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Hala Gorani Tonight
Momentum vs. Math as Primary Fight Heats Up; Clinton Focused on Upcoming Battles in East; Cruz Win Likely Keeps Trump from Clinching Nomination; Advance on ISIS: the Road to Mosul; Belgian PM Slams Turkey for Not Sharing Intel; EU to Beef Up External Border Controls; UEFA Investigated Over Panama Papers Allegations; Bangladesh's Contaminated Drinking Water. Aired 3-4p ET
Aired April 06, 2016 - 15:00 ET
LYNDA KINKADE, ANCHOR, CNN: Tonight, Cruz cruises to victory, trouncing Trump in a response in (inaudible) momentum as the race moves to
Pennsylvania and New York.
Also ahead, the battle for Mosul. We uncover the secret tunnels where ISIS fighters plan and prepare their attacks.
Plus, and exclusive with the prime minister of Belgium, his first major interview since last month's terrorist attack.
Hello. I'm Lynda Kinkade in for Hala Gorani live from the CNN center. This is "The World Right Now."
Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders may have the momentum after their wins in Wisconsin, but Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still have the numbers on
their side, as the U.S. presidential race heads to their home turf. Yet, there's no denying that both front-runners are now facing a tougher
Let's start with the Republicans. Cruz's Wisconsin victory spells big trouble for Trump. Trump maintains the delegate lead, but it appears
unlikely that he can reach the number needed to clinch the GOP nomination. Now, that means we could very well see a contested Republican convention
this summer.
Now, on the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders is continuing to chip away at Hillary Clinton's lead. He says Clinton is nervous after he won seven of
the last eight contests. Clinton, though, says she's feeling very good about where things stand. She talked to CNN's Chris Cuomo a short time
HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Senator Sanders had a good night last night, and I congratulated had him. But if you look at the
numbers, I'm still considerably ahead in both the poplar vote and, most importantly, the delegate count.
So I'm feeling very good about where we are. And we're excited to be campaigning in New York, and then it'll be on to Pennsylvania and other
Well, he knew what the rules were when he decided to run for President, but most importantly, I think we will reach whatever number is required. We're
going to continue to acquire delegates and add to our total. I have more delegates than he does in a broader margin than President Obama had over me
at this time in 2008. So is think we're doing well.
Let's get a live update now from the campaign trail. Joe Johns has been covering the Hillary Clinton campaign and her recent visit to Philadelphia.
Now, Joe, Sanders has notched up yet another victory. Clinton sounds like she is remaining defiant, but internally, how would her team be dealing
with yet another loss?
JOE JOHNS, SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: Very aggressively, Lynda, I think. But it's interesting. They're doing it with a bit of panache, if
you will.
They have used language like "disqualifying him" before New York, "knocking him out of the box." They've suggested they wanted to defeat
him, and then they want to unify the party. That's sort of the three-point plan.
But the fact of the matter is there's a new Quinnipiac poll out that suggests a six-point difference in New York between Bernie Sanders and
Hillary Clinton. And that is very different from just a week ago where there was a 12-point difference. So there's some suggestion of tightening
in the race in the Empire State.
Also, it's interesting to hear Hillary Clinton's own words here in the campaign trail in this room just a little while ago. Critical once gain of
Bernie Sanders for not having a plan and some specifics to go along with some of the promises he makes. But this is very similar to things Hillary
Clinton has said before, apparently being careful not to alienate those young voters that she would need, presuming she gets the general election
nod, Lynda.
KINKADE: But Joe, just by the fact that Bernie Sanders is doing really well and has been doing really well in the last seven states, he is well
behind in terms of the delegate count.
He needs to win 77 percent of the next delegates going forward for him to be the nominee. Is it possible? He hopes that his team -- that his team
can get some super delegates and that some super delegates will switch from Clinton to support him. Is that possible?
JOHNS: Well, it's certainly possible, because those super delegates can do what they want to. The difficulty for him is that he has to make the
case for Democrats before the convention that he ought to be the nominee. And as long as Hillary Clinton holds a 200 or 300-point lead in those non-
pledged delegates, it makes it very difficult for Bernie Sanders to make the case as to why he ought to be the nominee, why he ought to get those
super delegate votes.
KINKADE: And you mentioned briefly about the fact that Clinton has been attacking Bernie Sanders based on substance. But it seems that he kind of
put his foot into it himself when he gave that interview to the "NY Daily News."
JOHNS: That's absolutely right in a lot of ways also. He appeared unprepared on questions some critical questions that had to do with
essentially breaking up the biggest banks, which is one of his marquis issues on the campaign trail. When he was asked about the legalities of
that, which laws would apply to, say, prosecuting people on Wall Street, or what would happen if a plan to break up the banks actually went into the
courts, he really did not have an answer.
And so the Hillary Clinton campaign has seized on that. They've taken a transcript, the entire transcript, in fact, of the interview with the "NY
Daily News" editorial board and essentially sent it around in e-mails, including a fundraising e-mail.
So they think this is powerful information for Democratic voters as they make the choice for New York and some of these other final states in the
KINKADE: And no doubt the campaign, the Clinton campaign are happy to have that transcript in their hands.
Joe Johns, great to have you with us. Thank you very much.
Well, all three Republican candidates are back on the campaign trail as well. Ted Cruz is making the case that Wisconsin marked a turning point in
the race.
Phil Mattingly looks at how that primary may have forced a major recalculation for the GOP front-runner Donald Trump.
PHIL MATTINGLY, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Ted Cruz and his campaign made no secret. They were going all in on Wisconsin. The had an extensive ground
operation. The endorsement of the very poplar governor, Scott Walker, and a series of conservative talk radio show hosts who had been hammering home
a pro-Cruz message for weeks. It was actually an effort that looked a lot like what Cruz's team did in Iowa, and the result was very similar.
SEN. TED CRUZ (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Hillary, get ready. Here we come.
MATTINGLY: Ted Cruz pulling off a big win in Wisconsin's Republican primary. The victory for Cruz narrowing Donald Trump's path to the
nomination and moving the party ever closer to a contested convention.
CRUZ: Tonight is a turning point. It's a rallying cry.
MATTINGLY: Cruz's win the most substantial since his defeat of Trump in Iowa.
CRUZ: Three weeks ago, the media said that Wisconsin was a perfect state for Donald Trump. But the hardworking men and woman of Wisconsin stood and
campaigned tirelessly to make sure that tonight was a victory for every American.
MATTINGLY: Trump now facing a nearly impossible mathematical challenge to amass 1,237 delegates needed to capture the nomination. A rough week of
political blunders, attack adds and questions about his ability to be presidential, loosening the front-runner's drift as the presumptive
Former presidential candidate Lindsey Graham, who reluctantly backed Cruz, tweeting, "Well done, Ted Cruz. Hopefully tonight is the turning point to
deny Donald Trump 1,237 delegates."
In the hours before polls closed, Trump hit the trail hard. It wasn't enough.
DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We could have a big surprise tonight, folks. Big surprise.
MATTINGLY: Trump's campaign mostly silent after his loss, only releasing a biting statement against the Cruz campaign, saying in part," Lyin' Ted Cruz
had the Governor of Wisconsin, and many conservative talk radio show hosts, and the entire party apparatus behind him," going on to say, "Ted Cruz is
worse than a puppet- he is a Trojan horse, being used by the party bosses attempting to steal the nomination from Mr. Trump."
Cruz meanwhile celebrating his big win.
CRUZ: My wife Heidi.
MATTINGLY: Ensuring she shares the spotlight after Trump retweeted an unflattering photo of her, which he later acknowledged was a mistake.
CRUZ: I may be biased, but isn't she going to make an amazing First Lady?
MATTINGLY: The Republican race now moves East. New York the next big state to come up on a primary schedule April 19th. Ninety-five delegates
are at stake.
And Trump's advisors are not trying to hold down expectations at all. One advisor telling me they believe they can win as many as 90 of those 95
delegates, the type of victory that would really kind of seize the momentum back from Ted Cruz.
And from there, the map only gets better for Donald Trump and potentially worse for Ted Cruz. Primaries up and down the East Coast. Trump advisors
pointing to that as kind of the way they're dealing with the Wisconsin result right now.
But look, no question at all, what Wisconsin does more than anything -- more than anything else is point to the difficulty of anybody reaching that
1,237 delegates necessary to secure the nomination before the Republican convention in Cleveland.
A big night for Ted Cruz. A bigger night for anti-Trump supporters that are trying to block Donald Trump from that nomination. Back to you.
KINKADE: Our thanks to Phil Mattingly for that report.
Well, it's been a pain-staking push, but Iraqi troops have inched closer to Mosul. CNN is bringing you an exclusive frontline perspective in mid-fight
against ISIS.
Many of the soldiers lived in this region of Iraq, so they are fighting to wrestle their own homes back from the group of ISIS. The progress is a
crawl from village to village.
Arwa Damon is embedded with the troops as they move slowly into the dangerous region. And Arwa Damon joins us now live from Iraq. Arwa, you
went into some pretty risky territory very close to the ISIS stronghold of Mosul. What did you witness? And what's the current status of the
ARWA DAMON, SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, Lynda, as the Iraqi security forces are attempting to launch this initial phase and are in, in
fact, this initial phase to try to advance on and then recapture the city of Mosul, they are already being challenged fairly significantly and are
also coming across some of the tactics ISIS prefers to employ.
Bursts of gunfire and artillery explosion, a constant reminder that the enemy ISIS is relentlessly proving for vulnerabilities in the Iraq army's
UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translation): ISIS, and especially now, we are on the perimeter of what is their so called caliphate. They are using
waves of suicide bombers backed by fighters.
DAMON: Coalition airstrikes leveled this building. ISIS militants had snuck into the night before we arrived. The hillside is strewn with the
bloated bodies of dead ISIS fighters. One of them looks particularly young. A teenager, the Iraqis say.
General Zhabuti's (ph) men only recently recaptured this village and a handful of others, the first tentative steps in the battle for Mosul,
Iraq's second largest city that humiliatingly fell to ISIS after the Iraqi security forces abandoned their positions around two years ago.
These are men retrained under new command, forces that will repeatedly be put to the test. Will they hold this ground and fight or again flee? Key,
of course, to the equation is U.S. support.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translation): For us, we have enough ground forces. The most important thing is to see ongoing U.S. backing with the
air support, advisors and logistical support.
DAMON: But not boots on the ground?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translation): It's not an urgent thing for us right now, boots on the ground. We can liberate our lands.
DAMON: ISIS has had plenty of time to fortify its defenses in Mosul and (inaudible), till some 45 kilometers, or 30 miles away, from the main
battle ground. Deep in one of the hills, a (inaudible).
This is not just a tunnel complex. It's actually a tunnel and sleeping quarters complex that has been dug well under ground.
Winding passages that veer off in multiple directions. This one leads to a small opening for oxygen circulation we are told. And this is just the
start of the impending bloody battle to try to liberate Mosul, one that will be a defining chapter in this nation's history and beyond.
DAMON: And, Lynda, shortly after the Iraqi army recaptured that city, that village of Harbardan (ph) that you just saw in that report, they attempted
to advance on another. They tried to capture it. It initially seemed as if the operation was going fairly well, in their favor, in fact, but then
there were a series of missteps, battlefield confusion.
They ended up having to retreat to a certain degree. And basically, at the end of the day, they failed in trying to recapture this other village.
Right now, we are told they are holding their defensive positions, as they are waiting for more reinforcements to arrive.
KINKADE: And, of course, we know that ISIS has had a couple of years to build its defenses in and around Mosul. It sounds like any offensive to
retake that city will take a long time.
DAMON: It will take a very long time, and it's going to be phenomenally difficult, as the general -- the Iraq general we were talking to put it to
us. He said we're going to have to be very surgical in how we operate because of the civilian population that is still inside Mosul, which is
Iraq's second largest city and the vast majority of the population were unable to flee at the moment in time when ISIS did, in fact, take over.
We've also been seeing some of the defenses that ISIS has been putting into place. They berms, trenches, dug in, well-established fighting positions,
that underground tunnel system that you saw there. They also have been using tactics we have been seeing fairly regularly employed throughout Iraq
and also in the battle fields in Syria, and that is booby-trapping these defensive positions that they use before they end up withdrawing.
They are booby-trapping roads, streets, buildings, homes. So even when they do withdraw, the Iraqi security forces are still having to clear these
various different buildings. And again, all of this is going to be even more compounded by the reality that the civilian population is inside
Mosul, which to a certain degree, is going to further restrict the use of air power.
And already, Lynda, we're seeing that despite the fact that they do have coalition air power backing them, they are still unable to easily sweep in
and capture these areas. This is -- and it must be emphasized, an Iraqi army that has at this stage been retrained and rebuilt but is not
necessarily adequately tested, especially not when it comes to facing an enemy that is like ISIS.
KINKADE: OK, Arwa Damon, we appreciate you and your team going into the very risky territory for us. Thank you very much. Arwa Damon live for us
from Erbil, Iraq.
Well, of course preparing to confront ISIS is battle is only one concern. There are also -- there's also the matter of helping refugees who fled the
militants. Next hour will introduce us to people being used as human shields.
DAMON: ISIS put five families into each home in the middle of the village Abu Estat (ph) recalls. Like many here, he does not want his identify
revealed. He still has loved ones at the mercy of ISIS and has already witnessed and lost too much.
KINKADE: We're taking you to the front line against ISIS in Iraq. That premiers Thursday on "Connect on the World" at 4 p.m. in London, 5 p.m.
Central European time only on CNN.
Well, still to come on "The World Right Now," the Belgium minister offers his solution to tackling terror attacks in Europe. His exclusive interview
with CNN next.
And find out what message WhatsApp is trying to send to government agencies and criminals today when "The World Right Now" continues.
KINKADE: Welcome back. In an exclusive interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, the Belgium prime minister, Charles Michel has slammed Turkey for
what he says was a lack of warning about one of the Brussels attackers.
Turkey deported Ibrahim El Bakraoui to the Netherlands in July. He later travelled to Belgium and eventually blew himself up at the Brussels'
airport. Last week, the Turkish president said his country had warned Brussels about El Bakraoui, but this is what the Belgian prime minister had
to say.
CHARLES MICHEL, PRIME MINISTER OF BELGIUM (through translation): It is very surprising from a country such as Turkey and its president to see that
if that person was dangerous to let that person board a plan going to the Netherlands without Turkish officers and without early information given on
the fact that that person was about to arrive there and at that time, first point.
Second point that I want to indicate, in Belgium, obviously, there will also be a parliamentary investigation commission, and the parliament will
be able to check how communication was managed with Belgium and various countries, including Turkey, which really shows that the main priority for
our generation and all democratic societies is to make sure that we improve communication, intelligence sharing.
I was one of the first European leader a few month months ago already before terrorist attack in Belgium to ask for the setting up of a European
CIA or FBI to have a European platform that would be better structure, better organized in order to continuously share information.
In Europe, there is freedom of movement within the (inaudible) area. Borders are open, which means two things in my opinion. We need strict and
tight control on external European borders. This is a challenge for European leaders today. This is an urgent thing that we have to do. And
we need to improve date information and intelligence sharing regarding people at risk.
KINKADE: Now, those open borders in Europe the Belgium prime minister mentioned have also played a role in Europe's struggle to tackle the
migrant crisis. E.U. leaders pin their hopes on deal they reached with Turkey last month. Under its terms, anyone who has crossed into Greece
illegally since March 20th is to be sent back to Turkey.
Now, the deal came into force on Monday, but its impact has been slow. CNN's Phil Black has been following this story and joins me now live from
Phil, we saw a trickle of asylum seekers, just three boats return to Turkey on day one. Nothing on day two. How is it looking now?
PHIL BLACK, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Yes, Lynda, three boats on day one, which was Monday, 202 migrants aboard. But nothing on Tuesday, Wednesday. There
won't be any tomorrow. We're not expecting more ferries to arrive carrying deported migrants until Friday.
And, again, it will probably be a few hundred. The reason for this is that on the Greek side, they're simply not ready. The process is not yet ramped
up enough to deal with the thousands of people that are there accessing each individual's asylum application. In some cases, there will be
This all takes time, personnel, resources, all of those sorts of logistics that just simply aren't in place just yet. So it's going take time to ramp
this policy up to see how it is really going to be implemented practically, if it can be implemented practically.
Now, some Turkish officials are already claiming the policy is a success, because it is deterring people from making the journey, which is the key
goal here really in the sense that fewer people are now crossing from Greece -- from Turkey into Greece -- or fewer people have crossed from
Turkey to Greece since the deal was announced.
But it's probably too early to claim outright success just yet. Because while the numbers are down, people are still going in greater numbers than
those are being deported from Greece.
And of the migrants that we've spoken to, they're not saying they've given up on the idea. They're saying they're just taking a pause. They're being
cautious. They want to see how this system is implemented, what it will mean for them. And even in the event that they believe it is very likely
they will then be deported from Greece should they travel, they're not ruling out the attempt, because they feel they have no other choice but to
do so. Lynda.
KINKADE: And Phil, the E.U. commission has just published a policy paper that basically states that the current migrant crisis has exposed
significant structural weaknesses in the current regulations. They have proposed to overhaul it. What are they suggesting?
BLACK: The key changes really apply to what's known as the Dublin rules, which basically say within the European Union that the country where
migrants first arrive is the country that is ultimately responsible for handling their asylum application and taking care of them as well.
What they're talking about is that in this case, in the context of the crisis is obviously Greece and Italy, these are the countries that to a
significant degree have been overwhelmed, taken on the greater share of the burden, the responsibility, so the E.U. commission says that this is not
fair. It's not sustainable.
It is suggesting possible changes to those rules. One would simply see a mechanism applied whereby in times of crisis and emergency, some of the
migrant numbers could be shared out among other countries.
The other slightly more radical idea is to do away with the Dublin rule altogether and replace it with a system of distribution across all E.U.
member states based on numbers which would apply to their economic ability to handle migrants and so forth. But the people behind this paper admit
that even these sorts of changes are moderate but potentially realistic.
They say in the longer term, however, the European Union may need to consider a fully centralized system for dealing with asylum cases whereby
member states would actually give up many of their powers in this regard, hand it over to an E.U. organization, which would then rule on asylum
applications and also decide which countries the successful applicants should go to.
That isn't part of this policy paper, because the people behind it admit countries simply wouldn't go for it politically right now. That idea
simply would not fly. Lynda.
KINKADE: OK. Phil Black, (inaudible) live from Istanbul. Thank you very much.
Well, coming up later, Bangladesh faces criticism over toxic water. One rights group says it was warned about two decades ago. A look at who's
being affected just ahead.
Also, Trump finally explains how he plans to get Mexico to pay for a border wall. We'll ask Mexican immigrants here in Atlanta what they think about
the candidate's latest twist on the controversial proposal.
KINKADE: Welcome back. Ted Cruz says the Wisconsin primary marked a turning point in the Republican race for the President. He won that
contest on Tuesday, and he's hoping to carry the momentum into the next major battle ground of New York. But that's Trump's home state, and he
maintains a very strong lead there in the polls.
Commanders on the front line in Iraq's fight against ISIS is slowing down. Progress had already been a crawl from village to village. And now army
leaders say they are trying to wait for noncombat troops to come and hold territory they've already taken.
Amnesty International says the number of recorded executions last year surged to the highest level in 25 years. The human rights group says more
than 1,600 people were put to death worldwide.
Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia accounted for nearly 90 percent of those executions. Numbers out of China are unknown.
KINKADE: Europe's governing football body, UEFA says it's now being investigated by Swiss Federal Police over allegations in the "Panama
KINKADE: Swiss police raided UEFA headquarters near Switzerland earlier. The documents are said to have uncovered a possible link between the new
FIFA President, Gianni Infantino and a questionable T.V. rights deal. Mr. Infantino worked for UEFA before he became the boss at FIFA earlier this
year amid the body's corruption scandal. He and UEFA deny any wrongdoing and they are cooperating with authorities.
KINKADE: (Inaudible) in Wisconsin Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump finally laid out how Mexico could pay for his controversial border
KINKADE: He now says he'll cut off billions in remittances from immigrants living in the U.S. The funds help keep Mexico's economy afloat.
KINKADE: Our Rafael Romo spoke to some members of the Mexican community right here in Atlanta. Their reaction to Trump's latest proposal ranged
from anger to disbelief.
RAFAEL ROMO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: If you go to communities across the United States with high concentration of immigrants from Latin America, you're
going to find places like this. Here in Atlanta (inaudible) is not only a shopping center but also a place where immigrants, mainly Mexicans get
together. They shop, they dine in little restaurants like this one and they do one more thing that's crucial for their families back home, they send
money to Mexico.
DIANA CUBILLOS, IMMIGRANT: It's very important to send money because they are working really hard here and they have -- most of them they have
families over there. And it's very hard to find jobs in Mexico.
ROMO: Donald Trump's reported plan to force the Mexican government to pay for a border wall by stopping undocumented immigrants from transferring
money to Mexico as you can imagine is cause for a great concern for Mexican immigrants documented or not.
LETKIA GONZALEZ, MEXICAN IMMIGRANT: (As translated): This is complete foolishness she says, he can do it and we won't let him, we're going to
keep on sending money to our people as we always have.
ROMO: According to Mexico's Central Bank Mexicans abroad sent nearly $24.8 billion to their country last year mainly from the United States. This is
more money than Mexico's total oil revenues for 2015 estimated at 23.4 billion. This is the first time that incoming money transfers are higher
than the oil revenues since they started taking records in 1995.
So Donald Trump wants to block money transfers to Mexico to build a wall. What do you think about that?
"He only makes me laugh" she says, "I don't agree, I'm proudly Mexican and don't agree with what this gentleman wants to do."
"He's crazy" she says, "they should take him to see a psychiatrist, I hope all Hispanics, those of us who are citizens go out and vote against him."
These immigrants say no matter what Mexicans will always find a way to help their families back home.
Rafael Romo, CNN, (inaudible).
KINKADE: So clearly Mexican immigrants aren't getting on the Trump band wagon and the candidate's loss in Wisconsin means he probably won't have
enough delegates to clinch the Republican nomination in advance of the convention.
So what's next for his campaign?
I'm joined now by CNN political commentator, Jeffrey Lord, who joins us via Skype. He is the author of "What American Needs: The Case for Trump" and
was the White House political director for the late President Ronald Reagan. Great to have you with us Jeffrey.
KINKADE: Donald Trump now needs to win about 60% of the remaining delegates if he is to avoid a contested convention. Looking at the states that are
left is that possible?
LORD: Sure, it's possible. Is it a hard slog? Yes. But is it doable? Yes as opposed to for instance governor Kasich who's got 125% chance of not
being able to do this. So yes, Donald Trump can do this.
But I would add that practice indicates that you can get close and then delegates start to - delegates that are perhaps not in your corner can come
around because they really do believe that you know the person with the most votes should win.
KINKADE: So if he is still leading right up to the convention but doesn't have enough delegates, he will cry a foul, what sort of fallout will we
LORD: Well, it all depends on if he's treated fairly here. I mean you know if he loses in some sort of square and fair fashion that's one thing.
LORD: But if there is, as is suspected all kinds of shenanigans that are going to go on here to deny him the votes behind the scenes with
manipulating the rules and that sort of thing, that's another thing all together.
LORD: Frankly I think whoever would do that the eventual winner, if it not for Donald Trump would be - would be self-emulated. I mean they would have
a very difficult time winning, they would anger so many people.
KINKADE: And speaking of the rules, there are Republican rules that say that you have to win eight states and secure more than 50 percent of the
delegates in those states to be considered for the convention.
Now at this stage, Trump is the only one that has that. Those rules currently rule out Cruz and Kasich. So can those rules be easily changed?
LORD: Well they can be changed. You know what is so ironic about this, this rule was a result of the Romney people four years ago trying to get
Rand Paul from being nominated and when I say nominated having his name placed in nomination at the convention four years ago. They didn't want
anything to do with him so they concocted this rule to keep him out.
Well now, four years later, this rule is coming around to bite them. And it's a lesson I think perhaps that you should be careful what you wish for
here. Because when you monkey with the rules you wind up in essence doing yourself in. So now they're in a pickle of their own making.
KINKADE: How likely do you think it will be that Trump runs as an independent?
LORD: At this point I would - I would think not. I would think not. You know as long as he's treated fairly he is in fact winning at this point. So
and not only is he winning but he's coming into a series of states in New York, Pennsylvania, northeastern states where he is favored, where he's
LORD: He's ahead here in Pennsylvania, he's very much ahead, there's a new poll out I think in New York that has him ahead by you know something like
30 points. So he's coming to an area that's very favorable to him. So I think, you know he really does stand a good chance.
KINKADE: Though he did lose Wisconsin and he did put a statement out blaming Ted Cruz, he blamed local radio talk back hosts, he blames the
Republican establishment. Should he take any blame for that loss?
LORD: Well, you know I mean this is what candidates do to be perfectly candid. I mean Senator Cruz blames others when he loses, all sorts of
candidates do this. The Republican establishment of Wisconsin ganged up on Donald Trump.
LORD: I mean it's their right, it's a free country it's their right to do what they wish to do. They did this and Donald Trump didn't get the votes
so now we go on. And there is no Republican establishment to speak of in a place like New York. So they're sort of hard pressed here and they're
already to (tribe), so this is just politics as usual I'm afraid.
KINKADE: And we will be watching that New York vote very closely. Jeffrey Lord, great to have you with us as always.
LORD: Thank you. Any time.
KINKADE: Democratic Hillary Clinton says that she is feeling really good about the state of her campaign despite the loss to Bernie Sanders in
In an interview with CNN Clinton emphasized that she is still ahead in the game in the delegate count. Let's see what's next for the Clinton's
I'm joined now from Washington by CNN Political commentator, Patti Solis Doyle, she's Clinton's former campaign manager. Great to have you with us
KINKADE: Now, Sanders has had seven consecutive wins, he's doing much better than anyone had anticipated at the start but he does have a long way
to go and as Hillary Clinton pointed out he needs to win about 77% of the remaining delegates or hope that super delegates will switch to him. Is
that possible?
DOYLE: Well, look super delegates are not pledged delegates by definition, and they don't vote actually until the actual convention.
DOYLE: But Bernie Sanders whole theory behind the super delegates switching over is that he will have the will of the people. He will have the majority
of the votes and therefore they should switch. But that really doesn't make sense because Hillary Clinton is not only winning almost an insurmountable
lead in the pledged delegates, but she's also winning with the popular vote. She has more than two and a half million votes than Senator Sanders.
And these are votes that are comprise of a broad coalition of support from across the country in different regions of the country.
KINKADE: Now Senator Sanders recently gave a news speech at the New York Daily News, it was published a couple of days ago and it really seemed to
show some weaknesses when it comes to answering questions about both domestic and foreign policy. And he spoke about the example, one of the
main examples was his pledge, his constant pledge to break up the big banks. He could not say how he would do it. Should voters be concerned
with that?
DOYLE: Well, yes, I think voters should be very concerned about that. I think the editorial board with the New York Daily News really lays bare
what Hillary Clinton has been saying for many months now.
DOYLE: And that is while Bernie Sanders heart is very much in the right place, and while they agree on most issues, Hillary has a real plan on how
to get those - the plan for those issues, those ideas actually get done, while Bernie Sanders hasn't really quite thought it through and doesn't
have a plan. And I think in this stage of the game, we are now in April, they've been running for President for you know a year now, I think at this
stage he really should have a detailed plan on how to get it done and he just didn't.
KINKADE: Hillary Clinton was asked about the substance to Sanders policies a short time ago and she spoke to my colleague, Chris Cuomo, let's just
take a listen to what she had to say.
CHRIS CUOMO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: How much more substance does he need other than I want to break up the banks, we'll figure out how. I want to go
after ISIS, I'll figure out where I interrogate them.
HILLARY CLINTON, U.S. DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, it's going to be up to the voters to decide. But you know --
CUOMO: But a lot of people would say Secretary it's about what you want to do, you'll figure out how later.
CLINTON: Yes, well that's not the way I've seen it work over a lot of years and a lot of reading of history. I think the Presidents who are successful
know what they want to do and they know how to do it.
KINKADE: So going forward how is Hillary Clinton going to play those weaknesses against him?
DOYLE: Well, CNN is hosting a debate on the 14th here in Brooklyn, New York. And I think that in that debate she is really going to have a format
to really highlight the differences in terms of her actual specific plan.
DOYLE: You know I worked for Hillary Clinton for a very long time, for 17 years and one of the things that I have always admired about her is that
this is a woman who really sort of rolls up her sleeves, does her homework and before she goes out there she knows every aspect of the issue. She
knows what the problem is and she also has a solution to solve the problem.
DOYLE: Bernie Sanders has yet to show us that side of his candidacy. And I think in these tenuous times in our country and around the world, I think
voters are really looking for someone with specific plans on how to get things done. And she is the one who has them.
KINKADE: The only concern I guess, one of the concerns she has is the likeability factor. How will she overcome that?
DOYLE: Well, her lead with two and a half million more votes counters that theory. I just -- I don't agree with the premise of the question. I think
she is very likable and the number of votes she has and the number of delegates she has speaks to that.
KINKADE: OK. Patti Solis Doyle, great to have you with us.
DOYLE: Thank you.
KINKADE: Thank you so much for joining us.
Well this is "The World Right Now." A staggering number of people in Bangladesh are facing a toxic water crisis.
KINKADE: Now that's according to Human Rights Watch which is accusing the government of neglect. We'll have that report just ahead.
KINKADE: Welcome back 20 million people in Bangladesh are slowly but surely being poisoned, that's according to a new report from Human Rights Watch.
The rights group accuses the government of failing to find a solution to much of the country's drinking water being contaminated with arsenic and
it's the poor and rural areas who are bearing the brunt of this problem.
Sumnima Udas reports.
SUMNIMA UDAS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: 30-year-old (Jahara Aktar) draws water from her family's well. The clear water contains a deadly element, arsenic
but she doesn't have another option. Her mother has died from drinking it, her brother and father are both ill. The problem is widespread and well
known. The fix simple but costly according to Richard Pearshouse of Human Rights Watch.
RICHARD PEARSHOUSE, SR. RESEARCH, HUMAN RIGHTS WATER: Water from 150 meters down is usually safe, it's usually arsenic free. Water from just 30 or 50
meters down that's the water that is usually contaminated with arsenic.
The problem in Bangladesh is shallow tube wells. They are wells that go just 50 meters down. To get 150 meters down that costs approximately
UDAS: (inaudible) and poisonous arsenic naturally (inaudible) soil and rock in Bangladesh. Deeper wells bypass this toxin but Human Rights Watch says
tens of millions of people living in rural and poor areas of the country need the government to provide these deeper more expensive wells.
The group visited five villages and talked to over a hundred people and found a big problem.
PEARSHOUSE: The deep tube well from the government could be providing lifesaving safe water for hundreds of people. But what I saw when I went
to the villages was a different situation. There would be a few government tube wells in those areas but they would be in private people's houses.
They'd be in someone's back yard locked up behind the shed and they'd be used by that person's immediate family, so five or six people.
There are thousands of people in that one village who are still drinking contaminated well water from their wells. They know the arsenic is
contaminated but they have no alternative because the government water points are used by private families who have got them through political
UDAS: And even when the government tries to install deep water wells in villages Pearshouse says it's not getting it right.
PEARSHOUSE: Bangladesh has mapped to an incredibly precise degree where the arsenic is in its ground waters. There are extensive maps that have
incredibly detailed level across this country, but when deciding where to put new tube wells which could keep people safe, they don't actually follow
UDAS: Human Rights Watch hopes that by again drawing attention to the issue the government of Bangladesh will take its recommendation to adopt a
national plan to end arsenic exposure and provide millions with access to safe water.
PEARSHOUSE: This problem came to the world's attention 20 years ago. And it got on the front page of the New York Times and was widely covered. The
problem arsenic in the drinking water is still as deadly as it was the first time the world learnt about this problem.
UDAS: Now we reached out to the Bangladesh Government for a comment on this Human Rights Watch report. The Director General of Health Services, Dean
Mohammed said he was not aware of this report but he did say and I quote "arsenic in water in rural Bangladesh is a problem no doubt, but it's not
very serious. The government has been setting up health care facilities and community lead programs to educate people about arsenic in water for years.
We are trying to stop villages from using tube well water and asking them to use boiled surface water instead."
Sumnima Udas, CNN, New Delhi.
KINKADE: And still to come stronger privacy for more than a billion people worldwide.
KINKADE: We'll talk about WhatsApp's latest move to protect its clients privacy.
KINKADE: Welcome back. Here's a look at the business world right now. The big board shows the Dow is up 109 points right now. And having a look at
the other markets; they are also in positive territory, the NASDAQ up about one and a half percent, and the S&P 500 up a little over 1%. And the
Germany DAX a little bit over a half percent, and the FTSE 100 up about 1.16%.
KINKADE: Well, in the United States controversial new legislation just cost one state 400 future jobs.
KINKADE: PayPal has cancelled plans to open a new operations center in North Carolina. The company cited a measure that requires people to use
bathrooms that correspond to the gender on their birth certificate rather than the gender they identify with. Critics say the bill excludes gay and
transgender people from legal protections.
KINKADE: Various industries warning that a similar loss of jobs could happen in the neighboring state of Tennessee. State legislature there are
weighing a similar bathroom measure.
And companies lining up to oppose yet another controversial law in Mississippi where the governor there has signed a so called religious
freedom bill.
KINKADE: The law protects people and businesses who refuse services, access, or employment to same sex couples, gay or transgender people.
Critics say it legalizes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Supporters of the law say it protects the rights of
religious people.
KINKADE: Now if you use WhatsApp you will have seen a notice pop up on the instant messaging service that you haven't seen before. Have a look at it.
KINKADE: The Facebook owned app is telling its more than 1 billion users it has added full end to end encryption for all communications.
So what exactly does that mean?
KINKADE: CNN's Money, Samuel Burke, is back to break it down for us all. Great to have you with us live from New York.
So Samuel exactly what does this include? It's not just text messages, videos and photos will also be encrypted right?
SAMUEL BURKE, CNN MONEY CORRESPONDENT: It's everything that you use on WhatsApp and while many people think of it as just written text messages,
more and more people are using it make those free phone calls to anywhere in the world to anyone else who has WhatsApp and those are going to be
encrypted with what's called end to end encryption.
That means if you and I are having a phone call for instance Lynda, only your phone and my phone have the keys to decipher that conversation. So
even if someone where able to hack and intercept, as it goes through the WhatsApp's servers it wouldn't matter, everything that they would see would
just kind of be mumbo jumbo. And the only people who can really see that code are our phones.
I want to just highlight though something that Jan Koum, he's the CEO and Founder of WhatsApp said. He said that privacy is really at the core of
WhatsApp. But went on to say something even more fascinating. "For me, it's personal, the fact that people couldn't speak freely in Ukraine under
Soviet Rule is one of the reasons my family moved to the United States."
BURKE: So this is his response and his company's response really to all of the reports about hacking and prying government eyes that we've seen over
the years.
KINKADE: So this is bad news for those governments who carry out that sort of surveillance and law enforcement agencies but certainly a win for
BURKE: Well, this encryption has always been a thorn in the side of governments who are trying to eavesdrop. Many times they'll have warrants
and this is just going to make it that much harder, if not possible for them to do it.
BURKE: Because what this means is that even if they go with a court order, basically WhatsApp and Facebook which owns WhatsApp says sorry, we don't
have the keys, there is literally nothing that we can do to get to that information. And we've seen that come to a head between Apple and the FBI
and even Brazil and WhatsApp. We've already seen them really going at each other in that country and even arresting a Facebook executive at one point
because of this encryption.
KINKADE: And looking at that case, the FBI verse Apple, that was a case where we had the terrorists from the San Bernadino shooting and the FBI had
the phone but couldn't access it without the help of Apple. Yet they managed to break in and hack that phone in the end. So does this encryption
really work?
BURKE: Yes, everyone keeps on asking me is it 100 percent.
BURKE: And I always say, nothing is 100%. If there's anything I've learned from being a tech reporters, is if they build a wall someone could get over
BURKE: And even though some people are calling this perfect privacy, I might say this is as perfect privacy as you can get. This sets the bar
incredibly high and most people think that most governments won't be able to get in. But with time, maybe someone will figure out a way but this is
really the tech industry going to a whole other level and we're seeing them unite all going forward with these types of measures to keep hackers out
and to keep the government out. So no matter who comes to them whether it's the American government or the Chinese government, whoever it might
be, they just say we don't have the keys.
KINKADE: So why the FBI isn't very happy about this move by WhatsApp if there are criminals out there terrorists that want to communicate, there
are other ways they can do it through encrypted means.
BURKE: Well, that's what `s so difficult here is because I think even if you're an advocate of the privacy and there are people that took the
government's side in the Apple vs. FBI situation, I think anybody can agree that there are legitimate times when the government might want to get in
and might need to get in. And they have been so accustomed to being able to wiretap peoples phones. And now with this type of situation where they
really can't get in then people are going to have to be left saying well, what will we do then? There may be nothing that they can do.
KINKADE: OK, Samuel Burke, great to have you with us as always from New York. Thank you very much.
Well, this has been "The World Right Now." I'm Lynda Kinkade, thanks for joining us. "Quest Means Business" is up next.