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CNN Newsroom

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January 29, 2016

January 28, 2016
• Zika Virus Pandemic Fears; Satellite Images of North Korea Base Examined; FBI Arrests More Oregon Wildlife Refuge Occupiers; Trump Will Skip Fox Debate; Activists Want More Action on Flint Water Issue. Aired 3-4a ET
• E.U. Chief: 60 Percent of Migrants Not Refugees; Pro-Refugee Protests Across Norway; Sweden Struggles with High Refugee Intake; Iran President Meeting with French President; Australia Sends Immigrants to Islands; Trump Feud with FOX, Megyn Kelly Continues; Sanders Gets Resistance from Top House Democrat; Michigan Governor Releases E-mails on Poisoned Water; Scientists: Zika Virus Has Potential to Become Pandemic Protest Rallies Supporting Same-Sex Unions in Italy. Aired 2-3a ET
• Donald Trump Skipping FOX News Debate; Trump's History of Fighting with FOX; Arrests Made in U.S. Inmates Escape; More Arrests in Oregon Refuge Occupation; Michigan Governor Talks Toxic Water Crisis; Australia Sends Immigrants to Islands. Aired 1-2a ET
• Donald Trump To Forego Fox News' GOP Debate On Thursday Night; Bernie Sanders Gaining Momemtum In Iowa, According To New Poll; U.S. Officials Confirm Case Of Zika Virus In Minnesota; Oregon Wildlife Refugee Standoff Turns Deadly. Aired 12-1a
• WHO: Three to Four Million Zika Cases Possible in Americas; Stumping in Iowa; Interview with Gov. Rick Snyder; Affluenza Teen Returning to U.S. 10:30-11a ET
• Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum says he will join Donald Trump at that Veterans event; Front-runner Hillary Clinton has just accepted a challenge from her chief rival, Bernie Sanders, to participate in several more debates; Matthew Trevithick shared his story about what life was like inside an Iranian prison; 3:30-4p ET
• Veterans Groups to Trump: Keep Your Money; Rubio Warns Supports Not to Get Sidetracked by Trump, Focus on Beating Democrats; Joe Biden Calls Republican Race a Gift from God; Aretha Franklin Helps Flint Residents. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Donald Trump Sticks to FOX Boycott; Interview with Jeff DeWitt; Interview with Foster Friess; Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Trump Alternative Event; Candidates Prepare for Debate; Democratic Debates. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Zika Virus Spreading; Susan Sarandon Helps Sanders Campaign; Eleven Oregon Occupiers Arrested; Widow of Crooked Cop Who Staged Suicide Indicted; President Obama Weighs in on Oscars and Diversity. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Donald Trump Sticks to FOX Boycott; Nancy Pelosi Weighs in on Democratic Race; GOP Rivals Seize on Trump's Debate Boycott; WHO Director: Zika Virus is "Spreading Explosively". Aired 9-9:30a ET

January 27, 2016
• Danish Lawmakers Approve Measure to Confiscate Valuables From Migrants; Donald Trump to Skip Thursday's Fox News Debate; John Kerry in China to Negotiate North Korean Sanctions; $200,000 Award Offered in Manhunt for Escaped Prisoners; Mourning Acotr Abe Vigoda; Apple Sales Growing at Slowest Rate Ever; El Nino in California. Aired 3-4a ET
• Denmark Approves Controversial Refugee Law; Corruption of China's Economic Data; Trump to Skip Thursday's Fox News Debate; Remembering a Holocaust Hero; Kerry in Beijing to Discuss North Korea; FBI Arrests Oregon Occupiers; Crisis in Madaya; Apple's Sales Slowing; London's Stressful Commute. Aired 2-3a ET
• Donald Trump to Skip FOX News Debate; Oregon Protest Leader Ammon Bundy Arrested; Search for Dangerous Fugitives Intensifies; Apple Sales Slow; Iran Joins Global Oil Production; Winter in a Syrian Refugee Camp; Remembering a Holocaust Hero. Aired 1-2a ET
• Trump to Skip Final Debate before Iowa Caucuses; Man in charge of China's Economic Data Now Under Investigation for Possible Corruption; American Soldier Recognized for Heroically Saving Jews During World War II; Zika Travel Alert Expanded; Brazil Investigates Explosion And Prison Break; Search For "Dangerous" Fugitives Intensifies; Kerry Wraps Asia Visit In China; Young Ted Cruz Says He Wants World Domination; Safe Discovered In Pablo Escobar's Former House; Actor Abe Vigoda Of "The Godfather" Dies At 94. Aired 12-1a ET
• Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Faced the Media to Reveal Team of Experts and Defend His Administration; Donald Trump Will Not Attend Republican Debate at Fox News. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Sanders Meets With Obama; Michigan Water Crisis; Trump Skipping Debate. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Trump to Skip FOX News Republican Debate. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Oregon Standoff; Trump Feud. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• One Dead, Eight Arrested in Oregon Militia Standoff; Trump Supporters Speak Out; Michigan Governor to Address Flint Water Crisis; Kerry Presses China on North Korea; New Zika Virus Cases in the U.S.A. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Donald Trump Skipping FOX Debate. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Oregon Standoff Come to An End; Trump Skips Fox Debate; President Obama Calls for Rapid Action Against Zika Virus; Manhunt Expands for Three Escaped Prisoners. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Donald Trump Skipping FOX Debate; Donald Trump Reviving Feud with Megyn Kelly; FBI Tries to Negotiate with Oregon Occupier. Aired 9-9:30a ET

January 26, 2016
• Dem Candidates Meet in CNN Town Hall; Brazil's Health Minister on the Fight Against Dengue and Zika Virus; Iranian President to Meet with Pope Francis; Obama Ordering End to Juvenile Solitary Confinement; Surprise Twist in Planned Parenthood Case. Aired 3-4a ET
• Democratic Candidates Face Tough Questions at Town Hall; Polls Show Tightening Democratic Race; Trump Relights Megyn Kelly Feud, Goes Head to Head with Cruz; How the Iowa Caucuses Work; Falling Oil Prices Hit Asia Stocks Hard; Report: Al Nusra Bigger Threat to West than ISIS; Denmark Lawmakers Set to Take Action on Refugees; Inside Look at What Happened in Cologne New Year's Eve; Asian Stocks Fall Sharply on Tumbling Oil Prices, Iran Concerned; Asia Cold Snap Causes Death, Travel Delays; Bernie Sanders' Brother Cheers Him on from England. Aired 2-3a ET
• Democratic Hopefuls Make Their Case in Iowa; Trump versus Cruz Rivalry Intensifies in Iowa; manhunt for Three Escaped Convicts in California; Danish Lawmakers Set to Take Action on Refugees; Australia Celebrates Australia Day; Asia Cold Snap Causes Death, Travel Delays; Memorable Moments of Democratic Town Hall. Aired 1-2a ET
• Post-Town Hall Look at Democratic Presidential Candidates. Aired 12-1a ET
• News Poll Puts Hillary Clinton in The Lead in Iowa; Michigan's Governor, Other State Officials Now Subpoenaed in Ongoing Flint Water Crisis; Six Police Officers in Cleveland Fired in Connection With a Car Chase. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Final Arguments to Iowans; Interview With Former Texas Governor Rick Perry; Trump Surging. Aired 15-15:30p ET
• Democratic Candidates Answer Tough Questions at Town Hall; Trump/Cruz in Dead Heat in Iowa Poll; Zika Virus Reaches U.S. Soil; Obama Changes Rules on Solitary Confinement After Teen Suicide. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Democratic Town Hall; New CNN Poll; Falwell Endorsement; Democratic Debate. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Rubio Courts Iowa Voters Today; Trump May Skip Next Debate, "Unfair" Fox Host; The Secret Life of "GI Joe". Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Clinton, Sanders Sharpen Attacks, Point Out Differences; Interview with Charles Chamberlain; Interview with Bernard Whitman; Grand Jury Clears Planned Parenthood, Indicts Activists; Ted Cruz Looks to Shore Up Votes in Iowa. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Trump and Cruz Battle in Iowa; The Spread of the Zika Virus; Peyton Manning's Last Super Bowl? Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Clinton, Sanders Sharpen Attacks, Point Out Differences; Grand Jury Clears Clinic, Indicts Activists; Manhunt Intensifies for California Escapees. Aired 9-9:30a ET

January 25, 2016
• ISIS's New Propaganda Video Shows Paris Attacker's Final Messages; Recovering from the Weekend's Winter Storm; Donald Trump Slamming Rivals One Week Before Iowa Caucuses; Brazilian Olympic Officials Trying to Calm Fears of Zika Virus; Sarah Palin Back in the Spotlight. Aired 3-4a ET
• Melting, Freezing Snow Likely in D.C.; Blizzard Left Hundreds Stranded in Pennsylvania; Parts of Asia Face Historic Cold Snap; Egyptian Government Cracks Down on Opposition; Olympics Host Brazil Trying to Calm Fears of Zika Virus; Refugees Respond to Cologne New Year's Eve Attacks; World Food Program App Turns Spare Change into Life-Saving Meals; Clinton, Sanders Ramp Up Battle of Experience Versus Change; Trump Goes After Rivals; Sarah Palin Endorsement of Trump Fodder for Tina Fey. Aired 2-3a ET
• Cold Weather Turns Deadly in Parts of U.S. and Asia; Investigating Metal Debris Found in Thailand; Manhunt for Three Escaped Inmates in California; Brazil to Inspect Olympic Venues Daily; Iran Seeks to Revive Tourist Industry; Refugees Respond to Cologne New Year's Eve Attacks; Egyptian Government Cracks Down on Opposition; Celebrities Talks Oscars So White; L.A. Duo Builds Big Audience Through Social Media. Aired 1-2a ET
• Aftermath of Deadly Winter Storm; Debris Found Off Thailand May Be from Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight; Update of California Prison Escape; German Immigrant Issue Examined; Egypt Remembers the Arab Spring; Oscar Controversy. Aired 12-1a ET
• Democratic Presidential Candidates To Face Iowa Caucus Voters In Town Hall Tonight; Sarah Palin's Comments About President Obama Anger A U.S. Veteran; New Menu Items Added To McDonald's Menu; Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Considering Presidential Run As Independent. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• California Prison Escape; Michael Bloomberg for President?; Democratic Presidential Forum. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Rising Star Julian Castro Stumps for Clinton; Sanders Edges Up in Polls Past Clinton; Washington, D.C., Begins Blizzard Recovery; SNL's Tina Fey Spoofs Sarah Palin; Oscars So White Highlighted at Sundance Film Festival. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Dems Town Hall; Obama Praises Clinton; California Jailbreak; ISIS Releases New Video. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Dems to Face Iowa Voters in CNN Town Hall; Cost of Winter Storm; Chris Rock Takes on Oscar Controversy. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Snowstorm Shuts Down DC as NYC Snaps Back; Democrats to Face Iowa Voters in Town Hall; Clinton, Sanders Trade Blows as Iowa Tightens; Donald Trump Claims Everybody Hates Ted Cruz; Aired 10- 10:30a ET
• Interview with Sen. Rand Paul; One Week Until Iowa Caucuses; Broncos, Panthers Set to Meet in Super Bowl 50. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Snowstorm Shuts Down DC as NYC Snaps Back; Democrats to Face Iowa Voters in Town Hall; President Obama Weighs in on 2016 Dems Campaign. Aired 9-9:30a ET

January 24, 2016
• At Least 14 Dead from Winter Storm; Jersey Shore Slammed by Floods, Wind and Snow; Former NYC Mayor Eyeing Presidential Bid; Hundreds of Students Stranded; Norwegian Volunteers Help Stop Refugee Deportations; French Jews Find Home in Israel. Aired 4-5a ET
• Eleven Governors Declare State of Emergency; Dangerous Flooding along New Jersey Shore; Snow Inundates Washington; Norwegians Protest Deportation of Syrian Refugees; Jews Leaving France in Record Numbers; Disagreement Ahead of Syria Peace Talks; New York City Sets One-Day Snowfall; Motorists Stranded Overnight in Kentucky; Djokovic Wins Five-Set Thriller at Australian Open; Abandoned Chinese Boy JiaJia at Home in the U.S.; Sanders Invokes Simon & Garfunkel for TV Spot; Sarah Palin's Snazzy Sweater Sells Out. Aired 3-4a ET
• Most Mid-Atlantic Airports Shut Down; New York Snowed In; Sand Dunes Help to Lessen Flooding; Orphaned Chinese Boy Now Home in the U.S.; Norway Halts Refugee Deportations to Russia; Iowa's Largest Newspaper Endorses Clinton, Rubio. Aired 2-2:30a ET
• Blizzard Slams Eastern U.S.; Norwegian Volunteers Help Stop Refugee Deportations; French Jews Find Homes in Israel; Abandoned Chinese Boy Now at Home in U.S. Aired 1-1:30a ET
• At Least 14 Dead from Winter Storm; Jersey Shore Slammed by Floods, Wind and Snow; Hundreds of Students Stranded; French Jews Find Home in Israel; Former NYC Mayor Eyeing Presidential Bid. Aired 12- 12:30a ET
• Coverage of aftermath of the huge winter storm affecting millions and millions of people; New poll shows Donald Trump surging far ahead of Senator Ted Cruz in that crucial state; 5-6p ET
• D.C. Mayor: Lots of Work to be Done; Virginia Gov.: Most Expensive Snow Event Ever; ISIS Released New Video of Paris Attackers; LIRR Closed by Frozen Switches, Buried Yards; Blizzard Triggers Flooding in New Jersey; Pennsylvania Turnpike Reopens, Chairman Apologizes; Tina Fey Returns to SNL to Skewer Sarah Palin; Bloomberg Considering Independent Run; Christie Attacks Rubio Over Blizzard Remark; Chinese Orphan Adopted, Heads to the U.S. Aired 7-8p ET
• Status Update on Long Island Railroad; All D.C. Government Offices Closed Monday; Possible Bloomberg Bid?; Five Deaths in Virginia After Monster Snowstorm; Child in Flint, Michigan Shows Signs of Lead Poisoning; The Person Who Changes Anderson Cooper's Life. Aired 6-7p ET
• Flooding Threatens Parts of New ; Sanders Lead in Iowa; Chris Christie Back On Campaign Trail In New Hampshire After Spending Last Two Days In New Jersey With Snowstorm; Christie Tied For Fifth Place With Jeb Bush In New Hampshire; Hillary Clinton Trying To Rally Supporters Before Iowa Caucuses; Six States Hit With At Least 30 Inches Of Snow; Fears Of Flooding In States Hit By Storm; New Jersey Shore Still Has Flood Warnings In Effect; Airports in D.C. At A Standstill. Aired 4-5p ET
• Coverage of Huge Winter Storm Affecting Millions; Flint, Michigan Protesters Want Governor Rick Snyder to Resign; Tina Fey Reprised Her Role as Sarah Palin on "Saturday Night Live"; "Des Moines Register" has Announced Its Endorsements Just Eight Days Before The Caucuses. Aired 3-4p ET
• Christie Back On Trail In New Hampshire After Handling Storm Preps; Trump: I Could Shoot Somebody And Not Lose Voters; Charlotte Thaws Out For NYC Championship; Threat Of High Winds And Black Ice As Snow Ends; Massive Snow Storm Slams Into East Coast States. Aired 2-3p ET

January 23, 2016
• Historic Snowstorm Pummels U.S. East Coast; Aired 1-2a ET
• Coverage of Winter Storm Jonas. Aired 12-1a ET.
• Coverage of the storm that is expected to impact for like 85 million people; 11-12mn ET
• Coverage of the storm that is expected to impact for like 85 million people; 10-11p ET
• Snow Continues to Fall in NYC; Blizzard Conditions in Baltimore; Storm Coverage on the East Coast. Aired 9-10p ET
• Calm and Quiet in Washington D.C.; Cities Have Travel Ban in Effect; Storm Coverage. Aired 8-9p ET
• At Least 14 Deaths Linked to Storm Nationwide; Interview with Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey; "Des Moines Register" Endorses Clinton, Rubio. Aired 7-80p ET
• Coverage of Huge Winter Storm Affecting Millions Across America; "Des Moines Register" Announces Candidates They Will Support In The 2016 Presidential Election. Aired 6-7p ET
• Virginia Among 11 States to Declare Emergency. D.C. Mayor Holds News Conference; All New York City Travel Banned For Now; De Blasio: NYC Travel Ban Still in Effect; Subways Remain Open; D.C. Mayor Talks Snow Storm. Aired 5-6p ET
• 38 Million People Under Blizzard Warnings; Continuing Storm Coverage. Aired 4-5p ET
• Massive Winter Storm Affects Millions In Northeastern U.S. And Along East Coast. Aired 3-4p ET
• U.S. East Coast Hit by Snow Storms; New York City Shuts Down Roadways Due to Snow. Aired 2-3p ET
• Storm in New York Upgraded; Potential Flooding on New Jersey Coast; D.C. Has Battled Winter Storm For Over 24 Hours. Aired 1-2p ET
• New Jersey Governor: Stay Off Roads, Visibility Very Low; New York Declares State Of Emergency; Flooding On Parts Of New Jersey Shore; New York Governor Gives Blizzard Update. Aired 12-1p ET
• Eleven States under State of Emergency; NYC Officials Give Update on Massive Blizzard; Baltimore Under High Wind Warning; Washington Declares Snow Emergency; Thirty Three Million People Under Blizzard Warning; Teacher And 35 Students Stranded On PA Turnpike; New Jersey Governor Gives Briefing On Blizzard. Aired 11a-12p ET
• Snow Storms Hit U.S. East Coast; New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Asks Residents to Stay off Roads; Transportation Affected by Snow Storms; Interview with Duquesne Men's Basketball Head Coach Jim Ferry. Aired 10-11a ET

January 22, 2016
• US College Student Arresteed in North Korea; Massive Winter Storm Aimed at US East Coast; World Stock Markets Bounce Back; Contaminated Water in Flint, Michigan; Terror Attack in Somalia. Aired 3-4a ET
• Epic Snowstorm Making Way to U.S. East Coast at Intense Cold Front Blankets China in Snow; British Report: Two Russian Agents Spike Litvinenko's Tea; 3rd Attempt on Syria Peace Talks set for Next Week; Food Crisis as Syria War Rages; Adopted Chinese Boy Meets New Family; American Student Arrested in North Korea; Flights Canceled Due to East Coast Snowstorm; Epic Snowstorm Making Way to U.S. East Coast; Trump Leads Republicans, Sanders Jumps Ahead of Clinton; Poison Water in Flint Making Residents Sick. Aired 2-3a ET
• 30 Million People in Blizzard's Path; More than 4,000 Flights Cancelled in the U.S.; Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Ram Up Attacks on Each Other; Anti-Trump Editorial; Bernie Sanders Soars Past Clinton in Iowa; Truck Bomb Kills At Least 50 in Western Libya; German Official: New Year's Eve Attackers Could Be Deported; Hitler's "Mein Kampf" to Go on Sale in Germany; Native American Tribe Responds to Oregon Protest. Aired 1-2a ET
• Millions Bracing For Crippling Winter Storm; 30 Million People Under Blizzard Watches or Warnings; Major Travel Delays Expected For D.C. And Philadelphia; Turkey Has Agreed To Accept 20-Year-Old Woman For Treatment After Her Husband Cut Off Her Nose With A Pocket Knife; EPA's Regional Administrator Admitted Her Department Knew About Risk of Lead In Flint, Michigan's Water But Did Not Alert The Public. Aired 12-1a ET
• Establishment, one little word causing a lot of drama; Big, big snowstorm on the way there in Washington, D.C.; 3:30-4p ET
• Republican Civil War?; Winter Storm. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Poison Water in Flint Making Residents Sick; Trump/Cruz Launch Attack Ads; Trump Could Be Called as Bergdahl Trial Witness; Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Snowfall in D.C.; North Carolina Battles Snow; National Review Attacks Trump; Flint Lead Poisoning. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• North Carolina Declares State of Emergency; Weiner Documentary at Sundance Film Festival; Clinton Appeal Lagging with Younger Women; Rezaian, Wife and Mom Now Returning to U.S.; Palin's Jacket Nearly Outshines Endorsement. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• 85 Million People in the Path of Epic Snowstorm; Virginia Braces for Widespread Power Outages; Republicans Clash Over GOP Frontrunners; Clinton Backer Blasts New Sanders Ad; Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Epic Storm to Hit East Coast; NC Travel Conditions Deteriorating; Jason Rezaian Returns to U.S. Student Detained in North Korea; Cruz Invokes Trump, Slams Poll Fixation; Some GOP Livid Over Possible Cruz Nomination; Atlanta And D.C. Mayors Preparing For Massive Storm. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• 85 Million People in the Path of Epic Snowstorm; National Review Slams Trump in Scathing Issue; Trump, "National Review" Spar As Iowa Vote Nears; CNN/ORC Poll: Sanders Takes Lead in Iowa. Aired 9-10a ET

January 21, 2016
• Newly Released E-Mails Show Government Officials Dismissive of Flint Water Complaints; 50 Million Americans in Path of Winter Storm; Mos Def Jailed in Africa; Report to be Released in Investigation of Putin Critic's Death; Sanders Versus Clinton in the Polls; Falling Oil Prices Continue; Austria to Change Refugee Policy; Jason Rezaian Makes First Public Appearance. Aired 3-4a ET
• British Home Office Orders Review of Asylum Seeker Housing; Dow Jones Officially in Correction; Iran's Zarif Speaks to CNN about U.S. "Sanctions Addiction"; Afghan Woman Recovering from Husband's Attack; IRC's David Miliband Discusses Fixing Refugee Crisis; Palin Follows Trump Endorsement with Campaign Appearances; Sanders Outperforming Clinton in New Hampshire as E-Mail Server Leaks Released; More Details in Flint, Michigan, Water Crisis; U.S. Braces for Epic Winter Storm; Cal Tech Researchers Say They Found New Planet. Aired 2-3a ET
• Eastern U.S. Braces for Dangerous Winter Storm; Sarah Palin on Campaign Trail for Trump; World Financial Markets Look to Rebound; Interview with Erin Brockovich; Death Toll rises to 22 in Pakistan University Attack; U.S. Sends Mixed Messages about Missing American; Zarif Speaks to CNN about Iran Nuclear Deal; . U.S. Braces for Epic Winter Storm; Earth Had Record Warmth in 2015 as Ninth Planet Discovered. Aired 1-2a ET
• New Poll Shows Trump with Commanding Lead; Price of Brent Crude Falls Below $28 A Barrel; Recent CNN Poll Shows Sanders Would Beat Clinton In Match Against Five Leading Republicans. Aired 12-1a
• Michigan Lawmakers Release Funds for Flint Water Cleanup; Carol Costello's "Person Who Changed My Life"; Lack of Diversity in Oscar Nominations. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Change in Clinton Strategy?; Russian Spy Controversy; Trump vs. Cruz; Monster Snowstorm. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Christie Aims Attack at Kasich on Campaign Trail; Michigan Government Releases E-Mails on Water Crisis; Buffalo Bills Hire First NFL Female Coach. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Possible Blizzard Due on East Coast; Cruz Getting Hit on All Sides; Carly Fiorina in Anti-Abortion Flap; Putin Implicated in Report on Death of Russian Ex-Spy in UK. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• D.C. Mayor Assures Public Ahead of Storm; U.K. Report Links Litvinenko Death, Kremlin; Zika Cases Reported in Four States; Will Smith on #OscarsSoWhite Boycott. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• 75 Million in Path of Monster Snowstorm; DC Mayor to Assure Public Ahead of Storm; Donald Trump Opens Up 20-Point Lead in New Hampshire; Ted Cruz, GOP Establishment Trade Jabs; Sanders Surge Puts Pressure on Clinton; Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Wall Street Shrugs Loses; Monster Snowstorm; Sanders Keeps Up Pressure; Two Crises in Michigan; National Guard Handing Out Water in Flint; Previewing the Sundance Film Festival. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• 75 Million in Path of Monster Snowstorm; Sarah Palin Tries to Woo Conservatives for Donald Trump; Report: Putin "Probably Approved" Litvinenko Death. Aired 9-9:30a ET

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