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CNN Newsroom

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July 25, 2015

July 24, 2015
• Deadly Shooting At U.S. Movie Theater; 2 Killed At Movie Theater, Shooter Killed Himself; Witness: We Heard People Screaming; Police Withholding Disclosure of Shooter's Identity; Police Still Investigating Scene of Theater Shooting; Obama "Most Frustrated" By U.S. Gun Laws; Turkish Fighter Jets Bomb ISIS Targets; Airstrikes Come After ISIS Killed Turkish Soldier; Man Arrested For Threatening U.S. Amb To South Korea; Kenya Prepares to Welcome Home Its "Son"; Obama Returning to His Father's Homeland; Controversial Candidate Visits Mexico Border; Border Patrol Rescinded Invite To Trump; Turkish Officials: More Strikes Could Come; Turkish Police Arrest 251 People For Terrorism; Turkish Intelligence: ISIS Gathering Weapons Near Border; South Sudan Army Accused Of War Crimes; Nigeria: One Year Without Polio; South Korea's Long Work Days Examined; NASA Finds "Earth's Bigger, Older Cousin". Aired 3-4a ET
• Barack Obama Travels to Ethiopia; Daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown Dies; Trump Continues Lead in Polls. Aired 2-3a ET
• Turmoil in Turkey; Donald Trump Leads GOP Field. Aired 1-2a ET
• Coverage of the Movie Theater Shooting in Lafayette, Louisiana. Aired 12-1a ET
• Details on 59-year-old Man Who Police Say Opened Fire Inside A Movie Theater In Lafayette, Louisiana; New Fuel to the Fire Over How Hillary Clinton Handled Her State Department Emails. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Louisiana Theater Shooting. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Updates on Louisiana Shooting; Gunman is CNN Producer's Neighbor; Witness Describes Strange Conversation with Gunman; Obama's Sister's Organization Helps Kenyan Youth. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Police: Gunman Kills Two, Wounds Nine, Kills Self; Lafayette Hospital to Hold News Conference. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Turkish Warplanes Bomb ISIS Targets; Louisiana Theater Shooting; Interview with Mayor Bill de Blasio. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Police Identify Gunman in Theater Rampage; Teachers' Heroism Saved Lives; Friends of the Victims Speaking Out; Justice Department to Investigate State Department?; NYC Mayor Speaks on Donald Trump; Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Interview with New York City's Mayor Bill de Blasio; Donald Trump Makes Waves; Louisiana Shooting Brings Gun Violence Into Discussion. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Obama: Lack of Gun Control Laws "Frustrating"; Police: Gunman was "Drifter" from Alabama; DOJ May Investigate Hillary's Private Account; Louisiana Theater Shooting. Aired 9-9:30a ET

July 23, 2015
• Secret U.S. Strikes Against Al-Shabaab; Security Concerns Ahead of Trip to Kenya; Africa's War On Smuggling, Terror; Clashes Outside Greece's Parliament; WAFA News: Israeli Troops Kill Palestinian; White House Pushing To Approve Iran Deal; Donald Trump Defends Tough Talk; Dylann Roof Accused Of Hate Crimes In Shootings; Drug Lord's Folk Hero Status; U.S. Defense Secretary Arrives in Iraq. Aired 3-4a ET
• Shooting at Louisiana Movie Theater; Shooting Similar to Aurora Movie Shooting; U.S./Turkey Close to Agreement for Base Access; John Kerry Grilled on Capitol Hill While Defending Iran Nuclear Deal; Obama On His Way to Kenya; Kenya Struggles to Cope with Growing Terror Threat. Aired 2-3a ET
• Shooting Inside Louisiana Movie Theater; Bobby Jindal Talks Shooting; Reaction to New Shooting; Excitement in Kenya Awaiting Obama; Trumps Predicts He'll Win Latino Vote, Visits Texas; Trump Encounters Critics in Texas. Aired 1-2a ET
• Greece Clears Another Hurdle Towards Bailout Deal; President Obama Heads to Kenya. Aired midnight-1a ET
• Donald Trump Takes Questions from the Media on the U.S./Mexico Border; Texas Police Says Sandra Bland's Cause of Death Is Suicide; Colorado Jury Reaches First Verdict in the Sentencing Phase of James Holmes' Trial. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Donald Trump Visits Border, Speaks to Media; Texas Officials Discuss Jail Death. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Donald Trump Talks to Media Prior to News Conference; Awaiting D.A. News Conference on Sandra Bland Death; FBI Director Issues Warning on ISIS; Interview with Barack Obama's Half-Sister Dr. Auma Obama. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Donald Trump Tours Border; Police Custody Death. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Union That Invited Donald Trump Backs Out of Visit; Why Support Donald Trump?; New York Minimum Wage Could Hit $15 Per Hour; Dallas, Texas Up Close; The '70s and the Rise of Feminism; Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Donald Trump Threatens a Third Party Run; Hillary Clinton Talks Middle Class Plans; Terror Fears Cloud Obama's Kenya Trip; Bland Revealed Previously Attempted Suicide; Russian Bombers Off California Coast?; Union That Invited Donald Trump Backs Out of Visit; Aired 10- 10:30a ET
• Trump to Visit U.S.-Mexico Border Today; Interview with Mayor of Laredo, TX; Cosby's Lawyer Speaks Out About Accusations. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Donald Trump Threatens a Third Party Run; Massive Fire Looming California Wine Country; Aired 9-9:30a ET

July 22, 2015
• Africa's War On Smuggling, Terror; Greece Approves Second Set Of Bailout Reforms; White House Pushing Congress To Approve Iran Deal; Dylann Roof Accused Of Hate Crimes In Shootings; Jail Document: Bland Attempted Suicide Before; Officials: Servicemen Helped Save Lives In Rampage; New Poll Shows Billionaire's Vulnerability; "El Chapo's" Folk Hero Status In Mexico. Aired 3-4a ET
• More on Sandra Bland Video, Case Discrepancies; Security Concerns over Obama's Kenya Trip; Trump on Top of Polls, Heads to Texas; Trump Says Demeanor Could Change If President; Greek Protests Turn Violent Over Bailout Deal; Protesters Rally Against Iran Nuclear Deal in Times Square as White House Presses Hard for Agreement; Israeli Military May Demolish Tiny Palestinian Village; Many Mexicans Admire Escaped Drug Lord El Chapo. Aired 2-3a ET
• Sandra Bland Case Reviewed; Obama Kenya Trip; Trump Goes to the Border; Greek Lawmakers Approve Debt Deal; Security Concerns for Obama's Kenya Trip; FBI: Chattanooga Suspect Was Homegrown Violent Extremist; Donald Trump Defends Tough Talk. Aired 1-2a ET
• U.S. Attorney General's Press Conference about the Shooter in Charleston, South Carolina; Interview with Republican Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Donald Trump Speaks Out; Federal Charges Announced in South Carolina Massacre. Aired 3-3:32p ET
• Car Digitally Hacked; Security Breach Involving Air Force One; Family Members in Kenya Await Obama's Arrival; New Charges against Charleston Shooter Dylann Roof. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Texas Video Released; Trump Interview on CNN; Chattanooga Attack; Digital Car Hacking. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Family Calls for Jailed American's Release; More Commercial Flights Hit by Laser Beams; Trump Takes Another Swipe at Perry; View of Hillary Clinton Sours in Swing States; Obama to Make First Trip to Kenya as President. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Ferguson, Missouri Hires New Interim Police Chief; Dashcam Video of Sandra Bland's Arrest Released; New Information about Chattanooga Gunman Revealed; Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Top Terrorist Killed in U.S. Drone Strike; New Approach to Treating PTSD. Aired 9:30-10:00a ET.
• Dash Cam Video of Sandra Bland's Arrest Released; Four More Commercial Flights Hit by Laser Beams; Texas Safety Dept.: Video Was Not Edited; Obama Pitches Plan on "The Daily Show". Aired 9-9:30a ET

July 21, 2015
• U.S. Drone Strike Kills Terror Leader In Syria; Two British Men Held On Terror Charges; Pope Calls For Action Against Human Trafficking; Legal Battle Over Daughter Born By Thai Surrogate; Trump Gives Out Senator Graham's Phone Number; Polls Suggest Donald Trump Is Republican Frontrunner; Obama's Final Appearance On "The Daily Show"; D.A.: Grand Jury Will Decide If It Was Murder Or Suicide; Apple Reports $49.6B In Third Quarter Revenue; Chrysler Can Be Hacked Over The Internet; New Photo Of Prince George Taken By Mario Testino. Aired 3-4a ET
• U.S. Stepping Up ISIS Airstrikes in Syria; Trumps Slams Graham, Gives Out Phone Number; How Trump Stands on Key Issues; Pope Urges Fight on Human Trafficking, Global Warming; Dash Cam of Bland's Arrest Raises Questions; Israel Developing "Iron Dome of the Underground"; Apple Shares Plunge. Aired 2-3a ET
• Trump War of Words Continues; Dashcam Video of Sandra Bland Arrest Released; Al-Awlaki Inspiration to Tennessee Shooter?; Apple Shares Tumble on Earnings Report; Israel's Iron Dome of the Underground; Obama Pitches Iran Nuclear Deal to Veterans; Obama Discusses Iran Nuclear Deal on "Daily Show"; Gun-Mounted Drone Gets Attention of Federal Investigators; Pope Calls Human Trafficking, Climate Change Interconnected Emergencies. Aired 1-2a ET
• Turkey Blames ISIS for Suicide Bombing; U.S. & Cuba Restore Diplomatic Relations; U.N. Security Council Endorses Iran Nuclear Deal; Greece Reopens Banks, Pays Billions To Creditors; Former Chinese Presidential Aide Arrested; Mogul Leading U.S. Republicans For President; Voting is Underway In Burundi Election; North Koreans Vote In Preordained Elections; Surfing Pro Details Terrifying Shark Attack; Infidelity Website "Ashley Madison" Hacked. Aired 12-1a ET
• Press Conference About Sandra Bland's Death; Ohio Governor John Kasich Is The 16th Republican To Throw His Hat In The Presidential Ring. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Woman Found Dead in Jail Cell; Chattanooga Investigation; Donald Trump Strikes Back. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Police Audio Shows Baltimore Officers Told to Stand Down; Republican 16, John Kasich, Joins Presidential Race; Police Dash Cam Video of Sandra Bland Arrest to be Released; David Sweat Talks Escape. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Trump on Graham; Chattanooga Attack; Baltimore Unrest. Aired 2- 2:30p ET
• Gun Store Declares Shop a Muslim-Free Zone; Evidence Points to Terror Motives in Chattanooga Shooting; Will Evangelicals Jump on Board with Trump? Becky Hammon Leads Spurs to NBA Summer Title; Ashley Madison Hack. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Writings Point to Terrorist Motives of Chattanooga Gunman; U.K. Man Charged over Plans to Attack U.S. Military; Polls Show Trump Holding His Lead; Ohio Governor to Join GOP Race; Sandra Bland's Death to be Investigated as Murder; New Surveillance Video of Baltimore Riots; Owner Declared His Gun Store Muslim-Free Zone; Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Sandra Bland's Death in a Texas Jail Sparks Investigation; Trump Rallies Supporters in South Carolina; Do Chattanooga Gunman's Writings Show Motive?; NYT: New Details on Maximum Security Breakout; Human Trafficking in America. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Polls Show Trump Holding His Lead; Ohio Governor to Join Republican 2016 Presidential Candidate; U.K. Man Charged Over Plans to Attack U.S. Military; Friend: Chattanooga Gunman Told Me ISIS Was "Stupid"; D.A.: Texas Jail Death To Be Investigated as Murder. Aired 9-9:30a ET

July 20, 2015
• Blast Rips Through Crowd at Turkish Park; British PM Outlines Plan to Fight Terrorism; Light Turnout in Burundi Election; Vatican Conference on Climate and Human Trafficking; The Fight to End Human Trafficking; Republicans React to War Hero Comments by Donald Trump; Former Chinese Presidential Aide Accused of Corruption; Infidelity Website "Ashley Madison" Hacked; Toshiba Execs Resign Over Accounting Scandal; Pro Surfer Survives Terrifying Shark Attack; Aired 3:00-4a ET
• Reports of Gunfire During Burundi Election; British P.M. Warns Against ISIS; Former Greek P.M. Unimpressed with Reforms; Adultery Website Hacked; Mark Fanning Talks Shark Attack; Violent Protests in Turkey Following Blast; Friend Says Abdulazeez Not Inspired by ISIS: Trump Tops Polls as Republicans, McCain's Son Criticize Remarks; U.S., Cuba Open Embassies; GPS Used in El Chapo's Escape; Former Chinese Top Aide Arrested. Aired 2-3a ET
• More Calls for Donald Trump to Drop Out of 2016 Race; Mick Fanning Describes Shark Attack; Havana and Washington Officially Restart Diplomacy after 54 Years; Former Chinese Top Aide Arrested; U.S., Cuba Open Embassies. Aired 1-2a ET
• Ashley Madison Users Threatened by Group of Hackers; Donald Trump Refusing to Back Down from Blistering Comments About Fellow Republican Senator John McCain; Video of Queen of England as a Young Girl Giving a Nazi salute Released. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Adultery Site Hacked; Cosby Court Documents Revealed; Donald Trump Under Fire. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Cheating Website Hacked; Spieth Out of British Open Win; New Images of an ISIS Terror Attack; New Video of Africa-American Woman Who Died in Texas Jail. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Trump Backlash; Cosby Bombshell Revelations; Cheaters at Rick. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• McCain: Trump Owes Military Families an Apology; U.S. and Cuba Reopen Embassies; Gunman's Writings were Anti-U.S., Suicidal; Four Women Killed by Alleged Drunk Driver. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Trump Ignites Firestorm with War Hero Comments About John McCain; Janice Dickinson Reacts to Cosby's Admissions; Aired 10-10:30a ET
• U.N. Votes on Lifting Iran's Sanctions; Cosby Admits to Targeting, Luring Women; Surfer Survives Shark Attack. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Trump Ignites Firestorm with War Hero Comments About John McCain; Chattanooga Investigators Find Gunman's Writings; U.N. Votes to Endorse Iran Nuclear Deal, Lift Sanctions. Aired 9-9:30a ET

July 19, 2015
• FIFA Executive Committee To Meet Shortly; Greek Banks Reopen After Three-Week Shutdown; Gunman's Family Copes With Shame In The West Bank; Surfer Fights Off Shark Attack During Competition; Buckingham Palace Condemns Use Of Historic Film; David Cameron Pledges To Combat Extremism; Cosby Supporters Changing Stance On Comedian; Emmy Snubs, Fan Favorites And Surprise Nominations. Aired 3-4a ET
• Chattanooga Gunman Had History of Drug Abuse, Mental Illness; One Man's Family Trying To Cope and Chattanooga Family Puts Out Statement; Abdulazeez's Family in West Bank "Shamed" by His Actions; Banks Open Again in Greece; Defense Secretary to Meet with Netanyahu During Mideast Trip; U.S., Cuba Open Embassies; Professional Surfer Fends Off Shark Attack; Cosby Admits Giving Women Drugs in Deposition; Trump Refuses to Apologize over McCain Remarks; Documentary on Human Trafficking of Children; Amateur in the Running for British Open Win. Aired 2-3a ET
• Preview Of "Deadly Lust: The Hunt for an Incestuous Father"; Cosby Admits to Sexual Affairs in Deposition; Trump Not Apologizing For McCain Comments; Dead Man Found in Demi Moore's Pool; Shark Attack in Surf Competition. Aired 7-8p ET
• Revealing Details Surface from Cosby Deposition; Surfer Escapes Shark Attack on Live TV; Chattanooga Gunman Investigation; Donald Trump in Trouble?; Nuclear Agreement Goes to Congress; The Hunt for an Incestuous Father; Aired 6:00-7p ET
• Another Cosby Bombshell; Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez Reportedly Suffered from Depression; Trump Refusing to Back Down from McCain Comments
• New And Disturbing Revelations In Bill Cosby Abuse Saga; Trump Not Backing Down; Tennessee Shooter Battles Depression; Martin O'Malley Issues Apology; Terrifying Shark Attack Caught On Camera During South African Surfing Competition. Aired 4-5p ET
• Bill Cosby Admits to Pursuing Younger Women; Donald Trump Refuses to Apologize for McCain Comments; New Developments in El Chapo Manhunt; Friends and Family Mourning Those Killed in Chattanooga Shooting Rampage; John Kerry and Ernest Moniz Defend Iran Deal. Aired 3-4p ET

July 18, 2015
• Trump Questions McCain's War Hero Status; Fifth Person Dies From Military Center Attack; Perry: Trump Should Drop Out of Race; Plane Crash Victim Tells of Survival; ISIS-Related Arrests in Saudi Arabia; Rangel Reacts to Trump's Comments on McCain; Investigation Continues in Chattanooga Military Shooting; Queen Elizabeth's Nazi Salute Photo Sparks Outrage. Aired 5-6p ET
• Trump in Damage Control After McCain Comments; Fifth Service Member Dies After Attack. Aired 4-5p ET
• Donald Trump Criticizes Senator McCain's War Record; Fifth Service Member Killed In Chattanooga Attack; Wind-Driven Flames Overtake Cars Stopped At I-15 In San Bernardino. Aired 3-4p ET
• Fifth Service Member Dies from Wounds from Chattanooga Shooting; Donald Trump Criticizes John McCain; Investigation into Background of Chattanooga Shooter Continues; First Lady to Host Special Olympics; Interview with Singer/Songwriter Siedah Garrett. Aired 2-3p ET
• Interview with Governor Rick Scott; FBI Searching for Motives in Killer's Electronics and Previous Travels to the Middle East; Wildfire Overruns Interstate; Trump Slams McCain's Status as War Hero; Seven Prison Workers Charged with Helping El Chapo Guzman; Aired 1-2p ET
• Chattanooga Mourns Loss Of Sailor, Four Marines; Drones Delay Efforts To Fight California Freeway Fire; Lasers Pointed At 34 Planes In One Night; Friend: Chattanooga Shooter Changed After Mideast Trip; Trump Attacks McCain; Questions Him As "War Hero"; Family Skeptical In Texas Jail Death; 40MPH Wind Forces Delay In Tournament; Republican Candidates Out in Force in Iowa; Trump: McCain Not a War Hero; The Death of Sandra Bland; Winds Force Delay at British Open. Aired 12-1p ET
• Sailor Wounded in Chattanooga Shooting Dies; Drones Delay Efforts to Fight California Freeway Fire; Khamenei: Iran Policy Toward U.S. Won't Change; 120 Killed, 140 Injured in Iraq Market Suicide Bombing; GOP Stumps In Iowa; Democrats Tackle Phoenix; Teen Tells Her Plane Crash Survival Story. Aired 11a-12p ET
• Fifth Service Member Dies from Wounds from Chattanooga Shooting; Wildfires Break out in California; GOP Candidates Gather in Iowa; Donald Trump Invited to Speak at Social Conservative Meeting; Investigation into Background of Chattanooga Shooter Continues; New York City Issues Financial Settlement with Eric Garner's Family; CNN Hero Provides Education and Housing for Troubled Youths. Aired 10-11a ET

July 17, 2015
• Authorities Piece Together Gunman's Actions; Abdulazeez Reportedly Went To Jordan In 2014; David Wyatt Among Four Marines Killed Thursday; Kenyan Mall Reopens Two Years After Massacre; U.S. Wildfire Jumps Highway, Destroys Cars; F1 Driver Jules Bianchi Died At 25; FBI: Shooter Wore Vest For Extra Ammunition; Destroys Cars; Prison Workers Charged In "El Chapo" Escape; U.S. Mission In Havana Set To Become An Embassy; Sky-Diving Plane Bails Out On Busy Highway. Aired 3-4a ET
• Special Coverage of the Shootings in Chattanooga, Tennessee. 3:30-4p ET
• Tennessee Shooting Investigation Continues; Tennessee Authorities Hold News Briefing. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Blog Possibly Written by Gunman Surfaces; How Long Will it Take to Defeat ISIS; Chattanooga Attack Affects Servicemembers, Their Families Around Country; Girlfriend Describes Sgt. Skip Wells. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Chattanooga Attack; Nation Mourns Chattanooga Murders; Gunman's Possible Bloggings. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Police Chief Talks about Rampage; Interview with Slain Marine's Friend; Chattanooga Islamic Center Condemns Shooting
• Two of Four Slain Marines Identified; Details Emerge on Gunman Who Killed Four Marines; Teen Shares Plane Crash Survival Story; Witness Describes Rampage That Killed Four; Police Chief Talks About Injured Cop; Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Lone Wolf Attacks; El Chapo's Escape; Second Marine Victim IDed as Skip Wells; Tacking the Danger of Homegrown Attacks. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• New Details on Chattanooga Shooting; Officials Identify One of Four Marines Killed; Community Mourns the Loss of Four Marines; James Holmes Found Guilty on 165 Charges; Obama: Military Shooting "Heartbreaking". Aired 9-9:30a ET

July 16, 2015
• Four Marines Killed In U.S. Shooting; FBI Treating Shooting As Terrorism Investigation; Former Classmate: Abdulazeez Was Always Smiling; New Footage Appears To Show Aftermath Of MH17 Crash; Greece Awaits Outcome Of German Vote; Gunman Identified As Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez; Gunman James Holmes Found Guilty Of Murder; Hammond, Netanyahu Spar Over Iran Deal; New Footage Appears To Show Aftermath Of MH17 Crash. Aired 3-4a ET
• Attack on Military Bases in U.S.; White House Reaction to Attacks; Pentagon Reaction to Attacks; Sen. Bob Corker Talks Military Security; New Details on Military Shooter; 2 Military Targets Had Little Security; James Holmes Found Guilty in Movie Theater Murders; Friend Says Abdulazeez Visited Middle East; Muslim Community Condemns Attack; Investigation Continues on Flight MH17; New Video of MH17 Aftermath; Plane Crash Victim Talks Survival. Aired 2-3a ET
• Four Marines Killed at 2 U.S. Military Installations; James Holmes Found Guilty of Colorado Theater Shootings; Obama Calls on Congress to Reform Criminal Justice System; Plane Crash Victims Speaks Out; Tornadoes Hit Illinois. Aired 1-2a ET
• Shooting in Tennessee. Aired 14:30-15:00 ET.
• Shooting in Tennessee. Aired 14:30-15:00 ET.
• Verdict Reached in Holmes Trial; Shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Four Marines Killed in Tennessee. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Chattanooga Shooting. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Obama Defends Iran Deal; Planned Parenthood Controversy; Crews Find Wreckage of Plane Crash. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Confessed Mass Murderer Due Back in Court; Bush Senior Hospitalized; 11 Commercial Flights Struck by Laser Beams; Reality TV Show Cancelled After Scandal; Inside Mexican Drug Lord's Tunnel; Defense Secretary Carter Visits Israel; Aired 10-10:30p ET
• Hillary Clinton Fundraising; Obama Visits Prison; White House Pushes for Reduced Prison Sentences; Obama Visits Federal Prison in Oklahoma Today; Did Jenner Quiet Critics with ESPY Speech? Aired 9:30- 10a ET
• Bush Senior Hospitalized; Defense Secretary Carter Visits Israel; 11 Commercial Flights Struck by Laser Beams; Obama Takes on Critics; Aired 9-9:30a ET

July 15, 2015
• Obama Defends Iran Nuclear Deal; Report: Obama Offered Increased Military Aid To Israel; Greece Votes "Yes" On More Austerity; Report Blames Pro-Russian Rebels For Downing MH17; Modern- Day Trench Warfare In Ukrainian City; Sources: ISIS Leader May Have Been In Raqqa; CNN Reporter Goes Inside "El Chapo" Tunnel; Businesses Consider Plans For Iran Market; Pluto Findings May Shed Light On Early Solar System; An Inspirational Night At The ESPYs. Aired 3-4a ET
• Approval of Greek Bailout Sparks Violent Protests; Obama Defends Iran Nuclear Deal; Boston Man Arrest for Plot Speaks Highly of ISIS; Iran Nuclear Agreement Needs Ayatollah's Approval; A Close-Up View of Guzman's Escape Tunnel; Dutch Safety Board's Report on MH17; Japan Lawmakers Approve Sending Troops to Fight Abroad; Clinton Said He Made Incarceration Issue Worse; Caitlyn Jenner Receives Courage Award; Kristin Beck Talks Jenner, Military Lifting Ban on Transgenders. Aired 2-3a ET
• President Obama Addresses Iran Deal Critics; El Chapo's Escape Documented; Pluto Images Released; Greece Closer to Receiving Bailout; Japan Approves Measure to Send Troops to Fight Abroad; Another Actor Believes Bill Cosby Guilty; Japan Braces for Typhoon; Where Ice Bucket Challenge Money Is Being Spent. Aired 1-2a ET
• New Image of President Obama Seen at Iran Deal Press Conference; Donald Trump's Campaign Announces His Net Worth; NASA Reveals First Images of Pluto; New Video: Mexican Drug Lord Makes Second Prison Break. Aired 3:30-4p ET

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