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Who's Talking to Chris Wallace

Schwarzenegger Says, I'd Run for President in 2024 if I Could; Schwarzenegger Weighs in on Trump Indictment; Chris Wallace interviews Actor Andy Garcia; Chris Wallace interviews Arnold Schwarzenegger. Aired 10-11p ET

Aired June 16, 2023 - 22:00   ET








WALLACE: -- the Terminator takes on Trump.


SCHWARZENEGGER: If the judges are right, I think that he is going to be big trouble.


WALLACE: Arnold Schwarzenegger in a no-holds barred conversation about the former president's indictment.


WALLACE: How worried are you about the fact that he could be re- elected president?


WALLACE: His incredible movie career --


SCHWARZENEGGER: Hasta la vista, baby.


WALLACE: -- the new role in his first T.V. series ever.



WALLACE: And don't miss Arnold pumping iron at 75.


SCHWARZENEGGER: See, Chris, it never stops.


WALLACE: And we're along for the workout.


SCHWARZENEGGER: Come on in here, you do a set here. Come over here.


WALLACE: And later, one of Hollywood's most reluctant stars, Actor Andy Garcia on his iconic roles.

What it's like to act with other A-listers from George Clooney to Cher?


WALLACE: Being a movie star is pretty great, isn't it?

ANDY GARCIA, ACTOR: It's absolutely ridiculous.


WALLACE: And his hopes for his home country.


GARCHAI: One day, there will be a free Cuba.


WALLACE: Good evening and welcome back to Who's Talking. Tonight, as we continue to report the fallout from Donald Trump's criminal indictment, we're talking to perhaps the most famous Republican in the country outside of Trump himself about the federal case against the former president, the current state of our deeply divided country, and the one dream even this body builder turned movie star, turned politician could not make come true, former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.


WALLACE: Arnold Schwarzenegger, welcome. It's great to talk to you again. And I want to start with the basics. Do you prefer being called governor or Arnold? SCHWARZENEGGER: It makes no difference to me. I get called anything and everything. You know, when I go to Sacramento, they call me the governor. When I go down the Gulf Stream, they call me Arnold. When I go to austria, they call me schnitzel or kraut or whatever. I mean, it's -- I get every title that you can think of.

WALLACE: Well, it's close between Arnold and schnitzel, but I think I'll go with Arnold.


WALLACE: The Constitution said that a president has to be a natural born U.S. citizen. If not for that, would you have run for president?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, yes, of course. I mean, I think the field was wide open in 2016 and I think the field is open right now. I mean, think about it right now. I mean, who is there that is really a person that can bring everyone together? Who is there the day that people say, okay, he's not too old or he's not too this or too that? Because it's now a question about, who do you vote against, rather than who do you vote for.

WALLACE: So, you're saying you would run for president in 2024 --

SCHWARZENEGGER: Absolutely. But, I mean, because it's -- look, it's a no-brainer. I see it so clearly how he could win that election. I mean, it's like me in California when I was, you know, running for governor. It was clear. The people are looking for some new answer, not a right-wing or left-wing but someone that can bring the nation together. This, there's just so many things that need to be done and can be done and what makes it so wonderful is because it's doable. It's all doable. All it needs is just people coming together and saying, yes, we can do it.

WALLACE: You've put out some videos in recent years that I want to ask you about. You put out this video right after the insurrection on January 6th, take a look.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Wednesday was the day of broken glass right here in the United States. The broken glass was in the windows of the United States Capitol.

President Trump is a failed leader. He will go down in history as the worst president ever. The good thing is that he soon will be as irrelevant as an old tweet.

WALLACE: Now, the night of broken glass, or Kristallnacht, was in 1938 when Nazi sympathizers ransacked Jewish stores and synagogues and schools. Do you still think it's fair to compare Kristallnacht, the Nazi attack on the Jews, to what happened on January 6th?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes, absolutely. I mean, I think that it is, of course, a different time and all that. But it is kind of like a threat to democracy and a threat of what happens to people when they're lied to.


And this is why I compared it to that. Because in Kristallnacht, I know with my father, who was part of the Nazi party, they were lied to. They were misled. And I think a lot of people in America today are being misled.

WALLACE: But you were wrong about Donald Trump. You said he's going to be irrelevant. He's not. In fact, he's the leading candidate for the Republican nomination.

SCHWARZENEGGER: You know, we don't know the future. I just predicted that. But we will see. Remember, the future still goes on. So, we will see in a few years from now how right I was or not. I cannot prove it right now, but, eventually, I think it will be true, I will be right.

WALALCE: Now, Mr. Trump has been indicted on federal charges. But most of the top Republican officials are siding with him against the special prosecutor. How do you explain that?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, first of all, I'm not an expert on this issue. I just can tell you one thing, that if the charges are correct, then he is going to be in deep trouble. But at the same time, I have to say that, you know, we're always innocent until proven guilty. So, we'll find out what the courts say in the future. But if the charges are right, I think that he is going to be in deep trouble.

WALLACE: And how worried are you about the fact that he could be re- elected president?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I'm not worried about it because I don't think it's going to happen. I just don't think that you get re-elected with 30 percent or 33 percent of the people voting for you in your polls. I think that's a great poll number amongst conservatives, but I think if you put it all together, it's not enough. You need the swing voters, you need the independents. And so the question is can he do that? I believe he can't.

WALLACE: In March, you put out another video about the rise of anti- Semitism in this country and around the world, here you are.

SCHWARZENEGGER: There's never been a successful movement based on hate. I mean, think about that. The Nazis, losers, the confederacy, losers, the apartheid movement, losers, and the list goes on and on. I don't want you to be a loser.

WALLACE: How do you explain all the hate, and what do you think it will take in the U.S. and around the world for the fever, the hate, to end?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I mean, people really are starving for something positive. There's just so much on social media and online out there that is negative, negative, negative, negative. So, you know, I think that has an impact on people the way they feel about things.

And so what I want to do is I want to pull people out of that negativism and just make them -- give them something positive to tell them that they're good, tell them they're training well, tell them they're in good shape that there's help for them and all of that stuff. And so I just -- I think this is where the action is today.

And I've always been an optimist. I always have been a positive person. And yes, there's a lot of things I don't like, but it doesn't mean I have to hate the people. And I think that's what we have to do about racial problems that we have. You know, gay people, all this kind of stuff, immigrants, Mexicans, Russians and this and that. We just have to go and come together. It doesn't matter who it is, no matter how different they are and respect them as human beings and try to see their point of view.

WALLACE: You're also deeply involved in the environment. You run an annual conference called the Austrian World Summit. You said something interesting recently that you don't like the phrase, climate change, that you think it's bad marketing. What do you mean?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, because when you talk about climate change, it's something that always is referred to as something that is going to happen down the line and always going to gradually happen. In people's minds, our brain is not wired to respond to something down the line. So, therefore, let's take something that is really the cause of climate change, which is pollution. So, if we fight pollution, then everyone will get on board. But if you say, climate change, Republicans still will immediately run the other way because it's one of those buzz words that they hate.

According to the World Health Organization, 7 million people a year die because of pollution, not because of climate change. Yes, there's maybe a few hundred people dying here and there because of a flood or fire or something like that but not like pollution. So, we should talk about pollution. That is what works.


WALALCE: You are so busy these days. You are starring in a wildly popular series on Netflix, your first T.V. series, called Fubar, in which you play a CIA operative who's just about to retire when he's called out to help save another operative who turns out to be his daughter. Here you are.

I've got to say, the story is fine. But for me, the delight is seeing Arnold be Arnold again.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Right. Well, I think that it's one of those kind of great T.V. series, that it was so well-written that I could be myself. I could do the humor, I could do the action, I could do the serious stuff, I mean, with all the different layers. So, it was just well- written. The writers were fantastic and did a really great job. And they promised me they're going to go and deliver to me eight scripts that are very close to the idea of True Lies, then I believe them and they pulled it off.

WALLACE: Okay. You're 75 years old. You've got all the money in the world. Why on earth are you jumping around moving vehicles? SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, to be honest with you, Chris, I don't think I ever was motivated by anything that I've done because of money. It was always just because I enjoyed, I loved body building, I loved getting into movies and doing all the scenes. Yes, you go and start getting more and more money because that's your value but it's not about that. You really have to love what you're doing.

WALLACE: So, why are you doing this?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I just love doing it. It's always, every day, something different and I love that.


WALLACE: Coming up, I'll be back with more of my one-on-one with Arnold Schwarzenegger. He reveals the off-camera fight over his most famous movie line.

And find out the question that had him reacting like this.


SCHWARZENEGGER: And then eventually it will end? (BLEEP), I mean, that's just not my style.





SCHWARZENEGGER: See, Chris, it never stops.


WALLACE: It certainly never stops for Arnold Schwarzenegger. At 75, he's still working out, transforming his body almost every day. And a little later, we work out together.

But, first, we continue our conversation with a different kind of transformation, from body builder to movie star.


WALLACE: The secret to your success, I mean, one part we know is this drive, but the other is you're never satisfied. So, after you become this world champion body builder and win these awards year after year after year, you decide, well, okay, that's enough, I want to become a movie star. And you end up in the movie Pumping Iron. Here you are.

First of all, what do you think when you see that guy?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Hell, it was a long time ago. My body sure doesn't look like that anymore, I tell you that. But, you know, even today, it's the funny thing. Even though with me I'm today all these years later also amazed at my drive that I had. And it is unbelievable ambition and all that stuff because there was just absolutely nothing that could stop me.

It was my dream. I could see it very clearly, I could be the greatest body builder of all times. Eventually, I felt like, okay, I got it. Anything that you can visualize, anything you believe in 100 percent, you can achieve. And this is what I did in acting and then everything else that I did.

WALLACE: So, let's pick up on the acting. You decide now who you're going to be, and you said, not an actor, you're going to be a movie star. And the producers say, you can never be a movie star because you've got this accent. So, you find the perfect vehicle for your body and your accent, Conan the Barbarian. Is it true that you had to do most of the stunts yourself because they couldn't find a double who had anything like your body?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I think the only thing I didn't do was the -- from far away, there was a scene where I grabbed the girl, Valeria, from one horse to my horse to pick her up and ride off. That was the only thing to get away with with a stuntman. But everything that was close, I had to do everything myself. It was unbelievable, the injuries that I had when I was finished with this. I mean, it was painful. But like millions said, pain is temporary, but the movie will be permanent. And this is exactly the way we always felt about it when we had pain.

WALLACE: Then in 1984, your breakthrough role in The Terminator, this is the iconic scene, here we are.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I'm a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told that she's here. Could I see her, please?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, you can't see her, she's making a statement.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look, it may take a while. If you want to wait, there's a bench over there.



WALLACE: I read somewhere that you and the director, James Cameron, fought about how you would say that line.

SCHWARZENEGGER: That's true. Your research is absolutely correct. I wanted to say, I will be back. I said, it's more machine like, I will be back. And he says, no, no, I'll be back works. I said, trust me, I will be back is better. So, it was just one of those crazy things until he finally snapped.

And he said, well, wait a minute, I'm the writer, right? You want to rewrite my script? I said, no. He said, well, then just do your acting. I don't tell you how to act, don't tell me how to write. And so that's how we settled it. And then it became one of the most repeated movie lines in history.

WALLACE: You've also lived larger than life, big cigars and big cars. And the question I have is, is that really you or is that part of the image you wanted to project?

SCHWARZENEGGER: That really, I don't know. No, I couldn't answer that, because I always enjoyed it. I remember that Maria's father, Sargent Shriver, he would always take me down to his basement and he would say, Arnold, I know you don't smoke, but let me expose you to some good Cuban cigars, he says, but don't talk about it. And then he will --

WALLACE: Sargent Shriver had Cuban cigars?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Exactly. Because even his Russian friends, because he was doing business in Russia for Oppenheimer (ph), they're selling oil deals and stuff like that. So, he started clipping it for me and lighting it for me, and we were smoking down there and having a great time and having all kinds of discussions. So, we were kind of becoming buddies.

He was not just my future kind of father-in-law, but we were also buddies because we were doing something together, smoking, which he was always a big believer in. So, I just continued on and my wife never could complain about it because I said, well, it was your father that exposed me to cigars, he made me smoke. So, she never complained about it either.

WALLACE: By 2003, you decide you're bored being a huge movie star, you're going to go into politics. So, of course, you get elected governor of California. And I wonder, how moved were you by the idea that millions of people in this state decided to trust you with their future and, to some degree, because this was a whole new world for you, even Arnold Schwarzenegger, were you a little scared by the challenge?

SCHWARZENEGGER: The key thing I tell you was that the people were looking for an outsider, and I played that outsider all the way. As a matter of fact, I even very rarely put on a suit and a tie. I kept on my alligator boots to show that I'm not going to all of a sudden flip and say, okay, oh my God, I'm running for office, I have to change my boots, because they knew that's what I had on.

I kept smoking my cigars. I drove my Hummer. I did everything exactly that was politically incorrect, and the people loved it because they said, that's the Arnold. He is not going to change, he's not going to lie about himself, this is who he's going to present as. This is his package. That's why they voted for me.

And to answer your question, which is yes, I was crying when I walked by the T.V. set in my bedroom to get dressed for the victory celebration. I mean, I just was absolutely stunned by that and so happy.

WALLACE: I want to ask you about something personal. In your documentary on Netflix, you talk openly and painfully about the affair that produced a son and that ended your marriage. Here you are.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I'm going to have live it the rest of my life. I mean, you know, people will remember my successes and they will also remember those failures. It's a major failure. I mean, I had failures in the past, but, you know, in my career -- but, I mean, this is like a whole different ball game. This is a whole lift dimension of failure.

WALLACE: What do you want us to understand about all that?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I think the documentary makes it very clear, that I'm a person that has huge successes and huge failures, and that was one of them.


And I'm not proud of it. I despise it. But it is what it is. And I feel terrible about it and, you know, but I don't want to get into it. And I think I said enough in this documentary. When people watch it, they will get it.

WALLACE: Finally, let's talk about aging. You're very open in the documentary that when you look at yourself in the mirror now, you don't like what you see, the natural effects of aging. How hard is that for you to grow old?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, you know, Chris, I don't dwell on it, but you have to understand at the same time that I was a person that even in the day when I was competing and winning my seventh Mr. Olympia competition, I looked in the mirror and I was not happy with my body. So, imagine now how I feel about my body today.

WALLACE: You were quoted recently as saying that heaven is a fantasy and that you hate the idea of dying. Is that because that's one thing that even Arnold Schwarzenegger cannot control?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, first of all, I did not say that heaven is a fantasy. I said that heaven, as it is explained a lot of times, is a fantasy, that you and I will meet 50 years from now, we will be up there and doing interviews again in heaven. It's not going to happen.

There will be -- so, I believe in heaven, and I believe in God and all of this stuff, I just don't think that it will be in the same form. That's what I was saying. But, I mean, you know -- and I hate the idea of getting old, and I hate the idea of dying. And I think it's very simple, because, I mean, hell, look at the life I've had. Look at this life. I mean, it's like unbelievable. And to have a life like that and then eventually it will end, (BLEEP)? I mean, it's just not my style.


WALLACE: And you'll want to stick around. Later in the show, we're going to leave the studio and head to the gym with Arnold. Wait until you see what he has me do.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) SCHWARZENEGGER: Trust me, I would never, ever do that to you.



WALLACE: But first, Actor Andy Garcia reveals a secret about one of his memorable scenes. And he reacts to the criticism about one of his biggest roles.


WALLACE: Godfather III, I hope you're not going to get mad at me, is considered the flawed one.






UNKNOWN: From this moment on, call yourself Vincent Corleone.

WALLACE: From "The Godfather" to "Father of the Bride" --

AL PACINO, ACTOR, "FATHER OF THE BRIDE": Well, I'm the father of the bride, not him.

WALLACE (voice-over): Actor Andy Garcia has cemented himself as a leading man in Hollywood.

MATT DAMON, ACTOR, "OCEAN'S ELEVEN": That guy is in --

WALLACE (voice-over): But unlike his showy characters, Garcia is known for staying out of the spotlight. He often chooses independent films that connect him to his Cuban roots. Now, with four new movies out this year, we talk about his latest projects, his iconic roles, and his passion for his home life.


WALLACE: The first time I saw you was in 1987 when you were in a movie called, "The Untouchables", a group of federal agents who were trying to take down Al Capone, and this was your first scene.


UNKNOWN: George Stone, that's your name? What's your real name?


UNKNOWN: No, what was it before you changed it? GARCIA: Giuseppe Petri.

UNKNOWN: I knew it. That's all you need, one thieving wop and a team.

GARCIA: What's that you say?

UNKNON: I said that you're a lying member of a no good race.

GARCIA: It's much better than you, you stinking Irish pig.

UNKNOWN: Oh, I like him.


WALLACE: You know, that scene is as good today as it was in 1987. I

GARCIA: Yes, it was such a blessing to work with Sean. He was my childhood hero, you know. He was, you know, James Bond was our, you know, there wasn't Marvel or anything like that. He was the cat, you know, so.

WALLACE: Right. I mean, how was it to be in that film and work with Sean?

GARCIA: I mean, it was amazing, amazing. And he was a total pro, you know. In fact, that little bit with the clipboard.

WALLACE: Where he jams you in the chest.

GARCIA: Yeah. What happened was we were in rehearsal at a hotel in Chicago, in a ballroom there. We were running through all the scenes. And he had his lines on a clipboard. Like the scene, you know? He went, he looked them a moment, and he went like this, and he looked at me, and he shoved that metal piece of the clipboard into my chest. It was the first scene, imagine you with -- acting with James Bond, you know? And he shoved it in my chest, and he says, what's your name, son? And I went like, what the (Expletive), you know, what's going on? And he goes, I asked you a question. And that was the scene. And in the rehearsal, I knocked it out of his hands, and put an imaginary gun to his neck and Brian De Palma said, oh let's do that, you know. So that's how it happened.

WALLACE: You know, because the clipboard makes the scene.

GARCIA: Yeah, and it hurts, too, because it's got that metal piece on it.


WALLACE: Anyone who's ever seen "The Untouchables" remembers the great set piece in the train station --


WALLACE: --where you and Kevin Costner go as these two federal agents because you are going to arrest Capone's accountant and in the middle of that, you also have to save a baby whose carriage is falling down the stairs. What do you remember about that scene?

GARCIA: You know that sequence took, couple nights shooting at the train station at night because they have to wait, you know, trains weren't running and so on and so forth. And the stunt coordinator, he goes, so we have the carriages about the last couple steps. We need you to come in and toss a gun to Kevin because he's out of bullets and stuff.


GARCIA: And somehow get that carriage before it falls and the baby crashes. And I thought, well, I used to play baseball when I was a kid, and I said, and I thought. I could probably do like a little hook slide. And my pants will slide on the marble floor, and I can get under that. So, they counted it down, one, two, three, and they let it go. And I came in, I threw the gun to Kevin, and slid like in the movie, and went under, and held the carriage, and it worked.

WALLACE: A few years later, you play Vincent in "The Godfather III" in which you are going to take over as the new head of the family and here's a scene of you with the old Don played by Al Pacino.


GARCIA, ACTOR, "THE GODFATHER III": Give me the order.

AL PACINO, ACTOR, "GODFATHER III": You won't be able to go back. You'll be like me.


PACINO: All my life I wanted help. I wanted a family, you know?

GARCIA: Well, I don't want to. I want the power to preserve the family.


WALLACE: Godfather III, I hope you're not going to get mad at me, is considered the flawed one as compared to the two masterpieces. First of all, do you think that's fair? And secondly, does it bother you?

GARCIA: Well, I don't think it's fair. You have to judge the movie on its own merits. You know, I think it's a beautiful piece of work. It's hard -- you know it's hard to follow two masterpieces, you know, it's like Da Vinci painted a lot of masterpieces. I'm sure there's a lot of things you can say, well, that statue is not quite the David, but you look at the statue and it's still a Da Vinci.

And it's an extraordinary movie, I think, also, and of course an extraordinary privilege for me to be associated with that, you know, that trilogy. And working with Francis and with Al who's again another an actor that inspired me tremendously or inspired a whole generation of actors. So, I have nothing but beautiful memories and beautiful things to say about that movie. WALLACE: You have been a movie star for thirty-five years. You've

acted in more than a hundred roles you've directed seven projects. You say your goal was to have a long career and to create, build a body of work. Does it, at this point, can you say mission accomplished?

GARCIA: Yes, I have been blessed to fulfill my dreams. But I'm still dreaming. You know, I have a lot of things I want to do that -- and there are many obstacles in the way to get those things done, as usually are in the creative process, I always, my philosophy is I want to be in a position to have problems to solve. Because then you're actually doing the project, you know.

WALLACE: You've also been called the reluctant star because while you've had this great career over thirty five years, you are known for being very zealous about guarding your privacy and not wanting to be overexposed.

GARCIA: Yes, I guess so. People have said that. I guess your behavior becomes your pattern of how people define you, you know. I am most -- but this is true. I always feel that I'm always game to support a project that I like and stuff like that. But then after that, I think it's best to retreat. I think the, you know, somewhat of an enigma of the performer is important. And it -- just not my nature to, to I mean, I love a good party. I have many friends. I'm not a person who hides in real life. But in terms of the lights, you know, I tend to shy away.

WALLACE: Coming up, we get personal with Andy Garcia about leaving his homeland of Cuba and whether he'll ever go back.


GARCIA: I have no interest in supporting that regime, never have.

WALLACE: And stick around for my big workout with Arnold Schwarzenegger. We'll see who's the girl he met. I think I've missed my call.

ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA: Nine -- I'm telling you, things are happening down there. Look at that on the back.





WALLACE: Andy Garcia's movie career has included playing opposite some of Hollywood's biggest names. George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Diane Keaton, just to name a few. I continue our conversation asking him what it's like to work with other big-name actors. Another big role for you was in "Ocean's Eleven", where you play the menacing owner of a casino that George Clooney and his gang, his crew, planned to rob. And to make matters even dicier, you're now involved with a woman who George Clooney, in the movie, used to be married to.


GEORGE CLOONEY, ACTOR, "OCEAN'S ELEVEN": I just stopped by to say hi to Tess for old time's sake.

GARCIA: Stay and have a drink.



GARCIA: Well then, I don't imagine we'll be seeing Mr. Ocean anytime soon, right? I know everything that's happening in my hotels.

CLOONEY: So, I should put those towels back?

GARCIA: No, the towels you can keep.


WALLACE: I'm worried what you were going to do to George Clooney in that movie and it raises the question how is it, how do you play scary in movies? How do you appear dangerous on film? Because you were.

GARCIA: I remember Julia, just a flash started when I saw her. She went like. I'm sweating. Because of like the tension that George and I created in the scene, you know, it's like, she goes, I'm sweating. You know, you just, you know, it's your job to lose yourself, you know, in the character. And that's the beauty of the work, you know?

WALLACE: You've also done some lighter roles, including as Cher's boyfriend, Fernando, in "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again", and you even get to sing with Cher.



WALLACE: Being a movie star is pretty great, isn't it?

GARCIA: It's absolutely ridiculous.

WALLACE: How big a kick was that for you?

GARCIA: Oh my God, it's Cher, you know. Apparently, I was told by the director, I said, thanks for your support being here, I'm looking forward to it. He said, I love you, but it was Cher's choice. He said, what do you mean? He goes, well, we presented a list of potential Fernandos, and she said, I want to do it with you. So, I've always thanked Cher for that.

WALLACE: Last year, you did a remake of the classic, "Father of the Bride", but this time with a distinctly Latin flavor to it.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNKNOWN: When I found out that I was going to Mexico, I couldn't leave him behind. So, I proposed.

UNKNOWN: Wow. You proposed?

UNKOWN: Exactly.

GARCIA: You proposed?


GARCIA: You proposed to him. He didn't propose to you. Can you do that?

UNKNOWN: Of course. Yes.

GARCIA: You can do that, but does anyone do that?

UNKNOWN: She did. That's my girl.


GARCIA: Okay. What about waiting until you have achieved some of your career goals?

UNKNOWN: I've already achieved career goals. I'll always keep growing. And he's who I want to grow with.


WALLACE: Your wife in the movie is Gloria Estefan. And you kiss her. And I did a conversation with Gloria a few months ago. And she said, that was pretty awkward.

GARCIA: Yeah, she told me I've never kissed anyone other than Emilio. It was my first kiss and we got married and I've never kissed anyone again. And then Emilio, who's a big Prancer, says, it's okay, I'll rehearse with you.

WALLACE: With her or with you?

GARCIA: You know, with me. I'll rehearse with you. I said, okay, whatever it takes. So, she's, you know, these people are like, it's like family, you know.

WALLACE: In 2000, you took on a passion project as executive producer and star of "For Love or Country, The Arturo Sandoval Story". And you play this great jazz trumpeter who wants to flee Cuba, wants to flee Castro's oppression, but is married to a committed communist. Take a look.


UNKNOWN: We all made sacrifices, Arturo.

GARCIA: For what? UNKNOWN: For what? For the country. For an ideal, free hospitals, free


GARCIA: Sure, of course.

UNKNOWN: And by the way, those 100,000 people running away at Marielle, they are giving up.

GARCIA: Giving up?

UNKNOWN: Yes. That is exactly what they are not doing. And by the way, what good is free education if you can't read what you want, if you can't say what you want? What good are eyes if everybody's blind?


WALLACE: How important was that film to you personally?

GARCIA: Well, you know, obviously, I'm a product of that same argument. The reason why I came to America in 1961, two and a half years after the revolution was because of that basic issue, which is there was a promise of a democracy and not a Marxist-Leninist Totalitarian regime. And once he took power, Fidel Castro and his regime, all these things went away, freedom of speech, freedom, you know, the right, you know, the freedom to teach your kids at whatever school you want because you went into this state indoctrination.

All these things that shut the country down, they took all your possessions away, they nationalized all properties, the economy tanked because it was centralized. So, the movie of obviously, it's about also artistic expression where in those years you know, jazz was the evil music of the Imperialist, you know, from the north and so, it struck a lot of very personal notes, you know. And also, it also celebrated great musician and the music of Cuba which I'm very passionate about.

WALLACE: Elian Gonzalez, the little boy who was the target of a bitter custody battle between his mother's family in Miami --

WALLACE: --and his father in Cuba is now grown up. He just became a member of the National Assembly, he says, target of a bitter custody battle between his mother's family in Miami and his father in Cuba is now grown up.


He just became a member of the National Assembly. He says exiles are welcome back in Cuba. You and your family moved to Miami not just as immigrants but as political exiles. How much would you like to go back to Cuba and what would it take?

GARCIA: I think about going back to Cuba every day. But I have Cuba here, you know. So, that's where it lives in me. I'm not interested in supporting that regime or being part of that world while that regime is in power. And, one day there'll be a free Cuba. There's been a lot of people in the past couple of years, as you know, protesting artists and there's -- but they've been empowered. That regime is a totalitarian regime that's committed crimes against humanity for 64 years, and they're still there.

WALLACE: You speak very movingly about your experience coming to Miami. Why do you think that immigration has become so polarizing, even poisonous in this country, the way people talk about people who come into this country illegally? And what's the solution? What can we do about it?

GARCIA: For my philosophy, I welcome everyone who wants to come to this country and contribute., you know. They're coming here to contribute. They're not coming here to take advantage. And you know, it's -- humanity is, the humanity in all of us has to be able to reach out and helping hand to those who are in need. So, that philosophy has to permeate any immigration policy.

So, on the human level, that's where I plant my flag.

WALLACE: Andy Garcia has four new films out this year, including "The Expendables", the Sylvester Stallone action franchise that's slated to release its latest installment this fall. But when we come back, the workout you've been waiting for. Arnold and I hit the gym.



WALLACE: Finally, tonight, before we sat down with Arnold Schwarzenegger for the interview you watched earlier, he invited me, or maybe pressured me, to work out with him at his beloved Gold's Gym in Venice Beach, California. At 75, Arnold still trains there almost every day. And as I found out, he's all business.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I get here with a bicycle. I bicycle down, which gives me a nice warm up. It's like a half an hour ride. And then I work out for around a half an hour, 45 minutes. I try to come every day. By trying every day, then you end up like 300 and maybe 20 days a year. See, Chris, it never stops.

WALLACE: What's your workout?

SCHWARZENEGGER: What I work at is a combination. I go with one machine to the other. Sometimes it's chest day, then it's the back day, then it's shoulders, then it's arms, then it's abs, then it's calves, and all of this. Just like in the old days, except with much less weight and less sets and all that stuff, but it's the same kind of a training. And so, it doesn't quite feel the same anymore like in the old days, I should say.

But I mean, it's like, now it's just kind of survival. Now it's just kind of keeping as long as I can to keep what I have.

WALLACE: Well-done.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Thank you, thank you.

WALLACE: When did you first come to Gold's?

SCHWARZENEGGER: In 1968, the first time that I came to America and have been a member of Gold's Gym, ever since.

WALLACE: What did Joe Gold do for young Arnold Schwarzenegger?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, the first thing you did was, I was the first member to train for free. So, I was the first one, is this, is a balloon belly, he called me.

WALLACE: I'm sorry?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Balloon belly. So, he's a good guy. Well, because he felt that I had the -- my stomach was too big to be the great champion.

WALLACE: And how did you feel being called balloon belly?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I was embarrassed and I realized that obviously I was for European standards and top of the world but for American standards it was a new standard.

WALLACE: How did Gold's Gym change your life?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, it gave me the ability to train with the best equipment and to train with the best training partners with the strongest people. So, it was a motivating kind of a vehicle for me. And so, it made me really the all-time greatest body-builder at that time. All those competitions year after year after year, I was unbeatable until I finally retired.

So, Gold's Gym helped me with that. But come on in here to do a set here. Come on quickly. Look, this is easy. Three. Okay, give me seven more.

WALLACE: Seven more?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yeah, come on. Ten. Perfect. Perfect.

WALLACE: I could go a lot more than that.

SCHWARZENEGGER: This is, I mean, this was fantastic. Very good, Chris, keep it up. Okay, five more reps.

WALLACE: That was ten.


WALLACE: I think I've missed my call.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Nine. I'm telling you, things are happening down there. Look at that back. The rippling effect it has here. Come on, two more. Look at the rear deltoids. Look at that back. Man, look at that. Man, like steel. I mean, you're a machine.

WALLACE: Having seen me work out here a little bit, is there any hope for me?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, what was great about watching someone doing an exercise is always how do they behave in the rest of their life. So, if you cheat here, you do, for instance, half reps --


SCHWARZENEGGER: That means that in everything you do in your life, you do things half (Expletive). You did full reps from the beginning to the end, all the way down, full reps. You were very conscientious about doing full reps and doing it the right way. So, that says in everything in life, you want to do everything 100 percent.

WALLACE: After getting a good look at myself, I think I'll be spending more time in the gym and less time at the dinner table. Thank you for watching. You can catch my full interviews with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Andy Garcia anytime you want on Max and please join us here on CNN every Friday night to find out who's talking next.