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CNN Sunday Morning

Economic and Political Crisis in Greece Threatens U.S. Economy; U.S. Military Vets With PTSD Work With Companion Dogs as Treatment; Greek Government Meltdown; Romney Seeks Common Ground; Romney on Same- Sex Marriage

Aired May 13, 2012 - 06:00   ET


RANDI KAYE, CNN ANCHOR: From CNN's World Headquarters in Atlanta, this is WEEKEND EARLY START. The U.S. economy facing new obstacles. Greek austerity threatens our markets. The Dow had its worst week of 2012. And JP Morgan's trading gaffes spurs a Wall Street sell-off. We'll have a live report.

Plus, one senator brushes off the president's reversal on same-sex marriage, saying his views, quote, "couldn't get any gayer."

Also, look at this. A soccer match in Turkey turns violent as riots erupt after the game.

And it's Mother's Day. We'll bring you messages from our troops overseas.

It is Sunday, May 13th. Good morning, everyone. Happy Mother's Day. I'm Randi Kaye. We start with your money this morning, on the line with several factors weighing heavy on our economy.

Overseas in Greece, newly elected leaders are meeting right now to try and put together a coalition government. That new government was supposed to bring them out of the financial ruin that has sent shock waves through our own economy. You see, banks bet big on Greece's recovery, and the failure is being passed on to you.

If Greece can't come to a consensus, there could be new elections and more of a strain on the world economy. The problems in Greece had a big effect on our stock market, pushing the Dow to its worst week all year. Add to that the two billion dollar investment mistake by JP Morgan Chase. Their stock alone dropped around 10 percent this week.

But help may be on the way. The much anticipated Facebook IPO is coming this week. That could pump some life in investors and into the market. Maybe California should invest in Facebook. Governor Jerry Brown is warning that big spending cuts may be on the way very soon.

That's because the state's budget deficit has ballooned to 16 billion dollars. That's nearly doubled the estimates from just a couple of months ago.

Now, as I said, Greek leaders are meeting right now to try and solve the gridlock over a coalition government. Really, how is that affecting the U.S. economy? Joining me now from Athens, Greece, Michael Arghyrou, professor of economics at the Cardiff Business School. Good morning, Michael.

Let's talk about this. Why is Greece so important to the United States economy?

MICHAEL ARGHYROU, CARDIFF BUSINESS SCHOOL: Greece on its own is not so important. The problem for the United States is that Greece affects the Eurozone picture, and the Eurozone pressure of the United States is an important trading and financial partner.

So it's because of this impact on the Eurozone that this is important for the U.S.

KAYE: And Greece has had a ripple effect. And now we're seeing these protest marches in Spain. Are these all connected?

ARGHYROU: Well, they are connected in the sense that Spain, as well as Greece and Portugal and possibly Italy face similar problems, although problems in Greece appear to be more pronounced. So they are connected in the sense that developments in Greece may operate as a predecessor for what may come in those countries.

KAYE: Could the Greek failures, do you think, have an impact possibly even on the presidential election here in the U.S.?

ARGHYROU: Well, it may because developments in Greece may create an international economic situation that will affect the performance of the United States economy. And that, of course, may have an impact on the American election. And the main challenge through would happen is that a Greek debt default may trigger debt defaults in other European countries, which would create a new possibly global credit crunch.

And American banks would be also affected. So the main risk for the United States economy is that we may have a new financial crisis similar to the one of 2008/2009, this time coming from the European area to the United States, rather than the other way around.

KAYE: And the Dow, as we mentioned, had its worst week of 2012. What do you think? Is that a sign of things to come, possibly, or just a hiccup?

ARGHYROU: I think that this is not a hiccup. It's not necessarily a guarantee, but I think that it reflects the nervousness of international markets. The United States financial market is the main one in the world, the biggest in the world. So what happens in the United States is indicative of what global markets feel.

And what global markets think at the time being is apprehension and fear of the financial risks..

KAYE: Michael Arghyrou, thank you for your time this morning. Appreciate it.

Mitt Romney hit all the high notes in his commencement speech at Liberty University. The speech was seen as a way for Romney to reach out to Christian conservatives while speaking at the largest Evangelical school in the nation. He didn't disappoint with comments on same-sex marriage.


MITT ROMNEY (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Culture, what you believe, what you value, how you live, matters. Now as fundamental as these principles are, they may become topics of democratic debate from time to time. So it is today with the enduring institution of marriage.

Marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman.


KAYE: Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum has some advice for his one-time rival Mitt Romney. Grab on to the same-sex marriage issue and ride it all the way to the White House.


RICK SANTORUM, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You see, this is a -- this is a very potent weapon, if you will, for Governor Romney, if he is willing to step up and take advantage of a president who is very much out of touch with the values of America. And hopefully Governor Romney will continue to stand tall for his position on this issue, and understanding how detrimental it would be for society for it to have this changed.


KAYE: And then there's this from Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. He was speaking to a group of Republicans in Iowa where same-sex marriages are legal.


SEN. RAND PAUL (R), KENTUCKY: The president recently weighed in on marriage. And he said his views were evolving on marriage. Call me cynical, but I wasn't sure that his views on marriage could get any gayer.


KAYE: CNN's calls to Rand Paul's office haven't been returned. And Rand Paul, of course, is the son of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul.

You just knew the folks at "Saturday Night Live," though, couldn't let the issues go without taking a few shots. Here is their take on the president's message, and the vice president's role in getting the ball rolling.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Joe, you've been locked inside your room all day. What's wrong?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What's wrong? Are you serious? Do you really not get it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does this have something to do with the whole gay marriage thing?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Doy! It's not fair, OK? I was the first one who said it should be legal, but now you're the one getting all the credit.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's not true.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh -- oh -- oh, yeah, really? Why are you all dressed up?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm going a gala with Lady Gaga and Elton John.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh. See? That should be me. Vice presidents never get to go anywhere.


KAYE: Remember, it was Biden who went on television one week ago to say that he was comfortable with same-sex marriage. The president said Biden got a little over his skis on that one, jumping the gun on the president's own revelation later in the week.

Imagine riots on the field after the Superbowl. Well, that's pretty much what happened in Istanbul. Fans stormed the field, lit flares, and battled with police after the home team lost the Turkish soccer championship. Then it all spilled on to the streets, where fans took out their frustrations on store windows, cars, and even more so on police.

This is what people around Mexico City are seeing right now. Take a look here. A volcano blasted to life just about 50 miles south of the city. It sent ash a few miles into the air and fired glowing rocks about a half a mile. Luckily, no one lives that close to the volcano, so there was no danger, but some incredible pictures there.

Well, if you didn't know it already, it is Mother's Day. I hope you knew that, or you might disappoint mom just a little bit. But people will spend around 18 billion dollars on Mother's Day this year. That's an average of 152 bucks a person. So if you just got that two dollar card or a 10 dollar bunch of flowers, well, you're apparently missing the mark. Sorry to tell you.

All right. Here's a rundown of some stories that we're working on for you. Musical wake-up calls have been a long tradition for NASA, but some astronauts have taken on that duty themselves. Details coming up.

Plus, service dogs are helping war veterans recover from severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We'll introduce you to one man who says his dog saved his life.

And "Time Magazine's" new cover of a mom breast feeding her three- year-old son has sparked outrage in America. So why is it getting eye rolls from moms abroad?

Finally, today is Mother's Day, as we said, and has posted its ten picks for most powerful moms in 2012. We'll show you who they are.



CAPT. JAMES HALE, U.S. MARINE CORPS: Hello. My name is Captain James Davis Hail. I'm with the third Marine Aircraft Wing. I just want to say Happy Mother's Day to my mom, Maria Hale. I look forward to seeing you soon, and I look forward to enjoying some good home cooking food. I love you.



KAYE: And good morning, New York. Look at that. Beautiful picture. A lovely view of Central Park there, nice and green. Looks like it's shaping up to be a lovely morning there in New York City.

President Obama's historic endorsement of same-sex marriage has many wondering, will the African-American Christian community continue to support the first black president? Sandra Endo talked with a pastor who isn't so sure.


PASTOR RALPH MARTINO, FIRST CHURCH OF WASHINGTON: Give us the insight and the revelation.

SANDRA ENDO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Pastor Ralph Martino reads a prayer for President Obama.

MARTINO: Same-sex related marriages can become one. It contradicts scripture.

ENDO: He says the president's recent declaration of support for same- sex marriage is troubling.

MARTINO: We're concerned, definitely disappointed. Genesis Chapter Number 2, Verse 21.

ENDO: He reads the Bible passage describing marriage between a man and a woman, a strongly held belief among Christians. As faithful as the African-American community has been to the first African-American president, this issue is creating some tension.

MARTINO: There will be some that will absolutely turn against him, and because, again, we hear it happening as we speak.

ENDO: Reverend Martino and many of his 800 congregants aren't rushing to denounce their support for Obama. MARTINO: We're here again to pray for him and to help him understand, you have the support of those that are willing to pray with you, pray for you, but understand you need God to counsel.

ENDO: Voters we spoke with are giving the president a pass.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't necessarily agree with the marriage issue, but it won't stop me from supporting him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I agree with him. When you have co-workers, you have friends, it's hard -- you can get married. You tell them they can't get married.

ENDO: Many African-American worshippers may forgive the president for his position come November.

MARTINO: All of us go astray. We've all sinned and come short of the glory of God.

ENDO: Sandra Endo, CNN, Washington.


KAYE: In the 2008 election, 96 percent of African-Americans voted for Mr. Obama.

Believe it or not, astronauts have a little time for fun while they're in space, playing guitar, piano, flute, even performing duets. We'll play more of NASA's greatest hits.



KAYE: NASA has achieved so much over the last five decades. We celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first American in orbit this year. And we watched NASA's shuttle program come to an end. This December, we'll be celebrating another anniversary, 40 years since the last man walked on the moon. His name is Gene Cernan, and he did it with style.


GENE CERNAN, ASTRONAUT: I was strolling on the Moon day, in a merry, merry month of December




KAYE: Yes, he's singing and dancing on the Moon. I recently spoke with Cernan and astronaut Mark Kelly. I asked Cernan about his experience and a little something he left behind on the Moon's surface that's still there today. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

CERNAN: My file steps were the important ones to me, because as I looked over my shoulder and I climbed up the ladder, I knew I wasn't coming back this way again. I knew somebody would and will.

But I wondered what was the meaning of it all. What did it mean to the future? I'm not sure yet I know the significance of human kind leaving this planet and calling another, if you'll allow me to call a little planet or another planet or body in this universe our own. It's an incredible thought even when I think about it, that it really happened. Yes, it did.

But what does it mean to the future of our kids? Hopefully we can take advantage of that and have it be truly meaningful to inspire them to do things beyond that, go back to the Moon, go to Mars, become doctors and engineers and teachers. That's what we need in this country.

KAYE: So just a side note here. I'm not sure if you are a fan of the very popular TV show "Modern Family." But there was an episode where they said Gene you actually carved your daughter's initials in the Moon before you left. Can you set your record straight?

CERNAN: Yes, my daughter's initials are in the Moon. Some have said, how long will they be there? I said, how long will the flag be there? Forever. However long forever is.


KAYE: Gene Cernan may have very well been the first to perform in space, but he wasn't the last. So I asked Reynolds Wolf to compile what we'll call NASA's greatest hits.

REYNOLDS WOLF, CNN METEOROLOGIST: You know, I don't know what it is about these guys when they go up into space. Many of them are former fighter pilots, some of them, of course, test pilots. But when they get up there in the weightless environment and they're eating freeze- dried food, I don't know. Maybe they just want to rip a few cords. Take a look and a listen to this.




WOLF: May sound a little bit tinny there, but that is Ed Lou (ph) jamming out on the keyboards "The Peanuts Theme." Tip the cap to Charles Schultz, while on board the International Space Station earlier this year.




WOLF: You know, when you're in space, you have to make the most of your space because things are kind of cramped. Well, Ron Grant (ph) was playing the blues on his guitar in this cargo area. This is back in -- I'm sorry, 2008. He was in Discovery's flight to the International Space Station, and he had to strum a few tunes.




WOLF: OK. So the hair is everywhere in a weightless environment, but it's also a great thing to hear the wind instruments. Katie Coleman (ph) on the flute, she performed an orbit to Earth duet with Jethroe Tull's Ian Anderson in 2011. Nice. With and without gravity sounds the same.

KAYE: That's pretty impressive.

WOLF: It is very impressive. Also a tip to the cap of our friends up north, our Canadians. Canadian astronaut Chris Hatfield will also record -- he did record an entire album on space in December on his guitar. It should be pretty interesting. Don't know if the props from --

KAYE: I know you were pretty impressed that Gene Cernan, getting back to that, left his daughter's initial on the Moon. Weren't you. You were, wow.

WOLF: As a dad, I could never top that for my daughter. It is -- it is very, very endearing. It's the vacuum of space, you're never going to have wind. You're never going to have rain. It's going to stay there forever. Just like the footprints on the Moon will be there possibly thousands or millions of years from now.

KAYE: We asked him how long it should be there. He said as long as the flag is there. So --

WOLF: Fair enough.

KAYE: Really interesting. Reynolds, thank you.

An 89-year-old put on his cap and gown to finally get his college degree. He started working on his degree before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hear why he decided to finally finish it.

Plus, this Iraq War vet could barely leave the house because of his struggle with PTSD. Then met a dog that he says saved his life.


KAYE: Welcome back. Checking stories across the country. In Arkansas, a man is graduating college more than 70 years after he started taking classes; 89-year-old Charlie Ball attended Arkansas Tech in 1941, but joined the Army Air Corps after Pearl Harbor. He decided he needed to complete his degree and get his diploma to inspire his grand kids.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He said guess what I'm doing on May 12th. I said what are you doing, Grandpa Charlie? He said I'm graduating from college.

CHARLIE HALL, 89-YEAR-OLD COLLEGE GRADUATE: They thought it was good. I said the reason I'm doing it so it would get them all enthused and my grandchildren would all get their degrees too.


KAYE: He is looking pretty good in that cap and gown. Don't you think. Ball is the oldest person ever to graduate from Arkansas Tech. He studied public relations.

Now to Texas, where an 18-year-old is accused of trying to rob a police station. Police say Heath Emmanuel (ph) demanded money from a dispatcher and told her that he had a gun. He really just had a towel covering his hand, and he swears it all was a joke.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I had my hand just like this. I said what do you want here, and I sad, nah, I'm just playing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's not a joking matter. You know, when you tell someone you have a gun and you're acting nervous and you have your hands concealed with a towel, what is a person to think?


KAYE: Who jokes about robbing a police station? Manuel faces several charges including robbery.

And four people and a poodle were rescued in San Francisco after their paddle boat was caught in a rip current and swept out to sea. Rescuers say the only one wearing a life vest was that little guy right there, the poodle. No one was hurt, but firefighters gave them a stern warning about boater safety.

Well, this next story is sure to warm your heart a bit. A military vet was depressed, suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and drowning his problems with alcohol.

That was until a very special dog saved his life. I spoke recently with Jeff Mitchell. He went to war in Iraq in 2003. And four years later, he was forced to leave the Army after being diagnosed with PTSD, but his life changed when the group Paws For People helped match him with a service dog named Tazzy.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JEFF MITCHELL, U.S. ARMY VETERAN: When I first got out of the military, I was, you know, in complete and total isolation. I didn't go anywhere. I didn't do anything. I was struggling with pretty severe depression, drinking a lot.

And you know, she has -- she's just opened the doors for me to be able to do things that normal people would take for granted.

KAYE: I mean, she's even giving you the courage to come here today, right?

MITCHELL: I wouldn't be here without her. That's for sure.

KAYE: So you were diagnosed with PTSD. How bad was it?

MITCHELL: It was -- it was -- it was bad.

KAYE: Nothing else was helping you?

MITCHELL: Nothing helped. You know, I've been in different forms of treatment since 2006, been on -- I think the most medication I was on at one time was 13 different anti-psychotics, anti-depressants. You know, working with these dogs, one of the things that it's done is just given me the option to do things and go out to dinner, go to the grocery store when I wanted to.

KAYE: She's whining for some attention from you, I think. I'm not sure if our viewers at home can hear her, but she's whining a little bit. Arthur, tell me about what your organization does? It's Paws For People, but then it's also Paws for Vets as well.

ARTHUR BENJAMIN, CHAIRMAN, PAWS FOR PEOPLE: And it's Paws for Prisons. What we is -- it's a very unique program. We train dogs. This particular animal is a feral Afghan dog who came over from Afghanistan, was a friend of the troops, was shipped back. After Jeff went through his first dog that he wasn't quite ready to work with, Tazzy came to him.

KAYE: How did they connect them?

BENJAMIN: When Tazzy came back from Afghanistan, Tazzy lived through the same kind of situations and stress that Jeff lived through. We thought we would give it a shot, and they trained each other. It's really amazing. And bonded with each other.

KAYE: Jeff, did you notice anything in Tazzy? Did she have a sort of doggy PTSD as well?

MITCHELL: She definitely did. She struggled the first couple of years that she was in the States. It was very difficult to find the match in the prisons for her as far as the training goes. I was -- I got a phone call asking if I would foster her for a couple of weeks, and just decided, you know, over those couple of weeks that I wanted to keep her.

KAYE: Jeff, your family, of course, they say that you've come a long way in the year that you've had Tazzy. Have you seen changes in yourself?

MITCHELL: It's -- you know, if I look at a difference from yesterday to today, no, there's really not a difference. But I look at myself today compared to two years ago, three years ago, four years ago, yes, there is a pretty dramatic difference.

KAYE: Jeff, so nice to see you're doing well. And thank you for coming in and bringing Tazzy to us as well. Appreciate it.


KAYE: And Jeff Mitchell is not alone. PTSD and brain injuries are a pervasive problem. An estimated 400,000 war vets still struggle with it.

A health crisis facing one state. We'll tell you where officials are trying to combat a Whooping Cough epidemic.


KAYE: Welcome back everyone. Thanks for starting your morning with us. I'm Randi Kaye. It is half past the hour.

So think of Greece as the first domino. Economic failures there led to trouble for banks and economies across Europe. It also reached here in the U.S.. American banks bet big on Greece's recovery, but it just isn't happening. Add to that new trouble with the Greek government grown into turmoil after elections last week.

Senior international correspondent Matthew Chance is joining us this morning from Athens. Matthew, so explain to us, if you will, why they can't get a government in place there?

MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, they can't get a government because they had elections just over a week ago, and no single party got a majority, and they've been trying for the past week to forge some kind of coalition that would have a majority in the parliament, but because the political parties are so divided about what direction Greece should take, should it accept more austerity measures, or should it do a u-turn and try and follow a different path.

No agreement has been forthcoming, and so it's meant that all of the parties have failed to form a coalition. They're in talks with the president of the country right now to try and bang some heads together and to try and hammer some kind of agreement, but that's not looking likely, and the most likely scenario now is the country will have to go back to elections in a few weeks from now to, again, ask the electorates and the voters to try and choose a party and a direction for the country. It is absolute political deadlock and chaos here, Randi.

KAYE: And Matthew, how is all of that then impacting the European economy and the world economy?

CHANCE: Well, much will depend on what comes out of it. I mean, you know, what we're talking about here, Randi, is the possibility of Greece crashing out of the euro zone, the single European currency. That's unchartered territory. If that happens, it won't just - it may not be Greece that fails only. It may be the entire euro zone project, and that is important, particularly for other parts and particularly for the United States. Because even though the U.S., for instance, isn't that heavily invested in Greek assets, it is heavily invested in other European assets and other European banks, and so if Greece fails, the whole of Europe could fail, and that will have, you know, massive consequences around the world, including in the U.S..

KAYE: Yes. You know, we talked a lot, of course, about the unemployment rate here in the U.S.. It's at just over eight percent. How bad is it for the people there in Greece?

CHANCE: You know, this is the other thing about Greece's tragedy here. The recovery is not just about finances for banks and the U.S. and in Europe. It's about human costs that this economic crisis is having on the people of Greece. Unemployment in this country generally, nationally is running at nearly 22 percent. If you look at the demographic of 16 to 25-year-olds, it's closer to 53 percent. I mean, it is an absolutely astonishingly high rate. The economic crisis, the austerity measures have had a massive impact on people's standards of living here.

KAYE: Matthew Chance for us. Matthew, thank you very much.

So grab some coffee. Here are the headlines that you may have missed overnight. Boston University held a vigil for three of their students killed in New Zealand. The students were studying abroad and decided to go on a sightseeing trip to see where the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy was filmed. Police say their van drifted to the side of the road and rolled when a driver tried to overcorrect. The three students were killed instantly. Five others injured.

A massive manhunt now underway near Los Angeles where officials are looking for a missing FBI agent. The man right there 35-year-old Steven Ivans is believed to be armed and suicidal. Police do not think Ivans is a danger to anyone but himself, but they are urging the public not to approach him. He was last seen at his home on Friday.

Wildfires are raging across north-central Arizona forcing some evacuations this morning. Twenty three homes were evacuated already and the Red Cross has set up a shelter at a local middle school. Officials with the National Forest Service say the fire has burned for more than 2,000 acres.

The state of Washington is being hit hard with a highly infectious respiratory disease. Whooping cough. According to the "New York Times," state officials have declared the disease an epidemic and public health officials are reporting over 1,200 cases.

Mitt Romney is trying to find common ground between himself and a conservative Christian voting block he needs to win the White House. The likely Republican presidential nominee addressed the graduating class at Liberty University, the nation's largest evangelical school. The appearance sparked controversy because of some concerns about his Mormon faith, but Romney used the speech to highlight similarities between himself and the crowd, including his thoughts on marriage.


MITT ROMNEY (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Culture, what you believe, what you value, how you live matters. Now, as fundamental as these principles are, they may become topics of democratic debate from time to time, so it is today with the enduring institution of marriage. Marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman.


KAYE: Romney's former opponent, Rick Santorum, is urging the governor to use the issue during the election, saying it could be "a very potent weapon."

Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul, son of Romney's only remaining rival for the GOP nomination, Ron Paul, is also weighing in on the issue blasting President Obama's stance on the issue of same-sex marriage and how the president said he arrived at the decision.


SEN. RAND PAUL (R) KENTUCKY: The president, you know, recently weighed in on marriage, and, you know, he said his views were evolving on marriage. Call me cynical, but I wasn't sure that his views on marriage could get any gayer.


KAYE: Paul was speaking at an annual event sponsored by Iowa's Faith and Freedom Coalition. We want to know what you think about Senator Rand Paul's remarks about President Obama's support of same-sex marriage. It was pretty strong remarks there. So tweet me @randikayecnn. Let me know what you think, and we'll read some of your opinions on the air a little bit later on in the show.

A Florida daughter gives her sick mother a very special mother's day gift. A kidney to save her life. We'll have more on this amazing story.


LANCE CORPORAL ERICA STEELE: Hi. I'm Lance Corporal Erica Steele out of Third Marine Air Wing Afghanistan. I would like to wish my stepmother, Yvette, a happy mother's day. I love you. I miss you and I can't wait to come home to see you guys.



KAYE: It is mother's day, of course, and Reynolds and I wanted to share a story with you that really caught our eye this week. First I have to ask you have some mother's day plans for your wife?

REYNOLDS WOLF, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Put me on the spot. Yes. Yes, I do. Yes, I do have some plans. The issue is, though, is in our house, you know, things become so obvious. I try to have some things that are kind of a surprise. Some things are absolutely impossible.

KAYE: Did you make the dinner reservation? I want to know.

WOLF: We're in good shape. So thumbs up here. If you don't see me next weekend - something went horribly wrong.

KAYE: Exactly. She'll be calling me. Hey.

WOLF: Absolutely.

KAYE: All right. Well, I'm glad. Well, speaking of mother's day, this is a really special story. The nicest gift that you could ever give your mother, well, take a look at this. All right? Because the South Floridian truly made her mother happy. She actually - she can put us all to shame because the 27-year-old gave her mother a kidney after she was diagnosed with lupus, a chronic inflammatory disease that damages different parts of the body. Just listen to this for a second.


YOLANDA MIXON, MOTHER: We're here today. My daughter gave me the gift of life, and she's in my debt forever.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: After my mom has given me the most wonderful life. I have never had to want for anything.


KAYE: Isn't that incredible? I mean, there's no cure for lupus. The transplant surgery obviously was a success, and doctors believe that her health will continue to improve. They'll be connected, Reynolds, forever.

WOLF: It's a beautiful story. I mean, it truly is. (INAUDIBLE) the whole thing. I mean her mother gave her life and everything for her, and now she's doing something that could possibly save her life. Makes us all look bad that gave their mom flowers and crocheted oven mitts.

KAYE: Well, you know, this was definitely the gift of life.

WOLF: The best.

KAYE: Yes, absolutely. All right. The coolest discovery of the week. This is definitely it. I'm going to let you handle this, because I know you are going to geek out on me.

WOLF: I absolutely adore this story. This is incredible. Let's show you the video. It is amazing in the desert with very little moisture and little wind things can last for a long time, including this World War II fighter. This is actually a T-40 Kitty Hawk. It was actually shot down. It was not shot down. It actually ran out of gas and landed in the desert and it was found recently. And you see it as this. The records show the plane actually in the Sahara desert on June 28,1942. It was actually by the Royal Air Force. It was flown by then. The aircraft actually created in Buffalo, New York. It's an American design. It's a beautiful aircraft.

And because it is still intact, it still had bullets in the chambers and still had machine guns and because there wasn't even a single pane of glass cracked on the cockpit. They think the fighter pilot actually walked out of the aircraft unscathed, but they never found him. So odds are in the Sahara desert, you have no water and the intense heat, temperatures going up to 120 degrees, probably didn't last that long.

KAYE: Yes, it's amazing though that they just found that out there.

WOLF: Just out there in relatively perfect condition.

KAYE: Yes. Wow. That's pretty cool. You have that your family, right? Your grandfather was -

WOLF: Granddad was a B-25 fighter pilot, yes, in the South Pacific.

KAYE: All right. That explains the geek out.

WOLF: There you go. There are reasons for being a geek (INAUDIBLE) for a long time with this.

KAYE: All right. Thank you.

WOLF: You bet.

KAYE: From the frontlines to the unemployment lines, veterans face special challenges after leaving the war zone, but there is hope and help on the way.


KAYE: A promise to help. That's what veterans are getting from the federal government, but it's tough out there. How tough? Well, take a look at some of these numbers that we want to share with you this morning. The overall unemployment rate is 8.1 percent. For all veterans it's 7.1, which is a good trend, but now look at the number for veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is 9.2. That number is actually going down, thanks to some of those government efforts.

Joining me now is Ramsey Sulayman, legislative associate for the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. Good morning, Ramsey. Let's talk about this. It's so important to get these men and women jobs after serving our country. I mean, what seems to be the biggest challenge for these veterans returning home from the war?

RAMSEY SULAYMAN, IRAQ & AFGHANISTAN VETERANS OF AMERICA: Good morning. Happy mother's day. Some of the challenges - there's not one big overriding challenge. It's more of a series of small challenges for a lot of people. One of the things credentialing and licensing for veterans not being able to translate the military skills, education, and training that they receive into the civilian world.

For instance, if you are driving an 18-wheeler in Iraq and Afghanistan and on the roads back home in the U.S. is a military member, that does not automatically translate into being able to receive a commercial driver's license and do the same job in the civilian world.

KAYE: Yes.

SULAYMAN: So that's one big thing.

KAYE: What about the stigmatization regarding PTSD. I mean is that a problem? We hear so much about. Are employers concerned about hiring veterans?

SULAYMAN: That is a problem. We hear that anecdotally. There's no hard figure on it, but a lot of people think that every veteran comes back and has PTSD and some of the recent events in the news sort of enforce that - reinforce that perception, but it's worthwhile noting that the estimate is that fewer than 20 percent of returning veterans have some form of PTSD or probable PTSD, so while that is certainly an issue that's large in the veterans community and needs to be addressed, it's also not something that every veteran has.

KAYE: And you mentioned how the skills might not translate just a moment ago. Do you think that enough is being done to give veterans the opportunity to get more training and better job training?

SULAYMAN: Well, there are laws. For instance, we helped pass (INAUDIBLE) last year which had a credentialing and licensing study involved in it. There was a pilot program. There is some legislation trying to get the federal government to give credentialing and licensing for skills that translate and are under the power of the federal government, mostly maritime and aviation. So there are things out there.

And then veterans are able to take advantage of the post-9/11 GI bill, which is the nation's best career-ready education training program, but we do see that that is under fire with some of the issues that are for profit schools as well.

KAYE: And in terms of advice for vets looking for work. I know you have some good advice. The first thing is be proactive, network, and get support from others as well. Why does this work, do you think?

SULAYMAN: Well, like the old adage goes, it's not necessarily what you know. It's who you know. And while you're certainly going to have to prove that you can do a job, knowing those people who are out there and the decision makers and the hiring authorities and people who will have leads on jobs is important, and people can get connected. They can join a VSO. Go to and get connected with us. We have several smart job fairs going on around the country in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce that have employers who are coming, who are ready to hire. So getting linked into those sorts of resources is extremely important for veterans. KAYE: Well, I'm a big fan of the IAVA. So once again, Ramsey Sulayman, thank you very much. And I'm going to send out on my Twitter page @randikayecnn, I'll put the link to the Thank you very much.

SULAYMAN: Thank you, Randi.

KAYE: And be sure to tune in to CNN tonight for a special look at citizen soldiers struggling to serve their country and family during an election year. J.R. Martinez narrates "Voters in America, Vets Wanted," tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern.

Ever read a book or meet someone so brutally honest that you are drawn do them? I'll talk to a celebrated author whose book I couldn't put down.


KAYE: Welcome back. I had the opportunity to speak with celebrated author Augusten Burroughs about his new untraditional self-help book. It's called "This is How." Burroughs gives advice about overcoming just about anything from shyness, fatness, to alcoholism and suicide. Here is just some of our conversation.


AUGUSTEN BURROUGHS, AUTHOR "THIS IS HOW": I'm just really excited by the opportunity to sort of share what I have learned through, you know, surviving so many things from so young with people. I mean, the number one question probably that I get asked when I'm away on tour is "how did you survive, you know," and then it's fill in the blanks.

KAYE: Right.

BURROUGHS: Alcoholism or neglect or whatever. What have you. I wanted to answer that question. You know? And because I didn't have -- I wasn't - I didn't have parents. I mean my parents were sort of dysfunctional and out of the picture, and I didn't have adults in my life to help me solve my own issues, I had to solve them myself. And you know, those tools I think are - could be useful for other people when they want to solve their own problems.

KAYE: You give advice really for just about anything. I read the book in one day. Exactly. You give advice for shyness, fatness, molestation, grief, alcoholism. But your tone in the book, I found - I wasn't sure if it was - it's very sincere, but it's also a big snarky.

BURROUGHS: I'm like emphatic. I want people to really understand, you know, what I'm saying. I want people to get to the truth. You may think you know the truth. You may think, but, you know what, knock a little harder with your hammer, because you've got to get through what you believe is true into the deeper truth.

KAYE: So interesting, though, because you don't have - you know, you're not a therapist, but the book is so empowering. One of the chapters that really struck me was the one called "How to end your life," where you actually go back and you - from the moment when you were weighing pros and cons on whether you should commit suicide as a boy. But what you found is you didn't want to kill yourself. You wanted to end your life.


KAYE: Talk to me a little bit about the difference there.

BURROUGHS: You know, I was so deeply unhappy with my life, and I didn't see any option for when I got out of this childhood, so I have to kill myself. But when I thought about it deeper, deeper, I realized that's not going to have the affect I want. First of all, I'm not going to be around to enjoy the punishment that this inflicts on those that I love, you know? Which is part of it. But mostly I'm not going to have that peace and relief. I'm going to be - suicide, the act of suicide, doesn't release you. It adds a new layer of sort of horror, you know, or discomfort or struggle to the depression you already have.

I realized it's not that I want to kill myself. It's that I want to end my life. I want to literally step outside of it completely. I did. I changed my name when I was 18. I moved across the country from, you know, Boston to California, and I mean, I didn't outrun my past, but I did feel, wow, I am starting over.

KAYE: You have had, as you mentioned, a little bit there, but one of the most difficult and dysfunctional childhoods ever. You were abandoned by your mother. You moved in with her therapist. You were raped as a child. You were then a caretaker for your suicidal mother. You were abused by your father. Looking back as an adult and for anyone who might be watching today, how did you get through it? I mean what would be your survival mechanism that you turn to that maybe somebody else could use?

BURROUGHS: It's really important to not feel sorry for yourself, to be a victim. Even if you have been victimized, you can't be a victim and wait for someone to make amends or someone to, you know, pick you up and help you. You have to take responsibility. You need to have a really profound understanding of the fact that this is your life. You are the author of your entire life. And that gave me optimism.

I mean, I thought even though today and yesterday, and the day before had been awful, tomorrow could be completely different. I mean, if today was so much worse than I imaged, tomorrow could be so much better than I ever hoped.

KAYE: If you could leave our viewers with one piece of advice today, of all your advice in this fantastic book, what would you leave them with?

BURROUGHS: Do not lie to yourself and you know the true answer. You know it somewhere. And I feel it like a sensation in my chest, and always, always, always follow that.

KAYE: I bet you've had some incredible reaction of people coming up to you and asking your advice now.

BURROUGHS: They do about things like school homework. And it's like "You know what? I have a fourth grade education. I'm probably not the person to ask." How do you study? I say throw the books away and go to a movie. So I'm good on some issues. The big stuff.

KAYE: I hope the kids weren't listening to that at home.


KAYE: Augusten, thank you so much. It was great to have you on.

BURROUGHS: Thank you.

KAYE: The book, once again, is "This is How," and it is out and on- line as well and in stores. You can pick it up. It's really a great read.


KAYE: You can watch the entire interview posted on my blog, my new blog. So check it out. It's at

Time now for a little pop quiz. What do Beyonce, Angelina Jolie and the founder of Spanx all have in common. I'll have the answer for you next.



PETTY OFFICER RONALD ROMEROLOJA, U.S. NAVY: I want to say happy Mother's Day to my mom, Claudia Romero, and my grandma Maria Loja in Chicago. I love you, guys. I miss you. And I'll be back soon.


KAYE: Just in time for Mother's Day, "Working Mother" magazine is unveiling its pick for the most powerful moms of 2012.

Here are just a few of the women who made the list. Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx; Suzanne Collins, author of the best-selling trilogy and box-office smash, "The Hunger Games" Ann Curry, co-anchor of the "Today" show; actress and humanitarian Angelina Jolie; along with singer and new mom Beyonce Knowles are also in the group.

Thanks for starting your morning with us. We've got much more ahead on CNN SUNDAY MORNING. It starts right now.


KAYE (voice-over): From CNN world headquarters in Atlanta, this is CNN SUNDAY MORNING.

The U.S. economy facing new obstacles, Greek austerity threatens our markets. The Dow had its worst week of 2012. And JPMorgan's trading gap drives investors away. We'll have a live report.

Plus, one senator says the president's reversal on same-sex marriage, quote, "couldn't get any gayer."

And it's Mother's Day. We take a look at moms around the world and how a "TIME" magazine cover that sparked outrage in America has received eye rolls abroad.


KAYE: Good morning, everyone. I'm Randy Kaye. It's 7:00 on the East Coast, 4:00 a.m. on the West.

Let's get straight to the news this morning. We start with your money, on the line with several factors weighing heavy on our economy.

Overseas in Greece, newly elected leaders are meeting right now to try and put together a coalition government. That new government was supposed to bring them out of the financial ruin that has sent shock waves through our own economy. You see, banks bet big on Greece's recovery and the failure is being passed on to you.

If Greece can't come to a consensus, there could be new elections and more of a strain on the world economy. The problems in Greece had a big affect on our stock market, pushing the Dow to its worst week all year, and you add to that the $2 billion investment mistake by JPMorgan Chase. Their stock alone dropped around 10 percent this past week.

But help, well, it may be on the way. The much anticipated Facebook IPO coming this week that could pump some life to investors and into the market.

Maybe California should invest in Facebook. Governor Jerry Brown is warning that big spending cuts may be on the way very soon. That's because the state's budget deficit has ballooned to $16 billion. That's nearly double the estimates from just a couple of months ago.

But as I said, Greek leaders are meeting right now to try and solve the gridlock over a coalition government, but really how is that affecting the U.S. economy?

Earlier I posed that question to CNN senior international correspondent Matthew Chance.


MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: We're talking about here, Randi, is the possibility of Greece crashing out of the eurozone, the single European currency, and that's unchartered territory. If that happens, it won't just -- it may not be Greece that fails only. It may be the entire eurozone project, and that's important particularly for other parts of -- particularly for the United States. It was even the U.S., for instance, isn't that heavily invested in Greek assets. It is heavily invested in other European assets and other European banks, and so if Greece fails, the whole of Europe could fail, and that will have says massive consequences around the world, including in the U.S.


KAYE: All right. That is Matthew Chance reporting for us.

In other news -- Mitt Romney hit all the high notes in his commencement speech at the Liberty University. The speech was seen as a way for Romney to reach out to Christian conservatives while speaking at the largest evangelical school m nation. He didn't disappoint with comments on same-sex marriage.


MITT ROMNEY (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Culture, what you believe, what you value, how you live matters. Now, as fundamental as these principles are, they may become topics of democratic debate from time to time, so it is today with the enduring institution of marriage. Marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman.


KAYE: Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum has some advice for his one-time rival Mitt Romney. Grab on to the same-sex marriage issue and ride it all the way to the White House.


RICK SANTORUM (R), FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You see, this is a very potent weapon, if you will, for Governor Romney if he is willing to step up and take advantage of the president who is very much out of touch with the values of America, and hopefully, Governor Romney will continue to stand tall for his position on this issue and understanding how detrimental it would be for society to have this changed.


KAYE: And then there's this from Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. He was speaking to a group of Republicans in Iowa where same-sex marriages are legal.


SEN. RAND PAUL (R), KENTUCKY: The president, you know, recently weighed in on marriage, and, you know, he said his views were evolving on marriage. Call me cynical, but I wasn't sure that his views on marriage could get any gayer.


KAYE: CNN's calls to Rand Paul's office haven't been returned. Rand Paul, of course, is the son of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Well, you just knew the folks at "Saturday Night Live" couldn't let the issue go without taking a few shots. So here's their take on the president's message and the vice president's role on getting the ball rolling.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Joe, you've been locked inside your room all day. What's wrong?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What's wrong? Are you serious? Do you really not get it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does this have something to do with the whole gay marriage thing?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ah, doy! It's not fair. OK? I was the first one who said it should be legal, but now you're the one getting all the credit.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's not true.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, oh yes? Oh, really? Then why are you all dressed up?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm going to a gala with Lady Gaga and Elton John.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, see? That should be me. Vice presidents never get to go anywhere.


KAYE: Pretty funny stuff. Well, remember, it was Joe Biden who went on TV one week ago to say that he was comfortable with same-sex marriage. The president said Biden got a little over his skis on that one, jumping the gun on the president's own revelation later in the week.

Well, imagine riots on the field after the Super Bowl. That's pretty much what happened in Istanbul. Take a look here.

Fans storm the field. They lit flares. They battled with police. All after the home team lost the Turkish soccer championship.

And then it got even worse. It spilled out on to the streets. Fans took out their frustrations on store windows, cars, and, yes, police.

Well, if you didn't already know it, it's Mother's Day. I hope you remembered so you don't disappoint mom, of course, on this one. People will spend around $18 billion on mothers this year. That's an average of 152 bucks a person. If you just got that $2 card or $10 bunch of flowers, well, maybe next year.

A debate over how old is too old to breastfeed. This "TIME" magazine cover, take a look, it is what has people talking here in the States. But is it such a big deal to moms abroad?


KAYE: One way or another, I'm sure you have an opinion about the new "TIME" magazine breastfeeding cover. It has ignited a firestorm, you might say, across the country. The provocative cover shows a mother breastfeeding her child who turns 4 next month. Some say that's far too old to be nursing -- and, of course, all this is ripe picking for the folks at "Saturday Night Live."


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Really "TIME" magazine, this is the image you went with for Mother's Day? What is with the camouflage pants? You do realize there's not enough camouflage in the world to hide from the blowback this kid is going to experience.

"TIME", don't get me wrong. I understand you have to do what it takes to sell magazines, and it's a good cover, but if upped a great cover, you would have photo-shopped out the chair.


KAYE: Oh, boy. We've only heard Americans debate the issue, of course.

Nadia Bilchik is joining me now.

So -- I mean, obviously, the magazine is published here in the States.


KAYE: But around the world, they can read it online, thanks to social media. So, what's the international reaction?

BILCHIK: Well, there's been so much because of online, and some of my favorite things as a South African woman saying, yes, it's wonderful that she's breastfeeding, but two years too late.

And all kinds of reaction from Israel people saying, you know, reality is he looked like he was much taller than he was, didn't he?

KAYE: He did.

BILCHIK: Because that was the thing, when you first saw, it you possibly didn't see the chair. Especially the way it was on social media. It looked like this rather tall boy was breastfeeding.

And then it reminded me of a very famous comedian line where she looks at the person in the front row and says to the woman there, darling, can you please stop breastfeeding your child, he is 14. So, all kinds of reaction, and much the same as there was here. Some people completely horrified and shocked, and some people going -- let the woman do her attachment parenting thing.

KAYE: So the status of breast feeding around the world, though, I mean, is it pretty common? Is it on the decline? Where does it stand?

BILCHIK: Well, in more industrialized countries, in fact, the U.S. is 36th in industrial countries in terms of breastfeeding, but we looked at in one particular study from the OECB, and they said at Norway, at some point, most Norwegian children were breast-feed. Almost 100 percent of Norwegian children were breast-feed, and so it went. But the more women work, that was where the decline in breast-feeding was.

KAYE: Now, the mother in this photo on the cover of "TIME," she's 26. So, is there any type of correlation between the age of the mom and breast-feeding?

BILCHIK: Definite decline in the younger mother is, the less likely she is to breast-feed.

KAYE: Really?

BILCHIK: That was a U.K. study that came out. So, interesting enough, the older parents tend to breast-feed more. Interesting.

KAYE: Do you remember in 2009, Salma Hayek, she was in the Sierra Leone, and she started to breastfeed a hungry child.

BILCHIK: People were shocked by that, weren't they? Absolutely shocked that there she was, looked at a hungry child. She had been breast-feeding her own child, and she literally suckled the child.

So, let's take a look at that video which to some will be very shocking and to people like me who come from South Africa, where breast-feeding is a very common thing, it's probably not so shocking.


SALMA HAYEK, ACTRESS: My baby is one year, so she can suckle. I thought about it.


KAYE: Isn't that incredible? I mean, that really is just to see this child in need and go and do that. You know, I'd rather talk about that than the time magazine cover. It's so amazing.

BILCHIK: Absolutely, because she did it. It was such an instinctive thing for her to do to just whip out the breast. Here in the United States when do this, whip out the breast, it's a little more shocking.

KAYE: Is that what they do?

BILCHIK: In Middle Eastern countries -- you know, in Africa it's very common for people to just be on the side of the road and take out their breast and breast-feed.

KAYE: Right.

BILCHIK: So much depends on your cultural background, where you come from, what you think about it, but certainly here in the newsroom, someone you were interviewing whipped out their breast, it would be a fairly shocking thing. And I am not about to do that.

KAYE: You don't have to whip it out. Just take it out.

BILCHIK: I suppose it would depend on the size, right?

KAYE: Wow.

BILCHIK: Do you whip or take. So many incredible contraptions for how you demurely cover that come in all shapes and sizes so you can do it in a discreet way.

KAYE: I'm in the airports all the time. You never know it.

BILCHIK: Exactly. So, there are ways of covering, and some people do it, more or less.

But remember, you had Alicia Silverstone who literally chewed the food and put it in her child's mouth.

KAYE: That's whole another conversation.

BILCHIK: Well, that's another form of attachment parenting, because the whole idea behind the "TIME" magazine cover was -- are we parenting in an attached way?

KAYE: Right.

BILCHIK: So lots of debate, lots of controversy.

KAYE: All over the world, apparently. All right. Nadia, thank you very much.

So is the guy who played Borat putting out a modern day minstrel show? I'll talk to an Arab American comedian who says Sacha Baron Cohen's latest character goes too far.


KAYE: Sacha Baron Cohen, he is popular British comedian and Cambridge graduate who is known for his alter egos like Borat, a sexist and homophobic reporter from Kazakhstan, and Bruno, his creation of an Austrian fashionista, and some Arab-Americans are outraged over his latest movie.


SACHA BARON COHEN, ACTOR: Ah, America, the birthplace of AIDS.


KAYE: It is called the dictator. Cohen's character is a hybrid of leaders like Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gadhafi, and some say the movie sends an ugly message.

Comedian Dean Obeidallah has written a op-ed piece about the movie. He joins me live from New York this morning. Good morning, Dean.


KAYE: All right. So, you are a Muslim-Italian comedian who is certainly not afraid to poke fun at races and cultures. We know that. But you say that Cohen's new movie has really gone too far, that it's modern day black face. How so?

OBEIDALLAH: Well, I think it definitely is a minstrel show, and for people that don't know what that means. In the late 1800s, early 1900s, white performers put on black face, and black performers, the worst stereotypes as buffoons and ridiculed for a profit. That's what this is.

But my point is, like, I'm not angry. I'm not offended by this. I don't want an apology or a boycott. My point is Hollywood -- if you are going to make money mocking Arabs, and Indians as well, include us in the creative process. Make us part of the movie as writers, producers, and costars.

Just like last week Ashton Kutcher was in brown face playing an Indian guy. This week we have Sacha Baron Cohen playing an Arab guy, and he is not Arab. That's my point. It's about Hollywood. Not this movie specifically. This is the jumping off point for a bigger discussion about Hollywood.

KAYE: Yes, I know. I'm going to share this quote that you have. "Arabs and South Asians have long been ghettoized playing exclusively cab drivers, deli workers, terrorists, excuse me, and the occasional good guy who works with law enforcement who is usually killed later in the week by a bad brown guy."

So, again, you're saying that if you are in the creative process, if an Arab is in the creative process, it would change that.

OBEIDALLAH: I think it would make it a better movie, less cliche. Look, we all know that depictions of Arabs and Indians in movies, it's cliche. It's hackney. Anyone can write that stuff. The joke is like Ahmadinejad the terrorist puppet from Jeff Dunham, they can be better.

I actually give an example for Hollywood because it makes it a better movie. In the '60s, there's a movie about mafia guys, and they weren't using Italians, and they were failing.

Paramount, the same studio that made this movie, found Francis Ford Coppola, an unknown director, hired Al Pacino, unknown actor at the time John Cazale, and made a great movie about Italian culture, even in a mafia movie. It brings realism and some actual authenticity and originality, which is a great thing in Hollywood. I think audience will respect it more and like it more.

KAYE: But what about -- I mean, were you upset when he made fun of people from Kazakhstan or he played a flamboyant gay reporter from Austria or the ignorant white rapper Ali G. OBEIDALLAH: I think those were different. I mean, first of all, certainly there were people in those communities that were upset. Let's remember.

Those movies weren't scripted. He was making a point by going out and showing a mirror to a people's bigotry and closed-mindedness. This is a scripted comedy where he is playing an Arab guy from beginning to end.

There's no going out and talking to white people or non-Arabs about your stereotypes, your fears about Arabs and breaking it down. It's not. It's a scripted comedy.

If we were involved in the process, even as one co-writer, I think it makes it a better movie for people. I don't mind Sacha. He did play an Arab guy. It's not like everybody has to be an Arab to play an Arab.

But, of course, every minority, we want that. We want the opportunity to be part of Hollywood. It leads to a better project and frankly for our community, it makes stars, and stars are things that open movies.

KAYE: You know what, we reached out to Cohen's representatives, and they say they're happy to set up a screening for you, to come see the movie before it releases. How do you feel about that?

OBEIDALLAH: I'm happy to see the movie, but, again, it's not the movie. There's nothing you can do to offend me. I'm a comedian. I'm offensive as it is.

It's really not about this movie, Randi.

KAYE: I'm glad you said that.

OBEIDALLAH: It's the bigger picture of Hollywood. It's truly about the bigger picture of Hollywood. If you are going to make money mocking us, let us be a part of it and I can promise you, it will be a better movie every time, because we're going to add things you haven't thought of, because you know nothing about our community or what you read and have seen on the news isn't great.

KAYE: Great point and a great discussion. Dean Obeidallah, thank you so much. Have a great Sunday.

OBEIDALLAH: Thank you too.

KAYE: There is a lot of news coming up in the next week that you are going to want to be prepared for, and it's all about money. Investing money, gambling money, and how the world's biggest governments are handling your money.

We're covering it all in our week ahead.


(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) CAPT. JAMES HALE, U.S. MARINE CORPS: My name is Captain James David Hale with the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing. I just want to say happy Mother's Day to my mom, Maria Hale. I look forward to seeing you soon. I look forward to enjoying some good home cooking foot. I love you.


KAYE: It is Mother's Day, and from the CNN headquarters here in Atlanta, we want to send a little love out this morning to all the moms across the country. You're looking at live pictures now from the nation's capital where President Obama is paying tribute to his mom, grandmother, and his wife in this special video.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think it's important to recognize that moms come in a lot of different shapes and sizes.

You know, my mother was the single most important influence on my life.

My grandmother, she was very different from my mother, much more -- she's very stoic and very much displayed her Kansas roots, but was a constant source of strength for all of us.

Michelle is the best mom I know. She cares deeply about family.

This is my wife Michelle.


B. OBAMA: That model of strong responsible women but also incredibly loving women has been a great gift for my girls because they can see every day the contributions that women are making in their own family, and I think that gives them an enormous amount of confidence as they go forward.


KAYE: There is a big week ahead in politics. College campuses seem to be the rallying point for the presidential candidates right now as they try and shore up support heading into the election.

Here's CNN political editor Paul Steinhauser.



Call it the dueling commencement addresses. Yesterday, Mitt Romney gave the commencement speech at Virginia's Liberty University, the evangelical school founded by the late Jerry Falwell.

ROMNEY: Class of 2012, well done, and congratulations.

STEINHAUSER: Tomorrow, President Obama gives his own commencement address at Barnard College in New York City.

There seems to be a strategy behind both speeches.

Romney didn't do especially well with social conservative voters during the Republican primary, so his address may have been an attempt to solidify a crucial part of the GOP base.

As for the president, a speech at the famous women's college in New York City may be a way to reach out to female voters. A majority of women voted for Mr. Obama in his 2008 election to the White House, and he wants to make sure they're with him again in November.

Also this week, Vice President Joe Biden hits the campaign trail in Ohio. The Buckeye State, of course, a crucial battleground in presidential elections -- Randi.


KAYE: Paul Steinhauser, thank you very much.

And we'll have much more at the top of the hour when CNN SUNDAY MORNING continues.

But, first, "SANJAY GUPTA, M.D." begins right now.