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Hala Gorani Tonight

Trump Meets With Jordan's King Abdullah In Washington; Trump Warns Deportations Without Due Process Of Law; Trump's Approval Ratings Dip Over Past Week; Youth Football Team Feared Lost In Thailand Cave; Russia's World Cup Momentum Stalls; Roseanne On Racist Tweet: "I Made Myself A Hate Magnet";Almost 350 Migrants Stranded In The Mediterranean; Migrants In Limbo Amid Growing Political Divisions; E.U. Leaders Divided Ahead Of Key Summit; Trump: When People Come In Illegally They Have To Leave; Military Plans To House Immigrants At Two Texas Bases; U.S. Working To Reunite 2,053 Children With Families; Erdogan Wins Reelection In Pivotal Vote; Firm's London License Appeal Underway Aired 3-4p ET

Aired June 25, 2018 - 15:00   ET



HALA GORANI, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello, everyone, live from CNN London. I'm Hala Gorani.

Tonight, stranded in the Mediterranean, almost 350 migrants remain on two boats, and with a storm approaching and no countries willing to take them,

it is now a race against time.

This as the immigration story continues in the U.S., we bring you new images from inside a detention facility in Texas. Our live report is


And if you think this was all hurting Donald Trump's popularity, think again. We will show you some surprising new poll numbers.

Well, it may be called the European Union, but when it comes to the issue of migration right now, things feel anything but unified. Leaders here are

urgently trying to reach some common ground after a meeting over the weekend, but disagreements are deepening.

Italy is calling France arrogant, for instance. Not party to any of these conversations, not even on dry land, in fact, almost 350 people who are

spending day and night stranded on two boats after both Italy and Malta said they will not take them in. Melissa Bell has our story.


MELISSA BELL, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Tourists taking a Zumba class in the Mediterranean, oblivious to the tragedy

unfolding alongside them. In the background, the Maersk cargo ship carrying 113 rescued migrants now stranded off the coast of Sicily.

Just like the Aquarius before them, the Maersk and the Lifeline are carrying migrants with nowhere to go as Europe closes its doors. Sunday

night, a group of European MPs visited the Lifeline where the outlook for the migrants remains bleak.

Over the weekend, Maltese Armed Forces delivered boxes of supplies, but with weather conditions expected to worsen, the ship's crew say they have

only enough to get either to Malta or Italy, both of which have closed their ports to these ships.

CLAUS PETER FLEISCH, LIFELINE CAPTAIN: The Italians told us the responsibility is on the Libyans, and the Libyans, if you try to call them,

they don't pick up the phone.

BELL: But Italy's new hard line interior minister was in Libya this Monday praising authorities there and taking on the NGOs.

MATTEO SALVINI, ITALIAN DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER (through translator): We will do everything to ensure that only the Libyan authorities are

responsible for protecting the Libyan territory, including the maritime one, by blocking the invasion of those association that would like to take

the place of government authorities, and that in fact help human traffickers.

BELL: A group that arrived back in Tripoli on Sunday, according to Libyan officials. This as a result of a deal signed last year between Tripoli and

Rome that led to a 50 percent drop in the numbers of migrants landing on European shores from Libya.

Too little too late for European unity on the matter, the migrant crisis more than three years old has brought to power a hardline coalition in Rome

and led to a more fragile one in Germany.

The German chancellor now under such pressure to toughen up her position that the meeting of 16 E.U. leaders on Sunday was dubbed the save Merkel

summit by the press.

ANGELA MERKEL, GERMAN CHANCELLOR (through translator): It cannot be the case that some only deal with primary migration and others with secondary

migration. Everybody is responsible for everything. Wherever possible, we want European solutions. Where this is not possible, we want to bring

those who are willing together and find a common framework for action.

BELL: But agreement among the 16 won't be enough. On Thursday and Friday, 28 European nations, including the four hard-line east European countries

who boycotted Sunday's meeting will meet in an effort to find unity on the very issue that has, for three years now, driven them so much further



GORANI: We'll speak to Melissa in a moment. Before that, let's talk to someone with a firsthand view of this crisis. Joao Pimenta Lopes is a

member of the European Parliament for the Portuguese Communist Party. He's in Brussels. Mr. Pimentel Lopez, you were on the Lifeline boat, is that


JOAO PIMENTA LOPES, MEP, PORTUGUESE COMMUNIST PARTY (via telephone): The past night, yes.

[15:05:01] GORANI: And what did you see? How many people are on board?

LOPES: Well, the numbers come to 234 people, most of them are men. Only 14 women aboard with four very young children with them, 77 of these

refugees are young people under 18 years.

GORANI: Where do they come from mainly?

LOPES: They have a variety of countries. Most of them -- I could understand correctly, they were from Sudan, but they came also from

Nigeria, from Chad, from Sierra Leone. We had a big variety of original countries in the boat.

GORANI: So, they're now drifting on the waters of the Mediterranean.

LOPES: Yes. They were rescued by Lifeline after a request to make the rescue with the Libyan authorities, which was not duly responded to, and

that's how Lifeline enters in this issue, because the boats -- the rubber boat was about to sink.

The rubber boat that was drifting in the Mediterranean with around 120 people inside, so fully packed. They managed to make these two rescue

operations of two boats. They lost a third boat that they had in sight --

GORANI: It went down?

LOPES: They do not know what happened, if it sank or if it was rescued by the leading authorities. They do not have the information on this. So,

they have spent the last four days all packed in the deck of the Lifeline. It's a search and rescue vessel, so it's not prepared to make the

transportation of passengers, let's say, so they have to be piled up in the deck --

GORANI: And they have supplies? This is the question now. Do they have enough to eat, to drink, medical care?

LOPES: They do have supplies, they have medical care. The boat produces drinkable water, so -- and this is a contradiction of all this situation.

The Maltese government, which is denying the boat to harbor in a safe port sent them supplies, medical, food and blankets. So, this is a huge

contradiction. We stand in solidarity, but as long as you stand outside our waters.

GORANI: And we don't know if a country will take them. What happens? They can't indefinitely --

LOPES: Until now no country has addressed the problem, is that the team aboard, they say they cannot -- and like Aquarius, which changed route to

Spain, they cannot do this course. It's a smaller boat.

The weather is going to worsen. They are very worried about the increased level of waves that they will get from tomorrow afternoon onward. This

will get them in a life-threatening situation for these migrants from loss of fluids and also, they fear that some might even go overboard on this



LOPES: They need immediate response from which country, but the nearest port possible. The problem is that this denial is a denial of

international law in maritime law, which says the search and rescue needs them to be taken immediately to the closest port.

GORANI: Joao Pimenta Lopes, what we need to do is speak with our reporter on exactly what these countries are saying they will or won't do.

Hopefully we'll be able to speak to you again about the conditions on board, especially as this storm is approaching. Thanks so much for joining

us, a member of the European Parliament, Joao Pimenta Lopes.

[15:10:05] Well, all E.U. leaders are struggling to find a solution, some more than others. Let's bring in Melissa Bell for more. She joins me now

from Paris. So, clearly, you have deep, deep divisions here. Italy is saying no more. Countries like Hungary are not even going to summits to

discuss this crisis. How bad is it in terms of European unity here?

BELL: It's pretty bad, Hala. We're talking about some of the deepest divisions which happen to be between France and Italy, and the rhetoric

really has been quite extraordinary between Paris and Rome over this issue the last few days.

And that is because Emmanuel Macron has very much positioned himself as a champion of the liberal western order and for months now, Hala, he's been

warning about the rise and the dangers of populism to the European project and the dangers that Europe is facing from what he describes as liberal


That's why when Rome so vehemently took him on over the weekend, warning that him that he risks becoming Italy's number one enemy, he answered,

look, I have no less than to take from you. Remember that we are Europeans with certain values and each time in history we've put him aside, it has

led to catastrophe.

GORANI: And Angela Merkel is having issues of her own with her coalition partners essentially telling her, again, we've got to send those migrants

back, those refugees even asylum seekers to the first port of entry. What's going to happen with her?

BELL: That's right. Well, she's put in a very difficult position. It was she who called this emergency informal summit on Sunday that was then

dubbed the save Merkel summit, because she is facing a direct threat within her own coalition.

The man who is Germany's interior minister in that coalition around her is also the head of the much more right-wing Bavarian sister party of her own.

He said, look, if she doesn't find a solution to this crisis by the end of the month, and we're talking about the end of this week, Hala.

Then he will unilaterally close Germany's borders to those migrants who have registered in these countries and sought to settle elsewhere. So,

Germany is facing it's internal crisis of its own and all of this needs to be resolved by the end of the week -- Hala.

GORANI: Right. It is a crisis in Europe. Thanks very much. Melissa Bell is live in Paris.

So, it is a crisis in Europe, but some are saying it's a manufactured one in the United States. Donald Trump is urging drastic steps as he warns

invaders are trying to overrun the country. He wants to end due process of law for migrants who illegally cross the border. No judge, no trial, and

summarily deport them insteadt without any process.

The U.S. president is stepping up attacks on his own judicial system in a series of tweets, arguing that legal proceedings are too long and too

complicated to efficiently deal with the problem.


GORANI: The president's hard line on immigration has created a firestorm of controversy and some protests across the country, especially over the

treatment of migrant children who were separated from their parents.

In fact, thousands remain separated from their families. Just moments ago, Trump talked about his immigration policy again as he sat down with

Jordan's King Abdullah at the White House. This is part of what he had to say.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We want a system where when people come in illegally, they have to go out and a nice simple

system that works. Mexico holds people for four hours, for five hours, for two hours and they're gone. We have people for four, five, six years and

they never leave. So, we want to have a great immigration. What we have is very simple. We want strong borders and we want no crime. Strong

borders, we want no crime.


GORANI: All right. And today we learned that the U.S. military is preparing to house immigrants at two bases in the state of Texas. We're

talking here up to 20,000 people on military bases.

Let's go to CNN's Polo Sandoval for more. He's outside a base in Las Fresno, Texas. And we got some government handout video or I'm not sure if

it's video or still, but from inside the detention facility -- Polo.

POLO SANDOVAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely, Hala. One more number to show you here. About 11,000, that is the number of children who are still

under the care of the Department of Health and Human Service in the United States. Important to point out, only about 17 percent of those were

actually separated because of the enforcement of President Trump's zero- tolerance policy.

Additionally, we do understand only about 538 of those have been reunited with the parents. So, the question is what about the rest of them? I can

tell you after being here for many days and following this story through, there is still a sense that authorities are still trying to keep up.

[15:15:07] Now, we certainly have been trying to gain access to at least this facility in South Texas, which houses the adult mothers and fathers

who have been separated from their children but have been unable to because we have not been allowed there.

However, many legislators have, including the Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masso from Nevada. She just toured the facility a little while ago.

We caught up with her, she was walking out. And she told us not only is this heartbreaking, the look in the parents' eyes, but also what she's

getting from authorities behind these walls.


SENATOR CATHERINE CORTEZ MASSO (D), NEVADA: They're asking me questions about what was happening. What was occurring? Because they only have

limited access to the tv and what's happening. And some of them haven't even talked to attorneys yet.


SANDOVAL: That's just the latest in a long line of Democratic lawmakers who have visited centers throughout the entire country, trying to not only

see firsthand the conditions these people are being kept in, but also to see if everything is being done to try to get them back with their


Finally, I want to take you out to West Texas right now where some of our colleagues are having an opportunity to tour what's described as a massive

tent city close to the community of Tornillo, 326 kids at this facility. Only 23 of them have been separated. The rest are unaccompanied minors.

Don't let that number fool you. The reason why that number is so low is because the majority of them are at a nearby permanent facility, according

to our colleagues there at CNN, saying essentially, they had to clear out a majority of kids at the permanent facility, house them in the tent city to

make room for the ones who have been separated from their parents.

That number right now at about 2,000 or so. Yes, there are some unifications that have happened, according to the number held by the

Department of Homeland Security. A little over 500 have been reunited with their parents. What about so many more?

GORANI: Right. Because as I understand, and correct me if I'm wrong, there is no system to reunite parents and kids, right? Is there a federal

database that lists with locations and names of facilities the children, so they can be reunited with their families?

SANDOVAL: We understand there is such a database, but that is a private one that the authorities use to communicate and essentially log who is who

and where they're going. So, you would like to think that is certainly going to help.

However, just in the last hour, we heard from Senator Masso that she is now hearing from her Democratic colleagues and even some of the government here

that perhaps one of the possible ways of reunifying these people is releasing on bond some of these low-risk offenders, those who only have a


But for many parents that means getting on a bus, a plane, a car, going somewhere in the United States trying to track down a child. That would be

extremely difficult for these people.

GORANI: Polo Sandoval in Texas, thank you very much.

We're keeping an eye on the Dow Jones that's been dropping throughout the day, and the losses have accelerated. We were around 500 points lower.

Currently, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 450 and change at 24,133 with about 40, 42 minutes left in the trading day. There are some

concerns about a possible all-out trade war hurting the world economy, among other things. We'll look at that in more detail later.

Still to come tonight, he's defiant, boldened, and has just received a mandate with sweeping new powers. We'll tell you why Recep Tayyip

Erdogan's election victory matters to the region.

Next, taking Uber in a new direction. The company has introduced changes after it ran into trouble here in London last year. We'll look at the

green light to keep operating? We'll be right back.



GORANI: Let's take you to Turkey where Recep Tayyip Erdogan is defiant and emboldened after emerging victories from Sunday's election. He now

essentially tightens his grip on power in a country he's ruled for 15 years. Sam Kiley is in Istanbul.


SAM KILEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Political ecstasy at the reelection of Turkey's president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In

a moment of glory, his supporters reveling in an outright victory for a man who has led his country for the last 15 years, by claiming to have won

almost 53 percent of the vote. He announced his victory that avoided a presidential runoff before any official results had been published.

(on camera): Tens of thousands of his political opponents asking for a change in the Constitution, which constitutes burying the hatchet with the

free press. This is what victory looks like to President Erdogan.

(voice-over): Erdogan survived a coup two years ago. His followers hoped he'll stay in office long enough to lead the next generation.

RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN, TURKISH PRESIDENT (through translator): Our nation has given men the mandate for the presidency along with the people's

alliance, a great responsibility has been placed on our shoulders by our nation by these results.

KILEY: Some of the president's voters were almost incoherent with joy. A different scene at the headquarters of the opposition's main candidate,

Muharrem Ince. Its leadership initially convinced that they had been robbed of a presidential runoff. But their own count later confirmed the

Erdogan win, which was greeted by jubilant crowds in Ankara and pretty soon Mr. Ince conceded defeat.

MUHARREM INCE, TURKISH OPPOSITION LEADER (through translator): The new regime that takes effect from today onwards is a major danger for Turkey.

A single party or a single person becoming the state and at the same time the executive, legislature and the judiciary is a problem of existence in

itself and will continue to be a major danger for Turkey.

KILEY: Close to 60 million Turks were registered to vote. Erdogan said turnout was nearly 90 percent and his coalition had also won control of the

260-seat parliament. He now has complete executive control of Turkey, the right to rule by decree, and to pick his own cabinet.

ERDOGAN (through translator): Turkey did not only choose one president and 600 MPs, it changed the whole system of government. We will get this

working fast and (inaudible).

KILEY: For his opponent, this is a moment of political agony that holds little prospect that Erdogan can heal a nation that remains bitterly

divided. Sam Kiley, CNN, Istanbul.


GORANI: After years of protest, women in Saudi Arabia are finally be allowed to drive cars. Women across the ultraconservative kingdom were

able to drive for the first time yesterday. The crown prince announced last year that the ban on female drivers will be lifted.

Saudi Arabia was the last nation on earth to ban female drivers and this comes after some activists who have been calling for this right were some

detained a few weeks ago and that had caused some criticism.

Now right now Uber is fighting for its very survival here in London as it appeals in court for its license to operate. You may remember last year

that transport authorities did not renew Uber's license due to concerns over public safety and security. Uber has said it since made changes.

Samuel Burke is here with more. Will those -- what changes first and will they be enough?

SAMUEL BURKE, CNN MONEY TECHNOLOGY CORRESPONDENT: Well, actually, let's just put them on the screen because I have a list of them. This is really

a referendum on Dara Khosrowshahi, the new CEO of Uber.

[15:25:10] Because everything that you're seeing here, limits of drivers' working hours, 24/7 telephone support for passengers and drivers, and

proactively reporting serious incidents to police, something that Uber admits they didn't do before, all of this happened under Dara Khosrowshahi.

So, I think what's interesting here. This is pretty high stakes not just for Uber but also for London because they did suspend the license that

right now is being appealed but imagine how people would react if they couldn't get Uber anymore.

It's as ubiquitous as Kleenex. I'm going to Uber, let's get an Uber. So, it's pretty complicated. But I think all signs point to Uber keeping their

license. Listen to what the mayor of London just told me.


SADIQ KHAN, LONDON MAYOR: The good news is the global CEO of Uber that just took over made them realize they can't behave in a way that breaks the

rules. He's been somebody talking with humility about the need to for Uber change.


BURKE: Humility, not something people use to describe Uber in the past. This company has completely changed under this CEO, not just the way

they're handling things with the city of London, but the way they're communicating with us journalists who are reporting on this company.

GORANI: How have they changed the way they talk to you?

BURKE: They respond.

GORANI: Whereas before?

BURKE: They didn't respond, and we saw one network where he walked out of an interview in a huff. He liked doing things his way, which worked for a

while, but once they were established, that did not work in terms of communicating with the press or city officials not just in London but

across Europe and the United States. This is their most important market, in London, when it comes to Europe.

GORANI: What is the 24/7 phone support line?

BURKE: You couldn't actually talk to a human being before, whether you were a passenger or a driver. Sometimes you could do the online chat. Now

they have a service where you can speak to a real human being, not artificial intelligence, to register a complaint or find out what's

happening if your car isn't there.

GORANI: I love that, because frankly there is nothing more infuriating that getting to talk to someone at Uber. But limiting working hours, human

beings actually answering phone calls, all of that has to impact pricing, right?

BURKE: Absolutely. And every time we talk to experts saying, look, right now this is all being subsidized by this $70 billion valuation much like

many tech companies. Netflix, Uber, all the people who open up the books tell me right now it's sweet. They are trying to get you in, but long term

expect those prices to go up.

GORANI: Samuel Burke, thanks very much. Uber is doing business in Saudi with female drivers now. Interesting to see.

BURKE: There you go. Maybe you and I can share one. We don't live together.

GORANI: Close enough.

BURKE: Still to come, peace in the Middle East. We've been wanting peace in the Middle East for a while, haven't we? It's high on the agenda as

Jordan's king visits the White House. But Donald Trump finds himself addressing a major controversy closer to home.

And Prince Williams steps off the plane and into history setting foot on grounds no British royal has ever tread on during an official visit. We'll

tell you where he is in just a moment.


[15:30:52] GORANI,: The American president, Donald Trump, is rolling out the carpet today for Jordan's King Abdullah and Queen Rania. The royal

couple arrived at the White House a short time ago. There they are. Mr. Trump says that the Trump administration is making a lot of progress in the

Middle East. Not exactly sure what he was referring to. He declined to say when the White House may unveil a peace proposal.

Let's go live now to Washington for more. Tal Kopan is in the nation's capital. Tal, although the King Abdullah of Jordan and Queen Rania were

there, it seems like most of the questions and most of the focus was once again on immigration.

TAL KOPAN, CNN POLITICAL REPORTER: Yes, that's right, and this is an issue that's really gripped a nation, the issue of family separations at the

southern border, and this policy decision that was made by the Trump administration about six weeks ago, maybe a little more now, to go ahead

and prosecute parents and thus separate them from their children at the border, and we're still waiting to get information about how some 2,000

kids are going to be fully reunited with their parents going forward.

GORANI: And he's, of course, the president using this immigration story as a way to energize his base, once again blaming Democrats for all the

problems and accusing them of actually wanting the country to be overrun, which, of course, Democrats would say is nonsense. This is really dividing

the country, isn't it now?

KOPAN: Absolutely. And one of the really interesting things about how this became such a drumbeat that of course resulted in the executive order

the president signed last week reversing course, which he said today in that meeting with the king that, you know, he doesn't regret signing that

executive order, that it was the right thing to do. One of the things that really made him sort of have to go had and signed that order is that it

wasn't just Democrats that were criticizing this move. It was mostly Republicans were outspoken on the issue saying that this is not in fact who

we are as Americans, that separating families is not something we should be doing. Of course, there are debates on the policy, and Republicans do

point to a court settlement that happened under the previous administration though wasn't asked for by Democrats. But they do point to the summit as

something they would like to overturn. There is still that policy disagreement. But almost universally, there was this outcry we should not

be separating families. And that's something that President Trump reiterated saying that he has no regrets about reversing course and now

asking that families be kept together, at least.

GORANI: Tal Kopan in Washington, thanks very much.

Let's talk about this more with CNN contributor, Julian Zelizer. He's a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University. Thanks

for being with us. So the new Gallup polls shows even though trumps popularity rating is down, that he is above 40 percent. He's at 41 percent

in the latest Gallup poll job approval rating. Fifty-five percent disapprove of the job he's doing, and this was done after the family

separation story became a front page news and dominated the headlines. What do you make of those numbers?

JULIAN ZELIZER, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I think there's three parts of it that will probably make the president happy. One, is he is hovering over

40 percent. He has been since April, in part because of the economy. And those numbers, secondly, put him with people like Bill Clinton, Barack

Obama and Ronald Reagan in this period of their presidency, and his ratings with Republicans are very high. His support is very solid, upward of 90

percent, and so all of this suggests that despite the turmoil, the backlash over family separation, his support in the GOP remains pretty strong.

GORANI: The GOP, I mean, the party itself -- I was speaking with the senator from Arizona, Jeff Flake, a few days ago. He's not running again

in November for the midterm elections. And he said it's become the party of Trump, essentially. That there's no room even for him. Mainstream

Republicans are out. They can't get elected, they can't win primaries. So this 90 percent number in that scenario makes sense, right?

[15:35:08] ZELIZER: Oh, absolutely. I don't think that Trump necessarily made the party the way it is, the party has been changing for a while. But

I do think Donald Trump reflects a lot of what the GOP is about, certainly in terms of policy. And so if you have numbers like this, you're not going

to see many members of Congress do anything other than make a few speeches critical of the president, and that's exactly what's playing out in the

last few weeks.

GORANI: It's really divided the country in the sense that, of course, even around the world we all follow the story of Sarah Sanders, the press

secretary turned away at a restaurant in Virginia called the Red Hen. And then the yelp review section of that restaurant just turned into a boxing

match between pro-Trump supporters and those who absolutely despise the administration. What's going on in the country now? Why is the division

so deep now and more so than it has been in the past?

ZELIZER: Well, I think the division has been pretty strong for a while, but you have an administration that tried to capitalize on division and

tries to fuel division. And so that's why the flip side of the polls is how low his support is with Democrats and how it's almost going to be

impossible for him to gain ground. His opponents really dislike what he's doing. It don't just disagree with him on policy. They believe that he

fundamentally represents values and ideas that are not reflective of where the country is. So when someone like Sarah Sanders walks into a

restaurant, there's many people who feel very strongly that what she does on a daily basis is not good for the country. It's not good for the fabric

of a democracy and that's the intensity that you're seeing.

GORANI: But is it kind of acceptable, civil disobedience to do something like this or is there is a real risk here that you will start -- I mean,

it's a slippery slope where you just don't serve people in restaurants, maybe it becomes worst. Maybe these divisions turn into something that

will really fracture the country in a meaningful and lasting way.

ZELIZER: I think both are true. Well, members of administrations have been subject to attack. Secretary of defense McNamara under Lyndon

Johnson. When he went to Harvard, people yelled, booed and hissed at him as if he was the reason for the war. But at the same time, you don't want

to get into a situation where it's so nasty and so angry that anyone working for either political party could be subject to harassment at any

moment. So it's a fine line. It's not the first time that we've been there. But I do think the tension you're pointing out to is very


GORANI: But is it the first time though that the Republican Party has embraced someone like Donald Trump and all his very controversial tweets,

you know, nuclear threats directed at North Korea pulling out of international agreements saying things that can be perceived as being

intolerant, some might say even racist among his supporters. Is this the first time the Republican Party has embraced this type of person, of


ZELIZER: Certainly as leader of the country. Certainly as president. We have not had a president in modern times who has spoken the way he does and

who has touched on social issues the way he does. And so, if you have the president of the United States doing these things such as the separation of

children from their families, tweeting the kind of statements that he makes, the only thing that would be surprising if more people weren't

angry. This is the kind of activity and rhetoric that is going to elicit fears responses. And the administration shouldn't be surprised and

frankly, I don't think they are. I think they like to capitalize on these kinds of incidents that fueled the tension even further.

GORANI: But, Julian, abroad, I mean, from where I'm standing, whenever these Gallup numbers come out and they show that the president -- the

numbers before this latest poll were even better for the president. He was at 45 percent job approval rating. So people abroad look at that, look at

the border crisis and say, how is it that he's not suffering in the polls. Why is 90 percent of his party embracing him, this particular person?

ZELIZER: The only conclusion is that a lot of the party supports what he is doing and they might not support the separation policy but they support

the hard line anti-immigration policy and this is part of the Republican electorate. He understands that and he's playing to it. I think if you

read those polls from abroad, that's what you have to conclude. He's not alone, he's not just a maverick, he, in fact, reflects what the Republican

Party, a lot of it, is about in 2018. There's no other conclusion to reach from those poll numbers.

[15:40:07] GORANI: Julian Zelizer, it's always a pleasure. Thanks so much for joining us. We appreciate it.

ZELIZER: Thanks for having me.

GORANI: And speaking of divisions, the actress Roseanne Barr is offering a tearful apology for her racist tweet about former Obama administration

official, Valerie Jarrett. The comments came during a podcast reported a day after ABC cancelled her show. She told a rabbi that she has turned

herself into a hate magnet.

ROSEANNE BARR, AMERICAN ACTRESS: There is no excuse so I don't want to run and blabber off on excuses. I apologize to anyone who thought that -- or

felt offended and who thought that I meant something that I, in fact, did not mean. I definitely feel remorse. I was impaired, you know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But you still regret and don't excuse what you wrote.

BARR: Of course. No, I don't excuse it. I horribly regret it. Are you kidding? I've lost everything. And I regretted it before I lost

everything, and I said to God, I am willing to accept whatever consequences this brings because I know I've done wrong. I'm willing to accept what the

consequences are. I do and I have.

GORANI: All right. Interestingly, she did retweet views that were opposed to what she expressed there in that podcast and today is following the

cancellation of her program. ABC has since announced the spinoff of the show titled "The Conners," that does not include Roseanne's character.

Britain's Prince William is making history. He's is Israel right now as the first British royal to ever officially visit that country. The three-

day trip, it'll include a stop in Palestinian West Bank. Earlier, Prince William was in Jordan with that country's crown Prince. They visited the

ruins of an Asian roman city and met some Syrian refugee children.

Still to come tonight, a terrifying story about one with hope. We'll have the latest on the search for a youth football team lost in an underground

cave. We'll be right back. We'll be right back.


GORANI: In just a few hours, the search will start again for 12 teenage football players and their coach who are thought to be trapped in a cave in

Thailand. They've been missing since Saturday, but rescuers are not giving up hope. Lynda Kinkade has the latest.


LYNDA KINKADE, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: 12 teenage football players and their coach are believed to be somewhere in this cave in northern Thailand.

Their bags, backpacks and shoes were noticed at the entrance midday on Saturday. Rescuers believe the group entered the cave through a narrow 15-

meter-long tunnel, and then rising waters from heavy rainfall blocked their path. Park officials, local police and 17 members of the Thai Royal Navy

SEAL diving team have been deployed to assist in the search and rescue efforts. An image posted on the SEAL's Facebook page said divers had to

dive to a depth of five meters to access the main chamber where the missing people are believed to be located. One local officials says he believes

the boys are still alive because they are athletes, and a relative of a missing boy is still confident.

[15:45:34] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I believe because their coach is a strong and healthy person. He can lead the youths. I believe in his strength.

KINKADE: A sign outside the cave warns of danger during the flooding season, which is just getting underway. In the past, others have gotten

stuck in the cave and have survived for days.

Lynda Kinkade, CNN.


GORANI: Let's hope for the best there. Check out our Facebook page, And check me out on Twitter, @HalaGorani.

More to come including Russia. The revelation at this year's World Cup, but it didn't go exactly as planned earlier today. We are live in Moscow

with the latest.


GORANI: We're keeping an eye on the markets. It's been a rough day for the Dow Jones. It's been dropping throughout. The day although it's

rebounded from sessions lows. There is less than an hour left in the trading day, and the Dow, as you can see, is losing 330-ish points.

Richard Quest will have more at the top of the hour.

Things are getting serious at the World Cup. We're down to the last round of group games where we'll find out who makes it through to the

quarterfinals. Some of the big teams are in action as we speak. Spain is one of the favorites, but it didn't find it tough against Morocco. With a

few minutes to go, two-one is the score for Spain. And another dramatic game going on, Cristiano Ronaldo's Portugal is playing Iran. The score is

one nail to the Portuguese. Another close game. We'll see how that one ends. Earlier it was jubilation for little fancied Saudi Arabia. They

scored in the last -- well, we're saying in the last minute. It was actually in the last second, pretty much, and beat Egypt. The Egyptian

goalkeeper was 45 years old, Essam El-Hadary. He became the tournament's oldest ever player, 22 years after he first played for the country. 45

years old. That's fine. Not that old.

So far, it's been a great tournament for the host Russia but it all came crashing down a bit earlier. Russia lost 3-0 to Uruguay. It means Russia

still qualify but in second place, which some people say that's maybe even better than first place.

Before the tournament even began, we were all talking about Nigeria which is it's pretty out-there jersey. But if Nigeria beats Argentina Tuesday,

they will go through to the next round. And their supporters have been having quite a party in Russia. Amanda Davies went to meet some of them.

And I'm sure she had a great time. But for now, let's go live to Fred Pleitgen who's in Moscow. So Russians are depressed today. Although they

get through which should make it easier for them to handle the defeat.

[15:50:01] FRED PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I think the Russians, Hala, were kind of setting this up beforehand. It was

interesting because I was speaking to some folks in the fan zone before the game even began, and I kept asking them, how important this particular

match was, because of course it was the one that decided who was going to be the first and the second place in group A. All of them were already

saying, it's not that important, we're already through the next round, we've already achieved more than we ever thought. And certainly, it seemed

as if the Russian team kind of played that way a little bit. They did seem a little more flat today. It seemed as though their passing game wasn't

quite as crisp as it was usually.

And the other thing that really stood out is that none of them really want to seem to want to take any shots. It seemed they kept getting to the

penalty area and then just kind of losing the ball there. Of course, one of their players got sent off so it was very difficult for the Russians for

about 40 minutes of the game. And also of course, Uruguay is very good and very tough squad. But you're absolutely right, the Russians not feeling

too great today after that match, however, they are very, very happy that their squad has advanced to the next round. It is really historic for the

Russians, because no team from the Soviet Union or Russia has managed to get to the next stage of a World Cup since 1986. Of course, back then it

was the Soviet Union that had Ukrainian players, players from some other places that are now not part of this country anymore. So certainly this is

already a big achievement for the Russians and they're still thrilled about the World Cup. Here's what some of them told us.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I like to feel the people around me. They all believe in our team and we hope they do their best.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We fail to decide. And we hope that the fans from other countries who are in Russia now, we hope that they think now that

Russian people are friendly for all over the world.


PLEITGEN: And I am just looking at some of the other games that are going on, Hala, and it seems as though if things stay that way in the other

pairing that the Russians most probably will face Portugal, in other words, Ronaldo, so that will be a difficult task for them in the next round.

GORANI: Yes, it is. What are the other game scores? Because I -- actually, I think I'm starting to need glasses again even though I had

laser eye surgery a few years ago. So, what's going on with the other games?

PLEITGEN: A lot is going on with the other games. So Spain and Morocco is now two-two. The Spanish has just scored to equalize so they're definitely

in the next round. The Iranians, looks like they're probably going to go down to the Moroccans -- to the Portuguese, I'm sorry. It's still one-zero

for the Portuguese. It was a really nice goal that was scored. Oh, wait, hold on. Sorry, Hala. One-one, the Iranians just equalized. So it is

one-one. If these things stay this way --


PLEITGEN: Yes, it's very exciting. The Iranians really played a tough match, I'll tell you. The Iranians were fighting very, very hard. You

could see that the Portuguese obviously the much more refined team, but the Iranians really, really fought very hard. Of course, the Iranians also

have a Portuguese coach who probably told them a thing or two about Ronaldo. But that is a good result for the Iranians. I do believe,

however, that they are still out of the tournament if things stay this way, Hala.

GORANI: I'm hearing some loud screams coming from the newsroom. I'm not sure why. This is fun, Fred. We should do a little sports show, you and

me, every day during the World Cup.

Great. Well, thank you very much, and there have been some boring games and then there have been some extremely exciting games in the last few

days. Thank you so much.

And now we can bring you the story from Amanda Davies who hung out with Nigerian fans.


AMANDA DAVIES, CNN INTERNATIONAL SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: So all the Nigerians get going at this World Cup. But after Friday's victory over

Iceland, when they play to a very different and much better tune than their opening defeat, it means they have set up a blockbuster of a clash and

worthy against Argentina.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I believe we can do it. Because the boys now have the courage. The fear is out.

DAVIES: How confident are you of Nigeria against Argentina?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As confident Argentina is against us.

DAVIES: Pre-tournament there were much talked-about concerns about the threats of racism and the reception African particularly would receive here

in Russia. Thus far, there have been no incidents reported. So, how have these fans found their experience?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They are one or two inches from the original throughout. It was that kind of example and (INAUDIBLE) maybe in our hotel

and maybe probably they see us inside the elevator. They don't normally join us. You allowed us to go and they are now coming. You understand?

So those are the -- some factors that I -- are wrong human being (INAUDIBLE) we embrace them and also be able to embrace us.

[15:55:21] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Before, we thought Russia are racists, but I can see, I can tell you 100 percent, and I've bene to four World Cups, I

was in South Korea 2002, I was in South Africa, 2010, I was in Brazil 2014, and now I am in Russia. And I believe this has been the best experience I

had had with the fans.

KINKADE: The word from the Nigerian camp is that the team are preparing to go to war in their final game against Argentina. Group D, of course, a

group where anybody can go through. And if the experience here in Red Square this afternoon is anything to go by Nigeria and their fans won't be

going anywhere quietly.

Amanda Davies, CNN, Moscow.


GORANI: Well, you don't have to jump very far from the World Cup to get to our next story. It's the tale of a kangaroo that hopped a fence and found

itself in the middle of a football match in Australia. It came on the pitch twice. It hung out by the goal as officials kicked balls at it to

chase it away. None of the shots scored. Played goalie. It was hard work so the kangaroo laid down for a bit of rest. But then a truck was driven

on the field and chased it away. Final score, truck one, kangaroo nail.

Thanks for watching tonight. I'm Hala Gorani. Stay with CNN "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is up next.



[16:00:08] RICHARD QUEST, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: Closing bell just rang on Wall Street. Gavel being it sharply. Dow Jones Industrials --