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Hala Gorani Tonight

Trump Refuses to Back Down; Swiss Officials Boost Security; Tunisians Awarded This Year's Nobel Peace Prize. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired December 10, 2015 - 15:00   ET




HALA GORANI, HOST: Tonight Donald Trump refuses to back down.


GORANI: The controversial candidate is standing firm and he's even issuing a threat to his own party. We'll tell you about that.

Plus on alert, Swiss officials boost security. The hunt for terror suspects moved to Geneva today.

And Tunisians are awarded this year's Nobel Peace Prize. How that country's fragile democracy, though, remains under threat.

And awards season is kicking into full gear. The Golden Globes nominations are announced.


GORANI: Hello, everyone, I'm Hala Gorani, we're live at CNN London and this is "The World Right Now."


GORANI: This is a quote from Donald Trump. "Certainly all options are open." He is issuing a not-so-subtle threat to the Republican party after

that widespread criticism that came after his controversial proposal to ban all Muslims from entering America.


GORANI: He says he would consider running for President as an independent even though he signed a pledge not to. He told CNN's Don Lemon that

Republicans must treat him with "a certain amount of decorum and respect", or he says he may switch loyalties.

DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think it's highly unlikely unless they break the pledge to me because it's two-way street.

DON LEMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: What does that mean?

TRUMP: They said they will be honorable. So far I can't tell you if they are but the establishment is not exactly being very good to me. But I'm

leading in every poll by a lot. It looks like I'm going to win. My whole life has been about winning. I'm not - I'm not, like, so many of the other

people that you talk to that are essentially losers.

GORANI: All right. Not mincing his words once again. After all, it's what his supporters like. Trump returns to the campaign trail today for the

first time since calling for a total ban on Muslims entering the U.S.

At first, his campaign said it would apply to all Muslims, including tourists, but Trump now says exceptions would be made for athletes,

diplomats, and others. Don Lemon asked him point blank about some harsh allegations.

LEMON: Are you racist?

TRUMP: I am the least racist person that you have ever met. I am the least racist person.

LEMON: Are you bigoted in any way?

TRUMP: I don't think so. No. I don't think so.

LEMON: Islamophobic?

LEMON: I'm a person -- no, not at all. I am a person who happens to be very smart and I happen to have a certain street sense and I know where things

are going.


GORANI: Some of Trump's fellow Republicans apparently disagree. One of his presidential rivals even called him a xenophobic bigot. There's a real fear

that he could do damage to the Republican brand, even. Even Dick Cheney, by the way, of course, as we know the Bush administration Vice President there

said that he felt that Donald Trump was going too far.

Let's get more now from CNN political director, David Chalian. David, before I get to you, first of all the "New York Times" CBS poll, these are

the latest figures we have.


GORANI: Trump is leading very much with 35%. Cruz is at 16%, followed by Ben Carson in third position, Rubio at 9%, Rand Paul at 4%. To be clear

with our viewers, most of the people were asked before these comments by Donald Trump about shutting out all the Muslims from America but some of

them were asked after he made those comments.


GORANI: Is he going to - is he going to win this Republican nomination?

DAVID CHALIAN, CNN POLITICAL DIRECTOR: Well, that's -- the million-dollar question. I don't know Hala --

GORANI: We like asking those.

CHALIAN: -- who will ultimately be the winner but he is in poll position right now and I don't mean just the polls.


CHALIAN: He is a dominant force in this race. The entire Republican nomination race has been shaped by Donald Trump. And so when he puts out a

proposal like he did on Monday to ban all Muslims from coming into the United States, that dominates the entire week of campaign coverage.

Whatever message that Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz wanted to talk about gets wiped out because it just becomes -- he thrives on this kind of

controversial moment and it rallies his supporters. They love it because they see the entire Republican establishment, the media, what have you,

push back against him and that just emboldens Trump supporters.


GORANI: So, now let me ask you about the Democrats here. In poll position there of course is Hillary Clinton.


GORANI: Is the Hillary Clinton camp watching this and saying "please, please let it be Donald Trump, we can beat him hands down"? Or are they

concerned at this stage?

CHALIAN: I think from a raw political calculus they would love to run against Donald Trump because they just don't believe Donald Trump can win a

national election. So what they're also loving, though, and Hillary Clinton makes this very clear in her remarks on the campaign trail, they're trying

to take everything Donald Trump says and then use it to paint the entire Republican field as just more of Donald Trump.


CHALIAN: Hillary Clinton says this on the trail. And so they're trying to use -- this is what the Republican Party is fearful of. The Clinton folks

are trying to use Trump's controversial remarks to damage the Republican Party brand overall. That is why the establishment is so fearful of him

being the standard bearer.

GORANI: But is it damaging the brand, David? I mean that's the good question. Because he's saying these outrageous racist things in many cases.

Is it damaging all candidates regardless? because he is setting the agenda here.

CHALIAN: We don't know how much the Republican Party brand, I think, which is low right now, too, as is the Democratic party, politicians, of course,

are not popular at all, neither are the political parties. But we do - we will see once their -- once we're past this Republican nomination process

and it's a one on one battle between the Democrat and the Republican, we -- that is when we're going to be able to assess just how much damage the

Trump phenomenon caused.

Now, it may be Trump that's the nominee, of course, but if it's not I think we'll see what the hangover effect is.


CHALIAN: It is clearly doing some damage. You don't need to look at poll numbers to know this. Because you don't have Dick Cheney and Paul Ryan and

every establishment or Republican and every other Republican on the stage that is competing against Donald Trump come out in one fell swoop to

denounce this kind policy if they thought that there wasn't going to be a spillover effect.

GORANI: All right, David Chalian, thanks very much. Appreciate your time. Good talking to you.

CHALIAN: My pleasure.

GORANI: We will connect with you soon. We've heard a lot of blistering criticism of Trump, but ahead in the program his supporters will get their

turn to explain why they're backing his candidacy. Interesting to our international viewers who ask us this very often in fact. His controversial

call on a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. as well - how was it received by his supporters, listen here to a bit of a preview.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Islam, if you read the Quran or the (inaudible) they are in conflict with our constitution. What he is trying to do is put the

burden on congress to step up to the plate where our President who doesn't seem willing to -- to stand up and say, look, we need a process in place

that's going to protect American citizens.


GORANI: There you have a Trump supporter who says he knows the Quran well enough to know that Muslims wouldn't be able to integrate themselves

practicing Muslims in the United States. Don't miss CNNs special panel discussion with Trump supporters coming up at the half hour.

Now, let's talk a little bit more about the terror alert across Europe. It's now in the news in Geneva, Switzerland. The city is on high alert.


GORANI: The security is being ramped up at the U.N's Headquarters there, among other places as a source tells CNN that police are conducting a

manhunt for five suspects who might be connected to last month's terrorist attacks in Paris.

Police say they suspect they're part of a network led by this man, Mourad Fares, who is believed to have recruited one of the suicide bombers for the

Bataclan theater attack where 90 people were murdered. Let's get more on what these latest developments mean.


GORANI: CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank is right here in London. Hi, Paul. Let's talk about Geneva. So what is the link with this terrorist

investigation into the terrorist attacks?

PAUL CRUICKSHANK, CNN TERRORISM ANALYST: Well it's actually one step removed from the Paris attack because this group that may or may not be in

Geneva that they're looking for, were recruited by Mourad Fares, to go to Syria back in 2013, so quite a long time ago.


CRUICKSHANK: Not specifically to launch that attack but to go to Syria. So there is that kind of connection one step removed to the Paris attacks. So

a lot of concerns, authorities were really rattled in Geneva today. The information came in we understand from U.S Intelligence agencies that there

a group of up to five individuals plotting some kind of attack potentially in Switzerland, in Geneva, but also potentially in the United States

against American cities. So some pretty vague information coming in to the Swiss from their U.S. counterparts.


CRUICKSHANK: After Paris, intelligence services clearly to take all these kind of threats and intelligence assessments very, very seriously so

they're chasing this down. They don't know whether these individuals are in Switzerland, are in Geneva or not. But clearly they want to find them.

They've ramped up security in the city at the United Nations. There was going to be a meeting tomorrow between the Brits and the Americans and the

Russians and others, a crucial meeting -

GORANI: -- on Syria.


CRUICKSHANK - on Syria, they appear according to local media to have moved the location to a secret venue because of this in Geneva. Also concern

about the Jewish community there.

Local media reporting that yesterday there was a car with Belgian plates that approached a checkpoint and then sped away.


CRUICKSHANK: That has clearly ratted them as well give than so many Paris attackers have been based in Belgium so they've put out an alert. The

Jewish community --

GORANI: -- and there are checks at the border between - I mean obviously but Switzerland does its own checks but you can't check every car. You

certainly can't go through with a fine tooth comb in the way you would want in these cases.

Let's talk -- I was very interested in talking with you about this third identified Bataclan terrorist. We're talking about this man, Fouad Mohamed

Aggad, a 23-year-old. Now, he left in 2013, I believe, to Syria with a large group, according to French reports, of his friends from Strasburg.


GORANI: Many of those returned, some were killed in Syria but he stayed there. This was a large group, many of which - of whom were detained. So

was this a really missed opportunity to gather some intelligence perhaps?

CRUICKSHANK: Well French authorities knew that he was still in Syria or Iraq somewhere. What they just didn't know and his family didn't know is

that he had returned to France all the way to launch this attack at the Bataclan. He'd originally been recruited in 2013 by Mourad Fares, who was

based in the Geneva area, but there was a meeting in Lyon. So it was a personal recruitment where they were encouraged to go and travel to Syria.

He told his own mother, we understand from one of the lawyers, that he wanted to become a suicide bomber in Iraq. So the family were expecting him

to blow himself up in Iraq, they never suspected that he'd come all the way back to France to launch this attack.

GORANI: This is information he was sharing with his mother? "Mom, I'd like to become a suicide bomber in Iraq"? I mean it's just surreal - it's


CRUICKSHANK: It's surreal and clearly you know when French authorities would have - would have learned of this they wouldn't necessarily thought

he was then going to come all the way back. But that's clearly the concern.

With all these European extremists that have traveled, more than 6,000 have traveled to Syria and Iraq joining groups like ISIS, the worry is about all

the people coming back. More than 1500 they know about, that's just the ones they know about. This is an unprecedented security threat now.

GORANI: And this Fouad Mohamad Aggad, he had an older brother Kareem Aggad, he came back, he spent some months in jail. I mean it appears as though now

looking back it was a year of planning, of cross-border drives with weapons and individuals. I mean there was a lot going on right under the noses here

of intelligence agencies all around Europe including Greece, including other countries in Europe.

CRUICKSHANK: And don't forget, that the first part of the Paris plot actually played out in Belgium in January of this year. Commandos went into

a safe house, they killed two ISIS gunmen that had come back, Belgian ISIS operatives. They arrested another. That was Abdelhamid Abaaoud led plot.

That was the first wave of this.


CRUICKSHANK: Then this group of French and Belgian fighters in Syria planning a range of plots and attack against France, including against that

train in the summer, against churches. And you know Hala, they're still doing that right now, they're upping the tempo. There are more attacks

European intelligence fears that are in the pipeline.

GORANI: I want to tell our viewers what they're seeing. This is the third identified Bataclan attacker. By the way it took them three weeks to

identify him with DNA. He blew himself up, grim, grim work I'm sure there as well for investigators trying to identify this individual.


GORANI: Thanks very much Paul Cruickshank, we appreciate it.

Of course people are showing resilience in the face of terror and not the least, Paul you may have seen this, Madonna. Madonna apparently surprised

fans in Paris with an impromptu performance at Place de la Republique where we've spent so many days reporting on this tragic - on the tragic events.

Take a listen.



GORANI: All right, so Paul, I don't know -- I wasn't there but I do wonder if she had security there because I'm surprised she's not being completely

mobbed here. I don't know maybe she did a little bit further out. After a concert earlier in the night she tweeted that she would go there so people

had some warning. Parisians had set up a makeshift memorial following the Paris attacks there. There you have it.

Well done to Madonna, for that. This is "The World Right Now."


GORANI: Coming up, Australian police arrest their youngest-ever terrorism suspect.


GORANI: He is just a schoolboy. The details ahead.






GORANI: To Australia now where a 15-year-old schoolboy has become the country's youngest ever terror suspect to be arrested.

He was allegedly planning attacks on government in buildings, including federal police headquarters in Sydney. And as CNN's Kristie Lu Stout shows

us, he was not apparently the only one.


KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Multiple counterterror raids across Sydney targeting five young suspects accused of plotting

deadly attacks in Australia. The youngest of those charged, a 15-year-old high school student.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's sad, that he - just shocking.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's been arrested on terror charges.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Seriously? No way.

LU STOUT: The schoolboy was 14 at the time of the alleged offenses and he is now Australia's youngest person ever to be charged with terror offenses.

CATHERINE BURN, DEPUTY POLICE COMMISSIONER, NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE: We are charging a 15-year-old with a very, very serious offense. This is an

offense that has a maximum of life imprisonment.

LU STOUT: Police say the five suspects are part of a radicalized group which had the capability and the intent to carry out attacks planned on

specific government buildings, including the police headquarters in Sydney. Today's raids are part of Australia's operation Applebee terror information

which started last year.

The country has been on high alert following a series of terror-linked incidents including a siege on a Sydney cafe last December, where two

people and gunman (inaudible) were killed after a 16-hour hostage standoff.

And in October, a police accountant was killed after a gunman opened fire outside a Sydney police station.

Christie Lu Stout, CNN.


GORANI: From Australia, let's take you to a case that has captivated India. A regional court has overturned the conviction of a Bollywood star in a

deadly hit-and-run.

Sumnima Udas explains why some say justice for the victim has been denied.


SUMNIMA UDAS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: In one of his blockbuster films released early this year, Saman Hahn lip syncing "tonight the party's

on me." For millions of his fans in India and abroad, tonight it surely will be.

After facing a 13-year-long case for his alleged involvement in the fatal hit-and-run incident back in 2002, the Bombay high court has overturned the

Bollywood mega star's conviction.


AMIT DESAI, DEFENSE LAYWER: Well I think it's a -- at the end of the day it's a professionally satisfying outcome for me and obviously for where the

client is concerned it's a great relief after 13 years of journey that he has gone through. The court has held in his favor on all the - all the

issues that have been raised.

UDAS: The judge concluded there was not enough evidence to suggest Kahn was driving the SUV that ran over five homeless people sleeping on the pavement

in Mumbai. One of them died.

Given that there are so many unknowns in this case, the benefit of doubt has been given to the accused, reads the judgment. This comes as a

surprise, overturning a verdict by a lower court in May which convicted Kahn of culpable homicide and sentenced him to five years in jail.

After the high court's decision, he tweeted "I accept the decision of the judiciary with humility." Often dubbed the Tom Cruise or George Clooney of

India, Kahn has been an action hero, heart throb, and is considered one of the most altruistic celebrities in India. Starring in over 80 films, he's

the leading man in at least three out of the top ten grossing movies in the history of Indian cinema.

But on social media today, many are saying the mighty and rich have won again and justice has been denied. "Lesson from (inaudible) verdict, when

you sleep on the pavement, don't dare dream of justice from Indian courts" reads this tweet.

Victory or mockery of the justice system? At this stage there's no way of knowing what actually happened that night, who was behind the wheel but the

victims' family already saying they don't actually care who goes to jail, they are so poor they just want someone to help them. In the meantime, the

prosecution has said they're considering an appeal. So this Bollywood saga is still far from over.

Sumnima Udas, CNN, New Delhi.


GORANI: Coming up, Hollywood's award season kicks off.


GORANI: We'll have the nominated films, the latest buzz and someone might be hoping that this means he'll finally win a coveted Oscar. We'll be right







GORANI: The Golden Globe nominations are out. There's a mixed bag of movies leading the pack. Take a look at one of the nominees.



GORANI: "Carol" is the story of romance between two women in 1950s New York when that type of thing just wasn't made public, it wasn't accepted. It

takes the top spot with five awards up for grabs.

Leading stars Cate Blanchet and Rooney Mara are both nominated. There are three movies, including "The Revenant" starring Leonardo di Caprio come

close behind with four nominations each. Let's get more on the stars of the movies and this whole nomination.


GORANI: Kicking off awards season. Jeanne Wolf is a reporter in Hollywood and she joins me now.

Let's talk about "Carol" first of all. Because it's gotten great reviews. I saw it a few days ago. Really great performances from the two main

actresses and it looks like really a leading contender.

JEANNE WOLF, HOLLYWOOD JOURNALIST: Yeah. It definitely is a leading contender. And you'd think it would be a very controversial stay away from

this subject film but from even before it came out people because it's Cate Blanchet people talked about - and talked about its chances.


WOLF: I hope you found it as romantic and as gentle, as sizzling as I and so many other people did. It's a very stylized film. And Cate Blanchet to

me can do anything. She's also got another film out this year, "Truth" where she gives an extraordinary performance. Cate is an astounding actress

and you know just a very down-to-earth person.

GORANI: So you thought Jeanne that it wasn't as romantic as you would have wanted it or did I miss hear you?

WOLF: Oh, no, no, I - No, you - I didn't say it right. It was very romantic. Very steamy. But very -- built upon itself and you know kind of a

love at first site but you know kind of eased into the whole relationship. They tiptoe toward each other.

GORANI: They sure did.

WOLF: And Rooney Mara -


GORANI: I didn't find it that steamy, to be honest, but I thought it was a great movie, beautifully shot. So stylized. Let's talk about poor Leonardo

Di Caprio. He's spent his whole acting career, I'm sure, hoping for an Oscar, he's never won one.


GORANI: This is a very, very grueling -- it was a difficult role for him as a frontiersman abandoned by his sort of colleagues in very rugged terrain

and then left for dead and then seeking revenge.

He had to suffer through it. I wonder if this is going to be it for him.

WOLF: Oh, a lot of people think it will be it for him. He does suffer through it. He did go through a lot. And there was so much talk about the

movie, they couldn't find snow and how hard it was on him.

But Leonardo hasn't himself said that he's dying for an award but other people are hoping for him. If he wins this award it will not only be for

this achievement in this extraordinary film but for all the times that he wasn't acknowledged or all the great work he's done up until now. Leo is

very respected. He's a very serious actor and a good colleague on a film even though he likes to play off screen.

GORANI: Yes, no, he's a wonderful actor. And by the way I shouldn't put words in his mouth. He's never said he wanted it.


GORANI: Maybe he doesn't. What stood out for you as well apart from those two nominations in this year's crop?

WOLF: Well, there are so many movies that I suggest people see. "Room." not an easy movie to take but very different. Brie Larson and the young boy

that -- who's now eight who acts with her are extraordinary.


WOLF: To me making Michael Fassbender in "Steve Jobs" is amazing. "Spotlight" is right up there with "Carol" in terms of people predicting

that it will be the winner. There are -- there are just great performances this year. "The Big Short," "Joy," "The Martian" which was for the Golden

Globes put in the comedy category is probably the most popular film that's been nominated this year and probably the one the general public has seen

the most there's such a wide range.



WOLF: "The Danish Girl" with Eddie Redmayne and Alicia Vikander, is such a very moving, very different, very - what an achievement. Eddy Redmayne, you

know that it's a story of an artist who wants to turn into a woman. He says that transvestite community really supported him.

And then the surprise, Alicia Vikander who plays his wife in the movie in a very unique part was also nominated for one of my favorite films, "Ex-

machina" where she plays a robot.

So the Golden Globe, a lot of these movies haven't opened or they're barely opened and what happens is people are curious and maybe they go buy tickets

and maybe they sample you know this wide range of films.

GORANI: It's good promo for the films. Jeanne Wolf, thanks very much joining us from Los Angeles. We'll be right back.




GORANI: Welcome back. A look at our top stories. In Geneva, Switzerland, the city is on high alert. Police are out in force today as sources tell -




AMARA WALKER, CNN HOST: All right, so I'm going to pick it up from here in Atlanta, I'm Amara Walker. We're going to turn now to our top story. The

U.S Republican Candidate Donald Trump hitting the campaign trail for the first time since calling for a ban on Muslims entering the United States.

It is just the latest in a series of controversial remarks, but for Trump well it seems to be electoral rocket fuel.


CNN's Alisyn Camerota asked some of his supporters, what's the appeal.


ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Next topic, the truth and Donald Trump's relationship with the truth. Much has been made about how he

exaggerates claims. But let's just talk about some of the examples of whether or not he was telling the truth.

Tony, I'll start with you, so he said that on 9/11 there were thousands and thousands of people in New Jersey celebrating, yes (inaudible) proven not

to be true.

(TONY) Well, I think what he actually said was that he was in Jersey City, Jersey, on 9/11 and, yes, like you said he saw thousands of people

celebrating but he didn't get into specifics. Did he see it on T.V celebrating? Did he look out the window and see them celebrating?

CAMEROTA: Sure, but either way, there weren't thousands and thousands of people celebrating in New Jersey. Everybody -


(TONY) It was a lot of people -- in Manhattan alone there were over a dozen that was arrested because they were celebrating.

CAMEROTA: People have made the point, (Pauly), that eight people celebrating on a roof top in New Jersey is different than thousands and

thousands. And in fact the Attorney General for New Jersey, the Mayor of Paterson, the police chief of Jersey City have said "we were on guard, it

did not happen." So are you comfortable with Donald Trump's relationship with the truth?

(PAULY): I'm 100% comfortable with it. When San Bernardino happened, it's the first terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11, let me tell you

something, it brought back a lot of bad memories for all of us, OK? Especially New Yorkers.

I'm a New Yorker I watched as those towers were coming down, OK? And 9/11 to me, I don't care about upsetting a few Muslims or upsetting a few people

OK, because when I think of 9/11 everyday, OK, I think of the firemen's faces, the looks on their faces as they were running into the towers to

save people. OK, they were rushing towards death, OK? And I think - I think of all of the little boys and the little girls, OK, that lost their heroes

that morning, their moms and their dads. I think of that, OK? That's what I care about and that's what Donald Trump cares about.

I think of all the wives and the moms and dads that for probably weeks and months and years or maybe even today are still crying themselves to sleep.

That's what 9/11 means to us so I couldn't care less about a few Muslims or a few people that are upset. I couldn't care less about people saying they

don't like Donald Trump's tone, OK. We need a true leader in this country and Donald Trump is that leader.


WALKER: Some strong opinions there. Well the more controversial Trump gets, the more headlines he makes and, of course, the more people seem to be

getting behind his campaign as you just saw there. To help break down the phenomenon, we're joined via Skype by John Zogby, the founder of Zogby


John, great to have you on the program. I want to point out this poll to you this is from CBS news but this is one that was conducted before Trump's

comments about banning Muslims from entering the United States. And it shows he has some really strong -- some of the highest levels of support he

has seen amongst his Republican primary supporters.


WALKER: Can you explain this phenomenon and how this is happening? And his continual staying power? He's thriving.

JOHN ZOGBY, FOUNDER OF ZOGBY POLL: Sure, there are three things that I think that are going on. And incidentally, I've taken a poll completely

after his most recent remarks about Muslims and I have him at 38%, the highest I've had him at.


ZOGBY: But I think number one this is a coalition of Americans who are losing ground both economically and in terms of just being fearful and

insecure. A lot of them are white people and we've been talking about the angry white voter now for three decades.


ZOGBY: It seems to all be congealing all at once. Number two, there's a real frustration with I think how government does not work and how

politicians don't work or as you just played in your CNN segment how politicians lie rather than get things done.

Donald Trump seems to be straight talking and telling the truth and I think the third thing that's going on is this was inevitable. You have the

marriage, the kind of confluence of celebrity culture and politics now. Here's a guy who knows how to not just simply get media attention but

dominate media attention. Who's talking about the fact that the President of the United States addressed the nation Sunday night? Everybody's talking

about Donald Trump's comments on Monday night and his numbers are going up.

WALKER: Well, there's something about the shock factor to be said about that and the fact that people are talking about it, right? Can we talk

about the sheer numbers though John? I mean when we talk about the number of people who actually support this kind of rhetoric and

thinking which has been racist, as some would say you masochistic, we've also heard his comments against Mexicans.


WALKER: I think the Republican - the registered Republican voters are somewhere between 25% and 30% and there's another percentage of that that

is actually supporting Trump. How many are we talking about here? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands?

ZOGBY: No, I mean basically what you're talking about is 10% to 12% of the total electorate. Which, you know, in recent elections comes down to about

12 or 13 million people out of a total of 130/135 million who actually vote.

So when we match Donald Trump against, say, Hillary Clinton, you know, to be sure Donald Trump gets 38%, 39%, sometimes 41%, 42% in the general

election but remember then, a lot of those people are not simply the people who like Donald Trump on the Republican side but more so those who dislike

Hillary Clinton. We're not seeing a powerful Donald Trump in a general election context. At least yet.

WALKER: So do you think at some point or perhaps this might be the turning point? Because there has been so much backlash against you know these

latest comments. You're shaking your head no but we've heard from a lot of the GOP, especially the other GOP Presidential hopefuls who were very

condemning of his comments, yet you don't think his support will wane?


ZOGBY: I don't. He still dominates the discourse and so that means no other candidate can break away and be the main challenger to him. And

secondly he has not run of outrageous things. Every time you think he's finally crossed the line -- final line, a whole new line is established and

he crosses that, too.

WALKER: It's really quite something to watch, isn't it, John Zogby, great getting your perspective. Thank you for that - for kind of helping us

understand who exactly are the supporters of Donald Trump.

All right, we apologize for that technical difficulty earlier with losing Hala's signal but this is "The World Right Now."


WALKER: And still to come, the Tunisia National Dialogue Quartet picked up their Nobel Peace Prize today. But is terror threatening to derail the

country's fragile stability?

And later, they're puppies, but not quite as you know them.. Stay with us to find out what makes these guys so special.






WALKER: And welcome back, everyone. The 2015 Nobel Peace Prize has been formally awarded to the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet.


WALKER: The committee says the group bypassed other nominees for its decisive contribution to helping build Tunisian democracy. The quartet

created a new process toward political peace when their nation was on the brink of civil war. The Nobel committee says it hopes those efforts will

keep growing.

KACI KULMANN FIVE, CHAIR, NORWEIGIAN NOBEL COMMITTEE: We hope that this diplomat will inspire the quartet and all positive forces in Tunisia to

continue their shared search for peaceful forward-looking solutions around the negotiation table for the good of the nation.


WALKER: Now Tunisia is widely considered a success story for its growth after the Arab spring which began five years ago but extremist groups like

ISIS have now gained a foothold in the North African country. Terror attacks are on the rise.

CNN's Sara Sidner met one woman whose life was shatter bid recent violence. Here's her story.


SARA SIDNER, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Shepherds eke out a living on Tunisia's wide-open plains. The people here live a life of quiet struggle,

but even their quiet isn't guaranteed. Their world has now been interrupted by ISIS.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (As translated) I'm scared. If I'm alone, they can behead and kill me.

SIDNER: (Inaudible) has reason to be scared. ISIS recorded this video, taken the day they captured her son. 16 year-old (Mabrouck Sultani) was

grazing his sheep in the hills when ISIS militants demanded his flock. He refused. They retaliated, she tells us.

ZAHARA GHORBANI, SON KILLED BY ISIS: (As translated) They beheaded him and the sheep at the same time. They sent his head with his cousin who was with

him, his mother tells us.

SIDNER: Ghorbani, never saw gruesome sight. Her family refused to let her look inside a plastic bag containing his head. ISIS has made itself a home

in the hills that loom above their lonely homestead.

What should happen to these men who did this?

GHORBANI: (As translated) I want get rid of all of them, look for them one by one because they hurt me so deeply.

SIDNER: While the country has made great strides towards democracy, the terror threat has grown. In March, 2015, extremists launched a deadly

attack at the Bardo museum. A few months later in June they massacred tourists in Sousse, a resort town. In November, an ISIS suicide bomber

killed 12 presidential guard in a bus explosion.

What is this country doing to combat terrorism now?

First we have a state of emergency and a curfew so security forces can perform night raids, Walid says. We've also closed the border with Libya.

That boarder is their biggest challenge.

I'm literally walking inside. I mean, I'm inside the compound. After the fall of the Gaddafi regime in August, 2011, Libya has become an open-air

weapons depot and training ground for extremists and some Tunisians are taking advantage of that.

Tunisia has built a wall on the Libyan border. The construction of the fence is almost finished he says.

But Tunisian parliamentarian, Makhlouf, says there is more to solving the security situation. High youth unemployment in Tunisia has led to

hopelessness and terror groups are exploiting that.

WAFA MAKHLOUF, TUNISIAN PARLIAMENTARIAN: And it's like a chain to have the economy investment we have to have the security.

SIDNER: But even with the challenges, Makhlouf, is certain democracy is here to stay but so far democracy remains fragile.

Sara Sidner, CNN, Tunis.


WALKER: All right, coming up, changing gears a bit.


WALKER: These puppies can provide a way to save endangered species and lives. We'll tell you why next.






WALKER: It is a scientific breakthrough with adorable results. Seven puppies bread from in-vitro fertilization. They could help find kind cures

for diseases in dogs and humans though at five months old, well they're still busy having a good time.

Our Alexandra Field reports.


ALEXANDRA FIELD: A big breakthrough for science? Seven small puppies, two Beagle/Cocker Spaniel mixes, five pure Beagles, all of them made from help

with a team of scientists in New York from Cornell University and the Smithsonian Institution. They say the first-ever litter of IVF puppies

could change the future for all dogs and maybe even humans.

It's been nearly 40 years since the first human baby was born through IVF. The whole world seemed to watch when baby Louise Brown arrived in 1978 with

the help of British fertility pioneers.

UNIDENTIIFED MALE: [VIDEO]I am now handing the baby to Dr. Edwards.

FIELD: Some wondered what IVF would bring. Today experts estimate because of it more than five million babies have been born.

PROF. CAROLINE ARGO, UNIVERSITY OF SURREY: Here now we're trying to take a very complex technique a step sideways into other species.

FIELD: Caroline Argo, from the University of Surrey says exploring the possibilities of animal in-vitro started decades ago. Back in the 50s there

were successful cases of rabbit IVF. Then came successes with lambs, calves, pigs, now pups.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So we have normal happy healthy puppies.

FIELD: What's the difference with dogs? The team of scientists behind the litter says the canine reproductive system is different from other mammals,

that's made the process difficult. Their success, they say, could have significant impacts.

From one day preserving endangered dog species like the African painted dog to eventually preventing certain diseases in dogs and maybe even uncovering

information about dogs' best friend.

The team's research show dogs and humans shared 350 heritable disorders and traits, twice the number humans share with any other species. That's why

some scientists believe puppy IVF could be key to eliminating diseases for both.


ARGO: The exciting new techniques of gene editing give us the potential of being able to go back to these very, very early beginnings of life to

correct the genetic abnormalities that we're finding in association with disease and the potential for that is huge.

FIELD: Which means there are more than seven reasons researchers consider this a success. Alexandra Field, CNN, London.


WALKER: And, finally tonight, people in the U.S. State of Oregon have been wondering for months now who won the lottery jackpot for $6.4 million.


WALKER: Well it turns out it was not anyone local or even someone living in the country. We now know the winner was an Iraqi citizen who bought the

ticket online. Now the website apparently sends someone into the store to buy the ticket on the buyer's behalf wherever that might be. Oregon is not

naming the winner publicly to keep that person safe back home in Iraq.


WALKER: This has been "The World Right Now." thanks so much for watching, "Quest Means Business" is up next.