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Hala Gorani Tonight

Russia Probe Casts Shadow Over State Of The Union; Putin Calls U.S. List An "Unfriendly Act"; Trump Expected To Offer Message Of Unity; U.S. Stepping Up Fight Against al-Shabaab; President Trump Expands U.S. Military Footprint; Trump: U.S. Won't Negotiate With The Taliban; Yemeni Children: From Soldiers To Students; Trump not Expected to Mention Russia Probe in Speech; Nixon in 1974: end Watergate Investigation; What Trump can learn from Nixon, Clinton; Obama Jokes during 2015 State of the Union Speech; Woman Forced to Marry at 11, Fights to Ban Child Marriage; Crooks Using New Technique to Steal Millions; Leaked Report Predicts Economic Hit from Brexit. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired January 30, 2018 - 15:00   ET



HANNAH VAUGHAN JONES, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello, everyone. Live from CNN London, I'm Hannah Vaughan Jones in for Hala Gorani.

Tonight, laying out his vision of America, President Trump prepares for his first state of the union address, and have a host of issues lurking in the

background. One thing the president is sure to bring up is military strength. Tonight, we are live in Somalia where U.S. troops are at their

highest level in decades.

Also, how hackers are using a scheme called jackpotting to steal money from ATMs.

But first, our main story this evening, America's economy is booming. Its borders are becoming more secure and the country is on its way to becoming

great once again. That is the message we are expecting to hear just hours from now from Donald Trump.

The world will be watching as the president address Congress in his very first state of the union speech. It is a chance for him to highlight the

accomplishments of his first terms and to change the conversation from relentless headlines about the Russia investigation, which have, of course,

dogged his presidency right from the very start.

But you probably won't hear much about that investigation tonight. However, it is important to note that Mr. Trump's speech is taking place

against a pretty extraordinary backdrop. We are now seeing the FBI under attack and its credibility questioned as the Russia investigation


As we speak, the White House is examining a controversial memo. It is expected to release soon that could throw fuel on the fire. On top of all

that, those Russia sanctions we were expecting yesterday. You remember them at the top of show yesterday evening, well, they weren't really

sanctions at all.

The White House released a list of potential targets, targets who could face penalties at some point in the future, possibly. Well, we are live on

the story tonight in Washington and Moscow.

White House reporter, Stephen Collinson, has a preview of Mr. Trump's speech and our senior international correspondent, Matthew Chance, has the

Kremlin's perspective. Steven, to you first, tell us about the mood there in the U.S. capital this evening and the buildup to this speech and as

these memos and rumors keep swirling around the president and the Russia probe.

STEPHEN COLLINSON, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: That's right, Hala. It's been an extraordinary week really of revelations about the Russia

investigation and it appears that the president's exposure to that investigation and vulnerabilities growing, as is the campaign by the White

House, conservative media, and Trump's allies on Capitol Hill to try and discredit the Mueller probe ahead of time.

And to pour pressure on the key officials in the FBI and the Justice Department who responsible for overseeing it. So, when the White House

goes into tonight's state of the union address saying the president is going try to bring the country together.

His task in doing so is magnified by those revelations, by the growing political crisis really in Washington over the Russia investigation.

JONES: Matthew Chance is live for us in Moscow at the moment. Matthew, those sanctions that we talked about yesterday, they haven't actually been

imposed. What's happened is that this list, sort of naming and shaming of individuals and entities, that has been revealed by the Treasury. What's

been the response then from the Kremlin, from Vladimir Putin in particular?

MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, there has been a couple of reports that have been issued today that have met the

deadlines set back in August when the Relevant Act was signed into law by President Trump reluctantly.

The first of those reports was the so-called Kremlin list or the Putin list as we are calling it, people who are close to -- close to Vladimir Putin.

It could in the future, potentially, be sanctioned.

It would never necessary going to be sanctioned straight away, but the whole idea was that this was a sort of shot across the (inaudible) by the

U.S. Congress in fact and by the U.S. administration in general.

That these were the kinds of individuals that could be sanctioned in the future if the Congress, or if the White House chooses to do so. It turns

out that list was much more general than was anticipated, to be much more targeted.

But on the list, there is still a whole range of characters that we've seen before in our reporting of the Trump-Russia relationship. Take a look.


CHANCE (voice-over): These high-profile figures like Russian billionaire, Oleg (inaudible), will appear on this Putin list. The oligarch who is

close to the Russian president is also implicated in the Russian meddling scandal in the U.S. elections.

[15:05:08] One time he did business with the former Trump campaign manager who is now suing.

(on camera): Did he offer you those private briefings to try and repay some of that (inaudible) to you? Is that why he offered them?

(voice-over): The Putin list is broad, who's who of Russia's political and business elites meant to name and shame the powerful figures around

Vladimir Putin. Speaking at a meeting of his supporters, the Russian president seemed unimpressed.

What's the point, he asked, certainly, it was not a friendly act and it exacerbates U.S.-Russian relations already at a low point, he added.

Alongside, titans of Russian industry, the list compiled by the U.S. Treasury also includes loyal Putin officials like chief spokesman, Dmitry

Peskov, often the voice of Kremlin disillusionment with Washington.

DMITRY PESKOV, KREMLIN SPOKESMAN: The situation that we are facing now, I mean, this emotional extremism of trying to make the (inaudible) out of


CHANCE: The list which includes 210 names was drawn up under a U.S. law to punish Russia for alleged meddling in the presidential election in 2016.

(on camera): Why did you arrange that meeting between the Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer.

(voice-over): But some key players like (inaudible), the Russian popstar, who helped set up a controversial meeting in Trump Tower when left off

while he has billionaire father, the man with whom Donald Trump staged the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow was listed.

ARAS AGALAROV, RUSSIAN BUSINESSMAN (through translator): How can Russia influence elections in America, you do not find it amusing to ask this


CHANCE: It is certainly not amusing for those close to the Kremlin, who now find themselves on a list where they prefer not to appear.


CHANCE: Well, Hannah, the Kremlin says that as long as this stays just the list and there's no moves made in Washington to enforce it, sanction any of

the individuals on it. They do not intend to respond.

Certainly, the signs we are getting from Washington tonight that there is very little appetite in the White House to go in harder and enforce tighter

sanctions against Moscow.

JONES: OK, Matthew. Back to Stephen and to the state of the union address from President Trump, we can probably assume he is not going to bring up

Russia for all the reasons that Matthew has just mention.

But one thing he is sure to bring up is touting the economic state of the union, there is no question that the stock market has been on something of

a chaos since Mr. Trump took office back in January of last year.

But right now, take a look at this, the Dow is on something of a deep slide. Blue chip stocks are down triple digits at the moment, and you can

see down 385 points at the moment.

Now Stephen, we both know that this isn't a president who is afraid of letting facts get in the way of a good story, but can we expect some last-

minute additions and changes to this speech, given what is happening on the stock markets right now?

COLLINSON: Well, it certainly posts a little bit of (inaudible) perhaps on President Trump's cheerleading that we expect on stocks this evening. But

having said that, the market, the Dow is up about 8,000 points over the first year of the Trump presidency.

So, I do not think it would not preclude the president from talking about that. Of course, the problem that President Trump faces is that having

made such a big deal on such claims of victory for the massive rises in the value of stocks over his first year.

As soon as they start going down, people are going to turn around and start calling him out on that, but generally, the president is going to make an

argument that the economy under his watch is improving very quickly.

That job growth is very robust. Economic growth is very robust and it's one argument that he can use to speak to every American to make the

implicit case that the economy and everybody's lives are actually better off with him as president thanks to his tax-cutting policies, thanks to his

slashing of regulation.

So, that is one way he can talk to the whole country after a presidency in which he is really just concentrated on satisfying those voters that 35, 40

percent of people that always stuck with him and who helped him get to the White House.

JONES: Yes, his base, of course. Stephen Collinson, Matthew Chance, my thanks to you both.

So, we are expecting to see a softer, gentler Donald Trump perhaps when he takes the stage later on this evening, one who sticks to the script and

offers something of a unifying message. But even if his tone changes, will he actions follow tomorrow?

[15:10:06] Let us bring in Michael Grunwald, a senior staff writer for "Politico" joins me now. Michael, let's talk about his tone this evening.

We saw just last week in Davos at the world economic forum that President Trump was talking about peace and prosperity on the foreign stage. Is that

going to be the same message to America?

MICHAEL GRUNWALD, SENIOR STAFF WRITER, "POLITICO": Certainly, the prosperity part, you know, he -- there is a pretty low bar for him these

days. You know, if he does reads without a -- reads this script from the Teleprompter without falling over the podium or you know, cursing somebody

or saying something racist. People tend to say that was very presidential. That is a pretty great speech and so I think he -- that is presumably what

he will try to do.

JONES: But presumably, the piece that you're saying isn't in there because of bipartisan efforts so far have fallen foul. But at the day, if any

president is going to get through some of the reforms that he wants through when it comes to immigration, for example, and DACA, of course, the

DREAMers, they need bipartisan support for that. Can we expect him almost reach across the aisle and try reach out to those Democrats, who are so

opposed to him right now?

GRUNWALD: Well, not on policy here. He said last year in his speech that he was going to be working with Democrats and then he did a purely partisan

healthcare bill that ended up losing at the last minute. He did a purely partisan tax bill.

Neither one of them had any Democratic votes and he's raised his rhetoric all along has been extremely partisan. I mean, in his speech last year, he

talked about how horrible the economy was because there were 94 million people out of work. Today, there are 95 million people out of work. But,

of course, you will phrase that as a spectacular economic recovery. He really has not done a lot of genuine reaching out to the other side.

JONES: One thing I found extraordinary as well is that he's actually using this almost as a platform to his campaigning as well. The Trump campaign

for reelections, and we are looking at 2020 now, on their websites they are allowing people to donate some money even as little as $1 and then as a

result of that, they'll get their names flashed up whilst the state of the union speech is being delivered.

And I think actually one of the quotes from this website and this comes from Eric Trump, of course, the president's son, it says even if you choose

only to give $1, the proof is your support will send shockwaves around the world as they see every American proudly stands behind our president.

Michael, is this unprecedented? I mean, this is effectively using presidential time to make money.

GRUNWALD: I mean, everything he does is unprecedented. I mean, Eric Trump was supposed to have nothing to do with the presidency. He was opposed to

be running the running the family business that the president has supposedly divested himself from.

Look, from the very first day when he gave his inaugural address and announced that it was the largest crowd ever even though there was

photographic evidence that he was not, President Trump has been all about violating long-standing Washington norms in a way that sort of what got him

elected and he has continued to do it.

And he has paid some price, he is the most unpopular president we have ever had at this point in his presidency, but it has not yet cost him the

support of his 35 percent base and there is no reason to think that he isn't going to continue playing to that base.

JONES: And playing to that base, but all be it on a teleprompter as you say. We are not expecting him to be off script at all and one hope as well

that whoever has written the script and put that in the teleprompter has better spelling than some of the others in the Trump administration.

I think that the actual invitations to the state of the union address have a spelling mistake in them. They said the state of the uniom so -- but we

are expecting him to be at least on scripts on teleprompter and not veering off course.

GRUNWALD: Well, maybe that the state of the uniom will be will be better than the state of the union.

JONES: We will wait and see. Michael Grunwald, it's great to talk to you. Thanks for your opinions and thoughts on the state of the union speech

later on this evening. Thank you.

GRUNWALD: Anytime.

JONES: Well, that address, the state of the union, is set to air live at 9 p.m. Eastern. That is 1:00 a.m. here in London, but don't worry you can

see President Trump's state of the union address at a far more convenient hour, we will replay it at 8 a.m. London, 4 p.m. for those viewers in Hong


Still to come on the program tonight, Somalians will be watching President Trump's state of the union address. Why? Will he talk about the fight

against terror groups in the horn of Africa?

And they traded rocket launches for textbooks. We'll give you an exclusive look at former child soldiers in Yemen who are trying to move passed their




JONES: Hello. Welcome back to the program. We are just hours away from a landmark moment in Donald Trump's presidency, his first state of the union

address. Now around the world, capital will be looking to see what he says about U.S. foreign policy like Mogadishu in Somalia.

The U.S. has around 500 troops in Somalia helping the country in its battle against Al Qaeda's affiliate, al-Shabaab. The terror group continues to

plague the nation and the U.S. has been stepping up airstrikes to help defeat it.

CNN is getting an inside view of this conflict, which is often overlooked. Sam Kiley is standing for us now in Mogadishu, Somalia, joins us live.

Sam, welcome to you. Just detail for us what exactly the mission of the U.S. is in Somalia and what cost both in terms of cash and human lives.

SAM KILEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, the cash element is secret because it is a special forces operation, but there are 500

special forces troops or more or less 500 expected to -- that number is expected to rise up to 600 over the next few months as the United States

increases the tempo of its operations.

Which has been consistent with the Trump administration's decision over the last year to projected down into the Pentagon the detail of combat

operations and that has focused what they call decapitation, a project that they have used in Iraq and Afghanistan to try to take out the management,

the middle management and senior elements of militant organizations in the hope that they crumble beneath them.

That is problematic here because one of the characteristics of al-Shabaab, which is over the last year, for example, endured some 30 drone strikes and

special forces attacks. It is proved very resilient in reforming itself.

It is not a particularly top-heavy organization. On top of that, there have been occasionally kind of backlash when the big complaints of

militants not being killed, but civilians being killed in some of these attacks particularly involving combinations of U.S. special forces in the

Somali armed forces.

Ultimately, as the African Union plans to withdraw its 22,000 men based here about 2020, it may be the case that the United States may have to

increase its true presence if, as seems to be the case, there is a conviction that the so-called Islamic State might try to extend its

operations here having been so effectively crushed or almost annihilated as it has been in Syria -- Hannah.

GORANI: And Sam, Donald Trump is undoubtedly very proud of the military strengthened under his watch and the spending that's gone into it as well,

but I am wondering whether all of those efforts have been undermined by his recent comments referring to African countries as shit-hole countries.

What has been the impact on the ground there for U.S. troops working so hard?

[15:20:14] KILEY: It's been very interesting. The American troops since the debacle Black Hawk down when 18 American servicemen were killed in a

ferocious, many multiple battle that went on nearly 24 hours with the Somalis, who were defending their leader, Mohammed (inaudible), and over a

thousand Somalis were killed then.

One might have imagined that there would be bitter resentment towards American special forces operations in Somalia, but actually they have the

full support of the Somali government here in Mogadishu.

The writ of that government does not extend much beyond the city limits and the limits of other cities around the country, but there has not been a

substantial or negative reaction to these operations because there is a growing sense that al-Shabaab really has gone beyond the pale.

It had one degree of support locally by having a very efficient administration and judicial systems. But as it has come under pressure, it

started to forcibly recruit young people, particularly children, and that had made it bitterly unpopular at a time also, where the fighting is

putting pressure on already vulnerable population suffering from drought.

So, in that context, there has not been an enormous amount of negative reaction from the United States except when they have that one particular

incident in October when they attacked a farm and were accused of killing civilians. So, that did cause some clan tensions in Mogadishu and results

in some substantial payments by the government to that clan.

But that seemed to smooth things over, so for the time being, the United States operations at least are not unpopular, even if they are not

particularly popular.

GORANI: All right. Sam Kiley live for us there in Mogadishu, Somalia. Sam, thank you.

And the war in Afghanistan is another complicated foreign policy challenge for the U.S. president. Before he entered the Oval Office, Mr. Trump

wanted to pull all troops out. Now, though, he's sending more in.

On Monday, he rejected the idea of talks with the Taliban after a series of deadly attacks in the capital. Our Nick Paton Walsh is in Kabul with more


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, this recent spate of violence really penetrating the sensor of what's supposed

to be the safe sanctuary of Afghanistan, its capital, Kabul, has marked real change potentially selling the rhetoric of U.S. government policy.

President Trump saying that now wasn't really the time to talk to Taliban if they were behind this kind of bloodshed and the Afghan government

backing off same Taliban and the insurgency had crossed many redlines.

And the peace should now be sought on the battlefield really saying, it's a military fight alone here. The Taliban themselves, saying, that shows the

warmongering side of the Trump administration.

But in reality check here to be honest, peace talks were never really imminent at all, but there had been a major plank of the U.S. military

strategy that you would somehow potentially manage to tackle the Taliban adequately on the battlefield, make them lose enough territory.

But they thought it was worth catching some sort of political settlement, but that off the table and that leaves the months ahead to perhaps to be

even more troubling. We are seeing staggering levels of violence here in Kabul, a city really waking every morning to a sense of threat about what

might possibly come next.

(Inaudible) an increase in Americans strategy here. Yes, it's nothing like the surge of the Obama years, but we'll be seeing hundreds more American

troops come here to go to the frontlines to train Afghan soldiers there and also to some degree a little less transparency and quite how this war is

being conducted.

A key measure of success of Afghan soldiers or police being killed every year has now been classified by the U.S. military. They say there's also a

request from Afghan government on the figures too about territory controlled (inaudible) confused pattern in terms of how they are released.

The great focus now on the months ahead and exactly what could be done to make those Afghans here in the government-controlled capital feels

something like a degree of safety. Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, Kabul.

JONES: Nick, thank you.

We go now to a conflict in the Middle East, the Civil War in Yemen. It is a battle that has included some terrifying tactics including these children

as soldiers. CNN's Nic Robertson has been granted rare access to the fighting in Yemen and to some of its less innocent victims.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR (voice-over): Neatly uniformed, Yemeni schoolboys listen to their teacher, but this is no

ordinary classroom, and these are no ordinary children. They are former child soldiers forced into battle by Houthi rebels.

(on camera): He's showing me, this is the gun truck, used to drive this gun truck? This is you, the driver?


[15:25:04] ROBERTSON (voice-over): (Inaudible) shows me a picture of him driving a rocket launcher. He was 13 at the time.

I asked if he feels better for the help here. He is cheerful now, but what ails all the boys here are the deep, unseen scars of PTSD, posttraumatic

stress disorder. Psychologists at this Saudi-funded child soldier rehab center help the boys focus on the future.

Even so, the past still haunts them. Naji (ph) is 12 years old. He tells me Houthis put them on the frontline, forced him to drag bodies from the

battlefield. This is his friend, 13-year-old, Eunice (ph), tells me the Houthis kidnapped him, took him to the frontline.

I cried during the fighting, he says, after a month and a half, I was injured in my right leg and taken to hospital, but as I got better, I

escaped. At his bare two-room cinderblock home, Eunice's mother knows he is one of the lucky ones to get out alive. But worries about everything he

has seen.

He would wake in the night with nightmare, she says, screaming, the Houthis, the Houthis, they are coming to take me. I would go to him and

say a prayer with him. Eunice is still struggling. You see it in his eyes, hear it in his words.

I saw people beside me get killed. They got a bullet in the head, on the chest. I was very scared. One time, I was hit. I thought I was dying. I

was overcome by fear and anxiety and even now I feel the same way.

(on camera): This project is only just beginning to scratch the surface, 81 children treated here so far, about 200 and other centers across the

country. But Yemeni officials believe there are more than 6,000 child soldiers across the country and suspect as many as 20,000 children may need

some sort of war rehabilitation help.

(voice-over): Teachers here say recruitment of children by Houthis is systematic. The U.N. has reported hundreds of cases. (Inaudible) and

these pictures epitomize the long road to recovery.

(on camera): It's quite amazing because you can see the (inaudible) has got the rocket (inaudible).

(voice-over): Detail that is hard for young minds like his to let go. The greatest salvation his friends say sharing their stories with each other,

knowing they are not alone, knowing they are not forgotten. Nic Robertson, CNN, Yemen.


JONES: (Inaudible) in the region and a crackdown on corruption in Saudi Arabia has resulted in the recovery of more than $100 billion of assets.

Members of the Saudi royal family as well prominent businessmen in the country were caught up in the probe that began in November last year.

Most have been released after paying hefty defines. Many of the suspect were held at the luxury Rich Carlson Hotel in Riyadh during the


Still to come on the program this evening, a big choice for the U.S. president, will he or won't he mention the Russia investigation during his

state of the union speech. We'll look at what past presidents have done in the midst of their scandals. Stay with us.


[15:30:08] HANNAH VAUGHAN JONES, CNN ANCHOR: Hello again. Welcome back to HALA GORANI TONIGHT with me Hannah Vaughan Jones. Now, President Donald

Trump faces a big question for his State of the Union Address tonight, whether to mention the ongoing Russia investigation knocking his

administration. He won't be the first to give his State of the Union speech onto such circumstances. President Richard Nixon in 1974, gave his

speech under the crowd of Watergate.


RICHARD NIXON, 37TH U.S. PRESIDENT: Mr. President, my distinguished colleagues and our guests, I would like to add a personal word with regard

to an issue that has been of great concern to all Americans over the past year. I refer, of course, to the investigations of the so-called Watergate

affair. I believe the time has come to bring that investigation and the other investigations of this matter to an end. One year of Watergate is



JONES: Nixon there, 1974. So let's get more on this and other memorable State of the Union moments. Larry Sabato is director of the Center for

Politics at the University of Virginia and joins us now live via Skype from Charlottesville, Virginia. Larry, great to have you on as ever. For our

international viewers, just to kick things off, what is the historical significance of the State of the Union Address? And historically, what is

it given the president the opportunity to do?

LARRY SABATO, DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER FOR POLITICS, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA: It's pure theater. And for decades, really from Thomas Jefferson until

Woodrow Wilson, it was simply a written speech sent to Congress. It was not delivered at Congress. But with the coming of advanced newspapers,

radio, television, it became an opportunity for the president to really go over the heads of Congress directly to the American people. That's what

it's used for. Most of them are forgotten within 24 to 48 hours. This may be an exception because it's Donald Trump.

JONES: Right. And in terms of the content of this address, we saw just now Richard Nixon there speaking, 1974. He mentions the scandal that he

was facing, Watergate, of course. Other presidents so. I think we've got some footage of President Bill Clinton. This is back in 1998, I believe.

And in his State of the Union Address then, he didn't mention the Monica Lewinsky scandal and this is the time when, of course, he was in the middle

of impeachment proceedings himself. So given what we've seen historically then, can we expect President Trump to raise Russia?

SABATO: I doubt it. This is a teleprompter Trump speech. It's been written by a staff and they have rubbed to the raw issue - the raw edges

down. That would be a raw edge. The rawest of the raw edges. So I doubt he does it. I well remember Nixon speech in 1974. Remember, Watergate had

been going on for a year and a half. And what happened within 24 hours of that speech, virtually everyone, except for the hardcore, the Republican

Party dismissed Nixon's call that one year of Watergate was enough. For Bill Clinton, it was exactly the opposite. He helped to save himself by

going into Congress, giving and especially long and detailed policy or units State of the Union Address which showed that the Monica Lewinsky

scandal have not taken him away from government. So the needs of each president determine what said in the State of the Union.

[15:34:54] JONES: Yes, and we've got some stats, actually, we can show previous presidents and how their approval ratings have gone up in the

aftermath of a State of the Union Address. There you can Obama in 2009. His went up eight points. Clinton back in 1993, so this was before the

Lewinsky stuff all broke. But he went up eight points as well. A lot of that, I could say, I guess and particularly with Obama and Clinton, that

dance a style. President Trump's style is now well known. He's not necessarily going to woo the crowd in front of him. But let's just listen

as an example to President Obama and the wit, the jives, the humor that he used when he was giving the State of the Union Address. This is in 2015.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I have no more campaigns to run. My only agenda -- I know, because I won both of them.


JONES: So very quick with you there from President Barack Obama. Is Trump capable of playing this crowd in that kind of way?

SABATO: It would be a surprise if he can pull it off. There may be some laugh lines, some gentle humor in the speech. It's been suggested that

staff has written them in. We'll see whether Trump actually reads them or not. Trump is not known for humor, especially self-deprecating humor. So

I don't think we'll see a lot of that and I don't know that it would help him very much. Remember, Americans are in their foxholes. Everyone has

decided what they think of Donald Trump. One speech isn't going to change that. And even in the examples, you saw in the Obama and Clinton, those

gains in public opinion polls, disappeared after a week. This is a very temporary event.

JONES: Yes. And this is, of course, he's at record low approval rating at the moment. So we wait to see how those poll show after the speech later.

Larry Sabato, always great to get your opinions on all of these stories happening out there in Washington. Thank you so much, Larry.

SABATO: Thank you.

JONES: OK. We turn to other news now. Children raped then forced to marry their rapist. It is a horrifying sort. But one woman in the United

States is telling CNN her story of surviving a marriage to her attacker before she was even a teenager.

And has State of Florida could vote today to completely ban marriage for anyone under the age of 18? This story is followed up by polo Sandoval.


SHERRY JOHNSON, RAPE VICTIM: This is going to take a minute.

POLO SANDOVAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Just looking at Sherry Johnson, you would have no idea what she's been through. It was 1969 when

she says a deacon at her family's church raped her. He was 19, she was 10. The assault and the resulting pregnancy forced Johnson out of elementary

school and into adulthood. She says her mother then forced her to marry.

JOHNSON: I was 11 when I was forced to marry my rapist. My mom says, well, you got to marry him. And I'm like, marry him? I don't know what

marriage is.

SANDOVAL (voice-over): This is the couple on their wedding day in March of 1971.

JOHNSON: My mom made me a white wedding dress and she made me a veil.

SANDOVAL (voice-over): Behind the smile of this 11-year-old bride, Johnson remembers feeling alone and trapped.

JOHNSON: It wasn't a marriage because I didn't consent to that. That was something that I was forced into. And when you forced into something, they

can't be happy. How did the law allow this to happen? You gave permission for this man to take me as a wife to rape me, continuously.

SANDOVAL (voice-over): For six years, Johnson endured life in a forced marriage. It wasn't until she turned 17 and old enough to take legal

action on her own that the state of Florida granted her a divorce. Decades later, child marriage remains an issue in the United States.

FRAIDY REISS, FOUNDER, UNCHAINED AT LAST: Well, it's happening at such an alarming rate.

SANDOVAL (voice-over): According to Unchained At Last, a non-profit group fighting for child marriage, children can still wed with parental consent

and a judge's approval.

REISS: Under these loopholes, marriage before 18 is legal in all 50 U.S. states. And in fact, in 25 states, the way the laws are written, they do

not specify any minimum age for marriage.

SANDOVAL (voice-over): Fraidy Reiss who leads the organization wants to see all states make 18 the minimum age to marry. No exceptions.

REISS: Some of the reasons that we've seen that parents will do this or tradition. In some cases, unfortunately, it's pregnancy. Parents will use

marriages away to cover up a rape or if they think if the girl that's pregnant, there's no other option.

[15:40:02] SANDOVAL (voice-over): Nearly a quarter of a million children were married between the years 2000 and 2010, says Reiss, 77 percent of

them were girls who have married adult men who were often significantly older.

REISS: They shouldn't be allowed to marry before you have the rights of adulthood and before you're able to do basic things like file for divorce

or getting to a domestic violence shelter.

SANDOVAL (voice-over): Sherry is pushing to make her home state of Florida the first to ban child marriage completely.

JOHNSON: I filled within myself that this is going to happen and we're going to save a lot of children lives.

SANDOVAL (voice-over): She's a survivor determined to keep another adolescent from being robbed of their childhood. Polo Sandoval, CNN New



JONES: Extraordinary story there. Now, U.S. banks are being warned that a new kind of cyberattack, it could make their ATMs vulnerable to crooks.

The scheme of those hacking into the ATM itself and result in money pouring out in the machine like the thief one a jackpot at slots and that's why

it's all known as jackpotting.

Let's bring out our tech correspondent, Samuel Burke to explain all of this for us. How exactly does this work and how widespread is it? Is it across

the whole U.S.?

SAMUEL BURKE, CNN BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Jackpotting actually started here in Europe, they went over to Asia and in the past, we

saw a lot at Mexico. Now for the first time, it's hitting the U.S. shores. Let me just walk you through step by step how they do this. They actually

have to have physical access. So somebody has to be standing there present. Usually, it's at standalone ATMs or cashpoints, as you guys call

them here in the U.K. So to execute this, they need the physical access and then they'll use malware, which is software that they stick in there

and they actually use physical tools like an endoscope. Usually, we think about that in the doctor's office, but this camera on a stick allows them

to see on their smartphone exactly what's happening inside. They push the reset button and then the cash pours out of the ATM, like they won the


JONES: So let me get this right. This isn't actually -- they're not accessing people's bank accounts. They're just accessing violating the


BURKE: They are just accessing cash from the machine, but you might be thinking of skimming devices. Over the past few years, we've seen devices

on ATMs that would skim our information and then people would take that, go to another cashpoint withdraw money from our bank accounts. Jackpotting,

they're taking it straight from the ATM. It doesn't matter about us. They're getting that money out of there.

And it's interesting -- I just talked to the secret service and they said, because this is happening inside the United States, they believe Americans,

yes, are involved, but that it's part of a wider crime ring. People sharing information with each other across borders.

JONES: how much money we're talking about here so far?

BURKE: Well, there have been six of these incidents in the past week in the United States alone, totaling $1 million. A lot more money in an ATM

than I would have thought.

JONES: Absolutely. Sam, thank you so much. Appreciate it.

All right. Still to come on the program this evening, the U.K. government in damage control over leaks reports into the economic impacts of Brexit

and spoiler alerts. It is not good. We'll have all the details, up next.



JONES: Welcome back. We are keeping a close eye on the U.S. markets for you this hour. It is the final hour of the trading day in the U.S. And

the Dow has had something of a rough ride. That's, to say the least. This is the way I think Dow at the moment, currently down 1.2 percent. That's

more than 300 points at the moment. Of course, the Dow had record highs all through this last year throughout Donald Trump's presidency. But he

will no doubt be keeping a close eye on this as well, as he prepares to give his State of the Union Address, housing economic success.

Now, if you think the U.S. markets are having a bad day, just wait until you hear what's in store for the British economy. The U.K. is already

worst apparently, because of Brexit. That is the finding of government analysis and we only know about it, because a draft of it was leaked. And

let me tell you, it is ugly reading. The analysis suggests the economic growth will be reduced by up to eight percent over the next 15 years. And

even though Brexit hasn't happened yet, it's already causing damage. The junior Brexit minister told parliament today, it's too early though to cast

any judgment.


STEVE BAKER, BREXIT MINISTER: I can confirm that when we bring full with the vote on the final deal, that we agree with the European Union, we will

ensure that this House is presented with the appropriate analysis the government has done so that the House can make an informed decision. But I

think all members of this House must surely agree that the government cannot be expected to put such analysis into the public domain before that

analysis has been completed.


JONES: Now, let's bring in Chris Leslie. He is a Labour MP, Britain's opposition party, of course, he joins me now in the studio. Many thanks

for joining us this evening.

This leaked dossier, it suggests that there's nothing good can come from Brexit, that all forms of Brexit, whether it's hard, soft, whatever it

might be, it's going to hurt the economy. What's the opposition view though? Can anything good come from Brexit?

CHRIS LESLIE, LABOUR MP: Well, look, I think the difficulty is when you're already in the finest, most open frictionless free trade area of anywhere

in the world, the European Union, then what you're talking about is detaching yourself from that. So things can only get more inferior. They

can get -- they will get worsened. Of course, even if you get a really comprehensive free trade deal, you'll still going to be minus five percent

of GDP over that 15-year-period. So this is about real lives, real livelihoods, jobs and that matters to people across the U.K.

JONES: And who do you blame then for the way things are going? Is this just answer the personnel who are actually carrying out the negotiations

with Brussels? And if it is, then how would Labour, the opposition do things differently. What would you do?

LESLIE: Well, I've got to convince my friend Bench in the Labour party so certainly commit to the single market, the customs union, all those

component that we currently have which have that trading environment, that is frictionless, that is went out tariffs. Now, that's an argument

happening also in the conservation party. They've got members who someone had Brexit absolutely no deal. Some actually now saying, maybe they agree

with the customs union. So parliament I think needs to come together, assert itself, not necessarily in the old party political trend line.

JONES: So you're saying you have to convince your own from bench on this. So does that mean that there's no cohesive, coherent policy then from the

official opposition in the country?

LESLIE: Well, of course after the referendum, a lot of the parties felt, I, of course, want to respect the view of the public. Of course, since

then, we've learned all sorts of things about the reaction from the European Union, the sort of deals that are on offer. And of course

apparently today, this analysis, which we still haven't got published from the government, showing quite a precipitous damage to all of our economies.

I think on reflection, if people want to think again, they see that this isn't going to be so good, they should be given the right to do that. So I

think a lot of people are going to be talking about should there be a final say on any deal that the prime minister --

JONES: Or should there be another referendum? Is that what you would like to see?

LESLIE: Well, I think the question should the public have a chance to look at the actual deal, but they didn't know what it was going to be during the

referendum on the principle. But when they see the hard facts and the impact on the pound in their pocket, their incomes, they have a right in

their democracy to think again.

[15:50:02] JONES: But then lastly, everyone was exposed to what the economic forecast were going to be before the Brexit referendum and

actually a lot of those forecast turned out to be incorrect, because Britain's economy is actually in pretty good shape at the moment as things

stand. If the majority of people in this country who voted for Brexit, we're actually voting nothing to do with economic lines. It's all about

immigration perhaps or sovereignty or something like that. Then by putting the question to them again is not just undermining them and overruling them

and effectively saying, oh, vote for me, vote for the Labour party, but we'll give you a Brexit that you never really wanted.

LESLIE: Well, I think that when the facts changed or when new evidence emerges, the public have a right to pass a verdict on that. Just because

you have one general election, it doesn't mean that in perpetuity you have the same government forever. You have a period of time when people can

reflect and change governments. Similarly, this isn't a course that's set in stone. The Article 50 notification can be revoked or extended. We

still have -- there's nothing inevitable about this. And I think it's time really for business, for others to start to say, look, these are serious

issues. We don't necessarily have to go down a course Theresa May herself has said.

JONES: Well, she has said that she wants a deep and a special partnership with the E.U. going forward. Is that something that is possible as even

desirable now given the way that Brussels have been handling negotiation so far?

LESLIE: Yes. Well, it's a bit part of her pie, even special partnership. What does that mean? She has ruled out -- she put a red line around the

single market and the customs union. Of course none of which was on the actual ballot paper in the referendum. I think that was premature. I

think those things -- the very least should be on the table. And that's when I think in parliament, as the legislations going through, starting in

the House of Lords today, I think parliament is going to come together and possibly even resolve. We want to stay in the customs union. We want to

stay in the single market. Watch the space.

JONES: And surely you definitely want all of these dossiers to be published right now.

LESLIE: Yes. Well, transparency is crucial.

JONES: OK. Chris Leslie, many thanks for joining us on the program. We appreciate it.

Now, a homeless man once held hero has been jailed here in the U.K. of his behavior following the attack on the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester

last May. Christopher Parker was sentenced to four years and three months after he admitted to stealing from of the victims he claimed to have

helped. CCTV footage showed him targeting people as they lay seriously injured. He took a bank card from one victim, later using it at the

McDonald's and he took a mobile phone from another. Parker won the hearts of many after telling reporters he rushed into the venue to comfort injured

victims. A crowdfunding page was even set up in his name and that raised tens of thousands of dollars. Reports say though that he never actually

received that money. Do stay with us here on HALA GORANI TONIGHT for more news, after this break.


JONES: Welcome back. This week, CNN is exploring Gangwon Province, the region of South Korea that's hosting the 2018 Winter Olympics. Today, we

have this look at an evolving art space on Eastern shore of the Korean Peninsula. Here's Isa Soares.


[15:55:12] SOARES (voice-over): The Taebaek Mountains skirting the eastern edge of the Korean Peninsula and draped in forest. Amidst these dramatic

visitors, a show of onesie in the coastal city of Gangneung.

TRANSLATOR: Gangneung is known for its beautiful mountains and sea. After we go up this land, we wanted to find a way to maximize the beauty of the

place. So that's why we decided to transform the entire area into a space brand. The name Gangneung means river and hills. I wanted to make space

while enjoying nature into every room.

SOARES (voice-over): Artist couple Choi Ok-Young and Park Shin Jung designed all 61 acres of Haslla Art World, from the sculpture park to

colorful main building.

Opens to the public in 2003, Haslla's collection of paintings, sculptures and insulation arts features the work of local artists from Gangwon

Province. One exhibit, in particular, the Pinocchio gallery, steams from Choi's fascination with lying.

TRANSLATOR: Lying itself starts creativity and every lie has a story. I wanted to create a space when today's artists can elaborate the meaning of

the lies that we tell ourselves.

SOARES (voice-over): The president and CEO Park Shin Jung said she wants Haslla to rival the art hearts of Europe and America.

TRANSLATOR: With Haslla, I do have a new artistic society. I wanted to create a place for foreign artists to come visit rather than having local

artists go overseas.

SOARES (voice-over): More than a museum, Haslla is also a hotel. 24 rooms each designed with different concepts, but unified by sweeping ocean view

and beds design to resemble a mother's room.

TRANSLATOR: It's common for a hotel to have artwork. But it's more unusual to have an artist design the entire space. We're going to do

everything in our hotel rooms like the furniture and props to reflect the harmony between nature, people, and art.

SOARES: Haslla is a fulfillment of a life-long dream for the artist couple. It's a never unfolding dream. A vision of a place where both art

and nature surround you. And where the mountains are adorned with fantasy. Isa Soares, CNN.


JONES: And finally, a story that is sure to be appealing. Wait for it. Police in Spain got more than they bargain for when they looked in the back

of the car and van that were being driven erratically, the car was stuffed with hundreds of oranges. The cops sized four tons of the fruit and

arrested the suspected oranges thieves. The suspect said they just found the fruit laying on the grounds. But even if that story was true, they

just didn't have the paperwork to carry that much produce. Orange theft, as it happens apparently, happens quite often, fairly often in Spain when

prices get high and aren't you glad we showed you these pictures? Glad we squeeze that story. And that's it. The ponds end there.

Thanks so much for watching tonight. Stay with us here on CNN. "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is up next.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Trading in House come to a close on Wall Street and the Dow suffers its biggest single-day point rub in eight months. It is

January 30th.

President Trump prepares his State of the Union Address.