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CNN Sunday Morning

Castro Brothers Speak to CNN; 12-Year-Old Arrested in Sister's Murder; Black Eye Swells for IRS

Aired May 12, 2013 - 08:00   ET


BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR: From CNN world headquarters in Atlanta, this is CNN SUNDAY MORNING.


MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Do you worry now that people will always suspect that you actually did have a role?


KEILAR: Speaking out for the very first time. In a CNN world exclusive, Pedro and Onil Castro, brothers of the accused rapist and kidnapper Ariel Castro sit down with Martin Savidge. What they say about their brother's alleged crimes.

Plus, an arrest in the murder of 8-year-old Leila Fowler. You may be shocked to hear who police now have in custody. And another black eye for the IRS. New details that officials there may have been targeting conservative groups long before the 2012 election.

It's Sunday, May 12th. Good morning everyone. I'm Brianna Keilar. It's 8:00.

And thank you so much for starting your morning with us.

We begin this morning with a CNN world exclusive. Let's get straight now to Cleveland and CNN national correspondent Susan Candiotti.

Hi, Susan.


When Ariel Castro was arrested on charges of kidnapping and raping three women for over a decade in his Cleveland home, police also arrested his two brothers, showing their faces to the world.

Now, in the minds of many, all three men were monsters. But last Thursday, police released Pedro and Onil Castro saying, neither man had anything to do with the alleged kidnappings and torture of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight.

Now, for the first time since their release, both men are sitting down and talking exclusively with CNN's Martin Savidge about their brother and their ordeal. They are grateful the young women and 6- year-old child little girl are free and safe, but haunted by missed clues followed by the media and receiving death threats for something they say they did not do.


SAVIDGE: Do you worry now that people will always suspect that you actually did have a role?



O. CASTRO: And the people out there that know me, they know that Onil Castro is not that person. Has nothing to do with that. Would never even think of something like that.

I was a very liked person, individual. I have never had any enemies. No reason for anybody to think that I would ever do something like that. It's shock to all my friends. They couldn't believe it.

P. CASTRO: I couldn't, I could never think of doing anything like that. If I knew that my brother was doing this, I would not be -- I would not -- in a minute, I would call the cops, because that ain't right.

But, yes, it's going to haunt me down. Because people are going to think, yes, Pedro Castro got something to do with this. Pedro don't have nothing to do with this. If I knew, I would have reported it, brother or no brother.


CANDIOTTI: Now, you can see much more of Martin's exclusive interview including hearing the one strange rule they say Ariel Castro demanded the brothers follow when inside his home.

Plus, you'll also hear what they say happened when one brother confronted Ariel about the mysterious little girl who looked so much like him -- Brianna.

KEILAR: Susan Candiotti for us in Cleveland, thanks for that. As you heard Susan say, be sure to watch that full exclusive interview with Ariel Castro's two brothers. That will be on tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. Eastern on CNN "STARTING POINT".

Dramatic new video coming in to CNN this morning. Police breaking down the door of Ariel Castro's home for the two women left behind after Amanda Berry escaped. This is cell phone video from CBS News that was taken by a Cleveland woman, Jasmina Balrich. She and her friend Ashley Colon (ph) stopped Monday in front of this now infamous house when they saw squad cars and flashing lights.

The women live nearby. They told CNN affiliate WEWS that they initially thought they were being pulled over. Instead, they were witness to one of the most dramatic hostage rescues in recent memory.

And we're also getting new details of the horrors that police say unfolded for nearly a decade there in Cleveland. We know that Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus were gagged and chained in the basement of this Cleveland home.

Now, a source tells CNN affiliate WOIO that the women spent several years in shackles there underground. According to WOIO, it was only after Berry's daughter was born, the 6-year-old, that the women were moved to separate rooms upstairs. And, of course, DNA tests now confirm that the accused kidnapper, Ariel Castro, is that girl's father.

Meantime, the source tells WOIO that Castro would stop feeding any woman who acted out or tried to escape. And according to the station -- this is something that is fascinating -- it was Berry's daughter, the little girl, who told the women that Castro left the house last Monday, setting the stage for her mother's daring escape.

New this morning, police say they've made an arrest in the stabbing death of an 8-year-old girl. This is a case that shocked a small northern California town. This morning, Leila Fowler's brother, her older brother, is in custody accused of killing her.


SHERIFF GARY KUNTZ, CALAVERAS COUNTY, CALIFORNIA: Citizens of Calaveras County can sleep a little better tonight.

KEILAR (voice-over): Two weeks after 8-year-old Leila Fowler was found stabbed to death, police make a dramatic and surprising announcement.

KUNTZ: Detectives arrested Leila's 12-year-old brother at the Valley Spring substation and on charges of homicide.

KEILAR: The little girl and her brother were alone in their family's northern California home when he told police that he'd seen an intruder leaving the house.

The boy called his parents who called 911. He then found his sister stabbed. She later died.

During their investigation, authorities released only a sketchy description of a suspect. The small town of Valley Springs on edge as police searched for Leila's killer. Within the past few days, her family stood together at a candlelight vigil to remember her.

KRYSTAL WALTERS, LEILA'S MOTHER: I just want to thank the entire community and all of our family and friends for the overwhelming amount of support you have given my family. It will never be forgotten.

KEILAR: Meanwhile, there are still many unanswered questions. Questions about the motive and what led police to arrest Leila Fowler's 12-year-old brother. (END VIDEOTAPE)

KEILAR: The suspect's first court appearance has not been announced.

And now to Washington and the growing outrage of how the IRS treated Tea Party groups in the run-up to the election. Top officials IRS officials knew -- we're finding out -- as far back as 2011 that agents were singling out nonprofit conservative groups and making it harder for them to get tax exempt status. This is all in a new Treasury Department report expected to come out this week.

And CNN's Athena Jones has been covering this story. She joins us live from Washington.

Athena, officials are now looking what we understand will come out in this report to see if the IRS broke the rules by playing politics here, if they did something wrong.

ATHENA JONES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning. That's right, Brianna.

And, of course, this is a big deal. Anyone who pays taxes can relate to this concern that some folks at the IRS were unfairly targeting people simply because of their political leanings.

I spoke to an official at the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. That's the agency that's conducting this review. He told me they're doing this audit at the request of Congress to look at the agency, look at its programs and operations and make recommendations.

This is something that the White House supports. Spokesman Jay Carney told reporters on Friday as much in the briefing. And he put out another statement just yesterday saying in part, "If the inspector general finds that there were any rules broken or that conduct of government officials did not meet the standards required of them, the president expects that swift and appropriate steps will be taken to address any misconduct."

So this is something that's getting a lot of attention here in Washington, Brianna.

KEILAR: And when you talk about some of this extra scrutiny that Tea Party groups got, what exactly do you mean? What are they saying extra scrutiny is? What hoops were these groups having to jump through?

JONES: Well, one thing that's interesting is that we learn that some of the groups were highlighted simply because they had the word "Tea Party" or "patriots" in their names. They were asked to go through extra paperwork, lots of extra questions.

I had a chance to speak with the co-founder of a group called the Tea Party Patriots which is one of the nation's biggest Tea Party groups. She talked to me about what the IRS demanded to know about their Facebook page.

Let's listen to her speak.


JENNY BETH MARTIN, CO-FOUNDER, TEA PARTY PATRIOTS: They came back wanting every single Facebook post, every comment on Facebook. We have a million fans now on Facebook. Going through and finding comments in every single post on Facebook, hours and hours of work, and massive amounts of paper. And the fact that the IRS was doing this, it's absolutely disgusting. It's an abuse of power.


JONES: So there you heard from Jenny Beth Martin. Her group is outraged and so are members of Congress.

We've already heard from Majority Leader Eric Cantor who wants the House to investigate this as well. We know this report is coming out, but that's not going to be enough for many members of Congress.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says he wants the White House to do an administration-wide review to make sure that kind of no discrimination like this is taking place.

One more political point I should add here that's interesting is that the IRS commissioner while this was all going on, while this was unfolding, was actually a Bush administration appointee and he appeared to the congressional hearing last year in March, saying that this wasn't happening, that the IRS wasn't targeting these groups.

So, a lot of questions remain to be answered about this. And we're certainly going to keep following it, Brianna.

KEILAR: And I think maybe we'll learn this week who personally was responsible for all of this, what level were they at in the IRS.

Athena Jones for us in Washington -- thank you.

JONES: Thanks.

KEILAR: Now, in Indiana. Police there in the southern part of the state are investigating a quadruple homicide. Four bodies were found late last night with gunshot wounds at a Waynesville home.

Jill Glavan with our affiliate WXIN is in Waynesville.

Jill, what more can you tell us about the victims here?

JILL GLAVAN, REPORTER, WXIN: Brianna, we're waiting on words of names and some more information, but what we know at this point is there are several people that lived in this home. This is a very small community south of Columbus, Indiana. We have talked to a few neighbor who is have kind of walked up to the scene, just telling us that they know that there was a man living in this house with his mother and stepfather. Sheriff's confirming that as well. That man actually came home from work last night and found a couple of people that he believed to be dead. And at that point, sheriffs in this community got here. They found four people dead inside this home. Now, they're being very tight-lipped about this.

Again, a small community, this kind of thing doesn't happen out here. So there's a number of agencies here, the sheriff only telling us that they know that these people died likely of gunshot wounds and they do not have anyone in custody at this time.

So, obviously that presents some questions to the greater community in this area, if they're looking for someone, if they need to be on the look out. At this point they're still conducting this investigation bringing out some evidence from the house. And we're waiting word to hear if they're looking for anyone or if they might know who did this.

At this point, we just know that there were three men and one woman found dead inside the home here in Waynesville.

KEILAR: And obviously, Jill, I bet a lot of people there in the neighborhood -- I know it's early, but have you had a chance to talk to any of them and sort of their concerns about whether there is a suspect on the loose?

GLAVAN: You know, most of them have stayed inside their homes. We've noticed a lot of them have not wanted to get very close to the activity that's happening here. Only a couple have come up and spent maybe a minute or two at this scene and then quickly gone away. So, you know, most of them seem to kind of want to stay away from this and let the police do what they're doing and have only come up to just kind of look at what's going on and walk away. A lot of questions for them and for us on the scene here as well still.

KEILAR: Do you get a sense, Jill, that there's concern that there could be a suspect that people should be concerned? I know police aren't really being forthcoming at this point as they probably get all of their ducks in a row, but is there kind of a sense that maybe people should be on the look out for some sort of suspect or they should be on edge about things or are you not really getting that vibe?

GLAVAN: Not so far. Most of these authorities have remained here on the scene. And we know we have the man who found the initial bodies inside the home. So it seems that they have some information and they know possibly what they're looking for.

And we're not -- most of the activity we're seeing has moved pretty slowly throughout the morning. So at this point we're not getting any indication that anyone's in danger or anything like that. We're just waiting to hear if there's anyone they're looking for or if they might know who they're looking for at this point.

KEILAR: All right. Jill, we'll be checking back in with you throughout the morning, I'm sure.

Jill Glavan with our affiliate WXIN -- thank you so much for joining us.

KEILAR: Now, that gunman that had been holding three children in hostage in New Jersey is now in custody. Coming up, we've got a live report on how that three-day long standoff ended just hours ago.

Plus, a woman kept as a slave in a box for seven years has her own message for the kidnapping survivors in Cleveland. You'll hear from her.


KEILAR: A three-day hostage standoff in Trenton, New Jersey, is now over. Police say they have taken the suspect into custody and that the three children he held with him are now safe.

Reporter Syma Chowdhry with our affiliate KYW is in Trenton.

You watched and have heard certainly about some of the things that went down overnight, Syma. This was a dramatic scene when the standoff finally ended.

SYMA CHOWDHRY, KYW REPORTER: That's right, Brianna. It's a dramatic scene, a dramatic ending that we don't know all the details, but after more than 36 hours, the hostage situation did come to an end. Now, shortly before 4:00 a.m., some explosions could be heard, even a gunshot. And someone was taken out on a stretcher and put on an ambulance.

But police are not commenting and giving details on what happened then. But what they are saying is the three hostages are safe and sound and the suspect is in custody.

Now, they haven't given details, names, ages, even the relationship between the suspect and the victims, but sources tell us that the three hostages are two teens and possibly a toddler. The standoff started Friday afternoon when police received a phone call requesting the check on the welfare of those in that apartment.

Well, when police arrived, they found a woman dead possibly for days. They learned the woman's child around the age of 13 was also dead.

Now, police say the man at the apartment was armed. And that's when they backed off starting the police standoff. In the past 36 hours, police haven't given many details, not only just to the media but to the victim's family members who were on the scene here, neighbors and friends and family have been asking many questions. But police say they will hold a press conference later this morning. We're hoping to get more details on the suspect and the situation then.

That's the very latest, Brianna.

KEILAR: Syma, we will be awaiting those details with you. Syma Chowdhry reports there in Trenton, New Jersey -- thank you. She was locked in a box for seven years. Next, a woman shares her own horrific experience and what she says it will take for the Cleveland kidnapping victims, survivors now, to recover.



COLLEEN STAN, KIDNAP VICTIM: I was so afraid that my body was just trembling with fear. I was locked in a box for 23 hours a day.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Your value is no more to us than a piece of furniture.

STAN: I was his slave.


KEILAR: That was from "Dangerous Persuasions", a program on Investigation Discovery. This featured the real life nightmare of Colleen Stan. And I have to warn you, this story is quite disturbing.

She spent seven years -- terrifying years, being beaten, raped and kept in a wooden box after her kidnapping in 1977. I had a chance to speak with her yesterday about her ordeal and also the road ahead for the three kidnapping survivors in Cleveland.


STAN: People that have not been through this type of experience just don't understand all the threats and all the torture and just all the mind control that goes on because once you're in this type of situation -- I mean, your abductor just conditions you and, too, by torture, rape and abuse and threats and maybe stories. And, you know, after a certain amount of time, your will gets broke down and you just believe it. And you do whatever you have to do to just survive and just get through the day.

KEILAR: You had your abductor threatening not just your safety, right, but the safety of your family? And I think that that's often common in the few cases like this.

STAN: Yes, yes. And there's almost always threats made against your family, you know, if you don't do this people could be hurt. If you try to reach out to people, if you run away and contact someone and they try to help you, you know, those people could be hurt I was told.

And, yes, the only person you do really have contact with is the person who's abducted you. And you're so dependent on that person. I mean, they hold your life in their hands because they control when you eat, when you go to the bathroom, if you get to drink water, you know. If you ever get to -- anything and everything you get to do. They're in total control.

KEILAR: When you were abducted, when you finally fled, you never turned your abductors in to police. Instead, it was your abductor's wife who called the police.

So I want to ask you, talk about your feelings towards your abductor and why you didn't sort of pursue retaliation for what had been done to you.

STAN: Well, when I first was released, when I first got free -- I was just -- I know this is how these ladies feel, I was just so overjoyed just to be free. I think I kind of just wanted to put it behind me.


KEILAR: Up next, the brothers of accused kidnapper Ariel Castro speaking out in an exclusive interview with CNN saying they are hunted by the accusations -- I should say haunted by the accusations against him and that they played no role in his alleged crimes.


P. CASTRO: If I knew that my brother was doing this, I would not be -- I would not -- in a minute I would call the cops.



KEILAR: Welcome back to CNN SUNDAY MORNING. I'm Brianna Keilar. Bottom of the hour now and thank you for starting your day with us.

Now, to a CNN worldwide exclusive --

When Ariel Castro was arrested on charges of kidnapping and raping three women for over a decade in his Cleveland home, police also arrested his two brothers showing their faces to the world. In the minds of many all three men were monsters, but last Thursday police released Pedro and Onil Castro saying neither man had anything to do with the alleged abductions and torture of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight.

Now, for the first time since their release, both men sat down and talked exclusively with CNN's Martin Savidge about their brother and their ordeal. They are grateful the three women and the 6-year- old girl are finally free and safe, but haunted by missed clues, hunted by the media and receiving death threats for something they say they had nothing to do with.


MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Do you worry now that people will always suspect that you actually did have a role?



O. CASTRO: And the people out there that know me, they know that Onil Castro is not that person, has nothing to do with that. Would never even think of something like that. I was a very liked person, individual. I've never had any enemies. No reason for anybody to think that I would ever do something like that. It's a shock to all my friends. They couldn't believe it.

P. CASTRO: Same. I couldn't never think of doing anything like that. If I knew that my brother was doing this, I would not be -- I would not -- in a minute I would call the cops, because that isn't right. But yes, it's going to haunt me down because people going to think Pedro got something to do with this. And Pedro don't have nothing to do with this. If I knew, I would have reported it -- brother or no brother.


KEILAR: You can see much more of Martin's exclusive interview including hearing the one strange rule they say Ariel Castro demanded his brothers follow when inside his home.

Plus, you'll also hear what they say happened when one brother confronted Ariel about the mysterious little girl that looked so much like him -- that and much more beginning tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. Eastern on CNN's "STARTING POINT."

Now to northern California and the stunning development in a high profile murder case there, I'm talking about the stabbing death of 8- year-old Leila Fowler. This is a murder that has rocked her hometown and it's caught the attention of the nation now.

Calaveras Police say they have taken the girl's 12-year-old brother into custody and will charge him in her death. He is seen here at a vigil for his sister last week. The announcement shocked the small mountain town. Gasps could be heard in the crowd when the sheriff read the announcement.

And authorities are investigating a quadruple homicide in Waynesville, Indiana today. Four people were discovered with gunshot wounds in a home late last night. According to the county sheriff three males were found dead in a living room and a female was found dead in the bedroom. No suspects are in custody.

And in Florida, one neighborhood is a bit on edge because there is something like this -- an 8-foot long boa constrictor on the loose. The owner says the snake which is the snaked is named Alice -- innocent sounding enough Alice has eaten recently, the owner says, but some neighbors say they aren't reassured by that. They'll be staying inside until the snake is found.

And take a look at this. It is a wonderful mother's day reunion. Jenny Page thought that she was just going to throw out the ceremonial first pitch for the Angel's White Sox game in Chicago yesterday. Thought she was randomly picked out of the crowd. But then her daughter who's been gone for 16 months serving in the Navy in Afghanistan met her. Jenny did throw that pitch with the added bonus of her daughter getting to see it. Happy Mother's Day to her. For today's "Faces of Faith", we are talking about turning to God in the wake of fear and uncertainty, like the parents of Gina DeJesus did while she was missing for nine years.


NANCY RUIZ, GINA DEJESUS'S MOTHER: I want everybody to know that the three of them are doing great.


RUIZ: Yes, I do thank the lord a lot because those were miracles.

FELIX DEJUSUS, GINA DEJESUS'S FATHER: I have one, one God, high and mighty, that gave me the strength to fight to see this day.


KEILAR: Now, some people say tragedies like the kidnappings in Cleveland are a stark reminder that evil is all around us, but Pastor Brady Boyd of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs says we have to stand against evil. He should know, his church was attacked by a gunman in 2007. He wrote about it in "Fear no Evil: A Test of Faith, a Courageous Church and Unfailing God."

Earlier CNN's Victor Blackwell we spoke to Pastor Boyd.


BRADY BOYD, SENIOR PASTOR, NEW LIFE CHURGH: Well it certainly was a dark day at New Life Church in December of 2007. A young man came on our campus at the end of our gatherings on Sunday morning, opened fire in our parking lot. Two of our young girls, an 18-year- old and a 16-year-old, Stephanie and Rachel Works, lost their lives that day. Their dad was injured. The gunman came into our campus, had a thousand rounds of ammo strapped to his chest and opened fire in our -- in our congregation inside our building. And it was an awful day and a dark day, the darkest day of our lives as a congregation for sure.

VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: You know, in Cleveland right now we're seeing the families of these three women who have been held captive for so many years thanking God for bringing the women home. And I'm glad I can have this conversation with you because they're thanking God for bringing them home, but the same ever present God was there when these women were being raped and beaten allegedly inside this home.

How do you for Christians and the members of your church reconcile those two?

BOYD: Well, Jesus said this to us as his followers. He said in this world, you're going to have trouble. But take heart, I've overcome the world. And so Jesus never promised us that we would live in a world that was free from violence and rape and kidnappings. And these are awful stories. It's a reminder that all is not right in our world. All is not broke -- everything's broken. Jesus came to redeem this.

This is exactly what Jesus promised to do though through us, his followers, that he would come and make things right.

And so certainly it's our hearts are broken that these young girls had to spend a decade of their lives in a horrible situation. But the fact is -- I can't wait to hear their stories. And we really haven't heard from these three girls yet, but I can imagine that it was their faith and hope that kept them alive for ten years. And certainly this Mother's Day is going to be something special for them as they're reunited with their family. So we are so grateful that they've been rescued.

It's a reminder to us that trafficking, sex trafficking that is -- that's happening all over the world is also happening right here in our own communities and we need to be very aware of women in our communities who are very vulnerable.

BLACKWELL: Yes, you have this -- this new book that's out. And it's called "Let Her Lead". And you address the issue of sex slavery. And we know the women in Cleveland say they were raped repeatedly, held captive there we know. What can you say about faith as it relates to eliminating the problem of slavery especially sex slavery, which I'm sure a lot of people in this country are surprised to know continues.

BOYD: It's a huge problem right here. In fact, most people think that that's a problem only in third world countries or maybe in Asia somewhere, but in fact there are more slaves on the earth right now than ever before and most of them are women and children who are being used for sex trafficking. And it's happening right here in the U.S. as this story in Cleveland reminds us.

And in my book "Let Her Lead", that came out the day the girls were rescued this past week, I talk about that we have to as a faith community, as Christians, as Christ's followers, we have to be aware of the women in our communities who are marginalized. Find out where the marginalized women are in your city and get involved. This does not take a ton of effort. It just requires us to have a heart of compassion.

And I've talked about that in "Let Her Lead" that it's time as Christ's followers that we step in and help those who are weak and marginalized in our culture. Most often it's homeless single moms raising their kids. It's a bigger problem than we have imagined.

BLACKWELL: Brady Boyd, senior pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, you've seen more tragedy than your share. And I thank you for speaking with us this morning.

BOYD: Yes. Happy Mother's Day by the way to my wife, Pam and my mom, probably she's watching in Louisiana. So Happy Mother's Day to everyone who's watching. Good day today.

BLACKWELL: You got to get that in. You got to get that in. Thanks, Brady.


KEILAR: And for more stories on faith, be sure to check out our belief blog, our award-winning belief blog I should say at

Next, what do you get when you mix the Benghazi hearings with the Jodi Arias murder trial? A little SNL satire and it's pretty funny. We'll show it to you after the break.


KEILAR: So this last week you may have noticed we had another Benghazi hearing and also the Jodi Arias verdict at the same time. Well, "Saturday Night Live" took notice and they had their own take on the dueling events.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The chair calls Miss Jodi Arias.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. Chairman if you ask me, I think this witness has been called today for the sole purpose of boosting the ratings for these hearings and getting the media to cover them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That is a very mean and hurtful thing for my colleague to suggest.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When were you first made aware that our consulate was under attack?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I guess this morning.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this still going on?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. No. It happened last September, but --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Who do you think did it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, we know who did it. It was Ansar al Sharia.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, if you know who did it, then why are you holding these hearings?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Miss Arias, the way these hearings work is we ask the questions and you answer them.


KEILAR: Ok, now to the political side away from the humorous side of the Benghazi controversy, Candy Crowley is live in Washington this morning. And Candy, you're speaking with Senator Susan Collins about the new, very serious questions on the Benghazi attacks.

CANDY CROWLEY, CNN HOST: Yes. And the questions in some ways are old, the answers a little different on Capitol Hill. I think first of all you saw the emotional -- our first sort of on the ground report from the deputy in the Libya bureau, he was in Tripoli -- the Libya embassy, rather. So incredibly emotional testimony which obviously breathes life into the subject, but also the question of the talking points again -- who scrubbed them? Who took out the references to terror? Who took out the references to al Qaeda? There's some back and forth on that.

And also new questions again from those on the ground saying we could have sent somebody from the embassy; there was a unit ready to go. Of course the military says it couldn't have gotten there in time. It wasn't equipped. We needed them to help out for taking the folks out of Benghazi and moving them to Tripoli.

But this is going to go on for a while. I mean, I think you heard Chairman Issa say at the end of hearing -- the hearing is over but the investigation is not. So more to come.

KEILAR: And then, Candy, the other big story that we saw toward the end of the week was about the IRS targeting conservative groups trying to make these conservative groups like Tea Party groups jump through hoops to get tax exempt status. Do you think this is just the beginning?

CROWLEY: Well, certainly there are going to be hearings into this. We've heard Senator Carl Levin say that it needs to be looked into. We know on the house on the Republican side they're certainly going to look into it.

The problem is the idea of the IRS just if you use the words "IRS" and "targeting" in the same sentence and we should say that the IRS says there was no politics to this, but they did pick out for scrutiny of tax exempt status applications from groups that had the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their name. Well, as you may recall, a lot of those groups have sprung up and they complained about it at the time. Now the IRS has apologized and said some of its agents have done this.

At the same time we also know that senior officials at the IRS knew about it as early as 2011 but hadn't said anything to Congress. So there's kind of a lot going on with this too. One of the interesting kind of political twists is that the head of the IRS at the time this was going on was a Bush appointee and he had assured Congress that no targeting was going on, you know, before. He's now -- he's since gone.

But nonetheless there are signs senior officials did know this and didn't inform Congress. And once again while the IRS has apologized, there's a huge push for more information on this. And some of it came out of a "The Washington Post" editorial as well as the "Wall Street Journal" editorial. So when you get two editorials from those two papers kind of pushing for it, you've got a story with some legs.

KEILAR: These are big stories that you are covering this weekend, Candy. We will be tuning in as you face this huge weekend. Thank you for joining us.

Stay here, of course -- CROWLEY: Thanks, Brianna.

KEILAR: -- good to see you. And stay here for "STATE OF THE UNION" with Candy Crowley that will start at the top of this hour 9:00 a.m. Eastern, 6:00 a.m. Pacific. And as we mentioned, she has a huge weekend of news that she's dealing with. So tune in.

This week, Jodi Arias will move one step closer to learning whether she'll get the death penalty, but hers is just one of the high profile cases on tap for this week. We will check the day planner next.


KEILAR: We hope all of you are having a happy mother's day, my mom included. We want to give you a look at some of the events to keep an eye on in the week ahead.

On Monday in Aurora, Colorado the shooting suspect James Holmes is expected to enter an insanity plea. He's facing charges for killing 12 people in a shooting spree last July.

And then on Wednesday in Arizona the Jodi Arias murder trial resumes with the aggravation phase, that's what it's called. Jurors found, actually, that she's guilty of first-degree murder in the slaying of her ex-boyfriend, Travis Alexander. Now they will decide if she will be getting the death penalty.

And also on Wednesday the Google Annual Developer Conference will be kicking off in San Francisco. You've got hundreds of the world's top developers. They will gather to share new products, games, apps that they'll be rolling out in the coming months.

And then on Thursday another hearing for Robel Philippos. He is in Boston. He's one of the three friends accused of helping Marathon bomber suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Last week he posted bond. He is now under house arrest.

And then on Saturday -- this is the fun stuff right -- the Preakness Stakes, the 138th running in Maryland. Orb, that colt who won the Kentucky Derby earlier this month will be going for the second leg in the coveted Triple Crown which no horse has won since 1978.

And tomorrow marks the one week since the heroic escape from captivity of Amanda Berry, her daughter, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight. The events in Cleveland this past week have revealed an almost unimaginable crime perpetrated by an alleged monster who hid in plain sight for over a decade.

We wanted to take a look back at how we got here.



AMANDA BERRY, KIDNAP VICTIM: Help me. I'm Amanda Berry. I've been kidnapped and I've been missing for ten years and I'm here. I'm free now.

CHARLES RAMSEY, SAVED THE MISSING WOMEN: The girl, Amanda, told the police I'm not just the only one. There's some more girls up in that house.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have a caller on the phone with a female who says her name is Amanda Berry and said she had been kidnapped ten years ago.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Georgina DeJesus might be in this house also. We also have a Michelle Knight in the house.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A very emotional day especially for Amanda Berry's family.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I thought about her every day. And I knew she would come -- I knew she would come home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: An incredible evening in Cleveland where you can believe that miracles really do happen.

WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST: Prosecutors announced they are charging Ariel Castro with four counts of kidnapping, three counts of rape.

TIMOTHY MCGINTY, CUYAHOGA COUNTY PROSECUTOR: The law of Ohio calls for the death penalty for those most depraved criminals who commit aggravated murder during the course of a kidnapping.

RAMSEY: We see this dude every day. I mean every day.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How long have you lived here?

RAMSEY: I've been here a year. You see where I'm coming from. I barbecued with this dude.

ERIC POINDEXTER, SAYS HE CALLED IN TIP TO POLICE: It seem like they were looking at us like we were just looking for attention or something like that.


POINDEXTER: Yes. They didn't seem to give any real true desire to the case -- you know what I'm saying?

DEPUTY CHIEF ED TOMBA, CLEVELAND POLICE DEPARTMENT: I'm just very, very confident in the ability of those investigators and those law enforcement officers that they checked every single lead. They followed it up very, very aggressively.

ANGIE GREGG, ARIEL CASTRO'S DAUGHTER: My husband and I are in complete disbelief that the friendly, caring, doting man I knew as my daddy was in fact the most evil, vile, demonic criminal that I have met or heard of --

BETH SERRANO, AMANDA BERRY'S SISTER: I just want to say we are so happy to have Amanda and her daughter home. I want to thank the public and the media for their support.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Here she comes on the other side.

NANCY RUIZ, GINA DEJESUS' MOTHER: My first reaction as I saw my daughter, (inaudible) was grab her and hug her. I didn't want to let go. Until this moment, for me, I still feel as it is a dream.



KEILAR: Karen Maginnis, how is our Mother's Day weather looking?

KAREN MAGINNIS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: It looks fairly quiet just about everywhere we look. Except in the northeast we start the morning out with some showers as a frontal system sweeps through. On the backside of this enough cold air that we did see some snowfall yesterday. It's in St. Marie, over two inches of snow. And it will start to warm up across the central United States with temperatures by Monday and Tuesday in the 90s. Until then: Seattle, 66, Los Angeles, 86 -- Brianna.

KEILAR: Thank you, Karen.

And thank you so much to all of you for watching today. "STATE OF THE UNION" with Candy Crowley starts right now.