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Philippines Bracing for Super-Typhoon; New Yorkers Protest Police Brutality to African-Americans; Automobiles Become Automobiles

Aired December 05, 2014 - 04:00   ET


CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: This December 5, CNN STUDENT NEWS would like to remind you that Fridays are awesome. I`m Carl Azuz at Atlanta, Georgia.

Our first story takes you to the Pacific Island nation of Philippines. People there are bracing for super-typhoon Hagupit. The word means "lush"

in Philippino (sic). Forecasters aren`t sure where exactly it`ll go. Something it will make a right turn and move north along the eastern

Philippines. Other think, it will hit the city of Tacloban over the weekend. We`ve mentioned that place before. When super typhoon Haiyan hit

Tacloban last year, it killed 6,000 people and wiped out entire neighborhoods. Evacuations have started ahead of Hagupit. It has

sustained winds of 178 miles per hour, it`s the equivalent of a category five hurricane.

Unrest in New York, it`s in response to events involving 43-year old Eric Garner. This summer police say he resisted arrest for illegally selling

cigarettes. He`d been arrested for that before. Officer Daniel Pantaleo put Garner in a chokehold, as others helped arrest him. Garner repeatedly

said he couldn`t breathe, he died later on the way to the hospital. Police union officials said Garner`s poor health caused his death, but a medical

examiner ruled that Officer Pantaleo`s chokehold contributed to it.

This came down to a grand jury. It had to decide whether the officer knew there was a substantial risk that Garner would die from the chokehold. It

decided not to charge Officer Pantaleo. And the protest heated up with demonstrators saying Pantaleo used excessive force.


MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO (D) NEW YORK: It`s a very painful day for so many of New Yorkers.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Arrests made throughout the night as outrage pulls throughout the city streets for more than nine hours.

CROWD: Black lives matter! Black lives matter!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Most chanted Garner`s last words.

CROWD: I can`t breathe! I can`t breathe!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police, some in riot gear blocking intersections as protesters began shutting down the city`s most iconic landmarks, stopping

the flow of traffic into and out of the island of Manhattan for hours. Some lying down right in the middle of the road, the same inside Grand

Central Station.

CROWD: I can`t breathe! I can`t breathe!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where other protesters staged a massive dying as evening rush hour hit its peak. Police heavily guarding the Rockefeller

Tree Lighting Ceremony .

CROWD: Three, two, one!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As protesters tried to disrupt the show. The city`s public outcry reaching a fever pitch nationwide.






CROWD: Hands up, don`t shoot! Hands up, don`t shoot!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The demonstrations across the country disruptive, but peaceful, fulfilling Garner`s family wish.

GWEN CARR, ERIC GARNER`S MOTHER: Yeah, we wanted to rally. But rally in piece.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Officer Pantaleo said in the statement, it is never my intention to harm anyone, and I feel very bad about the death of Mr.



AZUZ: Next story today, good news and good news good news concerning the flu. The good news, the Centers for Diseases Control says flu activity

across the U.S. is pretty low. The bad news, this year`s vaccine isn`t particularly effective. The CDC says it`s because the flu has mutated.

When the vaccine was made, the strains of flu circulating around the globe were different than they are now. So, why not just make a new vaccine?

Well, the CDC says it`s too late, because that takes about four months to do.

Officials are still recommending the vaccine, though. They say it can reduce the severity of the virus, if you get it.

Amsterdam is the largest city in and capital of Netherlands. It`s second largest city Rotterdam, and that`s where we found the Rotterdam

international secondary school for Today`s "Roll Call".

In the states, in Indianapolis, in Indiana, the rockets of Broad Ripple Magnet High School are in today`s show. And in the Southeast, in Mableton,

Georgia Floyd Middle School is on the roll. We are happy to visit the Panthers today.

AZUZ: Opossums, also called possums, are the only marsupials found in the U.S. And though they might hiss or bite if you mess with them, they are

usually not aggressive and they are unlikely to carry rabies. Why? Well, even though they are mammals, they have relatively low body temperatures,

and that might make it hard for the rabies virus to survive in opossum. Now, that`s random.

All right, cars that drive themselves. The technology is nearly here, but the law is Orant (ph). Only four states currently allow them to be tested

on roads. Pros, they might be safer. Most accidents are caused by driver error. They`d also allow you to get things done while you ride in them.

Cons, they are incredibly expensive, their cameras and sensors struggle in rain and snow and what if they are hacked, or who is responsible in a

wreck? One thing experts agree on, they are coming.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Let`s start here. Point A. And over there, we`ll call that point B. How we get from here to there has never been more

important. There are more people on this planet going more places than ever before. We are going further, and we are going faster. It took us

fewer than 100 years to go from that first flight in Kitty Hawk to our first supersonic trip across the Atlantic.

Locomotives have evolved into high speed trains floating on magnetic fields. Cars have ditched gas for electricity. But where we are going

next, and how will we get there? Will highways really be filled with flying cars? Will virtual tourism mean that you can go everywhere without

going anywhere? Getting around is getting cooler every day. Just take a look.

For the last 80 years, the Art Center College of Design has trained many of the automotive industry`s top designers. Designers who created the style

of many of the most memorable cars around.

GEOFF WARDLE, GRADUATE TRANSPORTATION DESIGN: The more choices that we have for travel, the more complex it becomes to figure out how those means

of travel integrate together.

If you take the 60,000 foot view, automobiles are really quite stupid. They are extremely wasteful of energy, it`s an object that we spend a huge

amount of money on and then we are going to use for two hours out of every 24.

To me, it`s inevitable that we are going to move towards this automated truly automobiles.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The school has a list of questions about the future of cars. Like what do you hope to accomplish when you go from A to B?

It`s not driving. It`s life.

MAGGIE HENDRIE, CHAIR, INTERACTION DESIGN: The journey in an automobile will be more of a service than it is today. The car can come pick you up,

it will be customized to your preferences, and the vehicle is now part of this interconnected ecosystem of digital devices.

WARDLE: The dilemma is what morally should we put into cars, because you know, we are all very aware that we share the roads with people who are not

really concentrated on driving and more interested in texting and (INAUDIBLE). The faster we get to vehicles that are able to drive

themselves, or at least do part of the driving themselves, then the less of a dilemma it becomes.

With its two iconic white knobs, an etch a sketch is not known for being a precision art instrument. But it is for Jane Labowitch. She started

drawing on it when she was four years old, and she got really good at it. 20 years later, she`s etched out St. Basil`s Cathedral, the Mona Lisa, Van

Gogh`s "Starry Night." She says the toughest part is learning how to use both knobs at once to created curbs and diagonals.

Of course, she had to drop on some (INAUDIBLE) skills, she`s got more than a trace of that. And the story deserves more than a cursory mention,

because there is nothing sketchy about her superior stylus. We hope you`ll etch out. Ten minutes for us again on Monday. I`m Carl Azuz. This is CNN