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CNN Newsroom

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November 24, 2017
• Former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa Is Set To Be Sworn In As The New Zimbabwe President; Donald Trump's Former National Security Adviser Cuts Ties With The U.S. President's Legal Team; U.S. Shoppers Are Out In Full Force Ready To Spend Lots Of Green On This Black Friday. Aired 4-5a ET
• Transforming Zimbabwe Under New Leadership; Rohingya Muslims to Start a New Life; Possible Explosion Detected In Hunt For Lost Submarine; Turkey Has Heavy Presence In Syrian Town; North Korea Defector Recovers After Daring Escape; Harassment And Abuse About Power Not Sex Aired 3-4a ET
• Zimbabwe in Transition; Russia Investigation; Possible Explosion Detected in Hunt for Argentine Sub; U.S. Fighter Pilots Train for First Response in North Korea Threat; Emmersonn Mnangagwa Sworn In As Zimbabwe's President. Aired 2-3a ET
• Zimbabwe Set To Swear In Mnangagwa As Interim Pres.; Flynn Move Could Signal Cooperation With Mueller Probe; Possible Explosion Detected In Hunt For Argentine Sub; Zimbabwe To Swear In Mnangagwa As Interim President; China Cracks Down On Dissent; Woman Raises Awareness About Modern Day Slavery. Aired 1-2a ET
• Zimbabweans Celebrate Mugabe's Ouster; Flynn Could Be Cooperating with Government; Search Ongoing for 44 Missing Crew Members; North Korean Defector Recovers after Daring Escape; Syria's Civil War; Facebook Tool Will Show If You Liked A Russian Ad. Aired 12-1a ET
• Attorneys For General Flynn Had Stopped Sharing Information About The Investigation With President Trump's Legal Counsel; Texas Woman Is Accused Of Sending Homemade Bombs To Former President Obama, Texas Governor Greg Abbot And The Social Security Office; Firefighter Jumped Into Action, Going Beyond The Call Of Duty. Aired 3:30-4:00p ET
• State Department Snubbing Ivanka Trump?; Terror Attack in Egypt Kills Hundreds; Has Flynn Flipped on Trump?. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Uma Thurman Breaks Silence on Harvey Weinstein; Flynn Attorneys Stop Communications with White House; Trump Not Responding to Steve Kerr Criticism; Trump Boast of Golf Outing with Tiger Woods, Dustin Johnson. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Mosque Attack in Egypt; Flynn to Stop Sharing Information; North Korean Defector; Soldiers Replaced after Escape; Russia Rebukes U.S. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Black Friday Shopping From In-Store to Online; U.S. Air Force Jets Train for Combat with North Korea; North Korean Workers Dig Trench Where Soldier Escaped; GOP Tax Plan, Who Wins, Who Loses?; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Michael Flynn's Lawyers Stop Talking with Trump's Lawyers; Interview with Representative Mike Quigley; Senator Al Franken Issues New Apology Amid Groping Allegations; At least 235 Killed in Egypt Terror Attack; Trump Tweets About NFL, Quick Golf Time and Middle East Mess; Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Shopping Season Kicks Off; Former Soldier Recounts Brutal Conditions; Visitation For Border Agent Killed. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Michael Flynn's Lawyers Stop Talking with Trump's Lawyers; Trump Tweets About NFL, Quick Golf Time and Middle East Mess; State Media: At Least 184 Killed In Egypt Mosque Attack; Flynn's Lawyers Stop Talking With Trump's Lawyers; Senator Al Franken Apologizes Again Amid Groping Allegations. Aired 9-9:30a ET

November 23, 2017
• Mnangagwa Replaces Mugabe in Zimbabwe; Rohingya Muslims Soon be Back in Myanmar; Migrants Change Political Landscape in U.S. Aired 3-4a ET
• Emmerson Mnangagwa Hails New Democracy In Zimbabwe; Investigators Scrutinize Possible Kushner Role; Film Honors Photojournalist Killed In Somalia. Aired 2-3a ET
• Trump Renews Feud With Sports World; Moore Threatening To Sue Accusers; Mnangagwa To Be Sworn In On Friday; FCC Unveils Plan To Repeal Obama-era Protections; U.S. To End Protected Status For Haitians in 2019; Haitian Child Once Working As Servant Now In School. Aired 1-2a ET
• Trump Keeps Feud Going with UCLA Player's Father; Former VP Mnangagwa Arrives in Harare; Russia Investigation; U.S. Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson States Ethnic Cleansing Is Occurring In Myanmar; From the Pope's Garden. Aired 12-1a ET
• Trump Twitter Tirade Continues; Difficult Life for Those in The Military Overseas; Tribute to Those Serving Overseas on Thanksgiving Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Trump to Troops: They Weren't Letting You Win Before Me; Is Republican Congressman a Victim of Revenge Pornography?; Facebook Will Show Users if They Saw Russian Propaganda; Deal Ghostwriter: Trump's Frightened by African Americans. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Sebelius: Clinton White House Doubled Down on Abusive Behavior; Released North Korean Prisoner Found Engulfed in Flames; Jamie Dimon Predicts No 2nd Term for Trump Over Economy. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Trump talks to Troops; Explosion Heard Near Missing Sub; Moore Attacks Accusers; Sessions Orders Background Check Review; Trump Talks Winning with Troops. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Trump Thanks Military and Boasts of His Administration's Achievement; Talking Politics with Family and Friends During Thanksgiving; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Trump Thanks Military Members for Service on Thanksgiving Day; Relentless Search Expands for Three Missing Sailors; Heightened Security Along Macy's Parade Route; Congressman Joe Barton Tried to Keep Explicit Photos Under Wraps; Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Trump Talks ISIS; Puerto Ricans Change Florida Politics; North Korean Defector will Survive; Small Towns use Technology. Aired 9:30- 10:00a ET
• Report: Congressman Tried To Keep Explicit Photos Under Wraps; Lawmaker: Posting Of Nude Photo "A Potential Crime"; Trump Thanks Military Members for Service on Thanksgiving Day; Relentless Search Expands for Three Missing Sailors; Jeff Sessions Orders Review of Gun Background Check System. Aired 9-9:30a ET

November 22, 2017
• Trump Agrees with Roy Moore; Sexual Allegations Excuses No One; North Korea Violates Armistice Agreement. Aired 3-4a ET
• Trump Breaks Silence, Defends Roy Moore; Putin & Trump Discuss Syria & North Korea; David Cassidy, '70s Teen Heartthrob, Dies At Age 67; CBS, PBS Fire Veteran Journalist Charlie Rose; Mladic Faces Charges Of Genocide & Other War Crimes. Aired 2-3a ET
• Mugabe's 37-Year Rule Ends In Zimbabwe; Trump Breaks Silence, Defends Roy Moore; Moore Denies Allegations Against Him; Rouhani: We Await The Day Of Victory Over ISIS; Young ISIS Fighters Go Through Anti-Extremism School; U.S. State Department Defends Soldier List Exemptions; CNN's Freedom Project; Mugabe Resigns After 37 Years As President. Aired 1-2a ET
• North Korean Soldiers Shoot Defector at DMZ; Mugabe's 37-Year Rule Ends in Zimbabwe; Trump Breaks Silence, Defends Roy Moore. Aired 12-1a ET
• Trump: Freed Player's Dad An Ungrateful Fool; Charlie Rose's Former Co-Host Reacts To His Firings; CNN Tests Out Google Earbuds That Offer Translation; Paul's Wife: My Husband Can't Breathe Without Pain. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Did Presidential Adviser Fake Bad Connection to Get Off Phone with Trump?; Video Emerges of North Korean Soldier Abandoning Post; President Trump Backing Roy Moore for Senate. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Daring Defection from North Korea Caught on Camera; Tom Carper: Gary Cohn Fakes Bad Connection During Trump Call; Trump Endorses Moore Despite Ivanka's "Place in Hell" Comment; Uber Accused of Cyberattack Coverup; David Cassidy Dies at 67. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Looming Showdown in Senate; Trump Backs Moore; Navy Plane Crashes off Japan; North Korean Defector's Escape. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Interview with Senator Tom Carper; U.S. Classifies Myanmar's Violence Against Rohingya Muslims as Ethnic Cleansing; Jerry Jones Speaks Out on President Trump; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• 8 Rescued, 3 Missing After Navy Plane Crashes Off Japan; Trump Breaks with GOP Leaders on Moore Scandal; Dramatic Video North Korean Defector's Desperate Dash. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Conyers Accused of Inappropriate Advances; Uber Paid Hackers after Data Breach; Rand Paul's Wife on Attack; Remembering David Cassidy; Navy Plane Crash off Japan. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Eight Rescued, Three Missing After U.S. Navy Plane Crashes Off Japan; Donald Trump Calls LaVar Ball an "Ungrateful Fool"; Trump Backs Accused Child Molester Roy Moore in Alabama Senate Race; North Korean Soldier, Under Fire, Dashes Across Border. Aired 9-9:30a ET

November 21, 2017
• North Korea Back on the List of Terror Sponsor; Nuclear Weapons Heavily Guarded. U.S. Generals, I Won't Follow An Illegal Nuclear Order; South Korea On Firm Readiness After U.S. Action; Merkel Faces Political Challenge Of Her Career; Former Vice President Calls On Mugabe To Resign; UCLA Players Dad Refuses To Thank Trump; AT&T CEO Says Government Lawsuit Makes No Sense. Aired 3-4a ET
• Syria's Assad Travels To Russia, Meets With Putin; Former Vice President Calls On Mugabe To Resign; U.S. President Takes Aim At African-American Athletes. Aired 2-3a ET
• Mugabe Faces Impeachment Vote; North Korea Again Named State Sponsor Of Terror; Second Women Accuses Franken Of Inappropriate Touching; Pressure On Parties To Return To Coalition Talks; Crew Was Ordered To Return Over Routine Battery Failure; Yemen Hospital Struggle To Treat Starving Children; Fighting Trafficking In Haiti's Orphanages. Aired 1-2a ET
• Terror List Puts New Pressure on North Korea; Impeachment Looms for President Robert Mugabe; Pressure on Parties to Return to Coalition Talks; Over 1,000 Jobs to Leave London Because of Brexit; Death Toll of Hurricane Maria; Russia Investigation; Trump Takes Aim at African American Athletes. Aired 12-1a ET
• Trump Finally Weighs In On Roy Moore Allegations; Trump: Putin Speak After Russian Leader's Assad Meeting. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• President Trump Endorsing Roy Moore for Alabama Senate?. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Border Patrol Agent's Death Leaves Many Questions; Arrested Rick Gates Asks Judge for Thanksgivings Furlough; Trump Administration to End Temporary Protected Status for Haitians; UCLA Player's Dad Won't Concede Trump Won Son's Release. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Trump and Putin Speak; Tillerson Accused of Violating Law; Sanctions on North Korea; Charles Rose Fired; Border Patrol Agent Killed. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Trump to Speak with Putin About Syrian Civil War; Border Patrol Agent Killed, Another Injured; DOJ Investigating Harvard Over Affirmative Action; Interview with Representative Tom Reed; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Rose's CBS Co-Hosts: "Charlie doesn't Get a Pass"; Report: Conyers Settled Complaint Involving Sex Misconduct; Official: Additional Remains Found of Sergeant La David Johnson; U.S. Ends "Temporary Protected Status" for Haitians. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Administration Ends Haitians Protected Status; Anti-Trust Issue with AT&T and Time Warner Merger; Ryan Calls Conyers Allegations Extremely Troubling; Whitefish Energy To Halt Work. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Charlie Rose Suspended Over Sex Harassment Allegations; Report: Rep. Conyers Settled Complaint Involving Sex Misconduct; WH: Trump To Speak With Putin; U.S. To Slap North Korea With New Sanctions; Administration Ends Protected Status For Haitians. Aired 9-9:30a ET

November 20, 2017
• Zimbabwe Prepares for New Leader; Manson Dies at 83; Trump Faces New Saber Rattling; Local Media Says No to Moore; Navy Lost at Sea. Aired 3-4a ET
• Mugabe Agrees to Resignation; Charles Manson Dead at 83; President Calls Basketball Player's Father "Very Ungrateful"; Worries Over Lost Argentinian Sub; Charles Manson, Leader Of Murderous Cult, Dead At 83; Kenya's Supreme Court Upholds Pres. Kenyatta's Win; CNN Report On Slave Trade In Libya Sparks Outrage. Aired 2-3a ET
• Murder Mastermind Charles Manson Dead At 83; Mugabe Refuses To Step Down Despite Pressure To Resign; Russia Probe "Gotcha Games"; Source: Mugabe Agrees To Terms Of Resignation; CNN Freedom Project: Child Trafficking Widespread At Haiti Orphanages; Queen Elizabeth And Prince Philip Mark 70 Years Of Marriage. Aired 1-2a ET
• Mugabe's Last Stand; Argentine Navy Search Effort Tripled for Missing Submarine; Trump Takes Twitter Shot at Basketball Player's Dad; Russia Investigation; CNN Freedom Project: Slave Trade; Rural Nevada Town Struggles Without Hospital. Aired 12-1a ET
• W.H. On Trump Saying He Should've Left UCLA Players In Jail; W.H. Briefing As North Korea Is Named State Terror Sponsor; Source: DOJ To Sue To Block AT&T-Time Warner Merger. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Republicans Push Tax Plan; White House Press Briefing. Aired 3- 3:30p ET
• Kushner Attorney: Senate Panel Playing "Gotcha Games"; Another Woman Accuses Franken of Groping; Roy Moore's 1st Accuser Describes Ordeal; Evangelicals Support Roy Moore; 1960s Cult Guru, Convicted Murderer Charles Manson Dies. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• North Korea Designated as Terror Sponsor; Trump Tweets about UCLA Players; Trump Criticizes GOP Flake; Kushner Attorney Response. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Top General Says He Would Resist Illegal Nuke Order; Charlie Manson Dead at 83; Late Night in the Age of Trump. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Conway: White House wants Moore's Senate Vote on Taxes; U.S. Border Patrol Agent Killed; Trump on Border Agent's Death: We'll Bring Justice. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Senate Panel Russia Investigation; Moore and the Senate Vote on Taxes; Charles Manson Dead at 83; Tweets Could Cost Swing Votes. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Did Kellyanne Conway Endorse Roy Moore?; Roy Moore Accuser Speaks Out; Trump Slams "Very Ungrateful" LaVar Ball; GOP Senator: Party Is "Toast" Under Trump; White House May Drop Obamacare Repeal If It Risks Tax Reform. Aired 9-9:30a ET

November 19, 2017
• Mulvaney: We'll Remove Mandate Repeal to Save Tax Reform; Collins Allegations Against Moore Extremely Disturbing; GOP Lawmaker: I Hope Moore Does Right Thing and Steps Aside; White House Uncomfortable with Roy Moore Explanation; Trump: I should have Left UCLA Players in China Jail; More GOP Lawmakers Call for Moore to Withdraw; Aired 2-3p ET
• Thousands Rally to Demand End of Mugabe's Rule; U.S. Warns It Will Shutdown Palestinian Office in Washington; Roy Moore Defiant Amid Misconduct Allegations; Arab League Meeting to Discuss Iran; Afghan Opium Production Increased in 2017 According to U.N.; 18 Cases Linked to Ex-cop Thrown Out; Puerto Rico Faces Food Shortages; Aired 5-6a ET
• Mugabe Ouster Anticipated; Alabama Newspaper Endorses Roy Moore's Opponent; U.S. to Send Rescue Mission for Missing Argentinian Submarine; U.S. May Close PLO Office; Puerto Rico Facing Food Shortages after Maria. Aired 4-5a ET
• Mugabe Ouster Anticipated; Alabama Newspaper Endorses Roy Moore's Opponent; Puerto Rico Facing Food Shortages after Maria. Aired 3-3:30a ET
• Mugabe Ouster Anticipated; Alabama Newspaper Endorses Roy Moore's Opponent. Aired 2-2:30a ET
• Trump Tweets Should've Left UCLA Players in Jail; Jared Kushner's Attorney Pushes Back on the Russia Investigation; Dems Make Trump Jr. Testify About WikiLeaks E-Mails; Charities Ditching Trump's Resort for Events; Harvey Weinstein Keeps Blacklist to Keep Sexual Harassment Charges; Senate Candidate Roy Moore Says His Campaign Under Attack; President Trump's First Turkey Pardon; Aired 8-9p ET
• President Trump lashing out saying he should have left three UCLA players to spend years in a Chinese jail seemingly because he got his feelings hurt by one players' dad; Jared Kushner's lawyer firing back today at the Senate judiciary committee; Top Alabama newspaper comes out against the controversial Senate candidate Roy Moore; U.S. military is confronting a troubling question, why is North Korea being so quiet?; Aired 7:00-8:00p ET
• Trump Tweets Should've Left UCLA Players in Jail; Jared Kushner's Attorney Pushes Back on the Russia Investigation; Major Alabama Newspapers Reject Roy Moore; Aired 6-7p ET
• Trump tweet: should've left UCLA players in jail; Jared Kushner's attorney speaks to CNN; Major Alabama newspapers: reject Roy Moore; Why did Trump waver on big-game trophy ban; This Is Life tonight at 10 p.m.; Bourdain explores Seattle tonight at 9 p.m. Aired 5-6p ET
• Three Basketball Players Are Out Of China And Saved From Years In Jail; Largest Newspaper In Alabama, The Birmingham News, Asking Voters To Reject Roy Moore; Trump's Son-In-Law Finds Himself At The Center Of The Probe. Aired 4-5p ET
• Mar-A-Lago Loses Events After Charlottesville Controversy; Attorney Defends Kushner Against Criticism Over Failing To Turn Over Documents; Trump" I Should Have Left UCLA Players In China Jail; Senate Grappling With Tax Plan As House Passes Bill; NYT: Tillerson "Downgrading" State Department; Puerto Rico Still Coping With Blackouts, Food Shortages. Aired 3-4p ET

November 18, 2017
• Congressional Investigators Have New Questions for Kushner; Kayla Moore Says Husbands Campaign Won't Be Derailed; Trump Silent on Moore, Blasts Franken on Sexual Accusations; Trump Administration Pushes for Middle East Peace. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Sexual Harassment Scandals; Russia Investigation; Zimbabwe Political Crisis; Saad Hariri Arrives in Paris For Talks With French President; North Korea Nuclear Threat; Republicans Pushing Tax Reform Bill; U.S. Interior Secretary's Travel under Scrutiny; Green Expedition to Antarctica. Aired 5-6a ET
• Zimbabwe Political Crisis; Sexual Harassment Scandals; Russia Investigation; Russia Vetoes U.N. Resolution on Syrian Chemical Weapons; Libya Investigating Slave Auctions After CNN Report; Special Election To Fill Alabama U.S. Senate Seat; Police Officer Sketches Faces Of The Fallen. Aired 4-5a ET
• Zimbabwe Political Crisis; Russia Investigation; Sexual Harassment Scandals; Saad Hariri Arrives in Paris For Talks With French President; Migrant Women Laid to Rest; Military Dog Wins British Prize for Valor under Fire. Aired 3-3:30a ET
• Zimbabwe Political Crisis; Sexual Harassment Scandals; Russia Investigation; Libya Investigating Slave Auctions After CNN Report; "Downton Abbey" Comes to New York. Aired 2-2:30a ET
• Zimbabwe Political Crisis; Sexual Harassment Scandals; Russia Investigation; Libya Investigating Slave Auctions After CNN Report; Saad Hariri Arrives in Paris For Talks With French President; Avocado Rat Becomes Internet Sensation. Aired 0-0:30a ET
• Senators: Kushner Withheld E-mails on Russia, WikiLeaks; Panetta on Russia Probe, Harassment Debate; Hillary Clinton: Trump Obsessed with My Speaking Out; Trump Slams Franken for Groping Scandal; Hope Hicks to Face Mueller's Team Amid Russia Probe; Late- Night Comedians Take on Franken, Louis C.K. Scandals; Spotlight on America's First Celebrity Chef. Aired 8-9p ET
• Curious Case Of Jared Kushner; President Trump Throwing Stones At Democratic Senator Al Franken For His Sexual Harassment Scandal; Another Woman Has Come Forward With Accusations That U.S. Senate Candidate Roy Moore Of Alabama Touched Her Inappropriately; Faith Leaders Come To The Defense Of Moore; The New Allegations Against Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke; Stories Of Sexual Harassment in Silicon Valley. Aired 7-8p ET
• Senate Candidate & Senator Face Sexual Misconduct Allegations; Hillary Clinton Responds on Bill Clinton's Indiscretions in Lewinsky Era; House Pass Tax Reform Bill, Senate Fight Expected. Aired 5-6p ET
• Roy Moore Supporters Don't Appear To Be Swayed In Large Numbers Of Accusations; Senate Investigators Are Now Demanding From Jared Kushner After They Say He Failed To Turnover Certain Russia-Related Documents; Migrants Crossing The Mediterranean From West Africa Have Brought With Them Stories Of Horror, Beatings, Kidnapping, Even Enslavement; First Mass Exoneration In The History Ever One County In Chicago; President Trump Is Now Putting His Controversial Decision About American Hunters And Trophies Of Endangered Elephants On Hold. Aired 4-5p ET
• Congressional Investigators Have New Questions for Kushner; Kayla Moore Says Husbands Campaign Won't Be Derailed; Trump Silent on Moore, Blasts Franken on Sexual Accusations; Trump Administration Pushes for Middle East Peace; Trump Administration Pushes for Middle East Peace; State Department Spokeswoman: "Times Seem Tough Right Now"; Panetta: No Fix for DREAMers a Threat for National Security; Comedian Jeff Ross Joins Immigration Debate with Comedy. Aired 5-6p ET
• Senate Committee Questions Jared Kushner's Truthfulness Regarding Communication with WikiLeaks; Another Woman Accuses Roy Moore of Inappropriate Sexual Behavior; Late Night TV Comedy's Take on Donald Trump Examined; Hillary Clinton Comments on Sexual Misconduct Allegations against Government Officials; Thousands Demonstrate in Zimbabwe against Continued Rule of Robert Mugabe. Aired 2-2:30P ET
• Trump Rips Clinton in Tweet, Still Silent on Moore; White House Questioned on Trump's Moore Silence, Franken Attacks, Hypocrisy on Sexual Misconduct Accusations Against Trump; Congressional Investigators Have New Questions for Kushner; Russia Rejects U.N. Resolution on Syrian Chemical Weapons; Report: Taxpayers Footing Private Trump Business Legal Bill; Roy Moore Supporters Not Swayed by 8th Female Accuser; Florida Manhunt for 2 Escaped Inmates; Congressional Investigators Have New Questions for Kushner. Aired 1-2p ET
• Senate Grappling With Tax Plans as House Passes Bill; DHS Official Resigns over Past Comments on Blacks, Muslims; Trumps Ban on Elephant Trophies for Now. Aired 12-1p ET
• Russia Investigation; Trump Targets Clinton; Interview with Eric Swalwell; New Roy Moore Accuser; Roy Moore's Supporters not Swayed by 8th Female Accuser. Aired 11-12p ET
• Senate Committee Questions Jared Kushner's Truthfulness Regarding Communication with WikiLeaks; Another Woman Accuses Roy Moore of Inappropriate Sexual Behavior; Stanford Football Head Coach Discusses Life Lessons; CNN Hero Provides Free Technology to Children with Cancer. Aired 10-11a ET

November 17, 2017
• Mugabe Not Stepping Down; Rampant Abuse to Rohingya Muslims; Al Franken Now in Hot Seat; Husband Trying to Bring Back Wife; Saving But Putting the Nation at Risk; Saudis Blame Houthis For Hindering Flow Of Aid; Soon: Funeral For 26 Migrant Girls Who Died At Sea; Keystone Pipeline Leaks 800 Kiloliters Of Oil; U.S. Lifting On Some Elephant Trophies From Africa; Rare Da Vinci Sells At Auction For $450 Million. Aired 3-4a ET
• Zimbabwe's Future; Sexual Harassment Scandals; Myanmar Military Raping Rohingya Women and Girls; Franken Apologizes After Groping Accusations; Roy Moore Trailing By 8 Points In Alabama; Israeli Women Call Out Sexual Harassment. Aired 2-3a ET
• Zimbabwe Military In Control As Mugabe Awaits Fate; U.S. Senator Apologizes For Groping Woman; Moore Denies Allegations, Not Dropping Out Of Race; U.S. Lifting Ban On Some Elephant Trophies From Africa; Old Vic Theatre: 20 Allegations Against Spacey; Israeli Women Call Out Sexual Harassment; Pope Francis Signs Lamborghini For Auction; Justice League Races To Catch Up With Marvel. Aired 1-2a ET
• Campaign of Rape in Myanmar; Al Franken Apologizes after Woman Says He Groped Her; Opposition Leader Calls on Robert Mugabe to Resign; Sexual Harassment Scandals; President Trump, Deflector in Chief. Aired 12-1a ET
• White House Briefing Amid Roy Moore, Al Franken Scandals; White House Says Sexual Harassment "Should Be Taken Seriously"; State Department Spokeswoman Acknowledges "Morale Issue". Aired 3:30-4p ET
• President Trump Blasts Al Franken, Stays Silent on Roy Moore; White House Press Briefing. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Senators: Kushner Failed to hand over Russia Documents; Mueller Calls for More Russia-Related Documents from Trump Campaign; Trump Responds to Al Franken Accusations; Human Rights Watch Accuses Myanmar's Military of Vicious Rape Against Rohingya Muslim Women, Girls; DHS Official Resigns over Past Comments on Blacks, Muslims. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Trump Blasts Franken; Past Accusation Against Trump; Gillibrand on Clinton; Kushner Russia Documents. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Senators in Russia Probe Say Jared Kushner Failed to Hand Over Some Russia Docs; New Bush 41 Accuser Emerges; #MeToo Campaign Grows as More Accusers Make Claims; Secretary Rex Tillerson Under Fire for Turmoil at State Department; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Trump Slams Franken, Stays Silent on Moore; Al Voter: Likely won't Vote because of Moore's Allegations; Shouting Match Erupts in Senate over GOP Tax Bill. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Mueller Subpoenas Trump Campaign; Judiciary Committee Requests Documents; Ex-Treasury Secretary on Tax Plan; Iraqi Town Liberated. Aired 9:30-10:00a ET
• President Trump Slams Al Franken Stays Silent on Roy Moore; Democrats Condemn Franken's Conduct; Gillibrand: Bill Clinton Should've Resigned Over Lewinsky; Shouting Match Erupts In Senate Over GOP Tax Bill; Senate To Act On Tax Bill After Thanksgiving; House Passes Their Version Of GOP Tax Plan. Aired 9-9:30a ET

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