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Hala Gorani Tonight

World's Finance Ministers to Fight ISIS Funding; Jose Mourinho Sacked as Chelsea Manager; Putin Holds Annual News Conference; On Board a Russian Warship; Growing Fears about Terror Threats in the U.S.; Japan's Gambling Geriatrics; Court Orders Reinstatement of WhatsApp in Brazil; Encrypted Apps Pose Challenge in Terror Fight; "Star Wars" Set for Massive U.S. Opening Weekend; Soaking Up a Japanese Tradition. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired December 17, 2015 - 15:00   ET




ZAIN ASHER, CNN HOST (voice-over): Tonight: tackling terrorist funding. The U.N. has ISIS in its sights this hour as it aims to thwart the

extremists' sources of income.

Also ahead: football's special one is out of a job as Chelsea parts ways with Jose Mourinho.

Plus CNN goes on board a Russian warship off the Syrian coast for a firsthand look at Moscow's fight against what it calls terrorist targets.

And fans feel the force as the new "Star Wars" film is set to take theaters by storm.

Hello, everyone, I'm Zain Asher, in for Hala Gorani, live from CNN Center. This is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW.


ASHER: Cut off their funding, cut off their capability. That's the financial plan of the attack against ISIS.


ASHER (voice-over): Take a look at these live pictures here. Any moment now finance ministers from the U.N. Security Council countries will discuss

specifics of how to hit ISIS in the wallet. The initiative showcases unprecedented teamwork by the U.S. and Russia. Some experts are already

throwing cold water on it saying that ISIS operates like a state, taxing and exporting as well.

The French finance minister addressed that challenge in an interview with CNN. Take a listen.


MICHEL SAPIN, FRENCH FINANCE MINISTER (through translator): It has constituted a form of state; this is not a real state but they control a

vast territory, a rich territory with oil resources, with agricultural resources, with populations that are forced to contribute.

There is only one solution, to hit daish, to make daish disappear from Syria and Iraq. There are two sources of income that enable daish to get

funds from the outside and we have the responsibility to cut them off.


ASHER: That was France's finance minister, Michel Sapin, in an interview with our Richard Quest. Speaking of which, Richard Quest joins us live now

from New York.

So, Richard, ISIS has made billions of dollars from things like smuggling oil, from taxing the land, from looting the banks.

How much capability do the finance ministers have to stop that kind of illicit activity?

RICHARD QUEST, CNN AVIATION CORRESPONDENT: Not a huge amount and at the same time quite a lot because they regulate the global financial system.

There are really several areas that they're looking at.

The first, obviously, is to prevent ISIS moving money through the Swiss system, through any of the other global payment system, to seize the assets

of those who may be buying the oil from ISIS, to ensure that any money looted from banks can't be then sent further and deeper into the global

banking system.

And that really is what it is all about. But you have to remember, you're dealing with an underground organization to start with. So it's not like

you can just pop into your local branch and say, I'd like to see the bank accounts of ISIS. It's a little more sophisticated than that.

But the sums are large and they believe that by chasing the money and seeing who is buying the oil and the avenues at which it's then taking to

get into the economy, they can move fast.

Remember, this is the first time the Security Council at finance minister level has met. So it is an historic meeting. It's called by France. It's

chaired by the United States. And my understanding, Zain, is that there is no disagreement. There will be no veto, there will be no abstentions,

everyone is in favor.

ASHER: Right, U.S. And Russia actually on the same side for once.

But Vladimir Putin recently accused Turkey of buying black market oil from ISIS. Turkey vehemently denied it.

Do we know who exactly is buying the oil, Richard?

QUEST: No, we don't. Both sides have said that they don't, they're not buying the oil. And although we're talking about large sums, it's hot a

huge amount of oil that's being bought but it's enough to fund the terrorist activity.

The other side of this is what the minister is concentrating on, not the large sums of money but how the funds are then used down to the terrorist

organizations and down to the individual terrorists themselves.

Remember, in Paris, they found prepaid credit cards, they found phones, they found all the sorts of things that had shown how -- I mean, what we

know about the Paris attacks -- because cars were rented, apartments were rented in Belgium and in France, these --


QUEST: -- this costs thousands of euros. The Kalashnikovs at 1,000, 2,000 euros each, so money had to be provided to pay for the operation. And

that's the other side of what Sapin's talking about.

He wants to stop ISIS, if you like, at the corporate level, stopping the money coming in. But he also wants people to be much more aware, get rid

of the anonymous credit cards, get rid of the anonymous transactions so that at the grassroots, it's much harder to effect a financial transaction

if the goal is terrorism.

ASHER: Right. And we'll have much more on this coming up on your show in about an hour from now. Richard Quest, live for us there, thank you so

much. Appreciate it.

QUEST: Thank you.

ASHER: Let's talk football now. Jose Mourinho has been sensationally sacked as manager of Chelsea. The self-described special one is the club's

most successful manager but he has had an horrendous season.

Last year's English Premier League champions have lost nine games already. The club said he left by, quote, "mutual consent."

They added, "Both Jose and the board agreed results have not been good enough this season and believe it's in the best interests of both parties

to go our separate ways."

This is why Chelsea are languishing right now, 16th place, dangerously close to the (INAUDIBLE) zone. They lost their last two league games to

Bournemouth, who are in the top division for the first time and surprise leaders Leicester. That defeat prompted Mourinho to attack the attitude of

his players. Take a listen.


JOSE MOURINHO, CHELSEA MANAGER: I don't think in this moment the players, they can feel they are top players or they can feel they are top players or

they can feel they are superstars. I don't think they can. I think in this moment they have to be humble. I think in this moment they have to

look to (INAUDIBLE) and to feel this (INAUDIBLE).


ASHER: Let's get more on this story. Christina Macfarlane is at Chelsea's stadium, Stamford Bridge, in London and Patrick Snell is right here next to


So, Christina, I want to start with you because this is a man who has had previously an excellent record but still such a divisive manager and he's

had a lot of problems with his players.

CHRISTINA MACFARLANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's absolutely right, Zain. But no real surprise tonight, I guess, that he's been sacked. I mean, nine

losses in 16 games, Chelsea's worst-ever start to the season. We know at Chelsea that managers have been sacked for far less.

I guess what is a surprise is that it's happened now.

And why now?

We're in the middle of the season, we're just entering a very busy Christmas period. There is to be a home game here at Stamford Bridge on

Saturday against Sunderland. And they face Manchester United in just over a week's time.

But we have heard from Chelsea's technical director in the past few minutes, Michael Emenalo, and he may shed some light on why this has come

about now. He said that the situation between the players and Jose Mourinho have become so fraught that the club had no decision other than to

act now to remove Jose Mourinho.

He also went on to say that the club are working vigorously to find his replacement.

Well, one big question is, how do the fans feel in all of this?

Because the fans have been very loyal to Jose Mourinho throughout this horrid season. And we had a chance to speak to some of them tonight and

there were a few mixed reactions. Have a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was inevitable, it was bound to happen. He'd lost the dressing room, he'd lost the players' confidence. And it was on the

cards. So, no, not at all surprised.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Very, very surprised. He's the best manager in the world. So big shock. He's the only one, in my opinion, who can get them

out of the mess they're in at the moment. So, yes, it will be very interesting to see what happens in the next coming months.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For me, it looks like the players are not like really doing what he was asking for or posing or so, like they -- you go away and

they'll bring a new coach, and things will get better. For sure, next match will be so much better already.


MACFARLANE: Well, it's a familiar story for these fans as the managerial merry-go-round cranks into action once again. This club has seen nine

managers in 10 years and right Roman Abrahomvich will be looking for his next. And we know that there are a few big names in the frame. So we'll

be watching closely.

ASHER: Christine Macfarlane, stand by. I want to bring in our Patrick Snell, who's live for us in the studio.

So who is going to be taking over Chelsea after Mourinho?

PATRICK SNELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's is the big, big question, Zain. All kinds of names being listed already, runners and riders. Speculation

at this time of --


ASHER: Nothing concrete.

SNELL: -- nothing confirmed. We don't even know for sure who will take charge of that forthcoming league game against Sunderland on the weekend.

But let's look at a possible list of contenders to succeed Jose Mourinho.

One of the names that is perennially mentioned, always this kind of appointment, the interim specialist, if you like, Guus Hiddink, the former

Holland manager, didn't exactly cover himself with glory, fair to say, during the recent Euro 16 attempted qualifying campaign --


SNELL: -- but he has managed Chelsea before. He did win the English FA Cup with them in 2009 as well.

Now a big name -- this would be potentially very exciting indeed for Chelsea fans -- the former argentine international, Diego Simeone. He's

currently contracted, though, to Atletico Madrid in Spain and his name really did light up in (INAUDIBLE), the La Liga title in 2014.

We're seeing Real and Barcelona challenges, speaking of Barcelona, a former legend from that club, Pep Guardiola, currently contracted to Bayern Munich

of Germany. He has great pedigree. He won three La Liga titles with Barca and won the Champions League twice as well with the Catalans.

Tantalizingly, though, Zain, he has said next week he will reveal what his intentions are. All kinds of rumors linking him with jobs in the Premier

League, including both Manchester clubs as well. So it's really, really intriguing.

A couple of other names being bandied about, Juande Ramos, who's a Spanish national who had a brief stint in charge of Real Madrid and also Tottenham

as well, where he won the league cup with a win over Chelsea. Though I imagine Chelsea fans wouldn't be too happy seeing a former Spurs boss

coming in.

Carlo Ancelotti as well, he has previous though. He's also been at the club before he won the league and cup back in 2010.

What happened the following season?

They fired him as well.

And Brendan Rodgers out of work as well, former Liverpool manager is a name that's also being linked.

ASHER: So there are so many qualified potential managers. So was this -- I guess my question is, was this a smart move for Chelsea to get rid of


SNELL: Well, you speak to some fans and some will --

ASHER: They all say no. They have (INAUDIBLE) for him.

SNELL: -- some -- look, he is revered. Jose Mourinho is still revered. Chelsea in their press statement from earlier this day, said he is -- and

he is -- the most successful manager in the club's 110-year history. He's won three Premier League titles and a total of three league cups, an

English League cup. He will be -- the one black mark, if you like, for him is the fact that he never won the European Cup, he never won the Champion's

League with Chelsea, he's look to try and become the first manager to win it with three different clubs.

Remember, he won it in 2004 with Porto, six years later he won it with Internazionale Milan, the Italian giants as well. He desperately wanted to

do it with Chelsea. He remains one of the most coveted coaches in European football. He will not be out of work for long.

ASHER: Yes. He's going to find a job.

SNELL: There will a huge line going right back to that door in our studio, the other side of the studio, of big names, just intriguing scenarios all

around. And this is very, very fluid. We're watching it very closely.

ASHER: Yes. And we'll see who replaces him at Chelsea. OK. Patrick Snell, live with us, thank you so much.

Still to come, a rare up-close look at Russia's military operations in Syria. CNN's Matthew Chance reports from the deck of a warship just off

the Syrian coast. Stay with us.





ASHER: Russian president Vladimir Putin says diplomacy is the only way to end the war in Syria. But he's also signaling that Russia's military

operations there may be far from over.

Mr. Putin gave his annual news conference in Moscow on Thursday. He is vowing to continue airstrikes in Syria as long as the regime continues its

own military operations against so-called terrorist targets.

Russia is throwing its support behind a U.S. peace initiative for Syria. But when the subject turned to Turkey, his tone became fierce. He says he

sees no prospects for repairing relations after Turkey shot down a Russian warplane near the Syrian border. Take a listen.


VLADIMIR PUTIN, PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA (through translator): The actions of these authorities concerning our plane, was an unfriendly, was an enemy



ASHER: Mr. Putin's wide-ranging address also touched on the U.S. race for the White House. He had some pretty interesting comments about Republican

front-runner Donald Trump. I want to bring in former CNN Moscow bureau chief, Jill Dougherty, she actually attended the news conference.

So Putin had some really harsh words for Turkey. And given that Turkey is not even close to apologizing, Jill, the relationships between the two

countries are going to continue to be tense for quite some time.

JILL DOUGHERTY, INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR DEFENSE AND SECURITY: Oh, absolutely. In fact, one of the more interesting things that he said about

Turkey was that they've had incursions into Syria's airspace, but now let them try it because -- that was a quote, because Russia now has S-400s.

And in other words, he was really threatening that Turkey had better not try to come into the airspace of Syria.

So that was one thing. But I'd have to say, Zain, that there's another marathon, more than three-hour news conference, was really a lot was on the

economy because that is what is on Russians' minds here.

So a number of the questions on that, he did -- President Putin did say that oil prices, he expects, will be low for quite some time. He said, you

know, the $50 range is wildly optimistic and that the government would have to do something else.

But he did say that he believed that Russia had passed the peak of the crisis. And interestingly on Syria, he said we have enough money for that

operation, the air operation, because we take it from other funds for the military. So that was an interesting part that he hasn't talked about on

the financing.

But you're right, on politics, he was asked about the United States, about the race in the United States and after the news conference, some reporters

went up to him and that's where they asked about Donald Trump. Here is what he said.


PUTIN (through translator): He is a brilliant and talented person, without a doubt. But it is not our right to identify his virtues. It is the

prerogative of the U.S. voters. He is the absolute leader in the presidential debates, as we see.


DOUGHERTY: So he didn't mention the absolute leader in the Republican Party which, of course, does make a difference. But interesting comments.

And then he said I welcome bringing the relationship to a higher level, which is what apparently he thinks Donald Trump will do.

In any case, Zain, he said that he can work with -- President Putin can work with any leader who is elected by the American people.

ASHER: I'm so curious about what Vladimir Putin sees in Donald Trump. But our Jill Dougherty, thank you so much. Appreciate that.

CNN's Matthew Chance spent the day on a Russian warship off the Syrian coast. He brings us an extraordinary look at Moscow's military campaign.

Take a listen.


MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, we are getting extremely rare access to Russia's military operations, both inside

Syria now, off its coast as well because they've brought us a couple of miles off the coast of Syria.

And we're standing now on the missile cruiser, the Moskva, which means Moscow in Russian. And it's a key vessel in Russia's military operation

because it provides its air defenses for the very frequent airstrikes that are being carried out right now by the Russian air force --


CHANCE (voice-over): -- against various targets inside Syria.

Latest figures from the Russian defense ministry is that in the past two days, that's since we arrived with the Russian military in Syria, there

have been more than 100 sorties carried out by the Russian air force, striking at 287 strongholds of rebels, that's what they call it, rebel

camps and training areas and things like that and rebel strongholds.

Forty strikes against oil installations as well. And as the defense ministry saying that in the past couple of days more than 400 rebels,

including ISIS and members of other rebel groups as well, have been killed as a result of those Russian airstrikes.

And so it gives you a sense of just how intense those airstrikes are. And from all the evidence we've seen in the past couple of days, there's very

little sign at all that that intensity is going to let up -- Matthew Chance, CNN, on board the Moskva missile cruiser in the Eastern



ASHER: Prosecutors in the U.S. are expected to file charges against a friend and former neighbor of the San Bernardino attacker, Syed Farook.

Enrique Marquez allegedly purchased two rifles that Farook and his wife used in the mass shooting on December 2nd in Southern California. The

charges will likely be related to that allegation.

Marquez reportedly told investigators he didn't know about plans to carry out the attack which left 14 people dead.

Americans are increasingly fearful about the threat from terrorism in the aftermath of that attack. President Barack Obama said U.S. policy is

shifting to confront a changing threat. Listen.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: At this moment, our intelligence and counterterrorism professionals do not have any specific

and credible information about an attack on the homeland.

That said, we have to be vigilant. As I indicated in my address to the nation last week, we are in a new phase of terrorism, including lone actors

and small groups of terrorists like those in San Bernardino.

Because they are smaller, often self-initiating, self-motivating, they're harder to detect and that makes it harder to prevent. But just as the

threat evolves, so do we.


ASHER: President Barack Obama, speaking earlier there on the threat of terrorism in the U.S.

Coming up, gambling for geriatrics: why one Japanese day care center is turning its hand to cards in a bid to beat dementia. That's coming up

after this quick break.




ASHER: Welcome back. Let's take a look and see what's happening in the markets. You can see the Dow is down about 190 points, such a stark

contrast from what we saw yesterday, basically a sell-off after those gains we saw yesterday when Janet Yellen decided to raise rates, raising rates by

0.25 percent. This is no doubt likely had ripple effects around the world.

Let's also take a look at the Nasdaq and the S&P 500, if you can get that, the Nasdaq down about 1 percent. S&P 500 also down about 1.15 percent and

the European markets as well, let's see, up pretty much the opposite, the FTSE 100 up about a little more than half of 1 percent.

Let's take you to Japan now, where a risky pastime for the rich and reckless is being championed for its therapeutic qualities. With cases of

dementia in its rapidly aging population on the rise, one day care center is trying to keep minds sharp with some good old-fashioned gambling. Here

is our Will Ripley with more.


WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Welcome to Las Vegas. No, not the American gambling mecca. We're in Yokohama, Japan, about an hour from

Tokyo. And this isn't actually a casino, it's a senior day care center, complete with slot machines, card games and plenty of Japanese senior

citizens testing their luck.

We're told the average age in this room, around 80.


RIPLEY (voice-over): American pop music plays while they stretch. Then staff members hand out fake money. Casino gambling with real money is

illegal in Japan. So no cash or prizes are handed out here. And the big winner is recognized at the end of the day.

The most popular games, Pachinko, mahjongg and blackjack. Gambling is a favorite pastime of seniors all over the world. And here in Japan's

rapidly aging society, elder care is a booming business. One in four Japanese are now over 65.

Japan has some 40,000 adult day cares and dozens of these casino-themed day cares have opened up just in the last year. This company alone opened

seven last year. They plan to open up five next year. And they tell us on average about half of the patients who come here have either Alzheimer's or

some form of dementia.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): We believe this casino stimulates the brain and helps to prevent or suppress the development of dementia.

RIPLEY: The chairman of this company points to research from a Japanese doctor and professor, who they compensate, saying gambling stimulates the

brain. And there are studies that show that recreational gambling in moderation can improve a senior's overall health and quality of life.

These folks say they get lonely at home and the interaction with others really helps.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): I've lived alone for decades. Many days I don't speak a word. I feel very depressed. But here we play

games and talk.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): I use my brain playing mahjongg and I use my fingers. I believe it helps stimulate my mind.

RIPLEY: Several Japanese communities have either banned or are considering banning gambling at senior centers, putting in jeopardy one of Japan's

favorite pastimes for its fast-growing silver generation, who apparently love striking even fake gold -- Will Ripley, CNN, at Las Vegas, Yokohama,



ASHER: All right. Time for a quick break on THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. When we come back, evidence shows that some of the Paris attackers used encrypted

cell phone apps to communicate.

So how do governments fight terrorism in the age of high-tech communication? We'll have an answer for you after the break.

And a galaxy far, far, far away is coming to a theater near you. A spoiler-free look at the global release of "Star Wars": The Force

Awakens." That's coming out.




ZAIN ASHER, CNN HOST: Welcome back, everybody. There's a special meeting of the U.N. Security Council going on right now. I want to show you these

live pictures.


ASHER (voice-over): That is U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew there, finance ministers from around the world have actually voted now in support

of a specific resolution aimed at disrupting terrorist funding.

The initiative shows teamwork between the U.S. and Russia.

OK, we want to go now to Jack Lew speaking. Let's listen in.

JACK LEW, U.S. TREASURY SECRETARY: -- counterterror financing tools and authorities to --

ASHER (voice-over): -- I apologize, we're not going live to that.

I want to take you down to some other stories.

Chelsea has sacked its embattled manager, Jose Mourinho. A statement on the club's website says both parties agreed it was in their best interests

to go their separate ways. Mourinho led the club to the English Premier League title last season but Chelsea have won just four games and lost nine

in the current campaign.

The head of the International Monetary Fund has been ordered to stand trial in France. Christine Lagarde is accused of negligence over her role in a

massive state payout to a French tycoon back in 2008. Lagarde was French finance minister at the time. She's denied any wrongdoing and she plans to


In the meantime, a court in Brazil has ordered the reinstatement of WhatsApp. The move comes after a judge ordered cell phone companies to

block the app for two days because its executive failed to cooperate with a criminal investigation.

One hundred million people use WhatsApp in Brazil. Our business correspondent, Samuel Burke, joins me live now from New York.

So, Samuel, we know that WhatsApp has been unblocked in Brazil. But take us back to how all of this happened.

How did it start?

SAMUEL BURKE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: "We don't have the information that you're looking for." That's increasingly what tech companies are saying

when governments come knocking on their doors. And that's precisely what happened in this case in Brazil.

A judge was overseeing a case and she asked WhatsApp two times for messages that somebody related to the investigation had sent and WhatsApp didn't

comply because, quite frankly, they don't have the messages. What this all revolves around is what's known as end-to-end encryption.

Increasingly tech companies and simple everyday messaging apps like the ones that you and I use, Zain, are using this type of end-to-end

encryption, where only the sender and receiver can see the message. So even if somebody at WhatsApp wanted to see the message, even if the

government demanded that they had to show that message, they simply don't have the keys to go and see it.

And so the judge, out of frustration with that, blocked the app until another judge stepped in and reinstated the use of the app in Brazil.


ASHER: I know that Mark Zuckerberg has been very vocal, speaking out about this. And he's on paternity leave and he's still weighing in.

BURKE: That's right. He's taking care of his new kid. But he felt like he had to weigh in on this. Of course, Facebook is the owner of WhatsApp.

They paid nearly $20 billion for this application.

And take a look at what Mark Zuckerberg said on his Facebook page.

Quote, "I am stunned that our efforts to protect people's data would result in such an extreme decision by a single judge to punish every person in

Brazil who uses WhatsApp."

That's, of course, before the other judge stepped in and reinstated its use. But one interesting thing happened here. Increasingly we hear the

tech companies say, well, you can try and block one thing but people will just go and use a different app. And that's exactly what happened in


While it was blocked, take a look at a tweet from this company, Telegram, another messaging app, which has even stronger encryption.

They said more than 1 million new users from Brazil today and growing. And by the time that this whole debacle had finished, they had over 1.5 million

new users. So if you try and block one app and try and take down the encryption --

ASHER: Right, they go to another one.

BURKE: -- people just move to another one.

ASHER: Right.

But Sam, before you leave us, so will all of this change how apps like WhatsApp deal with governments in the future, do you think?

BURKE: Well, I don't think that there's going to be a lot of change, quite frankly, because if governments try and change their laws, then apps can

move to different places. And keep in mind, another thing that these tech companies have said, well, if one government wants information, they may

have the best of intentions.

But if we comply with you guys, we might have to comply with another government. It could be a repressive government, trying to stop dissidents

from sending their messages. So there are definitely two sides to this coin.

ASHER: All right. Samuel Burke, live for us there in New York, thank you so much, appreciate it.

In the meantime, investigators in Paris say evidence shows that some of the terrorists used WhatsApp and other encrypted programs to hide their

plotting for the attacks on Friday, November 13th. The officials say the terrorists used apps to communicate before the attack.

But because the messages are encrypted, their contents may never, ever be revealed. As Samuel just reported, WhatsApp and Telegram use something

known as end-to-end encryption.

And encrypted apps, of course, pose a new challenge in the war on terror. To discuss that, I'm joined now by Shawn Henry. He's in New York for us.

He's the president of cybersecurity company CrowdStrike services.

Henry also specialized in computer crime when he worked as an executive assistant director with the FBI.

Mr. Henry, you are the perfect person for this discussion.

My question to you is, do you think tech companies should be forced by the government to provide some kind of back door through which the FBI can

monitor encrypted data?

SHAWN HENRY, PRESIDENT, CROWDSTRIKE: This is just a very challenging question. It's very interesting because much of the encryption and the

movement to encryption really came on the heels of some of the revelations that Snowden had out and the concerns about governments, not just in the

U.S. but globally, where they might be spying on their citizens.

So there was this movement for citizens to try to hide themselves through encryption for greater privacy and better protection in that regard. Now

we see instances where we've got terrorist organizations, criminals, et cetera, who may be using this type of capability to communicate, to hide

underneath the radar of law enforcement.

So this is a very challenging question. I think honestly that the people are going to have to decide at some point. The people have to decide about

their privacy and their civil liberties versus their need and interest for security.

And when you look at that, that's constantly going to be a balance. And I think we're going to see kind of a public debate in this regard, Zain.

ASHER: And, Mr. Henry, I want to talk to you about one app in particular that our Samuel Burke just mentioned, Telegram. This is apparently the hot

new app, as our Laurie Segall was mentioning earlier, among ISIS members because it has two layers of encryption as opposed to one and it also has

self-destructing messages.

And this is the app that ISIS members used to take credit for the Paris attacks.

How much harder does this make the job of the FBI?

HENRY: Yes, you know, when you're talking about end-to-end or point-to- point encryption, multiple layers of encryption, those communications are almost impossible to decrypt, if at all. And law enforcement knows that.

Organizations know that. This is very public, the algorithms that are used to hide these communications, that technology is public.

We're going to see people constantly continue to move. And what Samuel said is absolutely true. If certain companies are precluded from using

encryption or if they're ordered to provide information to the government, the terrorists and criminals are going to move to other capabilities.

We've actually seen them develop their own capabilities, not even using commercial applications. So this is going to be a long-term issue.

ASHER: Right. So if you can't intercept it, because it's encrypted, then what can you do?

HENRY: So there are other capabilities that law enforcement can use and they have used --


HENRY: -- successfully to intercept communications. And I don't want to go into any great detail because some of it is surreptitious still. But

you can -- you can use human intelligence.

The FBI and other organizations have been able to infiltrate some of these groups. They've been able to flip people and gather the cooperation of

people who have been involved, either as actual participants of these groups or people who are friendly with or associated with the groups.

And then there's other capabilities, traditional investigations that are used, interviews, et cetera, that allow law enforcement to collect

intelligence in advance of some of these attacks. So while the ability to intercept communications is really important and critical, there are other

opportunities investigators can use to help assist them in this regard.


ASHER: Right, because here's the thing. Even though you don't know the exact messages because they're encrypted, you do have other details, like

who is talking to whom, when they're talking, where they're talking.

HENRY: Yes. That's not always the case. And let me be clear, the loss of visibility into these communications absolutely ties the hands of law

enforcement to infiltrate some of these groups. There's absolutely no doubt about that. It makes it much more difficult.

But again, the privacy concerns of citizens is what's being weighed here and why commercial applications are moving into this space. While there

are other opportunities, the FBI, other intelligence services globally have absolutely taken a step backwards in their fight against terror, Zain.

ASHER: Yes, and you have to get the government and Silicon Valley on the same page when it comes to privacy and preventing terrorist attacks.

Shawn Henry, thank you so much, appreciate it.

All right. This is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. Counting down the hours to what could be one of the biggest opening weekends ever. Red carpet premieres

are upping the excitement ahead of the wide release of "The Force Awakens." Don't go away.





ASHER: Welcome back, everybody. The force is officially awake in Europe after Wednesday night's hotly anticipated London premiere.

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" hits big screens across the United States this weekend. The seventh film in the space odyssey is opening to fanfare

and excitement as epic as the story itself. Here is our Isha Sesay with more.


ISHA SESAY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): After a decade in theatrical slumber, "Star Wars" has reawakened. The popular movie franchise is back

with its highly anticipated seventh installment, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." Taking place 30 years after the defeat of the Empire, a new

threat emerges from the dark side in the form of Kylo Ren.

ADAM DRIVER, ACTOR: He's very unfinished, I'd say, and not polished in a way that I think people are -- normally associate with "Star Wars" maybe.

There's something familiar and, at the same time, kind of unsettled about him.

SESAY (voice-over): It's a movie filled with firsts, the first to blend old and new casts.

HARRISON FORD, ACTOR: They're talented performers and they have a real wonderful opportunity here.

SESAY (voice-over): Yes, space smuggler Han Solo is back in action. Over the years, Harrison Ford has grumbled about the character. But this time

around, he's voiced no regrets.

FORD: Part of it is that muscle memory. But you put on the clothes of the character. You remember the gait of the character, the swagger of the

character. It comes back.

SESAY (voice-over): Solo is joined by fan favorites, Chewbacca, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker.

MARK HAMILL, ACTOR: Well, "Star Wars" was my very first film. I didn't know what I was doing. See the movie and you'll -- I'll prove my point.

SESAY (voice-over): But it may be newcomer, British actress Daisy Ridley, who steals the galactic spotlight in her first feature film.

DAISY RIDLEY, ACTOR: I'm incredibly proud and pleased to be part of this thing.

SESAY (voice-over): Ridley's character, Rey, finds herself wielding light sabers and piloting the legendary Millennium Falcon just like the veterans.

RIDLEY: The energy between everyone was fantastic. And because Harrison and Mark and Carrie were so excited to come back, that really influenced us

all because we're like, oh, my gosh, this is really like a good thing.

SESAY (voice-over): And the ladies are making strides on multiple fronts. This is also the first "Star Wars" film featuring a female villain.

GWENDOLINE CHRISTIE, ACTOR: On my first day, I had to sit in the car, it had to sit on my hands and stop myself from screaming because, you know,

it's a film that I've loved, that so many millions of people have loved. And the idea of you being in that film is mind-blowing.

SESAY (voice-over): Another fan of the franchise, J.J. Abrams, making his debut as director.

J. J. ABRAMS, DIRECTOR: There were moments where I think what the hell was I thinking?

I had to put my being a fan aside somewhat because that wasn't the job. You know, I couldn't just be a cheerleader for this thing.

SESAY (voice-over): For Disney, which acquired Lucasfilm in 2012 for $4 billion, expectations are high for a show of force at the box office.

BOB IGER, CEO, DISNEY: I want fans to love it. That's the most important -- whether it's commercial or critically successful, that's not what it's


SESAY (voice-over): Eager fans hoping to avoid spoilers are steering clear of social media ahead of the release. And we won't be giving away any

secrets here.

SESAY: What is going to surprise viewers?

What's going to surprise the audience when they watch this film?

JOHN BOYEGA, ACTOR: What's going to surprise viewers will no longer make it a surprise.


SESAY (voice-over): One thing that won't surprise anyone: Disney is planning two more films, episode 8, blasting off in 2017 -- Isha Sesay,

CNN, Hollywood.


ASHER: I plan to go and see the movie but apparently it's going to be pretty difficult for me to get a ticket. Here is why.

This movie is already breaking records at the box office. Advance ticket sales for "The Force Awakens" have topped -- get this -- $100 million. And

that is, by the way, in North America alone, a number that "The Hollywood Reporter" is calling, quote, "unheard of." This number is unheard of.

Movie tracking services suggest the new film could rake in more than a half a billion dollars worldwide in its opening weekend and could even top the

record set earlier by "Jurassic World." That was for more than $525 million. Now bad.

Coming up, we dip into the public bath of Japan, a look at the ancient healing properties of the Japanese onsen. That's coming up.





ASHER: Anyone who has had a hard day at work can appreciate relaxing in a hot springs, soaking in the warm waters is one of Japan's oldest and well-

loved traditions. I tried it when I went to Kyoto a few months ago. It is unbeatable. Our Paula Newton explores its history and its healing

properties. Take a listen.



PAULA NEWTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Early morning, (INAUDIBLE), Southern Japan, the sky brightens and still stubbornly refuses to give up

some sun. But it doesn't matter, not in this town, where the gentle waters of hot springs in the Japanese onsen are uplifting, even in the downpour.

For hundreds of years, these public baths have been designed to not only refresh and relax. Many believe the hot onsen waters heal injuries, cure

ailments and nurture the body.

Want to know more?

I bet. Come with me to the serene Yoshida Sanso ryokan, or inn. Inside I take my place on the water's edge as Kikuko Nakagawa tells me how her

hometown waters, hot waters, are the key to youthful skin.

KIKUKO NAKAGAWA: So can you feel it a little bit?

NEWTON: Yes. It's very soft.


NAKAGAWA: -- and soft. Yes. That is from the sodium. That's why it's such a little bit thick, the water itself.

NEWTON: So I'm not going to get naked; no one wants to see that. But for Japanese custom, it's important to be naked.

NAKAGAWA: Right. Naked means nothing to hide.

NEWTON: So you communicate better because you're both exposed.

NEWTON (voice-over): OK, let's be clear, traditionally there is one onsen for the boys and one for the girls.

But in this charming valley town, the traditional model of an onsen has been changing. For years, Japanese of all ages have relished their baths

as a restorative ritual. They were never designed to be luxurious. But now in tourist towns like this one --


NEWTON (voice-over): -- more spa-like onsens have opened. Upscale baths can be rented for a private group or even private onsens in each room. One

distinctive design take in this town, open-air public foot baths. Social places where people chat, relax and soak.

But here, a modern take. Hot water soaks your toes as you drink up the atmosphere.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Our concept is to keep the good part, combine it with something new and create something even better. We

created an innovative combination of old and new, keeping the old spirit of hospitality focused in Yoshidaya (ph).

NEWTON (voice-over): The result is the revamped Yoshidaya Ryokan, an elegant spa retreat that still retains a Japanese authenticity in its

design. After four generations of family ownership, it was a dramatic transformation. This ryokan and its baths needed not just a facelift but a

change that was more than skin deep, cultural change.

For years, the inn catered to large groups of rowdy men. Today, women and families are staying, giving a whole new feel to the place -- Paula Newton,

CNN, Yoshino, Japan.


ASHER: All right. That does it for us. You've been watching THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. Thank you so much for being with us. Richard Quest is going to

have much more on that special meeting at the United Nations Security Council to combat terrorist financing. That's next on "QUEST MEANS