing baseball, the hand/eye coordination that is involved is so difficult that what he has done demands their respect, even if it's done under a cloud of suspicion that he did use performance-enhancing drugs.

BARRY BONDS, GIANTS OUTFIELDER: Going to do the best you can: I'm going to go out there and do the best I can. However you guys judge it after that, that's how you guys judge it. But I'll be happy with it.

SMITH: After months of speculation, Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig finally decided that he would make every effort to be in attendance when Bonds gets the record-breaker. One person who won't be there is the man whose record Bonds will break, Hank Aaron, one of the most respected men in baseball history.

HANK AARON, 756 CAREER HOME RUNS: I've tried to be as straightforward as I can with people with that. You know, I haven't beaten around the bush. I have told them many times I had no intention of being part of that. And I still feel the same way.

BONDS: Hank is a great ballplayer. He's the home run king. He will always be the home run king in our hearts. And we respect him, we love him. And, Hank, if you want to stay home, stay home, brother.

SMITH: Home is where the Giants would like to see Barry break the record because it's the one place he gets cheered instead of jeered. But regardless of where it happens, one thing is for certain when it does, it will raise more questions than answers.

Larry Smith, CNN, Atlanta.


DE LA CRUZ: Divers expected to be back in the water this morning, resuming their search for at least eight people still missing in a Minneapolis bridge collapse. Here's the latest.

Search teams will begin using sonar equipment to check further upstream and downstream. Up to this point they have focused efforts just around the bridge debris. The FBI has cleared the bridge scene. State transportation workers can now begin removing cars from the wreckage. And police have released the names of the eight people believed to be missing in the collapse.

The search for those victims has been an around-the-clock endeavor.


SHERIFF RICH STANEK, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA: Water recovery operations continue 24/7. We are continually scanning the river for what may come up to the top, for what's on the river banks, for any evidence of both the collapse as well as vehicles and some of the missing folks.

DE LA CRUZ: Now as we said, police released the names of the eight people they believe are missing. Here they are. Several family members of the missing were brought down to the site of the collapse yesterday. For many it was their first close-up view of the devastation. They had been holed up in a nearby hotel waiting for word on the recovery of their loved ones.

HOLMES: And of course President Bush got an up-close look at the destruction in Minneapolis yesterday. CNN's Susan Roesgen has this story for us.


SUSAN ROESGEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The American flag greeted the president at the scene of an American tragedy. Closer than anyone reporter or onlooker can get, the president himself walked right down to the edge of the river to see the wreckage.

Divers are still trying to find bodies trapped in cars under the water. The president talked to Gary Babineau, a construction worker who pulled screaming children from the school bus that stopped on the bridge just in time. Then the president talked to Minneapolis and the nation.

GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We have an amazing country where people's instinct -- first instinct is to help save life. And there are a lot of people's first instincts here in the Twin Cities was to save the lives of somebody who was hurting.

ROESGEN: The president also met with police and firefighters who pulled survivors from the water, and he met privately with two families who lost loved ones. He also promised that federal officials will move quickly to restore this major roadway.

BUSH: One of our jobs is to work with the governor and the mayor and the senators and the members of the Congress to cut through that paperwork and to see if we can't get this bridge rebuilt in a way that not only expedites the flow of traffic but in a way that can stand the test of time.

You know, out of these tragedies can come a better life. And I, having visiting with the people here, believe that not only are they committed to a better life, not only are they committed to turning something ugly into something good, but it's going to happen.

ROESGEN (on camera): As the president flies back to Washington, Congress is already trying to fast track $250 million to rebuild the bridge.

Susan Roesgen, CNN, Minneapolis.


HOLMES: Now the House of Representatives did in fact approve that funding to repair that bridge, that $250 million you just heard her mention. But it's unknown when that money will actually be allocated.

Well, are some of America's other bridges in danger of failing? Tonight 8:00 Eastern, Soledad O'Brien and "CNN'S SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT" looks into "Road to Ruin: Are We Safe?". Again, that is tonight at 8:00 Eastern.

DE LA CRUZ: An American soldier has been sentenced to 110 years in prison for his role in the rape and murder of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and the killings of her family. Jurors at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, convicted Private First Class Jesse Spielman on numerous charges on Friday, including conspiracy to commit rape and four counts of felony murder. He will be eligible for parole after 10 years.

Measuring progress in Iraq is one topic today on "THIS WEEK AT WAR." Join host Tom Foreman today at 1:00 Eastern right here on CNN -- T.J.

HOLMES: All right. We turn to Afghanistan now. A suicide car bomb attack kills civilians there. Police say a suicide bomber blew himself up next to a convoy of international troops just west of Kandahar yesterday. Two civilians were killed but police say there were no military casualties.

Well, President Bush welcomes Afghan President Hamid Karzai to the U.S. today. The two leaders meet at Camp David. Afghanistan is dealing with a resurgence of the Taliban as well as al Qaeda. Right now Taliban militants are holding 21 South Korean aid workers hostage in Afghanistan. President Karzai talked about the hostage crisis in an interview for CNN's "LATE EDITION WITH WOLF BLITZER."


HAMID KARZAI, AFGHAN PRESIDENT: We will try everything to have them released safely and securely. That's why we have been extremely careful not to do anything that may jeopardize an ongoing effort.


HOLMES: And you can see the entire exclusive interview with President Karzai on "LATE EDITION WITH WOLF BLITZER," that's a little later this morning at 11:00 a.m. Eastern.

A possible source has been identified in the latest outbreak of foot-in-mouth disease in England. British scientists suspect the disease came from a government animal lab near a farm where the infected animals were found. Investigators are calling this a promising lead, saying the strain felt on the farm is identical to the one used by researchers at the lab. Officials say the lab's bio security is undergoing an urgent review.

DE LA CRUZ: Well, here is a look at some stories we are following for you this Sunday morning. As Minneapolis recovers, many turn to the power of prayer. Ahead, a Minnesota minister joins us in a special "Faces of Faith" segment.

And they are children the world has forgotten. How U.S. families are spreading American family values one child at a time. We'll have that story later this hour.


HOLMES: Devastated by disaster, coming together in prayer. An interfaith prayer service tonight will remember victims of the Minnesota bridge collapse. The Reverend Spenser Simrill is dean of St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral where the service will be held. He joins us now from Minneapolis for this morning's "Faces of Faith" segment.

Sir, thank you for being with us. We saw the president come to town and lend support. We hear lawmakers passing laws and getting money to rebuild. We know about that support that people need to recover. How important is it as well that faith and religion plays a role in helping the community recover?

REV. SPENSER SIMRILL, DEAN. ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL CATHEDRAL: Well, good morning. This is very crucial for the faith community to come together and particularly tonight at St. Mark's Cathedral. There will be an interfaith service.

It's very critical for all people of faith, particularly throughout this city, people care about -- it's, as you can imagine, a very wounded city. A city that has experienced great trauma. So folks tonight will come together from the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu traditions, and be a collective voice and presence to remember those who have died, to give thanks to the rescue workers. And really to step forward about how we continue to respond with great compassion.

HOLMES: Sir, what are you seeing? And what are the questions and the -- sorry, I see your earpiece coming out there. So, you got me now? Are you back with me? It doesn't look like you can hear me. Are you still with me, Mr. Simrill?

SIMRILL: Yes. Good. I can hear you now.

HOLMES: You've got me now? Yes. It looked like you were having a couple earpiece issues. So thanks for bearing with us and we'll make it through here. What are you seeing from your -- from people around the community and what kind of questions are they asking right now?

SIMRILL: Well, some people that I've been talking to feel trauma. And people who had been on the other side of the bridge going and just feeling very strange, what an eerie experience. I think that some people are asking where's God in all of this?

And my response is that God cares, God grieves. This was a tragedy not caused by God. And the key issue here, again, is, how do we respond? And the leadership, I want to say very clearly, has just been extraordinary, from Mayor Ryback of the city of Minneapolis, and our Governor Pawlenty. It has just been absolutely extraordinary.

HOLMES: And, sir, tell me again, you kind of hit on it there for a moment, I believe. But it is quite natural for people in times of tragedy and to see sometimes innocents lost. We understand that there's a 2-year-old that's missing in the water right now that was with her mother.

So when people hear that kind of stuff and they do ask those questions, why? Why would God allow something like that to happen? What is the answer that you can look them in the eye and give to them and, you know, you try and lend support, but what gives them support? What is that answer?

SIMRILL: Well, it's very clear, particularly from the Christian tradition -- and I think other faith traditions would say this, is that we're not immune to tragedy. That God is in this, that God does not protect us from suffering.

But God, indeed, protects us within the suffering. And I am very clear about that, in that God gives us strength to get through this. And particularly as a community of faith. And that's why tonight's service is very, very important as we all come together to remember and to say our prayers and to be a collective witness.

HOLMES: All right. Certainly probably expect many are going to show up this evening for that interfaith service. We'll have our eyes on it as well. Reverend Spenser Simrill, dean of St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral where that service is being held, sir, we appreciate you bearing with us on the technical issue there with the earpiece. But we made it through all right. Thank so you much. And good luck with the service this evening. And good luck to your community.

SIMRILL: Thank you so much.

HOLMES: All right. Thank you from me.

SIMRILL: And thank you for you all.

HOLMES: Thank you, sir.

SIMRILL: Sure, bye-bye.

HOLMES: All right -- Veronica.

DE LA CRUZ: Well, as you know, religion and politics can be a volatile mix and they are the center of a flap between two Republican presidential candidates. Senator Sam Brownback wants an apology from former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Brownback accuses a Huckabee supporter of attacking his Catholic faith. The supporter referred to himself as a "recovering Catholic." Huckabee, a Baptist minister, says his campaign neither approved of or condoned that remark. The supporter has since apologized.

Well, Reynolds Wolf is coming up next with a look at who is facing the heat today.

Plus, a new take on a famous photo. The man who says he is in the picture finally getting some support from a forensics expert.

Good morning, Josh.

JOSH LEVS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Veronica. Good morning to you. Hey, everybody, I'm Josh Levs at the dot-com desk this morning. We have got some details on a reported confession in the killing of a journalist.

And we've also got some video on this amazing 9-year-old soccer phenom. You've got to see that. It's coming up when CNN SUNDAY MORNING continues.


HOLMES: Well, it's by far one of the most famous photographs in the world, Alfred Eisenstaedt's candid shot of a sailor kissing a nurse in Times Square back in 1945.

DE LA CRUZ: The image perfectly captured the unbridled relief that swept across America on the news that Japan surrendered, ending World War II. And for years, this man, this one right here, 80-year- old Glenn McDuffie claimed that he was the sailor in the photograph.

HOLMES: OK. But he wasn't the only one. A lot of other folks made that same claim. But a forensic artist with the Houston Police Department now concludes that McDuffie, yes, is indeed the man in the famous photo.


LOIS GIBSON, FORENSIC ARTIST: He lost hair, he's older, give him a break, of course, he did. The ears, the eyebrows, the little wrinkles starting here are here, too.

When he talked to me, he's the only one that knows the names -- full names of these other two sailors.


DE LA CRUZ: Amazing. But it probably won't end the speculation. Life magazine says its official position is that the people in the photo remain anonymous because the photographer never identified them.

You know, T.J., it's not just the man, but it's the woman also. A lot of women have come forward saying that they are the nurse.

HOLMES: And Life magazine has an official position?

DE LA CRUZ: Yes. Well, that gives you a sense of how many men have come forward.


DE LA CRUZ: Well, as usual there's lots of activity at this morning.

HOLMES: And Josh Levs at the dot-com desk checking out the most popular goings on...


LEVS: Yes, isn't it amazing how -- you knew this already, but so many people are already using by this early in the day. It's incredible. Also because they are all over the world.

DE LA CRUZ: Yes, it is.

LEVS: Yes. And so we are taking a look at what is the most popular already. Really interesting stuff. All right. Well, we have been telling you this morning about a reported confession in the killing of a well-known African-American journalist in Oakland, California. That story is now one of the most popular on dot-com right now. He's 57-year-old Chauncey Bailey. This -- what we are seeing here, file video of him from affiliate KTVU.

He was gunned down in broad daylight Thursday as he walked to work at The Oakland Post where he was the editor. Now police are saying the suspect is a 19-year-old handyman at a shop called Your Black Muslim Bakery. He reportedly told police he killed Bailey because he was angry about some stories Bailey had written.

All right. Check this out. Rising star, home video of an amazing young soccer player in Australia. His footwork, watch this, it's unbelievable. It's phenomenal. Scouts at England's Manchester Union (sic) were so impressed with 9-year-old Rhain Davis that they have drafted him into their junior league so the boy's family is now moving to England so he can take full advantage of that opportunity.

DE LA CRUZ: Nine years old. LEVS: Nine years old. And he just doesn't stop. It's unbelievable. And this report was filed by Tim Rogers over at ITN. It's one of the most popular videos on dot-com this morning.

DE LA CRUZ: Unbelievable.

LEVS: And also most popular, I don't want to have to talk about this but we have to. The shot everybody was waiting for, not necessarily in a good way, Barry Bonds finally nailed that 755. If you're a braves fan, not a thrilling day for you. He is tying Hank Aaron's home run record.

Now a lot of you have been weighing in on the milestone on the Web site. I'll -- we'll be taking a closer look at that. And some of your comments coming up -- there it is, coming up next hour. Also how you can get more background on that next hour.

DE LA CRUZ: So lots of sports. And that 9-year-old in Manchester United, unbelievable.

LEVS: Yes. He's from -- he's an Australian now and they are moving over to England so they can take advantage of that. And they are saying this kid has a huge future ahead of him in football -- soccer world.

DE LA CRUZ: Awesome, all right. Josh Levs, nice to see you, thanks.

LEVS: Thanks, guys.

HOLMES: Well, we are going to be talking about the world's forgotten children coming up. Finding a home in the U.S., but the fun may not last. We'll explain this.

DE LA CRUZ: And in the next hour, the "Running Mates" getting to know the candidates' spouses. Today's focus, Elizabeth Edwards and what makes her husband's biggest supporter. That's coming up at 8:00 Eastern.


HOLMES: Well, a looming deadline in a difficult decision for families in an adoption program called Summer Miracles.

DE LA CRUZ: The decision, do they keep the children who have been living with them this summer or do they send them away? The story now from CNN's Gary Nurenberg.


GARY NURENBERG, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Nien Wei's (ph) fifth birthday party is his first in America where he is one of seven Taiwanese orphans taking part in the Summer Miracles program run by the group Kidsave.

TERRY BAUGH, PRESIDENT, KIDSAVE: Kidsave finds families for children the world has forgotten.

NURENBERG: The idea is to let the kids have new experiences. And this clearly is one, while the adults get to know them. The orphans are between 5 and 15, typically harder to place.

NANCY SPENCE, TAIWAN SUMMER MIRACLES COORDINATOR: We feel pretty confident that most of these kids, if not all of them, will ultimately find an adoptive family.

NURENBERG: Nien Wei is staying with Angela and Zach Smoot and their adopted son Sean (ph) in Warrenton, Virginia. He is a handful.


ANGELA SMOOT, SUMMER MIRACLES HOST MOM: He's adventurous. He's willing -- say (INAUDIBLE), say peek-a-boo.


A. SMOOT: Yes, that was nice. Peek-a-boo.

NURENBERG: He was showered at his birthday party with toys.

A. SMOOT: A fire truck.

NURENBERG: And because Nien Wei likes fire trucks, the Smoots made arrangements for him to play with one. They have introduced Nien Wei to other families interested in adopting, and with the summer coming to an end, have to decide whether they will adopt him themselves.

ZACH SMOOT, SUMMER MIRACLES HOST DAD: He is a very, very special boy. I mean, it does worry me. Like when he goes back to Taiwan, is...

A. SMOOT: All of our work...

Z. SMOOT: Yes.


A. SMOOT: ... going to be undone? And I'm scared, will he think we left him? I mean, I'm getting anxious and worried about this.

NURENBERG: Either way, new experiences for the summer or a new life begun for these orphans, the Kidsave Summer Miracles program has been living up to its name.

Gary Nurenberg, CNN, Washington.


DE LA CRUZ: If you want to do more than just watch the news, if you would like to impact your world, go to Click on the children's section. CNN is making it easy for you to do something about the issues that matter to you the most. HOLMES: From the CNN Center, this is CNN SUNDAY MORNING. It is August 5th, 8:00 a.m. here at our headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, 7:00 a.m. in the heartland. Hello to you all, I'm T.J. Holmes.

DE LA CRUZ: And good morning to you.

HOLMES: Good morning.

DE LA CRUZ: And good morning to you out there. I'm Veronica De La Cruz, in this morning for Betty Nguyen.

Here is what is straight ahead.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is absolutely critical for our national security that we change the law.


DE LA CRUZ: Protecting the nation from terrorists while keeping civil liberties intact. Congress makes a move.

HOLMES: Hot's the word for the week, especially with the Midwest. We'll check with Reynolds Wolf in just a few minutes to talk about that heat.

But we are going to start, now with this bomb squad that had to be called out new Charleston, South Carolina over night. Detonating a suspicious device, this happened about five hours ago. Police say the device was found in a car during a routine traffic stop for speeding on a highway near Goose Creek, the traffic stop forced a mile-long stretch of U.S. Highway 176 to be close last night. It was reopened at 4:00 a.m. Authorities now say two men are being held and could face charges of unlawful possession of an explosive device. According to police, the car was heading away from Goose Creek. That is important, because there is a naval weapons station located there.

DE LA CRUZ: An American al Qaeda member delivers a new terrorist threat against the U.S. Adam Gadahn warns U.S. Embassies are prime targets for terrorist attacks at home and abroad. The warning comes in a newly released video produced by al Qaeda. In October, Gadahn was indicted of charges of treason and offering support for terrorism.

HOLMES: Congress gives the government more power to eavesdrop on calls and e-mails without warrants. The bill passed by the House late last night is aimed at foreign terror suspects, and it was a high priority for President Bush. White House correspondent Suzanne Malveaux joins us now live from Washington with more on this. Good morning to you, Suzanne.

SUZANNE MALVEAUX, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Hey, good morning to you. After a lot of pressure from the White House, the Democratic-led Congress ended up giving President Bush what he wanted after all, that is legislation which would govern eavesdropping on foreigners. The vote came late last night. It was 227-183, as lawmakers scrambled to pass a bill that the president would sign and that the director of national intelligence would find acceptable. Now, the law temporarily revises the foreign intelligence surveillance act, known as FISA. A secret court ruled earlier this year that under the current FISA law, the government could not eavesdrop on overseas calls without a warrant if that call went through a U.S. switching center or had some kind of connection to the United States.

But intelligence officials say millions of overseas calls go through these American switching centers, so making intelligence officials get a warrant before intercepting them would be crippling the U.S.'s ability to act quickly against potential terrorist plots. The president insisted that during this heightened state of alert over the summer, the FISA law needed to be amended right away. Last night just before 11:00, Mr. Bush issued a statement. He said "The Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell has assured me that this bill gives him what he needs to continue to protect the country, and therefore, I will sign this legislation as soon as it gets to my desk."

Now, Democrats objecting to the revised bill said they are invested in protecting the country against terrorists, but they're also invested in protecting civil liberties and expressed deep reservations in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who would have the authority, along with McConnell, to approve these wire taps with little court oversight. The ACLU also weighed in as well, saying -- and I'm quoting here "We are deeply disappointed that the president's tactics of fear-mongering have once again forced Congress into submission. That a Democratically controlled Senate would be strong- armed by the Bush administration is astonishing."

They went on to say that they thought that the Congress was spineless. Now, T.J., this is a revised FISA Bill that is temporary. It would expire in six months of the president signing it. And essentially, what that does, it gives lawmakers and the White House some breathing space to figure out how to modernize this controversial program. T.J.

HOLMES: Suzanne, how big of a signing ceremony can we expect the president to have on this one? Really, explain just how big and how much needed of a victory this is for the president.

MALVEAUX: Well, obviously, it's a big victory for the president. He is going to be telling the American people that this is very important, that this is about protecting them, specifically over this period of time when a heightened state of alert. Don't know just how big the signing ceremony's going to be. We know that Congress is in recess as of 1:00 in the morning, but obviously, President Bush is going to make quite a deal out of this. He has leading up to this; this is a big win for the Bush administration. T.J.

HOLMES: I was just kind of kidding there. Didn't expect him to have balloons, but it is a big victory for the president there, Suzanne. All right, Suzanne Malveaux for us in DC thanks so much.

MALVEAUX: Sure. HOLMES: And the president is welcoming Afghan President Hamid Karzai to the U.S. today. The two leaders meeting at Camp David. Afghanistan is dealing with a resurgence of the Taliban and al Qaeda. President Karzai talked about the hostage crises in an interview for CNN "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer."


PRES. HAMID KARZAI, AFGHANISTAN: The security situation in Afghanistan over the past two years has definitely deteriorated, there is no doubt bout that. The incidents of terrorism affecting Afghanistan have increased. The Afghan people have suffered.


HOLMES: And you can see the entire exclusive interview with President Karzai on "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer," later this morning at 11:00 Eastern.

DE LA CRUZ: Divers resume their searches around the wreckage in Minneapolis today. Also police have released the names of eight people confirmed missing. The Red Cross bringing some of those families to the site to watch recovery efforts first hand. For more now, we turn to CNN's Susan Roesgen, who is live for us in Minneapolis. Susan good morning.

SUSAN ROESGEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, Veronica. For the first time last night, the family members were allowed for the first time to go to the site of the accident, to go to the bridge and see why the search has been so slow, to see what the divers are dealing with as they try to search those cars under all the debris. The Red Cross workers who were with the families of the eight people confirmed missing say that it seemed to give the families some peace.

The Minneapolis police say that there may be more people missing, but this, again, is the list of the eight confirmed missing. Now, on that list are a construction worker who was on the bridge when it collapsed, a woman who was on her way to dance class and was running late because of the traffic, and also, you see there two names, a mother and son, Vera Peck and her son Richard. The family says that Richard has down syndrome and he and his mother are always together.

CAPT. MIKE MARTIN, MINNEAPOLIS POLICE: It's very important to us, and we have expressed that to the families and they have expressed to us how important it is, is that people put a human face on the people that are there, that they understand that their mothers and fathers and children and co-workers and that they're people that are cared about and that they're not just victims or people who are missing.

ROESGEN: And in addition to the missing, Veronica, there were originally about 100 people who went to local hospitals, 24 people are still in the hospital, 5 of them in critical condition. But again, only five people confirmed dead. And as you mentioned, again, divers will be out in the water again today, again searching for more bodies. They did not find any yesterday. Veronica. DE LA CRUZ: And Susan, at this point, we're hearing that the NTSB has planned a press conference at about 10:00 this morning with the latest on those recovery efforts. Do investigators feel like they're getting any closer? I know yesterday they were looking at the south side of the bridge, and today it seems as though they're going to shift gears a bit.

ROESGEN: Yes, that's what I've seen, as well, that the National Transportation Safety Board says that that 50-foot shift on one end of the bridge was intriguing. They thought that it might lead to something, but now the NTSB seems to have reversed itself. Now the investigators are saying we're going to go back and look at the bridge on the other side, the north end of the bridge, and see whether that might be some clue into what caused the collapse. They just don't know yet.

DE LA CRUZ: All right. Lots of questions, still. Susan Roesgen live for us this morning in Minneapolis. Susan thanks.

HOLMES: Well, we turn now to weather, and for that, we turn to Reynolds Wolf. Reynolds, its summertime and it's hot. Should we be surprised?

WOLF: Oh, no, not surprised in the idea that it's going to be hot, but maybe the longevity, or rather how long, the duration of this heat is going to be in parts of the Midwest. We're also seeing some rain this morning. It's not just a hot story; it's a wet story for you in Chicago. Scattered showers, a few thunderstorms, nothing severe at this point for Chicago, moving into parts of Indiana, even into southern Michigan and Ohio. The rain should continue through much of the day. The heat, as we mentioned, a tremendous story, with highs in Memphis going up to 99 degrees out on Beale Street.

In Kansas City, outside Kauffman Stadium, about 97. 86 in Chicago, but St. Louis is going to be a place that's going to be a real bull's eye in terms of heat, especially over the next couple days. We have a heat warning that will be in effect through 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, a heat watch, though, all the way through Friday evening where the heat index is going to be anywhere from 105, if not higher, anywhere I'd say from 105 to about 115.

Take a look at what we can expect just from sheer numbers, from 99 today going up to 102 into Wednesday and into Thursday. Nighttime lows not even offering much relief, mainly just in the 70s and 80s. If you happen to be in the St. Louis area on either side of the river, water, water, drink as much as you can. Take it easy. Don't exert yourself during the peak heating hours of the day and of course we're going to keep you advised on the latest here on CNN.

DE LA CRUZ: The Reynolds Wolf theme song, "The Heat is on."

WOLF: Yes, very much so.

DE LA CRUZ: The heat is on.

HOLMES: From the Beverly Hills Cop movie, right? DE LA CRUZ: Is that what that's from? We're going to have that for you next time, Reynolds.

WOLF: Yes, good times.

HOLMES: Thanks.

Meanwhile, we turn to this big sports story, also a news story, catching up with Hank. Barry Bonds swings his way to a history-making home run. Cheers, yes, but many are urbing that enthusiasm.

JOSH LEVS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, they really are. Hey there, T.J., and good morning, everybody. I'm Josh Levs today at the desk. We have ways you can submit your responses to this milestone from Barry Bonds. I'll tell you about that coming up. Veronica.

DE LA CRUZ: Thanks, Josh. Take a look at this. You'd better get that food fast and run. The amazing surveillance video, straight ahead on CNN SUNDAY MORNING.


DE LA CRUZ: Yes, there it is. Now there it is. Now there are two home run kings, officially. But just as much as Barry Bonds will be linked to the home run record, he will also be linked to baseball's steroids controversy. CNN's Larry Smith has more.


LARRY SMITH, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): It's been 3 1/2 long years since it was reported Barry Bonds appeared before a grand jury and testified that he never knowingly used steroids. Though the investigation into Balco, the company linked to providing steroids to athletes, has ended, the legal spotlight on Bonds has not. The government is still trying to build a case against the giant's slugger for perjury.

In March of 2006, two writers covering the Balco story for the "San Francisco Chronicle" came out with a book alleging Bonds used steroids extensively, and that he knew what he was taking.

MARK FAINARU-WADA, CO-AUTHOR, "GAME OF SHADOWS:" The reporting is very solid in this book. You have about six on-the-record discussions regarding Bonds' use of performance-enhancing drugs, as well as an audio tape that we have of his personal trainer, Greg Anderson, discussing his use. And then we've been able to extend that to talk to other sources whose information reinforces this and helps date the use of the steroids and the performance-enhancing drugs.

SMITH: Of the five people who were convicted in the Balco trial, Bonds' personal trainer has spent the most time in jail, but it isn't for his role at Balco, it's for refusing to tell a grand jury what he knows about Bonds and steroids. A grand jury sent Greg Anderson to jail in July of 2006, but he was released after 15 days when its term expired. But another grand jury was convened shortly after, and Anderson was sent back to prison last November, where he's been ever since. Some legal experts believe the government has not indicted Bonds yet because they need Anderson to talk. The situation has gone on so long, even some who believe Bonds may be guilty say enough already.

SCOTT OSTLER, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE: I think that it's been, it's been dragged on so long and that now, even to me, it seems kind of ridiculous and kind of like a folly, because there doesn't seem to be any real payoff, demand some ways, it seems kind of a vendetta sort of deal.

SMITH: Bonds has never failed a drug test for steroids and has consistently denied he ever used performance-enhancing drugs, but the allegations continue. On HBO's "Costas Now," the chemist who detected an undetectable steroid for Balco says he's sure Bonds used the drug. Balco's founder maintains he never gave Bonds steroids. Through all this, Barry continues to play.

UNIDENTIFED MALE: You know, everything right now is what it is. So take it on the chin and keep on moving. Smile and just keep on going.

SMITH: Ultimately, it may not matter what happens with the investigation, because it seems like most people have already made up their minds about the giants slugger one way or the other.

Larry Smith, CNN, Atlanta.


HOLMES: As we see, a lot of baseball fans not really happy with Bonds, and other folks are like get over yourselves, you know? Just we're sick of it. Get the record and let's move on. Josh Levs, you're going through the comments you are getting in at

LEVS: We are hearing both sides of that. It's interesting. is teaming with information about this, or can I say juiced up with information about Barry Bonds?

HOLMES: No, you can't say that.

LEVS: OK, I didn't. He hit the big 775 last night. Along with that, we've got to look at the blogs are saying. Dot-com folks pulling together a couple quotes.

This one says, "With all the hopes and dreams that Barry Bonds would never tie Hank Aaron's record crushed today, there is little many of us can do expect wait for the next person to tie and perhaps break whatever record Bonds will achieve."

Then we got a little more positive spin from this one, "With no trace of a smile, but a strong shot for all of the doubters, he caught hank Aaron and tied the career home run record Saturday night."

Now you know what our sister site is "Sports Illustrated," and they have extensive information about the reporting linking Barry Bonds to alleged steroid use. I am going to have more of a look at that next hour.

Also, I want you to know, you can let us know your thoughts on this. There is a great system. Go to You'll see a link to I- report to send in your responses and T.J. we're going to sift through those and share some of them throughout the day. Make sure people get their voices heard.

HOLMES: And just real quick which way are the comments leaning, for or against Bonds?

DE LA CRUZ: I would say against, I'm just guessing.

LEVS: Unbalanced against. First of all, there is a lot of frustration about the reports of alleged steroid use and there is also a lot of people who are committed to that 775 from Hank Aaron, so unbalanced, that's what we're seeing.

HOLMES: All right. Josh Levs thanks so much.

DE LA CRUZ: Thanks, Josh.

Her husband is running for president, but Elizabeth Edwards is also making a name for herself.

HOLMES: Yeah, you'll meet her after the break. First, we've got a look ahead to "House Call."

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: All right. Thanks, guys, a story you don't want to miss this morning, a brother spends decades searching for his missing disabled sister. Find out what a research reveals about this country's past treatments of the mentally ill.

And adult recess? That's right. Some companies are helping their employees have fun for their own health. We'll explain the science behind the trend.

All that's coming up on "House Call" at 8:30 Eastern.




CAROL COSTELLO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): It's not quite the ballroom moves of "Dancing with the Stars," but its fun and it can really spice up your workout routine. It's called group groove, and it's offered at many gyms nationwide. The class is based on club, urban, and Latin dance.

UNIDENTIFED MALE: Two more! Step touch.

UNIDENTIFED MALE: In order to stay healthy and fit, you really do have to have variety. Your body has to be doing something different.

Costello: Edward says he notices many people stick with the organized group classes, using the group groove classes as a way to release stress.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I do some cardio exercise and my stress level goes through the roof. And this is definitely the way I get my stress out.

COSTELLO: And it's easy to learn.

UNIDENTIFED MALE: It's not about whether or not you can dance, it's just all about moving and having a great time with the music.

Costello: Carol Costello, CNN.




ELIZABETH EDWARDS, CANDIDATE'S WIFE: I'm a woman from Hillary's generation. And the question was, why would you vote for John Edwards or Hillary Clinton if you're a woman making that choice? And for me, the choice is really about who's going to be the best advocate on women's issues.


DE LA CRUZ: And it's her husband, John Edwards, no surprise there.

HOLMES: Who else could she say? This is a spouse at the focal part of the presidential campaign, yes Elizabeth Edwards, and she is the subject of our latest profile of "Presidential Running Mates."


E. EDWARDS: Thank you very much for being here. We are unbelievably glad to be back in Iowa.

TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDNET: He's the candidate, but she's the star. Not a polished and perfect political wife, not a wonky policy partner, either.

E. EDWARDS: I'm really going to talk only for a second, because I do feel a drop or two.

FOREMAN: A real woman with real problems. Elizabeth Edwards has been tested. We can feel her pain and her strength.

E. EDWARDS: At the same time, we object to the policies of this administration.

FOREMAN: Her battles are well known, breast cancer discovered just days before the 2004 election, taking a private struggle public, Elizabeth put a face on a disease that strikes millions. And suddenly, she was transformed from a candidate's wife into a national figure in her own right.

E. EDWARDS: I can't turn on the television without seeing me or open a newspaper without seeing me, and honestly, I'm sick to death of me.

FOREMAN: For a while, it even looked like she had beaten cancer.

JOHN EDWARDS, (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This is actually the place 30 years ago this summer where we have our wedding reception.

FOREMAN: Back then they were law school sweet hearts with their whole lives ahead of them. But on this day in March, the future seemed less certain for John and Elizabeth Edwards.

J. EDWARDS: The bottom line is, her cancer is back.

FOREMAN: Elizabeth was blunt. She was going through something millions of Americans experience, too.

E. EDWARDS: This is what happens to every cancer survivor. Knowing that pain they feel in their side, the ache they feel someplace could be the sign of something worse.

FOREMAN: Her husband pledged to keep his campaign going, and she vowed to stay in the fight with him. Not everyone understood. The Edwards have two small children. Some wondered whether the campaign should close up shop, whether Elizabeth should just stay home. She fired back on "60 Minutes."

E. EDWARDS: If I had given up everything that my life was about, first of all, I would let cancer win before it needed to, you know. Maybe eventually it will win, but let it win before I needed to, and basically just start dying. I don't want to do that. I want to live.

FOREMAN: And so she's once again on the stump with her own fans talking for her husband.

E. EDWARDS: My only request of you is that you quiz the business out of him, because he's got actual answers for you.

FOREMAN: And sharing her personal experiences, cancer, and the death of her son Wade, in a 1996 car accident.

E. EDWARDS: I've sometimes talked about the strange gift that comes with the awful tragedy of losing a child. I had already been through the worst, I believe, we all had, and I had the gift of knowing that nothing will ever be as bad as that. The worst day of my life had already come.

FOREMAN: The best days, she says, could well be ahead of her.

Tom Foreman, CNN, Washington.


HOLMES: And next in our "Running Mates" series, the role Judith Giuliani we will tell you about the role she is playing in her husband's presidential campaign. That's next week on CNN SUNDAY MORNING.

DE LA CRUZ: Listen up here. Don't blink or you might miss it. Yeah, right there. Video that gives new meaning to the term drive- through. You're going to want to stay tuned for this.

HOLMES: Also, stay tuned for this, the man behind the kiss.

DE LA CRUZ: Reynolds Wolf?

HOLMES: In a famous photo.


HOLMES: There are other photos of Reynolds we can not discuss here, but this one in particular. This gentleman has made the claim for years. Now he says forensic science backs him up. That story, not Reynolds' story, is just minutes away.


DE LA CRUZ: Welcome back. It is time now for a trip to the water cooler. We're going to take a look at some unusual video, I'd say.

HOLMES: We can call the vet, yes. That is a great way to describe it.

DE LA CRUZ: How about this, wings and a prayer.

HOLMES: There it is.

DE LA CRUZ: Was ba, da, da.

HOLMES: Was I supposed to do that?

DE LA CRUZ: This is surveillance video shows a car smashing into a Popeye's Restaurant in Ft. Lauderdale.

HOLMES: See that guy in the booth? He might have been a running back in a former life. He got out of that booth pretty fast. The driver and a couple of employees were actually taken to the hospital.