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Starting Point with Soledad O'Brien

Another Foot-in-Mouth Moment; Out of Control Car Crashed onto Sidewalk; "Man of Steel" Ready to Soar?; It's a "NEW DAY" at CNN

Aired June 13, 2013 - 08:30   ET


JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Indra Petersons is following all of the extreme weather for us.

Hi, Indra.


We're still following the storms that were popping up yesterday right around Iowa. And you can tell that at this point they're starting to make their way towards the East Coast. What we're actually watching. The reason we keep talking about these strong winds is this kind of backwards C-shape. We call it a bow echo.

We're actually seeing the strong down drop coming out of the storm itself and then you add that speed of the winds to how fast the storm system is moving. And for that reason we know these winds can be upwards of 80, 90 miles per hour producing damage. Even as strong as a tornado itself.

So that threat continues today. We've actually watched the low make its way all the way to the East Coast. The jet stream is taking a little bit of a dip so a stronger system in place. We're getting a little bit more enhancement there for that moderate threat today. So again take a look at your threat. We're looking at the moderate threat. Very easy to see. We're looking for Maryland really down to Virginia.

But notice the slight risk area, it's huge. I mean, we're talking about from Pennsylvania all the way down to the Gulf states. So we're looking at about 70 million of you with the threat of this severe weather today. And of course it's not just the wind, it's not just the tornadoes, but we're talking also the threat of large hail, a lot of lightning and then the rain. I mean, we've had way too much rain and notice we're adding an additional two to four inches of rain but many places are a good five to six inches above average already so a lot, a lot of concern.

BERMAN: And 70 million people in the path of this storm.



BERMAN: All right. Thanks so much. Another U.S. congressman in damage control this morning after a controversial comment made about rape. Arizona Republican Trent Franks insisting he was taken out of context while discussing his proposal to ban abortions after 20 weeks.

Here's Athena Jones.


ATHENA JONES, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): New controversy this morning after Republican Congressman Trent Franks said this about rape.

REP. TRENT FRANKS (R), ARIZONA: The incidents of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low.

JONES: His remarks came during a discussion in Congress about a proposal to ban abortions after 20 weeks and brought an immediate challenge from a fellow House member.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There is no scientific basis for that and the idea that the Republican man on this committee think they can tell the women of America that they have to carry to term the product of a rape is outrageous.

JONES: Franks later tried to clarify his remarks saying that he meant to say the number of abortions due to rape after the sixth month of gestation would be low. He blamed Democrats for taking his word out of context.

Remember Missouri Republican Todd Akin? Here's what he said last fall.

FORMER REP. TODD AKIN (R), MISSOURI: If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.

JONES: It was a self-inflicted wound many believed caused him and the GOP a Senate seat. And politicians aren't alone when it comes to remarks that many women find offensive. Listen to this from billionaire hedge fund guru Paul Tudor Jones in April.

PAUL TUDOR JONES, TUDOR INVESTMENTS: You will never see as many great women investors or traders as men. Period. End of story.

JONES: Tudor Jones were explaining his view that children were the ultimate career killer for female traders.

TUDOR JONES: As soon as that baby's lips touch that girl's bosom forget it. Every single investment idea, every desire to understand -- every desire to understand what's going to make this go up or going to go down is going to be overwhelmed by the most beautiful experience, which a man will never -- which a man will never share with that emotive connection between that mother and that baby.

JONES: Tudor Jones later said his comments were about global traders who were on call all the time. But that did little to end the outrage or the feeling that some men are just out of touch.

Athena Jones, CNN, Washington.


ROMANS: All right, Turkey's prime minister is making an offer to anti-government demonstrators. He says he's willing to hold a referendum to decide the state of the Istanbul park that has become the center of protests over the last two weeks.

At the same time Prime Minister Erdogan has also ordered his Interior minister to put a stop to the protests in 24 hours which could set the stage for more violence in Istanbul or Ankara. Erdogan saying this morning he's giving the protesters one last warning to get out of the park.

BERMAN: Six months after the Sandy Hook School massacre grieving family members from Newtown, Connecticut, are back on Capitol Hill fighting for tougher gun laws. They plan to meet this morning with West Virginia's Democratic senator, Joe Manchin. Manchin, one of the architects of the failed background check bill.

Then they will sit down with the two most powerful Republicans in the House, the Speaker John Boehner and the Majority Leader Eric Cantor. On Friday the group Mayors Against Illegal -- Illegal Guns, rather, plans to launch a bus tour from Newtown called "No More Names," the national drive to reduce gun violence.

ROMANS: Riveting testimony at the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial. Wednesday AEG Live co-CEO Randy Phillips described how Michael Jackson transformed himself into a superstar at a March 2009 London press conference. Phillip says Jackson was drunk, despondent and emotionally paralyzed when it was time to meet with reporters so he slapped Jackson and screamed at him so loud it shook the walls of his hotel room.

And Phillips says when Jackson got in front of the cameras, the singer rose to the occasion and delivered the goods.

BERMAN: A young mother in New York City nearly lost her 8-month-old daughter. She was pushing the young child in a stroller Tuesday afternoon when a cab jumped a curb and crashed into them on a sidewalk. This shocking scene was captured on the surveillance video you're looking at right now.

Mary Snow walks us through what happened.


MARY SNOW, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's terrifying to watch. A young mother and her baby walking on the sidewalk then in a split second, a car careens out of control and hits them both.

Seventeen-year-old Alondra Gervacio is grateful for what is. That she's now safe at home with her daughter, Perla. But it's the nightmare of what could have been that keeps playing over and over in her mind.

Alondra says when the car headed towards them, she tried frantically to get her baby out of the way, but the stroller was swept under the car. With no time to think, Alondra pulls herself up and rushes to get far enough underneath the car to bring her 8-month-old baby to safety.

(On camera): When you look at that videotape, what do you think?


SNOW (voice-over): Alondra says she screamed for help, but everything happened so fast, she had already rescued her daughter by the time people ran to her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We heard a big bang and all of a sudden I'm hearing a baby, a baby, and then the car hits in front of our store.

SNOW: The driver of the delivery cab that hit them, police say, suffered a heart attack and lost consciousness behind the wheel. He later died.

(On camera): Does this all feel like a bad dream?

GERVACIO: I don't want to remember it, but it keeps going through my mind. So I'm scared now to go outside by myself.

SNOW: You're scared to go outside again.


SNOW (voice-over): This is not the first time we've witnessed close calls with babies in strollers. Just last month a mom saved her 14- month-old in a stroller after it fell on to the train tracks in a west Philadelphia train station. And watch this video of an SUV running right over a stroller carrying a 4-year-old child in Scottsdale, Arizona. Amazingly the girl was not hurt. She bounced underneath the SUV and missed the tires running over her. Another fortunate mother and child.

In this latest case, both mother and daughter escaped serious injury after spending a night in the hospital for observation, baby Perla is lucky to be home safe after this frightening collision.

Mary Snow, CNN, New York.


ROMANS: So FOX Searchlight Pictures should have paid some of its interns. That's the ruling from a New York district judge. He said two interns on the movie "The Black Swan" should have been compensated because they were basically employees answering phones and arranging travel plans. The judge says the internships weren't completely educational and FOX benefited from the interns' work.

More college students are relying on internships as they deal with a 13 percent unemployment rate.

BERMAN: A huge nine-foot long alligator made itself a home under a Georgia man's house. Hosie Mackey says his neighbors alerted him that it was in his backyard Tuesday. He called trappers to take it away.


JASON CLARK, SOUTHEASTERN REPTILE RESCUE: A gentleman saying that please help, there is a very large alligator in my backyard. He didn't seem to know where it come from because his yard was fenced in, but the front was open.

HOSIE MACKEY, FOUND ALLIGATOR IN BACKYARD: When I look over to my left, there he was. And I said, good god almighty.


BERMAN: The Reptile Rescue crew took the alligator to a wild habitat and released it.

ROMANS: I will keep that gate closed from now on.


Ahead on STARTING POINT, it's expected to be one of Hollywood's hottest movies --

BERMAN: Steamy.

ROMANS: -- but does the new "Man of Steel" really soar?

BERMAN: Then meet the anchors of CNN's new morning show. It's called "NEW DAY." Chris Cuomo and Kate Bolduan join us for a live preview of Monday's huge debut.


BERMAN: Today is the fourth day of jury selection in George Zimmerman's trial in Stanford, Florida. Zimmerman, of course, the former neighborhood watch volunteer charged with second-degree murder in the death last year of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman claims he was attacked by Martin and shot the teen in self-defense.

ROMANS: A summit on smartphone takes place today in New York City. Government officials and industry representatives are going to discuss ways to crack down on the rising number of thefts of smartphones and other electronic devices. More than 1.5 million Americans had their phones stolen last year.

BERMAN: All right. Superman fans, the wait is over. "Man of Steel," which is the -- rebirth of the superhero franchise hits theaters at midnight. The reviews had been maybe a little mixed, but the new Superman looks ready to soar at the box office.

More now from CNN's Margaret Connelly.


MARGARET CONNELLY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's been seven years since Superman last flew onto the big screen. And while "Superman Returns" made plenty of money, it fails to spawn a blockbuster franchiser's beloved lead actor. Now Warner Brothers Studio owned by the same company that owns CNN hopes director Zach Snyder will change that with a more human "Man of Steel" who packs a punch.

ZACK SNYDER, DIRECTOR, "MAN OF STEEL": Superman has got to throw a punch every now and then. You know? He's got a -- some guy like that is threatening his mom, are you kidding me?

CONNELLY: Known for his darker take on comic heroes, Snyder and producer Christopher Nolan offer fans a conflicted, brooding and more violent Superman played by British hunk Henry Cavill.

HENRY CAVILL, "MAN OF STEEL": Superman is one of those universal super heroes, I think. It's genuinely not just an American thing.

CONNELLY: Industry estimates show the film tracking around $100 million opening weekend.

(On camera): What are you hearing from the fans?

DAVE KARGER, FANDANGO CHIEF CORRESPONDENT: Our Fandango fans are telling us that this is one of the most anticipated movies of the whole year. And 80 percent of people who have bought tickets for "Man of Steel" are excited by this darker tone.

CONNELLY (voice-over): If fans are excited, the film's corporate partners are through the roof. Companies are banking on the "Man of Steel" from licensing deals to product placement but then there are the critics.

(On camera): Rotten Tomatoes has this rated in the mid-60s. high 60s, that's good but it's not great.

KARGER: I don't think the reviews are going to be as strong as they were for "Star Trek into Darkness" or "Iron Man 3". But I do think Warner Brother has a very viable franchise on their hands.

CONNELLY: Which at the end of the day is the super news this Superman is looking for.

Margaret Connelly, CNN, Hollywood.


ROMANS: I'd go see it.

BERMAN: Oh, yes.

ROMANS: All right, ahead on STARTING POINT, something else you're going to want to see. Some special guests, co-anchors of CNN's new morning show "NEW DAY" debuting live Monday. BERMAN: Great. We have a look. There they are.

ROMANS: There they are.

BERMAN: They're live and alive in the green room. They'll be back out here in just a moment.


BERMAN: Welcome back, everyone. So we are beginning a "NEW DAY" on CNN this Monday morning at 6:00 Eastern Time. And we are thrilled to be joined by two-thirds of the anchor team, Chris Cuomo and Kate Bolduan.

Hey, guys.

ROMANS: And we should mention the third member of that team, Michaela Pereira, is on assignment right now in Chicago.


CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Actually working.


KATE BOLDUAN: We're playing. She's working. And that's the way this is going to go.

ROMANS: The start on Monday, what's it going to -- what's it going to be? Give us the essence of "NEW DAY."

BOLDUAN: Well, you guys are part of it.

ROMANS: Oh, yes.


CUOMO: You tell us. The main thing we're going to use on this show which I believe is new is puppets. Instead of having actual guests, we're going to go with puppets because they're much more controlled.

BERMAN: They're easier to book frankly.

BOLDUAN: Right. I mean, they can't say no.


It's going to be -- it's going to be a three-hour show. That's a little different instead of two hours previously. And it's going to be a very news-y program. It's going to be very conversational. We're going to hit a broad range of news. As we keep saying, high story count, high story count, high story count.

We think there's a broader definition of news. You guys are part of some of that broader definition of news. You're bringing some of those stories. And we think there is an area that needs this. There's a niche in the morning news space and we're going to bring it.

CUOMO: Works better when you use your hands.


BOLDUAN: Everything is better when I start describing it.

CUOMO: Shape your point. Shape your point. It's also odd to have the conversation with you guys because you're part of the team.

BOLDUAN: I know, I'm like --


BOLDUAN: You know exactly what I'm talking about.

BERMAN: We're coming into this from a position of sheer ignorance like most days so we're actually dying to find out.

Chris, we've been to a lot of places, we've done a lot of things together.


BERMAN: We did Boston, we did -- we were in Oklahoma City. You know, back years before that, too. What kind of stories do you really like to cover?

CUOMO: I think that the stories that impact people's actual lives day-to-day, it sounds like a cliche. But when you're in this business you deal with a lot of heavy tragedy. And that's the nature of news. That's the exigency of what happens in the world. But when you're able to take on stories day after day, big reason I wanted to be on every day, that you know that over the course of this dialogue, you're going to be able to make points, you're going to be able to make changes that will actually help people.

That's when I'm most satisfied. Also even if it's just an emotional connection. People need to feel. You know, we often lose a sense of where we are in relationships to other people, people have trouble. I think we can make people remember that they're all part of an interconnected whole. It makes me feel like I am doing my job.

BERMAN: I have known you for years. And I have to say I've always been impressed by your passion for helping people and your passion for finding the bright spots sometimes in gloomy stories.

ROMANS: You know, Kate, you have covered Congress for the past few years.


ROMANS: You have been most recently co-anchoring with Wolf Blitzer.


ROMANS: So, you know, and I think the first day you were on the air, didn't you cover the Minneapolis bridge collapse?

BOLDUAN: It was -- that was -- it's like a welcome to CNN moment. It's like, welcome to CNN, get on a plane, go cover this. There's -- hi, Wolf. There's Wolf and I from the inauguration. Wow.

CUOMO: Look at that.


CUOMO: That's nice.

BOLDUAN: That is my first -- probably one of my first day of live shots.

ROMANS: Wow. 2007, right?

CUOMO: How are you feeling about that?


BOLDUAN: Oh, I'm so grown up now.


CUOMO: You look like a governor.

BOLDUAN: Like a governor.

CUOMO: Yes, you just look like the governor. Or was the governor.

BOLDUAN: As you also know, Chris compliments me a lot. Yes, the first day, basically, I mean basically the first day, I was meeting all the executives and everybody in Atlanta and I was flying home and they're like, oh, this happened, here is your plane ticket, go. I didn't have a BlackBerry, I didn't have anything, and no more producers, and they're like, here's a pen, here's a paper, here's a mike, go. And I think we did, like, 47 live shots or something in the first day.


BOLDUAN: So it's kind of been like that since.

BERMAN: You know, and Chris, in your experience, one of the last places you worked they tried to kill you, they made you jumped off a building, right?

CUOMO: Yes. Yes, they did, John.

BOLDUAN: That was the whole plan. That was the whole plan, right?

CUOMO: Well, what it was was face your fears. And I have a --

BOLDUAN: You told me about this. Yes.

CUOMO: I don't like the heights. You know? BOLDUAN: I don't either.

CUOMO: And I didn't know what it was because I was covering --

BOLDUAN: Seriously -- look at this.

CUOMO: Next thing I know, I'm falling. You know what the worst part is?


CUOMO: The woman next to me is a stunt person, obviously. Look at how she's dancing, she's moving. I did the state bug the entire way down. I held on to the vest. They kept saying, don't hold the vest. And I said, don't hold it, just in case it miraculously rips off me. And I --

ROMANS: Did you cry?

BOLDUAN: Did you cry?

CUOMO: I didn't cry. But I'm sitting on top of the building, 56 stories. The Taj Mahal.


CUOMO: I did. I did. I was trying to stay clean because it all happened too fast. But I'm sitting on the top. They put David Blaine on the phone, and he's like, hey, what you need to do is look out at the Horizon. And I'm like, OK, I'm looking out at the Horizon and the Horizon is another casino that's being built with construction workers who were going, you're going to die.


And I was like, what? And I start to fall and the Horizon starts to move and I go, the Horizon is moving, the Horizon is moving. But we raised 40 grand for the Northern Illinois University Fund for the victims of the school shooting there which was the story I was covering which is why I wasn't paying attention to what I was jumping off of.

The other people like Sam -- Sam Champion was the weather guy, he put on an apiary suit, he was afraid of bees. So he was like in this big suit. They couldn't get out --


BERMAN: And you jumped off the building.

CUOMO: Yes. Diane walked across hot coals.

BOLDUAN: This is Chris, he's so competitive --


CUOMO: She like runs across the coals. You know, not long enough to burn your feet.

ROMANS: Oh gee.

CUOMO: You know, and Robin was like afraid of angry people or something, so she was with only nice people, and I jumped off.

BERMAN: So what did you do about it? You came to CNN.

CUOMO: That's right. I showed them.

ROMANS: He was like, I'm out. So we --


BOLDUAN: This is the first time we've actually been on live TV together. We spent so much time together --

CUOMO: It's true.

BOLDUAN: This is the first time we've ever been on live TV together.


BOLDUAN: And guess what, it's the same as when we're off camera.


ROMANS: I know. It is true.

CUOMO: It is.

ROMANS: You guys have a very good rapport. That's going to be fun to see -- as it develops live.

BOLDUAN: Chris talks like loud. Yes.

ROMANS: We have a few surprises because we dug through the archives and we know you're kind of -- you were a theater star in high school. Is this true?

BOLDUAN: What are you -- what are you guys doing right now?

CUOMO: Did you play -- look at you. Is that you on the right?

BOLDUAN: Obviously.

BERMAN: Is it bad?


BOLDUAN: Look, you can even see my biceps at age 3.

CUOMO: You did. You had the bell toys working there.

ROMANS: Kate Bolduan's senior page.

CUOMO: Look at that.

ROMANS: Now what show is this?

BOLDUAN: My gosh, that was "Guys and Dolls."

BERMAN: "Guys and Dolls."

BOLDUAN: Oh my heavens.

CUOMO: Look at JB, knowing "Guys and Dolls."

BOLDUAN: What is this? This is from my senior yearbook.

CUOMO: I love that you know the show.


CUOMO: Is that -- where are you in that one?

BOLDUAN: You guys -- there's my sisters. You might -- Janna, Courtney, Kate, Alyssa. We all look like the same even though that was like 10 years ago.


BERMAN: What's your favorite show, Kate Bolduan?

BOLDUAN: My favorite show? Obviously, "Apple Tree" or "Guys and Dolls."

BERMAN: Adele? Of course.


CUOMO: JB, knowing the shows.

BERMAN: All right.

CUOMO: (INAUDIBLE) with the Fringe on Top? Do you know it?


CUOMO: Shakes and --

BOLDUAN: You want to sing?

CUOMO: Bring it to me.

BOLDUAN: I'm not doing this right now. I'm not doing this.

BERMAN: I have something better than singing.

BOLDUAN: We want to have some viewers when Monday comes.

BERMAN: I got something better than singing. Chris, as we said, you know, I've known you for a long time and one of the things that people may not know about you is you used to be extraordinarily sexy and I -- and I have the proof here.

ROMANS: Oh, yes, we did.

BERMAN: This is -- I am not making this up because I frankly couldn't make it up. This is from "People" magazine in 1997. You know, you're one of "People's" sexiest people alive that's -- with the hair there.

CUOMO: It's a good -- let's be honest.

ROMANS: Why are you barefoot?

CUOMO: I miss the hair.

ROMANS: You didn't need shoes. Why barefoot?

CUOMO: That was the look.

ROMANS: The late '90s?

CUOMO: That was the --


BOLDUAN: Did you see that? I think he's blushing.

CUOMO: Thirty pounds heavier. I'm a married guy.

BOLDUAN: He's rarely speechless.

BERMAN: Can you sign this so I could have that in my office.

CUOMO: I'm going to -- yes, I'm going to give you one of these.

BOLDUAN: Chris Cuomo, did you never think you were going to have to pay for that ever?

CUOMO: I was in a different place in my life.

ROMANS: Where were you at that time?

BOLDUAN: I mean, when you sat in this chair and you looked at the camera, what were you thinking?

CUOMO: I was -- I don't know what I was thinking.

BERMAN: Lucille.

CUOMO: It's probably hung over. I don't remember the shoot, I don't remember how I got there or how I got home.

BOLDUAN: We should read a little bit of this.

ROMANS: Your mother, was she proud? CUOMO: Yes.

BOLDUAN: You guys, here's the part. It talks about his idol meaning you've -- you fashion yourself like this person? Michelangelo's "David."

CUOMO: That's taken out of context.

BERMAN: I think that's fair. I don't think that's an overstatement.

BOLDUAN: There you go, everyone.

BERMAN: The studio here -- there will be -- you will be a three- headed monster as it were.


BERMAN: Where's Michaela?

CUOMO: She's doing the work right. She's out in Chicago on location. As we all know, Michaela, big shot in Los Angeles for nine years, anchor of the number one --

BOLDUAN: Here's one of our favorite pictures.

CUOMO: This is a vibe we got going. They're giving me the stink eye. Michaela was the anchor --

BOLDUAN: This is a video of Michaela.


CUOMO: Huge range of personality, but I think what makes her break through --


CUOMO: -- is the soulfulness of her as a broadcaster. She believes what she says, strong convictions, big heart. Very polished.

BOLDUAN: Beautiful voice.

ROMANS: Her voice is awesome.



CUOMO: Both of them have really good voices.

BOLDUAN: This is interesting because the three of us and everybody -- everyone is part of the team, we all kind of bring a different part of the country to the show, which I really love.


BOLDUAN: And now also, you know, our perspective as we approach the news. Michaela from the West Coast, me proudly Midwestern, right?


BOLDUAN: And Chris, East Coast.

BERMAN: Where are you from?

CUOMO: New York. Queens, baby. 718.

BERMAN: A little bit country, a little bit rock 'n' roll, folks. This is "NEW DAY." We could not be more excited.

BOLDUAN: Welcome to a "NEW DAY."

ROMANS: We're going to have great karaoke parties. Aren't we?


BERMAN: Fantastic.

ROMANS: All the singers. I'm not a singer.

BOLDUAN: I mean, it's fine because we know the cool wind.


CUOMO: I can play the drums. She can sing.

BOLDUAN: Can you sing? Christine doesn't mean air guitar.

ROMANS: I do. Can you sing the promo song?

BERMAN: Can you sing the promo song?

BOLDUAN: Do you think I would ever try to embarrass Alicia Keys and actually try to sing her song?

CUOMO: Embarrass her because you do a better job? Why would she be embarrassed?

BOLDUAN: Because I would not want to fame a --

CUOMO: You do a better job than Alicia Keys.

BOLDUAN: That is not what I'm saying.

BERMAN: All right.

BOLDUAN: I am just simply trying to avoid --

BERMAN: Plug the show. Plug the show.

BOLDUAN: Please watch the show despite the fact that we're doing it. It's -- Monday morning is when we launch, 6:00 to 9:00 Eastern. It's going to be fun, everyone. It's a "NEW DAY."

BERMAN: All right. We could not be happier to be a part of it.

That is all for STARTING POINT. Really it's almost really all for STARTING POINT.


ROMANS: Yes, this is actually --

BERMAN: Like ever. Almost --

ROMANS: No, no. Tomorrow --

BERMAN: I'm gone tomorrow. So this is it for me for STARTING POINT.

ROMANS: This is for him on STARTING POINT. But he will be on "NEW DAY" on Monday.

BERMAN: Yes. "CNN NEWSROOM" starts right after the break.