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Hala Gorani Tonight

Pilot Of Crashed Plane: We Are In "Total Failure, Without Fuel"; Carrier Announces Deal To Keep One Thousand Jobs In Indiana; OPEC To Cut Oil Production By 1.2 Million Barrels A Day; Trump Team: Four Candidates Remain for Secretary of State; No Charges in U.S. Police Shooting That Led to Protests; Teenage Refugees Turn to Prostitution for Survival; Indian Drug Maker Draws on Traditional Remedies. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired November 30, 2016 - 15:00   ET



[15:00:04] HANNAH VAUGHAN JONES, CNN ANCHOR: Hello. Welcome. I'm Hannah Vaughan Jones for you here at CNN London. This is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW.

Breaking news that we can bring you just from the last few minutes. The pilot of the crashed plane in Colombia can be heard saying that the

aircraft was in total electric failure and without fuel. Two sources have confirmed the authenticity of these audio recordings which have been

published in Colombian media.

You'll remember, of course, the plane went down yesterday. It was carrying some 81 people just six people are known to have survived. The area where

the plane itself went down was in a mountainous area, it was coming down in Colombia.

It's also gained a lot of publicity across the world because of this particular aircraft have been carrying the football team, Chapecoense.

This was an up and coming Brazilian team that were traveling on to take part in the South American Cup and this was something of a Cinderella story

for them.

So the latest that we're having is that the black boxes were found yesterday. We knew that. It made us think that we were going to be able

to find out the cause of this crash. There are reports initially of electrical failures as some suggestions as well that perhaps there was a

human error, perhaps from the pilot indeed.

The aircraft itself, the wreckage you can see it there. A lot of it was actually intact suggesting that there possibly wasn't any fire on board or

electrical failure. The latest that we are getting is that from pilot recordings between air traffic control, it does seem like the aircraft ran

out of fuel and that is why it crashed.

We are going to take you live to the scene later on in the program here on THE WORLD RIGHT NOW to bring you the very latest on this plane crash.

We turn to our other main story, though, this evening on the program. And a big announcement from Donald Trump as he tries to ease concerns that his

presidency will be plagued by conflicts of interest.

Trump is promising to leave his business empire to focus exclusively on governing. He tweeted that he'll give details at a news conference on

December 15th with his children by his side.

Another order of business today unveiling his economic team, Trump has tapped billionaire investor, Wilbur Ross as commerce secretary. You can

see him on the left while former Goldman Sachs banker, Steve Mnuchin, was picked head of the Treasury Department.

It seems a bit like deja vu. Trump is returning to the trail tomorrow taking a break from administrative duties to kick off a thank you tour.

He's holding rallies in key states that helped send him to the White House.

Let's talk more now about Trump's pledge to walk away from his business empire. He himself may sever ties, but his children will almost certainly

be at the helm. Will this be enough to ease the conflict of interest concerns?

We're joined now by Ed O'Keefe, a political reporter for "The Washington Post." Ed, great to have you on the program. Is it enough or will it only

be enough once Donald Trump is effectively sold his empire?

ED O'KEEFE, POLITICAL REPORTER, "THE WASHINGTON POST": I think it's somewhere between enough and not enough at this point depending on who you

ask here in Washington and across the country. The idea that he himself says at least at this juncture that he's going to remove himself from the

day-to-day operations and not be involved in the details of what his company is doing, that as a starter is encouraging to those concerned about


But there are going to be broader questions about what exactly his children will know about his presidency as they run his company back in New York.

Remember, that Ivanka Trump among the children, especially has sat in on some of Mr. Trump's early meetings with foreign leaders.

And there was a suggestion there that she may have been getting, you know, a leg up if you will on the competition by being privy to these sensitive

conversations. Will that continue? Will they have a direct line into the White House?

Will they, you know -- will her husband, Jared Kushner, the president- elect's son-in-law have an active role in the administration while she's actively running the family business? The idea that those two won't

intermingle somehow either at the kitchen table or in other conversations is hard to believe.

So a lot of details yet to be sorted out, but it's an encouraging first step to those who have been very concerned about the possibility that he

would somehow be a part-time CEO and a part-time president.

JONES: It's unconventional, of course, given his family and the business empire, he's probably the wealthiest president-elect in American history as

well, but also unconventional in terms of the way he announced his everything at the moment.

[15:05:02]It's all in 140 characters whether that's his cabinet picks or his legislative views to come. How is Washington going to cope with this?

How is the media going to cope with everything on Twitter?

O'KEEFE: You know, Hannah, we say, well, you say and others said it's unconventional. This is the way the world communicates now. If this was

unconventional, than Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy back in the `50s and `60s speaking through television instead of radio have been as

unconventional and now it's the norm.

I think what he's done throughout his campaign and what he says he's going to do as president, though, I think some details there again would have to

be sorted out is just to continue communicating through social media to his supporters and to the nation.

And we are just going to have to use that as his preferred mode of deliveries, at least one of the modes of delivery that he uses. Those of

us here in the press corps are very interested to see whether or not he establishes a formal communications department at the White House as has

been the norm.

Will that there be a press secretary who takes questions every day on camera? Will there be a communications director and others that help guide

the messaging and the mode of delivery in which the president delivers at or is he going to be sitting in the oval office tweeting?

If he is, those tweets become subject to the national archives laws of this country and they have to be recorded for government record purposes so that

I suspect we may see a change perhaps in his tweeting if not in the frequency perhaps in the address that he uses.

But the idea that this is unconventional, I work up here on Capitol Hill where Congress is based, and they're all tweeting and Facebooking all the

time. I think we've become more accustomed to it, we've never seen a president, of course, be so prolific with his tweets.

JONES: Yes, absolutely. He's famously always talked about wanting to drain the swamp on Capitol Hill in Washington. Let's talk about some of

the cabinet picks that we know of so far. Still waiting on the secretary of state, of course, but Wilbur Ross to commerce and Steve Mnuchin to the

treasury, is this draining the swamp or flooding it?

O'KEEFE: If he's talking about the idea of bringing in people who have never worked in Washington before, those two names specifically meet the

criteria. But if he's talking more broadly about keeping, you know, fat cat CEOs as he might say or crony capitalists out of the government,

they're merely swamp dwellers along with the rest of them.

If you look at, for example, the woman he tapped yesterday to be transportation secretary, Elaine Chao, who is the wife of Senate Majority

Leader Mitch McConnell, she's someone who is sort of a classic professional Washington type who's gone between government work and private sector work

for about 30 years going back to the Reagan administration. She in no way drains the swamp.

If you look at his picks for CIA director and the health secretary, there are lawmakers who served with good regard among Republicans for several

years, they don't drain the swamp. They occupy it as well.

So we've seen a mix of it so far. I think people are beginning to realize though that he seems to be relying on seasoned hands. People who work at

Goldman Sachs, people with a lot of money who will sort of fit the profile of people who've served in government, Democrat or Republican before.

So I'd be curious to see if he starts to come up with some more unconventional picks for some of these later appointments that he still has

to make.

JONES: Not expecting anymore picks we don't think for the rest of the week. I'm sure more to come in the coming weeks anyway.

O'KEEFE: It's only Wednesday.

JONES: It is only Wednesday. You're absolutely right. Ed O'Keefe, thanks very much for your analysis so far, thank you.

O'KEEFE: Take care.

JONES: Trump supporters say the president-elect is already putting his money where his mouth is. Following through on a promise to save jobs by

striking a deal with an air-conditioning company in Indiana.

Let's get the details now from Suzanne Malveaux live in the state capital of Indianapolis. And Suzanne, a deal has been struck. It's hazy on the

details so far, what do we know?

SUZANNE MALVEAUX, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, absolutely right. It is hazy on the details because the workers as well as those who are at Carrier are

not actually talking about it. They say they're going to allow Donald Trump and Mike Pence tomorrow when they come to this factory to make the

announcement to talk about some of those details.

They certainly aren't claiming credit for this. That this is one of the campaign promises made to make sure American manufacturing jobs stay in

this country as opposed to go overseas like Mexico where these workers were actually going to see their jobs disappear and be transferred.

It could be another number of things, Hannah. First of all, it could be incentives from the state itself being offered perhaps potential tax

breaks, perhaps the easing of regulations. That might be part of it.

Others are taking a look at Donald Trump's own words during the campaign, the threat he made that there would be tariffs that would be imposed on

imported goods from Mexico that they would be steep tariffs. That would be a financial cost that the company would have to pay.

And it might be just trying to smooth over damaged relations with this manufacturing company that really was made the center piece of Donald

Trump's campaign when it came to illustrating and demonstrating what could happen with American jobs overseas and taking on those trade agreements

that he was vowing to renegotiate and get rid of some of those.

Well, Hannah, I had a chance to talk to a couple of people here about what is the impact? How do they feel about what's happening. Do they believe

that Donald Trump is even responsible for this?

[15:10:12]Chuck Jones, he's with the United Steelworkers says that, you know, he was not a Trump supporter, but he, 100 percent believes that Trump

is behind this and he appreciates it. Here's how he put it.


MALVEAUX: Chuck, you were no Trump supporter, you were pretty tough on him during the campaign. What do you think of him now? Do you think he's

responsible for this?

CHUCK JONES, UNION REPRESENTATIVE, UNTED STEELWORKERS: Yes. I'm going to give him 100 percent of the credit. I wasn't a Trump supporter. In fact,

I hammered him pretty good. And when I see him tomorrow, I'm going tell him, you know, I hammered you -- I hammered your (inaudible) pretty good,

but I'm going to give you credit because you said you was going to do, you fulfilled that promise. And I appreciate it.


MALVEAUX: And Hannah, I also had a chance to talk to a guy, John Feltner (ph), he's a mechanic at a Rexnord Manufacturing business. It's right up

the street. Their jobs are not being spared. They are actually going to Mexico and they want to get -- they want to get Donald Trump's ear

themselves and say look, is there anything that you can do for us? They feel like this is a team that is very powerful and perhaps can actually

save American jobs - Hannah.

JONES: Yes, Suzanne, it does seem like potentially 1,000 jobs have been saved. But in all of these deals, someone's got to foot the bill for it.

So what are Trump's critics saying?

MALVEAUX: Well, Trump's critics have been very vocal about this from the very beginning. They've been saying that, look, you know, some of this

could simply just be the state of Indiana offering some incentives here that tax payers are going to end up actually paying for this type of break

that they are getting.

That ultimately when you look at the big picture here, it's not going to do very much in terms of dissuading some of these major companies to do

business in other countries like Mexico because the labor is so incredibly cheap.

This is a band aid to the solution, it certainly does not look at the big picture countrywide that this is something symbolically and certainly very

realistically for the people here makes a difference, for their lives, no doubt about that.

But looking at the big picture, this is certainly not any kind of economic policy that you can point to. That is what they're saying. They said

look, you know, it's great for the folks here on the ground, but give us something real.

Show us something that means something. Whether it's actually going after the tax code, whether it's dealing with regulations, whether it's providing

a minimum wage and decent wage for workers. Those are the kinds of things that they want to see being put on the table -- Hannah.

JONES: Suzanne Malveaux, thanks very much indeed.

We want to bring you back now to our breaking news at this hour. The pilot of the crashed plane in Colombia can be heard in audio recordings saying

the plane was in total electric failure and without fuel.

CNN's Rafael Romo has been covering this story from the very start and joins me now live. Rafael, we thought we were going to get some more

details from the black boxes. You've apparently heard some of this audio recording. What does it tell us?

RAFAEL ROMO, CNN SENIOR LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS EDITOR: Yes, I just finished hearing this very chilling recording, Hannah, and let me tell you

it was very difficult to listen to it because you hear the desperation in the pilot's voice telling the air traffic controller two very critical


Number one, as you mentioned, that they had total electrical failure, complete electrical failure, and number two, that they're flying without

any fuel.

There's a conversation in the minutes proceeding to the crash, and one thing that caught my attention is that apparently the pilot has lost his

bearings. He doesn't really know where they are.

All he knows is that they're flying about 9,000 feet, but he's constantly asking the air traffic controller for coordinates, I need to know my

coordinates, how far am I from the airport? The answer is 8.2 miles, and that is believed to be the distance at which the airplane was when it


But it's a whole conversation of the air traffic controllers trying to help the pilot find exactly his position and maneuver back to the runway at the

Medellin International Airport.

Something, Hannah, that as we know, the flight was not able to do and it crashed on that mountain with 71 people losing their lives, including the

Brazilian football team among them.

JONES: Rafael, ever since this horrendous crash happened, we've had aviation experts on and everyone's been speculating as to electrical

failure, human failure, perhaps the weather conditions were bad, and that's way the aircraft crashed. No one as far as I can remember has said that

the aircraft simply ran out of fuel. How unlikely is this?

ROMO: Well, part of what our aviation experts have told us, one thing that they've found suspicious when you look at the images from the crash site is

that you don't see any evidence of fire or an explosion.

[15:15:13]You see all of the debris. You see all of the wreckage, but there's nothing, absolutely nothing that would point you in the direction

of any flame being there. And those experts say that that's indicative of an aircraft that crashed when it had absolutely no fuel.

Again, officially, we do not know that that was indeed the case, but I was able to hear clearly the pilot saying, we're flying without fuel. Now, we

don't know yet why that might have happened whether there was a leak or whether there was some sort of problem before the airplane took off.

And believe me, it is highly unlikely, according to our experts that a commercial flight, especially a charter flight would not put enough fuel in

its aircraft before they go on a flight like this, especially an international flight.

But again, it was very clear that the pilot -- obviously very distressed when he says, we have total electrical failure and we're flying with no

fuel -- Hannah.

JONES: Just one brief question for you, Rafael, there were suggestions that the aircraft should never have been in the air at all anyway. Should

never have taken off. Could this come down to a manufacturing problem?

ROMO: I don't know if we can talk about a manufacturing problem. What I can tell you is that Brazilian aviation officials issued a release, a press

release saying that they for whatever reason, they didn't specify, they had not given the airline that was operating this flight permission to fly out

of Brazil because they were not complying with international regulations.

Again, what that means, we don't know because they didn't specify exactly what they were talking about. It could have been with a number of things.

It could have been even with differences, commercial differences between the two countries. So we don't know exactly if it had to do with the

reliability of the flight or the company at this point -- Hannah.

JONES: Rafael Romo, for now, thanks very much indeed. We're going to stay with the story because Chapecoense was supposed to play in one of their

biggest ever football games in the next few hours. Instead, their supporters are in deep mourning. Thousands of heartbroken fans gathered at

their stadium to remember the majority of the team who were killed in that horrific crash on Tuesday.


JONES: Well, this was the scene of joy just one week ago as one of the team found out that he was to become a father. He was one of the 71 people

killed on that crash.

We have much more news still to come here on THE WORLD RIGHT NOW including the oil cartel OPEC has reached a long awaited deal to cut production.

What it means for oil-rich countries and prices at the pump. Stay tuned with plenty more.



JONES: Welcome back. Donald Trump called NATO obsolete during the presidential campaign. Now, NATO countries bordering Russia are concerned

the U.S. won't come to their defense in a time of need. The U.S. has deployed small unit of troops in Norway to train NATO forces and help ease

those concerns. As CNN's Nick Paton Walsh gained exclusive access to their training.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Just got very cold again for these U.S. Marines training with tanks in

Norway. On the eastern borders of a NATO that's suddenly nervous once more.

(on camera): They're moving forward now towards the fake enemy positions, but this kind of exercise since Russia's moves in Ukraine have taken on a

new kind of realism and urgency.

(voice-over): In January, 300 Marines were moved to Norway permanently. That's how worried about Moscow's intentions they are. For now, a unit

from North Carolina are readying these tanks, normally stored deep in caves, but now the furthest north of the Arctic Circle they've ever been.

After Iraq and Afghanistan, these are old, new war games about protecting Europe and they know that when the enemy isn't role-playing, it'll probably

be the newly emboldened Russian military.

BRIGADIER, ELDAR BERK, NORWEGIAN ARMY: In 2014, there was a clear sign that Russia has stepped in an area where they are willing and able to use

military power. Suddenly we have changed focus from what was going on in particularly in Afghanistan and to collective defense, national defense.

WALSH: A change in focus somebody's watching. Norwegian police investigating ten sightings of medium-sized unidentified drones over these

exercises. And the furthest point north of the border you can go, it's an open game of watching.

A Russian helicopter lands, rare here. And when Donald Trump questioned America's commitment to NATO, he seems to want with Russia, that bit of

land just there, it gets noticed here.

(on camera): So all the way up here, did you hear about Donald Trump becoming U.S. president?


WALSH: What do people think out here?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm not allowed to talk about that actually.

WALSH (voice-over): It's not really a Russian invasion they worry about here, but rather the sort of separatist uprising Russia fermented in

Ukraine. Green men with guns creating trouble.

(on camera): We're heading out with the border patrol towards their frontier with Russia. Presence on the ground being volatile for them and

ensuring nothing toward happens with their large, at times unfriendly neighbor.

(voice-over): That's really the reason the Norwegian and American tanks you saw earlier to be sure, they're even out here in the empty pines and

crisp snow. No matter what a Trump presidency brings, there's enough muscle already here to enforce NATO's promises of collective security.


WALSH (on camera): Would you like to talk to them?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Probably, but it's illegal.

WALSH (voice-over): It is strange to hear Norwegians, NATO members talk so vividly again about the Russian threat. The constant and real backdrop to

this survival training happening tonight under a staggering display of the northern lights.

Not until now is being sure you're reading happened with such a sense of insecurity about Europe's very borders that mounts slowly as the Trump

presidency nears. Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, Northern Norway.


JONES: Oil prices are skyrocketing as leading oil producers agree to cut production. OPEC members has decided to cut oil output by 1.2 million

barrels a day. That means consumers could see fuel and eating costs go up. CNN's John Defterios is covering this from Vienna where OPEC members met

earlier today.


JOHN DEFTERIOS, CNN MONEY EMERGING MARKETS EDITOR: It was nearly a year in the making, but OPEC finally secured its prize. First production cut since

2008. It took three days of intense closed door meetings, some taking place at OPEC headquarters, other at five-star hotels here in Vienna.

But at the end of the day, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq had to set aside their personal differences to cut 1.2 million barrels a day. As a result,

ministers tell me they can get into a trading ban of $55 to $60 a barrel by the first quarter of 2017.

[15:25:06]The attention now will shift away from OPEC to the other major producers of the world like Russia, Mexico, and Kazakhstan. The so called

non-OPEC producers are expected to add some 600,000 barrels a day of cuts.

With the rising price of crude, naturally heating oil prices and prices at the pump will go up. But overall economists say after seeing prices fall

to $27 a barrel at start of the year, it's time to have some stability at a higher level -- Hannah.

JONES: John Defterios there for us in Vienna.

Now England's football team have appointed Southgate as their new manager, but the eyes of the sporting world are on the ever growing sex abuse

scandal enveloping the game.

More than a dozen police forces are now investigating historical allegations. One former footballer who says he was abused was Andy

Woodward, he spoke to CNN's Amanda Davis about his ordeal.


AMANDA DAVIS, CNN WORLD SPORT: How has your life been affected by what happened to you?

ANDY WOODWARD, FORMER FOOTBALLER: Like anybody that suffers abuse and whether you're in football or not, it affects you so much that, you know,

I've had three marriages. I've had five children, and my children haven't seen their dad really until probably hopefully now in the future to

experience that delight that I should have had, you know. I can't change the past. I can change the future now, but I can't change the past and

we've all suffered exactly the same scenario.

DAVIS: What for you was the toughest part about speaking out?

WOODWARD: All those emotions are locked here to open that box. It's bad enough I opened the box to psychiatrist, you know, to actually open that

box out to public, I was -- I'll be honest with you, I was frightened to death, but inside my heart, I knew that it was there, you know, and I had

to do it. If I didn't do it now, they've all said this to me. They've all contacted me and said if you aren't doing it now, it would all have taken

it to the graves.

DAVIS: Given that response, do you now wish you had spoken out publicly earlier?

WOODWARD: I -- I -- I couldn't have done it earlier because I wasn't strong enough. You know, and I've only said they would never have been

strong enough.

DAVIS: If you had a message now for somebody sitting at home, sitting in a hotel room, watching this interview --

WOODWARD: I encourage any victim in any walk of life no matter how old they are, how young they are that that strength within them. So don't feel

frightened that you won't get that support because you will. It is there. You just have to just step yourself out of that port. Take the lock off

that box and go for it.

DAVIS: And has there been a moment since that you've regretted your decision?

WOODWARD: No, no. No. No way. No. This is helping people and I'm starting to believe that it is.


JONES: Brave man coming forward there.

This is THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. Let's talk about bitter enemies to strategic allies. We'll have details of Donald Trump's working dinner with secretary

of state candidate, Mitt Romney. Just ahead.


[15:30:54] JONES: Welcome back to THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. At the headlines, audio recordings reveal the pilot of the plane that crashed in Colombia

said, quote, "The plane is in total electric failure and without fuel" shortly before Tuesday's crash. Sources confirm to CNN that the recordings

are authentic. At least 71 people, including many members of a Brazilian football team, died in that crash.

Donald Trump is promising to sever ties with his business empire to focus exclusively on governing. The U.S President-elect says he will announce

details at a news conference on December 15th with his children by his side. Trump says he feels it's visually important to not have conflicts of

interest in office.

The ashes of former Cuban leader Fidel Castro have begun their final journey. Wrapped in a Cuban flag, the ashes will travel from Havana to

Santiago de Cuba at the opposite end of the island nation. Castro's funeral will take place there on Sunday.

And then there were four. Donald Trump's transition team says that's how many candidates have survived the cut for Secretary of State. One of them,

Mitt Romney, is working hard to mend fences with the man he once called a phony and a fraud, even warning he could lead America, quote, "into the

abyss." Well, those dire words are long gone replaced by glowing praise. Listen to what Romney said after a working dinner with Trump on Tuesday



MITT ROMNEY (R), FORMER GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS: I had a wonderful evening with President-elect Trump. We had another discussion about

affairs throughout the world, and these discussions I've had with him have been enlightening and interesting and engaging. I've enjoyed them very,

very much.


VAUGHN JONES: Let's talk more about this now. I'm joined by Harvard Kennedy School Professor Nicholas Burns. He served in the U.S. government

for decades and counts ambassador, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, and State Department spokesman among his many titles. Ambassador,

thanks very much for joining us on the program --


VAUGHN JONES: -- this evening. So it's the state of the race for Secretary of State. There's been lots of cozy dinners. There's been

"Apprentice" style interviews. Who's your money on at the moment for America's next top diplomat?

BURNS: Well, it's a big and consequential choice for Donald Trump. I think he needs someone of some international experience and some maturity

and judgment. That might point the way towards Mitt Romney, Governor of Massachusetts, an important state -- my home state -- someone who has saved

the Salt Lake Olympics in 2002. He's got a wide network of contacts internationally.

I would think that he's going to be under serious consideration, but there's also Dave Petraeus. And General Petraeus is one of our greatest

generals, of course, commander in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He's a soldier statesman. He's very smart, very gifted. And so I think the two

of them are probably in the lead right now, but the only person who counts is Donald Trump and he is keeping everyone waiting.

VAUGHN JONES: He does seem to favor a lot of the generals. You mentioned General Petraeus there as well. If it is though, say, Mitt Romney who gets

the job of Secretary of State, what would that mean for Middle East peace, for U.S./Cuba relations?

BURNS: It's very hard to know right now because, of course, in our system, the President has substantial authority under the Constitution. He sets

the tone and the policy, and Donald Trump has revealed very little about his world view. Of course, we heard some of the statements during the

campaign, many of them quite objectionable, his statements against Mexico and Muslims, against NATO even, against the United Kingdom. And one would

hope that he would find a better way, a better way of thinking about the world, of American alliances.

And his Secretary of State is someone who can ground him, hopefully center this administration because Donald Trump's going to be the least

experienced President, internationally, in American history. We've never had a President with no prior political or public service or military

background. So he really does need someone of some depth of experience internationally. And I think Mitt Romney and David Petraeus would fit that


[15:34:55] VAUGHN JONES: But then neither of them have any diplomatic experience as such, and this is America's chief diplomat going forward.

And the reason I mention Generals in particular is because that kind of gives us some idea of where Donald Trump is going on the foreign stage,

doesn't it? The fact that these are military people, military men for the most part, and they're not really in talks on negotiations and such.

They're more kind of like troops on the ground.

BURNS: Well, Governor Romney, of course, is a civilian, but you're right to suggest that one of the big issues for him right now is he puts together

this Cabinet team. And it is a team as, he has a General as national security adviser, General Mike Flynn. He may have a General, people think,

in General Mattis as Defense Secretary.

We have a tradition in the United States of civilian control of the military. You don't to want see a cabinet in our country that's

overloaded, imbalanced, with military people simply because their experience is quite different. It's very much operational. But you do

need civilian thinking and people from different walks of life.

Another name that we haven't talk about is Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, an acknowledged expert on foreign affairs, the chairman of the Foreign

Relations Committee in the Senate. So I think he does have some choices here, and he needs that depth and experience to guide him forward.

VAUGHN JONES: I want to ask you about Syria and U.S./Russian relations. We've been hearing that Putin's team, Vladimir Putin and Russia, and Donald

Trump's team have been in talks about possible cooperation, if you like, in Syria. Do you think this could break the impasse of what's happening

particularly in Aleppo right now?

BURNS: Well, it's very hard to say. It's not unusual for a transition team in any one of our transitions to be talking to foreign governments,

but it's very important to remember, we have one President at a time and President Obama is our President until January 20th. So you wouldn't want

any discussions under way that would harm the present administration and what it's trying to do.

I do think that Donald Trump has to be wary of Vladimir Putin, especially in the Middle East but also in Eastern Europe where Putin, of course, has

crossed a line in Crimea and eastern Ukraine. He's pressuring the Baltic States.

And so experience would dictate that being tough with Putin, maintaining those sanctions -- this is a European and American and Canadian issue right

now -- on Putin over Ukraine is very important. We shouldn't want to let him get away with what he did to the Ukrainians. And that's where some

Europeans are now arguing things should go -- Francois Hollande, the French presidential candidate, some of the German politicians. And we really do

need some steel in the western backbone in dealing with Putin.

VAUGHN JONES: Yes, and also need to find out what his plans are for NATO as well. He's been in talks with the British Prime Minister about it


BURNS: That's right.

VAUGHN JONES: So lots to come on that. That's all we've got time for, I'm afraid. Nicholas Burns, thank you very much --

BURNS: Thank you.

VAUGHN JONES: -- for your expertise and analysis on the situation, we appreciate it.

Well, Donald Trump is getting some high praise from one of Africa's most controversial leaders, the Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. Al-Bashir

told an Emirati newspaper that Trump will be, quote, "Much easier to deal with than others." He went on to say that he admired Trump's clarity and

focus on the interests of the American people. Al-Bashir has been wanted by the International Criminal Court for years on charges relating to the

conflict in Darfur.

Well, since Election Day, Donald Trump hasn't just been building his cabinet. He's also been working to fulfill a key campaign promise, to keep

jobs in the United States. So how are his early efforts going down with the supporters that voted him into office?

Let's bring in someone who knows Trump's base better than most. Salena Zito is a CNN contributor and journalist. And she predicted that Donald

Trump would win the election, and joins me now live from Pittsburgh.

Great to see you, Salena. Thanks very much for joining us on THE WORLD RIGHT NOW.

Donald Trump stood on a platform of winning and doing deals. He's already won. Now, he'd doing deals. And this Carrier deal proves that he was

right along, doesn't it?

SALENA ZITO, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I mean, it's a really big win for him. And more importantly, it's a big win for the people that were about to lose

their jobs in Indianapolis, Indiana. There was anywhere between 1,400 and 2,100 jobs that were at risk in this Rust Belt city. And there are at

least 1,000 of them that are going to be saved. That's a lot more than -- you know, that's almost more than half if the number is at 1,400, and it

gives stability to the community and to the people that work there.

And it also puts a nice footprint for him to say, look, I was your guy, I promised that I would make deals. I promised I was there for the working

guy, and he delivered before he was even President.


ZITO: So, you know, it's not only important to him, it's also important to those voters in Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, who

haven't voted for a Republican since Reagan and Eisenhower, you know, all in a row. And they're looking at this guy and he's, like, delivering on

what he promised.

VAUGHN JONES: Yes. Well, the devil will be in the details, of course, of what this deal actually means in terms of the number of jobs that are

potentially being saved.

[15:40:05] You spent a huge amount of time traveling across the U.S. speaking to American voters, Trump supporters in particular. What are they

saying to you about Donald Trump, the President-elect? Are they confident that he will keep his campaign promises?

ZITO: Well, it's interesting that you ask that because a lot journalist think, well, you know, the foundation of his promises are like building a

wall or prosecuting Hillary Clinton. And while that rhetoric was great at a rally, the promises that were important to him is to have their back and

to sort of, you know, get in there and make deals, even if it causes some compromise, even if he has to give a little to get a little. Those are the

kinds of things that they were looking for. And he has delivered --

VAUGHN JONES: But what if he lies?

ZITO: Well --

VAUGHN JONES: What if he lies? Do Trump supporters care if what he's saying is factually not true?

ZITO: Well, there is the thing with him. You know, I said early on when I interviewed him in September, voters take him seriously but they don't take

him literally, where we, as journalists, take him literally but we did not take him seriously.

VAUGHN JONES: Is there concern then about this use of Twitter and typing everything out in 140 characters, from policy to trying to reach out to his

support base as well? I mean, does Trump supporters like the fact that he's --

ZITO: Well, that was --

VAUGHN JONES: -- sort of directly contacting them on Twitter?

I think -- such a shame, we've just lost Salena Zito. Salena has spent a long time traveling around the United States speaking to Trump supporters,

and as we said it initially, she did predict correctly that he would win.

I think Salena's actually back on the line for us. Salena, could you hear me OK now?

ZITO: Yes, I can. I don't know what happened.

VAUGHN JONES: Wonderful. I was just asking you about the use of Twitter and whether Trump supporters find that controversial or not.

ZITO: No, they don't. You know, after the election, it's been three weeks, one of the things that Trump fed on but also his voters fed on, and

his supporters, were that transaction, that interaction between them. And he hasn't been able to attend rallies because he's in, now, the business of

building his Cabinet. And so that's his way to continue that transaction between himself and his supporters.

And not only does he need that, but they need that too. They like that about him. And some of the things that he has said are filled with

hyperbole, but that is always how he has campaigned. He does not value words the way journalists do, and his supporters have sort of proved that

they are on the same page with him about that. So, at this moment, they both enjoy a good back and forth with each other on things that they feel

as though he has their back.

VAUGHN JONES: What about draining the swamp? Famously, he said he was going to do it. He's obviously in the process of building his Cabinet

right now. Do people in America, Trump supporters, do they care if Mitt Romney, for example, who was such --


VAUGHN JONES: -- a huge vocal critic of Trump through the campaign?


VAUGHN JONES: Do they think that makes Trump look like a fool because he's sort of flip-flopping on who he likes and who he doesn't like?

ZITO: Well, politics, I'm sure, there as well is always sort of a blood sport, right? But we have a great tradition in this country to put our

rivals in our Cabinets because we understand that they brought something important to the table. And so if you look at Abraham Lincoln, his

Secretary of State was Seward, who said worse things than Romney said about Trump during the election. And Seward has been long considered one of our

greatest Secretary of States.

It's just how it goes, and voters don't mind. They want competency. That is one of the problems that they have had in the last two presidential

administrations, is that they haven't felt that there was competency. And so when they look at Romney, they see a guy who was able to -- you know, he

is a diplomat. You don't put together the Olympics after they completely collapsed without having some great diplomatic capabilities.


ZITO: And the same with Petraeus.

VAUGHN JONES: And I guess they look at Donald Trump as well, and they say with Donald Trump, I assume, that, of course, he's the one who's the

negotiator and is managing to bring all of these former foes back into the field. We have to leave it there. We've run out of time. Salena Zito,

thanks very much.

ZITO: Thank you for having me.

VAUGHN JONES: We turn now to a controversial police shooting in the United States. Officials have announced that an officer who shot and killed a

Black man will not face charges. Keith Lamont Scott was shot four times in September. Police say he ignored commands to drop his gun. Scott's family

maintained that he was unarmed at the time. His wife filmed this video in which you can hear her pleading with police.


[15:45:12] RAKEYIA SCOTT, WIFE OF KEITH LAMONT SCOTT: Don't shoot him. Don't shoot him. He has no weapon. He has no weapon. Don't shoot him.


VAUGHN JONES: Well, the District Attorney says that Scott's DNA was found on a gun at the scene. Scott's shooting death led to protests over police

violence in the United States.

Let's get more details now from CNN's Brian Todd who's live in Charlotte, North Carolina. There were, as we're just saying, protests at the time of

the shoot. What's the mood there like today? Can we expect more protests?

BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Hannah, there is a protest planned for later this evening in a few hours about a half block away from me at

the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police station. We're going to see how that develops.

There are local community activists and others who feel that this was the wrong decision, but the District Attorney, Andrew Murray, stressed

repeatedly in his news conference today, and he presented multiple pieces of evidence and video suggesting, he says, that the officer involved in

this, Brentley Vinson, felt that his life was in eminent danger at the time that he shot Keith Lamont Scott.

The District Attorney said that the several officers on the scene warned Scott repeatedly to drop a gun that he had, that Scott had drawn his gun

inside his own car, that he ignored at least 10 commands to drop his gun. The D.A. says that Scott took a deep breath and then exited his car, still

carrying his gun, and assessed the officers when he got out of the car. This is an important detail.

The D.A. says that Scott looked at the officer in question, Brentley Vinson, looked at him then looked at other officers and then looked back at

Officer Vinson, meaning, according to the D.A., that he was assessing them. And that led Officer Vinson to believe that Scott was about to shoot him.

So, Hannah, yes, there are, you know, differing accounts. There is claims and counterclaims. The family claimed that Scott did not have a gun. They

acknowledged actually today that he did have a gun at the scene. But the D.A. is saying that they had a very strong case here not to file charges

against the officer.

VAUGHN JONES: OK. Brian Todd live for us there in North Carolina. Thanks very much for the update on this.

And still ahead on the program, turning to the sex trade just to survive. We take you to the streets of Athens. CNN's powerful "FREEDOM PROJECT"

report is coming up next.


VAUGHN JONES: The European dream is becoming a nightmare for some young refugees. Many teenagers are selling themselves on the streets. CNN's

Arwa Damon has this exclusive report now from Athens as part of CNN's "FREEDOM PROJECT."


ARWA DAMON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: This is where the deals are made. Our camera is filming from a distance with a mic on Tassos


Put the audio on the microphone.


DAMON: He's social worker showing us Athens is a prime shopping ground for illicit sex. Older men fill the square scoping their options, waiting for

the right moment to approach.

[15:50:08] SMETOPOULOS: Look behind you. There's an old guy that make message to a younger boy, you see?


SMETOPOULOS: It's a game.

DAMON: The boys who play to survive are often unaccompanied minors, many from Afghanistan.

SMETOPOULOS: It's shocking. It's shocking, really it's shocking. You know, they are desperate. There's no way out, unless they find money.

DAMON: Those we approached were too afraid, too ashamed to speak with us. But, Ali, not his real name, one agreed in hopes it would somehow make a

difference. He's 17 and has been here for nine months. The little money he had ran out a long time ago.

ALI, 17-YEAR-OLD REFUGEE (through translator): I said to myself, look what a mess you're in, such bad luck. Just so that you can make some money. I

think to myself, where have you ended up. You have come to Europe but what is this that you're doing?

DAMON: The act itself happens in a sprawling park, a five-minute walk away from the square. It has long been a haven for drug users and the sex

trade, now exacerbated by the refugee crisis.

ALI (through translator): You've seen the park. At the end of the day, some come to you. They pull their pants down so you see their ass. Other

talk to you and show you their money. It works like this.

DAMON: Tassos takes us into the park during the day, so we can see the sheer scale of the situation.

It's really quite disconcerting to be here even during the day and stepping back into one of these areas behind the bushes off the main path. You just

get a bit of a sense of what happens here after dark. There's condom wrappers all over the place.

The cost varies.

ALI (through translator): It depends on how you deal with them. Some offer 5 euros, some 100, some 80. But I didn't go with anyone for less

than 60 euros.

DAMON: Some, he says, take the boys home. A chance to shower, sleep in a bed, eat a proper meal.

ALI (through translator): I am not doing this because I like it. If I wanted to do something nice, I would date a girl. I was forced to do it

because I had no money. Otherwise, I would stay with a girl instead of going with an old man.

DAMON: The sickening trade is a result of a flawed European refugee policy and lack of preparedness. The Greek government latest figures show that

about 1,200 unaccompanied minors are on a waiting list for shelter.

In a statement to CNN, Greek police said that they have not had any cases reported of the sexual exploitation of unaccompanied minors from the parks

we went to, but acknowledge the problem and said, they are working to address it.

One day, hopefully, you'll be able to bring your mother and you'll see your mother and your sister again. Do you think you'll ever tell them about

what you had to do to survive?

ALI (through translator): I won't say that everything is good. But I won't reveal too much to upset her. My mum is sick. I am afraid if I tell

her, God forbid something would happen to her.

DAMON: Then his eyes filled with tears.

Arwa Damon, CNN, Athens.



VAUGHN JONES: We are reporting this week on the world's fastest growing major economy, India. One company there is leaping ahead by bridging a

gap. Andrew Stevens reports.


[15:55:05] ANDREW STEVENS, CNNMONEY ASIA PACIFIC EDITOR: Here in the heart of old Delhi, Pradeep Kumar has sold spices for 40 years, dried chili,

coriander seeds, cardamom, and more.

These common ingredients in Indian cooking are hailed by some for their health benefits. Take turmeric for example.

PRADEEP KUMAR, SHOPKEEPER (through translator): It has many benefits. It purifies your blood. It heals the pains in your joints. It's very good


STEVENS: Cafes around the world have started selling so-called golden lattes, a drink made from milk and turmeric. In India, it's a humble home

remedy used for years to treat coughs and colds.

Now, studies show that the active compound in turmeric called curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties. And global demand for it is heating up,

thanks in part to a growing Western appetite for traditional Indian medicine known as Ayurveda.

PHILIPE HAYDON, PRESIDENT AND CEO, THE HIMALAYA DRUG COMPANY: If you actually look at Ayurveda, what does Ayurveda mean? It is actually two

words, ayur veda, the signs of longevity. Himalaya is one of the pioneers in actually scientifically validating Ayurveda.

STEVENS: That's Philipe Haydon, CEO of The Himalaya Drug Company. Himalaya got its start back in 1930 and launched the first herbal drug to

treat hypertension. Today, it's based in Bangalore with four global hubs and 44 manufacturing facilities.

Ishani Lahiri works as a research assistant in the plant tissue culture lab. The team has helped preserve endangered herbs grown by organic

farmers for the company.

ISHANI LAHIRI, RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, THE HIMALAYA DRUG COMPANY: So what we do here, we help save endangered plants, or we multiply plants that are

perhaps medicinally important.

It helps conserve the plants in nature, and it helps getting multiple plants or trees from one or maybe a few parts.

STEVENS: The company continues to grow as well. Himalaya now has up to 10,000 employees and offers close to 400 products across 92 countries.

But when Haydon joined Himalaya as a sales rep in 1979, it was only known for one drug. He took the role of CEO in 2012 and has helped oversee

Himalaya's transition from a single division pharmaceutical company to a wellness brand.

HAYDON: Himalaya would like to be known as a truly Indian multinational. Made in India, sold worldwide. We hope to be a billion dollar company

globally by 2020.

STEVENS: Himalaya will celebrate 90 years in 2020. The privately-held company still owned by the founder's family does not disclose its profits.

But its plans for future growth will certainly rely on its roots, ancient Ayurveda and modern science.


VAUGHN JONES: This has been THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. Thanks for watching. "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is next.