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Hala Gorani Tonight

People Attending By Manchester Attack Attending Wedding; Harry Honoring Diana's Legacy; Excitement Builds In U.K. Ahead Of Big Day; Designer On What Shoes Meghan Markle May Wear; Wedding Cake Breaks With Royal Fruitcake Tradition; Ten Dead In Texas School Shooting. Aired 3-4p ET

Aired May 18, 2018 - 15:00   ET




HALA GORANI, CNN HOST: Hello and welcome. I'm Hala Gorani. Welcome to Windsor on the eve of the royal wedding where Harry has been doing a

walkabout and Meghan has arrived at her hotel for the night. Lots more on that in the next hour.

Plus, the latest on two other major stories we are following this Friday, breaking stories throughout the day. A plane has crashed in Cuba, 104

people were on board. We'll get the details from our reporter in Havana shortly.

Also, in the United States, it's the 22nd one this year, a mass shooting in a school. Nine students and one teacher are dead after another school

massacre in the United States. This time in Texas. We will be live in Santa Fe, Texas, later in the program, keeping you up to date on all the

major news stories.

Now, we are live as we've been all day by River Thames in Windsor. In 16 hours, on the grounds of Windsor Castle behind me, the wedding of Prince

Harry and Meghan Markle will be beginning. Just a few hours ago, we got a glimpse of the groom-to-be.

Prince Harry and his brother, William, made an appearance on the streets saying hello to the crowds who have been gathering here for days. They

were five rows deep. They didn't make everyone happy there, but they said hello for a few minutes to a few dozen people gathered in front of the

castle gate.

We've also seen Meghan Markle. She arrived at the hotel where she'll be staying with her mother and we are hearing the finer details of how the day

will pan out. Meghan Markle is breaking with tradition. She's walking herself down the aisle part of way.

Prince Charles will join her for part of the walk toward the end it. No previous royal bride in the U.K. has done the walk unescorted. Let's see

how things are going over at Windsor Castle where Princes Harry and William came out to greet the huge crowd just a short time ago.

Nick Watt is there. So, tell us about what happened just a few minute -- I happened to be on the streets wondering what was going on when I heard loud

screams and squeal and there they were.

NICK WATT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Exactly. There were a lot of loud squeal, HaLa, around the castle up where we are now. Prince Harry and William came

out. They were walking around glad handing with the crowd for maybe nearly 10 minutes and Harry really showing why people like Harry.

He walked straight up to a little girl, starting chatting to her, work the crowd. He is very easy, very affable, and that is really one of the

reasons why people like him. Now the big new as you mentioned is about Meghan walking herself most of the way down that aisle.

She will walk down what they call the nave and then at the choir, Prince Charles will join her. He will walk -- it's really kind of welcoming her

to this ancient house of Windsor. He will walk her up further on the aisle then she will take the final few steps on her own up to Harry, who is at

the altar.

Now a lot of the chat over the past few months has been about what Meghan will do once she becomes a royal. Will she kind of blend in as Kate kind

of has or will she continue to be her own woman.

Remember, she's been an activist since she was 11 years old. Maybe this, Meghan walking herself up the aisle, breaking with royal tradition, as you

say, maybe this is a sign of things to come of how Meghan will behave once she becomes a royal. She will be a royal, but it looks like she'll still

be her own woman -- Hala.

GORANI: And talk to us a little bit about the excitement in Windsor. I mean, I saw a poll that perhaps overall in the country there wasn't as much

interest as could be expected, but frankly, anecdotally, just in Windsor today it was unbelievable. It was kind of fun actually to be part of it


WATT: It was great. Listen, people have been camping out here for days trying to just bag their spot to have this front row view of royal history.

They're expecting over 100,000 people tomorrow and it's interesting to see the demographic of the crowd in terms of age.

Now, the royals are very popular with the older generations in this country. On the streets of Windsor today, I saw a lot of young people,

also a lot of people from around the world. Harry and William are very appealing to the younger to the generation, and also the fact that Meghan

is a foreigner. That is bringing a lot of excitement to the streets in this little town outside London -- Hala.

[15:05:00] GORANI: All right. Nick Watt, thanks very much. Not too far away in Windsor. So what part of the wedding will stick in our memories?

Is it the kiss? Meghan's walk down the aisle? Those photographs will be splashed all over the papers across the world.

I'm glad to say someone who knows all about those moments joins me now. Hugo Burnand is a royal photographer and he's here with us. So, you

photographed the wedding of obviously -- I'm sorry -- Prince William and Kate but also Prince Charles and Camilla.

HUGO BURNAND, ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHER: That was in 2005. I photographed them in Windsor Castle so we're back. This time on this side of the lens.

GORANI: Absolutely. But I want to put up a few of the most memorable photos. You have the couple's photo here.

BURNAND: That's more like a historical document. That has to be taken so that we know exactly what happened on that day, and it was a spring day.

We didn't know it was going to be a spring day. We spent three days preparing within the throne room putting lights outside. So, regardless of

the weather, it looked like that. So, I can say the throne room of Buckingham Palace was my home for three days.

GORANI: It's just such an amazing thing to have done. Let's look at the next picture and in no particular order here, but some of the ones that

really people are mostly likely to have remembered from those you have taken.

Let's put the next one up. There you go. There you have the family portrait.

BURNAND: Yes, and now you have the spring day coming in behind them. We broke with tradition a little bit. Most royal wedding photographs have

been taken by not standing on the steps where the throne is.

But in discussion with members of the royal family and the parent we decided to bring them into the middle of the room, so you could see the

splendor of the throne room and all the architecture.

There's a little detail (inaudible) above the word, "royal," one of the bridesmaids, who is the duchess of Cornwall's granddaughter, Prince Harry

gave her a little pink wiggly worm (inaudible) towards the palace, which just shows how he looks out for other people.

GORANI: That's lovely. That's a sweet anecdote. This is your favorite.

BURNAND: We had to do seven photographs in first few minutes, which is quite a challenge.

GORANI: Why so quickly?

BURNAND: Because they have a thing called a fly pass, which goes by the Royal Air Force so you -- the photographer can't say can just hang on a

little bit longer. We had three minutes and I asked them can we take this picture and (inaudible) let's go for it.

So, within three minutes, they sat down, a dress was put out, the bridesmaids (inaudible) all gotten into position and every single

expression is non-directed spontaneous and to me that's really important.

GORANI: And did you keep the kids in line?

BURNAND: Well, I like bribery.

GORANI: We have very young pageboys and flower girls tomorrow walking down the aisle.

BURNAND: Well, I suggest bowls of jelly beans because that seems to go down really well.

GORANI: Treats always work like a charm. Here's Prince Charles and Camilla.

BURNAND: So, this was the first time I got to take a royal wedding photograph. I was very lucky. I knew Camilla Parker Bowles and she asked

me if I would take this photograph. It was career-changing for me. It was spectacular.

GORANI: It's a lovely picture. What do you remember most from that first opportunity because that must have been -- I mean, it's life-changing as

you say, career-changing.

BURNAND: It is. The thing is they're very good at looking after you and bizarrely, my mother is a photographer. So, I grew up from the age of 7

with someone developing prints on the kitchen table when (inaudible) windows at night.

So, I've grown up understanding photography and I asked my mother to come to be one of my assistants of that job said there was a feeling of one

family photographing another family. That is important that the relationship between two sides of the camera is comfortable because then

you get a feeling of conversation when you look at the picture and the people in the picture.

GORANI: You know, I have to say, I've been on tv my whole career, but when it's a still photograph, I still have absolutely no idea how to pose. It

depends a lot on the photographer to be honest how at ease they make you feel, comfortable --

BURNAND: It's a collaboration between both sides --

GORANI: There's a portrait of Prince Charles.

BURNAND: That was actually taken slightly unofficially. We've done some very official portraits. We decided at the end we had a few minutes to do


GORANI: That's lovely. It almost looks like an oil painting in some ways.

BURNAND: Do you feel like you could be in conversation with him?

GORANI: Yes. That's a good point that you're making really because it does feel like he's expressively communicating through the lens, which is

your objective.

BURNAND: Yes, absolutely.

GORANI: Advise for tomorrow's photographer.

BURNAND: Well, the thing is, Alexi, he's in a lucky position. They've already had a working relationship with each other.

[15:10:06] And I think that will give that feeling of familiarity and confidence from both sides of the lens. I think he always takes beautiful

pictures so I (inaudible) for some really beautiful pictures.

GORANI: But is there a difference between the posed photograph and the photograph on the go? Because I feel like there are two different skill

sets here because if you have 20 minutes to catch people as they are walking in and out, and that's where the beautiful photo -- you really have

that tiny window when you describe that, or you have three hours and lighting and the set. It must be different.

BURNAND: It is different, but people -- it doesn't matter. People don't want to sit for too long. The speed of almost being sort of shall we say a

paparazzi photographer moving around and knowing what people's angles and good looks are helps you when you are in a studio environment because you

can be quick. You know what you're going to take, and they'll be happier because they haven't sat around for hours.

GORANI: Well, I wonder which will be the photo that will be -- remember (inaudible) usually it's the kiss, right?

BURNAND: That's more sort of a news shot, that one.

GORANI: That's the front page of the newspapers the next day.

BURNAND: I'm looking forward to that moment.

GORANI: But the historic photo might be another one.

BURNAND: Yes, the cheer. We'll probably hear the cheer from here (inaudible).

GORANI: All right. Hugo, thanks so much. Hugo Burnand for joining us. We really appreciate it. Absolutely breathtaking photos. Thank you so


BURNAND: Thank you very much indeed.

GORANI: More to come tonight, breaking news throughout the day, we'll have an update on the Texas shooting, another deadly school attack. We'll be

right back.


GORANI: Welcome back to a special edition of the program. We are live in Windsor, but we want to take a look at some of other stories CNN is

following this hour. We are following a breaking story on a very busy news day.

There are reports of a plane crash in Cuba. It was a domestic flight from Havana to the eastern coastal sea of Holguin. Just a short time ago, we

got these pictures showing a large plume of smoke and firefighters at the wreckage site.

The flight we understand went down shortly after takeoff. Cuban state television says 104 people were on board. That it was a 737. There are

reports of fatalities, but we don't know how many.

Let's bring in CNN's Patrick Oppmann in Havana. What more can you tell us as we watch this new video coming in to us of rescuers that appears pulling

people from the wreckage.

PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The area we're looking at is just passed the runway at Terminal 1 of Havana's Jose Marti Airport. This plane

barely was able to take off before crashing. We've heard reports of a large fireball we could see. This plume of smoke has risen up and still in

the air some more than two hours later.

So, 104 passengers on board. The latest information from the Cuban government is that included in the passengers was two children of 2 and 4

years old.

[15:15:12] It just gives you the scope of this tragedy. Three people have survived. We do not know yet if those three are crew or passengers. They

are currently being hospitalized as you would expect, they are in critical condition.

We've not received a death toll as of yet. Rescuers are still going through this wreckage, but Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Cannel, he is on the

scene and has told state media that he expects it to be a very high number of victims. Obviously still very tragic situation, that it continues to

unfold here in Havana.

GORANI: I know we don't have details about what might have caused this, but how soon after takeoff? It appears it was very quickly after takeoff

that this plane went down.

OPPMANN: Yes. Some of the images that we've seen were actually taken inside the passenger terminal. So, it's just a short distance from the

runway, it really seems that the plane was taking off or had just taken off when it inexplicably went down.

This is a plane that was rented from Cuba's government-run largest airline, Cubana (ph). This is an airline that has had many problems over the years

with maintenance and safety. Some of the plane they've flown 40, 50, sometimes even more that. In recent weeks they had pulled some planes out

of circulation with some questions of safety.

We don't know if it's that. The Cuban government has stated that it was foreign crew operating this plane because it's a Cubana plane. It has been

rented from the Cuban government. So, that perhaps could have played a factor.

But it really just too early to tell the Cuban government is still putting out the fire at the airport near the crash scene and still combing through

the wreckage, and we still do not have an exact death toll, but it seems very likely a crash of this nature that it was devastating crash and cost a

number of people their lives.

GORANI: Patrick Oppmann in Havana, thanks very much. We were showing there some amateur cellphone there of the crash. And as Patrick was

saying, some of the people who actually filming from inside the terminal. That's how close this all happened to the airport.

Let's go to the United States where there's been yet another deadly school shooting attack. It would be the 22nd mass school shooting in America this

year. It happened at a high school in southeastern Texas.

Authorities say ten people were killed. A law enforcement source tells CNN that nine were students and one was a teacher. Ten other people were hurt

reportedly including two law enforcement officers.

A suspect believed to be a 17-year-old male is in custody. A source says police are also holding an 18-year-old, who may have been an accomplice.

One survivor said she and her friends could not believe what was happening.


DAKOTA SHRACHER, SANTA FE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT: We heard alarms. Everybody just started leaving, following the same procedure as we did because nobody

thought it would be this. Nobody thought it would be a shooting. Everybody thought it would be a normal procedure, practice fire drill. The

next thing we know, we just hear so many -- three gunshots, a lot of explosions and all the teachers are telling us to run, run, go. Me and my

friend, Ryan Calvert run to floors, so we could get shelter and that's when I called my mom.


GORANI: Correspondent, Rosa Flores, joins us live from Santa Fe, Texas. Talk to us about what police officers, law enforcement are saying about how

this all unfolded, yet another school shooting.

ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You know, you're absolutely right. Yet another American school turned a crime scene. Now we just got new

information from authorities. They say that there were at least two weapons involved, a shotgun and also a revolver.

Aside from that, they said explosives were also found on campus and off campus. We're also learning a little more about the plans of the shooter.

Again, all of this according to authorities.

And this is the late breaking news that we've learned from a press conference that's wrapping up right now is that the shooter believed to

have wanted to commit suicide but instead turned himself in to authorities.

So, Hala, a lot of information coming in. I want to show you behind me. Even though this looks like regular traffic, these are unmarked law

enforcement vehicles. We're being kept about half a mile away.

But according to authorities, this is still an active scene because, again, they're clearing this school and surrounding areas for possible explosives.

We're also learning from authorities that they have two search warrants out for two homes and also for the vehicle of the suspect.


That suspect is 17-year-old classmate -- student from this school. They believed that the shots rang out at about 7:30, their first period class

when an alarm went off, shots were being fired, and now, as you had mentioned, Hala, ten people are dead, nine of those students, one of them a


And Hala, it's the end of the school year here and so students are preparing for commencement, graduation. We know that a graduation ceremony

was scheduled for tomorrow instead the families in this community and this community preparing for funerals -- Hala.

GORANI: But Rosa, you mentioned explosives found nearby. I was reading reports of pipe bombs and other explosives. Were any of these explosives

used during the shooting?

FLORES: You know, it's unclear if they were used and it's also unclear if authorities have already processed them or done safe detonation of these.

But just now we're learning that Molotov cocktails were also found, pipe bombs, pressure cookers.

And again, the extent of just how many weapons, bombs were being perhaps processed for this. It's still unclear because authorities say that they

still have to search two homes. They still have to search the suspect's vehicle.

But they say that they are being very careful because they're afraid that if the teams go into these homes or into his car without taking the proper

precautions, there could be a detonation.

And so, they are in the process of doing that, so at this point, Hala, we don't know just exactly how many crime scenes we're talking about here. We

know for sure the school is one of them. There's a nearby trailer that they're looking at. But now there's possibly two homes and a vehicle.

GORANI: All right. Rosa Flores, thanks very much reporting live from Santa Fe, Texas.

Well, the American president, Donald Trump called this attack, quote, "horrific."


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: It's been going on too long in our country, too many years, too many decades now. We

grieve for the terrible loss of life and send our support and love to everyone affected by this absolutely horrific attack to the students,

families, teachers, and personnel at Santa Fe High. We are with you in this tragic hour, and we will be with you forever.


GORANI: The after the Parkland shooting initially promising to look at some aspect of gun control later on backtracking on some of those proposals

and suggesting that arming guards and things like that at school might be more effective.

To Hawaii now, a 22nd fissure is reported on Hawaii's big island a day after smoke and ash from the Kilauea Volcano summit (inaudible) 9,000

kilometers into the sky. As our Scott McLean reported earlier from (inaudible) burning lava lit up the sky behind him. Take a look.


SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Kilauea is certainly not giving up erupting here. It's been now more than two weeks and she is showing no

signs of slowing down. Let me show you what I mean. Check out this fissure. This is the one that we've been actually watching consistently

now for five nights in a row.

It looks like a sparkler coming out of the earth. Every so often, you will hear a massive boom in the background and see more lava spew into the sky.

It's actually pretty scary to see.

If you're looking for evidence of just how quickly mother nature can change, you see this glow through the trees here and this lava here. If

you were to be here eight, ten 12 hours ago, according to people who live here, well, it wouldn't have looked like this.

It would have looked like a smoldering lava field that looked like it was going dormant a little bit. That's not the case anymore. Check out just

how much lava is coming out of the ground here. It's looks like a water fountain.

But keep in mind, this is molten lava and then once it comes out of the ground, you can see just how much of it is spewing down these slow-moving

lava rivers. Now the sound here in addition to the explosion that you hear, you also hear crackling like a camp fire.

That's because as this lava oozes out, it is burning the edges of the brush here and it is slowing burning up and odd time you'll see a tree go up.

So, for people who live here, it is surprising to hear actually because we've been talking to them.

[15:25:07] Many people have chosen not to evacuate despite the close proximity to this lava. They are waiting until it is on their doorstep to

get out. They also want to see it up close. This is what they say is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, though, they are being relatively smart in

that they are ready with gas masks if the wind shifts in their direction.

Right now, I actually can't smell anything because it's -- we're actually up wind from where that sulfur dioxide is coming out, but I have this ready

to go if it were to shift.


GORANI: Scott McLean there. It looks like planet Mars behind him, but no, he is reporting from Hawaii, where that volcano is still spewing ash and


A lot more to come. We'll have much more from right here in Windsor as the atmosphere builds ahead of the royal wedding. Stay with us. We will be

right back.


GORANI: We are live in historic Windsor as the anticipation ahead of the royal wedding reaches fever pitch. There's much less than day go now.

Thousands of people are here to get a feel of the party atmosphere and a few lucky people got to see the groom-to-be today.

Harry and his brother, William, took a walk around earlier, meeting well- wishers. I happen to be in the crowd. I didn't know what's going on. I heard screams and there they were. Saturday promises to be a day of joy

for the United Kingdom and the country could do with a few of them.

In the last few years, it's been hit with some dark days that we've reported on, on this network. My next two guests know about one of those

dark days all too well, Amelia Thompson survived the horrific Manchester bombing, and Sharon Goodman lost her granddaughter there and we'll be

attending tomorrow's ceremony.

They both join me now. Thank you so much for being with us. Sharon, first of all, I have to say we cover the Manchester (inaudible). It was a

heartbreaker for us, terrorists targeting really a kids' event. So, my condolences to you once again. Talk to us, though, about what is like

receiving this invitation.

SHARON GOODMAN, LOST GRANDDAUGHTER IN MANCHESTER BOMBING: It was -- well, Amelia's mom, Lisa, had wrote to nominate me and Amelia chose me to go.

I'm very privileged that she's chose me.

GORANI: How did that come about?

AMELIA THOMPSON, MANCHESTER BOMBING SURVIVOR: (Inaudible) we met through in a photo called (inaudible) Manchester and we met through that -- the

launch of (inaudible). And then I choose (inaudible) --


GORANI: So, it was your idea to bring Sharon and include her in this. And then so as a result you were both going.

GOODMAN: We're both going.

GORANI: Amelia, you have a letter in your hand that was the letter. So I want to -- actually you read from it. You received this letter. Did you

know? Did you have any idea what was in it?


GORANI: When you first received it. So go ahead and read the first few sentences.

THOMPSON: Dear Amelia, I am delighted to confirm that you are being nominated by the Lieutenancy of South Yorkshire to share in part the

wedding day of H, our H Prince Harry of Wales and Ms. Meghan Markle.

GORANI: So, what went through your mind when you got that?

THOMPSON: I was speechless. I didn't know what to say straightaway. I (INAUDIBLE) my auntie was the first person who actually saw the nomination.

I was just speechless. I didn't know what to say.

GORANI: So you went to your auntie first, presumably your mom got the call over the next -- so you get with her next.

THOMPSON: I was with my mom when I opened it.

GORANI: oh, OK. Now, Sharon, what about you -- what is your expectation for tomorrow?

GOODMAN: For tomorrow, I think it's going to be a joyous occasion. I think it's got massive -- being down here was just a massive feel-good

factor. I think it's a very positive and I think after what happened, the only way to go is to make positives. We don't want any more negatives

doing. We just want positive things to happen in our lives.

GORANI: Yes. And you feel like this is an opportunity for the country maybe to come together -- because the country certainly came together for

something terribly negative which is what happened in Manchester.

GOODMAN: Yes. And the country's coming together for something positive (INAUDIBLE) Bradley Hurley who lost his sister Megan. He would like Prince

Harry to have one and also Ariana Grande.

GORANI: Right. And this is your objective as to being with maybe --


GORANI: How will it work itself out? Where will you be actually during the ceremony?

THOMPSON: So we go like into the castle but we're like -- we don't go into the chapel. So we see them getting out of the carriage, walking passed us

and then afterwards we get to go into the cathedral, into where they say their vows and everything and afterwards, yes.

GORANI: OK. And you'll be together the whole time?



GOODMAN: And we've got a candle as well that go to (INAUDIBLE) on the 22nd or the 22 who lost their lives in the Manchester Arena bombing.

GORANI: In the cathedral, you can do that?

GOODMAN: In the chapel, yes. It's been blessed by Manchester Cathedral and St. George's Chapel are going to light it for us on the 22nd.

GORANI: What do you make of Meghan Markle? She's American. She's a new kind of royal about to join the family. What do you make, Amelia of her?

THOMPSON: I just think she's so beautiful and pretty and I think her and Harry get along so well and like. They just act like each already have the

same personality and I think they just get along really well.

GORANI: And what do you think this will do to the royal family then, Sharon?

GOODMAN: I think it will bring the royal family into the era we're in. I think they're young, they appeal to the young. The more natural when they

look at each other. Sort of more intimate then it's not what you expect of the royals. I think prince -- both Prince Harry and Prince William do

appeal to the youngsters and I think it's a way forward.

GORANI: And, Amelia, I've got to ask you this because I asked everyone who's going to the wedding. What are you wearing tomorrow? I'm sure

you've not thought about this at all.

THOMPSON: So it's like a white flowy dress and then it's got like hearts on and there's like more hearts here and it gradually fades out so there's

not as many hearts. And it's like shorter --

GORANI: A romantic flowy white dress with hearts.

GOODMAN: It flows.

GORANI: All right. We want pictures. Amelia Thompson and Sharon Goodman, thanks so much to the both of you. I hope you have a great day tomorrow.

THOMPSON: Thank you.

GOODMAN: Still to come, few will forget this side of that young 12-year- old mourning his mother, Princess Diana. Now Prince Harry makes a point of always honoring her legacy. I'll speak to two people who know that better

than most, coming up. We'll be right back. Thank you, Sharon.


[15:35:22] GORANI: Hello and welcome back to Windsor where Meghan Markle will get married tomorrow without her father attending. Her fiance looks

to his big day and his mother's absence, of course, he lost her many years ago. Prince Harry's relationship with Princess Diana was captivating to

royal watchers from when he was young to when he lost her when he was only 12.

Nick Glass takes a look at how Princess Diana's legacy has helped shaped her son's.


NICK GLASS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The image is forever seared on the collective memory. Three men, two boys walking slowly behind Prince

Diana's coffin. William had bowed was 15. Harry hands tightened clenched was about 13. Who can ever forget his simple tribute a reef of white roses

and that single word, mommy. Who can ever forget that anguish little face, a child suddenly bereft of his adored mother.

Ten years later and just before a memorial service with Diana, and Harry looked beseechingly to the heavens and quietly wiped away tear. It was he

who gave the address, perhaps the most moving and personal given by any royal in modern times. Words were all his. Losing a parent at such a

young age, he said, was indescribably shocking and sad that changed his and William's live forever.

Princess Diana in Angola in 1997, just seven months before her death. Harry's bond with his mother is reflected in his commitment to her causes

having to rid the world landmine. As an adult, Harry picked up where she left off.

And another campaign, Princess Diana in Washington, D.C., in 1990, educating the world about AIDS and HIV. Harry has continued this work to

Africa, making families aware of the need for regular testing.



GLASS: Momentarily pretends serious, but a heart smiley and jokey. But until he was 28, Harry admits he didn't really talk about losing his

mother. He suppressed his grief. And so more recently, he's championed another cause mental health.

PRINCE HARRY, MEMBER OF THE BRITISH FAMILY: I've never really talk about losing a mother at such young age and really speaks to other people's

families and little kids and stuff. You think, wow, I don't want them to have to go through the same thing.

GLASS: In his design for Meghan's engagement ring, Harry pretty want to do include a reference to his mother. The twin diamonds around the main stone

was sourced from Diana's jewelry collection.

PRINCE HARRY: It is days like -- days like today when I really miss her having her around and miss having her the happy years. But the ring and

what everything else that's going on, I'm sure she's with us now.

GLASS: Meghan Markle was a 16-year-old high school girl when Diana died. Like millions of others, she watched the funeral on television. He was

moved to tears.

"I Vow To Thee My Country," Diana favorite hymn. It was sung at her funeral in 1997 as it was 16 years earlier in 1981, on her wedding day.

Will it now be sung as an emotional reminder of her absence at Harry and Meghan's wedding?

Nick Glass, CNN, in London.


[15:40:00] GORANI: Well, Diana's legacy, as you just saw is something close to her son's heart. Let's bring in some people who are aware of that

legacy, Tessy Ojo, the CEO of Diana Award. And Tom Broughton is an award holder who's been invited to the wedding. Both of you have been invited to

the wedding. You've been in the chapel though, Tessy. Talk to us about what that's going to be like.

TESSY OJO, CEO, THE DIANA AWARD: Well, it's still such an honor to be invited and to be part of such a special day. I mean, the whole world to

be watching (INAUDIBLE) people in the chapel. It's such an honor. And I guess it's about bringing Diana's legacy and making Diana very much parts

of the day. So I feel incredibly not be there, but I feel also I'm there represent over hundreds and thousands of young people who we support, the

Diana Award.

GORANI: And Prince William, you've met several times. Have you met Prince Harry before?

OJO: Yes indeed. Yes.

GORANI: You get to see Him tie the knot with Meghan Markle. What is their connection?

GORANI: I know they support the charity. But what is their practical connection?

OJO: Absolutely. So the Diana Award continues Diana's legacy of driving change for young people. And what we do is empower young people to create

change for themselves. There are communities or even why that society. One of the programs that we run is an anti-bullying program, because we

know that hundreds and thousands of young people are affected by bullying and also we run a mentoring program really aimed at helping on the

achieving young people, achieve better in school and beyond. We have Prince William who supports and champions the anti-bullying program and

Prince Harry who supports the mentoring program. So they're really very involved in meeting young people. They understand the cause and they

really champion the cause as well.

GORANI: And, Tom, you have a bullying story. You were at a school where you were terribly bullied and then you have to change schools and that's

where you were introduced to this charity.

TOM BROUGHTON, THE DIANA AWARD HOLDER: yes. So I started off at school where this charity hadn't had a program implemented within the school and

it shows a massive difference to my experience today in going to a school where actually this child had a program set up within the school where

students had to wait to get their voices heard, to get that problems and actually get problems solved.

GORANI: But you were bullied in your first school very badly. It led to you actually having to drop out of that school. What happened there?

BROUGHTON: So fortunately previous going to my last school, I was bullied and not in a very nice way. Much sexuality was taken a lot of the jokes.

I had anonymous messages. People really hiding behind the mask, but insulting me, picking the right to say that. And it was -- it destroyed me

as a person. And it's incredible that the -- Prince Harry and Meghan is supporting this charity. She say, we don't support bullying. We don't

like discrimination. And we want to make a difference. And inviting me to the wedding is such an honor to that they obviously support this cause as

such of passion.

GORANI: And it helped you to have this support system in the second school you attended after you left the one where you'd suffered from bullying so


BROUGHTON: So, yes. During the second school, I was actually able to take what either might paying and putting to something better. I was able to

help other people in similar situations and rather have them go down to rock bottom, lift them back up before they get stopped. Lift them up and

you help them grow.

OJO: For all the things that we know that in the U.K. over 16,000 young people are absent from school every year as the result of bullying. And

like Tom said, the Diana Award is about empowering young people, firstly to identify that this is wrong. Let's make change happen. Let's be advocate.

Let's aim and so people do not find silence, but also let's create a positive atmosphere in our school.

GORANI: How does that work practically? I mean, in the school where Tom was able to benefit from some of this support. How did that work out? How

did it work itself out tentatively?

BROUGHTON: There's a few things. So the Diana Awards takes train stuff and to train students to be anti-bullying. This is an incredible thing,

because a student is going to listen to a student more than a teacher. So having these children, these students trained up with the skillsets they

need to know when to part almost too much but also what they can do to help the situation, what they can do, what they can say and just be a listening

ear to someone.

OJO: Absolutely. It says about training young people giving them the tools and the skills, a, to stop bullying, to challenge negative behavior,

but also to understand how to intervene, sometimes it's about early intervention. If there's stuff happening in the playground, you know,

sometimes it's easy to identify those things and come one, let's get behind this. Let's sort it up before it escalates. The problem is when things

escalates, it gets worst.

GORANI: Yes. And you've left now -- what we high school in America. What do you call it in the U.K.?

OJO: Secondary school.

BROUGHTON: Secondary school.

GORANI: Secondary school. OK. Now, you're a university, but you still have a connection with --

BROUGHTON: Always have a connection and this is such an amazing charity and have such a passion, drive behind their beliefs. And I don't want to


OJO: No, I don't want you to leave, Tom. I think that's the thing. Is that Diana's legacy is about change. It's about young people have the

power to create change. Tom, I'd be at university. H will find the different cause. And our role is to support and driving change wherever he


[15:45:11] GORANI: And you were telling me this is the only charity that bares Princess Diana's name.

OJO: Absolutely, across the water. And it's one that they are really proud of. And that's one of the reasons we feel there's thousands of young

people across the world who can drive change, who can -- who can make change happen and we want to support maybe young people. The other thing

is side from helping young, we celebrate young people who are also making change happen. Young people like Tom, we've got about eight other young

people on the grounds tomorrow and those are -- they called them change makers. Young people who are definitely making change happen in their


GORANI: All right. Well, have great day tomorrow.

OJO: Thank you.

BROUGHTON: Thank you.

GORANI: You have the primo spot inside the chapel. Tessy Ojo and Tom Broughton, thanks so much for joining us. We really appreciate it.

More to come including -- you know, what do you think she'll be wearing, I wonder.

OJO: Ooh. I hope white.

GORANI: Walk herself down the aisle in a green dress. No, I don't think so. Meghan Markle's outfit will be scrutinized by all who watch tomorrow.

However, what shoes will she go for? We've gone from head to toe on the show. We'll be right back.


GORANI: All right. We're few hours away from the wedding of the year. And I want to try to bring you a bit of the atmosphere around Windsor

Castle. There's such a sense of pride here, Union Jacks, as far as the eye can see. Take a look at a jacket. I'm not sure which one I'm pointing at.

It seems like -- there it is. It seems like the whole country wants to celebrate the union between a royal prince and an American television star.

There's a little bit of a conversation I had earlier with royal watcher, Richard Fitzwilliams and pay special attention to some of the craziness

happening around us.


RICHARD FITZWILLIAMS, PUBLIC RELATIONS CONSULTANT: And of course they've done the rehearsals and all should go absolutely wonderfully, because if

you think in the ceremony, also there's wonderful parts of Royal tradition, for example, in Meghan's bridal bouquet when we see her in the dress which

I am lying to see. It will be a spring of myrtle that dates back to 1858 when Queen Victoria's daughter, Princess Victoria married and the myrtle is

from a plant and (INAUDIBLE) and I can only say that --

GORANI: I'm being told that viewers are hearing that.

FITZWILLIAMS: I can imagine they might.

GORANI: Probably not hearing you though. What's happening here? It just feels like a party out this right now.

FITZWILLIAMS: Well, it's a party atmosphere because the nation (INAUDIBLE) transatlantic, first American princess something to celebrate, proud of

being biracial and they all say and there's no stigma to that anymore and she and Harry will be a humanitarian activists for the good. There's so

causes and inspired by Princess Diana, of course.

GORANI: Right. And Princess Diana's family is expected to be in attendance?

FITZWILLIAMS: Absolutely. And in fact, Lady Jane Fellowes, Diana's eldest sister will be reading the lesson and of course the most reverend, Michael

Curry, the prime of the (INAUDIBLE) church and a controversial figure. Also an activist. He will be giving the address and that gives you an

indication of what Harry and Meghan look like.

[15:00:17] GORANI: oh, they're waving at us. Hi there. Hello. You're on CNN.

FITZWILLIAMS: Yes, you are.


GORANI: All right. The dress, the veil, all crucial parts of any bride's outfit, but don't forget what to make or break the whole thing. The shoes.

Joining me here in Windsor is shoe designer, Freya Rose. Hi, there.


GORANI: We have a whole display here. Kind of a selection. What is this? Do you think that it will be closer to one or the other of these, Freya,

that Meghan will go for?

ROSE: I think that she's going to go for something very classic. A lot of these have got small details on which we'd love to see. However, I think

that the shoe is going to stay very (INAUDIBLE) very simple, very chic. And so something like this. But what we'd really like to see is something

with a little bit of extra details.

GORANI: So I wanted to put it -- maybe we put it back there because that way, we can frame it there. And this has a mother of pearl heel, which is

very interesting and then it's satin.

ROSE: It's satin, it's a classic satin point.

GORANI: There you have it. The other ones -- those are real pearls?

ROSE: Tahitian pearls and diamonds. This was made for a very special client and it's a detachable clip. So we borrow the clip back that it

shows you today --

GORANI: OK. I think this one does not feature real diamonds.

ROSE: This is Swarovski. That would be very expensive.

GORANI: OK. You have an armed guard in the back. So this one also is classic. Higher heel satin with Swarovski crystals. This could also be an

interesting choice because it adds some sort of scintillating detail to more classic shoes.

This one now, here we go, mother of pearl heart shaped. A very high heel, strappy and even a bit of a platform. And what you have in your hand there

is Meghan Markle monogram. Let's show this one here next to the shoe. I should have gone to manicure, I knew it. There you have it. A Megan

Markle monogram. So talk to us about this creation.

ROSE: So this one is obviously something that we may fell short for the evening and when she obviously change into another outfit. And something a

bit more glamorous, a bit more Hollywood. So, yes, the gold, the strappy, a bit more fun. Something secure to, but the heel is actually fresh. This

is made by jewelers. It's combined the craftsmanship of shoemakers and jewelers. And that features each piece of mother of pearl handcuffs along

with brass, and then we complete the monograms of the initial begin the heart which makes it --

GORANI: How long does it take then to make a pair?

ROSE: So the heels on their own take one person about three days to make.

GORANI: OK. And mother -- and all this sounds really expensive, by the way. I'm just going to say.

ROSE: Things would set you back about 15,000 pounds.

GORANI: Pounds. So it's about maybe $1,800. If you have a real mother of pearl. And now, who is your typical bride? Who comes to you asking?

Because some of these -- a lot of seem to be pretty custom made.

ROSE: Yes. So I mean, from Middle Eastern princess is to, again, something very classic, or probably accessible luxury. So my client base

is so varied from Kate Moss as compared to Middle Eastern princesses.

GORANI: Yes. And have you had an order for the monogram mother of pearl?

ROSE: We did especially for Meghan.

GORANI: Has she been sent or has she seen or has she been able to appreciate? So she could have been in the special heels to be able to

potentially attach to a shoe, if she's so desired.

ROSE: Yes. This is quite unique combination of incorporating both jewelers and shoe craftsmen.

GORANI: Now for a royal wedding, how is the expectation, how is the design different?

ROSE: Through wedding, so with the shoes, we would expect it to be a very classic shoe. She's going to be on camera full of millions of people, so

she's going to feel quite secure, a closed toe. She's used to wearing her high heels. If we're talking about Meghan.

GORANI: She does wear quite high heels.

ROSE: She likes her shoes. She likes her heels. But she may opt for maybe a more of a sturdy heel or something a little bit lower that she's

going to feel secure.

GORANI: you want to feel secure when you're walking down the aisle on your on your wedding day.

Thank you so much, Freya Rose. Interesting discussion and just really intricate and interesting designs as well. I've never seen them other --

oops. Oh, no, it's fake. No worry.

[15:55:04] All right. Thank you Freya Rose. Meghan Markle breaking world traditions all over the place that means out with the fruitcake. She's out

doing instead for a lemon elderflower cake. Here's the cake designer who will supply that tomorrow.


CLAIRE PTAK, ROYAL WEDDING CAKE DESIGNER: It tastes delicious, I hope. I think. We have a lemon fudge, lemon curds filling and then an elderflower

Swiss meringue buttercream, which is a buttercream that's very light and fluffy, kind of satiny, super delicious. So the texture is really lovely.

And the flavor is quintessentially spring and British.


GORANI: Well, discussed over the past days how much money is going into the royal wedding and Windsor's local businesses are cashing in. Check

this out.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For us, being able to be on shows like this is an expanding business. It's just been fantastic. We've had more media

through the bakery than I can imagine from all countries in the world and really that --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're milking it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, we're milking it, for sure, absolutely. Since he's doing -- how we're going to milk this, what we're actually going to

make. It's been a massive.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You have to do it. And why not?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, exactly. Yes. The Easter eggs that came out the way and Harry-Meghan wedding cakes straight on details.


GORANI: Milking it, milking it, here we go. The royal wedding. You are invited. CNN cordially invites you to be part of our special coverage of

Harry and Meghan's big day from the I dos to the address to the shoes. We'll have it all covered Saturday right here on CNN.

Thanks for watching tonight. I'm Hala Gorani. Stay with CNN, "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is next.