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CNN Newsroom

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January 19, 2015
• Crisis in Yemen; Sniper Controversy; Honoring Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
• Bobby Jindal's Controversial Comments on Islam; 24 Hostages Freed from Boko Haram in Nigeria; Jihad Jane Became Terrorist for "Love"; Israel, Lebanon Contestants Spar at Pageant
• Terrorism Manhunt; Shared Intelligence; Yemen Violence; North Korea Hack
• Obama Says U.S. Has Advantage over Islamic Extremism; FAA Investigating 2 Close Calls; Poll: Obama's Job Approval Rating Rises; Poll: 59 Percent Approve of Presidential Run for Mitt Romney
• Widening Web of Terror Cells; U.S Closely Watching Violence in Yemen; Five Terror Suspects Arrested in Belgium; DNA Links Two People to Kosher Store Gunman; French Intel Failed on Brothers; European Leaders Meeting in Brussels
• 24 Boko Haram Hostages Freed; Obama to Propose Tax Increases on Wealthy; Michael Moore Calls Snipers "Cowards"
• Investigation into Terror Attacks on "Charlie Hebdo" Reveals Intelligence Failures; Growing Unrest in Yemen; FAA Safety Inspector Arrested for Flying With Gun
• Saudi Arabia Builds a Wall To Keep Out Extremists; Muslim "No- Go Zones" Debunked; Shots Near Vice President's Home Americans Buying SUVs as Gas Prices Fall; Commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
• U.S. Closely Watching Violence in Yemen; New French Intel Failed on Brothers; More Terror Arrests; Is Muslim Life Better in U.S. Than Europe?; Assimilation Important in the Fight Against Extremism; New Reports: China Hacked Pentagon for Data on F-35

January 18, 2015

January 17, 2015
• Terror Threat Remains High in Europe; Expect More Security Measures When You Travel; Senator Mark Kirk on U.S.-Iran Relationships; American Cartoonist in Hiding; Preventing Further Attacks in Europe
• Greece Investigating Ties to Belgian Terror Plot; Soaring Demand for Charlie Hebdo Magazine; Human Rights in Saudi Arabia; European Counterterror Officials Try to Determine Extent of Sleeper Cell Threat; Is Key to Stopping Terror Plots in Europe to Bring Muslims into Mainstream Society; Duke University Says Threats Forced Reverse on Call to Prayer Decision; Mitt Romney Considers Presidential Run in 2016; Obama's SOTU on Tuesday; Was Movie "Selma" Snubbed?
• Europe on Alert for Terror Attacks; Janitor, Cabbie is Haiti's Miracle Worker
• Terror Crackdown Moves Beyond Europe; "Charlie Hebdo" Magazine Enrages Some; AQAP Claims Responsibility For "Charlie Hebdo" Slaughter
• Brussels to Increase Security against Possible Terrorist Threats; Yemeni President's Chief of Staff Kidnapped; Cover of Latest "Charlie Hebdo" Magazine Causes Riots in Algiers and Jordan; German Magazine Reprints "Charlie Hebdo" Cover; Operation of Terrorism Sleeper Cells Analyzed; Man Arrested for Terrorist Plot Targeting U.S. Capital Profiled; Mitt Romney Reportedly Considering 2016 Presidential Run
• Yemeni President's Chief of Staff Kidnapped; U.S. Intelligence Led to Belgian Raid; Belgium on High Security; President Obama's State of the Union Address; Closer Look at Amedy Coulibaly; Recovery of Flight 8501; Cartoonist in Hiding; Romney for President Again?
• Al-Qaeda Gaining Strength in Yemen; Europe On Alert for Terror Attacks; Capitol Bomb Plot Suspect Held Without Bond; Britain, U.S. Team Up to Fight Terror; NASCAR Driver: Ex-Girlfriend is Assassin; American Dollars Could Soon Flow Into Cuba
• Europe Scrambles to Handle Terror Threats; Troops Ramp Up Security in Belgium; Romney Considers Third Run for President; Dead Al Qaeda Cleric Linked To Two Dozen Terror Plots; Storm Forces Early End To Pope's Mass; Boko Haram's Youngest Victims; Israel Faces Possible War Crimes Probe
• Belgium Uncovers Terrorists Cells; Brussels to Increase Security against Possible Terrorist Threats; Terrorist Havens in Yemen Examined; Yemeni President's Chief of Staff Kidnapped; President and British Prime Minister Speak about Threat of Terrorism; Cover of Latest "Charlie Hebdo" Magazine Causes Riots in Jordan; Youth of Paris Terrorist Examined; Mitt Romney Reportedly Considering 2016 Presidential Run

January 16, 2015

January 15, 2015

January 14, 2015

January 13, 2015

January 12, 2015

January 11, 2015

January 10, 2015
• New Audio from Inside Kosher Market Attack; World Leaders to Join Paris Rally; France on High Alert as Investigations Continue; Rising Female Jihadists; Morton Storm Inside Al Qaeda's Anwar al- Awlaki
• Coverage Of French Terror Attacks; Audio from Inside Kosher Market Attack In France; AirAsia Crash Update
• Continuing Coverage Of Terror Attacks In France
• Terror Sleeper Cells Activated in France; Global Hunt For Dead Terrorist's Girlfriend; World Leaders To Attend Paris Unity Rally; Count Terror Cells Await Activation in U.S.; Grading France Terror Attack Response, Able to Prevent More; Immigrant Lack of Integration Problem in France; AirAsia 8501 Tail Found, Black Boxes Next
• Terror In Paris
• News Coverage Of Terror Attack Against "Charlie Hedbo"
• Turkey Indicates Wanted Terrorist Suspect Not in France; Interview with Flemming Rose; Growing Role of Women in Islamic Terrorist Activity Examined; General David Petraeus May Face Charges of Providing Classified Documents to Former Mistress
• France Gearing Up for Sunday's Unity March; Tracking Down Female Terror Suspect; Interview with Senator Bob Casey; Massive Unity Rally Planned for Sunday; Freedom of Speech vs. Terrorism
• A Closer Look At The Terror Suspects; Source: Female Terror Suspect Not In France; Airasia Tail Section Brought To Surface
• Hunt For Female Suspect In French Terror Attack; Three Terrorists Killed; Massive Unity Rally Planned For Sunday; The Art Of Negotiating With Terrorists
• Terrorists Killed in Two French Police Raids; One Remaining Paris Terrorist Suspect Still At Large; Paris Terrorist Suspect Reportedly Former Roommate with Underwear Bomber; Search Continues for Downed AirAsia Plane's Black Box

January 09, 2015

January 08, 2015

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