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CNN 10

Boston Remembers the Marathon Bombing; Checking for Pathogens of Ebola in Guinea; Mapping Indian Ocean`s Floor in Search for Flight 370

Aired April 16, 2014 - 04:00   ET


CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: FAFSA sounds kind of like a soft drink, but it`s more relevant to financial literacy and it`s coming up later today on CNN STUDENT NEWS. I`m Carl Azuz. Welcome to the show.

First up today, a tribute. Yesterday was the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks in the Boston Marathon. Three people died in the bombings, scores were injured, police say an officer was killed later by the bombing suspects. But the city soldiers on. From a moment of silence at the races finish line to sound of church bells ringing and the raising of the American flag. The ceremony embodied the slogan Boston Strong. Thousands of people gathered in the rain, from first responders and the vice president to runners and injured victims. One man who had shrapnel in his leg said that last year he was on the ground at the finish line, this year he`ll be running across it.

Is this legit? There`s a vaccine for the Ebola virus? Not legit. There is no known cure or vaccine for Ebola. Avoiding close contact with Ebola patients is crucial.

One unique thing about Ebola is that unlike some other viruses, people don`t tend to spread it, until they actually get sick with it. So, it`s only when they are feverish that they are contagious. Once they are, it spreads very easily and kills more than half of those who get it. It`s never infected humans in the U.S., but for scientists researching and trying to stop Ebola`s spread in Guinea, taking extreme precautions is just part of the job.


SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A simple blue box, potentially carrying one of the most dangerous pathogens in the world on its way to be tested. In less than four hours we`ll find out whether it contains the Ebola virus. The fate of three patients depends on what`s inside. Simply getting the blood samples is a life threatening job. One of these workers told us, he has a nine-month old baby at home. They`ll do everything they can to protect themselves. Three pairs of gloves, booties and layer after layer of gowns. They go in to see the patients. Every single inch of their body covered. Impermeable suits, nothing in, nothing out. You see, even a drop of the Ebola virus that gets through a break in your skin can infect you. And we all have breaks in our skin.

This is the painstaking detail in process you have to go through to be able to interact with these patients with Ebola. This is as close as we can get. They are decontaminating themselves, but they`ve taken the blood samples and put them in this blue ice chest over here and it`s highly suspicious that contains Ebola.

WHO lab technicians suit up next. They`ve just been hand-delivered the blue boxes. Now, it`s their job to test a sample for the deadly virus. They are going to have the results just two hours from now. But a few years ago being able to test for Ebola on its own turn was impossible. Precious blood samples had to be taken out of remote forested areas in Central Africa and flown to the CDC in Atlanta or the WHO in Geneva. Pilots would sometimes refuse to fly the dangerous pathogens. And even if they did, it could take days or weeks to get the results.

8 p.m. We get the call.

UM: So, two of these are positive.

GUPTA (on camera): So, two of the three patients .

UM: Yes.

GUPTA: Now have confirmed Ebola.

(voice over): Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN, Conakry, Guinea.


AZUZ: We are 16 days in the financial literacy month, and we have a new term for those of you who are thinking about higher education. It`s FAFSA. Yes, that is fun to say. But it has to do with financial aid that can help with the cost of college. If you`re applying for that aid, the U.S. government requires you to fill out a form. It`s called the free application for federal student aid or FAFSA. The government uses this form to determine whether you need help paying for college and how much help you are eligible to get. Many colleges and universities require this as well when deciding the terms of their scholarships. And if you need financial aid for more than a year, you`ll likely have to apply again. FAFSA can come up several times throughout your college education.

Another event happening in April is National Library Week. It runs from the 13 through the 19 and in honor of it, asked viewers to submit their I-report photographs of their favorite libraries. The results are beautiful. In some cases, astounding. According to the American Library Association, the week-long observance has been around since 1958. It includes all kinds of libraries, public, school, academic. And it celebrates the contributions of libraries and librarians. In a Pew research study released last year, 94 percent of Americans said that having a public library improves life in their community. Though just over half of those polled said people don`t need public libraries as much as they used to.

Still, it appears the use of public libraries has gone out in the past decade. You`d be welcome to join in, just please keep your voice down.

In the case of a missing Malaysia Airlines planes, weeks of searching the ocean surface for clues or wreckage have come up with nothing. In fact, the search for floating debris is wrapping up. Now, the focus is on what`s under the waves. And though no new pings or underwater signals have been heard recently, new maps are being drawn.


ANGUS HOUSTON, JOINT AGENCY COORDINATION CHIEF: This is an area that is new to man.

JEAN CASAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: With no pings since last Tuesday, the search had strayed down to the ocean floor with what is known as an AUV, the autonomous underwater vehicle Bluefin 21. And to say this is uncharted territory is putting it mildly.

HOUSTON: The sort of imagery I`ve seen it`s not sharply mountains or anything, it`s more flat and almost rolling.

CASAREZ: Side scan sonar will produce a high resolution three dimensional map while searchers are hoping to spot evidence of Flight 370, oceanographers want to take this chance to learn as much as they can about this part of the ocean.

ARNOLD GORDON, PROFESSOR OF OCEANOGRAPHY: We know so little that we will learn something about the seafloor there. It`s mythology, the hills and valleys and how rough it is.

CASAREZ: Arnold Gordon is a professor of oceanography at Columbia University. Oceanographers are on site offering their knowledge of the deep and potentially benefitting scientifically from a multimillion dollar operation with an unprecedented focus on an otherwise overlooked part of the ocean.

GORDON: We talk about millions of dollars to do this work, and obviously, if one wanted to do this from a scientific perspective, we would not get the funding.

CASAREZ: One potential obstacle for those looking for the plane, deep layers of silt at the bottom of the Indian Ocean could yield valuable new information for oceanographers.

GORDON: You can learn where it came from, what`s the source of the sediment in that area. You would learn something about the ocean bottom currents that move the sediment around.

HOUSTON: We are actually gathering information about the search environment all of the time, and that`s spectered (ph) into the analysis.

CASAREZ: While so much about Flight 370 is shrouded in mystery, scientists hope to gain knowledge for the future. Jean Casarez, CNN, New York.


AZUZ: We cover news from all over the world. We are happy to have viewers all over the world. This worldwide Wednesday, we are saying hello to Lin Tran Junior High School. It`s in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Across the Pacific, happy to see you in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. They are online at Spring Bank public school. And in Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium, thank you for watching it, Institute Sal-Horant (ph). Glad to be part of your day.

(INAUDIBLE) of your parents say you`re growing up too fast. Here`s proof. It`s a time lapse that a Dutch filmmaker made of his daughter from when she was a newborn to her 14th birthday. The original YouTube video lasts four minutes. This is sped up even more. The man says he saw his daughter changing so quickly that he needed to document the way she looked. And the British newspaper says the girl like her dad is proud of the project.

Of course, it took some time to put together, but it`s certainly grows on you. It`s something that family can watch year after year clocking the differences, seeing how time flies. This was truly a video for the ages. Our ten minutes is up. I`m Carl Azuz. We hope you`ll make time for us again tomorrow.