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Hala Gorani Tonight

Accusers Speak Out After Trump Denies Groping Women; Clinton Staffers Take Heat over Hacked Email; Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej Dies At 88; Forces Prepare For Push To Retake Mosul

Aired October 13, 2016 - 15:00   ET



CLARISSA WARD, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello. I'm Clarissa Ward sitting in for Hala Gorani. We are live from CNN London, and this is THE WORLD


Vicious claims, pure fiction, and outright lies that is what Trump is calling allegations that are threating to overshadow his campaign message

and perhaps his entire campaign.

The Republican candidate gave a fiery speech a short time ago denying several women's claims that he inappropriately touched them and made

unwanted advances. Two of the accounts were published in "The New York Times" and another in "People" magazine.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: These events never, ever happened and the people who said them meekly fully understand, you look at

these people, you study these people, and you'll understand also. The claims are preposterous, ludicrous and defy truth, common sense and logic.

We already have substantial evidence to dispute these lies and it will made availability at an appropriate way and at an appropriate time very soon.


WARD: Trump's accusers say they came forward after he denied committing the kind of sexually aggressive behavior that he bragged about on a 2005

video. First Lady Michelle Obama slammed Donald Trump for his lewd remarks saying they shook her to the core.


FIRST LADY MICHELL OBAMA: It doesn't matter what party you belong to, Democrat, Republican, independent, no woman deserves to be treated this

way, none of us deserves this kind of abuse.

I know it's a campaign, but this isn't about politics, it's about basic human decency. It's about right and wrong, and we cannot endure this or

expose our children to this any longer. Not for another minute and let alone for four years.


WARD: CNN has not independently confirmed the new allegations against Trump. Jason Carroll takes a closer look at the story now and we warn you

some language in his report is graphic.


JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Several women speaking out accusing Donald Trump of touching them inappropriately.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was a real shock when all of a sudden his hands were all over me.

CARROLL: Two of these women, Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks telling the "New York Times," they were both groped or kissed by Trump without consent.

The incident with Leeds allegedly took place 35 years ago when she sat next to the billionaire in the first class cabin on a flight.

JESSICA LEEDS, TRUMP ACCUSER: If he had stuck with the upper part of the body, I might not have gotten that upset, but when he started putting his

hand up my skirt, and that was it.

CARROLL: Crooks telling the times after introducing herself to Trump outside an elevator at Trump Tower, Crooks alleges he would not let go of

her hand then kissed her directly on the mouth, something she says felt like a violation. Crooks says this happened in 2005.

TRUMP: I'm automatically attracted to beautiful, I just start kissing them.

CARROLL: That same year Trump boasted to Billy Bush about how he forces himself on women.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whatever you want.

TRUMP: Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.

CARROLL: The two women telling the "New York Times," they came forward after watching Trump deny ever assaulting women at Sunday's debate.

TRUMP: Women have respect from me and I will tell you, no, I have not.

CARROLL: The Trump campaign says the entire article is fiction calling the "New York Times" story a coordinated character assassination. Also in

2005, Natasha (inaudible), a writer for "People" magazine claims that she was physically attacked by Trump at his Mar-a-Lago estate while writing a

piece on Trump and his wife, Melania's one year anniversary.

(Inaudible) says she was briefly alone with Trump in a room when "within in seconds, he was pushing against the wall and forcing his tongue down my


The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for comment, but a Trump spokesperson told the magazine this never happened. There is no merit or

veracity to this fabricated story.

This as another recording that year reveals Trump bragging to Howard Stern about going backstage at the beauty pageant he owns.

TRUMP: I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant, and therefore I'm inspecting it. Is everybody OK, and you see these incredible

looking women and I get away with things like that.

CARROLL: Former Ms. Arizona, Tasha Dixon, tells CNN that is exactly what happened in 2001.

TASHA DIXON, FORMER MISS ARIZONA: It was announced Donald Trump was going to come in and before you could put a robe or kind of dress yourself, he

walked in and you know, some women were half naked, others were in the process of changing. It puts us in not only a physical vulnerable

position, but also in emotional state.

CARROLL: Trump's campaign manager refusing to comment.

KELLYANNE CONWAY, TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: There is no way for me to know what happened there.


WARD: "People" magazine and the "New York Times" are standing by their stories. Both have now issued statement responding to Trump's denials and

they are not mincing words.

Let's bring in CNN senior media correspondent, Brian Stelter, for details. Brian, give me a sense now. I'm losing track. Who is getting sued, who is

being threatened with a lawsuit, and how are the "New York Times" and "People" responding exactly?

BRIAN STELTER, CNN SENIOR MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Donald Trump's campaign aides have been threatening a lawsuit against the "New York

Times," and a couple of hours ago at a rally, Trump himself said that his lawyers are preparing a suit against the "Times."

They've also threatened a suit against a paper in Florida, the "Palm Beach Post." So far no threat directly (inaudible) against "People" magazine,

but that could be coming as well.

So here's what the "New York Times" is saying, essentially calling Trump's bluff, an incredible statement from the general counsel of the paper, it

actually ends by saying, "If Mr. Trump disagrees with the "Times" (inaudible), if he believes that American citizens have no right to hear

what these women had to say, if he believes that the laws of this country forced us and those who would dare to criticize him to stay silent or be

punished then we welcome the opportunity to have a court set him straight."

I cannot remember a statement like that from a First Amendment attorney before, Clarissa. That is a direct rebuttal to Donald Trump essentially

saying go ahead and try to sue us.

WARD: It's incredible to hear that, but do you think because he has threatened so many lawsuits, does this help us to understand why it is that

NBC held on to that tape for five long days compared to the "Washington Post," who took just five hours with it?

STELTER: There were legal concerns inside NBC Universal, which did seem to delay the publication of this tape. We don't have the full story yet about

that, but there were legal concerns.

Donald Trump has repeatedly threatened to sue news organization like the "New York Times" and others. He's even talked about wanting to loosen up

the liable laws in the United States to make easier to sue news organizations.

That's partly why the Committee to Protect Journalists took an unprecedented step earlier today announcing that they believe that Donald

Trump would be a threat to press freedom.

The Committee to Protect Journalists represents many press and journalism organizations, they came out and said that Donald Trump has consistently

betrayed First Amendment values and they want to be on the record with that concern ahead of the U.S. election.

WARD: OK, Brian Stelter, thank you so much.

Donald Trump's campaign is accusing Hillary Clinton staffers of, quote, "vicious anti-Catholic bigotry." A hacked e-mail released by Wikileaks is

at the center of the controversy. The e-mails between Clinton's communications director, Jennifer Palmieri, her campaign chairman, John

Podesta, and John Halpin, a senior fellow at a liberal think tank.

According to Wikileaks, Halpin says the two media moguls who are Catholics are attracted to the faith because of, quote, "systemic thought and

severely backward gender relations."

Palmieri then responds, quote, "I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion, their rich friends

wouldn't understand if they became evangelical." Palmieri is now dismissing the backlash.


JENNIFER PALMIERI, CLINTON CAMPAIGN COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: I'm a Catholic. I don't recognize that e-mail that we saw and the whole effort

is led by the Russians.

The Russians (inaudible) orchestrated the attack. We believe as noted by the director of National Intelligence that they're also behind the timing

and manner of the leaks, and we are not going to do anymore to comment or (inaudible).


WARD: MJ Lee is covering the Clinton campaign for us today. She joins us now from New York. MJ, obviously, this doesn't look good for the Clinton

campaign, but this is just one of a new dump of hacked e-mails, take us through some of the most distressing ones and how is the Clinton campaign


MJ LEE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, look, you're right. This is a new batch of documents released by Wikileaks. You know, e-mails that really should

have remained private, but they have -- it appears hacked into the e-mails of John Podesta.

And some of these e-mails really date back years at the time obviously, Jennifer Palmieri and the e-mail that you just sighted, the Clinton

campaign didn't exist, the 2016 campaign didn't exist.

It appears as though now she is on the hot seat for an e-mail that she appears to have sent years ago. Just in case it wasn't clear, I know the

audio wasn't very good, Palmieri in that video was adamantly sort of denying that she didn't have any recollection of sending this e-mail

essentially saying we are not going to try to fact check every single e- mail that is released by Wikileaks.

Look, there is no doubt about it that this is a big headache for the Clinton campaign. We have hundreds and hundreds of documents released in

just a matter of days.

And in every single one of these releases as we these campaign staffers now think things that they probably wouldn't have said if they knew that these

e-mails will be made public someday.

I think the most remarkable thing, though, however, and this is what Republicans are incredibly frustrated by is that the Wikileaks, you know,

revelations are not getting a lot of attention.

Because on the other side of the aisle, Donald Trump is going through so much controversy with these new allegations that Brian just walked us

through, all of that, Republicans believe, is serving to be a distraction from, you know these Wikileaks allegations that they believe should be

hurtful to the Clinton campaign.

WARD: Has there been any reaction from the Catholic Church or any Catholic groups?

LEE: Well, if there has been any reaction, you know, I should say it wouldn't be surprising if there are reactions because it is, in fact true

that Palmieri did send this e-mail, these are at best unartful comments.

It's clear in those messages that were exchanged, if she is talking about these conservative media figures, you know, her words are their rich

friends wouldn't understand it if they became evangelicals.

The most socially acceptable politically conservative religion will be Catholicism. So clearly something that I think again she would not have

said in public.

But again I think the question that we have to ask is how much damage is this going to do to the Clinton campaign in an environment where we're all

sort of obsessively following the drama that's on the other side of the aisle.

WARD: Indeed, MJ Lee, thank you.

One of the world's longest serving monarchs in history has died. King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand died Thursday at the age of 88. He led

Thailand for seven decades.

The king is deeply revered by the Thai people as a beloved father figure. His son, the crown prince, was chosen to succeed his father in 1972. The

Thai prime minister is urging citizens to stay calm in the aftermath of the king's death. He says the crown prince needs time to mourn his father

before taking the thrown.

CNN's Will Ripley joins me now live from Bangkok. Will, it is hard to overstate just how important the king is, or was, a figure in Thailand,

what's the reaction on the streets? What's the atmosphere?

WILL RIPLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, the atmosphere on the streets this evening when we were out, Clarissa, was one of very much of

sadness and also just a desire by many of the Thai people to gather in public areas and be together during this very difficult time for the


And you saw thousands of people -- tens of thousands gathering in the area in and around the hospital where the king was pronounced dead.

This afternoon, just before 4:00 local time, people just sitting down in the street, looking at their phones, talking to each other, many of them

were still wearing the yellow shirts, which is the king's color, yellow for Monday, the day he was born.

And also wearing pink shirts, which is a color that is supposed to encourage recovery and healing. But then throughout the course of the

evening, we saw many of those people changing into black, and the government is asking all civil servants, government employees, and all

citizens in general to wear black when they go to work for the next year.

And it's very telling. You hear the prime minister talking about this as being a national crisis for this country. Listen to what some of the

people who we spoke to this evening have to say about the significance of their king.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He took the throne right after World War II, and it was a difficult time for all of us, for the world. And he showed Thailand

progress and unity. He brought people together like never before. He never stopped giving.

I think that is what everybody, Thai or otherwise could relate that this is the king who would never take anything for himself, and just keep giving

until his very last moment.


RIPLEY: King Bhumibol was known to travel into the rural areas unlike many previous rules. He touched the soil with his hands. In fact, he was

interested in agriculture. He even set up agricultural experiments on the palace grounds, which actually revolutionized the way that this country

breeds fish and dairy cattle providing a more sustainable food source for people living here.

So it that was work combined with providing education for people in rural areas by radio, if necessary, to help them learn practical skills that many

people here credit with bringing Thailand to what it is today, a key American ally, a developing economy, an emerging market.

And they credit the king for that and now the responsibility will fall on the crown prince to fill those enormous shoes and many understand as they

wonder if that would even be possible after 70 years.

WARD: Indeed. Well, a huge loss for Thailand. Will Ripley in Bangkok, thank you.

Still to come tonight, inside ISIS controls Mosul. A rare glimpse at life there ahead of the major offensive planned to retake the city.

Plus, freedom at last for some of Nigeria's abducted schoolgirls. All that and much more when THE WORLD RIGHT NOW continues.


WARD: U.S. backed Iraqi forces are amassing near the northern city of Mosul, the last major stronghold of ISIS in Iraq. A top U.S. State

Department official says the coalition now has all of the pieces in place to retake the city from the terror group.

It could launch the military assault as early as this month and we are now seeing how those inside Mosul are preparing for the upcoming battle. Nick

Paton Walsh has this report.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The city itself is a distant prize. Masked by dust, fairly visible here and

its outskirts are very alive. With ISIS presumably digging in, readying for the fight coming down the main road in the days ahead.

Motorcycles, trucks, but no civilians to be seen. What life there was here is being purged by ISIS. Air strikes in their wake. Inside the city,

streets are empty.

These are rare pictures filmed by activists inside the city, comfortable enough now the end maybe near to send out video could get them killed, of


The date, October the 9th on the paper, and nobody on the streets. An ISIS pamphlet with a letter M in Arabic dot on it, which has never looked more

sinister. M is for macarma, resistance.

At first, a rag tag group of locals, but now behind this ISIS truck being torched, they claim in this video. A resistance fighter arranged a rare

call to outside the city going to its outskirts to get network reception and explained to us what happens when the assault on the city starts?

(on camera): What signal are you waiting for, for the zero hour attack against ISIS?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): We do have a signal, God willing with the advancement of the security forces, we will start when they're at

the outskirts of Mosul suburbs. We cannot announce or talk about the targets at the moment. We use the simple weapons that we have under our


WALSH (voice-over): ISIS have released images of life as normal, but even their propaganda shows how the coalition and huge air power are closing in.

(on camera): Are ISIS acting differently like they think they're under siege.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): They're scared and devastated. We know from their behavior, they're movements, moving from one house to

another. They only move from one side of the city to another. They only move at night.

At their check points they cover their faces now. The way they used to when they first entered Mosul. There are female detachments that go in the

houses looking for phone sim cards.

WALSH (voice-over): Up on the ram parts, you can see the screws are tightening, but the days ahead for those trapped inside the city will be

darker, indeed.


WARD: Nick joins me now live from Irbil, Iraq. Nick, I feel like we've heard an endless drum roll leading up to this battle for Mosul. Any

further guidance as to when it's actually going to get started?

WALSH: I've heard an increasing number of officials in the past few days talk about a window of the next week. I know that sounds vague in itself,

but it is clear the coalition and frankly much of the military hardware believe things are in place.

There is a longer running political dispute where frankly we have both Turkey and Iranian-backed Shia militia who are neither supposed to be

involved in this fight suggesting they may step in if it becomes increasingly sectarian in nature.

But at this stage, I think the feeling really it needs to be a swift and potentially as friendly to the Sunni population of that city to avoid a

massive refugee crisis and potentially a million people on the move towards (inaudible), really ready to look after them.

And the potential of this be long drawn outs and maybe involved as Iranian- backed Shia militia honing in on dense neighborhoods where ISIS perhaps got many Sunni civilians trapped.

There are many nightmare scenarios here. There is an official plan that the Iraqi military should be going in, having city para-militaries back

them up and trying to calm that Sunni population there.

But I think virtually everybody you talk to here say there are so many unknown factors, the key one being the Iranian-backed Shia militia. They

said they want in for this battle. They've been cold (inaudible) on the perimeter. It really isn't clear what they will do -- Clarissa.

WARD: OK, Nick Paton Walsh in Irbil for us tonight, thank you.

The U.S. says it has launched defensive measures after an American warship in the Red Sea was targeted twice this week. The Pentagon says it struck

three radar sites in Yemen in territory controlled by Houthi rebels.

The Houthis deny targeting the ship. Washington is backing the Saudi coalition fighting the Houthi rebels, who are supported by Iran.

Let's bring in CNN's Barbara Star live at the Pentagon for us this hour. Barbara, what are you hearing here?

BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, good evening, Clarissa. The Pentagon making clear that this is very much aimed at what they felt

was a very specific threat from these radar sites and the missiles that were launched. This is an area, there were three sites where the Pentagon

says only the Houthi rebels are really in control of that area.

And that is why they believed they were behind the firing. One of the big unanswered questions really, of course, is how much was there official

Iranian involvement. The Pentagon not saying what intelligence it has about that.

But you know, consider this really a first step. This is a delivery and a message back to the Houthis and the Iranians who backed them, don't fire at

U.S. Navy ships. They destroyed the three radar sites.

And if there are additional provocations, the Pentagon making clear today that it does have other targets in mind including maybe the actual missile

launch sites, maybe some of the small boats in those waters that were used to spot targets.

This is very much a strong message saying the U.S. Navy is there. They're going to try and keep weapons from being smuggled in, and they want to be

there to protect commercial shipping in this very vital Red Sea water way - - Clarissa.

WARD: Do you have a sense, Barbara, of why the Houthi rebels would attack a U.S. warship? I mean, obviously, there is a lot of acrimony on the

ground about the U.S.' support of Saudi Arabia. This has been quite a brutal campaign, but on the other hand, it doesn't seem like it would make

a lot of sense for them to try to take on the U.S. with all that they have going on at the moment.

STARR: Yes, it doesn't, does it? Because if you are going to fire at a U.S. Navy warship, you can be 100 percent sure they will fire back at you

and take out your sites.

You know, one of the big unanswered questions at the moment is did the Houthis actually know that they were targeting U.S. Navy ships. There is a

lot of ships out in those waters so that is one issue.

But let's say that they did know, and it's probably likely that they have some idea there were U.S. warships out there. You're absolutely right.

They are getting a lot of pressure from the Saudi and the UAE coalition that it's fighting them and they're lashing out a few days before.

They attacked also with missiles at sea a UAE operated ship. There have been reports that they've been attacking commercial shipping. So they're

clearly trying to up their game, and the U.S. sending a message via five Tomahawk cruise missiles to cut it out. We'll see if they do and if they

do not, the Pentagon is saying there will be more action from the U.S. military.

WARD: OK, Barbara Starr at the Pentagon, thank you.

After more than two years in captivity, tonight, 21 Nigerian schoolgirls are free in what is the first mass release of the more than 200 young women

abducted from their dorm room in the Chibok. Nigeria says the militant group, Boko Haram, released them as part of a deal brokered with the Swiss

government and the International Red Cross. Nima Albager has been following the story from the very beginning and has this report.


NIMA ELBAGIR, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's been a long and tortuous journey. These grainy stills the first sighting

of the 21 released Chibok girls. The Nigerian border town of Banki, there 3 a.m. handover point.

In April 2014, we traveled to Chibok to meet with shell-shocked families reeling from the abduction of the almost 300 girls nearly 60 managed to

escape their captors.

But the faith of the remaining girls remained uncertain. The world waited along with their families, campaigners tirelessly worked to maintain

pressure on the government to bring the girls home.

Today's release in the negotiations that facilitated it, perhaps the first of that pressure.

LAI MOHAMMED, NIGERIAN INFORMATION MINISTER: This release is a product of painstaking negotiations and (inaudible) on both sides. We see this as a

credible (inaudible) in the eventual release of all of the Chibok girls in captivity.

ELBAGIR: More girls could soon be on their way home. Nima Elbagir, CNN, London.


WARD: Still to come on THE WORLD RIGHT NOW, we'll take a closer look at the allegations against Donald Trump, and ask some experts how his campaign

might try to move forward from here if it can.

And some new developments in a price spat triggered by the weak British pound and it is good news if you're a lover of this product.


WARD: Welcome back. Let's take a look at this hour's top stories. Donald Trump is threatening to sue the "New York Times" newspaper over a bomb

shell report featuring two women who say the U.S. Republican presidential candidate touched them inappropriately. Trump denies the allegations.

The Thai prime minister is urging citizens not to panic in the wake of the death of the king of Thailand. The Thai leader also said he deployed

troops throughout the kingdom to maintain security. King Bhumibol Adulyadej died Thursday at the age of 88. He led Thailand for seven


Nigeria says Boko Haram has released 21 of the missing Chibok girls. This exclusive photo shows some of them. The International Committee of the Red

Cross and the Swiss government helped negotiate the release.

And a Syrian refugee suspected of planning a bomb attack on a Berlin airport has taken his own life in prison. Atika Shubert has more.


ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The suspect (inaudible) was found in his detention cell dead, according to prison

officials. He used his own t-shirt to hang himself off the bars of his prison door. He was being kept in solitary confinement because he was

believed to be a danger to other prisoners.

And he was previously being checked on every 15 minutes, but after a psychological evaluation earlier in the day, he was deemed no longer a

danger to himself, and so that time was actually stretched out and he was checked on only every 30 minutes.

And without any video surveillance in the cell, prison officials said they had no way of preventing the suicide from happening. Now what is most

concerning here and where most of the questions are coming from is what links he had to any other members of the terrorist cell.

We know from police that they found 1.5 kilos of a highly unstable explosive, TATP, in his apartment. Police believed he was going to pack

into a suicide vest and use to carry out attack on Berlin's airport possibly within a matter of days.

A lot of questions being asked now about how to trace the network if he was connected with anyone else. Clearly, they will not be able to get any more

information from him. Atika Shubert, CNN, Berlin.


WARD: A fiery show of defiance from Donald Trump over media reports featuring women accusing him of sexual assault. The U.S. Republican

presidential candidate calls the reports pure fiction and outright lies and promised to provide evidence that they are not true.

He spoke at a rally in the key state of Florida and he had some harsh words for the media.


TRUMP: The most powerful weapon deployed by the Clintons is the corporate media, the press. Let's be clear on one thing. The corporate media in our

country is no longer involved in journalism. They're a political special interest no different than any other lobbyist or any other financial entity

with a total political agenda and the agenda is not for you, it's for themselves.


WARD: These latest reports are explosive, though CNN has not independently confirmed them and they follow the recording of Trump using vulgar language

as he talked about groping women.

So let's take a look at what could happen next, CNN political commentator, Ana Navarro is in New York and Corey Stewart is at our Washington bureau.

He was the co-chair of Trump's Virginia campaign until he was fired three days ago, but he does still support Trump.

Corey, I want to start with you. The line of women gets longer, the Republicans even some of them are saying the campaign is dead, it's over,

what's your take on this? Is it still possible for Donald Trump so somehow claw his way back from the abyss?

COREY STEWART, FORMER TRUMP VIRGINIA CAMPAIGN CHAIR: Absolutely. Here is why, Americans are very, very skeptical and very concerned about the

economy here. We have the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s. A lot of worry about economy, national security issues, education issues,

health care issues.

And you know, look, there is a lot of enthusiasm and love for Donald Trump. I don't think that's going to fade and I think on November 8th, people are

going to vote on the big issues and not on these allegations that allegedly occurred ten years ago.

WARD: These are not just allegations, though. I mean, we've heard the tape. You have not one woman, but multiple women coming forward. This

speaks to his character and surely this is important, Corey.

STEWART: Well, as you know, America is a very litigious society. I mean, don't you think that if a billionaire was going around the country groping

women, assaulting women that not one of them would have sued him? I mean, he could have been in jail for these things. I just don't believe it. I

just count these things and unless they had filed a suit back then, I would be very skeptical of believing these allegations.

WARD: I mean, Ana, what's your take on that? You're a Republican, though, of course, you do not support Donald Trump. We saw him today essentially

trying to shame the women who have made these claims. How do you think that tactic is going to play out with the voters?

ANA NAVARRO, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: That is how Donald Trump fights back. He tries to shame and counter punch against those who tell the truth

about him. I think the chickens are coming home to roost for my party sadly.

This is something that has been happening from day one. My question to so many in my party is what took you so long to get to this point of outrage

with this man who is now our nominee?

And the timing of coming out has nothing to do with the voracity of the allegations. If you know anything about sexual harassment or sexual

assault, so many women remain silent because they are ashamed because they don't think that people are going to believe them.

Because they know that they might be attacked and particularly when you're talking about a powerful man, we saw it exactly play out with somebody like

Bill Cosby, Roger Ailes, the head of Fox News. So this is a pattern.

I think Donald Trump is a big. I think he has zero chance of winning the presidency of the United States. Thank God. That's my hope and prayer. I

also think he's taken the Republican Party hostage.

He's hijacked it and he's taken it hostage because he does, Corey is right, he does have a very loyal base of support, perhaps a half or two thirds of

the Republican Party, of the Republican voters and the base.

But there is an increasing number of Republicans, up to one-third now, who don't like him, who disapprove of him. So without the one-third of people

including me, who will not vote for him, he can't win.

But without two thirds of people who are very loyal to him, down ballot Republicans, those running for the Senate, governorships, House of

Representatives, can't win. It's like an agreement of mutual destruction going on, and we'll just have to ride it out. In many states, the voting

has already begun.

WARD: I mean, Corey, have you done the math here? I mean, the magic number is 270. How does Donald Trump get to 270?

STEWART: Well, the thing is to remember that there is a massive realignment in the United States going on right now between the two

parties. A lot of working class people who used to be Democrats, union members, are now shifting to the Republican Party in a historic


And that is why states like Pennsylvania, which has not gone for the Republican since 1988 is really set, is very, very close there and the

reason is because they have all of these blue collar workers in Pennsylvania who are more concerned about the economy, their jobs, and

health care than they are about these old allegations about Mr. Trump.

And so if we win Pennsylvania, we are going to win the whole country. I think that's where the trick is going to be is to win places like Ohio,

Pennsylvania, Florida, et cetera.

WARD: You just shut down your Virginia operation today. Utah which is a strongly, strongly Republican state is all but lost. I just see the Math.

I don't see the math here.

STEWART: Well, the math does work, but you know, look, it is with --

WARD: Well, break it down for me. Breakdown the math for me.

STEWART: Right. So we can get there, there's a number of ways. We have to win states like Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, and if we're able to fit,

you know -- you know especially Pennsylvania that is the real key.

If we can do that, we can win. I think there is a really good chance of that happening. I think what the media is missing is inside this

Washington bubble is the angst that people have about the economy and their futures. They're much more worried about this than these sex scandals from

years ago.

WARD: Ana, let me ask you because you touched on a very important point here, which is how this is impacting the Republican Party. Where does the

party go from here? After this election, if Donald Trump loses, what happens next?

NAVARRO: That is yet to be seen, and it's not going to be easy. I think we're in an existentialist moment. I think we are very difficult moment as

a party. There is a lot of division. People think it should have been approached a different way. There is a lot of anger even within the party

and disagreement.

I can tell you that this campaign has put a strain on political friendships and personal friendships in a way I don't remember ever happening before in

my lifetime.

We have two choices basically if we are to remain a viable party. We either realize that in order to win a national election, the White House,

you need 50 percent plus one and you don't get there by making the party smaller, by fractioning off into segments.

So the only choice you have for the Republican Party if we are to remain a viable national party is for us to at some point reconcile, reunite,

rebrand, you know, build back from the ashes.

But it is getting increasingly difficult with the long-term effect that Donald Trump is having on the brand with women, Latinos, Muslims, with

immigrants, women, and the list goes on and on and on.

He has been so offensive and yet it's so difficult for so many to disavow him because they are caught in this crocs and the political reality of not

being able to antagonize his followers.

WARD: OK, I have to cut it short there, thank you so much, Ana Navarro and Corey Stewards for your insights.

Donald Trump still has support from his base including some ranchers close to the U.S.-Mexico border near Naco, Arizona. They are concerned about

immigration and drug violence.

CNN Politics senior digital correspondent, Chris Moody, and CNN correspondent, Vanessa Yurkovich, are there as part of their "Shut Up and

Listen" tour across the U.S. and they are live with us now. Thank you so much for joining us.

Let me start out with you, Vanessa, has the violence on the border there gotten worse in recent years?

VANESSA YURKOVICH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, hi, Clarissa. It actually had and let me just set the scene for you. We're in Naco, Arizona and right

behind us is the wall, or the fence, between Arizona and Mexico.

Yesterday, Chris and I got to spend time with some ranchers who have property right up against this fence and they told us stories in the 1970s,

when people would come through and there wasn't even a fence here, they would feed them and give them water and shelter.

But things have changed drastically, they say the type of individual that's coming across rights now is dangerous and armed. They're drug smugglers

and drug cartels. So much so that one of their fellow ranchers was murdered on his own property not too far from where we standing here today

-- Clarissa.

WARD: Chris, do they think that Trump's wall can fix the problem?

CHRIS MOODY, CNN POLITICS SENIOR CORRESPONDENT: Clarissa, the short answer is no. A wall will not fix the problem, you can already see there is a

pretty high fence right here and beyond this another fence and people just get higher ladders and deeper tunnels.

But the ranchers we spoke to on their land yesterday said that the wall is really a symbol, a talking point, and they believe that Donald Trump is

going to do more than that. He'll secure the border, increase border control agents here on the border.

We spoke to them yesterday just down the street from here. Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're either going to open it up or defend the border. I think.

YURKOVICH: Which will it be?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't know. It depends on who gets elected.

YURKOVICH: Which one do you want it to be? Both sound like they would secure your land and secure --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you kidding me? Hillary wants open borders more than anybody. I mean, when you look at her film clips when she was running

against Obama, she talked just like Trump does now. We need to secure that border. Now there is no talk.

MOODY: Do you think Trump will secure the border?



MOODY: Now these border ranchers are literally right on the border, they're the first line when people come across illegally. And as you saw

in the clip, they said that they will be supporting Donald Trump.

They believe he will do something. Look, when you talk to a lot of these people, you realize that they have been waiting on Washington for a long

time, it's a pretty basic job of the federal government to protect life and property of American citizens and to them that is not happening for them.

They believe they're not being protected. They have been relying on politicians for years and that's why Donald Trump, a non-politician sounds

so refreshing to them -- Clarissa.

WARD: OK, Chris and Vanessa, thank you so much.

This is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. A weak British pound, a super market spat, and a shortage of ice cream. We'll have the latest on this post-Brexit

problem in Britain. Stay with us.


WARD: For months, Britain has wondered when it would start to feel the effects of Brexit and for a while today, it looked like they could be

feeling it in their shopping baskets.

A dispute over prices meant a shortage of grocery items like Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, soap, and a staple of British shoppers, Marmite.

However, Unilever it has resolved the dispute with the U.K.'s largest supermarket chain, Tesco.

It says, "We have been working together closely to reach this resolution and ensure our much love brands are once again fully available."

In less than four months, the pound has lost nearly 20 percent against the U.S. dollar and consumers are feeling the pinch. When Apple released the

iPhone 7, U.K. shoppers paid 11 percent more than the iPhone 6S.

In the United States, both phones were being sold at the same price. Brits love a holiday to France, but a two week family holiday there is now 12.7

percent more expensive than before the vote. That's nearly $500 more. And gasoline hasn't escape the price crunch, government data shows it has risen

by 1.12 pounds a liter. It is expected to rise more.

Well, the Brexit fallout isn't just confined to the shopping isle, Scotland could be looking at the prospect of a second independence referendum after

the United Kingdom's decision to leave the E.U.

Let's get more with our Nic Robertson, who joins us tonight. Nic, what is the significance of a second referendum?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: It would be Scotland pulling away from Britain. Scotland saying that (inaudible) 62 percent of

its people voted to remain part of the European Union and therefore, on that basis that they would have an independent referendum, look this is a

Scottish National Party.

Nicholas Sturgeon (ph), the first minister and the leader of the Scottish National Party laid out at their party convention what she was going to do.

She's already said that she was going to make this legislation available. That there could be a second independence referendum in Scotland.

And what she did today was to set the threshold for where that would happen, and she's indirect contravention of what British Prime Minister

Theresa May wants.

Theresa May has said that absolutely, she does not want to see the British union break up. Nicholas Sturgeon who said that by the time Britain leaves

the European Union completely.

If it is not done on terms that meet her and her party's satisfaction and the satisfaction of the Scottish people then she would call the second

independence referendum.

And the bar that she set is that if Britain is no longer part of the single market then that will be the threshold for her.

WARD: Is this a bluff do you think or does she mean what she says?

ROBERTSON: This is absolutely not a bluff. I mean, the SNP, the Scottish Nationalist Party, this is their raise on (inaudible), if you will. They

had the referendum in 2014. It went 45, 55, 55 to remain part of Britain.

But Nicholas Sturgeon has, you know, some political capital here and already over the past month, she has put out sort of a discussion to people

in Scotland to put forward their ideas, to listen to their ideas.

She can play this either way depending on the feedback that she gets, but as a leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party, this may be potentially the

best opportunity and the best argument she can have.

And she is already labelling these right wing of the Tori Party as the hard right that will lead us to a hard exit and the Scottish people didn't vote

for that. And therefore, the British government has no right to take them out of the European Union.

WARD: I want to talk quickly about Tesco-Unilever brouhaha, because it seems like the U.K. is now starting to feel the creeping effect of Brexit.

ROBERTSON: Yes. And this is where you're going to have a lot of people that voted for it, 53 percent who voted for Brexit are going to be

wondering well, is this what we were expecting. A lot of people I talked to, they thought the banks would take care of it.

You know, but when they see, for example, Marmite, Unilever wanting to price up Marmite, this is entirely British made. It is yeast, salt,

celery, turnip, carrots, and onions. It's nothing else.

People will be asking them themselves, not only the question that we're seeing the price of products that we buy and use at home, potentially going

up, but we're also getting a sense that someone is trying to gouge us out of this.

I went for a refill of the pen a month after Brexit and I was told already then the price had gone up to bring it line with other European countries.

Inflation is about 0.6 percent at the moment and the concern is that it could perhaps rise to 3 percent next year. Bank of England estimates about

2 percent.

People have said that the falling value of the pound will perhaps boost sales overseas. The reality is that volumes are down. So while short term

some of it may look good.

People, real people, living in their homes, only doing their shopping, not worried about buying goods for their businesses, et cetera, just for their


WARD: Yes, OK.

ROBERTSON: We talked as well you mentioned overseas holidays, 5 percent of people's home budget going for holidays.

WARD: Nic Robertson, thank you so much. We'll be right back after the break.


WARD: Bob Dylan's melodies have been grabbing the attention of music lovers for decades, but his lyrics have landed him this year's Nobel Prize

in literature. Paula Newton has more on the surprise choice.



PAULA NEWTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Folks singer/songwriter, modern day minstrel, many baby boomers, Bob Dylan is the voice of their

generation. But his winning the 2016 Noble Prize for literature stuns Stockholm crowd (inaudible) announcement.

Mentioned in Nobel speculation for years, but never seen as a serious contender, Dylan is the first song writer to win the prestigious award.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.

NEWTON: And Dylan has created so much poetry for the years.


NEWTON: From blowing in the wind to subterranean acoustic moves -- to his transformative rock anthem "Like A Rolling Stone." The noble is just the

latest honor for this legendary performer. He's won ten Grammy awards, a Golden Globe, an Oscar, inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and

he's also receive a Pulitzer Prize and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and has sold tens of millions of records, and a career spanning more than

five decades.

Now 75 years old, Dylan performed this past weekend at the U.S. Music Festival dubbed (inaudible) and shows no signs of letting up. Paula

Newton, CNN.


WARD: This has been THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. Thank you for watching. "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is up next.