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Hala Gorani Tonight

Castile Shot And Killed By Police During Traffic Stop; Outrage After Two Fatal Police Shootings In Two Days; Theresa May, Andrea Leadsom In Running To Be Prime Minister; Taiwan Braces For Super Typhoon; Gunmen Kill Three People At Eid Gathering In Bangladesh; FBI Director Defends Clinton Email Investigation; Castile Shot And Killed By Police During Traffic Stop; Family Of Man Shot Dead In Minnesota Speaks To CNN; U.K. Prime Minister Race Narrows To Theresa May Versus Andrea Leadsom. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired July 07, 2016 - 15:00   ET



ZAIN ASHER, CNN INTERNATIONAL GUEST ANCHOR: Hello, everyone. I'm Zain Asher in for Hala Gorani, and this is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW.

Welcome, everyone. We begin with tragic news. Two fatal police shootings of black men have sparked protest and outrage across the entire country of

the United States. Graphic video has emerged from both incidents and given new momentum to the Black Lives Matter Movement.

On Wednesday night, the man you see here, his name is Philando Castile (ph). He was killed by police during a traffic stop near Minneapolis. The

aftermath was actually live streamed on Facebook by his girlfriend, who was actually sitting in the car with him, next to him, along with her young 4-

year-old daughter.

She's speaking out again today. I want you to listen to what she had to say.


DIAMOND REYNOLDS, SHOOTING VICTIM'S GIRLFRIEND: The police are not here to protect us. They are here to assassinate us. They are here to kill us

because we are black.


ASHER: Diamond Reynolds clearly outraged by this. CNN's Ryan Young reports on the shooting death of Philando Castile (ph) and we do want to

warn you that some of the video he's going to share is both graphic and disturbing.


RYAN YOUNG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Diamond Reynolds captured the moments after her boyfriend was shot by a Minnesota police officer during a traffic stop.

REYNOLDS: We got pulled over for a busted taillight in the back. The police (inaudible) he killed my (inaudible).

YOUNG: Philando Castile's white shirt soaked in blood and in distress. They were pulled over allegedly for a broken taillight around 9 p.m.

outside of Saint Paul.

REYNOLDS: His licensed to carry. He was trying to get out his ID in his wallet.

YOUNG: Reynolds livestreaming video from inside the car with her 4-year- old daughter in the back seat. He let the officer know that he was -- he had a firearm and he was reaching for his wallet, and the officer just shot

him in his arm.

YOUNG: The officer still pointing the gun inside the car, explains why he opened fire.

REYNOLDS: We're waiting -- I will, sir, I will. He just shot his arm off. We got pulled over.

UNIDENTIFIED OFFICER: I told him not to reach for it! I told him to put his hands up!

REYNOLDS: Please don't tell me that he's gone. Please, officer, don't tell me that you just did this to him. You shot four bullets into him,

sir. He was just getting his license and registration, sir.

YOUNG: Multiple officers at the scene ordered Reynolds out of the car, handcuffing her. Her cellphone falls to the ground and she continues

pleading with police.

REYNOLDS: Please don't tell me he's gone. Please, Jesus, no. Please, no. Please, no, don't let him be gone.

YOUNG: Eyewitnesses capturing this video of officers trying to revive Castile before he's taken to the hospital where he died. Reynolds then put

in the back seat of a police car, continues talking to the camera.

REYNOLDS: I can't believe they just did this. I'm (inaudible).

UNIDENTIFIED CHILD: It's OK, I'm here with you.

REYNOLDS: Please pray for us, Jesus, please, y'all. I ask everybody on Facebook, everybody that's watching, everybody, please pray for us.

YOUNG: Reynolds says her boyfriend worked as a cafeteria supervisor at a Saint Paul school and had no criminal record. Crowds gathered at the scene

of the shooting and at the governor's mansion, demanding answers.


[15:05:00]ASHER: It is impossible to imagine what his family is going through right now. I want to tell you that Philando Castile's mother and

his uncle are both incredibly stunned by this loss. They're devastated.

Both are saying that Philando was an easygoing, loving human being who never would have provoked police officers. They spoke exclusively to CNN.

Take a listen.


CLARENCE CASTILE, PHILANDO CASTILE'S UNCLE: An officer is supposed to protect and serve. He's not an officer. It was a man who did that. That

man is a destroyer. He came into our lives and took something from us.

VALERIE CASTILE, PHILANDO CASTILE'S MOTHER: They took a very good person and everybody that knows my son, knows that he is a laid back, quiet

individual that worked hard every day, paid taxes, and come home and played video games. That's it. He's not a gang banger. He's not a thug. He's

very respectful. I know he didn't antagonize that officer in any way to make him feel like his life was in danger.

CLARENCE CASTILE: Or threatened.


ASHER: Family members speaking out there. I want to tell you a little bit more about who Castile was and what he did. He worked as a school

cafeteria supervisor. Co-workers described him as a team player who had a great relationship with both staff and students.

One actually said, "Kids loved him, he was smart, overqualified. He was quiet, respectful, and kind. I knew him as warm and funny."

And it's hard to imagine the shooting in Minnesota actually happened some 24 hours after another African-American man was killed by police in Baton

Rouge, Louisiana.

The U.S. Justice Department has taken over the investigation into this man's death. His name is Alton Sterling. He was shot outside a store

during an encounter with two police officers on Tuesday.

And we have new video to share with you of that incident. But again, we do have to warn you that it is, again, graphic and disturbing.


ASHER: Incredibly difficult to watch, what you just saw there was basically two officers pinning down the man on the ground there, and then

you hear yelling, you hear screaming, and then shots ring out. Alton Sterling's aunt described her reaction to this very disturbing clip. Take

a listen.


SANDRA STERLING, ALTON STERLING'S AUNT: My son, you killed everything in me. I never would have imagined. In my mind I was thinking, I was hoping

that he died peacefully and instantly. No, he didn't. He suffered. He was reaching out and talking. They killed me inside.


ASHER: To talk more about these horrific incidents, I'm joined now by CNN political commentator, Van Jones, who is live for us in Washington, and CNN

law enforcement analyst, Cedric Alexander joins me now as well.

So Van, let me begin with you because we constantly around the world, this is for our international audiences especially, we constantly get told that

America is the land of the free, home of the brave, the greatest nation on earth.

But for young black men who are constantly stopped by police, America, their America doesn't seem to be so shiny and bright, does it?

VAN JONES, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Well, it's not. You have a young generation that's being squeezed between street violence and police

violence. You have about half of all the people killed by guns in the United States are African-American men, often killed by other African-

American men.

But the problem is when you try to turn to the system, you have these outcomes. What's so horrific about the one we showed, the first one, what

you tell your kids to do, this young man did.

Often in what we call the hood, you have the woman drive the car, the man does not drive because often police will pull over young black men. So

he's letting the woman drive, she's the one who's driving. That's supposed to be correct. Number two --

ASHER: That's actually a thing that people get told, make sure the woman drives the car?

JONES: Absolutely. So she's driving. He's not driving. Then number two, don't have an unlicensed weapon, make sure if you have a weapon, it's

licensed, he did that. Then do everything the police say. You heard her the whole time, she's saying, sir, sir, sir.

Even after he was shot, and yet the police still -- if you follow their instructions, you get killed, if you don't follow their instructions, you

get killed.

If you are a woman and aren't hysterical and fighting them and say, sir, sir, you get arrested and traumatized in front of your kid, if you fight

back, you get traumatized in front of your kid. It's starting to feel like a no-win situation on the streets and with the police.

ASHER: Cedric, let me just bring you in because I was very happy when our bookers got you today because you have both perspectives. You're a black

man and also you work in law enforcement.

You heard what Van Jones is saying there, I mean, if you're a black man and you get stopped by police, should the way you handle yourself be different

than you're a white man and you get stopped by police?

CEDRIC ALEXANDER, CNN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Well, it shouldn't be. You should be able to be stopped and be stopped just like any other citizen in

this country. However, we do know historically that we have to teach and rehearse and talk about if you are stopped by police, that you conduct

yourself, because sometimes, oftentimes, if you're a person of color, you may be seen different.

[15:10:12]Part of the issue here is, this is -- both of those videos are horrific to watch. It's so unfortunate that we're still in this very

place, that we reached a tipping point with Michael Brown two years ago. You get a sense that we haven't advanced or moved anywhere when you look at

these two individuals from today.

However, we know that there is still an investigation that needs to be done that will capture any and all forensics evidence, witness statements, along

with the video footage that we have, to maybe paint a story of what took place.

But to look at either one of those videos is very alarming and it clearly suggests I think to many people in this country, and I think Van will

agree, that we've got a lot of work to do still.

And we're not going to do that work unless we roll up our sleeves and figure out how we're going to do this because this is a real serious issue.

ASHER: So let me ask both of you this question. Cedric, you might be better equipped to answer that because you're in law enforcement. What is

the cause of this? Is there too much racism in the police force? Is it that police officers are too violent? Is that they're so used to violence

and death that they go into every situation expecting the worst? Cedric, what do you think the cause is?

ALEXANDER: Well, I don't think you can drop all the load -- let's put these cases aside and make sure we're talking generalities here and not

specifics. You can't drop all the load of this on police officers. You have a lot of good police officers out there who do this job every day, and

the things they do you never hear about.

But unfortunately, when you have these types of events that seem somehow to be more frequent than what we care to think about, it certainly does create

a certain amount of pause that create this environment that, can I trust my police department to do the right thing.

But we can never negate or minimize the fact that there is a lot of good police work that is going on. But I'll tell you, as a black man, as a law

enforcement official, as an American citizen, I'm bothered by these repeated types of events.

And this could be, how do we go back and train better, how do we recruit better? But we've got to make sure that we have people who are

representative of all our communities, not just in terms of race, color, and gender.

But in terms of having a diverse mindset about being accepting of people that are different than we are. And that's for all of us, regardless of

what our color may be.

ASHER: Van, can I get you to jump in? I mean, what do you think the root of all this is?

JONES: Well, first of all, I'm from a law enforcement family. My father was a police officer in the military. My uncle just retired from the

Memphis City Police force a couple of years ago. I get it. But I have to say at a certain point, a good officer is an officer who will arrest a bad


Part of the problem is that right now, it's now almost become routine, where everybody says, oh, it's terrible, we have to do something. Not one

law has changed in America, at least not at the federal level.

In Minnesota, apparently, I'll have to verify this, but I just talked to an activist on the ground, who said that not one police officer has been

successfully prosecuted for shooting an unarmed person in Minnesota in many, many decades if ever.

So when you have a system where you can bring out the worst in people, a human system has to have checks in balances. That's why we have meat

inspectors, not because we don't like the butchers, we just want to make sure we're doing right.

You have building inspectors not because you hate the architects and construction workers. You want to make sure everybody is doing right.

When nobody is policing the police and no police officers get in trouble no matter how many videos go up, at a certain point, you create a culture of

impunity, especially against African-Americans, and that's my great fear now.

ASHER: Cedric, I just want to get some context as to how policemen in America are trained. If you're a police officer and you're stopping

someone, whether white or black, and you tell them, can I see your license, which is completely fair, and then they reach for their license and you

shoot them, what business do you have being a police officer?

ALEXANDER: Well, that's a good question. You have no business being a police officer, if that's the case, in which the way you described it. Let

me mention something here and jump on piggyback something Van just noted and stated.

Training is essential and it is -- and in many departments across this country, there is this what we hear oftentimes of a code of silence among

police officers. And I won't say that does not exist. But I also have to note that there are officers out there who come in, who give IA statements

or are required to give statements.

I want to tell you, the young generation of officers we have now, there are many that are not going to cover if they see wrongdoing. They just won't

do it. Are they going to respond? When you bring them in, put them under oath, and they have to write a statement, they clearly get it.

[15:15:07]This could cost you your job, this could cost you your career, and you could end up in jail if you come in here lying. We reinforce that

very strongly where I am in Dekalb County, Georgia.

But do we have instances in which people try to cover for each other in wrongdoing? Yes, we did, but that will not be tolerated and should not be

tolerated and we have to continue to speaking out against it, just as what Van is stating.

ASHER: Understood. Van, what do you think the Black Lives Matter protests have achieved? Have they achieved anything?

JONES: Well, there are some cities where their protests have actually come to include politics, and they've gotten some DAs that were -- or district

attorneys, prosecutors, who were not being responsive to the black community fired, because they wouldn't prosecute police officers, not fired

but replaced at the election. So that's a good thing.

Let me just say, the other thing that's happening which is not being put on the news, but it's all over the internet, are videos of white men attacking

police officers, sometimes with hatchets, sometimes with their fists, and the police officers doing everything they can to apprehend them alive, and

not shooting them.

I'm talking about big white guys, punching, kicking, screaming, a guy with a knife, and officers literally going out of their way and having blows

landing on them. Why? Because when they deal with white people, often they say, this is a human being, I've got to respect life.

There is a hyper level of fear when it comes to African-Americans. The media promotes such a negative attitude. There is a higher level of crime

in the black community. There is a different mentality. That this is more of a threat than someone I'm here to protect and serve and arrest alive and

that mentality showed up.

He continued to point the gun in the car though there was a little girl in the back, a woman there, and the guy is dying. Did the police officer

think this guy is going to miraculously heal himself and jump out of the car?

Why do you now have your gun trained on a grieving woman who is totally cooperative, and a little girl? These are the kinds of things that you

don't see happening with white people and police in America.

ASHER: It's not just in America but police officers in other countries. I'm from Britain, and they will do everything in their power, whether the

person is white or black, not to use force, not to use a deadly weapon.

So it's certainly something that, you know, needs to be brought out, at least in this country anyway. Van Jones, Cedric Alexander, we have to

leave it there. Thank you so much. Appreciate it.

ALEXANDER: Thank you for having me.

JONES: Thank you.

ASHER: All right. Switching now to U.K. politics, I want to head over to London now. Isa Soares is live outside parliament with a political

shuffling after the referendum vote to leave the European Union. Isa, it is down to two women, Andrea Leadsom and of course, Theresa May for the

Conservative Party leadership.

ISA SOARES, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely. Hi, Zain. Good afternoon. As you can see we're outside the Houses of Parliament where the

race to be the next British prime minister is really down to two now.

Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom will face off to be next leader of the Conservative Party and with it hold the country's top job as a prime

minister. May was far out in front in the latest vote, with 199 votes. Leadsom was second with 84 votes.

Justice Secretary Michael Gove was eliminated, he got 46 votes. Theresa May spoke after the results were announced. Take a listen to what she had

to say.


THERESA MAY, BRITISH HOME SECRETARY: To negotiate the best deal for leaving the European Union, to unite our party and our country, and to make

Britain a country that works not for the privileged few but for everyone.


SOARES: Now meanwhile, Energy Minister Andrea Leadsom has come out of nowhere, really, to become a leadership contender. She laid out her

economic vision earlier and said E.U. citizens already in the U.K. would be allowed to stay.


ANDREA LEADSOM, BRITISH ENERGY MINISTER: People need certainty and they will get it. I say to all who are legally here, that you will be welcome

to stay.


SOARES: Let's get more on this Conservative leadership contest. I'm joined by William Cash. He's campaigned for decades for the U.K. to leave

the E.U. and is supporting Andrea Leadsom in the leadership contest.

So we know where you stand between these two women. Can Andrea Leadsom do it? That's the question now, isn't it?

WILLIAM CASH, BRITISH MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT, CONSERVATIVE PARTY: I really do believe that she really can. The reason for that is at the moment 199

for Theresa May is to be seen in the context of the House of Commons. That is a small constituency of 320 or 330 MPs.

Now it goes out to the country as a whole and 60 percent of the Conservative Party membership were completely in favor of leaving the

European Union.

[15:20:01]Now that means that Theresa May, who actually has been a remainer, in other words somebody who wanted to stay in, has got the votes

of 60 percent who actually say that they wanted to get out and actually did do so because of that 17 million, there are an awful lot of Conservatives.

SOARES: So you think that Leadsom will have the grassroots support?

CASH: I really think that that is highly probable. It's early days, but the bottom line is this, that there was a contest some time ago when Ken

Clarke, the famous character, got a tremendous amount of support from within parliament, and then there was a trade-off with Ian Duncan Smith.

And Ian Duncan Smith, with the constituencies, in other words with the party membership, completely overtook him and he won by 70 percent to 30

percent. So actually it's a completely different constituency. And right at the heart of this there is this question of it being about Europe and

Brexit. So you've got a backdrop. It's not about getting --

SOARES: But Theresa May has said, Bill, that, you know -- I know she was a remainer, but she has said that Brexit means Brexit. Do you think that she

won't be able to win that? I mean, she will be able to attract still a lot of the grassroots support?

CASH: Well, inevitably that's what she said, and I'm not going to detract from that. But, you see, when you're talking about what I call the average

voter in the Conservative constituency, they go by their own personal feelings. When they go out that morning, they sit around the breakfast

table and say we're going to vote to leave the European Union.

SOARES: Do you think a lot of them have already made up their minds?

CASH: Well, we'll see. But I personally believe that there is a really big problem for anybody who wanted to remain in. And of course, as the

argument develops, so the reasons for her wanting to remain in will tend to be demonstrated.

And of course Andrea Leadsom has an amazing background. She's hugely important in the city of London before she came into parliament. She was

on the Treasury Committee. She's really hot on the economy. And she set up one of the most famous think tanks on the issue of Europe called the

Fresh Start Group.

SOARES: Unfortunately, we don't have much time. One question I wanted to ask you about what she's proposing, we'll leave that to another day. Bill

Cash, thank you very much.

CASH: Thank you.

SOARES: We'll have much more on THE WORLD RIGHT NOW still to come do stay with us.


ASHER: We'll have much more from Isa Soares in London in just a bit. Now let's get you caught up on some of the other stories we are following.

Taiwan is now preparing for the arrival of a super typhoon. It is set to make landfall packing winds of 260 kilometers per hour. Thousands of

troops have been mobilized.

Videographer James Reynolds joins me live via Skype from Southeast Taiwan. James, just describe what you see, and more importantly, are you safe where

you are right now?

JAMES REYNOLDS, VIDEOGRAPHER (via telephone): Yes, the typhoon is really making itself felt over the last two hours. It's clearly not a safe place

to be out and about. I'm in an apartment block.

ASHER: All right, James Comey live for us there. Thank you so much for keeping us abreast of what's happening on the ground in Taiwan. Thank you.

In Bangladesh, three people are dead after an attack near a prayer gathering. About 300,000 worshippers were marking the holiday when Muslims

celebrate the end of Ramadan and break their fast. Here is our Alexandra Field with more.


ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A holy day for Muslims, marred by an attack north of Bangladesh's capital city, Dhaka. Two police

officers and a woman are killed as assailants opened fire and hurled explosives at a security checkpoint outside the country's largest prayer


The violence erupting while people are still in mourning from last week's massacre at a popular bakery, trying to move forward amid clear reminders.

(on camera): The celebrations in Dhaka are accompanied by heavy security this year. There are armed officers are posted outside the mosque. This

is the same neighborhood where the attack happened just a week ago.

Twenty three innocent people killed inside the restaurant. That hasn't stopped thousands of people coming out here today to make the end of the

holy month of Ramadan. Have you been to the bakery?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Before. Before. I used to have breakfast there. We pray for the departed souls. We hope this doesn't happen to anyone, in any

nation. The whole world isn't safe anymore. We're not safe anywhere. For what, we have to accept this and live our lives. You can't stop it for

what happened. We need to move on, be positive.

FIELD (voice-over): Still, the celebrations, he says, are more somber now.

SHAMSID HUDA, RESIDENT, GULSHAN SOCIETY: This kind of thing has not happened, so many innocent people in one operation is killed. What has

happened is not the real picture of Bangladesh. This is an aberration. This is a distortion.

FIELD: Bangladesh is a country of moderate Muslims. The Gulshan Society president wants the world now to remember that. They're rocked now by an

extremist gang on one of the holiest days. This Eid, they're offering prayers for peace. And sending a message for everyone to see. Dear

foreigners, don't lose faith in our country. Alexandra Field, CNN, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


ASHER: All right, time for a quick break. Still to come on THE WORLD RIGHT NOW, calls for justice in the United States after two fatal police

shootings of black men in just two days. Protesters are demanding answers. We'll be right back.


ZAIN ASHER, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Police shot and killed two black men in separate incidents this week in the U.S., sparking protests across the

country. On Wednesday, Philando Castile was killed by police during a traffic stop near Minneapolis.

The U.S. Justice Department has taken over the investigation into Alton Sterling's death. He was shot outside a store during an encounter with

police officers on Tuesday in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Only two candidates are left in the running to be the next British prime minister. Both of them are women. Home Secretary Theresa May and Energy

Minister Andrea Leadsom. Justice Secretary Michael Gove is now out of the race after coming in third in a vote among Conservative Members of


And Taiwan is preparing for the arrival of a powerful super typhoon now set to make landfall in the coming hours with winds up to 260 kilometers per

hour. Thousands of troops have been mobilized to deal with the fallout from what's been described as a near perfect storm.

FBI Director James Comey has ended his investigation into Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server. He told Republicans on Capitol Hill the decision

not recommend charges against her was made by people who didn't, quote, "give a hoot about politics." Take a listen.


JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR: A whole lot of folks have questions about so why did we reach the conclusion we did and what was our thinking. I hope

very much to get an opportunity to address that and to explain it. I hope at the end of the day people can disagree, can agree, but they will at

least understand that the decision was made and the recommendation was made the way you would want it to be, by people who didn't give a hoot about

politics but who cared about what are the facts, what is the law.


ASHER: FBI Director James Comey there, defending his actions, his decisions. Republicans actually finished questioning him in Washington

just a short time ago.

CNN's Stephen Collinson is there now. Stephen, Clinton has already been exonerated, there's not going to be charges against her. So what were the

Republicans trying to achieve with this hearing, do you think?

STEPHEN COLLINSON, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL REPORTER: Zain, this hearing today was all about histrionics, about theatrics, about trying to eke out enough

fresh evidence from FBI Director Comey to allow them to keep alive the saga of Hillary Clinton's e-mails, which is sort of hovered over her campaign

like a cloud, which seemed to be removed earlier this week when we learned that she wouldn't face charges.

So what the Republicans were trying to do is get enough information to allow them to, you know, keep talking about this until November. There are

a couple of issues which it appears they may have found some traction on.

I think we're going to get a request from the committee for the FBI to look into whether Hillary Clinton lied to Congress in saying that she didn't

send or receive any classified e-mails on her server. We don't know if the FBI will choose to pursue that. It does seem a little bit unlikely.

There are few evidentiary questions, what the Republicans are trying to do is to get Comey go over the most damning aspects of this case, to remind

Americans, possibly even for use in campaign advertisements later on as we get towards November's election.

ASHER: So this is all about drawing this out for as long as possible until November. So the question is how damaging will this be for Hillary

Clinton? Even though if there are no charges against her, the fact that it is drawn out and there is this hearing, does that damage her politically?

COLLINSON: Yes, I don't think there was anything that came up at this hearing that we didn't hear from James Comey earlier this week when he

explained his decision not to press charges against Hillary Clinton.

But every time this issue comes up it reminds voters of Hillary Clinton's biggest political vulnerability, questions about her character, her

penchant for avoiding transparency and her honesty.

So every time Republicans can talk about this, it means they can bring up these issues. They can put an unflattering picture of Hillary Clinton

before the voters. That's what this is all about.

One thing we know after today, the e-mail issue is not going to go away until November. And you know what, I think it's probably going to haunt

Hillary Clinton if she becomes president.

[15:35:06]ASHER: Right. Stephen Collinson live for us there. Thank you so much. Appreciate that.

COLLINSON: Thanks, Zain.

ASHER: I want to return now to our top story, outrage across the entire country, across the entire United States over the second, second fatal

police shooting of a black man in just two days. We are seeing protests in both cities where both shootings happened.

These scenes that you see right here of people holding signs up, don't shoot, those scenes were from Baton Rouge, Louisiana where a man selling

CDs outside a convenience store was pinned to the ground and shot at point blank range.

Protesters in Minnesota are demonstrating outside the governor's mansion after a man was killed after a traffic stop last night.

I want to go straight to CNN's Rosa Flores who is live at the governor's mansion in Saint Paul, Minnesota. When you think about the girlfriend of

this victim, Diamond Reynolds, an incredibly brave things to do, after her boyfriend got shot to death in front of her, to live stream it, most people

would not have the presence of mind to do that.

ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You know, Zain, when you watch this video, that's one of the things that really stands out to people when they watch

this video. Because Diamond Reynolds was very calm, very collected, and she narrated this video.

Now, we must say that this video is very, very graphic and it does not show the actual shooting. This is the aftermath of the shooting. That's when

she takes her phone and she starts narrating what she's seeing and what has just happened.

If you look at this video, you'll see that she's on the passenger side and you see Philando Castile in the driver's seat, his white t-shirt covered in

blood. You see the police officer still pointing a gun at him.

What you don't see, Zain, is that in the back seat of that car is a 4-year- old girl. So as you might imagine, for Diamond Reynolds, she's not only seeing her boyfriend being shot by the police.

She's also thinking about the young girl that's sitting in the back seat, her daughter. We've heard her multiple times talk about how difficult that

is and how difficult this entire situation was. Take a listen.


DIAMOND REYNOLDS, FIANCEE OF MAN KILLED BY POLICE: They did not check for pulse on the scene of the crime. They did not make sure that he was

breathing. They instantly rushed their colleague off to the side where they comforted him. I was treated like a criminal. I was treated like I

was the one who did this. They were very, very racist towards me. They treated me like this was my fault.


FLORES: Now, about the investigation, this investigation is in the hands of a Minnesota State agency. They're the ones that are sifting through

evidence, collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses, trying to piece everything together, and then they turn over their investigation, their

file, to prosecutors.

Now, we do know that the U.S. DOJ, the U.S. Department of Justice, is aware that this has happened. They're assessing the situation and making

themselves available to that Minnesota agency, Zain, that is handling this investigation.

But as you look behind me, you can see that hearts are heavy, emotions are high, and people here are hurting. They are coming together in unity for

the family of Mr. Castile. And of course for that woman that you saw just speaking moments ago, that narrated what happened after her boyfriend was

shot-- Zain.

ASHER: An incredibly brave woman, to say the least. Rosa Flores live for us there. Thank you so much. Appreciate that.

There is a long history of tensions between black communities and police officers in the United States, as I'm sure many of you at home know. Many

black people say they feel discriminated against and they view police officers as actually more of a threat than a helpful presence.

I want to show you these numbers from "The Washington Post," 509 people in the U.S. have been killed by police this year. Out of those, 123 were

black. That means blacks make up 24 percent of the police killings so far this year.

That might not sound like a lot, 24 percent, but it's certainly a high figure if you take into account the fact that black people comprise just 13

percent of the overall U.S. population.

In the meantime, Philando Castile's mother says she warned him about the potential dangers of being a black man stopped by police. Listen to what

she told CNN along with Castile's uncle.


CLARENCE CASTILE, UNCLE OF PHILANDO CASTILE: He had permission and privilege to carry a firearm within this state. And from what I

understand, Philando told them that he did have a firearm.

[15:40:03]VALERIE CASTILE, MOTHER OF PHILANDO CASTILE: I'm sure he did, because that was something we always discussed, comply. That's the key

thing, the key thing in order to try to survive being stopped by the police is to comply. Whatever they ask you to do, do it. Don't say nothing, just

do whatever they want you to do. So what's the difference in complying and you get killed anyway?


ASHER: What's the difference in complying and then you get killed anyway. So much to talk about here. We want to bring in civil rights attorney and

a former New York prosecutor, Charles Coleman Jr. Thank you so much for being with us, Charles.

You're a civil rights attorney. If a case like this like we saw in Minnesota lands on your desk, how do you go about proving that civil rights

were actually violated?

CHARLES COLEMAN JR., FORMER NEW YORK PROSECUTOR: Zain, that's one of the toughest parts of what I have to do as a civil rights attorney. The laws

in the United States with respect to civil rights violations against law enforcement officers when they committed this type of crime are very


They're out of date, because now they require that there's an intentional showing of a willful deprivation of a person's civil rights. That's a very

high standard of me because that requires that you show some level of discriminatory animus or hatred, if they shout a racial epithet during the

offense or in some way communicate prior to the offense that they have some discriminatory animus in that instance.

That's very, very hard. That makes one of the challenges to finding convictions in these cases or even getting indictments in these cases

particularly when you talk about federal civil rights charges, very, very hard in the United States.

It's something civil rights attorneys have been lamenting for a while. They've been petitioning legislators about it because we need new laws as

the old ones are simply outdated.

ASHER: So if the bar is so high, as you so eloquently put it, should the family take any comfort whatsoever in the fact that the Justice Department

is investigating this?

COLEMAN: You know, as far as it relates to the Justice Department and independent agencies stepping in, as much as I would like to say there

should be comfort, the reality is we've seen this movie before. We know how it ends.

It always ends up being a case where the department may find that there is some sort of systemic wrongdoing or a pattern of aggressive behavior

against communities of color, but at the same time that they do that, they don't find enough to actually charge the individual officers who are

responsible for the deaths of these people.

So for example in Ferguson, Missouri, two summers ago, we saw when Michael Brown was killed. The Department of Justice came in. They did an entire

investigation and they found throughout the course of this investigation that Ferguson police actually did have a culture of systemic racism.

At the same time that they found that, and that they peace and that they had injunctive relief for the people of Ferguson, they simultaneously said

they did not have enough to bring charges against the police officer who killed Michael Brown.

And so when you talk about whether the families should find any comfort in this, it really becomes a question of whether they're OK with being told

that no one is responsible for their son's death in light of the fact that the department may come back and say, well, you know, there's a systemic

problem here and that needs to be remedied. I'm not a parent, but if I was, I would have a problem accepting that.

ASHER: All right, Charles Coleman live for us there, thank you so much. Appreciate your perspective on this issue.

COLEMAN: Thanks for having me, Zain.

ASHER: This is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. It is down to two. One of these women will become Britain's next prime minister. Details from my

colleague, Isa Soares, outside of parliament coming up next.



ISA SOARES, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Welcome back to THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. I'm Isa Soares outside the Houses of Parliament. We'll head back to my

colleague, Zain Asher, in Atlanta in just a moment.

But now the latest from here in London. She has been in government for six years. Now she's the frontrunner to be the next British prime minister.

Theresa May is one of two women left in the race. She will face off against Andrea Leadsom to lead the country. Robin Oakley takes a look at

(inaudible) so far.


ROBIN OAKLEY, CNN POLITICAL CONTRIBUTOR (voice-over): She's leading the pack in the race to be the next prime minister. Theresa May has won strong

support in the halls of Westminster among MPs. Seen as a steady hand in unsteady times.

THERESA MAY, BRITISH HOME SECRETARY: We need proven leadership to negotiate the best deal for leaving the European Union, to unite our party

and our country, and to make Britain a country that works not for the privileged few but for everyone.

OAKLEY: Fighting off her rivals to the main office in Downing Street, remainer campaigner, May, has taken on fellow leadership contenders.

Staunched Brexiters Andrea Leadsom and Michael Gove were tainted by political infighting. They scramble to be the second name on the ballot

paper. Now it's Leadsom who has the backing to go to the final vote.

DAVID CAMERON, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: She's never afraid to speak frankly and honestly as best friends always should.

OAKLEY: Often seated at the prime minister's right hand, Theresa May has been central to the current government policies as home secretary. No

stranger to a fight, she faced calls to step down after fierce criticism from unions following planned cuts in policing in 2012, a key policy under

the Cameron government spending reviews.

May weathered the storm but also faced increasing pressure after her promises to reduce immigration were never kept. But the deportation of

radical cleric, Abu Katarda (ph) to Jordan in 2013 was widely seen as one of her great successes.

A battle with Europe that she eventually won. With a calm demeanor and steely resolve, comparisons are already being drawn with the iron lady.

Come September, if she can do as well among the party activists, Theresa May could be the next first lady of British politics.


SOARES: Let's get more on the political maneuvering today, not just today, but we've seen back in the last two weeks. Robin Oakley joins me now.

Robin, obviously, Theresa May, as you pointed out, has a lot of expedience.

She got what 60 percent of the vote today, but she shouldn't be celebrating just yet because she now has to try and attract the rest of the

Conservative Party.

OAKLEY: That's it. I mean, it's a good start, 200 out of 330 Conservative MPs. But now it's going to the country, 150,000 Conservative voters in the

country. The party supporters, not all of them activists, but party supporters. And sometimes in the past, well, three times in a row we have

had the first choice of the Westminster MPs discarded when it's gone out to the vote in the country.

SOARES: And the party supporters, is it fair to say they are much more Brexiteers than "remainers"?

OAKLEY: Yes, the general feeling from the polls is that they're about 60/40 leave as opposed to remain. So you know, Theresa May has a bit of an

uphill struggle there. Except one opinion poll taken three days ago among conservative supporters put her support at 63 percent, Andrea Leadsom only

31 percent. That's a big gap for Andrea Leadsom to close.

SOARES: Now some may say that what really May has against her is the fact that she always said she wanted to remain. She's now saying Brexit is

Brexit. Some say she's a remainer for the backdoor. Can she convince the rest of the party that she's head and heart in this?

OAKLEY: There again Conservative MPs knew very well from her whole demeanor and her past record that she was remain technically, but she

didn't put any effort behind the remain campaign. She was in many ways a bit of a euroskeptic at heart but didn't go all the way with the leave


People, Conservative supporters in the country won't be quite so aware of those shades and distinctions.

[15:50:05]And if the whole thing is going to be conducted on a basis of where you for or against Europe, that will count heavily against Theresa

May. But is it going to be that or is it going to be experience of the two candidates?

SOARES: Of course -- and which of course, May has much more experience in cabinet at least. Let's talk about Leadsom because one thing she may have

against her is the whole -- the UKIP. She's trying to distance herself from the U.K. Independence Party. But has she been able to do that?

OAKLEY: She hasn't yet. She's got to do that. Her own supporters recognized that. I was talking to one of them not long ago. But Aaron

Banks (ph), who was (inaudible) Nigel Farage, UKIP through the "leave" campaign, he is using his troops to try and influence Conservatives to back

Andrea Leadsom.

Somehow she's got to detach herself from UKIP because although they work together on getting Britain out of Europe, you know, UKIP is a big threat

to the Conservative Party as it has proved to Labour.

SOARES: There was so much speculation that perhaps Farage, who stepped down as leader, may be playing some sort of role in negotiations, should

let him get the prime minister job. Of course, that's just speculation in the time being --

OAKLEY: He was first to tweet his support for success.

SOARES: He's been playing to the core of the party. Her policies very direct. And today we heard her talk a bit, almost like what we hear in the

U.S., kind of Tea Party rhetoric, where she basically said she was against gay marriage legislation. She's concerned about gay marriage legislation

and also she wants to bring back fox hunting. That will play to the party --

OAKLEY: That goes down with the party supporters quite well. But this isn't just a contest about leading the Conservative Party. It's a contest

to become prime minister, 48 percent of the country voted remain. And it's no use pitching it all on one side if you're going to be able to unite a

very divided country afterwards.

Andrea Leadsom has to be careful. If she chooses to play hard right, only a Brexiter can possibly take us out of Europe, all that kind of line, she's

going to lose the element of party unity, which a lot of people are yearning for.

SOARES: Is there -- very quickly, Robin, that perhaps that you might end up with the country looking Labour so MPs supporting one and the rest of

the Conservative Party supporting another?

OAKLEY: I don't think it will go quite that far, no.

SOARES: OK, one thing is for certain, we know that is a fact that we'll have a woman prime minister.

OAKLEY: We will indeed. It takes a woman to clean up a mess.

SOARES: I can tell you that's very true. Robin Oakley, thank you very much.

You are watching THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. We'll have much more news ahead from the CNN Center in Atlanta with Zain Asher. Do stay right here.


ASHER: When you think of organic farming, a city like Hong Kong doesn't usually come to mind. But one man is trying to change that. He's moving

the farm to the roofs of one of the busiest cities in the world. Take a look.


FAI HUI, URBAN ORGANIC FARMER: My name is Fai Hui (ph). I am an urban organic farmer. We're trying to encourage people to live a more

environmentally sustainable life by teaching them how to grow their own vegetables in an urban environment. We want to make an impact, even if

it's a little one.

This is an organic farm. Over here we have some beans. We have over here sweet potato.

[15:55:08]We supply vegetables to about 30 to 40 families each week. Agricultural has a very large impact on the environment. It constitutes

about 30 percent of our overall carbon emissions. Only 2 percent of our vegetables are grown here in Hong Kong. Most of it comes from China.

For five years we've been teaching and supplying seedlings and providing service to rooftop farms in Hong Kong. So this is the Hong Kong rooftop

farm. It's an educational farm for students to come here and grow and learn about different plants and sustainability.

Every semester, I teach workshops on sustainability and rooftop farming for the education department. If you're dedicated, you can reduce the amount

of vegetables that you go to the super market to buy.

And that has two effects. One, the vegetables are coming a long way, so there's a carbon cost to that. And two, most of the vegetables you buy in

the super market come packaged in plastic. If you can grow it yourself, you can reduce that waste that end up going into the landfill and into the


Education is really important because we're trying to change the attitude and the practices of the next generation. Farming is the best way to build

a sense of community because there's knowledge sharing and it's a cooperative activity because we learn from each other and we're challenged

by the environment and we're sharing our knowledge.


ASHER: The euro 2016 semifinal is under way. France and Germany are playing in Marseille for a chance to face Portugal in Sunday's final. The

score right now at half time is 1-0 to France after they won a penalty in the dying moments of the half.

That does it for us. This has been THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. Thank you so much for watching. "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is up next. You're watching CNN.