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Hala Gorani Tonight

Europe's New Plan to Cope with Migrant Crisis; Iran Nuclear Deal Under Fire. Aired 3-4p ET.

Aired September 09, 2015 - 15:00   ET


[15:00:09] MICHAEL HOLMES, HOST: Hello everyone tonight Europe's new plan to cope with a crisis.


HOLMES: As migrants flood onto the continent shores European officials outline new quotas for member countries.

Also the Iran nuclear deal coming under fire again in Washington as some high profile opponents take to Capitol Hill.

And Apple unveils what it calls the future of television; we will have the details for you. Also, royal history in the making, Queen Elizabeth

becomes Britain's longest serving monarch.


HOLMES: Thanks for your company everyone I'm Michael Holmes live from the CNN Center, and this is The World Right Now.

An emotional appeal as tens of thousands of refugees and migrants stream across borders in search of a better life.


HOLMES: European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker says the 28 EU member states must accept mandatory quotas and share the burden of 160,000

refugees so far.

The new proposal will distribute 60% of refugees now residing in Italy, Greece, and Hungary, to Germany, France and Spain. And countries refusing

to take on the burden would face financial penalties. Juncker says it is now time to treat refugees with the dignity they deserve.

JEAN-CLAUDE JUNCKER, EUROPEAN COMMISION PRESIDENT: As translated) (Inaudible) we've distinguishing between Christians, Jews, Muslims, this

continent has no (inaudible) (experience) to distinguish on the basis of religion, (inaudible). There is no religion, there is no belief, there is

no philosophy when it comes to refugees and to those (inaudible).


HOLMES: Now Germany as we know is managing most of the refugee burden right now and Chancellor Angela Merkel supports this mandatory quota



ANGELA MERKEL, GERMAN CHANCELLOR: (As translated) We also need to consider what to do with the refugees who arrive on our shores what - how

can we take care of them? And this is not only the matter of two, or three, or four countries, we really need to have European responsibility

where all countries actually take care of refugees and only in this way, and this fashion can we actually look after the causes that make people



HOLMES: The British Prime Minister taking a much more conservative line. He says the U.K. will accept only 20,000 refugees from Syria and that is

over the next five years. He blames the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and ISIS directly for the crisis.

Nick Robertson is joining me now live from CNN, London. Well given the divisive nature of this, the British position, the Hungarian position for

that matter, what difference will these new systems make?

NICK ROBERTSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well you might also say - throw in the Slovak and Czech position and Denmark today

instituting more checks on its highways and trains - passport checks on trains coming into Denmark because they want to keep out the flow of

migrants. So there really is you know Europe's not united on this.


ROBERTSON: Angela Merkel was saying look, the way forward here is for you know for Germany to take the lead and to show you know a moral

responsibility. We heard that - the emotional sort of speech there from Juncker, Merkel echoing that but saying you know, Germany can take the lead

and show Europe the way forward, and this is the best way for us to be united. But the reality is there are different political reads on this

depending where you sit in Europe, how many refugees and asylum seekers you have taken over the past number of decades.

And the British Prime Minister today, as you say, says the problem is in Syria with ISIS, with President Bashar al-Assad, and he doesn't believe

that the quota system is going to solve this problem. This is how he put it.

DAVID CAMERON, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: The answer is not quotas. All quotas will do is play into the hands of those who exploit vulnerable

refugees. So of course Europe has to reach its own answers for those countries that are part of Shengen. Britain which have our own borders and

ability to make our own Sovereign decisions about this, our approach is to say yes we are a humanitarian nation with a moral conscience. We will take

20,000 Syrians. But we want a comprehensive approach that puts money into the camps, that meets our aid commitments, that solves the problems in

Syria, that has a return path to Africa that sees the new Government in Libya. We have to address all of these issues.

ROBERTSON: But this is a Conservative Prime Minister of a Conservative Government. And in Parliament today the opposition leader, Harriet Harman

was really pushing Cameron.

[15:05:03] OK, you're going to take 20,000 over the next five years but imagine you're a refugee waiting for five years to come. She said how many

are you going to take this year? And Cameron said, and I think this is echoed in other parts of Europe and we've also heard it from Germany as

well, look we want to take as many as possible this year, as many as we can, but we have to get their homes in place, we have to get the education

for the children that are coming.

So these are all very real concerns that are going to, you know that are going to affect all countries regardless of how many or how few they take


HOLMES: Yes, Nick you know we heard Jean-Claude Juncker, he used the line there's a lack of Europe and a lack of union and we're certainly seeing

this as you've been saying. You know it's one Europe but it's made up let's not forget of some very different countries. And with some of those

countries going their own way on this, how's this going to play out? Where's the unity in the European Union?

ROBERTSON: Well I think we heard from Angela Merkel yesterday saying that this is going to be a process. You know we've got to build up the capacity

in our own countries but it's going to take us a while to figure out. Also the way to deal with this in a united way across Europe not just how and

where we house people and feed them and educate their children, but how we register them. Common registration forms across the whole of Europe.

So she really described this as a process, and that's very clear in the way that Europe operates things do go slowly. But there's also a get out

clause for those countries like the Czech Republic, like the Slovaks who've said well we don't want anyone or we're putting very specific conditions

on. You can pay for the refugees you don't take, you can pay another nation, we don't know what those figures are going to look like but there

is a get out clause if you will in all of this.


ROBERTSON: But the numbers are going - are really going to dwarf the numbers of those coming already dwarfing the numbers that are being talked

about, the 160,000 here Michael.

HOLMES: Yes, exactly, and more to come by all accounts. Nick Robertson, thanks, good to see you. We'll be talking a little bit later in the

program too about whose coming and why and those who perhaps don't qualify as refugees who are being attracted by what appears to be to many an open


Well the journey to Europe can be very dangerous, the challenges don't end of course once the refugees and migrants arrive. Our Arwa Damon, has been

reporting on a group that broke through police lines at a holding center in Hungary.


HOLMES: The Government now taking steps to reinforce its border with Serbia. Here's Arwa Damon.

ARWA DAMON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: This is the wall that Hungary is building, its attempt to try to control or stop the flood coming

across its borders. And in the near future this key transit point for so many of the refugees, most who have fled the wars in Iraq, Syria, and

Afghanistan, and the economic migrants it will be almost completely shut down.

These are the train tracks that people follow from Serbia into Hungary. At this point they would have walked anywhere from four to nine hours. And at

the end of these railway tracks is where they enter a field that is the holding area. You do see quite a few of them stopping before moving on

wanting to rest up a little bit, wanting to get a bit more information about what's happening now.

Over the last few days in this holding area we have seen a number of attempts where people have tried to break through the police lines and

break out. Simply fed up with the way and the conditions that they're having to wait in. Earlier in the morning one group did break through,

they made it a distance down the road, then they were finally stopped by the police and they negotiated, came to an agreement, that saw food and

water being brought to them as well as a bus that was intended to take them to the Austrian border.

And among this group was a woman who was carrying an 11 day old baby. She told us that her dinghy from Turkey to Greece landed on the shores and she

couldn't keep going. She gave birth and then carried her baby girl this entire way because she, like so many others, believe that this is the only

chance for a future.

Arwa Damon, CNN, on the Hungary/Serbia border.


HOLMES: And we have told you of course about calls to tackle this problem at its source by stepping up the fight against ISIS among other things.

Well later in the program we're going to bring you the story of one Yazidi girl who says she was enslaved by the ISIS leader, Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi told us we beat you because you ran away from us. We chose you to convert our religion. We chose you, you

belong to the Islamic state.

HOLMES: It's an extraordinary story and you can see that exclusive report in its entirety in about 30 minutes from now.

[15:10:07] Meanwhile up next on the World Right Now.


ROBERTSON: The numbers are not on their side.


HOLMES: But critics of the Iran nuclear agreement still lobbying the U.S. Congress to try and sink the deal. We'll see whose landing star power to

that rally there on Capitol Hill.

And then moments of sheer terror on the runway. We'll have new details about that British Airways flight that caught fire and the passenger's

dramatic escape to the tarmac.

We'll be right back.




HOLMES: And welcome back everyone. The U.S. President, Barack Obama, has enough votes now to ensure the international agreement over Iran's nuclear

program will survive a congressional challenge.


HOLMES: But, that's not stopping some critics who believe the fight is far from over. Donald Trump, there he is there, headlining a rally that is

still going on right now as we speak on Capitol Hill. Fellow Republican presidential candidate, Ted Cruz also taking to the podium saying the deal

would send billions of dollars to "Jihadists who murder Americans." Strong words.

Earlier in the day a very different message from the Democratic Presidential hopefully, Hilary Clinton.

HILARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Those of us who have been out there on the diplomatic frontlines know that diplomacy is not the

pursuit of perfection, it's the balancing of risk. And on balance a far riskier course right now would be to walk away. Great powers can't just

junk agreements and expect the rest of the world to go along with us.

We need to be reasonable and consistent and we need to keep our word especially when we're trying to lead a coalition.


HOLMES: Well the house was supposed to begin a debate today on the resolution to reject the Iran deal but those plans apparently running into

problems. While over in the senate the resolution may not come to a vote at all.

Let's bring in CNN Politics reporter, Jeremy Diamond to explain all of this. You know obviously the democrats feel they have the numbers to avoid

a situation where the President even has to use his veto. But we're seeing, I don't know, a rear guard action if you like by some Republicans

claiming that supposed side deals between the IAEA and Iran means they haven't seen the whole agreement so the vote doesn't even have to happen.

Desperation or do you think they have a point?

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, well Ted Cruz was certainly talking about that today after he got off the stage at this - at

this rally.


DIAMOND: He did a little gaggle with reporters in which he was saying listen, we haven't gotten all of the information about this deal so

technically the review period hasn't kicked in. He wouldn't really answer a question when I asked as far as isn't that just playing for more time.

So I think most Republicans understand at this point that their hopes as far as killing the deal are pretty much moot but there are certainly some

who are rallying the base. And listen, today was really less about actually being able to stop the Iran deal, and a lot more about scoring

political points. And Donald Trump and Ted Cruz were certainly able to accomplish that today.

[15:15:14] HOLMES: Yes, tell us a bit more about that Iran rally being held outside on Capitol Hill. I mean when it comes to Donald Trump it's a

usual sort of triumph of rage over actual policy detail. What is it that he objects to `cause everything he seems to raise about the deal, I don't

know is wrong.

DIAMOND: Well, he certainly has some legitimate qualms as far as what most Republicans are saying about this deal which is that it would provide a

windfall of billions and billions of dollars to the Iranian regime as this international sanctions are removed.

He also says that you know it's not being - the enforcement mechanisms aren't strong enough, another common charge by Republicans and other

opponents of this deal. But certainly in the way that he approaches what he would do with it, he suggested that he would police the deal much more

strongly. So that's actually interesting because unlike some of his conservative allies and other conservative Republicans running for

president like Ted Cruz, Donald Trump doesn't actually want to rip up the deal on day one, which is something that Ted Cruz and others have promised

to do if they're elected President.


DIAMOND: So it's very interesting to see Donald Trump say no, you know I don't think that's actually feasible but what I will do is enforce the heck

out of this deal, and certainly try and increase non-nuclear sanctions for example. That's another thing that Republicans are hoping to do as they

move forward and realize that this Iran deal is probably here to say.

HOLMES: Yes, he says he'll look at it like a businessman, he'll look at it as a contract and try to find the loopholes as he would do in the business

world. Jeremy good to see you. Jeremy Diamond there in Washington.

DIAMOND: Thank you.

HOLMES: Well the pilot of a plane that caught fire on the runway in Las Vegas being hailed a hero today.


HOLMES: Chris Kenke boarded the British Airways flight after an engine burst into flames and then directed everyone on board to evacuate.

Dan Simon looks at how terrifying the situation was and how it unfolded.

DAN SIMON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: A terrifying image at the Las Vegas airport as thick black smoke could be seen pouring out of the Boeing

777 just moments after the pilots aborted takeoff.

Witnesses describe a frantic situation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was just shouting at people just run away from the flight, just run as far as you get.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tremendous explosion from behind.

SIMON: the British Airways flight 2276 bound for London Tuesday afternoon with 159 passengers and 13 crew members on board.

You could see many running from the burning aircraft authorities determining it was the left engine that caught fire.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We were just gaining speed to take off and just heard a big thud. I opened up the cover of my window and saw flames on the engine

and we suddenly stopped. We sat still for about a minute just waiting to hear what to do.

SIMON: The pilots and air traffic control showing their professionalism as the frightening situation unfolds.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mayday, Mayday, Speedbird 2276 request fire services.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Speedbird 2276 heavy fire services are on their way.

SIMON: The crew directed everyone to evacuate down the emergency slides. 14 people were taken to a nearby hospital thankfully with only minor

injuries. Fire crews racing to the scene in minutes and quickly putting out the flames.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was pretty scary stuff.


HOLMES: All right now the Kentucky County Clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples will return to work on Friday or

perhaps Monday.


HOLMES: A spokeswoman for her legal team says Kim Davis will spend time with her family after being released from prison. A judge freed Davis on

the condition that she not interfere with the issuing of any marriage licenses.

Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee standing by Davis. He spoke to CNN broadening the debate beyond matrimony in Kentucky.

MIKE HUCKABEE, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: There's a basic misunderstanding of what means to follow the constitution. The

constitution says three branches of government are equal. The basic issue is not even marriage licenses its whether or not we live under judicial

tyranny. Whether we will have as Jefferson warned a country that simply surrenders and capitulates to one of the three branches of Government and

subjugates the other two to servitude.


HOLMES: To a shocking story now from the United States where two young men are in custody accused of trying to kill their own parents.

While police say the motive remains unclear recordings of their mother's emergency call to police reveal the terror that unfolded inside their

suburban home.

Here's CNN's Alina Machado.

DISPATCHER: Gwinnett County 911, what's the location of your emergency?

YVONNE ERVIN: Yes, please send someone to my house, my children are trying to kill me.

[15:2-:06] ALINA MACHADO, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It's a frenzied call for help from a mother who says she and her husband were attacked by

their own sons.

ERVIN: They're trying to strangle us and shoot us and they put Xanax in our food and they thought we would sleep.

MACHADO: Police say Yvonne and Zachary Ervin were beaten inside this home near Atlanta Saturday morning.

They tried to attack us, they beat me up, they beat him up, they're trying to kill us. Please, please, please hurry.

DISPATCHER: OK, your children are 17 and 22?

YVONNE ERVIN: . and 22 yes.

MACHADO: Yvonne tells the dispatcher she was able to escape upstairs to her bedroom after her husband distracted their two sons, Cameron and

Christopher Ervin.

ERVIN: they're in the house, they're trying to attack my husband, he's made it to the garage and he's just trying to blow the horn to distract and

get our neighbors attention. And I was able to get up to the phone and call you.

DISPATCHER: Are you in your room?

ERVIN: Yes I am but I don't know if they're going to find me.

DISPATCHER: What room are you?

ERVIN: I'm in my top upstairs bedroom.

DISPATCHER: And the children are still in the garage?

ERVIN: Yes they're trying to attack my husband, I don't know

DISPATCHER: Do you hear what's going on?

ERVIN: They have a shotgun.

MACHADO: Zachery Ervin told police his 17 year old son Cameron hit him in the head with a shotgun. An officer later found a bloody shotgun on a bed

in a basement bedroom.

According to police documents Cameron Ervin told an officer "just kill me now" adding "I tried to kill my fing parents, who does that?"

In the 911 call Cameron's mother hints at a possible motive for the attack.

ERVINE: I don't know why they've done this, I really don't. I guess they have some - they want the insurance money, I'm not sure.

MACHADO: The call lasts about five minutes and ends with chilling silence.

DISPATCHER: I want you to lock your door OK?

ERVIN: They just - I just heard them say "where did mom go?" They're headed upstairs now.


ERVIN: The police are on their way. The police are on their way.

DISPATCHER: Hello? Hello? Hello ma'am?


MACHADO: Yvonne Ervin is back home tonight. Her husband Zachary who suffered the brunt of the attack is still in the hospital. He is listed in

fair condition. Authorities say the motive behind the attack is still unclear though they do believe both brothers intended to kill their


HOLMES: Alina Machado reporting there. Well Queen Elizabeth has become the longest reigning British Monarch in history.


HOLMES: She's been on the throne now for 63 years and 216 days overtaking her great, great, grandmother, Queen Victoria.

She marked the occasion by opening a railway line in Scotland and was characteristically humble when speaking about her milestone.

QUEEN ELIZABETH: Many including you First Minister have also kindly noted another significant attaching to today. Although it is not one to which I

have ever aspired inevitably a long life can pass by many milestones. My own is no exception. But I think you all, and the many others at home and

overseas for your touching messages of great kindness.


HOLMES: The Queen who is obviously a very spritely 89 years old has seen 12 British Prime Ministers come and go.

Coming up here on the program the future of television is here.


HOLMES: That's according to the CEO of Apple who just finished pushing the company's latest gadgets. We'll look at the lineup, stay with us.




HOLMES: Welcome back everyone. Techies are celebrating the imminent arrival of the new and apparently improved Apple TV.


HOLMES: A little while ago at the Apple event which has been going on for the last few hours, CEO Tim Cook said apps are the future of television.

And that well known disembodied boy, Siri, will be featured in this overhaul system. But that wasn't the only big reveal.


HOLMES: Brian Stelter caught Tim Cook's every word. He comes to us live from New York. Brian, I've been too busy to follow this minute to minute

but it seems like quite a few highlights. Fill us in.


BRIAN STELTER, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely and Apple is trying to show investors and customers that it has a great roadmap

of products ahead in the month to come.

There were no I would say stunning blockbuster announcements, no cars, no helicopters, nothing totally out of this world from Apple even though there

have been some rumors and fantasies that maybe Apple is going to get into some of those business. Maybe an apple car someday, maybe a big screen TV.

For now what they're introducing are improvements to their current products; the iPhone, the iPad and the Apple TV.

The Apple TV very interesting because you know it's this hockey puck shaped box that sits in people's living rooms. They're a couple, you know a

couple tens of millions of them in homes all around the world, but it's not a core feature of Apple. Most people know Apple for its phones and its


The idea that they're trying to make Apple TV a bigger part of their product lineup is pretty significant, adding an app store, also adding

voice integration so you can talk to your TV and find shows that way.

It's a pretty interesting and exciting vision for the future of TV. Although in some ways Apple just catching up to other competitors.

They, as we know, because they are so large they have the power to influence how we watch the future of TV.

HOLMES: I mean - you're exactly right I mean they've been sort of catching up a little bit although it's a pretty cool device. It'll be interesting

to see what is new about it. Also a new iPad I guess and phone as well.

But you raise a good point if you bought Apple stuff this year you'd be under water as we speak right now. And that's all about the competition.

There is still competition for Apple and if they're going to stay ahead they need to innovate, they need that next big thing.

STELTER: And given that stock price that's why there was a lot of anticipation for the announcements today. I think a lot of Apple fans were

very happy about the announcements. The new iPhones for example have some very interesting new features. The harder you press on the screen you'll

have different reactions from your phone now. So if you press on it a certain way you'll get one thing open up, if you press harder you'll be

able to view content right within the window.

There's those sorts of innovations. You'll have to go to the Apple store and see for yourself and then feel for yourself, and then you'll probably

be persuaded to go ahead and buy a new iPhone.

Same thing with the iPad. A new bigger iPad meant partly for business use but I have a feeling some personal customers, some families are going to

want a bigger iPad as well.

You know the lines are increasingly blurring between what a MacBook is and what am iPad is and what an iPhone is and what an Apple watch is.

Increasingly you know you have to have all of them and use them for different features and different tools. That gets you spending even more

thousands of dollars for Apple technology.

But like you mention the competition is stiff, there are others in some cases Samsung and others that have more creative uses of their technology

and so Apple is catching up at the same time it's trying to leapfrog the competition.

HOLMES: Yes you're right. It costs a lot to stay up with the latest big thing. The whole pressing harder thing makes me nervous the way my

daughter goes through iPhone screens.

STELTER: Absolutely. Yes you've got to be careful there. But the idea they call it 3-D touch. It does sound pretty promising you'll be able to

use the phone in a new way. They also introduced a stylus for the ipad. They're not calling a stylus though they're calling it a pencil, a new way

to interact with their device as well.

And of course with the Apple iWatch, with the watches they're promoting, they came out earlier this year, they are improving the features on those

as well. Focusing on healthcare, about keeping track of how your body's doing and things like that. These are in some ways incremental

improvements but there are a lot of them. Apple improving and refreshing its products all across the board.


HOLMES: Excellent. Yes as I say four broken iPhone screens this year. So if it does anything to prevent that with my daughter I am eternally

grateful, thank you Apple. And thank you Brian Stelter, always a pleasure, good to see you my friend.

All right up next we're going to revisit Europe's big plan to handle the massive influx of refugees.


HOLMES: Even if all the EU countries agree to the quotas will it be enough?

And we hear from the young Yazidi girl who says she was enslaved by the leader of ISIS along with the American hostage, Kayla Mueller. That's

coming up in around 10 minutes, stay with us we'll be right back.




HOLMES: Welcome back everyone, drama in the European Parliament on Wednesday. Jean-Claude Juncker calling on EU member countries to welcome

an additional 120,000 refugees.


HOLMES: Anti-migrant members making their presence felt. That's an Italian MEP there wearing a Merkel mask as a political statement of sorts.


HOLMES: Aviation are at least trying to determine why the left engine of a British Airways plane caught fire just before takeoff from Las Vegas.


HOLMES: All 172 people on board were evacuated safely within minutes using the emergency slide. 13 people sent to the hospital with minor injuries.


HOLMES: Prince Ali bin al-Hussein of Jordan says he will run again for the FIFA Presidency, he hopes to succeed Sepp Blatter.


HOLMES: Prince Ali says he is the only candidate with the courage to confront corruption in football's governing body. This will be Prince

Ali's second attempt to win football's top post.


HOLMES: Queen Elizabeth reaching a historic milestone on Wednesday becoming the longest reigning British monarch in history.


HOLMES: She has been on the throne now for 63 years and 216 days and counting overtaking Queen Victoria. She spent the historic day opening a

railway line in Scotland.


HOLMES: Returning now to our top story that is the new plan to deal with Europe's migrant crisis. It will require all EU countries to pitch in and

do a lot more. Fred Pleitgen with the details.


FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: As the European Union continues to grapple with the massive influx of refugees the union is

having problems finding a common voice to address the issue.

Now in a major policy speech the head of the European Commission, Jean- Claude Juncker took the European members to task. He said that at this point in time the European Union is failing to address the issue and he

said that the problem was that there were too little European values, and too little union involved in the current approach. He said that all of the

politicians that are involved should take the plight of the people who are trying to come here to heart and try and put themselves in the shoes of the


JUNCKER: This is not the time to take fright, it's a time of humanity, and of human dignity. We Europeans, all of us I thought before the

interruption. All of us we should remember well that Europe is a continent where nearly everyone has at one time been the refugee.

PLEITGEN: Now of course while his speech was very emotional it also had to be rooted in the realities of European politics and those politics remain

very divided.

Among nations like Germany, also like Austria as well as Italy and Greece who are treating all of this very much as a humanitarian issue and saying

that these refugees are going to come to the European Union in any case and therefore need to be cared for.

And on the other hand nations like many Eastern European countries as well as for instance Denmark and Hungary who are treating this more as a border

control issue and all of these countries problems, and all of these countries concerns needed to be taken into account. And that's what Jean-

Claude Juncker did.

On the one hand he suggested re-distributing about 120,000 refugees to various countries across the European Union and called for mandatory quotas

for taking in refugees.

However the countries that want to be more restrictive on immigration their concerns were talked about as well. He also said that the European Union

needs to do more to fortify and to control its borders to make sure that at least in the long run migration to the European Union is not uncontrolled

but can be better controlled by the countries that are out on the outer fringes of the European Union.

Now on top of all this it became clear in Jean-Claude Juncker's speech that none of these problems are going to be solved unless the flow of migrants

to Europe is solved as well. He said that the European Union also needs to do more to on the one hand try and help solve conflicts like the one in

Syria, like the one in Iraq. But also try to get economic progress going in places in Africa as well.

Fred Pleitgen, CNN, Berlin.


HOLMES: Well a closer look now at today's proposals and how they would apply to Austria, France, Germany, Spain and Sweden.


HOLMES: Now the orange vase there on your screen represent the proposals made in May of this year when Europe was expecting to resettle only about

40,000 people. And in tan you can see how many more people each country is now being asked to take in now that European Leaders have decided to allow

a total of 160,000 asylum seekers and there's probably more yet to come.

To be clear Juncker is asking all of the EU to share more of the responsibility, not just the countries you see there.


HOLMES: Well some argue that these quotas could have unintended consequences specifically encouraging more people to make the dangerous

journey to Europe. Here to discuss that a spokesman for the Director General of the International Organization for Migration, Leonard Doyle

joining me now from Ireland.

And thanks for doing so. You know these numbers really as we say could be just the beginning and as we made that point there in the beginning we said

there's this argument that others will take advantage of what they see as an open door and make that journey. I heard actually from people in

Baghdad who know of people who are not under imminent threat who are packing up and flying to Turkey to head on to Europe.

How much of a fear is that?

LEONARD DOYLE, DIRECTOR GENERAL INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION: Well that's obviously the risk and the danger and that's what's concerned

European policy makers for a long time, and its driven policy. It's made them far more reluctant to bring people in than they should have been.


DOYLE: But a little bit like watching a fire in a building and you say well don't worry it'll go out, now they're seeing the whole building erupt

in flames, and they're saying we've got to do something about this. Indeed its public opinion that's tell them.

So we've had a huge lack of leadership in Europe and finally we're seeing some. We're seeing some terrific greatest leadership today but it's really

been driven by public opinion saying enough is enough.

HOLMES: Yes, we heard the EU's Jean-Claude Juncker speaking of human dignity and fairness. You haven't really seen that in all European

countries have you?

DOYLE: No but at the end of the day this is a Union and the Union is made up of many different parts. In this case its 28 parts and Europe always

goes in fits and starts. It always takes time to wrap itself around a project, there's always going to be resistance. But in time, and with good

leadership they get there. And we're seeing it now. We're seeing it with Angela Merkel and with Hollande in France. And we're seeing that you know

the motor force of Europe is driving forward now and is going to ensure - that hopefully ensure that there is a proper solution, a dignified solution

to this burning crisis.

HOLMES: And when we talk about the crisis, migrants and refugees, it is both it's important to say. But when it comes to the refugees in Europe,

they are getting all the headlines at the moment but it is always important to remember those in the region who haven't had the resources or the

ability to leave those in Lebanon of course and Jordan and Turkey, and Iraq for that matter.

What are you concerns about what is being done or what is not being done for them at the moment in terms of helping their situations?

DOYLE: Well I think there's the recognition that many people in Syria feel under imminent threat from - imminent threat of their life from the terror

of ISIS, and that's why they're leaving. So there will clearly have to be a lot more attention to solving the problem whether militarily or

politically in Syria and indeed in Iraq.

At the same time the people who are already being accommodated in Lebanon and Jordan, vast number, 4 million, will need proper support for the

winter. This can be a very tough winter on them and they will need proper winterized shelter, food, schools, everything that you need. These people

are as entitled to support to those who take the risk and the journey and make it to Germany, and make it to Europe.

I mean Europe I think is waking up a little bit too late but it's not completely too late.


HOLMES: And of course there is also the argument that those who are making it to Europe are those with the means to do so and that those in places

like Lebanon and Jordan are simply the more poverty stricken ones. Are you concerned that when this dreadful situation is over, it will end at some

point, whatever is going to be left of Syria the brain drain - the sheer wealth of people who have left Syria who's going to rebuild the country?

Do you worry about that?

[15:40:03] DOYLE: Well I think when people flee conflict they flee for a very clear and innate reason that they flee for their lives.

These people tend not to want to go.


DOYLE: They have kids and their family, they have links, they want to stay in their countries of origin. It's often taken out as a kind of - as an

excuse that these people simply want to come and enjoy life in Germany. When they don't speak German to begin with, they don't know the culture,

they won't be able to be employed easily. Most of them are more than happy to stay where they are if it's safe. And the point is to make it safe.

Whether they are poor or wealthy is immaterial when you're a refugee. Whether you are Christian or Islamic, it doesn't matter. Jean-Claude

Juncker said today religion does not enter into the picture when it comes to protection of refugees and nor does wealth.

HOLMES: Leonard Doyle with the International Organization for Migration. Thanks, a dreadful situation continuing. Thanks so much.




HOLMES: Welcome back everyone. Amid the fighting in Syria one man of course sits at the head of ISIS. We've heard very little really about Abu

Bakr Al Baghdadi on a personal level until now.


HOLMES: CNN's Atika Shubert spent time with the young Yazidi girl who calls herself Zeinat here is her incredible story.

ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: In 2014 Kurdish, Iraqi and U.S. troops rescued thousands of Yazidi's in a dramatic airlift

caught on CNN cameras.

Thousands of others were captured. Yazidi women and children parceled out as slaves to ISIS fighters.

One year on, this young Yazidi girl tells CNN she was enslaved but not just by any ISIS fighter, this man, ISIS leader, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi.

She instantly recognizes Kayla Mueller, the young American aid worker killed in ISIS captivity. They shared a cell together she says both slaves

of the caliphate.

We sat down with Zeinat an assumed name at a safe location. She described how she was handpicked from among hundreds of captured Yazidi women.

ZEINAT: (As translated) the first time he came I was sitting and crying. He came close to me and called over the man who was in charge of the house.

When I stood up he looked at me and told the guard, take this girl away and put her to the side.

SHUBERT: Zeinat said she began work as a slave girl in the Baghdadi household cleaning up after and cooking for his three wives and six

children. She was just 15.

The family was constantly on the move. Just days after she arrived Zeinat says an airstrike destroyed the house next door. Eventually Zeinat tried

to escape with another girl.

ZEINAT: They would lock us in and one night we got the key and unlocked the door. At this time we were six girls. We ran and ran. After 3km we

saw a house just outside Aleppo, in a village and there was an Arab woman. She said she would help us, but then she called Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi.

[15:45:16] SHUBERT: They were punished she says, beaten with a belt, the garden hose and a plank of wood dislocating her elbow. The last blows

delivered by Baghdadi himself.

What did he say to you when he hit you?

ZEINAT: Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi told us we beat you because you ran away from us. We chose you to convert our religion, we chose you. You belong to the

Islamic state.

SHUBERT: Where did he hit you. This is when she met Kayla she says, locked in the same cell.

This when she met Kayla she says locked in the same cell.

ZEINAT: The first time I entered the room I saw Kayla. I asked how did you come here and she said ISIS, they captured me and I told her I am a

Yazidi girl from Sinjar and I was captured by (inaudible).

After that we stayed together and became like sisters.

SHUBERT: One day she, Kayla and another Yazidi girl were moved to the home of a high ranking fighter by the name of Abu Sayyaf.

Shortly after she says Baghdadi came to visit. He called for Kayla.

ZEINAT: When Kayla came back to us we asked her why are you crying? And Kayla told us Baghdadi said I am going to marry you by force, you are going

to be my wife. If you refuse, I will kill you.

She was telling me everything. She wasn't hiding anything from me. Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, rapped me, that's what she told me.

SHUBERT: How many times did this happen?

ZEINAT: Four times.

SHUBERT: Four times that you know of. Did he ever rape you as well?

ZEINAT: Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi told us I did this to Kayla and what I did to Kayla I will do to you.

SHUBERT: Zeinat and a younger girl plotted their escape.

ZEINAT: I told Kayla to escape with me but Kayla refused and she said if I escape they will behead me.

SHUBERT: She says she waited until 1am and pushed open a broken window in their room. After a harrowing three hours she says they made it to a

village and one man agreed to smuggle both girls out.

ZEINAT: At the time I didn't know it was Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi but when I escaped I saw him on T.V. and I heard his voice. I could not have imagined

it would be the leader of ISIS. I was so frightened, he could have killed me.

SHUBERT: There is no way for CNN to independently confirm Zeinat's story but she says she has spoken to U.S. investigators including details of

Baghdadi's daily routine, how he woke up at 10am, went to bed at midnight, and had no phones for fear of being traced, relying on others to relay


What kind of a man was Baghdadi? Was he ever, ever kind to you?

ZEINAT: No, he was always evil. There were no kind words.

SHUBERT: She says she hopes some piece of information however small, will lead to the downfall of the man who once called her his slave.

Atika Shubert, CNN.


HOLMES: And we will be right back.



HOLMES: Welcome back. Britain has been celebrating Queen Elizabeth who has become the country's longest reigning monarch.


HOLMES: Her 63 year reign has seen 12 British Prime Ministers, 12 U.S. Presidents and 7 popes come and go and landmarks in the U.K. were keen to

let the world know about the achievement. This was the BT Tower in London.

[15:50:02] In scenes reminiscent of her Diamond Jubilee Celebrations in 2012 a flotilla of boats passed down the River Thames.

And the bells of Westminster Abbey also told, that is the venue where the Queen married Prince Philip, back in 1947 and where her coronation took

place in 1953.


HOLMES: Elizabeth has outlasted her great great grandmother, Queen Victoria as the longest serving monarch and while the two reigns came

during two very different times, there are still some striking similarities between them. Nick Glass explains.


NICK GLASS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: So many images, so many waves, so much animation. Britain's recent (island) story is unimaginable

without Elizabeth just as the 19th century was unimaginable without Victoria, that's her under the parasol although her image was rather


The Queen only has to step out onto her own balcony of Buckingham Palace to be reminded of her great, great grandmother. Victoria reigned for 63

years, 7 months and 2 days. It all began rosily for both of them. Victoria became queen at a girlish 18 was livelier in those early portraits

than in photos Elizabeth game to the throne at 25, almost overnight a cover girl of film star glamour. Both women married cousins. Victoria chose

Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg Gothe, Elizabeth knows the painting well, it's in the royal collection.

She of course married Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark. With nine children Victoria presented the royal family as a model of domestic virtue.

Elizabeth tried to do much of the same with some success until three of her four children married and divorced. One profound difference between the

two reigns is visibility.

Victoria was the first British Queen ever photographed. Widowed at 42, she then famously retreated for many years from public life. A magazine from

1900 illustrated some of her rare outings and here she's seen in a wheelchair. She was by then 80 and in the last year of her life.

At 89 Elizabeth is still very much out and about along with Philip aged 94 meetings friends and allies, simply doing her job.

Victoria ended her life as figurehead of the largest, wealthiest, most aggressively powerful empire in the world. She was revered, she lent her

name to the age.

Elizabeth's realm is obviously diminished but her reign has given continuity help make the Monarchy a viable institution and she's evidently

cherished. In her latest portrait she's reading official Government papers, still very much at work.

Nick Glass, CNN, London.


HOLMES: And now for more on Queen Elizabeth's impact over the six plus decades I'm joined from New York by CNN Royal commentator Victoria Arbiter.

Always good to see you Victoria.

A milestone for the British Monarchy but you know the monarch herself pretty much playing it down. In some ways this is a time of mourning for

her rather than celebration.

VICTORIA ARBITER, CNN ROYAL COMMENTATOR: Well really I think it's a time of reflection and yes as you said it was an understated day for her.


ARBITER: Elizabeth first of all is not interested in competing with her ancestors. She would think it very uncouth and undignified to be seen to

be celebrating the demise of Victoria which in turn has allowed her to have the longest reign. But also Elizabeth's own reign began upon the death of

her father and so really today she's thinking back on her reign, probably reflecting on her own achievements, remembering her father, and I think the

celebrations are really going to kick in for her 90th birthday next year.

HOLMES: Royal families are never short of a scandal and she sort of had to preside over her share during her decades on the throne. Never her, often

the offspring however and their descendants, but she has always handled that with such (inaudible) and dignity hasn't she.

ARBITER: She really has. She's an accomplished Diplomat and for the most part while she has had a couple of dips in her own popularity probably most

famously around the time of Diana's death, she's managed to stay on a pretty even keel. Of course the press are quick to blame her when

something goes wrong within the family, the 90s was a tumultuous time because of all the scandals hitting her children. Prince Andrew in recent

months has had some difficulty with his own reputation.

[15:55:07] But overall, I think the public hold the Queen in great affection and she's managed to really maintain a level of popularity unlike

any other member of the royal family.

HOLMES: Yes, I don't there'd be many of us who would not give much to be as on the ball as she is at the age of 89 or even get there. But you know

there are plenty of those who say that you know at this age why hasn't she abdicated and given the throne over to her son, so there'd be a King

Charles. Why do you think that is?

ARBITER: Well, it's really very simple. Elizabeth is a devoutly religious woman and when she took her oath she took it before God in Westminster

Abbey. She vowed to serve all the days of her life, she rededicated herself to the country and the people at the time of her Diamond Jubilee.

Even on her 21st birthday she gave an address while she was on tour in South Africa at which time she promised to serve all the days of her life

whether they be long or short. And she intends to carry that promise out.

Of course should something happen and she became diminished in terms of her mental capacity or physically then that issue would be readdressed. But

certainly for now she's in robust health, she's very strong, it's an unrelenting calendar the Royal calendar, and she continues to show up and

do what she's promised to do and she's vowed to serve. And so I wouldn't expect to see her step aside at all.

HOLMES: I've only got time for one more question so I'll do what most anchors do and turn it into two questions. What would be next for her and

do you think this is a record that'll ever be broken?

ARBITER: No, I don't think this is a record that will ever be broken. We've already got three Kings in waiting in the sidelines so it would take

a unforeseen catastrophe in order for us to see another record like this.

In terms of what's next; she's got the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Malta in November, she's passionate about the Commonwealth, she

will be there. And I wouldn't count her out just yet. Remember those good jeans. In 2022 she'll be 95 years old, there may be room for one more

first and she could be the first reigning monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee. I hope so.


HOLMES: Yes, you and I both wish to be like her at the age of (96). Victoria Arbiter, our thanks as always, appreciate it.

ARBITER: Thank you very much.

HOLMES: All right, this has been the World Right Now, thanks for watching, I'm Michael Holmes, Quest Means Business is up next. I'll see you in an

hour with Amra Walker with CNN Today