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CNN 10

E-Bola Virus Back in Democratic Republic of Congo; Financial Crisis in Turkey; Flying Cars Project at Kitty Hawk in Lake Las Vegas; Tyrolean Hike Challenge.

Aired August 16, 2018 - 04:00   ET


CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: It`s CNN 10. Our first week back on air rolls on. We`re enjoying getting back into the swing of daily production and we

hope you`re enjoying the show. I`m your anchor Carl Azuz. Today we`re starting in Central Africa. Earlier this year in May, there was an

outbreak of the deadly E-Bola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A little more than a month ago the Congolese government declared that it was

over. But then just days later, the same country said there was a new outbreak and that this one`s worse.

The countries Ministry of Health says there are about 57 confirmed or probable cases of E-Bola in the DRC. The new outbreak has already killed

41 people according to the United Nations. There`s no cure for E-Bola. There is a vaccine that can help slow the spread of the disease. But a

unique challenge for the Democratic Republic of Congo is that it`s unstable. Rebel groups are fighting government forces and it`s not safe

even for health officials to travel in certain areas where the E-Bola virus may be spreading.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was supposed to have been a lesson the world had already learned.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We expect however, that the overall case count will rise in coming days to weeks.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: An epidemic that had already been tamed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This strain of E-Bola carries with it the highest case fatality rate.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In 2015 in the aftermath of the E-Bola outbreak in West Africa which killed over 11,000 people. Scientists said they had

successfully tested an E-Bola vaccine which would confer up to a year of immunity and the world a sigh of relief. But five years after the start of

the West African outbreak, and the Democratic Republic of Congo is in the throws of an E-Bola crisis. United Nations World Health Organization which

is attempting to lead a global response says, this outbreak is more complicated than any that has come before it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: WHO said the new cluster of cases is occurring in an environment which is very different from previous locations as it is an

active conflict zone. And that added the nature barrier will be safely accessing the affected population.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As the death toll climbs, people in the outbreak zones are grappling both with the loss of loved ones and this new reality

that is unfolding. The disease is spread through contact with any contaminated body fluids and even children are having to learn a single

touch can be deadly.


CARL AZUZ: Moving north to the nation of Turkey. A financial crisis there is taking a toll on the nation`s economy. Prices of everything from food

to gasoline have been rising but wages haven`t. And that`s creating problems for many people who live there. A big part of this has to do with

the worsening relationship between Turkey and the United States. The U.S. wants Turkey to release an American named Andrew Brunson. He`s a Christian

pastor from North Carolina but Brunson has lived and worked in Turkey for more than 23 years.

He was arrested in 2016 after a group tried and failed to overthrow the Turkish government. Turkey has accused Pastor Brunson of supporting the

group it blames for the failed coup attempt. The American Center for Law and Justice and the U.S. government say Brunson`s done nothing wrong but

that he was arrested mainly because of his Christian faith. For months the White House has pushed Turkey to release him. For months, Turkey has

pushed the U.S. to extradite a Muslim cleric who`s from Turkey but now lives in America. Turkey also blames him for being connected to the 2016

coup attempt.

To increase pressure on Turkey, the U.S. has issued economic sanctions, penalties on the country. It`s imposed heavy tariffs on goods that America

imports from Turkey. Turkey has accused the U.S. of trying to stab it in the back and responded with tariffs it imports from the U.S. All this has

cost Turkey`s currency the lire to weaken and inflation in Turkey to rise. 10 Second Trivia. Which of these inventions was funded with profits from

print and bicycle shops? Potato chip, Ferris wheel, Otis safety elevator or Wright Flyer. It was the Wright brothers who worked as printers and

bicycle mechanics and they used what they had to fund the world`s first flying machine.

A new entry into the broadening field of flying cars faces many of the same challenges as it`s competition. You can`t have a lot of passengers or any

in this case. You can`t fly over crowds or congested parts of cities and a battery that lasts long enough for an electric aircraft to be useful in

real life could be years away. But the technology is getting off the ground.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All right. I`m a little nervous. Wow, this is really happening. OK. This was definitely one of the crazier experiences

of my career. But what is this thing? And why am I flying it? Let`s rewind a bit to 1903. In Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the Wright brothers

took off in the world`s first powered airplane. They called if Flyer. Now I`ve come to a secret facility in Lake Las Vegas. The training center for

a company appropriately named Kitty Hawk. What is the mission of Kitty Hawk?

SEBASTIAN THRUN, CEO OF KITTY HAWK: The mission of Kitty Hawk is to get everybody to fly every day eventually to get rid of traffic. So we`re

going to see a future of air traffic as a (inaudible) of the past.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That`s Kitty Hawk`s CEO Sebastian Thrun and what he`s basically describing is making the Jetson`s flying cars a reality.


THRUN: Now it`s a long step from fly after that honestly. This is a recreational vehicle. It`s meant for recreational flight. But in the far

distant future I can see that maybe we take something similar like this and fly into New York or Manhattan.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Flyer is Kitty Hawk`s first commercial vehicle. Todd Richhart (ph) is the company`s lead engineer.

(TODD RICHHART): You basically have 12 moving parts.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. What are those moving parts?

(TODD RICHHART): Ten motors.


(TODD RICHHART): And two control sticks. And that`s it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Pretty simple. While operating it may be simple, incorporating vehicles like this into our everyday commutes, that`s going

to be a whole lot more complicated. For now Kitty Hawk`s playing it safe. They`re engineers wouldn`t let me fly faster than 7 miles per hour and

trust me I wanted to. Today we`re flying this thing at only like 10 feet off the ground and we`re flying it over a body of water. But what is this

baby truly capable of? I mean, you guys are only limiting that for safety reasons.

SEBASTIAN THRUN: Make no mistake, the fact that we are flying 10 feet over the water is a safety feature. You make sure that no one gets hurt.

Physically I think it`s very conceivable that a vehicle like this might go at some point 50, 60 maybe even 100 miles per hour. We honestly don`t know


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Even with those limitations I still had a blast. But once the novelty wears off, what is this thing really for? What purpose

could Flyer serve that a helicopter couldn`t?

THRUN: You are actually able to fly it after hour. And I don`t want to see you in a helicopter after a one hour flight.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I - - I definitely don`t want to get in a pilot seat of a helicopter after an hour or ever.

THRUN: And the reason is, in this vehicle if you let go of the controls it stays where it is.


THRUN: It is not true for helicopter or a fixed wing aircraft.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And they have to say they made it pretty idiot proof. I don`t have a pilot`s license and I only trained for about an hour.

(TODD RICHHART): The goal is to take everything hard out of flying. Basically it`s being able to give people an experience where it`s super,

super easy to fly.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right. Because flying seems so scary and so complicated.

(TODD RICHHART): Flying for the last century has been incredibly complicated and it takes a long time to learn. This is transformational in

terms of how accessible we can make flights.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But in order for it to be truly transformational, people have to be willing to fly them. When most people think about flying

cars they`re actually pretty scared and also very intrigued.

THRUN: Number one most important thing other than safety for us is societal acceptance. Will people be willing to fly on these devices, live

next to a device like this that flies in your neighborhood and so on. And that`s the reason why we - - we opened this training center here in Lake

Las Vegas. We`re here to learn from you. See your reaction, to see much as do you like flying it but also would you be bothered if someone - - if

your next door neighbor flew something like this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The public acceptations is just one hurdle. Flyer`s battery only lasts about 20 minutes. So for now, it`s applications are

limited. Kitty Hawk`s mission is to eradicate traffic.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You can`t do that with a recreational vehicle.

(TODD RICHHART): We`re on sort of a story arch from recreation to exploration to transportation. And we will have to evolve along the way.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That was awesome. I did it. I did it.


CARL AZUZ: For 10 out of 10, the Tyrolean High Altitude Trail Challenge. As the name suggests it`s going to be pretty. It`s through the Austrian

and Italian Alps. It`s also hard. This 124 mile trail usually takes hikers 10 to 12 days. An intrepid Italian set out to do it in just 48

hours. He ran the first half but had to slow down afterward. And though it took him 57 and a half hours to actually finish, he still set a record

in the process. The runner who knows how to take a hike is said to be out pining away for another try. Seems that he`ll be "Tyrolling" back there

next summer when the snow`s less a problem than terrain. This is CNN 10 where we all know about punishing challenges and though we`ve got to hit

the trail and run. We`ll hope you`ll set foot here again tomorrow.