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Hala Gorani Tonight

Jack Warner promises to reveal dirty secrets; Deadly gas station blast; Greece to bundle debt payments; Ukraine crisis strains Russia-Europe relations; Petrol station blast in Accra, Ghana; South Korea confirms five new cases of MERS; China crews to begin righting capsized cruise ship; Hong Kong marks Tainanmen Square anniversary; Mubarak faces retrial in November; ISIS closes dam; Chuck Blazer's confession; Capturing the moment Sepp Blatter steps down; Ten Republicans running for 2016 nomination; NASA celebrates 50 years of spacewalking

Aired June 04, 2015 - 15:00   ET


[15:00:18] HALA GORANI, HOST: Tonight "the gloves are off." Former top FIFA official, Jack Warner, threatens to tell all about corruption

within football, while Sepp Blatter is back at work.

Plus, Angela Merkel tells Greece it is time for change, as Brussels and Athens try to strike a deal over debt. CNN sits down with the German


Also, dozens are killed after an explosion rocked a gas station in Ghana. We'll have that story.

And in the United States, former Texas Governor, Rick Perry - remember him? He's taking another run at the White House. We look at the ever-

expanding Republican field.

Hello, everyone. I'm Hala Gorani. We're live at CNN London, and this is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW.

A former top FIFA official is promising to open a Pandora's Box of dirty secrets about other FIFA executives, including the out-going

President, Sepp Blatter. I'm talking about Jack Warner. He's been indicted in a sweeping American corruption probe. His revelations came in

a paid ad on television - quite a long, rambling one - in his native Trinidad and Tobago. Listen.


JACK WARNER, INDICTED EX-FIFA OFFICIAL: You'll be a lame duck president (INAUDIBLE). You are the people that have to - if you're cooking

the books (INAUDIBLE). Right? So, I said to him - step down. I said to him - Sepp Blatter, I empathize with you because I was in 2011 where you

are today. Very difference is that you caused my demise, I didn't cause yours.


GORANI: Meanwhile, Federal prosecutors in the U.S. have released some stunning court documents from the criminal case against another former FIFA

official, Chuck Blazer. It is a transcript, and it shows Blazer admitting to accepting bribes in connection with the bidding process for the 2010

World Cup in South Africa and in 1998 World Cup in France.

"World Sport's" Don Riddell joins me now live from CNN Center.


GORANI: Don, despite everything, Sepp Blatter was hard at work today. Let's talk about that before we get to Jack Warner. What can you tell us

about what he's doing now?

DON RIDDELL, CNN "WORLD SPORT:" Well, I think this is a reminder, Hala, that despite that stunning resignation speech a couple of days ago,

Sepp Blatter remains very much the man in charge. He's still the man behind the desk driving the bus, setting the agenda, and the tweets he sent

out on the FIFA press release just confirmed that. There he is hard at work at his desk. That's the first tweet he sent out for about six or

seven days.

And, as you can see, he says working hard on reforms. And the attached FIFA press release detailed Sepp Blatter had met with Domenico

Scala, the independent chair of audit and compliance committee at FIFA, where they are hard at work working on these reforms.

And this is one of the quotes that we can bring you from that press release where he said, "I want a comprehensive programme of reform and I am

aware that only the FIFA Congress can pass these reforms. Furthermore, the Executive Committee has a particular duty to share the responsibility of

driving this process."

Remember when Mr. Blatter stepped down - well, said he was going to step down - that was the one thing he said he wanted to reform FIFA.

Finally, of course, he's had several years to do that, Hala, and so far we haven't seen much progress.

GORANI: All right. Let's talk about Jack Warner. We've all read the transcript of Chuck Blazer's testimony. But Jack Warner has appeared

on television in his native Trinidad. He's promising to tell all. He's promising to reveal evidence that would implicate other FIFA executives.

But he's done that in the past, hasn't he?

RIDDELL: Yes, he has. He's rather a comical character and rather an unfortunate one. Remember, it was just a few days ago that he was tricked

by a spoof article in "The Onion," the satirical magazine-newspaper here in America. And he went on video to defend himself against some of the

outrageous claims that they had made. And, of course, he just made himself look ridiculous.

He has been tainted by allegations of corruption for some time. He had to leave FIFA in 2011 after a very, very long time at their top table.

And he has made these promises before. And he hasn't spilled the beans yet. He perhaps - well he definitely has more of an incentive to do so

now, because his back's against the wall. He's been indicted. He's fighting extradition charges to the United States.

But it remains to be seen whether or not he does tell all and reveals this avalanche of information. But, certainly, if he was to - if anybody

knows where the bodies are buried, it would be him. He's been at FIFA for - you know at the top table - for a very long time.


GORANI: OK. Don Riddell, thanks very much with more there on today's developments. The story just is not dying down.

Russia's winning bid for the 2018 World Cup is, as we've been reporting, under investigation both in the United States and Switzerland

now. But the CEO of Russia's World Cup Committee says Moscow is not threatened by the probe.

Alexey Sorokin spoke exclusively with to Matthew Chance, who joins me now live from Moscow.


All right. So what are they saying in Moscow about these probes?

MATTHEW CHANCE: CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, it's pretty incredible. I mean these - these probes are both spiraling both in

the Swiss government and the FBI over in (INAUDIBLE). They're looking into the sort of suggested money laundering and bribery around the awarding of

the 2018 World Cup and the 2022 World Cup to Qatar.

But Russian officials totally unfazed. Two hours ago I sat down with Alexey Sorokin who's the - supposedly the head of Russia's 2018 World Cup

program. If anybody in Russia that knows about whether there was corruption involved in that bid, it would be him. But he wasn't letting on

about any of it to me. Take a listen to what he had to say.


CHANCE: The World Cup in 2018 in Russia is looking more under threat now than at any point in the past, isn't it?

ALEXEY SOROKIN, CEO, RUSSIAN WORLD CUP COMMITTEE: You know, we - we certainly differ on this opinion. We think that the World Cup is being

(INAUDIBLE) and efficiently organized. We do not see any threat to the World Cup. We do not understand the origin of - of the discussions,

because we are - we are aiming to organize one of the most successful World Cups in the history of football.

CHANCE: The origin - the origin is that there are multiple investigations - one by the Swiss authorities, one by the FBI into the

allotments of the 2018 games. They said that they're investigating criminal mismanagement and money laundering surrounding the awarding of

those games.

SOROKIN: All we know about these investigations comes from media. We do not have any official requests or letters from any organization in

the world. We have been through a process of investigation generated from FIFA by FIFA (INAUDIBLE) commission which was headed by Mr. Garcia. We

cooperated. We submitted all the evidence we could.

CHANCE: Garcia, Michael Garcia distanced himself from the findings of that internal FIFA report. And, actually, it was quite critical of

Russia. The fact that some of the computers - all of the computers - that may have had crucial documents on them, they disappeared. Where are they?

SOROKIN: Well, did disappear? We repeatedly responded to that question. These computers were rented to us, and we had to give them back.

When you have a one-year project, usually rent all the equipment, furniture, whatever material you need, and then you return that.

CHANCE: This doesn't look good, does it? How concerned are you about the reputation or damage this whole scandal is doing to the World Cup

operation in Russia?

SOROKIN: Damage - it's all presumption. We - we are organizing the World Cup. We are deep in the process. We are doing our best to organize

it in the most efficient way. I think we showed to FIFA - to the world - that we are constructing. We are creating a lot of new (ph) structure.

The intention of our government is quite clear. We repeatedly tell the world that our bid was transparent, it was clean, it was - didn't

transgress any - any FIFA practices, any practices applicable to the bidding process. What else can we say?


CHANCE: Well, Hala, a defiant Russia there saying it's got nothing to hide when it comes to any investigation into this World Cup bid. But

it's the start of the investigation. It's not the end. So, it'll be interesting to see if anything's turned up by the investigations that would

challenge that Russian position, Hala.

GORANI: Right. And, as we know, both the Swiss and the U.S. are looking into those winning bids.

Matthew Chance, thanks very much.


GORANI: Qatar's winning bid for the 2022 World Cup is also under investigation as we've been saying. Both Australia and the U.K. say they

are ready and willing to host the World Cup in 2022 if FIFA asks them to.


JOHN WHITTINGDALE, U.K. SECRETARY OF STATE FOR CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORT: In terms of the decision hold the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, that is

obviously something which - we're watching the investigation. But at the moment it is - that decision stands.

If it were decided to change that, I think if the chairman of the English FA observed - if Russia - if Russia hosts the World Cup in 2018 -

it does (ph) seem very unlikely that another European country would host it in 2022. But there are obviously - if FIFA came forward and asked us to

consider hoping - hosting it, we have the facilities in this country and, of course, we did mount a very impressive, if unsuccessful, bid to host the

2018 World Cup.


GORANI: Greece, now, has found a way to postpone billions of dollars in debt payments for another three short weeks. Greece had several hundred

million dollars due tomorrow, Friday, but the IMF is telling CNN the Greek government is choosing to bundle the payment with three others that are

due this month, putting off the deadline until June 30th.

Chancellor Angela Merkle is asking Greece to recommit to austerity. Our Fred Pleitgen sat down with the chancellor. He asked her about the

negotiations with Greece as well as Europe's challenging neighbor to the east, Russia.


FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Every time there's a default payment due, it's always on the brink of a tragedy. How

can be solved in the long-term?

ANGELA MERKEL, GERMAN CHANCELLOR (through translator): Of course, to find a solution, and I want a solution just like all my European

colleagues, we need big efforts by both sides. We the partners from the Eurozone have to show solidarity, and I am glad the IMF is also engaged.

At the same time, Greece has to be willing to undertake the necessary reforms because, in the end, a country brings itself on a growth course by

its own efforts. And we have other European countries that have undertaken harsh reforms like Ireland. They went through such a program and now have

the best growth in the Eurozone. That is the kind of course Greece needs to get on.

And that is why it is tough negotiations, but they are purely aimed at keeping Greece in the Eurozone.

PLEITGEN: There are people who say that the most important person at G7 would have been the G8 - would have been Vladimir Putin, who's obviously

not there. How concerned are you about the current situation, because it seems as though the conflict is flaring up again? And how can Russia be

brought back into the fold to try and solve all of this?

MERKEL (through translator): Germany and Frank, together with President Obama, are trying to find a solution to the Ukraine crisis.

Vladimir Putin, as president, by annexing Crimea, has decided to leave our common value base. That is why he is not attending this format.

But there are formats (ph) where we talk to Russia, like the Normandy format (ph) where the Ukraine crisis. There are the P5+1 talks for Iran's

nuclear program. And I'm really happy that the Secretary of State Kerry visited President Putin in Moscow because, in order to solve the serious

civil war drama, it will be necessary to get Russia on board, and we will all support this from the G7 side.



GORANI: Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor there, talking about the situation in Greece, saying Greece should possibly look to Ireland as a

source of inspiration and also discussing Russia and the crisis in Ukraine.

Still to come tonight - Ghana's president is calling it heartbreaking - a catastrophic loss of life. We'll tell you about a horrific accident in

the capital that left at least 76 people dead today.

And some very last-ditch efforts to find survivors on a capsized Chinese cruise ship are moving into a new phase.

We'll be right back.


[16:12:04] GORANI: Well, they were seeking protection from torrential rains and flooding only to get caught in a horrific disaster.

At least 76 people were killed in Accra, the capital, when a massive explosion ripped through a gas station. The blast was so powerful -

victims had no time to escape. Christian Purefoy has more.


CHRISTIAN PUREFOY, CNN INTERRNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: They came looking for shelter from torrential rain under cover of a petrol station.

Disaster struck - the reasons as yet unknown. The petrol on the surface of the flood waters caught fire and exploded with deadly results.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If I count my friends, I lost almost seven - and four of my families - three friends, four siblings. I lost them this

morning. It's very hard, you know. I don't know what to say. The construction they are doing there will bring a lot of problems (INAUDIBLE).

PUREFOY: Emergency services rushed to the scene on Wednesday night as the fire threatened to engulf neighboring buildings. Victims who were

lucky enough to survive have been taken to hospital.

There have been heavy rains across the capital of Ghana for three days now. But instead of helping to quench the fire, the floods only

hinder the rescue efforts.

JOHN MAHAMA, PRESIDENT OF GHANA: We'll leave this to the authorities and emergency services to continue to do their work. (INAUDIBLE) and

strategy to make sure that this doesn't happen again.

PUREFOY: But those that survived will have the scars for the rest of their lives.

Christian Purefoy, CNN, Lagos, Nigeria.


GORANI: A respiratory disease that has no cure is spreading in South Africa (ph) and now has some people worried. Officials have confirmed five

new cases of MERS, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. It brings the total number of people infected to 35. Three people have died. Nearly

fourteen hundred others are in quarantine.

Now, officials are worried that the outbreak could get worse after news that doctor infected with MERS attended a symposium in Seoul

potentially, therefore, exposing more than a thousand people. We'll keep our eye on that.

In China, 77 people are now confirmed dead in the cruise ship disaster on the Yangtze River. But officials say their decision to begin

righting the ship is an acknowledgement at this point that it's very unlikely anyone is alive inside.

CNNs David McKenzie got an up-close look at the massive operation.


DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Passing through the final military checkpoint. We're getting an up-close look at the frantic rescue

efforts on the Yangtze River.

We're heading to the staging area of the search and rescue on a government trip. And we're going through to a boat to try and get a sense

of just the sheer scale of this rescue effort as it tries to find survivors.

More than a hundred ships, hundreds of divers and 500 tons of equipment scramble to the sea to try and save lives. But the elements are

working against the rescue.

The first thing I notice is how swiftly this river is moving and just how dirty the water is. This is an incredibly dangerous and difficult

operation. More than 450 - mostly elderly Chinese - were on board. So far, only 14 escaped alive. The death toll here could be staggering.

This is quite an extraordinary scene. We're approaching the Eastern Star. And you can see the rescuers on top of the hull clamoring on -

drilling into the hull - trying to find any sign of life. They've been cutting into the hull in a last-ditch effort to pull survivors out. But

they've had no signs of life and hope is fading fast.

They're giving the rescue operations 72 hours out of respect for the families. But soon they'll have to take more drastic steps.

You see these giant cranes. They will overturn the ship, and they will try to bring out the bodies of the hundreds who are still missing.

As we leave the scene of the search and rescue operation, you can't help thinking of the families - hundreds of them - come from all over this

region of China with some kind of hope that their loved ones are alive.

But as they ready the tents to receive the souls from the Eastern Star, the days ahead will be grim indeed.

David McKenzie, CNN, on the Yangtze River.


GORANI: Well, 26 years ago a massacre took place in Beijing's Tainanmen Square. And Hong Kong has remembered that tragic day with a

candlelight vigil. Some astonishing footage marked the event as tens of thousands observed the anniversary. China has never released an official

toll of how many were killed on June 4th, 1989, when China's military smashed a massive student protest - certainly not acknowledged within the

country or tolerated in terms of what's going on in Hong Kong.

Coming up - Greece decides to bundle this month's IMF payments. What does this mean for its already contentious debt talks? I asked the head of

Athens Chamber of Commerce.

And a look at the FBIs investigations into FIFA. We speak with a former deputy counsel for the FBI about how that agency set up a case of

this magnitude.


[16:14:10] GORANI: Welcome back. Here's a look at the Dow Jones down (INAUDIBLE) digits as we speak - 186 points lower. The NASDAQ and the

S&P - it's all pretty negative out there. And there's a look at those two indices.

European markets across the board - it was also arrows pointing downward with FTSE losing one a third percent on the day.

Well, another deadline for Greece. It has until June 30th to pay a massive chunk back to the International Monetary Fund. The bill will total

$1.8 billion.

Now, we've seen urgent meetings to find compromise between Europe's demands for austerity and Greece's need to access the rest of its bailout

to pay creditors. These talks are aimed at unlocking the rest of the money that these creditors - or that the Eurozone - has promised Greece.

So, even if they're successful, they're not solving the root of the problem. The Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, says European proposals

cut into pensions for poor people and cross other lines that his government won't accept. Tsipras is scheduled to address his country Friday evening.

Now, earlier I spoke with Athens chamber of commerce President, Constantine Michalos. I asked him if the lenders demands were simply too

harsh for his country.



of the first austerity package back in 2010 was the fact that, although we did need an austerity package, where we needed external help to put it more


The mixture of economic policy, which was decided primarily by the IMF, was the wrong recipe, as far as the Greek economy is concerned. We

pointed it out back then and, unfortunately, we've been proven right today.

So what we need to examine together with our E.U. partners and lenders is the correct mixture of economic policy that needs to be applied

on the Greek economy so that we have the dual result. First of all, for Greeks to be able to exit the tunnel of crisis that we have been living

through the last five years and, of course, for our creditors to begin to receive back the loans that they have opened towards the Greek economy.

GORANI: Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, spoke to CNN today, and she said, essentially, Greece needs to look at success stories like

Ireland. Ireland was in deep economic crisis. It came to agreements with its creditors. It implemented reforms. Greece needs to do this same thing

- that it can't get a better deal than others who've worked their way out of crisis. How do you react to that?

MICHALOS: No one denies that we need reforms here in Greece - deep reforms. However, we need to design and implement these reforms according

to the needs of and requirements of the Greek people. I appreciate Chancellor Merkel's position, and I was quite sure at the beginning of

these re-negotiations that a political solution would not be very easy to actually have.

However, what everyone needs to realize, whether it's a European leader or the IMF, is that you cannot possibly continue draining the

average Greek citizen simply because there's no juice (ph) left.

GORANI: But the creditors don't seem to be on board with that approach. They seem to want these very deep budget and spending cuts and

reforms to all go hand-in-hand in order to release the next chunk (ph) of money. It seems like there's a big gap here still between the two sides in

terms of what approach even to take.

MICHALOS: That's exactly what surprises me, because I'm an economist, and I'm beginning to think that there could be ulterior motives.

And the reason I'm saying that is that, for example, if you over tax the private sector - and the private sector everyone understands, whether an

economist or not, that is the only leverage against the crisis. It's the only sector that can bring back those lost clubs (ph), because we still

have the absolute negative European record of 25.8 percent unemployment.

We can only bring back - back growth with the private sector being enhanced (ph). So, when you're overtaxing the private sector, with direct

or indirect taxation as it's being discussed at the moment, then you're killing off the market - you're killing off the economy and, therefore, you

cannot possibly expect to milk the economy.

GORANI: I get exactly what you're saying, but when you say ulterior motives, it sounds like you're saying that some within the E.U. have some

sort of hidden agenda or something. Is that what you're implying?

MIICHALOS: Well, it does leave certain question marks. Because, if we can't agree on basic issues, then the only other alternative is we want

to see Greece literally on its knees? Before we start exercising different types of economic policy, which we won't have the voice to say no to. I'm

very, very clear about that.


GORANI: There you have it - the head of the Athens chamber of commerce giving me his thoughts on this important day as - as we continue

to follow these discussions between Greece and its creditors, with another important deadline approaching.

A quick break. When we come back, we have more on a new ISIS onslaught - fear the militants' control of a critical dam could give them a

new avenue to attack (INAUDIBLE) towns near Ramadi.

Plus, former FIFA executive, Chuck Blazer, details decades of alleged bribes and kickbacks. We have an in-depth look at the key player in the

FIFA investigation.


[16:12:27] GORANI: Former FIFA Vice President, Jack Warner, is threatening to release a series of documents about FIFA and Sepp Blatter,

he says. Warner is under indictment and, so far, has not produced any of that material.

But it follows the release of transcript from another former FIFA executive, Chuck Blazer. The transcripts reveal Blazer admitting to

accepting bribes and kickbacks over several decades.

Also among the stories we are following this hour - officials in South Korea have confirmed five new cases of MERS, respiratory disease with

no cure. They fear more than a thousand other people may have been exposed after a doctor infected with MERS attended a large symposium in Seoul.

Three people in South Korea have died.

The deposed Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, will go on trial for the third and final time over charges linked to the killing of protesters

during the 2011 uprising. The country's highest criminal court will hear the case in November. It accepted the prosecutor's appeal of a ruling that

cleared Mubarak of those charges last year.

Families near the Ramadi Dam in Iraq are beginning to flee their homes fearing an ISIS attack - yet another case of Iraqis running away from

their homes in their own country. ISIS has closed off much of the dam limiting the water supply to pro-government towns downstream.

This viewer (ph) amateur video appears to support witness accounts that the Euphrates River is now low enough to walk across. The fear is

that ISIS may do just that and then attack nearby towns.

Let's get the latest from Nick Paton Walsh. He's live in Baghdad.


GORANI: So, let's first talk about the implications of ISIS being able to control a dam in this way, Nick.

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESONDENT: Well you mentioned, Hala, the immediate threat, of course, is there was it seems

until the past few days a kind of defensive line of moat (ph) between pro- government-held areas where there are Shia fighting groups and Iraqi security forces faced off the other side of the river - or was a river -

with ISIS.

If that river is now lower, ISIS could much more easily attack. (INAUDIBLE) much more troubling long-term implication of this river flow

being significantly interrupted. We've seen images of video that show the river bed significantly close to the surface.

But on the other side of the dam too, there's a lot of water now in ISIS hands. And you bear in mind, this is an area dependent on

agriculture, dependent on water and the river simply for daily life. Sith (ph), where there are many displaced people and civilians who live there

normally dependent on its flow - the fact that between Ramadi and Fallujah - two ISIS-held towns, there is potentially now a significant lack of

water. It puts those local civilians perhaps more in ISIS hands. ISIS control of that key resource and it may well mean that they have to leave

that area too. And it will deteriorate the ability of those security forces there to defend themselves as well.

So water as a weapon certainly and deeply troubling, I think, for the government of Baghdad here, perhaps trying to keep those Sunnis living in

that heartland there in Anbar on their side to some degree. If they can't give them water, then quite how can they expect them to continue living

there, let alone retain their allegiance, if they have some at this stage, Hala?

GORANI: So, of course, as always with these ISIS assaults and operations you - and, in fact, other instability in the country - you're

starting to see such a massive number now within Iraq of internally displaced people. And the situation is getting worse.

WALSH: Yes, Ramadi is, I think, the most affected place right now. But we're dealing with a country which has had for years violence, and most

recently in the past year, that onslaught by ISIS displacing from the north, displacing on the road all the way down from the north here towards

Baghdad, displacing people from the west as well.

Eight to 10 million displaced in Iraq alone. And, in fact, U.N. today released a report saying they urgently need half a billion dollars.

That is no small sum at all when it comes to aid distribution. Half a billion dollars now just to be able to provide food and resources that

those people on the move need as we speak.

But it is an urgent demand and it's is like what's happening around Ramadi and Anbar right now just goes to the heart of this. These displaced

peopled, perhaps in Anbar's case, moved from Sunni areas, perhaps trying get here in a (INAUDIBLE) Baghdad predominately Shia area. That's enflamed

further sectarian (INAUDIBLE) many (INAUDIBLE) this conflict in the first place, Hala.

Nick Paton Walsh in Baghdad. Thanks very much.


GORANI: Now back to our top story now. Former FIFA executive, Chuck Blazer. He's a key informant but also one of the alleged key conspirators

at the heart of the FBIs case against FIFA. He admits he spent decades evading taxes and taking bribes across at least two World Cups.

The key is the only one in the investigation who's admitted guilt. Take a look.


GORANI: It's perhaps the most substantial evidence of wrongdoing at the heart of FIFA so far. In these newly unsealed court papers, an

admission from one of the governing body's inner circle that he took bribes since the 1990s in the selection of several World Cup cities.

Chuck Blazer, an American and former FIFA executive committee member said he and other officials accepted money to help South Africa's bid to

host the 2010 competition. Blazer has already pleaded guilty to racketeering, wire fraud, money laundering and tax evasion.

The revelations are found within court documents from 2013 that have only just been released by U.S. authorities. Working with the FBI as an

informant within FIFA, he secretly recorded conversations for football insiders. Before that, he'd played a key part in the growth of the sport

in the U.S. and Latin America.

He helped build CONCACAF, football's governing body for the region. He had a reputation for being ostentatious.

CARLOS GIRON, FORMER CONCACAF STAFFER: Most of the time we went into official tournament to walk around with hundred dollar bills, you know,

when we - literally filled with hundred dollar bills.

GORANI: A larger-than-life personality - his eccentric case played out on his blog - travels with Chuck Blazer and his friends - where he

documented his meetings with the rich and famous as well as his penchant for beauty queens, fancy dress and more than a passing resemblance to Santa


His pets also feature heavily in his life. His parrot reportedly attended meetings with him. And according to the "New York Daily News," he

rented an entire apartment in the prestigious Trump Tower just for his cats.

And the U.S. Internal Revenue Service says he has $11 million in unreported income.

Blazer is ill with cancer and other ailments. And it's unclear whether he'll ever face sentence for his crimes. Reached by CNN, his

attorney would not comment.


GORANI: Some have questioned the FBIs jurisdiction over this FIFA case. That was before it was revealed that American banks and U.S.

airports were used in the process of paying a series of bribes and kickbacks - those are the allegations - and, according to Chuck Blazer's

court transcript.

Earlier I spoke with Lisa Osofsky from Paris. She's a former FBI deputy general counsel. I asked her how strong she thinks this U.S. case

truly is.


LISA OSOFSKY, FORMER FBI DEPUTY GENERAL COUNSEL: What we know so far is - is what we've read in the papers and what we've seen about the

indictment. A hundred-and-sixty-one-page indictment - charges only.

So we've got to look through and see what we think the evidence is gonna be. We know that Chuck Blazer wore a wire. We know that cause we

saw the transcript of his pre-hearing just the other night when it was released. And it sure looks like there's very strong evidence.

He's able to give the prosecution and then, in time, and if it goes to trial, a jury - a real inside sense of what was going on when they sat

and had meetings allegedly in Brooklyn and various other locations. So, you've got those tapes. That is strong evidence, because you don't wanna

just send up a guy like Chuck Blazer there without corroboration. Why? Because he's a guy who's had lots of trouble. We know he's pled guilty to

Federal offenses and quite a few of them. So you get your corroboration in the form of those tapes and then you follow the money trail.

GORANI: But I wander why release the Chuck Blazer transcript now - several days after announcing this investigation into top FIFA officials?

OSOFSKY: It's a great question and, of course, you know, what we - what we do know - when I read that guilty plea hearing, I think, you know

what, we are now getting a real inside view of what that evidence is gonna show. We see a guy who's pled guilty to multiple offenses.

Often times, when you get a cooperator, it's really just one charge. But here you've got lengthy charge sheet and an air-tight plea hearing

where the judge asked incisive questions about many aspects of the penalties we heard about. Why do it now? Well, it gives us an inside

window into the facts and perhaps - I don't know the tactical reason here - but perhaps has it spurred people on to think, you know what, that - that

particular conversation that was talked about, either in the indictment or the plea hearing, you know, maybe as that exposure and maybe it's my turn

to approach authorities and see what they wanna do working with me. Let me - let me try and protect my interests here. And it may be an added tool to

both - yes, sorry

GORANI: Right. An added tool to perhaps get more people to come forward, we could expect others to cooperate. The big question surrounds

Sepp Blatter right now. He shocked us all when he stepped down after that triumphant victory speech the Friday before. So the question is now, given

everything that has transpired, should someone like Sepp Blatter be worried now?

OSOFSKY: Well, I'll tell you - if you were at the - if you were someone who had had some of these conversations - we don't know - he hasn't

been indicted. We don't whether he is one of the people in any way alluded to in that indictment.

But, if you were him and you saw all the confederates around you - the people you had been doing business with for years have been charged in

a far-reaching indictment - if you - I don't know whether he had conversations with Chuck Blazer - but, if he did, he might well be worried.

And I think he'd be super human not to be concerned when you hear the words of Warner saying that he's got documents, he's got emails, he's got texts -

when you look at your deputy there and you see, even though he's denying he was a bad man - but you look at the people one step below you, two steps

below you, and you see all of a sudden people who didn't appear to wanna talk about anything - all of sudden coming forward and beginning to talk -

boy, that would worry me.


GORANI: There you have it. The view from Lisa Osofsky was the deputy general counsel for the FBI. She was joining me from Paris.

One image captured Sepp Blatter's shocking fall from grace, as the FIFA president left the stage after his resignation speech. A free-lance

photographer captured the moment perfectly. That photographer, who himself admitted not having really ever shot anything of historic significance.

His name is Valeriano de Domenica, told CNNs Don Riddell how he got the shot. Listen.


VALERIANO DE DOMENICA, PHOTOGRAPHER: Well, I imagined that he was walking out from the right-hand-side, but you never know. I was there on

Saturday waiting at the same door, and he came in on the other side.

But yesterday it was - well, I didn't know it, but I was really hoping it. And I thought it will be like this because there was two

bodyguards waiting on the right-hand-side. So, that was clear to me that I have to take the wide angle and be prepared to take this whole picture, you

know, the podium, the little (ph) floor and have the space when he will walk out. And then in this moment, when he walks out, the bodyguard is

opening the door and that's make the picture like really perfect.

DON RIDDELL, CNN "SPORT WORLD": When you closed the shutter, at that moment, did you know you'd captured such a special picture that I think

will really stand the test of time?

DE DOMENICA: Well, I knew it was a good picture. I - I didn't expect it that to make this whole - that will go around the world because

I'm a free-lance photographer for AFP (ph). So, I'm not used to be at press conference where the images goes around the world. I knew that - it

was a good picture, but didn't expect that it will make this whole appearance worldwide.

GORANI: I was just wondering if more senior photographers were a little irked they weren't the ones there. Good picture. Good back story

to it.


Many Republicans have a vision for the future of the U.S. We'll look at the ever-expanding field of presidential candidates in the Republican

party - growing by the day. We'll be right back.


[16:13:35] GORANI: There is a crowded field in the 2016 race for the White House. Ten U.S. Republicans have officially announced they're

running for their party's presidential nomination. And that doesn't include Jeb Bush by the way, who's expected to make an announcement later

this month - the brother of former President George W. Bush.

Take a look at the options now facing Republican voters. They include George Pataki, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio,

Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, Lindsey Graham and finally Rick Perry, who threw his hat into the ring just a few hours ago.


RICK PERRY, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The reason I'm running for president is I know for certain our country's best days lie ahead. There

is nothing wrong in America today that a change in leadership will not make happen.


GORANI: Well, Rick Perry - the latest of a long list of - of (INAUDIBLE) Republican presidential hopefuls. CNN Senior Washington

Correspondent, Jeff Zeleny, joins me now live. So, we're at 10 now. Rick Perry didn't have a good campaign last time. He made a terrible gaff

during a debate and kind of had to exit, you know, with a bit of embarrassment surrounding him. And he's back. Does he have a chance?


JEFF ZELENY, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: He is back. We'll see if he has a chance. He certainly has a lot of expertise from running

the first time. And in U.S. presidential elections, the person who sometimes has the best shot is someone who has run before.

It's one of the things that is so advantageous for Hillary Clinton. She knows what it's like to run for president. That is the biggest hurdle

to get over. So, Rick Perry knows what it's like to run for president. I'm told by his advisers he's been actually reading up on - on a lot of

things. He - he kind of jumped in last time without much preparation. Well, he's been preparing for this, so he's going to give it a go.

But the big question is will people give him a second - a second chance? But that big sign - the list you showed of all those 10 candidates

- even people here in the United States cannot keep track of who all these people are. They don't know who all these people are. Some are total

newcomers. So, it is a very, very wide field. As you said, there are at least five more to come after - after all these 10.

GORANI: And some of the names that I think our international viewers, Jeff, are more familiar with include Ted Cruz, for instance, and

with Marco Rubio there, we have two candidates that may appeal to Hispanic voters. Let's talk a little bit about Ted Cruz first. He's been in the

race longer now. Where does he stand?

ZELENY: He has been in the race longer, but he is a - a freshman senator from the State of Texas, as well. He is probably the most

conservative candidate, or one of the most conservative candidates in this race. He gives a very good speech. His - his Harvard education is - is

always with him. But it is hard to imagine that he is going to rise much to the - the top tier (ph). He has a lot - some support out there, but

he's just been in the senate for a couple of years. So, he is not viewed as - as the top contender.

And, frankly, he's just too extreme for even some of the Republicans here in the U.S. So, he's at an OK beginning, but he is not certainly in a

strong position.

GORANI: But, of course, we're expecting Jeb Bush mid-June to make an announcement, Jeff.

ZELENY: Right. On June 15th Jeb Bush is gonna jump into this presidential race. And it's really interesting to see how his candidacy is

going to evolve. Of course, he is a golden name in American politics. His brother, of course, was a president. But his father was the president.

But we did a survey this week - a very interesting survey of voters. And the majority - 56 percent of voters say that they are more unlikely to

vote for him for president because of his last name. That is totally different - a different situation than his brother faced 16 years ago.

At that point, the family name was viewed as a very - as a very strong thing, as a big attribute. So, he has a lot of hurdles just because

of that name - because of his connections largely to his brother, largely to the war. Even some Republicans are not viewing that all that well.

GORANI: All right. It's gonna be a connection that will be very difficult to sort of not have to - not be a burden on him - not be an issue

as - as he runs.

Jeff, thanks very much and hopefully we'll get to speak again about Hillary as well, whose numbers aren't - aren't as good as they once were.

Thanks very, Jeff Zeleny, in Washington.

ZELENY: Thanks, Hala.


GORANI: And after the break we turn to the space race looking back at the first NASA astronaut to step outside the safety of his spaceship.

We'll have that story coming up.


[16:14:54] GORANI: Imagine taking your morning walk at nearly 30,000 kilometers - an hour with very limited oxygen. Fifty years ago, Ed White

did just that - the first American astronaut to go on a spacewalk.

John Voss looks back.


JOHN VOSS (ph), CNN INTERNATIONAL: They were the first American boots to step into space. NASA astronaut, Ed White, led the hatch of

Gemini 4 fifty years ago this week strapped to a tether 250 miles high above the earth. Twenty-three minutes later White returned to the

spacecraft, which he later as one of the saddest moments of his life.


MICHAEL FOREMAN, NASA ASTRONAUT: Going outside when you have that full panoramic view through your helmet is just amazing.


VOSS (ph): Soviet cosmonaut, Alexey Leonov, did it first. American Ed White's mission came three months later. But it was White who proved

that productive work could be done outside a spacecraft. That paved the way for this.


NEIL ARMSTRONG, ASTRONAUT: That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.


VOSS (ph): NASA astronauts had performed hundreds of spacewalks since Neil Armstrong's famous moon landing. Michael Foreman has done five

of them, spending more than 32 hours in zero gravity.


FOREMAN: You're not a hundred percent sure how you're gonna feel until to experience that for the very first time. Fortunately for me I

felt very comfortable out there and it was just like (INAUDIBLE) memory took over when I went out that hatch the very first time, because I was

just so used to doing the same thing here in the training that we had in the pool.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now one hour three minutes into today's spacewalk.


VOSS: In 1973, when Skylab was damaged, repairs were made to the solar panels in space to keep it in orbit. During the 1980s (ph),

astronauts began using jet packs to fetch (ph) satellites and carry out repairs.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sounds great, Dan. A great effort all around.


VOSS (ph): It took five back-to-back spacewalks to repair and upgrade the Hubble Telescope.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Right. It's reflector bag adjustable and (INAUDIBLE) goes down.


VOSS (ph): Spacewalks are almost routine now - part of the building and maintenance of the international space station, which orbits the earth

at more than 17,000 miles an hour.


FOREMAN: Well, we've come a - certainly come a long - a long way in these five decades since we started doing spacewalks.


VOSS (ph): And next NASA plans to land on an asteroid and a walk on Mars.


FOREMAN: The reason we do it is because we believe in the exploration of space, and the tasks that we're going outside on these

spacewalks to do are important for those goals that we have to - to explore space and learn things about living here on earth.




GORANI: Speaking of things that go up, NASA will be ringing the closing bell for the markets in New York today. That is next on "Quest

Means Business."

I'm Hala Gorani. Thanks for watching. I will see you tomorrow same time, same place.