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Hala Gorani Tonight
Investigation Probe Killer's Past After Massacre; Shooting Inside Nightclub Captured On Camera; Gunman's Father: My Son Was Not A Radical Islamist; Police Looked For Ties Between Shooter And ISIS; Trump, Clinton Respond To Orlando Tragedy; Trump: "Our President Doesn't Know What He's Doing"; Five Shooting Patients In Grave Condition; England Fans Sentenced To Prison For Football Violence; Trump Revoking Press Credentials for Washington Post; Remembering the Victims; London Holds Vigil for Orland Victims. Aired 3:30-5p ET
Aired June 13, 2016 - 15:30 ET
[15:30:00] HALA GORANI, CNN HOST: Forty nine people dead in a Florida nightclub, a killer who pledged allegiance to ISIS in a 911 call and many,
many questions remain. A day after the deadliest terror attack in the United States since 9/11. Authorities are trying to understand the motives
of the killer, Omar Mateen, and how he escaped detection. Here's Diane Gallagher.
BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: This is being treated as a terrorist investigation.
DIANE GALLAGHER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): One day after the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11 President Obama says
that the massacre appears to have originated here on American soil.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: This is certainly an example of the kind of home grown extremism that all of us have been so concerned about for a very long time.
DALLAGHER: Authorities are learning more about the gunman, 29-year-old Omar Mateen, who was born in New York to Afghan parents, but at this point
in the investigation officials say there is no evidence to suggest that Mateen was directed to carry out Sunday's attack by a terrorist network.
JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR: There are strong indications of radicalization by this killer and of potential inspiration by foreign terrorist
GALLAGHER: Now the FBI says it has been tracking Mateen since May 2013 after disturbing reports he was claiming his family had connections to al
Qaeda and that he had a desire to martyr himself.
COMEY: And over the next ten months, we attempted to determine whether he was possibly a terrorist, something we do in hundreds and hundreds of cases
all across the country.
GALLAGHER: As for the victims and family members, it will be a long road to recovery. The attack left 49 people dead and another 53 injured. Some
are still in grave condition. The LBGT community and the city of Orlando are coming together to denounce the attack and support one another.
CHRIS ENZO, FRIEND SHOT IN ATTACK: Our message is do not give into terrorism having the last laugh. We will never ever support terrorists
winning on American soil.
GALLAGHER: In Orlando, I'm Diane Gallagher, reporting.
GORANI: And we continue our special coverage. I'm Hala Gorani. Welcome to the viewers around the world on the aftermath of the horrific shooting
in Orlando, the worst mass shooting in American history.
And on that note new video is emerging from inside that nightclub called the Pulse showing how it turned from a night of jubilation to one of
complete and utter terror. A warning that some viewers may find the following disturbing.
Amanda Alveira (ph) was using Snapchat to post video online just when the attack began. Alveira did not survive sadly, but the images and sounds
that she recorded did. Take a look.
GORANI: Well, you can hear there the sounds of a high-powered rifle in the distance and as we mentioned there the young lady who recorded the video
did not make it out alive. You see how packed it was. You see that people were partying taken by Amanda Alveira, killed, age 25.
The gunman's father is speaking out. Seddique Mateen told reporters that he is just as baffled as everyone else about what his son did, and he
dismissed the idea that his son was radical Islamist. Listen.
SEDDIQUE MATEEN, OMAR MATEEN'S FATHER: I wish he was alive. I could ask him same question that you have and I cannot -- I cannot tell you. Why?
Why he did do such act. This is against the principle of me and the whole family.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He talked about evidently some terrorist leanings with Islam.
MATEEN: That I don't know. I don't know. And I -- I say whatever he said, his act, that we are not aware of it and even if he was my son, I
don't approve of anyone doing such a thing against the homeland. It's home. This is my home.
I think that's all I say and I explain the whole thing so I -- I am as sad as the rest of the country and I hope -- I hope all of my American brothers
and sisters, they heal faster and -- and we'll make sure that this didn't happen in the United States of America in the future.
[15:35:12]GORANI: The father of the killer there. Authorities have combed through the apartment where the Orlando gunman lived.
CNN's Brian Todd joins us from Fort Pierce, Florida with more on that part of the investigation and what more are we hearing about the shooter in this
case, Brian?
BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Hala, we're getting some details from people who worked with the shooter and also from the FBI Director James
Comey about his behavior in the years leading up to this attack. Now one former security guard with a company called G4S Solutions, the security
company that Omar Mateen worked for.
This security guard's name is Daniel Gilroy (ph). He used to work with him around 2014-2515 time period. Gilroy told journalists during that time he
became very concerned about Mateen's behavior saying Mateen made rates of and homophobic comments and often talked about killing people, that he was
unhinged, that he was unstable.
Gilroy said he was so concerned about it that he told their employer several times about Mateen's behavior and he said the company did nothing.
Now we have reached out to the company to respond to that.
They haven't responded immediately to those comments by Daniel Gilroy, but they have said that Omar Mateen, when he worked for them, went through two
extensive screenings, two background checks, once in 2007 when he was hired and once in 2013.
Those background checks were very extensive, they said, including psychological screening. Now, a little bit more on this shooter from the
FBI Director James Comey. Comey said that the FBI first became aware of Omar Mateen back in 2013, in May of 2013.
He says when they got wind of comments that Mateen was making to his co- workers. This is at a time when he was a security guard at a local courthouse. According to James Comey, Mateen claimed to have family ties
to al Qaeda. He claimed to be a member of Hezbollah.
He said that he hoped that police would raid his apartment and assault his wife and child so that he could become a martyr. Comey said after that
they began an exhaustive ten-month -- an investigation of him. They tailed him. They -- they tapped his phone.
They introduced confidential informants to him and interviewed him twice and eventually after about ten months they conclude that he was not a
significant security threat, Hala, so he was known to the FBI.
They interviewed him at least twice. They surveilled him and at a certain time they just deemed that he was not a significant threat.
GORANI: And the big question is, of course, was he directed from someone or an organization or ISIS or another group from abroad? Was he acting
alone? What are authorities saying about that, about the possibility he may be part of a network, or was it really something that -- was it self-
radicalization and something that he did on his own?
TODD: Well, FBI Director James Comey, Hala, said that he does appear to have been radicalized, but that's about as far as law enforcement officials
are getting. We don't have from any of the officials we've spoken with any indication that he was directed by ISIS or any other terrorist group.
Now, as we know, he called 911 during the attack and pledged allegiance to ISIS, but again, to keep that in context. According to these other
accounts that we've heard, he'd pledged some kind of ties to al Qaeda and Hezbollah.
So he might have been all over the place with these claims, and, again, the bottom line, the fact that we have now, as of now, Hala, no indication that
he was directed by ISIS or any other terrorist group to commit this attack.
GORANI: And you mentioned the fact that he pledged allegiance to ISIS in that 911 called, but also years before he said he sympathized with
Hezbollah, which is a Shiite militant group and nothing to do with al Qaeda, the Tsarnaev brothers in Boston acted in the name of al Qaeda. The
suicide bomber from Florida was associated with the Al-Nusra Front, which is a rival to ISIS. I mean, it just really sounds like total confusion in
this guy's mind.
TODD: It really does sound like confusion, Hala, and maybe a sense of wanting to join one of these groups or just wanting to kind of put it out
there that he was of that mind. We talked to sue former high school classmates of his at two different schools. Yesterday we spoke with them.
They didn't want to go on camera or give their names, but they told us that right after 9/11 his behavior changed, that he seemed to become more
agitated. They both said that he claimed that Osama Bin Laden was his uncle and got a lot of brush back from classmates to that.
So this is a guy, Hala, that have seemed to have been a little bit all over the place with his claims of terrorist affiliations.
GORANI: All right, Brian Todd in Fort Pierce, Florida, with the latest on the investigation and the background of the shooter.
It didn't take long for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to weigh in on the tragedy in Orlando. Giving sharply different responses on how to handle
the threat of terrorism. Both gave major speeches a short time ago.
The presumptive Republican presidential nominee repeated his call for banning Muslims, immigrants, saying, quote, "We need to tell the truth
about radical Islam." Listen.
[15:40:07]DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The killer whose name I will not use or ever say was born in Afghan of Afghan parents who
immigrated to the United States. His father published support for the African-Taliban, a regime, which murders those who don't share its radical
views and they murdered plenty.
The father even said he was running for president of Afghanistan. The bottom line is that the only reason the killer was in America in the first
place was because we allowed his family to come here. That is a fact and it's a fact we need to talk about.
GORANI: All right. Now, Donald Trump says there that the killer was born in Afghan, he in fact was born in New York. That his father supported the
Taliban. Translators told CNN there were no individuals online of the father expressing any support for the Taliban.
Trump's likely Democratic opponent warned against scapegoating Muslims. Hillary Clinton also called for tougher gun control. Listen to her
solution to the problem.
HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I know some will say assault weapons and background checks are totally separate issues having nothing to
do with terrorism. Well, in Orlando and San Bernardino terrorists used assault weapons, the AR-15, and they used it to kill Americans. That was
the same assault weapon used to kill those little children in Sandy Hook. We have to make it harder for people who should not have those weapons of
GORANI: Well, let's get some perspective now from Fareed Zakaria. He is the host of "FAREED ZAKARIA GPS" on CNN. Fareed, it didn't take look for
this to become a campaign issue.
FAREED ZAKARIA, CNN HOST, "FAREED ZAKARIA GPS": No, and it's striking how quickly both campaigns decided to get into it. Hillary Clinton doing it in
her traditional trademark way, which was very specific, series of policy proposals, all things that you could do that would, you know, have a kind
of measurable impact.
And in Trump's case, of course, it was more pushing emotional buttons. I mean, after all you can't go back 40 years and -- and not let the guy's
father in, so I'm not sure what the ban has to do with the specific case.
It's not clear what he means by saying we have to tell the truth about radical Islam, you know, how that truth would prevent this clearly deranged
young man from doing what he did, but Trump is very good at pushing kind of emotional buttons and he did that.
GORANI: And he didn't let the facts get in the way of any of that speech. I mean, he -- there were a number of inaccuracies in what he said, but he
got the applause and he's playing to a base that is really buying into this message.
And I wonder after a tough week last week politically for him, when members of the GOP were going after him for comments he made about a judge, and the
Trump University case, et cetera, whether or not this is going to give him a boost internally.
ZAKARIA: It almost certainly will give him a boost. Look, Trump is trafficking in fear. This is what he appeals to and naturally people are
scared now so I would not say it's just an appeal to his base. It's an appeal to a large majority of Americans who are scared, fearful, and
suspicious of Islam.
He's playing to all those issues. As you say they were the usual Trump falsehoods. The guy was not born in Afghanistan, which he called Afghan.
The father, at least nothing I have read suggests the father was a member of the Taliban.
So, you know, there's all that, but the emotional appeal is real and that's what he's very good at. The question is whether Clinton and Obama's more
brackets call, you know, intellectual approach will overtime win.
What we've noticed in these -- in these recent terrorist attacks, Hala, is the first few days or the few weeks, the emotionalism does win.
But after that, you know, people come to their senses and ask themselves, well, what can we do practically? We can't ban 1.6 billion people, you
know. We can't set up internment camps.
So then you start going into the realm of the practical and that is working with the Muslim community to identify radicals, pressing for reform and
encouraging Muslim reformers.
It's all the small bore stuff that is much less sexy emotionally, but probably is the -- is the stuff that will make a difference.
GORANI: And -- and longer term as well. Internationally, though, Fareed, I wonder, I mean, what will the reaction be to just kind of ramping up yet
again the anti-Muslim rhetoric on the part of Donald Trump, the Muslim ban, et cetera, et cetera.
[15:45:08]Is there a real concern, do you think, among foreign leaders that Donald Trump could become the president and what it would mean for the
country and its relations abroad?
ZAKARIA: There is an extraordinary amount of fear and puzzlement, yes. I think that anyone who has traveled, as you know, Hala, and talked to people
of all walks of life, businessmen, journalists, politicians, officials, everyone is trying to figure out what it means because Trump has been kind
of an equal opportunity offender.
He told the South Koreans and North Korea that they should get nuclear weapons and maybe we should start conversations with North Korea. He told
the Japanese they should fend for themselves and told the Europeans they might pull out of NATO.
He's told the Muslims he's going to ban all 1.6 billion of them. So there's lots of people worried for lots of reasons. I think probably true
to say in Muslim countries people are most worried.
And I'll tell you where there is the greatest degree of almost anger is in countries like Jordan where people are fighting and dying against ISIS and
these are, of course, all Muslims.
The people who are on the front lines of the battle against ISIS and other such Islamic terror groups are all Muslim and yet it is -- it is them that
Trump is stigmatizing. It's a sad situation.
GORANI: All right. Fareed Zakaria, thanks very much, host of "FAREED ZAKARIA GPS." Appreciate your time on the program this evening. There's
lots more to come tonight. We are learning more about the victims of the Orlando shooting, their lives, their hopes and who they were. We'll
remember them later. At the heart of all this is human tragedy and a loss.
But first an exclusive look inside the hospital where the injured are being treated. All that is still ahead on a special extended edition of THE
WORLD RIGHT NOW. Stay with us.
GORANI: Well, in the midst of all of this coverage, of course, we cannot and will not forget the human beings at the very heart of this tragedy, the
victims. More than 50 people were injured in this shooting and five remain in grave condition.
CNN's chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, is outside the hospital in Orlando where many of the victims are being treated. Sanjay,
first of all, I can only imagine, I mean, those who were critically wounded must have terrible gunshot wounds. What is their condition?
SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, yes, I mean, there were 43 patients that were brought here. Nine of them actually passed away
while they were actually in the trauma area being evaluated by the doctors. You can imagine, Hala, what that must have been like.
But they actually called in several other doctors to try and take care of these patients because they were critically injured, several needing
operations and 26 operations performed in the first few hours after these patients arrived.
[15:50:10]And now there are patients in the intensive care unit trying to get care. I'll give you an example, Hala, one patient required 90 units of
blood, just one patient and, again, there were dozens of patients that these doctors were trying to care for.
So critically injured, but I think safe to say doctors are a bit more optimistic today than they were yesterday about how these patients that are
in the hospital are going to do.
GORANI: Yes, because even on the worst night of violence of a city like Orlando you would not come close to dozens and dozens of trauma cases,
right? They had to call in, I think, correct me if I'm wrong, an additional eight trauma surgeons?
GUPTA: Well, they -- they have one trauma surgeon who is always in the hospital on call and called in an additional five trauma surgeons and then
also orthopedic surgeons. I can tell you, Hala, the injuries that the doctors were seeing here at the hospital were gunshot wounds to the trunk,
meaning the chest and the abdomen and also to the extremities.
They weren't seeing gunshot wounds to the head here at hospital as you might guess sadly because those patients did not survive and did not make
it to the hospital. So it was trauma surgeons and orthopedic surgeons and, again, just trying to take care of so much patients doing so many
operations in a short amount of time.
And Hala, let me also add this. They were trying to identify who these patients were. They were trying to talk to them, if patients were able to
talk. Dr. Smith was the doctor who was the first doctor here on call. He described to me a little bit what that was like. Take a listen.
DR. CHADWICK P. SMITH, ORLANDO REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER: Some of them were awake and they were frightened.
GUPTA: What did they say to you?
SMITH: Confused. Several people asked, you know, if they were going to die. Where their friends were. Where their loved ones were. And -- and,
you know, just everybody kind of came together and tried to reassure them at the same time. There were some patients, unfortunately, that due to
their injuries they were unable to move and we tried to keep them as comfortable as possible.
GUPTA: Hala you can hear there in Dr. Smith's voice, look this, has been psychologically taxing, I think. No surprise for everybody here, the
doctors and the nurses and the entire health care team. As you said, they have never seen anything quite like this.
They do drills. They are called mass casualty drills to try to prepare for this sort of thing, but this was unlike anything they had ever seen or
GORANI: All right. I guess it's something altogether different when it does end up happening. Thanks so much, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, live in Orlando.
A lot more to come. The Euro 2016 tournament turns violent. Now UEFA warns that the English and Russian teams could be disqualified. We'll have
a lot more on the Orlando shooting in just a few minutes, but first the other day's news after a quick break. Stay with us.
GORANI: That is the sound of silence. Parisians paused to remember the victims of the terror attack in Orlando and a short distance away Irish
football fans stood before the rainbow flag for a minute of silence. It was a scene repeated across all ten host cities of the Euro 2016
Of course, Paris had its own tragedy with the Bataclan shooting and the terrorist attack of last November. Well, it was a very different scene
over the weekend.
GORANI: Rival fans from English and Russia brawled before and after the match on Sunday and today a French court sentenced five English fans to
jail terms ranging between one and three months. No Russians though.
[15:55:09]UEFA has threatened to disqualify the English and Russian teams from the tournament if they misbehave.
Again, World Sport's Alex Thomas joins us now from Paris with more. First of all, was it calm today and is there concern for the next English and
Russian matches going forward?
ALEX THOMAS, CNN WORLD SPORTS: Hi, Hala from Paris. Day four of Euro 2016. No fan violence on this Monday but we did get more detail out of
Marseille from some of the troubled scenes that you just showed our viewers there.
The prosecutor of Marseille admitted that the 150 Russians that he said came equipped and ready for confrontation were at the very core of the
violence backing up the eyewitness reporters from English fans saying, look, it wasn't us going back to the battles of hooliganism from our
Although the home secretary in the U.K., Teresa May (ph) did say some British fans had to take a good long hard look at themselves. Interesting,
now those 150 hard core Russian hooligans were detained at all.
There were ten in courts earlier on Monday and another twist to the Russian response to all the violence, Igor Lebedev (ph), the deputy chair of
Russia's parliament and part of the football union tweeted, "I see nothing wrong with football fans fighting. On the contrary, well done to our boys
and keep up the good work."
An interesting tone to take ahead of Tuesday's decision by UEFA's disciplinary panel as to how to punish Russia for those violent scenes that
we saw in the stadium after the England/Russia game.
Russia facing a warning, a fine or a match behind closed doors. That's possibly why England's football coach and star player and captain, Wayne
Rooney (ph) have decided to issue a video message to England fans asking them to stay calm out of the next match.
WAYNE ROONEY, ENGLAND PLAYER: I would like to tell the fans to take greater pause inside the stadium and we have a big game coming up against
wales. I would like to ask the fans, please, if you don't have a ticket to don't travel and fans with tickets be safe, be sensible and continue with
your great support for the players. Thank you.
THOMAS: England's next game is in Thursday, Hala. It's very close to Lille and English fans have been asked to stay in Lille and the night
before it's Russia playing in Lille. So potentially another (inaudible) later this week.
GORANI: All right. They are not far from each other. Let's hope they stay well away from each other. Alex Thomas in Paris, thanks very much.
Next on this special edition of THE WORLD RIGHT NOW, we'll bring you the latest details in the Orlando shooting investigation. Stay with CNN.
We'll be right back.
[16:00:00] GORANI: I'm Hala Gorani. Welcome back to the special edition of THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. Just one day after the deadliest shooting in
American history, federal investigators are trying to understand Omar Mateen's motives, the killer.
He's the American born U.S. citizen who opened fire inside a gay nightclub in Orlando. Forty nine people were killed. Now tough questions are being
asked about how he escaped detection. Officials say it appears he acted alone.
OBAMA: As far as we can tell right now this is certainly an example of the kind of home grown extremism that all of us have been so concerned about
for a very long time. It also appears that he was able to obtain these weapons legally, because he did not have a criminal record that in some
ways would prohibit him from purchasing these weapons.
JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR: We're working to understand what role anti-gay bigotry may have played in motivating this attack, an attack that occurred
during the very month when we recognize and celebrate our LGBT brothers and sisters. Again, it is early. We are working hard to understand the killer
and his motives and his sources of inspiration. But we are highly confident that this killer was radicalized and at least in some part through the
GORANI: Well, there you heard from the FBI director and also President Obama who believe that the shooter Omar Mateen was radicalized, probably
not part of the network. That this attack was not directed from abroad even though ISIS has claimed responsibility in a very short one-line statement.
By the way, we're waiting for the gun shop owner who sold the killer the weapons that he used to carry out this horrific massacre in Orlando to come
out any second now and when he does we'll take it.
As many of you know by now, Omar Mateen used an AR-15. that's an assault rifle, semiautomatic., also a Glock 9-meter pistol, as well. Another weapon
was found in the car he used to drive to the Pulse nightclub, but was not used in the killings. So we'll bring you that gun shop owner's statement
when he comes out if it happens during this hour, of course. Also, today, a shocking new video emerged showing the moment that the attack broke out
inside the nightclub itself. A warning for viewers. This is difficult to watch. The images are disturbing. Plus, Orlando police provided new details
about how this standoff unfolded. CNN's Pam Brown has the very latest from Florida.
PAM BROWN, CNN (voice-over): new video posted by a victim inside the nightclub the moment the shooter opened fire.
BROWN: Just after 2:00 a.m. Sunday morning as Pulse nightclub readies for closing, Omar Mateen sprays a barrage of bullets into a crowd of more than
300 people. Witnesses believe the initial gun fire is part of the music.
CHRISTOPHER HANSEN, SURVIVED SHOOTING ATTACK: I was just dancing to music. You hear a bang, bang. It was just thinking it's the music. So it's just
the bass. But really, it is just like not even -- I don't know, 150 feet in front of you, literally there's people being shot down.
LUIS BURBANO, WITNESS: What we thought was gunshots as part of the music, four shots, bop, bop, bop, bop and but for some reason it was different.
BROWN: An off duty police officer working at the front entrance of the club engages in a battle firing several rounds at the shooter. Additional
officers respond and get into another fire fight with the gunman forcing him to retreat to the bathroom, where officials say he held several
hostages. Around 2:30 a.m., the gunman calls 911 from the bathroom pledging allegiance to ISIS, support for Hezbollah and now news with terror groups
and solidarity with Boston bombers and Abusalha the American suicide bomber who killed himself in Syria.
COMEY: There were three different calls. He called and he hung up. He called again and spoke briefly with the dispatcher. And then he hung up.
And then the dispatcher called him back again and they spoke briefly. So there were three total calls.
JOHN MINA, ORLANDO POLICE CHIEF: He was cool and calm when he was making the phone calls to us.
[16:05:00] BROWN: At 5:00 a.m., a SWAT team uses an explosion and an armored vehicle to break through the wall of a different bathroom rescuing
dozens more people.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE (via telephone): That was a breach. That was a breach.
BROWN: the gunman emerged from the same hole in the wall.
GORANI: All right, we're going to break in there to this story as I mentioned the gun shop owner that sold Omar Mateen, his name, Ed Henson, is
making a statement in Florida. Let's listen in.
ED HENSON, OWNER OF STORE WHERE MATEEN REPORTEDLY BOUGHT GUN: Truly saddened and shocked by this horrific terrorist act. Our heartfelt
condolences and prayers are with the families and the victims. Today, ATF came here to conduct an annual compliance review. We just found out that
we're in full compliance with all of the ATF rules and regulations. We have a good working relationship with ATF and all the law enforcement community.
ATF did not shut us down earlier today. We decided to shut the doors so that ATF could complete their inspection and their investigation without
any distractions or delay. As you can see, the large group here. We did not want a bunch of people inside the store while they tried to do their
investigations. If you have any questions, about the inspection and compliance, you can contact Carlos Gonzalez in the Miami office of ATF.
I'll say as a former police officer, I also would like to commend Orlando Police Department and all law enforcement agency that is responded there.
They did an outstanding job and following some of it on the news. I wish them all the best. I personally worked under the twin towers, retired March
`02. I was also first responders to flight 587, which went down in Rockaway Park. I have an idea of what they're facing in this investigation, and it's
horrific. So my feelings go out to the law enforcement people, as well.
I would like to avoid any political issues and stick to the facts regarding this case. An evil person came in here and legally purchased two firearms
are us. And if he hadn't purchased them from us, I'm sure he would have got them from a local gun store in the area. This man held multiple security
licenses. He had an armed and unarmed license. He passed the background check that every single person that purchases a firearm in the State of
Florida undergoes. Let me say that again. A full background check was performed by Florida Department of Law Enforcement with their coordination
and agreement with the FBI, however they conduct the backgrounds. There's no such thing as an abbreviated background check. Even though that's what's
been wrongly reported.
On another note, I will tell you this, for those that don't know, if a law enforcement officer walks into this gun store, in full uniform with a
firearm on their side, that officer cannot make a purchase on a firearm if you can believe that. If that officer has a concealed carry permit in
addition to his credentials, he can make a purchase. There is a full background check done on that officer at that time. Hard to believe, but
that's the truth.
If the officer has no concealed carry permit, that officer has a three-day wait, and doesn't include the day he purchased the gun or any holidays and
I have no information regarding where this evil person took his security classes, so I can't really discuss that with you. I can tell you and
recommend you contact the Florida Department of Agriculture, division of licensing. They're responsible for any security licenses being issued as
well as the concealed carry permit in the state of Florida.
There have been a couple of questions directed to me regarding whether this evil person bought body armor here. Number one, he's familiar to me,
vaguely. I don't know him personally. He's been here, obviously. He purchased two guns legally. I have no recollection of anybody asking for
body armor, number one. Number two, we have never sold body armor and we don't currently sell any body armor. Any other questions, I don't know what
I can tell you. I just hope that you do truthful reporting and get to the facts and stay focused at least to the incident and say your prayers for
these victims. It was horrific. We all feel that same pain.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: Would it be an odd purchase for someone to purchase a long gun and a handgun at the same time?
HENSON: They didn't buy -- I don't really want to answer questions, but he didn't buy the handgun and the long gun at the same time. They're
approximately a week apart. And a long gun is a background check and another note in Florida. It is a quick background check with the
credentials, your driver's identification. You're a Florida resident.
[16:10:00] As long as you clear that background check, you can leave with the long gun. That handgun, as I said earlier, it's a three-day wait. Palm
Beach County is a five-day wait. It's called a cooling off period. I don't know what else and I don't know anything else on this case. Unfortunately,
he's evil. We happen to be the gun store he picked. And there's nothing else I can say. We're all -- it's horrible.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE REPORTER: A person who came here before who said that he had been to your shop.
HENSON: I don't know what -- obviously he's been to the shop. I don't want to get into too many questions. He's been here. If a customer saw him and
came in here, God bless him. I've seen him. I can't tell you I know him. I would be lying to you. He's a customer. He made a purchase and it's
horrible. I'm just sorry he picked my place. I wish he picked no place. That's -- I don't want to get into --
UNIDENTIFIED MALE REPORTER: Do you know when he bought the gun?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE REPORTER: Do you know when he bought the guns here roughly?
HENSON: I believe is was a week or ten days, somewhere in that timespan before this happened.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: Do you remember if he had a cooling off period or did he have a concealed weapon license?
HENSON: No, he did not.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: OK, so he had to wait the cooling off?
HENSON: Yes, that's why you have to wait. And sometimes you do have a concealed carry permit. Even though you have it, there's still has to be a
background check done regardless. They can also deny you or give you a conditional hold saying, well, there's an issue there and has nothing to do
with us. We follow the rules. We don't make the rules. I'm sorry if you're frustrated. I don't have any more answers for you.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: You said he trained on a regular basis.
HENSON: I don't know. We do a very big business here. I just said, we're a security training facility. We do civilian stuff and all. That's all I can
tell you on this.
HENSON: I don't know the exact date was. I don't know. It was well over the three-day period or whatever.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: ATF asked to see logs for this.
HENSON: I'm sorry?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: You keep logs of people who come?
HENSON: By law you have to. That's what they do. They do their compliance on every gun dealer in the state and in the country. The do an acquisition
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE REPORTER: Have they asked for your logs?
HENSON: They always do. They have every right to come in anytime. Our books are open to Feds and also local law enforcement. We work with them. We have
no problem with that. Say it again --
No. I can't give you that. Thank you very much. I'm sorry you waited this long.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE REPORTER: How do you spell your name?
GORANI: This is the owner of the store that sold Omar Mateen both the weapons he used to commit the atrocities of Saturday into Sunday in
Orlando, Florida, at the Pulse nightclub. A reminder, he used an AR-15, that's an assault rifle, semi-automatic, also a Glock 9-millimeter,
interestingly, Ed Hanson, the owner of that store, said that both weapons where purchased a week apart. The assault rifle requires a background
check. He says he passed a full background check in the State of Florida. And the pistol, the handgun in the State of Florida, requires according to
the gun shop owner there depending on where in Florida purchased, three to five-day waiting period, a cooling off period. I'm joined by CNN Terrorism
Analyst, Paul Cruikshank, right here in London and U.S. Justice correspondent, Evan Perez in Washington. I'm going to go to Evan first.
What more can you tell us about the purchase of these weapons by Omar Mateen, the killer in this case?
EVAN PEREZ, CNN JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: Right. I can shed a little bit of light, additional light on what happened, Hala. We know that the purchase -
- he bought two firearms. One was a Sig Saur AR-15 style firearm. It's a rifle. And then the second one was a Glock pistol. These are the two
firearms that were found at the scene of the crime. There was a third firearm, a revolver, that was found in his car later on.
Now as far as the two firearms we're talking about, the ones that he's believed to have used to carry out the crime, those were the ones that were
purchased at Mr. Henson's store, there in Port St. Lucie, Florida. He is a retired cop from the New York police department. I'm told by officials that
he apparently ran a very good operation, a very good shop. He made sure that people went by the book. There is no doubt that he did and followed
the law that applies there in Palm Beach County. In this case, the two firearms were bought on the 4th and 5th of June and then he came back on
the 9th to pick up the firearms, Hala.
GORANI: And also he mentioned this body -- there were reports that the killer tried to buy body armor, was denied body armor. But the gun shop
owner Ed Henson, here is saying, "I don't sell body armor."
PEREZ: Right.
GORANI: If he was looking for it here --
PEREZ: Right, he wouldn't know. Right. He wouldn't know because this is something we reported earlier today, Hala. The shooter attempted to buy
body armor and he did this weeks ago and he went to a different store in --
[16:15:00] GORANI: I see.
PEREZ: -- at another town, Jensen Beach, which is about 20-minutes away from this location of where this man is. So, he wouldn't know whether the
shooter attempted to by body armor, because he didn't come to his store. He did go to another store and what he was told is that the store did not
carry the type of body armor that he was looking for. He was looking for something called level 3 body armor, which is something that's even higher
level than what police officers are typically issued, typically issued here in this country, Hala.
GORANI: This is interesting, Paul Cruickshank, because requesting this very specific body armor, knowing how to handle an assault rifle, I know he was
a security guard for a number of years, but you have to have a certain level of expertise, don't you?
PAUL CRUICKSHANK, CNN TERRORISM ANALYST: Right, and I think that the desire that he would have had is to survive as long as possible, to kill as many
people as possible, before ultimately dying as he would see it, as a martyr. We've seen in the past, there've been precedence of Islamist
terrorists buying body armor, buying bullet-proof vests. Amedy Coulibaly, remember in January 2015 attacked a kosher market in Paris. He had a
bullet-proof vest that he purchased. We saw in Garland, Texas, in May 2015, the two shooters attempting the shoot up an event being held in Texas in
May of that year, also having body armor in that attack. So it's increasingly a feature of the Islamist terrorist plots in the West. The
reason is they want to survive as long as possible to kill as many people as possible.
GORANI: All right, but now, let's talk a little bit about potential association with people abroad. There's no indication of that. And Evan as
well, I want to ask you, but Paul first. It appears as though and this is really the worst nightmare -- his nightmare scenario in a way -- that you
can have a citizen of your country radicalized all by himself, is that the going theory right now?
CRUICKSHANK: Yes. The going theory of the senior administration officials have made this clear, that he was not only -- they have suspected a lone
wolf, not having any connections originals organizationally to terrorists' groups overseas, not having communications, but that he didn't confide in
anybody at all. That they haven't found that out at this point, that he was essentially a loner. That's the ultimate nightmare for counterterrorism
officials. Because if you don't tell anybody what you're about to do, how on earth is law enforcement meant to stop it?
GORANI: And Evan, this is why I call it worst-case scenario. Because how do you police against this? Some point, just as Paul is saying, if you don't
tell anybody, if you don't communicate with anybody abroad, if you don't travel or try to travel to Syria, how do you spot somebody about to do
PEREZ: You know, that's one of the great, finally one of the conundrums that the law enforcement here in this country and frankly, in Europe and
elsewhere face. The problem in the United States is there's a lot of criticism of the FBI's tactics, which is use these sting operations where
they introducing someone, an informant, who helps bring someone along. And if someone looks like they're planning to carry out an attack, then they
can bring these material support charges. People can get serious time, 15 years in prison. It's not as common a law in other countries and there's
criticism of that tactic. But here in this case, Hala, this is a man who was under investigation previously by the FBI. He had been interviewed
three times and so now it's the opposite criticisms that the FBI is getting here in the United States, which is what does it take? Why didn't you
arrest him? Because you looked at him in 2013 and 2014 and you decided there wasn't enough there. It is a conundrum for law enforcement, what to
do when you have someone like this, who you don't know if he's going to do something. But you certainly want to keep an eye on him and so that's the
problem that they face here.
GORANI: All right, definitely, Evan Perez, thanks very much in Washington and Paul Cruickshank, right here in London, appreciate it.
Let's get more now on the LGBT community is responding to this massacre in Orlando. Jay Brown is communications director for the Human Rights Campaign
and he joins us from CNN Washington. Thank you very much for being with us. First of all, it must be an extremely difficult day. You heard what Donald
Trump had to say about how to solve this problem. That Muslins should be banned. They should be prevented from entering the United States until the
United States figures out when's going on. Do you think that's the answer to the problem?
JAY BROWN, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR, HUMAN RIGHT CAMPAIGN: You know, I think one thing that he completely forgets is that LGBT people were Muslins,
we're Jewish, we're black, we're Latino, we're white. We're women, we're immigrants and we're one people. And his divisive rhetoric continues to put
people -- pit people against each other in a way that's supremely damaging. He does not speak for me for sure, and for much of our community. I think
what happened last night is leaving so many of us just reeling.
[16:20:00] It was a heinous attack. And has shaken, not just the LGBT community, but the entire nation. And now is really the time to be coming
together. To be speaking about unity and strength and how we can band together as a nation, not how to pit people against each other.
GORANI: What's the dominant sort of idea in the conversations? What needs to happen going forward? As there's so much grief, the grief still very raw
right now.
BROWN: Yes, I think you're right. It is extremely raw. I think one of the things that we're all thinking about is the fact that, you know, there were
49 folks who are killed last night and 53 more who were injured. And their families are mourning their losses. They're wishing that they could say
good night one more time to their children. To their brothers, to their sisters. And they're really, you know, just trying to get through the day
at this point. There are many more who may be lying in hospital beds and not have somebody to call. I think the think that a lot of things people
don't think about is that these clubs, you know, they aren't just a place to go and dance and celebrate, they are places to be ourselves, to be, you
know, free for a moment in time. And that was shattered last night.
I think the next step forward is really working together as a nation to take another look at how we treat LGBT people. Young people going to school
today should not be bullied for who they are and not have any repercussion. That still happens. Last year, most deadly year on record for trans people.
There were at least 21 transgender people in the United State who were killed in 2015. That should not happen. And these sort of acts, these
senseless, violent acts are a real wake-up call to what we're doing in this nation.
GORANI: But you see this as much as a -- I mean, as a hate crime, a homophobic attack, as a terrorist attack against specifically targeting
this community because of a hatred of gays, lesbians, transgender Americans?
BROWN: Yes, I mean, I think we will certainly learn more in the coming days and week, but it seems abundantly clear from what statements have been made
that anti-LGBT was a part of this and continues to play a big role in the reality that's facing LGBT people across the United States today.
GORANI: All right. Thanks very much, Jay Brown. I know a very difficult day for the LGBT community after such a tragic, tremendous loss of the Human
Rights Campaign. Thanks so much for joining us.
BROWN: Yes, thank you so much for having me.
GORANI: All right. We'll be right back on CNN. Stay with us.
GORANI: We'll get back to the Orlando shooting in a moment, but first, the other stories making news this hour. One Russian lawmaker is urging the
country's football hooligans to, "Keep up the good work."
[16:25:00] It follows violent clashes English and Russian supporters in Marseille over the weekend. Matthew Chance is in Moscow for us.
MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This is how Russian hooligans brought chaos and bloodshed to Euro 2016.
Eyewitnesses say the English fans were charged by rival supporters called ultras sparking panic in the stands. French prosecutors say a group of
well-trained ultras were behind the violence. A truly ugly face of a beautiful game.
BRICE ROBIN, MARSEILLE CHIEF PROSECUTOR (through translator): There were about 150 supporters of Russian nationalities who in reality are hooligans.
Who are used to this kind of behavior and train for it. Unfortunately, they prepared for ultra-rapid and ultra-violent actions.
CHANCE: For some Russian fans, football is more about fighting than scoring goals. This group of hard core supporters call themselves the Spartak
Gladiators. Often trained in martial arts and given to posting highly polished videos of them. Russian researchers say some ultras have even
joined nationalist militias fighting in Ukraine and pose an even greater threat.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be organized in Russia.
CHANCE: you'd think it would be an embarrassment for Russia, which is set to host the World Cup in 2018 and the sports minister has now issued a
statement supporting an investigation into fan conduct. But one Russian lawmaker called on Russian football fans to, "Keep up the good work." "I
see nothing wrong with football fans fighting," Igor Lebedev, posted on twitter, "On the contrary, well done to our boys," he added.
No one is saying that Russia is the only country with a football violence problem. English fans, too, are notorious. The internet is now a washed
with videos like this one showing Russian fans taunting their English rivals. At the weekend. These fans if not the teams could yet clash again.
Matthew Chance, CNN, Moscow.
GORANI: And if they do, they could get kicked out of the tournament. That's what UAFA is saying.
Ok, a look at stocks on Wall Street. They are falling for the third trading session in a row. The DOW is down 132 points. Actually, it's closed, I'm
not used to being on the air this late. Closed 132 down as traders braced for a possible British exit from the European Union. There are just 10 days
until the historic referendum in the U.K. and "Remain" campaign is getting a new public face. Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron will take a
backseat and former Labour Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, is now front and center. Is he going to sell the case? Speaking earlier, Mr. Brown said
Britain should lead Europe, not leave Europe. Listen.
GORDON BROWN, FORMER BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: What sort of message would we send to the world, on June 23rd, if we Britain, who consider ourselves one
of the most internationally minded countries of the world, who consider ourselves to be outward looking engaged, decided to walk away from the
nearest neighbors? This is not the Britain I know. This is not the Britain I believe in. This is not the Britain we should aspire to be. We should be
a leader in Europe and not leaving it and that's a message we send on June the 23rd.
GORANI: All right. Well, you got a good look at the back of his head there. But you were able to hear Gordon Brown saying, don't leave it, lead it.
Richard Quest, CNN Money's editor at large, he's on the road in Britain, gauging public opinion ahead of this unprecedented referendum. And tonight
he joins me live from Cambridge. So the big question is, David Cameron exit stage left, Gordon Brown come stage center and trying to sell the case to
remain in Europe. Is it going to work?
RICHARD QUEST, CNN MONEY, EDITOR AT LARGE: Well, the reason, of course, good evening, from Cambridge. This university town where, indeed, it is
graduation week. There are people walking up and down kings parade here in all their finery. The reason Gordon Brown is being brought in firstly,
David Cameron is so unpopular, but also, it was Gordon Brown that was brought in at the last moment in the Scottish referendum just a couple of
years ago. because you'll remember he was the one that perhaps tipped the balance for the Scottish vote to remain within the U.K.
So bringing Gordon Brown back is seen not only, if you like, a safer pair of hands than the disliked David Cameron, but also, it appeals to the
Labour voters. And what clearly has happened now, Hala, is that the Tory Party cannot guarantee their own support sufficient to win this thing. They
will have to go for Labour support. LABOUR voters are unlikely to unnecessarily follow the leader Jeremy Corbin. Bringing Gordon Brown, and
hopefully you win the day. It's a very risky strategy, Hala, and the truth is, the polls are very evenly matched at the moment with the "Leave"
campaign perhaps slightly ahead.
[16:30:00] GORANI: All right. Well, it is going to be a nail biter. Richard Quest, you and I will be covering it. Just less than ten days to go. And
we'll soon have an answer. Thanks very much and we'll see you soon on the air., the campaign back by UKIP's Nigel Farage, is facing a
backlash after releasing this campaign poster. It reads, "Islamist extremism is a real threat to our way of life. Act now before we see an
Orlando-style atrocity here before too long." Suggesting thing staying inside the EU makes the U.K. more vulnerable to ISIS backed or inspired
Back in Florida, the search for answers intensifies. New details are emerging about the Orlando shooter as investigators probe his past. We'll
bring you the latest next.
GORANI: Well, investigators are now looking into the past of the Orlando shooter in their search for answers. Mateen had worked as a guard for the
security company G4S since 2007, so a long-term employee there. The company now tells CNN they were unaware of claims that Mateen was angry and
violent. They also say he completed 28 hours of firearms training before the State of Florida gave him his gun license. They also say they gave
Mateen two background checks, one as recently as October of 2013. And it included they say a psychological test. Drew Griffin has more on the
DREW GRIFFIN, CNN, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST (voice-over): In 2007, the shooter here in the back row wearing a baseball cap was attending the
Indian River State College law enforcement training academy when something went wrong. A former administrator said the suspect was removed from the
course and fellow students tell CNN they were told he was expelled. At the same time, CNN has learned the shooter was fired from his job at the
Florida State Department of Corrections. What took place that would cause the suspect to be expelled from school and fired from the job? School
officials refuse to say. Referring CNN to the FBI.
[16:35:00] One thing we do know before he left the school the shooter learned how to shoot. Spending a month in both the classroom and out on the
Instead of becoming a police officer, the Orlando shooter got a security guard license, which allowed him to carry a weapon. He worked security at
various private and public buildings including the St. Lucie county courthouse where the FBI confirmed in 2013 he suddenly became a target of a
homeland security investigation.
JAMES COMEY, DIRECTOR, FBI: He made some statements that were inflammatory and contradictory that concerned his co-workers about terrorism. He said he
hoped that law enforcement would raid his apartment and assault his wife and child so that he could martyr himself. After ten months of
investigation, we closed the preliminary investigation.
GORANI: All right. Drew Griffin reporting there. Let's bring in my next guest, Ibrahim Hooper, the national communications director for CAIR.
Council on Islamic Relations. What is your reaction to Donald Trump's statement that the solution is banning the Muslins from the United States
because some of the countries that have organizations like ISIS that occupy territory in Syria and Iraq or the Taliban in Afghanistan that there should
be a ban? What is your reaction?
IBRAHIM HOOPER, NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR, COUNCIL ON ISLAMIC RELATIONS: It is really outrageous Donald Trump would seek to exploit and
promote rising islamophobia in our nation for cheap political gain. He has been doing it for some months now and it is unfortunate that he seems to
continue that and with very little pushback from his own party. We've seen time and time again that for instance he claims Muslins should turn in
people they know are going to do these things.
Well, we have no evidence that anybody knew that this very troubled individual was going to do anything. And law enforcement authorities have
repeatedly stated that they have tremendous cooperation from the American Muslin community when there is an actual plot or something that they know
about. People turn people in if they know about some kind of potentially criminal activity. But --
HOOPER: Just to exploit this kind of hysteria to get a few votes, get some political gain, it's really outrageous.
GORANI: But what -- I mean, I guess non-Muslin Americans would say, look, we have the San Bernardino shooter and then we have in this case a man born
in New York, a Muslin whose parents are Afghan. There are these Muslins who are acting in the name of extremely radical extremist groups like ISIS or
in the case of the Tsarnaev brothers in Boston al Qaeda. They will ask what's going on. Is this something in the Muslin community that's going on
where people are just knowledgeable, they know something is going on but they're not telling as Donald Trump is alleging?
HOOPER: No. That historically has not been the case. There are millions of law abiding patriotic, productive American Muslins and these aberrations,
these handful of people out of community of millions, should not be used to smear either the American Muslin community or the faith of Islam. But
unfortunately, that's what we're seeing. That there is a cottage industry of Muslin bashers who want to promote islamophobia based on the tragic
incidents by troubled individuals. I mean, we saw this individual, his ex- wife said he had mental health issues.
He was involved in domestic violence. All of these kinds of things. Your previous report indicated his trouble on the job, those kinds of things. So
this is not a person who is representative of either the American Muslim community or of Islam and, in fact, the tragedy in Orlando has been
repudiated across the board. We have seen a tremendous outpouring of the American Muslin community at events in cities nationwide repudiating this
and --
GORANI: Can I ask you, Ibrahim Hooper, these are the questions I'm hearing? What would the solution be to then try to spot the extremely rare and it is
happening, you know, every few months we have had an attack --
HOOPER: That's the thing. Spotted.
GORANI: What needs to be done. What needs to be done. Exactly. He wasn't spotted.
HOOPER: No, no. He was spotted. He was interviewed twice by the FBI.
GORANI: But then the investigation was closed because what I'm saying is the
elements of what he was planning was not spotted.
[16:40:00] HOOPER: If the FBI knows of an individual, interviews him twice and can't find something to prevent this really what is expected of
ordinary citizens? If the FBI can't prevent this, from an individual that was even on their radar screen. It's a tragedy. But it shouldn't be used to
smear an entire faith community based on the actions of a troubled individual.
GORANI: All right. We appreciate your time. Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR joining us there, reaction to the shooting in Orlando. We appreciate your being
with us on CNN.
HOOPER: Thank you for having me.
GORANI: All right. Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton say action has to be taken to stop the flow of jihadists from the Middle East but that's
pretty much where the comparisons end. In their speeches today, they laid out very different approaches to stopping foreign fighters. Listen.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESUMPTIVE REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: When I'm elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is
a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies. Until we fully understand how to end these threats. After a full --
thank you. By the way, we have no choice.
HILLARY CLINTON, PRESUMPTIVE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We have to stem the flow of jihadists from Europe and America to Iraq, Syria,
Afghanistan and then back again. The only way to do this is by working closely with our partners. Strengthening our alliances, not weakening them
or walking away from them.
GORANI: All right. Let's get more from both sides now. We are joined by Clinton supporter, Michael Nutter. Former mayor of Philadelphia. We have
Barry Bennett, Republican consultant, who supports Donald Trump, he was the campaign manager for former GOP candidate Ben Carson. Barry, first of all,
Donald Trump is reiterated his call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States. And from outside the United States, it's rather
incomprehensible because the man that committed the atrocity was born in America in New York. His parents may have been from Afghanistan but he's a
U.S. citizen. How would a ban have prevented anything that happened in Orlando?
BARRY BENNETT, REPUBLICAN CONSULTANT: It wouldn't have. That's not really the issue. The issue is we don't know and we can't wrap our minds around
what causes someone to go radical, to kill in the name of their religion. And we have to figure that out and we need to screen people to make sure
that those people aren't coming into the United States and those people that are already here we need to, you know, put them in a proper watch
situation or lock them up or kick them out.
GORANI: You want to put millions of Muslims in America under watch? You want to prevent --
BENNETT: No, no, no.
GORANI: Prevent from entering the United States.
GORANI: Just in case one bad terrorist makes it all the way in?
BENNETT: No, no, no. Of course not. We need to figure out what makes someone go radical. We've got to come up with some kind of system that
allows us to identify these people. You know, most of the American Muslin community is peaceful, law abiding, patriotic citizens. But we got to
figure out what makes people like this guy and we have had now a string of incidents, we have to figure out what makes them radicalized and what can
we do to keep those people leading the way out of the country. Because, you know, we don't need more death in America.
GORANI: Michael Nutter, what is your reaction to this call on yet renewed call for a ban on Muslins entering the United States and the other
solutions offered up by Donald Trump to combat this problem?
MICHAEL NUTTER, FORMER MAYOR OF PHILADELPHIA: Yes. It's the same ignorant rhetoric going after someone's religion. It is not the religion that's
radical at all. It is a religion of peace. It's a religion of love. It's an ideology, a mind-set of these individuals. They're not doing what they're
doing in practicing their faith. There's nothing in their faith that calls for killing people indiscriminately. There's nothing in the faith that
promotes that. Mr. Trump and the supporters, with respect, need to stop saying that. It is not the faith of terror. It is not. You need to stop
saying this.
GORANI: Barry, you want to jump in?
BENNETT: I do. I mean, Mr. Omar, I don't want to mention his name either, but he believed he was pleasing his god. That's why he did it.
GORANI: That's in his mind and nothing to do with the millions of Muslins - -
BENNETT: I agree with you, Mr. Mayor. I agree with you!
NUTTER: Nothing to do --
BENNETT: I agree with you.
NUTTER: How does banning Muslims --
BENNETT: How do we separate them?
GORANI: One at a time. I'm not hearing either one of you. Michael Nutter, you were saying what? This is not the way to go about it --
[16:45:00] NUTTER: The proposed ban on Muslims has nothing to do with this individual who is a United States citizen who's been working for a company
for nine years who has other than his interviews with the FBI which they founding inconclusive, had not done anything. So you actually --
BENNETT: I agree. I agree.
NUTTER: Let me finish. Let me finish. You, Barry, advanced more of an idea than your candidate because --
BENNETT: No, no. You are putting words in the candidate's mouth for your own pleasure.
NUTTER: No. You said --
BENNETT: No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. You don't get to say what he said.
GORANI: Let him finish, Barry.
NUTTER: Let me finish. I'm giving you a compliment, Barry. You should take it.
NUTTER: You talked about we need to figure out how people are becoming radicalized. You're absolutely right. Your candidate didn't say that. You
said that. And there is a difference between figuring out why someone becomes radicalized, a United States citizen as opposed to banning people
based on their faith. You know, it is fairly interesting that the Islamic faith, the Muslim faith, is the only one that gets mentioned in times of
crime or terror. There are thousands of people who are killed in the United States of America every year. Every day 29 to 32 Americans are killed. I've
never heard about the Catholic murderer, the Baptist, the Episcopalian, the Methodist or any other faith. We only talk about Islam and Muslins and that
is wrong.
GORANI: Barry, I want the move on. I want to move on to something else that Donald Trump said speaking to Fox News and said something that raised a few
eyebrows on "Fox & Friends" about President Obama and his reaction and his characterization of what happened in Orlando. Listen.
TRUMP: We're led by a man that either is not tough, not smart or he's got something else in mind.
GORANI: All right. What does that mean exactly, Barry Bennett? Some people said that Donald Trump implying that somehow if President Obama is not
smart it means somehow he's complicit, that he's in on this or that he's sort of agreeing in some way with some of what happened in Orlando. And
some people found that rather shocking.
BENNETT: I'm sure. That's not what he meant. What he's saying is for some reason our President sticks his head in the sand. He refused to say
"radical Islamic terrorism" exists. He refuses to say the words. But it does, it is happening in America over and over again and all over the
world. And we can pretend it doesn't exist and wish it away. And be very happy with the political correctness or try to actually --
GORANI: What does he mean by he's got something else in mind? There's something going on as though he's hiding something --
BENNETT: Wishing it away.
NUTTER: No. Come on, Barry.
GORANI: That's not how many people --
BENNETT: You have no idea what he meant. Come on. Stop this. You can't put words in everybody's mouth.
NUTTER: I never know what Donald Trump means. You certainly don't know what he means with that. No one can ever figure what he is talking about because
he doesn't know what he's talking about. The President was on yesterday as he has been before, he's talked about terror. That's what this is. You guys
want to play word gymnastics.
BENNETT: He won't say why. When you scream Allah Akbar as you are shooting a gun --
NUTTER: What difference does it make? What difference does it make? It's terrorism.
BENNETT: It might a clue as to who will do it next. That's why.
NUTTER: Saying the words doesn't give us clues. Doing investigations, making sure there are young people --
GORANI: I just want one more reaction to from both of you, if I could get a word in. Thanks very much on my show. All right. We're just getting news
that the Trump campaign revoked the press credentials for "The Washington Post." Barry, I don't have to tell you that there's already been concern
out there that Donald Trump has been very, very -- has not taken criticism well at all.
He doesn't like the press questioning him. And now we understand he's revoking the press credentials for "The Washington Post". Here's the tweet,
"Based on the incredibly inaccurate coverage and reporting of the record setting Trump campaign, we are hereby revoking the press credentials for
"The Washington Post." I mean, what's -- what are people to make of this? A presidential candidate can't hack coverage of a major national newspaper.
BENNETT: Well, I mean, in today's age of internet and what passes for journalism is not really what it used to be. I have no idea what this
incident is. I've been in the studio all afternoon. It's not hard to see that fair play doesn't exist in the mainstream immediate.
NUTTER: It means he's not ready for the big leagues and he is a needy narcissist and needs constant feeding of the massive ego.
[16:50:00] GORANI: I got leave it there, Barry Bennett and Michael Nutter, thanks to both of you for joining us. We appreciate your time. For this
lively discussion.
All right. After the break, what really matters to those people who have suffered through this tragedy. The human loss. 49 lives lost in Orlando.
We'll remember the victims of the shooting coming up next.
UNIDENTIFIED MOTHER: My son hasn't been heard from. I don't know if he was left in the club, if he got Southampton.
GORANI: A nightmare for families as focus on those who lost their lives in the Orlando shooting, the names of almost all the 49 victims have now been
released. Here's some of what we know about them. they waited for news of their loved ones.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Really can't describe it. I mean, you really can't. Especially all the waiting. Waiting the find out if your son is okay.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I got a phone call from my daughter she was hit and bleeding in the arm and going to pass out.
GORANI: Sunday's attack now confirmed as the deadliest mass shooting in American history. 49 people killed. Many more hospitalized. For one mother,
it was a particularly agonizing wait. Mina Justice woke early Sunday morning to text messages from her son Eddie who was inside the club. He
told her he was hiding in the bathroom and to call the police saying, mommy, I love you. They're shooting.
Less than an hour later, hurry. He's in the bathroom. Not long after that, the messages stop. Police have now named Eddie Justice as one of those
killed. Others confirmed dead are Edward Sotomayor Jr., his friends remembered him on social media by his nickname, top hat Eddie. Luis S.
Vielma worked on the Harry Potter ride at Universal Orlando. J.K. Rowling tweeted saying I can't stop crying.
At just 20-year-old Luis Omar Ocasio Capo was the youngest of those identified. He was a dancer. Kimberly Morris was a bouncer at the Pulse
nightclub and always had a smile on her face. She recently moved from Hawaii to Florida to help her family.
Among the tales of loss, also bravery and survival. One woman survived by hiding under the bodies of people shot. Others, managed to escape through
an air conditioning vent.
JOSHUA MCGILL, ORLANDO SHOOTING SURVIVOR: We had jumped through the back patio fence. My roommates ran and then running I heard the gunshots.
GORANI: Joshua McGill, a nursing student, helped rescue a badly wounded man.
[16:55:00] MCGILL: Pulled him over behind the car and I told him everything will be OK, I got you. Calm down. I need to cut off as much blood as I can.
GORANI: As the list of names of those confirmed dead grows longer, America's soul searching begins again. And still ahead, the massive support
we are seeing for the victims of the massacre.
CROWD SINGING IN LONDON: Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down.
GORANI: In a show of solidarity, tributes are pouring in to honor the victims of the Orlando massacre. Thousands of people held a vigil a few
hours ago right here in London in SoHo. Several bars across the city pledged to stop serving drinks for an hour to pay respects. Organizers
urged not to buy candles but to make donations online to the victims and their families.
CROWD SINGING IN LONDON: Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down.
GORANI: The London Gay Men's Choir sing "Bridge Over Troubled Waters." Heart felt moment there. Beautiful tribute here in the heart of London.
Well, this is the world right now. I'm Hala Gorani. Thank you for being with us. Stay with CNN for continued coverage of the mass shooting in
Orlando. Thanks for watching. We'll be right back.